Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Here There Be Monsters || The Ascendancy



Much had changed. It was the only constant anyone knew, the fact that change was inevitable. For the Confederacy it had been a fact they had fought long to ignore until faced with the grim reality that there were stronger forces in the universe that were at play. They had been broken, shattered, but as with all things, they had been remade. Fashioned into something stronger perhaps, the Knights Obsidian of the Confederacy were now the Medjai. It was their sworn duty to protect, and yet now they had been given the freedom and autonomy to do so as they deemed necessary.

Regnum was their new home, or it would be. Despite their time among the stars of this portion of the galaxy it still felt different, odd.

Something was out of place.

The people of the Ascendancy were strong. They had defended themselves from many attacks and threats. Many such foes were unlike anything the galaxy knew. The deep parts of the furthest reaches of the spiral was home to the unimaginable. Verun was not safe. Regnum, as mighty as she was, was not invincible.

Threats were everywhere.

The Medjai would stop them.

Reports circulated of supernatural phenomena, the likes of which the Archon knew all too well. Portals, creatures, demons, the things of nightmares, they all read like a tale of fiction designed to frighten young children. Had it not been for the fact many among the former Obsidian Order had witnessed such things first hand the reports would have been easy to ignore. Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner could not. He was personally vested in such stories, and duty, his own promises, demanded he investigate every single one.

Dark clouds loomed over the city. A storm of some kind was blowing in. Wind blew hot as the sky turned. It was certain to cause panic in the streets. Under the Archon’s orders a force of Medjai assembled to see to the threat. The task was clear.

Protect the people.

Eliminate the threat.

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The city of Regnum.

The home to many, a refuge from the cold, dark, unforgiving nature of the universe. A so called warm hearth to shelter people from the chaos of the galaxy. It was a respite from the war torn nature of the people's forced exodus, their fight for survival, and eventual settlement of this place. A beacon of hope. A beacon to all of better times coming.

A beacon to the monsters that lurked in the shadows.

Tonight the winds started to roll in as the skies themselves seemed to sense the darkness encroaching. Something was coming. Something that the people had seen before, and had learned to fear. Bolts of lightning would crackle in a side alleyway of the city, in the sewer system below the city streets, in the dark corners where the various lights of civilization cast shadows. Reality would bend as it tried to resist the absolute will of what was coming, it would buckle as it felt a being tear itself through the fabric of the veil. A being that called to it others like itself, perhaps weaker in raw strength, but no less motivated by the hunger they all shared. The first sign of the absolute horror about to be unleashed was the black metal clad hand tearing through the veil to reveal itself in thin air. The crackle of energy would intensify as a large chunk of metal slowly pressed itself through the veil. Then a metal head with sharp, jagged teeth would thrust itself through, followed by a massive body. The being almost twisted and writhed as the veil fought back, trying to keep this otherworldly being from crossing, but it's will was unyielding. It's hunger was undeniable. With a electric crackle the being finally surged forward, at first hitting the ground on all fours. Its massive blade slammed into the ground with a dull thoom as the metal reverberated from the force of impact alone. There it paused, as it breathed in and out reflexively, almost like it was tired. Then its head would rise, a metal snout pointed skyward as it sniffed the air. Life. So much life. So many souls. A veritable feast for one such as it. Around the city similar beings would tear through as well, drawn to this monster. A hunger to reclaim a soul, a life to the nether. But they would kill any who happened to be nearby, as easy prey was an easy meal. And they were all so very hungry.

The metal titan would slowly rise to its feet, pulling up its sword as it decided where to go first to begin devouring souls. It could smell the taint of the others that had followed it here. They always followed it, always hounded it. They always sought its final destruction. Now was a chance for it to feed on fresh souls, souls full of life, vigor, happiness and hope. A chance to get even stronger. A message would be sent to the other monsters in the dark within earshot. A message that would be caught by an unlucky pair of patrol officers, and spell their doom.

