Alor of Clan Solus

Name: Cynthia Solus
Species: Human
Age: 44
Gender: Female
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 8st 11
Homeworld: Spaceborn
Faction: Clan Solus
Rank: Alor
Force Sensitive: Yes
Sexuality: Lesbian
Favorite Poem: Ner runi ca kebii'tra, bal gar me'suum'ika bal ka'ra
My soul is the night sky, and you are the moon and stars
Relationships -
Riduur -Stardust Solus Skirae (Married 1st wife)
Riduur -Jade Solus Skirae (Married 2nd wife)
Vod in-law -Tan'yill Vizsla
Runi Vod -Ginnie Dib
Vod -Yasha Cadera
Vod -Azure Djitred
Vod in-lawSterling Kinslayer
Buir -Strider Garon
Vod'ika -Hastor Trosk
Vod'ika -Adara Raxis
Burc'ya -
Mig Gred
Aloy Vizsla
Noah Corek
Sanya Val Lerium
Laandur Solus
Ivory Stroud
Aliit -
Delilah Brujav
Mairéad Solus
Defining Features -
Pink hair cut into a bob with two thick long strands
Deep red eyes
Pale skin
Cybernetic left leg
Common Appearance -
Cynthia usually wears her Alor's Beskar'gam. Unless you are of clan or partner you will not see her face.
Noticeable Marking -
Burn scar in the shape of a hand on the upper left arm
A tattoo in-between her shoulder blades of a Green emerald
a tattoo and one of the solus sigil on her right upper arm
◆ - Achieved skill level
◈ - Training skill level
◇ - Unlearnt skill level
Art of Movement ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ Battle sense ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ Battle Meditation ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ Beast Language ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ Controlled descent ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ Combustion ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ Fighting-sight ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ Force Bond ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ Force Deflection ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ Force Jump ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ Force Kick ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ Force punch ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ Force Speed ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ Inertia ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ Mechu-deru ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ Moving Meditation ◆◆◆◈◇◇◇◇◇◇ Plant Surge ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ Protection Bubble ◈◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ Pyrokinesis ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ Reduce Injury ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ Technometry ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ Weather Sense ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇
Strengths and Weaknesses
Perception -
Cynthia has perfect vision and is able to pick out the smallest details, she is also able to pull off the most accurate shots due to this.
Speed -
Due to her high endurance and regular training she liked to use her speed as an advantage to move about the battlefield or rough terrain.
Aerial Combat -
Spending a lot of time in space raised by vod, she has been trained thoroughly in both starships and jetpacks. Although she has been noted to be reckless with her confidence.
Reflexes -
Cynthia has naturally good reflexes making her good in close combat.
Loyal lover
Cynthia is not well versed in the realm of relationships, but she does share a strong bond with her lover Stardust. If something bad was to happen to this woman Cynthia would react negatively depending on the situation.
Cynthia is allergic to both Kolto and Bacta. Contact with the skin would cause swelling and a serious rash. Although if it was to enter her system it would make her go into epileptic shock.
Cynthia was a space born child to parents who were Dar'manda pirates, who chose to operate inside mandalorian space. Within the first year of her life she had been present aboard the ship during countless battles and raids on travellers and cargo ships on vessels not affiliated with the mandalorians, for a time. Around the age of two the ship and crew turned to attacking mandalorians for supplies and credits. This gathered notice by the affected Clans, over time they plotted the patterns of this ship, where it landed and where it was regularly attacking. When Cynthia was three the vessel she had called home became under siege by boarding parties. While able to hear everything Cynthia was inside a closet wrapped up tight. Once the attack was over her crying alerted Strider Garon who investigated. Noticing the small child the man took her and adopted her as his daughter. She was never told about her family before and when offered she had refused at every step. She knew from the other kids that teased her about them being dar'manda. However they were never considered parents.
Upon the age of thirteen Cynthia was now well versed in the rich culture of her clan and people, she was also now considered an adult. She had been taught how to fight in both hand to hand combat and ranged. The teenager excelled in long range and CQC but lacked in-between. Cynthia served the Mandalorian military up until her Eighteenth. Around the time she made her own insignia to define her, and to represent her as an individual. The woman had it tattooed on her body covering most of her upper back.
A year later at the age of nineteen Cynthia had found herself a new life amongst Clan Raxis serving under the Alor Gray Raxis. Their path was one she respected and gladly followed. Although the time she served with him. She became attached to Gray and Stardust, becoming secretly intimate with the two. While Cynthia felt loved she hadn't truly realised that she was being used by Gray. During the time of Gray Raxis disappearance the woman never believed that he was gone. Clan Raxis was ready to move on and Stardust was not able to actively search like Cynthia could. So she was the only one who was constantly searching for the man, it was love that that drove her to never stop clinging onto a feeling. After she had found Gray along with others, he was no longer the same man, he had changed from what he had suffered and became used to. A few months later Gray asked her to visit him at his new home. He had gotten much healthier and was right of mind once more he was stable, unable to wait any longer hiding her true feelings she confessed her love to him finally only to be told he was not ready.
