Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Across the Stars: The Wedding of Alicio Organa and Amani Serys (GA, NJO, Friends)


"She matters a lot to you."

Iris spoke up only after he finished talking before finally looking away from him to Amani. She watched her, Alicio. The others around them. Then raised a hand to start waving vigorously in her direction. All to get her attention, with quite the smile on her face. She could help this much. There was nothing like a lingering regret to not reach out when someone still had the chance.

Sometimes they just needed a push.

"Iris Arani. You should talk to her before she gets anymore swamped by others. You're her family, right?" She turned a grin up to him.


Tarish Galland


He grinned like an idiot at her statement.

"Yes. Yes she does." And then she turned.

And waved.

The smile dropped, something between fear, nerves, and regret sung in his veins.

Hey kid! Don't let your wedding party kill me, please?

He couldn't be upset with Iris for the sheer force of will she was. Had probably been the same as her once upon a time. But then she had the gall to smirk at him.

"Yeah. I am." He inhaled sharply through the nose to keep from pinching her face. It wasn't a healthy way to vent friendly frustration on someone he didn't know.

At least that was what he guessed.

"You. Are. A. Special. Kind. Of. Trouble." He wanted to be angry. Wanted to run like he had in the past. But couldn't help the laugh that came with the smile and finger that wagged in her direction. "And that's what your friends love about you I bet. Thank you."

His hand rose to ruffle her hair, pausing when he remembered it was a formal event, pulled his hand back and clicked his tongue once more before walking toward Amani.
ᴏɴᴇꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴢᴇʀᴏᴇꜱ



| LOCATION: Sanctuary City, Alderaan |
| TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el | Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri |

"Is he your friend, Bee?"

BB-610 shared a glance between Vera and Jalen, before happily nodding with a chirpy 'yup!'. The droid told her that Jalen had helped repair Valery's X-wing, and had also helped him understand music. And, turning to Jalen in turn, BB-610 proceeded to bweep and tweet as he told him that Vera was Valery's daughter. The astromech wasn't quite sure what the intricacies behind Jalen and Valery's friendship were, or if the former even knew the latter had a child to begin with, but he thought it was best to serve their introductions all the same. With the pair acquainted and the trio settled, BB-610 could at least relax knowing that there was now another set of eyes - metaphorically, in this case - to watch Vera just in case any wacky hijinks were to ensue.

And speaking of the devil-- ask and you shall receive, as BB-610 turned to follow Jalen's focus, optic landing on the young boy that had stopped inches before him. What followed was a rather lengthy staring contest, with the astromech's lone central eye bouncing between the child and his outstretched arm, offering a treat in what the droid assumed was the most awkward looking stance he'd seen.

"Uh, Bee, he seems interested in you. Think you can distract him until a server grabs him?"

Peering up at Jalen, BB-610 nodded, returning his attention back to the cookie as a tool-bay disk slid open, utility arm slinking out ever so slowly as to gently pry the offered snack out of the youngster's hand, raising it and bringing it around with the whir of his spinning chassis to plop it in Vera's hands. The droid had no real reason to keep it, of course; even if he wanted to, it's not as though he could eat it, so off to the little Noble it went.

Offering officially accepted, it was time for BB-610 to move into distraction mode. A different tool-bay disk opening, the nozzle of his internal fire extinguisher snaked free, curving upwards and tilted towards the droid's dome head as the fog within his smoke dispensers got mixed and slushed into white froth, spurting out like whipped cream along his plating: two dollops at either side, followed by a crescent line beneath, mimicking a smiley face with BB-610's optic acting as the nose. With all this said and done, the astromech slid his utility arm back out, its claw wriggling back and forth as the droid announced a synthetic
' tadaa! ' .


Appearance: XXX
Tags: Sitana Lucis Sitana Lucis Iris Arani Iris Arani Skorne

"A friend of the couple? Well, judging by your appearance I should've clocked you as someone who keeps interesting company."

