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Character Lunara Azure


  • NAME:
    Lunara Azure

    Azure Imperium, Confederacy of Independent Systems

    Ex-Crown Princess of the Azure Imperium | Adjutant to Exarch Srina Talon

    Half-Hellyni | Half-Human




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    The most striking feature of the Crown Princess of the Azure Imperium is her hair, her long locks are a pure white. Lunara was born a blonde, but now no trace of her original hair colour remains apart from a single forelock of blonde hair that has been burnished so brightly it is almost golden. Beneath the hair is a striking face, bright blue eyes and delicate elfin features atop a slender lithe frame. Unlike most of the patrician ladies who Lunara now spends time with, the woman’s frame is not the product of diet but rather constant training and exercise, leaving her slender frame toned with muscle. Slightly taller than average Lunara tends to stand out in any room she enters.

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    Hellyni: Although her Hellyni ancestry does confer significant advantages to Lunar, there are also weaknesses that come with them, In particular, the weakness to poisons, and extremely high metabolism.

    Thrown in the deep end: Lunara was only been married for a short time, and all the training and preparation in the world didn't prepare her for her new position. The girl who dreamed of operating in a small parish now sits in the Emperor’s council and orders around generals and bishops and mixes with the upper Echelons of the Confederacy. On the day of her marriage, Luna was festooned with a host of new titles and promotions she is still trying to understand and settle into her new position. To say she’s out of her depth his no understatement and she can often appear hesitant because of it.

    Trained: Lunara has been a ward of the church of light since she was tested for force sensitivity at 5 years old. Her life since then has been a constant mixture of lessons and practical training, learning to manipulate the light, learning about history, economics and politics of the church provided a wide and varied education for its wards to prepare them for any station they might come across in later life.

    Physical Combat: Every member of the Order of Flames is expected to be able to defend themselves, and Lunara has proven her ability to look after herself in combat repeatedly in the past. Yet, she is not by nature a physical combatant and is easy prey for anyone who is a physical warrior, like her ex-husband,...if she avoids using her more esoteric powers. Many of her training fights with her husband ended with him suspended upside down in the air while she fixes her hair.

    Hellyni: Part Hellyni, Lunara has many of the advantages of her near-human ancestry. In particular, she is very resistant to mental based attacks through the force. Like other Hellyni force users she has a significant;y stronger connection to the force than most normal humans.

    Ivory Tower: The Church of light does not require a separation of its wards from their families, it in fact encourages they stay in contact and visit regularly, even spending holidays with their families. Yet, it is inevitable that they fall into the Ivory Tower mentality. While they might be aware of the problems of the outside world, they rarely enter the Church’s campus. It can be hard to truly identify and accept those problems that you haven’t experienced first hand and Lunara has difficulty in ridding herself of the notion that her upbringing was normal for everyone.

    The Force: Lunara is a mystic, a mentalist by preference, and it is in this direction that her training has been focused. One of the most powerful manipulator’s of the art to have entered the church for many years she has already surpassed many of her masters in terms of her power and control.

    That peasant: Lunara’s birth into a working family was always going to be a mark against her in the eyes of the upper classes. While the church of light officially makes no distinction between upper and lower classes, prejudices do exist and can be very blatant in the case of the senators and their families. Lunara’s marriage to the Crown Prince is another mark against her in their eyes, While her new position makes it difficult for them to refuse to acknowledge her, Lunara finds it incredibly difficult to make connections within the upper classes.

    Lady of Light: The stories of Lunara’s work with the Order of Flame and the Church, as well as the fact that she is one of theirs, a commoner raised to the highest circles in the Azur Imperium has endeared Lunara to the population if the Imperium who had dubbed her with the moniker Lady of Light. Popularity the palace’s political staff are happy to use, pushing the newly married couple into the limelight to build up additional political capital for the popular Imperial family.