An ear piercing howl screeched into the air as it bellowed its challenge. It dared any of these so called monsters to come and challenge it. To look upon death's true face. The pair of officers would round the corner, blasters raised as they beheld the sight of the monster. Their screams into their comms would be the last thing their brothers would hear before they cut out completely. In moments the monster would cut them down, and devour their very life essences from the dying bodies. And in short order, it would begin its moonlit walk, dragging its metal sword against the ferrocrete as it sought its next victims. To those who had felt it before, a chill could be felt in the air amidst the chaos that was to begin brewing. Alarms would spring up across the city as various Nether monsters would spring from hiding places attacking anything that was near them. Beasts that to some were all to familiar, but to those that had not directly encountered them were the stuff of nightmares. Men and women immediately grabbed weapons and rushed to defend their homes. Security and war droids deployed to begin policing the streets. Diners would turn to chaos as dog like demons would leap from positions unseen and attack diners trying to enjoy an evening meal. A market would turn to madness as a massive tentacled beast slithered its way from a sewage drain and began attacking the denizens en masse, scooping up and slaughtering them in showers of gore and viscera. A bakery would explode as the former owner now possessed and grown to a grotesque thirty foot perversion of himself now walked the streets cackling mad. And so much more. Madness descended upon the city as one thing would be clear to a very small few.

It was coming. It had brought this death and destruction with it as it wandered to this city. An atrocity that they had experienced seven years ago was once more rearing its ugly head, if not as overwhelming as before. Death now roamed the streets.

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Relationship Status: It's Complicated

TAG: The Monster The Monster | Naedira Darcrath Naedira Darcrath

Darkness. Gerwald knew this mind all too well. The damp yet dry heat which sent a cold shiver down his spine was indicative of one place, one realm. His mind went to this place when he was sleeping, more often than he liked. How many years had it been? How long had he carried the ring? The wolf had made a promise that he would bring Naedira Darcrath Naedira Darcrath back into the land of the living, and he intended to keep it. How would he protect it from what she had become?

The Medjai had become something different than the Knights Obsidian. Order and Chaos, a delicate balance the knights had strived for existed within them. They had autonomy, and the freedom to do what was required. There were monsters and demons to slay, and slay them they would.

Gerwald took in the scent which was on the air. The Medjai which were with him had been used to the animal within by now. There was something distinctly familiar about it all.

His mind flashed to Naalol.

"Sergei," he said barely above a whisper.

His eyes turned to regard those with him.

"Pacify the creatures. Send them back where they came from, and if you cannot eliminate them. Whatever you do, don't be a hero."

Don't be a hero. How many times had Gerwald not taken his own advice? Naedira had died because she did her duty. It made her a hero. Sergei was lost to them because he was trying to save a lost soul. That made him a hero. Heroes died. Maybe it was death that made me a hero. Either way Gerwald did not want anyone doing anything that would get them killed. While he knew he had given orders that sent his warriors to their deaths, he still felt the pain of every life those orders sacrificed.

"Fan out. Two units to the residential district. Three to the Crown district, the rest of you make sure they don't overrun the grid."

Gerwald gripped the ring which had been Nardira's tether. His thoughts went out to her, hoping she was near.

"I haven't forgotten my promise," he muttered almost silently. "I will come for you."


Wearing: This
Interacting with: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner
Everyone had nightmares, demons that haunted them through the quiet hours of the night, those moments in the day when you let your brain slip. Memories, or dreams, no-one lacked those moments, those fears that you could never escape from. Only they were supposed to stay in your heads, in your dreams. It was the height of rudeness that they would let themselves be made into flesh, to storm through the streets in an onslaught like something out of the storybooks.

The sound of screams, of terror and hunger filled the air, but that wasn't the worst of it. You only had to close your eyes to sense to death in the air, the darkness that seemed to seep into your very pores, like an oil slick that would stain your very soul. Every breath, every moment the situation was allowed to stand brought more and more of that miasma into being.

Lunara knew she was no innocent, she'd dabbled in the dark for the best part of her adult life yet she'd only felt darkness like this once before. On the day she burned a planet. The terror was the same, that feeling of darkness that sunk into the very core of your being. She didn't regret her actions, not at all, they had deserved their fate, all of them but the scars of that day had left their mark on her, scars on her soul that had yet to heal.

Yet, today it was those scars that saved her from the horror that filled the air, once you'd felt it before when you'd felt worse the terror held no fear for her. A deep breath drew it in and then let it out, pulling in the power in the air and letting the fear from away from her. Her mind slid down to the cold metal ring hanging between her breasts for a moment before she pulled it away through sheer willpower.

It would take more than this to conquer her, to make her bow.

The click-clack of her boot's heels sounded on the floor as she strode through the crowd of knights to take a place by the Lord Commander's side. An icy-blue gaze swept over the crowd as she let a pulse of power fill the air, a wave carrying with it a feeling of calm, of confidence.