"My appearance?" He waved a hand as if to modestly dismiss her claim. "I'm not as interesting as I look. Or at least, there are plenty of other guests here more intriguing than me."

Sitana revealed that she was a Senator. He could practically feel her scoping him out, trying to gauge whether he was worth her time. Alas, he doubted he could be of much use to her... except as a stepping stone on the path to his employer. "Which party do you represent?" he asked. Kai hadn't been active much in politics since the "death" of B3-LL B3-LL , but if she and Alicio Organa Alicio Organa were like-minded, perhaps they could help each other.

Kai's attention became consumed by Iris, waiting to see what she would do. Before she could approach him, she was sidetracked by a man who gave off weird vibes. But she managed to scrape him off... by sending him toward Amani and Alicio. Kai kept his gaze glued to Skorne. Distracted as he was, he still noticed that Sitara didn't bother to ask him what he wanted before ordering their drinks. He accepted the glass of champagne anyway, raising it to his lips and draining it all in one go.

Tags: BB-610 BB-610 Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el Valery Noble Valery Noble

Marcus waited with bated breath, until finally the droid took the cookie. Only then did the boy lift his eyes in relief, watching as Bee handed the treat off to a little girl. She looked to be about the same age as Marcus, though he was bigger than her—a trait caused by the unique effects of the Force Nexus on his homeworld.

What the droid did next was initially terrifying, then confusing, then finally funny. Marcus couldn't help but laugh at the frothy smiley face.

Just when the interaction had ceased to frighten the cowardly boy, Marcus heard his sister Eloise's voice.

"Grandma, I see him!"

She was the first to reach him. Another freckled redhead, tall for her age, she grabbed hold of him protectively, eyeing Vera suspiciously. Then his gray-haired grandmother arrived seconds later, stooping to look him over. "Are you all right? We've been looking all over for you. You can't just run off like that, Marcus."

She began wiping the chocolate from his face with a napkin. "I'm okay," Marcus insisted, wrinkling his nose and puckering his lips in protest. "I just wanted a cookie." In fact, he had eaten several cookies, but he wasn't about to tell Grandma that. He was in enough trouble as it is...

Location: Tython
Equipment: Dress, Gray Heels, The Encoil, Zerek Stowaway Node, ICE/iBorg Clarion Personal Translator
Weapons: Two Zenji Needles keeping her hair up.
Tags: Acaadi Acaadi Amani Serys Amani Serys Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri

She couldn't help the grin she had at the title Amani had incidentally given her now husband.

"Well met Amani's fia-husband. I suppose that will be a plaque above your office door now?" She couldn't help the teasing comment as Amani chimed in for her comment. "Noble has a way of seeing the best in people from what I've rea-heard."

Her ties outside of the jedi slipping through in the comfortable setting around them as guests seemed to emerge from thin air around them.

Taking a sip of her drink, her eyes caught that strange guard once more, but his gaze had settled away from the happy couple and seemed interested elsewhere.

Amani's retelling of their meeting however drew her attention away briefly. The motion between Acaadi and herself met with a smile.

"It's not official on any media but yes. We are dating." The guard beyond Amani's shoulder soured in expression, Phalsi's gaze drifting slightly to observe whatever had upset the man as she continued to speak.

"Acaadi might know more, but I recall an event of blowing up a kitchen with Kyra. Or was that the library in Silver Rest?" She remarked off handedly, her body tensing as a stranger approached.

There were plenty of strangers about, but she didn't need the force to recognize potential trouble as she cut through the conversation with a sharp and quiet warning.

"Amani. There's a weirdo coming and staring at you with a scar on their face." Her drink pushed into Acaadi's hand as she separated enough to put herself between Amani and Skorne if needed.
Tags: Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri Iris Arani Iris Arani

“Oh please,” she said in response to his modest dismissal. “Knowing how to dress yourself is a useful skill some people miss out on, you could teach a few people here.” She gave the man a polite smile which grew ever so wider when sank down the entire glass of champagne.

