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Private A Diplomatic Incident

In Umbris Potestas Est
I'dadr Gargon I'dadr Gargon
Braxant Run, near Ketaris

Along the Braxant Run, the old Thrawn-class interdictor Shackler was pulling ships out of hyperspace for inspections. Presently on-site was a Carrack II-class frigate, the Oculus, that was scanning and inspecting cargo ships for any contraband, along with a Monitor-class corvette, the Toxmalb, searching for any cloaked ships. A wing comprised of half-Forge-class Interceptors and half-Eightgun-class fighters patrolled the area. If there was any backup nearby, it was not evident.

All was simple enough, for now.

DE Fleet Units:
Class | Name | Length | Shields | Hull
Monitor-class Corvette | Toxmalb | 174m | 100 | 100
Carrack II-class Frigate | Oculus | 400m | 100 | 100
Thrawn-class Interdiction Cruiser | Shackler | 600m | 100 | 100

DE Fighters
Alpha Squadron
Pilot | Ship Type | Shields | Hull
Alpha 1 | Forge-class Interceptor | 100 | 100
Alpha 2 | Forge-class Interceptor | 100 | 100
Alpha 3 | Forge-class Interceptor | 100 | 100
Alpha 4 | Forge-class Interceptor | 100 | 100
Alpha 5 | Forge-class Interceptor | 100 | 100
Alpha 6 | Forge-class Interceptor | 100 | 100
Alpha 7 | Eightgun-class Assault Fighter | 100 | 100
Alpha 8 | Eightgun-class Assault Fighter | 100 | 100
Alpha 9 | Eightgun-class Assault Fighter | 100 | 100
Alpha 10 | Eightgun-class Assault Fighter | 100 | 100
Alpha 11 | Eightgun-class Assault Fighter | 100 | 100
Alpha 12 | Eightgun-class Assault Fighter | 100 | 100
Location: Braxtant Run, Near Ketaris

Onrai Onrai

Clan Gargon in the recent months managed to swell from under one hundred clan members to forty five thousand members after I'dadr managed to convince the remaining and dying off clans on Gargon to unite Under Clan Gargon under his leadership as A'lor. Many followed suit because through sheer dumb luck or the forces will, he managed to be at the right place and time to negotiate for his people. First by negotiating with Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch , and Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol in order to rearm the Mountain men. Then, down the line negotiating with Mia Monroe Mia Monroe and Drego Ruus Drego Ruus to found the Protectors Accord to give funding to poorer clans that governed large territory in the Mandalorian Protectors.

This gave confidence within the ranks on Gargon, that the young Rallymaster was up for the task to lead the people of Gargon. The small town of Gargonia where the rallied and reformed clan was starting to make their homes needed to continue trade so the settlement could sustain itself in it's early stages. As a result a convey of five BFF-1 Bulk Freighters , were carrying mandalorian crafted weapons parts for trade heading for neutral space. No matter the culture warrior or not, profits were always important in order to grow.

Escorting the convoy, was I'dadrs personal flagship the ISS Rock , a heavy cruiser made with Phobium as it's main Armor protection. Phobium is always known for it's extreme density and ability to take punishment when used to make armor. Typically it has been rare, with Gargon being one of the two planets having the rare material. As a result some of the strongest power armor the galaxy has seen has been made out of this material. No one in the galaxy at this point has ever tried to make a heavy cruiser made out of this. Not until Mig Gred Mig Gred took on the challenge and per commission constructed the advanced cruiser with Protector Accord money to provide Clan Gargon with such a vessel.