"If you find something you can't handle fall back and let us know. Don't tangle with the powers out there, we want to introduce them to the real monsters. We get hungry you know."

A hand waved, dismissing the knights as her attention turned to her friend, that waving hand resting on his shoulder, fingers squeezing it.

"We'll come for her Wolf. You don't think I'm letting you go haring off by yourself, do you? You'd just get yourself in trouble then I'd have to kill you myself."

Nightmares filled the streets, Demons made flesh from the Nether brought the worst imaginings of countless people to life. Yet, there were still demons that hadn't been made flesh, not yet, the little voice in the night that whispered in your ear, something she was all too familiar with.

Verun was supposed to be safe, a haven for their people. The Demons had taken that safety away, revealing it for the illusion that they knew it too well to be. Only this time the Medjai would sweep the threat away, this time the city would be safe again.

The demons came seeking prey, but they would become the hunted.


Tag: Open
Location: Walking In Regnum - Middle of the Crazy


Everyone was screaming.

Small hands toyed with the edges of a fine, silken jacket, that was patterned with a symbol that some would find familiar. It was a crest that could be found within many Nabooian Noble houses. There were little bits of lace poking out at the end of her sleeves and her deep red dress seemed almost a faded, burnished orange. There were creatures moving about.

Scary things.

They didn't seem to notice her at all. The little girl moved through the streets that were slowly becoming more and more chaotic. An explosion tossed wind and dirt in the air but the child paid it very little mind. Save to frown, when soot-stained her cheeks. She tried to scrub it off with tiny fists but to no avail. Easily, she could have been confused with any lost, orphaned, ascendant youngling. Only…She seemed too unbothered by the mayhem.

No sweet soul, no innocent, could be so carefree in the wake of such madness.

"Ring around the rosy.", she sang, softly, picking up her pace. Her form winked in and out of existence for a moment before she reappeared further down the street. She paused beside a canine-esque demon and reached for it without thought. It accepted her with a sniff and a whine that almost made it seem subservient. "Pocket full of posies."

"Ashes, ashes…"

One of his friends had decided to tear into one of the customers that had once been spending a happy evening. It was hungry, too. Auburn hair seemed to glow with its own firelight while she continued to pet the demon dog as if it were her favorite pet. With both hands, she rubbed it behind where the ears might have been. "We all…"


A blur of movement. Too fast, to follow. Too fast for a little girl.


The demon lay in the street, neck snapped.

She continued on her way, singing, softly while the Regnum began to burn.


It was a day like any other day. Nothing exceptional, nothing out of the ordinary. Yet Kyyrk couldn't quite scratch that itch at the back of his head. Something was wrong. Very wrong. It started the same as any other day. Coffee and paperwork. Kyyrk's favorite. Then he'd proceeded to his office in the palace, where he'd done more coffee and paperwork. It was just one of those kinds of days. But it was improved immensely when Kyyrk was granted the opportunity to work off campus for the day. Not that such a thing was a special occasion, he could work wherever he damn well wanted.

But the kind of work? Oh, that was something special indeed. A small reward for a hard week. Kyyrk frowned at this thought. He reached up to wipe the blood from the brow of his helmet, and looked at the palm of his hand. Regnum was under attack by Netherworld creatures and he saw it as a reward? He sighed quietly, not even looking as he lifted his sidearm and fired a lethal shot down an ally to nail a demonic dog in the head as it burst from the shadows. He made a mental note to keep that fact a secret from Alessandra. Well, for as long as he could. He'd met her shink, and the last thing he needed was to be trapped in a room with the guy...

Kyyrk stood from his crouched position and turned to look around. The Medjai were beginning to deploy, the attack would be contained within the hour, best case. Worst case? Two or three. Kyyrk shook the blood from his gauntlet, and keyed up his communicator, looking back at the best that had just met a gruesome end at his hands. "Archon. It's Kyyrk. Crown District is stable for now, mostly rank-and-file caliber. How are things where you are?" Kyyrk's blade flared to life as another beast turned the corner, barreling towards him, chasing the screaming and fleeing civilians. As Kyyrk cut this one down, he felt a pull at the back of his mind. The beast from Naboo. He could feel it.

And in that moment, Kyyrk realized what was wrong.

"Gods above, I forgot to pull the chicken out of the freezer..."