“Another skill to teach others, how to not let those bubbles destroy you gastrointestinal system. If I did that I’d be wallowing in a corner, clutching my stomach all night.” She took another sip of her own drink, barely having made a dent in it.

Then Kai asked for her party affiliation. She knew the question would come up tonight and yet she was so woefully prepared to answer it. You can’t exactly give a nuanced presentation about your political stances at wedding, at least not in a way that would be socially acceptable. But he was a friend of couple, and as a new senator Alicio Organa could be a useful person to know. She had to put her best foot forward or see herself stuck in mud at the outset of her career.

“Well you see,” she began, “I was elected on an independent ticket so identifying my leanings isn’t as simple a question as many might hope. However, so as to not waste your time with my political ramblings when you could be enjoying a wonderful party, let’s just say I’m not too keen on the corporate leaning of the chamber at the moment. I’d much prefer if corporate interests had to curry the favor of the people to get what they want. Rather than the other way around.”

Hopefully that was good enough to warrant Kai extending his good graces and giving her introduction, but a small voice in the back of her head overshadowed those hopes with doubts.


"I can be, when I want."

Iris practically gave a fanged grin if she had fangs. Anything to take the edge off the nerves he was still obviously feeling about going to speak with Amani. She raised a brow though as he hesitated to do.. Something. What, she wasn't sure. "It was good to meet you, Tarish. Don't run away after you've talked to her." It'd be good for him, probably. If his colors were anything to go by at least.

Then she was alone. She let out a sigh before glancing back towards Kai. He was distracted. By Tarish? She raised a brow. Could he sense something she couldn't see? Probably. That was fine though. She turned her gaze back around, letting out a sigh. This was relaxing, seeing everyone so happy. But distant. When had she grown so distance from the others?
"It's not official on any media but yes. We are dating."

"No the media didn't want a statement for us," Acaadi continued with a laugh. He couldn't tell if the tone was the right balance. He silently reminded himself that he knew Amani, the sweet healer from Mirial and not Alicio who was the senator from Alderaan and actually in the media. Acaadi didn't know where the line between gentle humour and an insult was.

Everyone seemed to be smiling about fia-husband misstep.

That they had met at a relief camp felt particularly right.

He had been considering bringing up their shared heritage and culture and what it meant for the wedding. Her dress was traditional, whilst the ceremony had been a blend. It was a subject they had spoken about before, but it also might have been a source of tension and compromise.

Fortunately, Phalsi had seen something before he could either start and interesting discussion or put his foot into his mouth.

"Amani. There's a weirdo coming and staring at you with a scar on their face."

Acaadi looked down at the two drinks. He hadn't come armed to a wedding, but he would have preferred his hands free if there was trouble. Phalsi was quicker than him though.

He realised they must have just significantly increased the fraction of people they had officially informed that they were dating. There was his family and...the mistryls had worked it out through spying on Phalsi.

He couldn't enjoy that moment, naturally he dropped into a state of readiness as soon as he felt Phalsi's apprehension.

Amani Serys Amani Serys Alicio Organa Alicio Organa
Appearance: XXX
Tags: Sitana Lucis Sitana Lucis Iris Arani Iris Arani Skorne Phalsi Drynchen Phalsi Drynchen Acaadi Acaadi

Kai merely hummed in response to her compliments, trying to focus on her long-winded response to his question. Ah, so she was anti-corporate. Right up Alicio's alley.

"Senator Organa shares your views," he said, offering her a small card holding Alicio's contact information. "If you say that I sent you, you should be able to arrange a meeting with him." But right now, as Sitana could no doubt see, the Senator of Alderaan was quite preoccupied with his guests. "Now, I'm afraid you'll have to excuse me..."

He left the bar, circling the group which had gathered around Alicio and Amani. Already two of the guests had placed themselves between the strange man and Amani. Both of them had the stance and bearing of Jedi Knights. Kai focused his efforts on Alicio, positioning his body between the Count and Tarish, though he didn't think the stranger's business was with the Senator.