The A'lor only had two ships in his fleet, his flagship, and another ship left back behind Protector Space guarding Gargon. Trade was too important for his clans prosperity , and so the warship menacingly was at the head of the Gargon convoy. Everything was fine, until seemingly the trade convey was pulled out of hyperspace causing the bored gunslinger to jolt forward before getting his bearings again. Many of the crew on the heavy cruiser also had similiar reactions, "A'lor we have been pulled out of hyperspace by Sith Forces, our advanced AI Electronic Suite is marking their IFF signatures now!" , a nearby operator in the cic exclaimed. The former rally master through his T-Visor scanned the situation over reviewing the placement of what was identified as three warships and several more squadrons then he could field. He had fought the Sith Empress Teta with his Rats of Gargon , where they provided advanced forward recon. Causing several casualties to be inflicted due to several coordinated artillery strikes being coordinated by the signaler team. The special forces actions were never officially recognized,

However this was official, Clan Gargon was a member clan, meaning any Gargon Trade Ships officially were carrying Protector Citizens. The two nations were not officially at war yet, but if not careful this could quickly spiral the two nations into open hostilities.
"Patch me through, lets see what these koochoo (idiots) want." . Should the hail go through, the mandalorian would get straight to the point. "This is the ISS Rock, you are interfering with trade in neutral space. You will cease trade interdiction and allow citizens of the Mandalorian Protectorate to be on there way. Do you Acknowledge?". It was simple would the A'lor be forced to do his duty and protect his clan, or would a shooting war be averted today?

MP Fleet Units:

ISS Rock 1000 Meters , 100% Shields, 100% Hull

Attached Squadrons:

(None Are Launched)
1st Gargon Viper Squadron: Ghost Viper Interceptor (Armed with two proton torpedoes) 12/12
2nd Gargon Viper Squadron: Ghost Viper Interceptor (Armed with two proton torpedoes) 12/12
3rd Gargon Viper Squadron: Ghost Viper Interceptor (Armed with two proton torpedoes) 12/12

1st Gargon Tyrok-Class Dropship Squadron: Tyrock Class Dropship Armed with 4 Homing Missiles 8/8 (Each Dropship Carries 100 Mandalorian Marines as well)
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In Umbris Potestas Est
I'dadr Gargon I'dadr Gargon
Braxant Run, near Ketaris

The hail was received. After a short moment, the feminine hologram of a commander would appear in response to the hails of the Mandalorian vessel in question. "This is the Imperial interdictor Shackler. We are inspecting all cargo passing between Imperial and Mandalorian space for weapons shipments and other supplies of non-civilian goods. Your government assisted the Galactic Alliance in engaging in armed military conflict with our sovereign power. We are well within our rights to interdict and inspect cargo on transit between our space and that of an ally and a hostile entity. Please, in the interest of not provoking a conflict, power down your weapons and allow our inspection to be performed unmolested, otherwise we will need to call for backup."

The moment that it had become evident the ship they were interdicting was significantly larger than their tonnage combined, the ships had already called for assistance. These vessels were all old, to say the least, and they were unlikely to be able to beat back a modern Mandalorian warship. They would need something to be able to counterbalance the increase in firepower this ship had.

DE Fleet Units:
Class | Name | Length | Shields | Hull
Monitor-class Corvette | Toxmalb | 174m | 100 | 100
Carrack II-class Frigate | Oculus | 400m | 100 | 100
Thrawn-class Interdiction Cruiser | Shackler | 600m | 100 | 100

DE Fighters
Alpha Squadron
Pilot | Ship Type | Shields | Hull
Alpha 1 | Forge-class Interceptor | 100 | 100
Alpha 2 | Forge-class Interceptor | 100 | 100
Alpha 3 | Forge-class Interceptor | 100 | 100
Alpha 4 | Forge-class Interceptor | 100 | 100
Alpha 5 | Forge-class Interceptor | 100 | 100
Alpha 6 | Forge-class Interceptor | 100 | 100
Alpha 7 | Eightgun-class Assault Fighter | 100 | 100
Alpha 8 | Eightgun-class Assault Fighter | 100 | 100
Alpha 9 | Eightgun-class Assault Fighter | 100 | 100
Alpha 10 | Eightgun-class Assault Fighter | 100 | 100
Alpha 11 | Eightgun-class Assault Fighter | 100 | 100
Alpha 12 | Eightgun-class Assault Fighter | 100 | 100
Location: Braxtant Run, Near Ketaris

Onrai Onrai

It was a poor decision to inform the mandalorian that back up was on the way, before cutting off communication with his adversary he spoke to the young officer. "Good luck." , after cutting off communication his T-Visor Bucye faced turned towards the CIC and spoke with a calmness about him. "Ship AI , launch logic bomb viruses against enemy squadron. Take out their ability to move and eject from their cockpits, we have an advanced electronic suite. Use it, A'lverde launch all squadrons and order our dropship squadron to launch their long range homing missiles at the squadron. I want Viper squadron one and two to act as escorts for them. Squadron three will guard our rear engines." . Pausing a moment as the orders were being followed, he realized this he had to give more general orders. "Helmsmen position us in between the civilian fleet with our port side facing the enemy and alert the fleet to set alertness to condition one."

