Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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House Io Interdiction Star Destroyer

  • Intent: To create a Star Destroyer

  • Classification: Star Destroyer
  • Length: 400 meters
  • Width: 700 meters
  • Height: 1137 meters
  • Armament: High
Scion Series Electric Turbolaser (70)
General Purpose Light Energy Torpedo Launchers (28)
Automated Point Defense Electric Sniping Lasers (300)
Interdiction Drive
Gravity Well Projectors (2)

  • Defenses: Extreme
Dral-Kayatr Hull
Scion Series Capital Ship Deflector Shield System
Star Destroyer Grade Ion Shield
Missile Deactivators.
Targeting Jammers


Passenger Capacity (4000)

Total Essential Crew: 1000 (Bridge, Engineering, Security, General staff


50 (Bridge Crew)

Consumables: 1 year

Medical Nuetralizer Model 1 (200. Will install any Cybernetic of Genetic Enhancement a crew member asks for as long as they pay for it with something of sufficient value. General doctors, nurses and surgeons)

Support Nuetralizer Model 1 (100. Handle Equipment and combat emergencies)

General Purpose Nuetralizer Model 1 (400 handles general staffing and maintenance duties)

Crisis Nuetralizer Model 1 (150. Disease and Disaster specialists who absorb radiation)

Civic Nuetralizer Model 1 (100. Police Force. Unrestricted Access to ship sections. Commands Anti Boarding Teams)

Chaplain Nuetralizer Model 1 (28, Therapists


1. Type 2 Power Plant paired with Type 2 Recovery System, rendering it able to function without Hypermatter and solely on Solar Power
2. Angel Navis Operating System (Must be paired with Holy Communion Neural Implant)
3. Capable of Taking off in Atmosphere and Landing like a Venator Star Destroyer and launching a significant invasion Force
4. Fully Submersible
5. Molecular Furnace Facilities for producing Repair Parts/Repair Drones and Infantry Weaponry
6. Capable of jumping into Hyperspace 7 times in a row
7. If on a planet, can project an upscale version of a Gungan Energy Shield Bubble, capable of shielding a small area around it from attack, capable of withstanding extensive bombardment


PRAISE THE SUN!: It's Type 2 Power Plant and Type 2 Recovery System enable it to run continuously with all systems for up to seven months without refueling from Solar Energy
Self Reliance: These ships are built with fully operational Molecular Furnaces to enable easy manufacture of repair parts, along with an OS meant to be controlled by an organic merged with the computer systems of the ship itself, enabling it to be run with what would a Skeleton crew on other vessels. It's crew quarters double as escape pods fitted with stasis chamber Technology. It's hull is capable of limited self repair and this capability is reinforced by legions of repair drones that can restore it to sixty percent capability (Turbolasers, Engines, Partial Armor and Hyperdrives, basic, limited sensors)
Saul Karath Fan: Fitted with powerful Gravity Well Projectors with a large radius that is difficult for smaller ships to escape from. It's Engines also emit Interdiction Fields capable of slowing down star fighters in its immediate radius. It's tractor beam is able to catch smaller ships such as Cruisers and Frigates and potentially hold them in place long enough to rip them open with Turbolaser Fire. It's Energy Torpedos can fire even under water, meaning almost no location is truly safe from assault
Reach: It's Electric Turbolasers have double the range of most other Turbolaser and require vastly less power to fire, allowing for a constant withering barrage from farther away
Hard to Kill: This thing can take a beating that would surprise even the captains of other Star Destroyers
Space Fortress: It's unusual design allows it's weapons to be distributed across it's hull in both it's frontal and rear that makes assaulting it from those angles a perilous one as it is able to use it's profile to concentrate it's fire, leaving the sides, the top, and bottom as the best means to concentrate assaults
Fear Me: It's unsettling, almost Organic design is enough to potentially inspire terror in even the most experienced of enemy crews
Fight anywhere: Fully Submersible for long periods of time
Faith's Defender:


Snail Turns: Poor turning rate, meaning it cannot reorient fast enough to escape starfighter assaults or evade barrages and presents a large target in general
Speed: It's not outrunning anybody
Shield Limits:
Weapon Limits: It's main gun is a Tensor Cannon, which is capable of doing terrible damage to shields and hulls but needs 42 minutes cool down between each firing
Underwater Limits: Only it's Energy Torpedos work under water. After it rises from the water, it's systems need 10 minutes to turn on every other weapon, leaving it vulnerable to assault. Also rises much slower into the atmosphere than normal after having risen from water
Seismic: It's hull is extremely vulnerable to seismic charges
Recharge Vulnerability: When it's recharging it's reactors at a star is the best time to hit it, as it must remain still while recharging, it's solar collector arrays are large and exposed while collecting Solar Energy, and any damage they suffer will travel down to the reactor, which could have potentially catastrophic consequences
Requires Living OS: Without it's living operator system in the captain, its crew will have to run the ship in back up consoles in Engineering, which will have its ability to react to threats and fire at them painfully sluggish
Grav Limits: It's Interdiction Drive Engines can only use their combat based function--to slow small enemy ships--for about seven minutes before they need 14 to recharge, and this field only extends to 75 meters past the vessel itself, and cannot be active at the same time it's main gravity well projectors are active. It's main projectors can only remain active if the ship is perfectly still and cannot turn while using them, meaning it is reliant on weapons and starfighters for defense during this period
Repair Limits: It's must have stored up repair materials to fix itself, and needs more after expending it's repair reserves, which can take days to collect
Acid: On the ground, it's hull is particularly vulnerable to acid assaults


This Interdictor Star Destroyer is meant to be the literal symbol of a tentative bond formed between House Io and a relatively new religion with bursting membership. Created as much to entice members of this Religion to serve as a major part of House Io's Navy and give them a taste of real power as to provide Xiphos's navy with a dedicated Interdictor, this is the sort of Star Destroyer the House intends to field going forward, as size and large guns are all well and good but without the means to catch your pray and keep them from fleeing or from running away yourself, you're asking for more pain and hardship than necessary, and it can still accomplish economically what Larger House Io vessels do. While possessing the means to mass produce these deadly vessels, all production of advanced technology has been on a strict as necessary basis since the outcome of Tython, meaning there are actually very few of these made so far, and deployed only as necessary. This is offset by House Io's efficient manufacturers, able to make this for only 80 million credits. But you better know when to best deploy them. Navis Sacra Adherents are generally assigned to these vessels acclimating them to a warrior culture and a taste of power.
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Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
Hello Laertia Io Laertia Io

I shall be handling this

Capital Ship Grade Tensor Beam Cannon (Main Gun)
Interdiction Drive
Scion Series Capital Ship Deflector Shield System
Missile Deactivators

These should have links add them please. .

Very Fast | 0.5 (Path Engine)

Two things...

One very fast is not a proper rating it is either yes or no

Two Path engines are not a replacement to a standard hyperdrive. THey were highly specialized and required courses created and mapped out specifically by Instinctive Astrogation. Without someone to do that for you this would be No. Or as in the canon using a path engine without a path created by one had dangerous results including explosions. This would be a major weakness.

This is oh my this is packed with whatever you could throw in and trying to again as you have been told min/max it. Minimal explortive weaknessess that don't do much. Locating and blind firing while hoping the shots will connect while the ship is near a star and collecting energy is not much of a weakness. Sensors for the ship would be going crazy, it wouldn't be able to drop its shields to fire and assuming it was able to do all of that.... the munitions wouldn't be protected from the gravity or conditions.

You have packed a massive invasion force of biots, droids and humans into the ship like sardines for the size. Then packed in more equipment like walkers and gunships which wouldn't be small mind you and an excessive amount of munitions. Then there are training facilities, churches, molecular furnace and equipment to create starbasess from asteroids.... and and have gravity well projectors which were large and on dedicated interdiction ships for a reason. Most ships didn't want to trade the space to hold them. All in a just barely over 1000 meter ship. Even if I wanted to entertain the notion them being able to function and move around would be laughable.

I am going to return this to the pre-factory cause my first instinct is to just outright deny for the huge unbalancing of it. I suggest slimming down the stuff packed into it. The weaknesses should be balanced with the large amount of strengths and be something that can actually factory into a fleeting and pvp scenario.

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