- Amani Serys Amani Serys - Phalsi Drynchen Phalsi Drynchen - Acaadi Acaadi -

Amani's nudge at his side earned her a playful smirk. "So... so many." In fact, he'd been on exactly one date before going out with Amani. But he doubted she would show her face, as much as Alicio hoped she would.

Ready for her, this time, however, Alicio dodged the second nudge he earned at his introdution to Phalsi and Acaadi, a cocky grin he sent down to her only growing cockier as Phalsi doubled down with him on the joke. His smile did find some gentility as they talked about Vera and Valery. She truly was a good friend, to both of them. Someone they had to make their way over to, were they able to find the time.

After a brief pause of meeting other guests, Alicio returned to the conversation, unsurprised to discover the two were dating. He'd gathered as much from their body language. Acaadi's mention of the media earned a tired chuckle from the Count. "Lucky you. Amani and I were actually on the covers of tabloids. It was... interesting." Weird would be the perfect word to describe it, although a copy of the magazine calling them 'the Alliance's Favorite Power Couple' was one of his most prized possessions.

He gathered a few spicy tidbits about Amani's time at Silver Rest from Phalsi. He looked down at his bride, a raised eyebrow asking if she cared to elaborate.

Alicio found his focus absorbed by a familiar face. The Count found a heartfelt smile as he saw Enkidu. They had fought at each others' sides far more than any Senator of the Alliance and a Shi'ido Chief of Security had any right doing. It went without saying that the Count held him in the highest regard.

Though, some hidden knowledge vied for his attention, as he listened to the Shi'ido 'explain the big tree'. While not the only flora gifted today, Alicio found himself enraptured alongside Amani, the corner of his mouth ticking up as she squeezed his arm. "Thank you. It's more than enough. I'll... I'll try to honor the tradition, as best I can."

A bit of emotion caught the back of his throat. "Could I bother you for a hug?"


The mood seemed to shift on a dime.

Alicio heard Phalsi's warning, following their eyes to the object of their worry; A man Alicio didn't recognize, strolling up to them. Then, Kai appeared in front of him, obviously also set off by the dark figure approaching. The subtle tastes of the Force swirled around Alicio, as he allowed himself to spy into the Future for a moment, a sea of possibilities laid bare before him.

And... he relaxed his shoulders, though his eyes held a mystery. He put a comforting hand on his bodyguard's shoulder. "We'll be okay," he said, as if he knew.

The Count waited for this man to approach, watching on quietly.

"So... so many."

Amani patted the Count's shoulder sympathetically, "Sure, honey."

Alicio had his revenge however, as the her slight misspeaking was immediately pounced on by him and her old classmates alike. Amani rolled her eyes, "Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up, comedy genius," He'd even avoided her elbow, which just made her tempted to try again.

Conversation took precedent, though, as after Phalsi confirmed her suspicions, Amani grinned at the newfound knowledge, "Congrats, then. You two are cute together." It was nice to see how things changed ever since their padawan days. The two of them seemed to be doing well, and that was good enough. "I take no responsibility for any of Kyra's schemes," Amani chuckled, jokingly waving off the suggestion, "…And it was the kitchen. I wouldn't dare be involved in something like that while surrounded by important texts."

Amani let Alicio speak with the Shi'ido, with whom he was apparently familiar. The symbolism behind the gift was significant to him, no doubt. A tangible appreciation for all his efforts to help the Shi'idese people. Proof that what he did mattered. "Awww," She cooed as she saw some of the emotion welling up within him, and he asked for a hug from Enkidu. There was one slight detail she couldn't help but quirk an eyebrow at, though:

They know we live in a tiny apartment on Coruscant?

Amani's idly wandering gaze caught an eerily familiar sight in her peripheral. She did a double take, then froze. The others noticed him approached as well, "I… I see that…" She murmured, like she was hardly able to pay attention to that side of the conversation now, "It's fine. I'll… Let me…" Amani stepped in front of all the others, despite their efforts to get between, meeting Tarish face to face.