Condition One was jargon for the highest alert in the protector navy, if things were condition one then it meant combat was imminent. That there would be no turning back, as the crew was frantically executing assignments the speakers of the ship would have the XO or Al'verde of the ship shout orders to the ship. "This is the Al'verde , the A'lor has ordered the fleet to be set to Condition One , man battle stations. I repeat this is the Al'verde, set the Fleet to Condition One, this is not a drill and man your battle stations." .

The ships AI also had a short sentence in response to her new orders,
"By your command." , after which with the control from the central AI had executed several logic bomb viruses from the Advanced Electronic Suite of the Rock. The three main vessels each now having to deal with viruses attempting to enter their ships and effect their weapons systems. All while another virus began to quickly enter Fighter Squadron Alpha, going for their sublight speed systems and ejection seat systems.

What made the Tyrok Dropship Dangerous was its advanced Variable Ordinance Launcher , which gave it an extreme range to hit almost any target from across the battlefield. The young officer would have to make a choice of which ships to save, the fighter squadron which was have thirty two Homing Missiles whistle at them. Which might be able to be done, or the capital ships which could be rendered defenseless if the virus is not counteracted immediately. The idea was simple , give the gunslinger complete fighter superiority now or lose your capital ships. With the Ordinance launchers range of the Tyrok Dropship, they could fire while still being close to the Large Warship. Making thew opening attack a relative safe move, one that would likely give him momentum in the opening stages against the smaller and older ships.

Thirty two homing missiles was enough to hit each fighter twice, one for the fighter and one for the pilot. The message was clear, if one was going to challenge Mandalorian Protector Sovereignty then they would die with no hope. Even if by some miracle some pilots were able to eject , they would not be able to avoid the second blast from a second missile. While this was going on, the full battery of Thirty Twin Particle PC-2 Heavy Cannons fired immediately at the Oculus in an attempt to destroy the frigate outright and stop the trade interdiction operation from occurring.

This was a swift and decisive strike, something the warrior culture of the mand'ode were known for. They needed to make quick work of them if they were going to be able to withdraw back to their borders.

MP Fleet Units:

ISS Rock 1000 Meters , 100% Shields, 100% Hull : Attacking the Carrack II-class Frigate | Oculus | with all 30 Twin Particle Pc-2 Heavy Cannons

Attached Squadrons: All Launched

1st Gargon Viper Squadron: Ghost Viper Interceptor (Armed with two proton torpedoes) 12/12 : Escorting the 1st Gargon Tyrok-Class Dropship Squadron
2nd Gargon Viper Squadron: Ghost Viper Interceptor (Armed with two proton torpedoes) 12/12 :Escorting the 1st Gargon Tyrok-Class Dropship Squadron
3rd Gargon Viper Squadron: Ghost Viper Interceptor (Armed with two proton torpedoes) 12/12 : Guarding the Engines in the rear.

1st Gargon Tyrok-Class Dropship Squadron: Tyrock Class Dropship Armed with 4 Homing Missiles 8/8 (Each Dropship Carries 100 Mandalorian Marines as well)
In Umbris Potestas Est
I'dadr Gargon I'dadr Gargon

Response post-hail to the Mandalorian vessels was, given the pings of attempts by their viral suite to connect to the imperial craft, was to reject all communications through any pathway with the Mandalorian vessels in any form. A simple refusal to acknowledge or even respond to the messages was the simplest solution to deal with any subversive programming that could potentially affect the ships. That said, no amount of refusing connections would overcome the initial swarm of homing missiles. The Oculus put itself in between the swarm of missiles and the fighters, putting the ship's composite beam lasers to use. A pinpoint accurate weapon capable of firing in a straight line, the composite beam lasers were able to accurately target the initial wave of homing missiles and lance them, destroying the ordnance in flight - though the ship was taking fire from the Rock in response.

