Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Work In Progress Colossus of Tython

  • Intent: To create a Unique Vessel

  • Manufacturer: Scion Mobile Shipyards
  • Affiliation: House Io
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: N/A
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Impervium, Neutronium, SSD grade Electronics
  • Classification: Super Star City
  • Length: 17,500 meters
  • Width: 5000 meters
  • Height: 450 meters
  • Armament: None
  • Defenses: Extreme
Molecularly Bonded Impervium Hull (Primary Armor Layer)
Neutronium Armor Hull (Secondary Hull Layer)
Scion Series SSD Deflector System
Back Up SSD Grade Molecular Shield System
SSD Grade Targeting Jammers
SSD Grade Missile Deactivators
SSD Grade Hyperwave Inertial Momentum Sustainer
Hyperwave Inertial Momentum Arrestor
Back Up SSD Grade Ion Shield
SSD Grade Stygium Crystal Cloak

  • Hangar Space: Low (42)
  • Hangar Allocations:
  • Maneuverability Rating: Very High
  • Speed Rating: Very High
  • Hyperdrive Class: Very Fast: 0.5 (Primary), 0.3, (Secondary), Extremely Fast (0.52)

Crew Compliment
: 400,000

Bridge Staff

Security: House Io Stormtrooper Corps (30,000)
Nuetralizer Model 1 (2100, Security Commanders)
Nuetralizer Model 2 (50,000
Siren Corps (20,000)

Law Enforcement:
Civic Nuetralizer Model 1 (14,000)

Support Nuetralizer Model 1 (70,000)

Research and Development

Medical Nuetralizer Model 1 (28,000)

General Purpose Nuetralizer Model 1 (50,000)

General Population: 300,000

  • Why Won't You Die: The Shields and armor of this ship are considered immense even by SSD standards, able to withstand legendary levels of Planetary scale attack from very large fleets. Combined with it's vast array of external defenses, such as missile deactivators and targeting Jammers able to frustrate even the most modern systems, and internal defenses, it is considered of such extreme difficulty to destroy or board that only the most determined, ruthless, and well trained and equipped of foes could have a shot at capturing or destroying it.
  • Super Star City: A fully mobile Super City in space, it has all modern conveniences of a large metropolitan city, from simple restaurants to banks and schools, factories, even political buildings
  • Production Capital: The Ship of the House most focused on moneymaking, it's vast level of industry is capable of generating billions upon billions of credits, and often functions as place to construct and sell unique wears to the rest of the Galaxy. It's even got special, House developed tech to synthesize both Tibanna Gas and Hypermatter Fuel, which threatens to potentially take profit margins to the trillions. If you have something you need badly, this ship has it, or it can make it for you. It sells it's specialty weapons to certain governments on the rim anticipating visits from Sith or Jedi Powers
  • Speedy: Due to its focus, it's much faster and more agile than any ship of this size has a right to be
  • Self Reliance: It's Molecular Furnaces provide nearly endless means if resupplying or repairing the ship, and it's unique power plant can keep the ship going for years, maybe even decades without seeing Drydock potentially. Also Possesses numerous back up systems such as extra power plants and sensor arrays
  • Sneaky: Possesses a Stygium Crystal Cloak Device that can keep it hid for over 21 hours
  • Focal Point: If concentrated fire is focused on any single point of the ship from multiple vessels, there is slightly higher chance of piercing the shielding
  • Stealth Limits: After remaining active for the full 21 hour limit, the stealth systems need twice that to recharge
  • No Weapons: Not intended as a warship, it lacks hull weapons of any sort
  • Seismic: Seismic Charges have a better chance of whittling down it's shields than mist
  • Megamaser: Megamaser Weaponry can do significant damage to the hull if they get past the shields
  • Continuous Beam: Continuous Beam weapons can significantly whittle down shields
  • Delicate internals: It's factory production parts take much longer to repair than other sections of the ship

The Colossus of Tython, the Second Super Star City by Darth Xiphos, was constructed to serve as an economic powerhouse for House Io, and to revive their economy, which took serious hits at Tython. Having found the Space Frame nearly completed at an ancient First Order Dockyard, Xiphos of course stole it and spent long months refining and finalizing their internals, finally being ready just after The Battle of Tython concluded. One of the fastest ships in the Galaxy at its size, it's created not only to sell product to non Enemy organizations off the books, but to serve as a testing ground for new citizens and a haven for those who prefer the Navis Sacra Faith. Less luxurious, but no less advanced and with an eye towards keeping each member of the crew alive, it serves as a haven for those Citizens too mistrustful of Brain Demon Cultists which willingly maintains an unofficial "hands off" policy towards the vessel, going to it only if left with no other choice. It is much more welcoming to Serpents of Ashlan, and is one of the only areas in the faction where Light Side Sith walk about in the open, and have actual sanctums (Not open to the public). In the aftermath of Laertia's rebirth as The Parliament, Darth Themis was banished to this Vessel.
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