  • Childhood


    Lunara Azure was born Lunara Grayson, second daughter of a poor working-class family in Konstatin, the capital City of the Azure Imperium. Life was tough for the Grayson family, but not desperately so, her father was a capable engineer who had managed to hitch his flag to an up and coming Patron early on as a servant where he met Celice a clerk working in the house of their mutual Patron, his soon to be wife. Upon the completion of his Indenture, Rudolph chose to stay in the employ of the Vertis family, and between his income captain of one of the trade vessels, Celice’s clerk’s salary, and gifts from their Patron the family managed to eke out a comfortable enough existence as they grew, with first one daughter, a son, a second daughter followed by the twins. Life in the Grayson household was never boring.
    Although she was a middle child, Lunara never felt starved for attention. When her parents were away at work, the Vertis family made sure the children of all their supported families were taken care of. It was the Matron of the families pet project, and she loved to spend all day surrounded by the children, arranging tutors and activities to keep them interested. It was not a purely humanitarian ploy on the Veritas family’s part, while a true pet project it also bound their supporters to them more tightly. Once a year a celebration would be held for all of the Children, a large party for all their birthdays, the kind of celebration their parents could never afford. It was here, every year that the Church of Light came to test the children for force sensitivity, and it was here when she was 5 that Lunara’s life was changed forever. That was the year she was tested, that her force sensitivity was discovered.
    The Church of Light gave the parents of force-sensitive children 3 options, they could choose to do nothing with the force sensitivity, let the ability stay untrained until the sensitive chose to train it later, many years behind the curve. The other options were to either allow your child to attend the free training provided by the church, training which when they graduated would allow them to seek out other opportunities, or to become a ward of the church, moving to and living in the church’s campus and becoming a member of the clergy, with all the security for the future that entailed. It ended up being a hard decision for the Grayson’s, while the Veritas were good as far as Patrons went, their daughter had a chance to move beyond this life into one where she could really make a name for herself. All they had to do was give her up. In the end, there was only one decision and a bewildered Lunara left with the clergy to their campus.

    Growing Up
    The next 11 years were like a dream. Lunara didn’t have to share a room with 4 other kids, just one roommate, they had classes all day, more food than she could ever have imagined and she still got to go home to visit her parents whenever she wanted. It was the perfect life she’d always dreamed of...well ok there were classes, but it really wasn’t that bad and the Arts and the lessons on the use of the light section were amazing. The years flew by in a buzz of learning, making new friends and acclimatizing to her new life. But as she did, more and more of her old life was left behind her, it wasn’t that she didn’t go to visit her parents, but it wasn’t home anymore. Her white novice’s dress standing out in the streets, she still loved them, but she couldn't see herself coming back here, not anymore. It was perhaps inevitable though still sad. But it had been the choice and the life her parents had wanted for her.

    The Order of the Flame
    Novices graduated into brothers and sisters of the clergy at the age of 16 and were normally sent out to work under a priest in the parishes for a time, no matter what the church intended for you. It was a cross between a rite of passage, and a lesson to ensure that their novices, who came from all walks of life, understood that they were there to serve and succour the citizens of the Azur Imperium. Lunara was placed in a parish, a farming community a few hours from the capital city, it was an idyllic location, but one with a deeper purpose. The Church had been hearing rumours from the area, disquieting talk about the possibility of an uprising featuring force users. They had thought to send a bright young prospect down to the parish as a form of bait, but they were surprised at how effective it was.
    A rebellion was indeed in the air, but not just one force user, but an entire cult of them who had manipulated the local landowners into providing support for their rebellion. They wanted to supplant the church and the Imperial family and planned to ride a wave of fear and hysteria into rulership, using the power o the emotions to fuel their powers. It might have worked, it almost did. The cultists managed to bundle up both Lunara and her unknown guardians, seizing them all a few months after the girl ha arrived in their lands, just as those guardians had relaxed their guard. Their goal, to corrupt the three of them to use as their agents in the capital, precursors to the wave of attacks to herald their ascent.


    The two members of the Order of the Flame were captured and converted easily, but when they turned their attention to the girl she proved more troublesome than expected, more powerful. As the cultists tried to force the conversion something snapped inside her, a massive blast o Force Light bursting out of her leaving the cultists around her unconscious, their creatures destroyed and Lunara herself slumped unconscious in the middle of it. There was little way to hide this, the outpouring of energy had been sensed back in the capital so the church couldn’t sweep the incident under the rug but had to hold up the girl as a hero. A hero who had been profoundly changed by her experience, Force Light is a powerful and difficult ability for a master to use, but a novice, especially a panicking novice? In her desperation to survive Lunara had pushed beyond her limits of power, using her own life force to fuel the burst. While she did recover, her hair had been almost entirely bleached white, apart from one forelock that had been burnished golden. As she recovered she found her connection to the force was...stretched, the fear, the desperate grasping of the force had opened her up to it to a level she’d never experienced before, leaving her much more powerful than when she’d left the city. The Church though already had plans for the girl, and inducted her into the Order of the Flame, their collection of the most powerful and trusted force users, the users who were called upon when the Church needed to burn their opposition, either politically or physically.