Tag: Kyyrk Kyyrk | [Open]
Location: Regnum Marketplace

Alessandra moved through the marketplace of Regnum the late-afternoon.

The Minister of Commerce had, most efficiently, ditched the Magnaguard that were still assigned to her detail. They ruined any sort of normal interaction with the public and she didn't see a need for it. Many of the enemies that the Confederacy had acquired half-a-decade prior had never known her name to start with. She remained in the shadows, ensuring the free flow of business, trade, and economic development. She needed human interaction. Connections, forged from knowing, meeting, and living among the people.

She did not need to be baby-sat to pick up ingredients for dinner in the capital.

The svelte Epicanthix had a pair of Star-Pods in both ears while she walked, though, pausing it politely when anyone looked like they wanted to speak to her. They were a peace offering from John Locke John Locke . A new line of comm that did "anything she could ever need" from playing music to extremely long-distance calls through a cloudy nebula. Alessandra was doing him a favor, of course, by testing out the product. In reality, she found them quite useful in keeping in touch with her team. Kyyrk, for some reason, could still be difficult to get ahold of.

Speaking of, someone, was in the dog house. Someone, wanted to eat cold, frozen, chicken for dinner.

Or take out.

Alessandra did not.

This was what led her to moving from stall to stall with a small woven shopping bag over her arm. The tops of stalks of corn were sticking out of it along with carrots and a few other items. The butcher was out of the local birds she was familiar with, so, she switched the recipe up a bit and they'd be having spicy nuna legs instead. The swamp turkeys had been imported from Naboo a while back, but, a lot of the natives seemed to stick to what they knew.

Ale didn't mind either way.

She reached into her bag and exchanged the appropriate amount of credits for the shuura fruit she'd found at the end of a stall. While she waited for the butcher she continued to shop, perusing, and taking in the scenery. It wasn't often that she got the chance to just...Exist.

Kyyrk was still in trouble, though.

The first inkling that something wasn't right was the sudden sensation of gooseflesh spreading down her arms. The air seemed colder. Dusk was creeping in a lot faster than it should have been and something simply felt off. Her senses tingled in warning, but, before everything seemed fine...Until it wasn't. She hadn't heard the screams, the panic, with Star-Pods in.

Well. The noise-canceling worked.

Alessandra found herself staring at a twisting mass of flesh and bone. It looked like a man. If said man had been hit by a light rail and reassembled by a psycho in the dark. The stench was almost worse than the sight, which, was saying something. Arms were much too long, with muscles that tore, and stretched when it moved. Tendons visibly snapped when it lashed its hands around the throat of a woman who was staring with abject horror written across her face. She couldn't hear her scream. It was almost worse. It flung the woman without thought, into a stand, and then turned back toward the Minister. It growled.

She took several reflexive steps back and the bag of groceries she had hit the floor when her back hit the edge of the counter.

Teaching at the Medjai Order Temple on Verun
Seven years sure was a long time to get back into the hang of practicing, at least semi openly, as a Sith, useful when the Order called upon her, as it had now. Aliza prefered to work with students, and libraries, knowledge however gained, was worthless without the wisdom of when to use it, and in the proper form. Now it was time to display that wisdom. Striding towards the first sector she was assigned, Aliza checked in with her team mates over coms "This is Cinis, I'm on hand if anyone needs assistance." She only went by her Sith name when she was in a classroom sharing her knowledge, or on the battleground, preparing to demonstrate her mastery of that knowledge.

The young thirties something woman was in her Sith Armor this day, a rare sight to be sure, but still as powerful and suited to the sorceress' needs as it was when she'd designed the initial model as an Apprentice. In addition to the lightsaber at her side, and concealing her pale features behind Cortosis laced body suit and thin beskar plates, it also had some wonderfully utilitarian gauntlets, of which among the toys loaded in them was a small dart thrower. Modified to accept explosive projectiles over four years ago, it was the first weapon she engaged with now as she walked towards a medium sized dark beast. The metallic monster called to her in more ways than one, both with it's cry of hunger, and it's dark desires. A shadow deeper and darker than she had encountered in a while, it reminded her of herself in some of her more, sentimental, moments.