There was a long pause where she just seemed to stare, her eyes studying him with a flurry of micromovements, a storm of thoughts passing behind them. Then finally she spoke, quietly, "…Where have you been?" Her tone was measured, and dangerously indiscernible. Was that anger she was withholding? Concern? Sadness?

Likely a bit of each, and much more.
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Location: Alderaan
Objective: Have fun at the wedding
Tag: Thelma Goth Thelma Goth / Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el / Maeve Linahan Maeve Linahan


A slight smirk formed in the corner of Silas's lips at first, but when jasper questioned his own memories it soon wiped that cockyness away "Hmph, fine..." Silas said with a roll of his eyes and another sip of the whisky in his hand. Surely Jasper didn't know about the biting incident, knowing him it was probably just a coincidence.

"I believe the food and drinks are free, so by all means have as much as you want" Silas was normally stern about how much he could drink, but at the same time it was a wedding, a celebration. You may as well make the most out of it while you could "Wine? I don't really touch that stuff" he said, examining his drink slightly "I normally stick to my spirits, and that's only to a low amount" the only reason he didn't have loads all the time because he knew it was against his training. Every once in a while though, he loved to let loose.

"The last time I went wild was when I turned 18. I and some of the older padawan's organized a party out in coruscant. In the end, I could only remember going into the bar..." Silas mumbled with a scratch of his head looking between the small group "None of you can tell Valery Noble Valery Noble about that though. The one time I lied to her was about going on a training course on Illum, that was it" he said with a raised finger to his lips.

"Now, how about we chill out and get some drinks down us shall we?"
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Tarish Galland



WEARING: Fancy Robes, Force Talisman
TAGS: Amani Serys Amani Serys Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

Even with the push from Iris, the anxiety of being here, of seeing Amani while still stuck in this horrid form. The people around Amani moved without a large fuss.

His wince at the first sign of trouble coming from his presence rather than something he outright did.

Amani noticed him however, and moved to deal with him on her own. His steps ending an arm length apart from where she stood. For once in his existence he wasn't entirely certain he'd made the right choice.

"…Where have you been?"

"Customs, for a better part of the day." His mouth slipping between a frown and a smile, offering only the truth as she watched him.

Even going home to Atoa hadn't brought this much scrutiny before.

"Aside from that... hiding, I uh, guess. I. No. Not. Not hiding. Running." He admitted just as quietly.

His eyes and shoulders dropped, finally admitting not just to Amani, but himself about why he had truly left.

"Our conversation. About living our own lives when you found me on Etti four. I was scared. But... I wanted to say congrats. Before. Trying to, I don't know. Get, better?" He felt like he was rambling. Felt foolish, and horrible for even being here now.

She was happy.

His presence was a dark stain as he shrunk back from her. The back and forth of his expression settling on a grimace.

"I probably. Ought to leave."
"Could I bother you for a hug?"

In answer, Enkidu held out his arms. He was a little stiff at first, but then relaxed into the embrace. Pulling away, he noticed the sudden crowding of bodyguards around the couple and tensed, but Alicio didn't appear concerned.

"Good. I wouldn't want to have to save your life twice," Enkidu said with a wink. "May the Force be with the both of you." Figuring he'd had his moment, he moved to disappear back into the crowds.

Appearance: XXX
Tags: Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Iris Arani Iris Arani

Coiled like a spring ready to strike, Kai felt Alicio's hand on his shoulder.

"We'll be okay."

That knowing tone. Kai eased up, but didn't relax fully. <He's a little like me,> he remarked to Alicio via telepathy. <Tainted by the Dark, but not lost to it.> Still. It was hard to tell the difference, and he wasn't all that willing to leave it up to chance.

He watched and waited as Skorne spoke to Amani, moving slightly out of the way. Through some twist of fate, his new position put him close to where Iris was standing.

"You look good," he said, echoing the last words she had said to him back at the Cobalt Club. Taking a deep breath, he tried to find the right words to jumpstart a real conversation, but nothing seemed to fit. So he waited to see what she would say.