Alpha Squadron now moved in. The Eightgun-class fighters took the lead, followed by the Forge-class interceptors as they moved to engage the dropships first. The Eightguns were armed with high-powered xaser cannons and rushed at the dropships at full speed, each with a Forge behind them. This was methodical - the Eightgun lacked in maneuverability and the Forge's maneuverability was still second to none, letting the pilot rapidly snap back and fire on anything that got behind them. The Eightguns would seek to unload full fusillades of their primary weapons on the ships, some even firing off a seeker cluster missile whose swarm of ordnance would hopefully cause serious issues to the enemy fighter wings and dropships both.

And reinforcements had begun to move in. Jumping into the system was the Silencer-class dreadnought Knifefight, one of the old warships that had once belonged to the Sith Empire - a Star Destroyer-scale warship modified with most of its hangar space occupied by a super-heavy beam weapon of the kind usually found on larger Star Destroyers or Battlecruisers. The beam, charged up, was fired at the Rock, hopefully hitting and lessening the pressure on the Oculus, which was heavily worn down. Another squadron of Eightguns emerged alongside one of a rare sight in the galaxy: Coryphin super-heavy bombers, armed with bomblet generators, seeker cluster missiles, and plasma bombs. The bombers began to make their way towards the Rock while the new wave of fighters moved for a swarm pass on the Mandalorian Vipers and the Knifefight sought to get closer to the enemy vessel.

After all, it had shot first.

DE Fleet Units:
Class | Name | Length | Shields | Hull
Monitor-class Corvette | Toxmalb | 174m | 100 | 100
Carrack II-class Frigate | Oculus | 400m | 52 | 98
Thrawn-class Interdiction Cruiser | Shackler | 600m | 100 | 100
Silencer-class Dreadnought | Knifefight | 1400m | 100 | 100

DE Fighters
Alpha Squadron
Pilot | Ship Type | Shields | Hull
Alpha 1 | Forge-class Interceptor | 100 | 100
Alpha 2 | Forge-class Interceptor | 100 | 100
Alpha 3 | Forge-class Interceptor | 100 | 100
Alpha 4 | Forge-class Interceptor | 100 | 100
Alpha 5 | Forge-class Interceptor | 100 | 100
Alpha 6 | Forge-class Interceptor | 100 | 100
Alpha 7 | Eightgun-class Assault Fighter | 100 | 100
Alpha 8 | Eightgun-class Assault Fighter | 100 | 100
Alpha 9 | Eightgun-class Assault Fighter | 100 | 100
Alpha 10 | Eightgun-class Assault Fighter | 100 | 100
Alpha 11 | Eightgun-class Assault Fighter | 100 | 100
Alpha 12 | Eightgun-class Assault Fighter | 100 | 100

Beta Squadron
12x Eightgun-class Assault Fighter | 100 | 100

Gamma Squadron
12x Coryphin-class Super-Heavy Bomber | 100 | 100
Objective: Protect the Gargon Trading Fleet

Onrai Onrai

As the pitch battle progressed, the missiles were intercepted from the Tyrok squadron. An annoyance, one that caused the new ship commander to shake his head. But the enemy did have a vote as well and it was a sound defense of the squadron. While the Tyrok dropship still had defenses, it was better to rearm them then continue to keep them on the board . Before they could be recalled by I'dadr , the central ai called a new IFF signature out that had just jumped in. "New Iff signiture confirmed hostile, data confirms it is an enemy Silencer Class Dreadnought. New squadron IFF confirmed, squadron types unknown. Updating targeting solutions to still complete your objectives." .