Light blue orbs burned crimson behind her visor as her vocoded voice crooned softly. "Come here pet..." A hard edge in her voice by the end, as the metallic beast accepted her challenge and charged... straight into the first metallic dart that drove towards it, powered by a small charge from her gauntlet to clear it of it's holder, and then gripped in the 'hands' of a Lord's touch with telekinetic power. The dart accelerated viciously, and upon impact a surge of lightning was flung to the kyber housed at it's heart, empowering it briefly into the shattered heart of a star, for all of a millisecond the fury that powered her lightsaber was flung into the beast's frame, incinerating and rending mercilessly before that brilliance faded, and with it, her first victim of the night fell, shattered, and destroyed to the darkened cermacrete ground. More victims where coming however, and she lit her trademark purple blade with a smile as the adrenaline, and rage was allowed to flow at last, harnessed, and stoked to lend her staying power for the fight.

In addition to the anticipation of battle however, was added the pleasure at opportunity to test out some of her latest projects in live conditions, there was only so far you could go in proving a technique before it had to be tried and proved on the field of battle, and she had a couple more 'toys' hidden up her sleeves so to speak to try out before the night was out.
Relationship Status: It's Complicated

TAG: The Monster The Monster | Naedira Darcrath Naedira Darcrath | Lunara Azure Lunara Azure | Kyyrk Kyyrk | Alessandra Creed Alessandra Creed | Aliza Vale Aliza Vale

"We'll come for her Wolf. You don't think I'm letting you go haring off by yourself, do you? You'd just get yourself in trouble then I'd have to kill you myself."

Lunara Azure Lunara Azure , she was a constant voice of counsel to the wolf. It was not her official role or even her duty, but as his friend she had earned the right to speak to him as she did. As someone who understood the same sense of loss Gerwald had felt, she earned the right to be at his side for this. Whatever monsters they would face, they would face it together. His only acknowledgement of what she had said was a simple nod, at first. Others were reporting in, and Gerwald needed to answer.

One such voice in the comms was Kyyrk Kyyrk . Whatever his title was now, Gerwald was just grateful he was in the Crown District. They had seemed to find some kind of understanding, and whatever issues Voph had had with him since his return seemed to mellow overtime. Whatever it was Gerwald was happy they had found a way to work together without the sense that Kyyrk would rather Gerwald jump off a cliff.

"So far so good here. Secure the Crown District and drive those beasties back from wherever they came from, kill whatever you have to in order to do that. I hope to know what we are up against soon. I do not think this is the work of your Unmaker, but whatever insight you have would be appreciated."

Another voice came over the comms. It was new to Gerwald. Aliza Vale Aliza Vale had yet to prove her worth to the wolf, not because she was incapable, but simply because the two had not worked together before. In this moment that did not matter. She was present and capable.

"Report to Kyyrk in the Crown District. Kill whatever monsters you can along the way."

Gerwald finally found a moment to turn to Lunara.

"You know that you do not have to do this? This was my promise made, not yours. All the same, I am glad that you are here. If she is out there and we succeed… I do not know what I will do."

Gerwald took in a heavy breath and let it out before letting his helmet fall into place. His armor was battered, old, and outdated. For seven years they had been fighting, stabilizing the area and all of them bore the signs of it. The wolf's mind wandered to the journey which had led them to this moment. Nothing in his life would have ever led him to believe this was where he would be. As a young pup on Stewjon, Gerwald never saw himself as a leader, and yet now he led an order.

Gerwald advanced deeper into the fray. With each step he could feel the atmosphere shift. There was a presence on the air that was all too familiar. A sudden rush of a bond almost muffled pressed against his being.

She was close.

He did not expect that Lunara would feel it, but the wolf knew. Naedira was close. Blue eyes fell on the scene before them. Demons and monsters filled the streets, the bright sunfire blade of Gerwald's lightsaber cut through each enemy as though they were nothing more than putty. Then suddenly they were no more. Gerwald's eyes surveyed the area and saw nothing but contorted corpses, fallen to the ground as though they had been broken.

Standing in the center of it all was a child. She was the epicenter of what Gerwald was feeling. This was the eye of the storm the wolf had been drawn to. His eyes narrowed as they focused on her. Hisfree hand gripped the ring tightly. Gerwald allowed a quick glance toward before returning his gaze to the girl in front of him.