The Senator was focused on the mirror, looking over her appearance as she tried on a couple different variations of jewelry. This room held many fond memories for the two of them, and always served to remind Tiresh of their first moments together. "Hmm?" She said as her attention was pulled towards Isla and her question regarding the fit of her dress. She looked her over and offered a reassuring smile, "Not at all. You look lovely." She had finally selected the perfect match for her outfit and was clipping the earrings into place when Isla began to massage her neck. Her eyes drifted up in the mirror to look at her love who stood behind her, offering an affectionate smile. "Thanks love." She said warmly in response to Isla's compliment.

She was wearing a salmon colored dress with black accents along the top and brim. She thought that it complimented Isla's dress well. She sighed lightly and stood up from her seat, turning and giving Isla a fond peck on the cheek.

At The Wedding…
Tiresh received Isla's hand as the two of them approached Alicio and Amani. The ceremony had been beautiful, and Tiresh had also been unable to help but let a couple of tears sneak down her cheek. She had grown incredibly fond of Alicio over the years, and she couldn't help but beam with pride at all that he had accomplished. He was not the same man that she had first met so long ago… he had grown… matured… discovered himself in new and impactful ways. And to see him having found someone to share the rest of his life with could not help but provoke emotions from the Senator.

When their moment of congratulations finally came, Tiresh wore a bright smile as she looked at Alicio and his beloved. "You both look perfect!" She exclaimed, taking a moment to look over Amani's dress, "What a beautiful dress, Amani!"

She then turned towards Alicio and received his embrace with warmth. "I'm so happy for you." She said softly into his ear before they pulled away, smiling warmly at her friend. "You've got quite a treasure on your hands, Amani." Tiresh commented, giving her a warm wink.

Amani's pensive expression was unshifting, all the while that Tarish spoke. There were plenty of things she could have said to him now that he was here, face to face. But none of them quite did justice to the full confluence of emotions she was experiencing. Evidently, Tarish was still with some complicated feelings of his own. She wished there weren't so many people gawping at the interaction, as it only made it harder for the both of them.

Tarish ran through his full string of ramblings without so much as a peep from Amani. But almost as soon as he said, "I probably. Ought to leave."

Amani slowly closed in, wrapping her arms around his waist in a hug, "…Thank you. For coming."

Tarish Galland



WEARING: Fancy Robes, Force Talisman
TAGS: Amani Serys Amani Serys

Being the center of attention had at one point been a staple of his life. Loud. Boisterous more sophisticated beings had expressed. But being watching her silence had shook him to the core.

Being the focus of her attention made the people around them fade as he nodded and mentally prepared to walk away again.

Until she came closer.

And hugged him.

His lip quivered. Eyes stung as a tear rolled. Hands shook as he wrapped his arms around her. He'd expected anger maybe. Something worse. But that wasn't Amani. Had never been her. And he felt horrible for thinking such.

She was still the same girl that had been his own little inspiration in the galaxy to be better.

"I'm. I'm glad I came. I'm proud of you kid. You are amazing." A raspy sigh as he nodded and leaned into her a little to hide his crying.


"I know. Thelma made the dress. She's very good."

She kept her eyes mostly on Amani and Skorne. For a moment, with how stressed everyone else seemed to be with his approach, she thought she might've made a mistake. But, thankfully, no. She was right to wave Amani down and give Tarish the push to talk to her. On a day like this family should be together. She turned her eyes to Kai after a moment, tilting her head.

"Why are you wearing that?"

Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri

Amani locked into place, letting herself enjoy his return at such a momentous point in her life. Tarish still cared enough to come, despite all his troubles. The closest thing she had to a father since her own had passed all those years ago. Still here for her when it counted. She welled up, wetting a patch of his robes with happy tears.

To know that what they had wasn't completely gone. To know that he wasn't completely gone. To hear the pride in his voice. Amani squeezed him tighter, but said nothing, letting the silence speak for her.

Finally, she stepped back and wiped her eyes, glancing back at Alicio to usher him to her side, "There's someone I'd like you to meet," Amani said back to Tarish with a sheepish smile.

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