Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG All Denon Interested Groups/Characters


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There’s been some talk of “the Underworld doesn’t feel alive”. I get that, understand that, but also disagree with the premise of the statement. The Underworld isn’t just one place or thing. Every planet has an Underworld.

For this, I want to represent Denon. I love how it organically came about because of Darkwire/Cyberpunk vibes and how it still sees activity and interest from players today. Is there a list of all involved groups, minor factions and characters, and if not can you announce your involvement here?

I want to start pushing for an event that represents a bulk majority of the players and chess pieces on Denon, a player event, organic event, down to earth small event. Not some wacky puffed up Staff event. More along the lines of the “Second Great Hyperspace War”, but more localized and small though similarly character driven. Just us writers exploring concepts and plots.

If you’re interested in Denon or have a Minor Faction (Crimson Dawn, Darkwire, BH Guild) interested in it, post below a small summary of what you’re doing so I can better prepare and plan (if interested!)
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That’s an awesome concept, I’m definitely for exploring more “good guys” in Denon’s Underworld because I’m all about conflict.

I’m hoping we can get some Minor Factions vying for power, we should definitely have some criminal “bad guys”, and I know there’s some starving Bounty Hunters lurking waiting for a muse air drop who are big bad no speaky tough guys who could be paid enough to cause chaos in the name of the morally good.

It’ll hopefully be plenty to work with, I think we all just lack a way of consistently coming together without yet another faction or discord pretending to be the face of this that none of us want.
Yeah, precisely, gotta have that conflict.


Aktur Seii

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Crimson Dawn has a small presence on Denon, but is looking to expand and claim territory (warehouses, clubs, bars, some legit businesses to take over to launder etc). There's a thread based in a nightclub - the Nexus - which saw some action a little while ago, but could quite easily begin bigger displays of baddie movement for the story overall - either as a lead up, before events kick off, or throughout as a catalyst for some plot hooks. Fine to go either direction, whatever works/helps.

But yeah, cool with Crimson Dawn being used as the 'bad guys' if needed; also, the plan is for them to start getting louder and more visible with presence, start building that ruthless and fearful reputation again.
Code Of Silence
Factory Judge
The Family is operating heavily on Denon, providing arms & financing to the resistance against CAD while also manipulating the situation into their favor. My plan, OOC, is to weaken CAD across the Denon System enough for The Family to make a significant power-grab in the resulting chaos. We are slowly sinking our roots into the street-level crime, manipulating & attacking the various gangs large and small. I am very involved as both a shadowrunner and a gangster.

I have numerous writers from my faction also involved, including Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora who acts as my Caporegime of Denon as-well as my Corporate Representative in our legitimate business deals between Moonveil Communications & Holdings, Inc. & The Corporate Authorities of Denon. The family, as an underworld faction, is thriving and alive. We have numerous stories on multiple worlds involving multiple factions including the Ashlan crusade, kraken coalition, darkwire, and others. We're entirely self-sufficient, with the potential for years of content.

I am also, OOC, the Insurgency Creative Team Member for Darkwire; I am in-charge of developing stories for the resistance story-arc against CAD, as well as helping DW Admins with any other story ideas the Creative Team comes up with. Darkwire has an incredibly rich, deep wealth of lore; one can easily call it "Cyberpunk 2077 in Star Wars." but I see it as much more than that: Ideas of Class Warfare, Nihilism, Despair, Self-Destruction, High-Technology, Corruption, Adaptation, and so much more abounds on Denon & in Darkwire!

Any ideas you have, Toltec Toltec , the Creative Team & DW Admin would love to discuss it with you.

Daiya Daiya Doc Painless Doc Painless Fatty Fatty
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The Hutt Space Consortium, still focused on retaking Hutt Space and returning it to control of the Underworld, has not limited its vision. The Crime Lords of this cabal cast their distant gaze upon Denon and seek to move their Dejarik pieces onto the board. This primarily would take the form of supporting corporate entities on Denon with deals such as contracts on cheap, unregulated tibanna refinement on Sleheyron; rolling up small gangs through brute force; and gathering valuable information. Though they claim they only seek to establish allies and crush rivals, one wonders if there is some more nefarious motive at work.
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Just for everyone’s sake, I’m not doing a thousand discord messages to pump one thread of 20 posts. I’m going to equally ignore every DM and just keep all plotting here and in the RP Discussion forum, if possible.