"Naedira…" came the whisper, "…is that you."
The sound of metal dragging across ferrocrete was grating through alleyway as it approached the brightly lit street. Screaming could be heard as more of hounds and several accompanying monsters chased civilians, both with intent to kill and devour, but also frighten. They derived sustenance from their death as much as their terror. That attitude changed however as something darker than the night itself stepped into the street. The monster sniffed the air as the chaos raged around it. It could smell the blood of the dead and dying on the street. Hear the screams of those who knew only terror. Smell the sweat of those afraid, the pheromones of those terrified, and the sweet stench of the dead who littered the streets. It would eye the would be attackers with little more than annoyance, however despite its apparent stance the various nether creatures would attack out of hunger. Its dark radiance called to them, its mass of souls, the very piece of the Nether that defied all natural laws and order. Such a thing could not exist. The creatures wouldn't allow it. As they leaped into action, the Monster would take a simple shift of its stance, dropping its hips, planting its left foot and gripping its sword with the power akin to a god of death itself. The metal would ring as it tore through the air and with loud repeated slams would smash the creatures apart. Several dodged the blow, but the opening swing was only a taste of what to come. The streets would be awash in blood and gore as the shadow moved with speed that was simply impossible with such a large weapon. Large powerful strikes would cut through the air and enemies as the Monster showed its mastery of its craft. To kill, to devour, to feed on all life through death. With its immediate enemies slain, the beast would let out a howl of rage and victory at the sky.

It would turn to see a woman screaming down the street before being cut down by a man that had swollen up to twice his size. The monster let out a roar as it saw the thing as more food, and charged down the street. Its footfalls sounded like cannon shots and would get the attention of the beast before Alessandra Creed Alessandra Creed , causing it to turn away for just a second to see what might be coming. The Monster would heft its sword like javelin, raising it above its head as it took a stagger step mid run, and then flung the weapon like a massive metal missile. All that would be visible to the naked eye was the possessed being turning and snarling at the oncoming threat, before being caught by a black blur and slamming into the solid wall. The massive blur behind it was the Monster leaping after it as it slammed into the wall where the beast was pinned, causing the ferrocrete to buckle as the wall gave way to a massive hole. The sounds coming from the hole would give all the context necessary as to what was happening as a snarl was succeeded by a scream and the tearing of flesh and bone. The monster stood from the quick meal with the thing's neck and head still in its jaws as it turned slowly to face Creed. Its blood red eyes burned in the dark as it took a few slow steps towards her, massive blade dragging on the ground behind it as the Monster eyed its next meal for the night. An inhuman growl would escape its maw as it approached.

Around the city fires would rage as the monsters were whipped into a frenzy. Soldiers were fighting hard and holding down most areas, but there were still many places where the beasts simply over ran the defenders. Something was drawing them here, and the defenders of Regnum needed to find it fast otherwise they would be fighting over the ashes of what was left. Various war droids tore through weaker Nether creatures like paper, but elsewhere large bulbous forms of cackling mad demons would walk the streets. In the skies above various aerial troops and law enforcement would find they were not the only occupants of the area and have to fight to keep the enemy grounded. But the reports would come in from recon troops, large fluctuations of energy being reported with massive gaping holes at various points around the city. The best descriptions being portals to the hell scape of the Nether itself. The conventional troops had no idea how to handle such a problem. Such a mission was however perfect for the members of the Medjai order. They would need to find a way to close the rifts, and do so quickly. The Ascendancy Legions were stemming the tide of absolute chaos, but they were not limitless, and they were paying for time with blood and steel.

Wearing: Chitin of Darth Xiphos

Armed with: War Sword of Darth Xiphos

Automatic Civil Defense Laser Disruptor

HH-4 Grenade Launcher


Nuetralizer Model 1 (100)

Equipment: DC-17m (All Attachments)

Countess Arianna Belasko Arianna Belasko

Arianna's Equipment: Ritual Gown

Subverter's Blade (Red Split Saber)

Objective: Kill Monsters, Protect Civilians

Earlier, aboard The Colossus Of Shadows

Xiphos's head rested rested comfortably on Arianna's lap, the blond Sorceress's blue eyes gazing down lovingly at her adopted daughter as her fingers ran through Laertia's raven black hair.

Arianna was among the few people who could make her feel genuinely safe, in spite of the fact she was about as screwed up as the rest of her most powerful allies.

Arianna seemed almost angelic in her enchanted white gown, and Xiphos had briefly fallen asleep under her gaze. They always made time to spend together. Arianna was the Countess, managing Khemost's financial concerns, but she knew Laertia needed a rock of stability in these troubled times, no matter if the rock wasn't fully real, as was Arianna's case.