Those words left hope, a hope that was crushed very soon when he had remarried. In her despair, depression and the feeling of having no one, She attempted suicide on Utapau. Her last goodbye note to Gray left a clue in a desperate attempt hoping he'd come to stop her. Instead he never came. At the moment of her attempt the mandalorian Teagan Stoirm and Ginnie Verd Stopped her. Although Teagan almost quickened her death by using Bacta, Ginnie was able to step in to use an epipen to stop the reaction and used psychokinesis to seal the wound. It had left a perfect imprint of her hand. Now she had to fight her depression and move forward.
Over the course of the next few months Cynthia made a friend that would help her in more ways than one. That shoulder she came to depend on was Ginnie dib, the woman not only taught her she has worth, purpose and many reasons to look forward, she taught Cynthia to forge. It was the confidence that the mandalorian woman needed, and with a friendship came the birth of Clan Solus. Some time after the clan had grown in numbers they made home on the world of vanquo with the help of clans from all over. Many discoveries were made during the claim of Vanquo that would benefit her clan in the future. Cynthia watched and helped the development of Darasuum Yaim till it became more than just home for clan Solus, it became a place of refuge for ex-slaves that wished to join the mandalorian Empire or needed time to get back upon their feet. She could without doubt be proud of where new found purpose led her.
During this time. Cynthia had reconnected with a past lover, Stardust. The deep conversations shared between them rekindle the love that Cynthia had always had but was previously blinded by the love of a man she was used by. Their bond between each other became more than love itself, it became a desire to become family. so they married with hopes of a happy forever. however the peace that they had become contempt with was over. War came from both sides. piece by piece the mandalorians lost territory and finally Mandalore. It was that day the Mandalorian empire fell too. leaving another scar upon their history. with the end to the empire the clans fractured off to ensure the safety of their own. including Cynthia. As months passed Cynthia had to finally do something other than wait for an attack. there was still work left to do in the galaxy, slavers, pirates and scum of the galaxy did not wait for wounds to heal. It was her first job in months off world. little did she know that the details of her whereabouts was leaked to the slavers she was gaining Intel on.
This resulted in her capture when she woke up the woman was stripped of her cybernetic leg and bound in chains. There was no contact with anyone, not other slaves, only the people called her a trophy, and knew of her existence. Over the course of months oblivious to the conflicts of the galaxy, Cynthia grew weaker and kept in a condition that just kept her alive. However it never stopped Cynthia from calling out to her wife with every waking breath. Months later Stardust Solus Skire, Landuur Solus, Delphine Solus and Rava Solus played parts in her rescue.
Not long after her rescue and time to settle back into normal life on Vanquo. She had found out about the death of her sisterYasha Cadera and the genocide of her people. There was no possible option that the broken government of the mandalorians would be able to wage war against the sith, and those who made attempts only sped up the culling of her people. A vote went through the leaders of Clan Solus to negotiate. It was not a path that was taken lightly but everyone came to the conclusion it was worth a try. Weeks later
Darth Carnifex came to Vanquo in which diplomacy began. The battle of words lasted for some time, however an accord was met. The gain outweighed the price. Over the several weeks after over five hundred thousand mandalorian people was delivered to Darasuum Yaim.
Many chose to stay and the formation of House Solus was created. Even other Clans outside of those that resided on Vanquo joined the house over time like Clan Tal, lead byAzure Djitred and Clan Gred, lead by
Mig Gred .
Years passed and living life mostly by her self asStardust Solus Skirae continued to live her life on the move. Cynthia's mental health slipped with grief. She forced herself to never stop and take a breather, she struggled to sleep for nightmares plagued her dreams. All the while she stuck to the mantra "this is what my sister did, it is what I must do too for the people." Those around her worried for the woman's health but could not do much more than watch Cynthia as the Alor pushed herself. Non could deny the improvements to Darasuum Yaim due to her sacrifice.
Cynthia's Baskar'gam
Cynthia's Ring
SABR Hécate
Haran tracyn tracy'uur's
(Westar 35's modified)
Alor's Reach
D-13 SMG
Dracones Ungula (Sword)
Main Ships:
Solus Darasuum (Cruiser)
M3-A-Syke V
War Ship's:
Flagship Cabur - Kandosii Type II Dreadnought
Kandosii Type Dreadnought Interdictor
Sev'rala Queen of Dragons
Clan Solus BARC Speeder
DNA Resequencer Device
Private -
A foundlings future
Meeting The Minds
Coming Home
Solidarity in Darkness
Weak Bones & Iron Chains
Faction -
On the House | Mandalorian Union
Cold as Steel [MU/Supercommandos]
Mandalorian Treehouse
Dominion -
Operation Return-MU Dominion of Wayland/Serreco
Invasion -
The Empire Strikes Back - TSE Invasion of VJE Wayland

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