I’d love to just go organically into it and see what happens when we all bash characters together on Denon. Anyone who wants involvement can get involvement, new and old alike, I’m just one dude who likes big explosions and violence and good stories.

If we agree with the Let Chaos Reign mindset I think it’ll maximize fun.


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With that out of the way, Does anyone have a list of Codex locations for Denon? I can add them to the wiki and we can use that for organizing thread locations. I’ll be crawling through the Codex myself to look at them as well.


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For newer writers unsure of what boundaries they can push:

Denon is a canon planet. This means none of us can really claim it as our own. Only a Major Faction can claim they can bring an army or such to it without an Invasion/Annihilation, and currently that is the Galactic Alliance, per the map. So they have the strongest “claim”, but even they can’t stop people (an Underworld) from roleplaying on it.

However, if you start bombing stuff and doing terrorism, they’re fully in their right to try and expel you. So be mindful your actions can have consequences, specifically from them.

But say you’re wary if you can make a new Minor Faction and can claim some obscure territory on Denon - absolutely you can. Like a gang or whatever. You don’t need anyones permission. Again, no writer owns a canon planet, regardless what they say, so let the new ideas flow through you.

But remember, again, actions can have consequences. If you establish yourself in District A, and do nothing but piss off the Galactic Alliance, they are fully in their right to declare martial law and lock down District A. Don’t get pissy as a writer, just roll with it.
It's good to see interest in Denon and underworld stories again, there's always room to write more heists, crime or jobs gone wrong. Since you're asking about interested factions and what we've been up to, I'll explain a bit on behalf of Darkwire:

Darkwire is a major presence on Denon, and since our early days we've written with the themes of cyberpunk, class warfare, truth in identity, Freedom vs Safety, Vengeance vs Justice. On Denon, we've written a world controlled by runaway capitalism overseen by the Corporate Authorities of Denon, influenced in design by the canon Corporate Sector Authority and influenced in greed by profits at almost any cost. We've written their arm of law in CorpSec, a policing institution that feels as free to strike with a fist as they are to line their own pockets. Darkwire's stories often revolve around either performing jobs for the Corpos or sticking it to them by criminal acts or acts of insurrection against their ruling authority.

On both accounts here, we've written several subs to elaborate better on our lore and the locations we write in, including one for Denon, CorpSec, and our common setting of Seven Corners. The planet sub was written with the blessing of the GA and reflects the broad state of Denon in RP at that time, it's written just to be a guide for anyone who wants to jump into writing and needs a primer on existing story elements available to write with. We have some more subs and lore in our faction discussion for Toltec Toltec or anyone else's perusal.

Lately, Darkwire's story has centered around the last two themes I mentioned, exploring the extent to which characters pursue one over another. Several events precipitated the current climate, including a mass-eviction story and a peaceful protest turned riot. This lead to the Corpos declaring Darkwire a terrorist organization on Denon and Darkwire holding a meeting of the minds to discuss their direction. After finding significant friction between Shadowrunners in Darkwire (and their tenuous concepts of morals), there's now a significant bloc within Darkwire that prefers violence and growing acts of terror, to the typically-decentralized "norm" of Shadowrunners who prefer outreach to fellow Denon citizens to turn them against their Corpo oppressors. For the moment, some of those elements have banded together to raid a comms tower to broadcast a signal to all of Denon, while other elements brush up on skills and in an upcoming story will be working to free incarcerated Shadowrunners from a unjustified show trial.

At its roots, Darkwire's story is about a decentralized group of criminals/grey moral characters who take gig work both meager and large to survive day to day. That often leads to crime, and sometimes leads to upsetting the Corpos. The latter has driven Darkwire's story and the story we've written on Denon to an increase in hostilities between the groups, as well as a growing hostility of the Corpo ruling class over their Discrete populations.

Hopefully that's enough information to share here, if you need more just ask. And though I'm not looking to openly recruit in this thread, I wanted to point out a Public RP thread we recently opened on Denon for all sorts of small/side stories that might not warrant their own thread, anyone is free to write there to exercise any Denon muse this LFG may have sparked.
It's awesome to see some wider interest in Denon!

Cyran is the character of mine that regularly does business on the planet as a independent contractor for CorpSec and the wider plutocratic authority on the planet. Thus he's more "corpo" aligned when it comes to the conflicts he partakes in.

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