"You seem troubled..." Arianna sensed

"Just been thinking about our deal with the easy it fold them into the operation."

"You were in a unique position to do so."

"I have plans to Alter Amy and The Cult with Alkahest."

Arianna blinked, not quite sure she had heard correctly.

"Say again?"

"I have plans to alter Amy with Alkahest. To alter the whole Cult."

Arianna's eyes widened.

"Daughter..." Arianna said softly, gently clasping her daughter's scarred features.

"What you propose is impossible. It cannot be done. The Brain Demon would know what you plan."

"I've been studying--"

"It doesn't matter how much you studied..." Arianna interrupted, deeply concerned now. "You have achieved a delicate equilibrium no one thought possible. You brought together two groups who were Blood Enemies. Even attempting what you are suggesting would put all of that in jeopardy."

"I had a chat with it, you know. The Brain Demon."

Arianna went cold, and the personality within gathered enough strength to overwhelm Arianna's mind and shut it down temporarily, her pale flesh and blood hair melting and warping into her Skeleton into that of an elderly, red headed woman. The real Arianna Belasko had been dead for years. It was only the Force Spawn Vivian now, puppetting her mind and appearance.

"Julia..." Vivian trailed. "Where did you get such a motion?"

"From Darth Themis. And you."

Vivian blinked. "Me?" she asked in confusion.

"Darth Themis created you from a Fragment of Ersethy. A piece of one of the most evil, depraved Force Witches ever."

"I'm aware of that. I explained that I was created from the flesh of an evil Witch when you first resurrected me. But I didn't know you learned about which one..." Vivian trailed, stunned by the reveal.

Ersethy had been evil. Beyond Evil. She had terrorized Ancient Atrisia so much that it's Gods had supposedly stricken her down, even going so far as to completely destroy her spirit. But she was so corrupt with the Dark Side that even they couldn't destroy her flesh...too much magical strength...

Vivian had always tried not to think about her origins too much. Tried to live in the now. She found herself angry at Themis, for having revealed it to her before she could.

Themis always does what her visions say, revealing whatever she perceived as the right time. Vivian had learned to accept the frosted reasoning of her distant creator, but it could be so aggravating...

No doubt Themis would know that while Vivian was incensed, she wouldn't do anything about it.

Vivian sighed. "I wish she had let me explain it."

"It's alright, Mother. Night every origin is a thing to embrace."

"True..." Vivian agreed. "But what you propose simply cannot be done. The Evil Spirit the Cult worships would stop you."

"You let me worry about that thing." Xiphos assured her...

Vivian ran her fingers through Xiphos's hair.

"Julia...have you considered the possibility that Amy can't be saved. Isn't meant to be saved?"

"I have to try. I have to...I...I owe her."

"The Amalgam will use it against you..." Vivian argued. "You're better off just trying to destroy the cult. And her."

"Is that the gratitude I should show to the one who made me what I am?"


"Think about it, Mother. Would any of this had taken off as smoothly as it did without Amy?"

"She's fused to the Monster that killed your birth parents."

"I'm aware of that. Phyre will suffer if I can make it happen. But if saving Amy means preserving Phyre..."

"You can't be serious!" Vivian said in quiet shock.

"I am deadly serious..." Xiphos replied.

"How do you plan on it?" Vivian asked.

"Like I said...I have you as a guidebook."

"Julia... whatever you're ready to cut your losses. The Amalgam is maybe you're one real weakness. And she knows it. So does Phyre." Vivian warned. "Killing her may be the only act of love you can truly give her..."

"I'll kill her. But only if all other options have been exhausted..." Xiphos promised.

"I suppose that's all that can be hoped for..." Vivian mused, mind and form being overtaken by and warping back to that of Arianna.

"So..." Arianna said with a grin..."Wanna kill some monsters? Let off some steam?"

"Yes please." Xiphos answered...


Darth Xiphos and Arianna had answered the call of the Medjai.

Neither were disappointed with the task. Her Model 1 sons, who she adored, were excited at getting into a dungeon crawl.

There were all sorts of nasties roaming the streets. Big, fat demons! Skinny demons! Cackling monsters! A Potpourri of XP farming was waiting to happen!