    Meeting the Prince

    Lunara spent the next 4 years training and travelling where the church needed her, her name and reputation along with her sunny disposition made her a useful choice when dealing with the people, and she found herself shuttled around the Imperium, being pushed to the forefront of the church's activities as they used and burnished up her reputation. And to good effect, over the 4 year period, Lunara was involved in dealing with many cases of rebellion and incursion into the lands of the Imperium. While a useful tool the church had an ulterior purpose in building up Lunara’s reputation, aside from their duties battling those who would do the Imperium and the Church harm, the Order of the Flame was also charged with providing advice to the Imperial family and acting for the church in matters of politics.

    So, at the age of 20, after 4 years combat service Lunara was reassigned to the Order’s chapel in the Imperial Palace. A large contingent of the Order’s best and brightest was stationed here, acting as a reserve to be deployed where needed and assisting with the protection of the Imperial Family and the Archbishop. It was into this world of parties and politics that the Church thrust Lunara, completely out of her depth and uncertain of what to do. While they did still call her out on assignment, she was no-longer embedded with the reaction elements for two reasons. Firstly, any future leader of the church needed to be able to navigate politics and the parties, and that was something the young woman needed to learn. The second reason was somewhat more self-serving, under the laws set down by the Church and the Imperial family early in the start of the refounding of the Azur Imperium the Imperial family could only marry a member of the church, the Order of the Flame to be specific.

    The Crown Prince, while an upstanding heir in most ways, had failed to find or settle on a partner, dallying instead with other members of the nobility. The Archbishop was not above using manipulation to get his way and had recalled Lunara seeing in her someone who might be able to attract the Crown Prince’s eyes. Someone who was clearly in distress would appeal to his chivalric tendencies and someone who was clearly his equal, in terms of both experience and reputation would hopefully allure him and tie the two together, and her looks nor the fact they would make a striking couple didn’t exactly hurt either. Aided by the Empress the Archbishop set about his plan, the Crown Prince being sent by his mother to “help the poor woman settle in.” And help he did, checking she was ok turned into a night the two spent at the party talking about their experiences in combat and in the wider Imperium. The meeting at the party turned into another ‘chance’ meeting in the palace, and another one, the Crown Prince utilising the Imperial Bodyguard and the palace servants to just happen to be passing by as Lunara was working or about to take lunch and “Would she care to have lunch with him then?”

    Both the Prince and Lunara were aware of how the ‘fates’ had tossed them together, and how the gossips whispered, but neither really cared. The Prince had never thought to find someone he could connect with, and who cared so little for the politics he’d grown up with and Lunara had never thought to find someone she would be interested in[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]. The fact was those stolen moments of one another’s company became the highlight of their day, the odd lunch turning into a regular thing over the course of the next few months. Lunara became more comfortable at the parties as somehow he managed to turn up at the same time as she did, “Oh I’ve just been waiting here for an hour, that’s nothing,” and insisted on walking her in. Four months in and the prince admitted to his mother that she was right, the next year and a half saw the man continue his courtship until, as Lunara turned 23 her surprising sweetheart asked the question, setting into motion the paraphernalia of a royal wedding, followed by a honeymoon and a tour of the Imperium, showing the face before returning to pick up their duties, or new duties as Lunara was soon to discover with horror. Marrying into the royal family brought with it a wonderful set of promotions and a terrifying set of responsibilities

  • This is not an exhaustive list of powers, just a list of some powers Lunara uses.

    Alter Environment: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Battlemind: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Combustion: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Crucitorn: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Droid Disable: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Electric Judgment: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force blinding: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force Enlightenment: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force healing: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force Light: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force Orb: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force Projection: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force absorb(Tutaminis): IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Protection bubble: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force Stun: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force Stasis Field: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force Valor: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Hibernation Trance: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Levitation: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Mind Trick: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Malacia: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Morichro: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Plant Surge: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Precognition: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Revitalize: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force Speed: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force Stealth: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force Sight: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Farseeing: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force Empathy: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Telepathy: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Telekinesis: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force Jump/Leap: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force Pull/Push: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Art of the Small: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Battle Meditation: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Breath Control: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Crykinesis: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force Body: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force Confusion: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force deflection: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force-flash: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force Illusion: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force meld: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force Suppression: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force Throw: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force barrier: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force vision: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force weapon: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force Whisper: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Pyrokinesis: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Sever Force: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Shatterpoint: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Dark transfer: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Deadly Sight: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Drain Knowledge: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force Destruction: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force Drain: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force Fear: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force lightning: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force Maelstrom: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force phantom: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force rage: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force Scream: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force Slow: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force Sphere: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force storm: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Force wound: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Mind Control: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Sith alchemy: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Spear of midnight black: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Thought bomb: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII
    Torture by Chagrin: IIIII | IIIII | IIIII | IIIII

