Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Xin Tal

    Hello there!

    Hey there folks! I recently discovered forum based role-play was a thing; so here I am. I hope we can write together soon!
  2. rabidmutt

    Hello there!

    I hope I'm doing this right! I've been lurking here for a few months now, but I think I've finally worked up the nerve to get started! I grew up watching Star Wars but only became a proper fan a few years ago. Since then, I've been learning as much as I can about it, as well as making plenty of...
  3. Grand Shepherd Burtch

    Dev  There is no cure…

    Damascus Station Spinning… Burtch could not stop his head from spinning today. His eyes were pressed shut, as if trying to hold out the entire universe. There was no need to open them anyways. This particular migraine was blinding, and all he could do was sit there and hold on to his only...
  4. Drenn

    Private  There is no good or evil, there is only power and those too weak to seek it.

    It's been a considerable amount of time since I've delved into the realm of Star Wars through my writing, however, my passion for the fantasy genre has remained alive and thriving. Despite my absence from the Star Wars universe, the desire to revisit my Sith apprentice has resurfaced. Just...
  5. Darth Audroti

    LFG  Hello there

    I’m bringing back an old character of mine. He’s edgy af. I don’t plan on writing him much, but if you need an epic antagonist let me know and maybe we can work something out
  6. Dice Thorne

    First Reply  LET THERE BE ONE - Arena of Acquired Warriors

    [%] Now Playing - Leather Teeth The roaring chants of faceless soldiers echoed throughout the rusted chamber. A round arena adorned with strange insignia accompanied layered seats of hundreds of people. At the bottom of the pit, three massive gates loomed over and encircled the two...
  7. DrVoid7

    Hello there!

    Hello there, fellow fans of Star Wars! I already did the hello thing two years ago, but that's where it stayed. I never actually did anything Anywhozle, here I am, except this time I'm actually going to do this properly. May the Force be with you, Void
  8. Nute Griimda

    LFG  Now, there are two of them!

    Greetings! As you might be aware, I write the Neimoidian Senator Lodd Grimmin on the site and many others involving the Trade Federation of Planets. Currently, I am crafting a new Neimoidian character who holds a position within the Dark Empire's Imperial Ruling Council, overseeing the...
  9. StephDLegend

    Hello There

    Hello there, I’m Steph and I love Star Wars. I like writing and I think I will enjoy it here
  10. Alicia Drey

    Minor Faction  Two There Should Be | Order of the Sith Lords

    Two there should be. No more, no less. A Master, and the Apprentice. One to embody power; and the other to crave it. Darth Ayra x Darth Trigonus
  11. Rocho

    Private  There is no death, there is the force.

    He was getting older, that was quite clear. His body was aging in ways he really didn't like. But he had no interest in retiring, his strength was still quite strong. His power in the force was strong too, and why waste time he still had. And that, was a mistake. For all his power, he was having...
  12. S

    Hello There

    Hello There I am sort of new to Role-Play so please don’t judge to much I will try my best.
  13. Jack Sandrow

    Private  The Hungry Woods

    LAO-MON Near the outskirts of Goshen Jack took his first breath of Lao-mon air that day. He just stood there, two steps down the ramp of the Pod, parked on a little dirt patch outside the city. His eyes had closed, soaking in the new sensations, the raw organic data of the planet just...
  14. kyramud Viszla

    Hello there

    I’m new here, how should I proceed?
  15. Arzee

    Hello there!

    Back from a long hiatus, looking to start over with some new characters
  16. Laphisto

    LFG  getting out name out there

    hey everyone just poking in to see if anyone would be interested in threading with the Lilaste order? trying to get ourselves out there and better known, as well as possibly get a few more faces in our ranks
  17. Mirax

    Private  There is Always a Bigger Fish

    || Free Trade Sector || Morelani System || Ferrix Dash Colton 72 hours after this chit-show began… “Feth!” Mirax gave a bloody curse, lips pursing in displeasure as she braced her back against the durasteel cargo crate, ducking her head to avoid getting a sizzling blaster hole in it. “This...
  18. Jay And F.1.U.F.F.Y

    I guess hello there

    Hello there, strangers on the wild web!
  19. C

    Hello, there!

    Hello everyone! Excited to join!
  20. Vismaya Kristel

    Hello there :)

    Hi! I'm very, very new! But I am excited to be here! But also completely unsure of how to make my character's posts look as cool as everyone else's...I feel a little out of place. Anyway, looking forward to roleplaying with you all in the future!
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