Xiphos teleported ahead, forgetting her current issues with the Cult to focus on the moment spotting a fat demons about to kill a family, she teleported atop it, crashing her blade into it's skull.

The Model 1's split up into teams of twenty five, having configured their rifles to the specifications necessary for conducting sniping, grenadier use and began to seek out combat in the most overrun parts. Arianna conjured spears of water, hurling dozens of them at the smaller demons...

Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner


"I think you're right." Kyyrk responded back. He couldn't put his finger on what exactly was causing this outbreak, but it wasn't related to the entity that had crushed them seven years ago. "Anything I'd have to share at this point should be common knowledge already. If anyone struggles with the idea of kill it before it kills you, I'd suggest they go hide with the civilians." Kyyrk's dry wit had improved substantially over the years. Such a barb was not directed at any one person, but rather a morsel of dark humor in the face of yet another invasion.

"Get the mystics on those portals. We're going to secure the Crown District as a safe....shit."

Kyyrk trailed off as his senses informed him of a developing situation. Alessandra Creed Alessandra Creed had gone to market this day. Not that such a thing was inherently problematic. The market was rather close to the crown district. Less ground Kyyrk would have to cover to save her. "Outbreak in the marketplace. I'm diverting to assist." Kyyrk was already in motion. His titanic form moved through the crowds with ease, cutting down monster after monster on his charge. But his pace slowed as he neared the marketplace.

The monster from Naboo was here. It'd saved Alessandra, but only for itself. Kyyrk stretched out his arm, launching his grappling hook to propel him to the top of the building. "Any available Medjai not tasked with sealing portals, I need help in the marketplace. Medical Response on standby." Kyyrk never called for medical reponse to be on standby. Nor did he ever call for help. Not unless it was absolutely necessary. As he came to rest at the roof of the building, Kyyrk drew his lightsaber once more. He took a running jump, and hurled himself through the air towards the marketplace.

He landed hard on the cobblestones, rolling to soften his fall and using his momentum to spring back to his feet. His lightsaber sprang to life as he came to a rest between Alessandra and The Monster The Monster . "Fancy meeting you here, Ale..." Kyyrk was far more skilled and confident in his abilities than he was seven years ago. But even then, there was something about this creature that seemed...daunting to him. This was no ordinary denizen of the void. This beast, Kyyrk was not sure he could handle on his own. But he could delay it until more Medjai showed up...​
Teaching at the Medjai Order Temple on Verun
Aliza chuckled a little to herself, and so it happened again, for some reason she found herself next to Kyyrk on their missions far more often than not. "On my way." She responded to Gerwald's orders, as she took a pace forward however, she soon heard a familiar voice over coms, directing her to the marketplace... Interesting, she didn't think she'd ever heard him talk in that tone of voice before... putting some speed into her step now, the woman sprinted towards the marketplace, lending the force to her muscles and tendons, keeping her breathing even and calm even as her purple blade was sent surging through targets of opportunity, faster and faster... Soon she was at the edge of the market square, a trail of monstrous bodies painting a neat line to show her passage through the city.

Before her she saw Kyyrk, and Alessandra... as well as a creature even more twisted and terrifying than the others she'd already met. The sorceress let her blade fall into a ready position before herself, while she sent her magicks out to assail the creature, blindness, deafness, one by one she sought to strip away it's senses, and thereby it's defenses such that her companions would have an easier time in dealing with it. She also sought to find any connection the creature might have to the force, so that she could attack said connection if it proved to be sensitive to a dangerous degree.

Orders to attack the portals from the coms in her helmet reminded her that, fearsome as this monster was, it was also necessary to keep an eye out for the entrances to the city from that nether place. However, at present she didn't see any portals, and also couldn't spare much effort towards them anyway as she was certain the monster wouldn't tamely sit there and let her strip it of awareness, the question lay in what form it's defenses would take.

"Kyyrk, I suggest you get her out of here." She murmured through coms to her teammate, as surely the attack she had launched would have drawn the monster's attention if nothing else. Cinis felt herself settle into the stillness of mind, a fight for her life was always a wild time, and this felt exactly like that was about to happen. Luckily for her, the Sith had spent years preparing herself for such a day, developing tools, tricks, weapons to stand beside her undeserved allies. Now was the time of proving, to discover if her preparations had been sufficient, or, not.

Tag: Kyyrk Kyyrk , Alessandra Creed Alessandra Creed , The Monster The Monster , Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner
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