  • FTRBE2.png
    The Closet
    Blue Formal Dress
    Champagne Formal Dress
    Ardet - Thunderstruck


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[div=max-width:650px; margin:auto; margin-top:15px; margin-bottom:20px; padding-top:70px; padding-bottom:70px; background-position: 80% 20%; background-image:url(; background-attachment:fixed; border-radius:75px; border-top:2px #000000 solid; border-bottom:2px #000000 solid; box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #000000;][div=margin-auto; max-width:650px; padding-right: 25px; padding-left: 25px; padding-top: 25px; padding-bottom: 25px; border-top: 2px #000 solid; border-bottom: 2px #000 solid; background-color:#000000; font-size:105%; font-family: book antigua] [CENTER][IMG][/IMG][/CENTER] [float=right][IMG width="244px"][/IMG][/float] [INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT][B][COLOR=rgb(202, 233, 240)]Wearing:[/COLOR][/B] [URL='']Tempest Mantle[/URL] [B][COLOR=rgb(202, 233, 240)]|[/COLOR][/B] [URL='']Tempestus[/URL][/INDENT] [INDENT][B][COLOR=rgb(202, 233, 240)]Tagging:[/COLOR][/B] [USER=14197]Gerwald Lechner[/USER] [B][COLOR=rgb(202, 233, 240)]|[/COLOR][/B] [USER=21309]Oleander Webb[/USER] [B][COLOR=rgb(202, 233, 240)]|[/COLOR][/B] [USER=13053]Rann Thress[/USER] [B][COLOR=rgb(202, 233, 240)]| OPEN[/COLOR][/B][/INDENT] [INDENT][/INDENT] [FONT=Courier New]It had been a long time since the Knights Obsidian had deployed for a major mission, had gathered in such numbers. It was the kind of event the galaxy feared, a fell gathering of powers that could twist the very fabric of reality to their will. And they’d need it. Today the Knights assaulted the very gates of hell. It was like a story that her mother would tell her late at night as she gathered with all her brothers and sisters, the fire low, lights dim as her mother would lean forward. The dim light lent the scene an almost otherworldly feel, blue eyes catching the light of a fire as Lunara huddled together with her brothers and sisters. Camping was a cheap family get-away, something they could easily afford and enjoy as a family, which had been more important than she’d realised. Her mother had been a masterful storyteller, building stories layer by layer and drawing in her brood. They were some of the blonde’s favourite memories of childhood. Though she had to wonder what her mother would make of this moment. A story brought to life. Lunara couldn’t help the wry smile that pulled at her lips as she hefted her staff, walking towards the portal. She’d probably drag her back and try to keep her safe, wrap her up in cotton wool. She’d come a long way from the little girl who would squeal as the monster would arrive in the story. She had monsters of her own now that dwarfed any creature from myth. Blue eyes glanced over at Gerwald, reaching up to press at the ring around her own neck in reply before she stepped through the portal. It was like stepping into a different world, it was stepping into a different. The water that had been falling around her giving way to something else, the heat like a palpable wall as she lifted a hand to shade her eyes.[/FONT] [COLOR=rgb(202, 233, 240)][FONT=Courier New]“Well, that’s different.”[/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Courier New]She knew this was hell, knew that the sould of the departed would gather here, would provide opposition to them, that she might see the shades of those she’d loved. Those she’d failed. It was like her every nightmare brought to life, her every failure uncovered and cast into the light to be exposed, for everyone to see, for everyone to judge. The of the dead, of her failures was a planet wide, she hadn’t been there when they needed her and her people had paid the price. A sword in the street, a puddle of blood. The force around them was…strange, like it was fading in and out, there one moment and distant the next. She hadn’t ever felt the force like that, one of the pillars of her existence shifted, pulled away from her. Blue eyes followed Oleander’s path to Rann before she turned to follow Gerwald into the forest, fingers tightening around her staff.[/FONT] [COLOR=rgb(202, 233, 240)][FONT=Courier New]“I swear Wolf, you always take me to the nicest places.”[/FONT][/COLOR] [INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT][/INDENT] [CENTER][IMG][/IMG][/CENTER] [/div][/div]
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