Before the defender could give orders to his crew he jolted forward towards his XO, who promptly caught him.
"You alright Vod? Our Central AI seems to be switching half of our PC-2 Black out Turrets towards the Dreadnought to respond to its fire. While keeping up the pressure on the target we were cutting away at before. We also two new squadrons on the board, do I order an intercept?" . The Rock was made to fight like this, Clan Gargon had few ships due to its manpower situation, which may have improved. But only confidently allowed them to man a small fleet, with this in mind the rock was made with the ultimate protection in mind and defenses. Allowing it to punch above its weight class even for a heavy cruiser, being able to take punishment. But even now, that heavy beam weapon caused the ship to shake in response to it's weapon. " Have Viper Squadron one intercept the initial squadron that is going after our dropship. Then have squadron two intercept the reinforcing squadron to keep our dropships safe. Order our Dropships to make a Bee Line to their interdiction cruiser when a gap opens up, our marines are to take control of that ship and deactivate the gravity well. Eight hundred marines should be enough to capture that damn ship."

Taking a pause to gather with how to deal with the slower approaching squadron, his orders were then clear for that situation. "I want our gun crews on our heavy flak cannons to open fire and create a flak wall. Keep Viper Squadron three at our rear and defending our engines. Also for frak sake Central Ai , give me some warning when you do that with our heavy battery!" . The central ai handled the heavy and light auto turrets, while allowing for manpower to handle the Squall-class Quad Flak Turrets , all thirty of them. The heavy flak canons capable of creating defensive flak walls capable of destroying any ordinance or squadron. This was part of its high arsenal that added to its extreme armor and shielding capability, allowing the Rock to hold up to its name as it defends the Clan Gargon Trade. The bomber squadron make have extreme defenses that are capable to deal with a squadron of vipers, but why would the A'lor do that when his heavy flak canon wall could just handle them?

However the fighter engagements were not going well, while the viper was the faster craft in the engagement and able to position quickly to protect the Tyrock Dropships. The combination of Seeker missiles and the heavy lasers of the Eightgun Assault freighters that had also received support from the maneuverable Forge interceptors. Were more then a match for many of the green Gargon Pilots more used to mountain warfare then space combat that made up the First Gargon Viper Squadron. In the first phase of their engagement six pilots were forced to eject with one being killed in the cockpit. However there was some fight in the mandalorian brethern as the remaining four pilots returned fire, unloading their particle canons at any enemy craft they could. They may be losing, but the remaining pilots kept to their assignments and continued the pressure. Some survivors in desperation to keep the squadron tied up away from the dropships , firing their two proton torpedo's at the heavier fighters.

Part of what made mandalorians the greatest warriors in the galaxy was their unwillingness to flee and fight to the bitter end. It was what crafted them for war, and somthing the opposing alpha squadron would experience. The Second Squadron learning from the mistakes of the first squadron fired at the enemy "Beta" squadron, all of their Proton Torpedos at the less maneuverable Eightgun Assault Fighters. While they were unguided , against such a less maneuverable class the swarm of twenty four proton torpedoes came for the formation. They wanted to hit first instead of be like their vod in the first squadron. If they were successful, at least something would go right in the contested air. If not, then they would be next to deal with the missle swarm.

The civilian fleet could not jump away as long as that damned gravity well was up, it was up to the marines attempting to board to slip past the defensive screen of the Oculus that was taking a pounding even now with fifteen heavy PC-2 heavy canons firing. As well as it was up to the Toxmalb to support it's ally in defending the Shackler. But if even half of the marines made it to board, that would be four hundred marines, enough to take the ship with eight hundred being overkill. Meanwhile the return salvo against the Knifefight lit up lavishly in the dark depths of space continuously pounding against the big boy coming hard for the old girl. This will fight will likely make the holonet, and what will be seen is a lit up battlefield with chaos and explosions. The kind mandalorians thrived in, the kind they were known for when they had almost conquered the galaxy.

ISS Rock 1000 Meters , 90% Shields, 100% Hull : 1. Attacking the Carrack II-class Frigate | Oculus | with 15 Twin Particle Pc-2 Heavy Cannons
2. Attacking The Silencer-class Dreadnought | Knifefight | with 15 Twin Particle Pc-2 Heavy Cannons
3. All 40 quad Pc-3 Quad Anti fighter Turrets firing in a pattern to kill any squadrons that somehow make it through the heavy flak wall being created by the heavy flak battery.
4. Firing a heavy Flak wall on the Portside Capable of destroying squadrons attempting to pass through, and a flak wall capable of destroying ordinance that pass through it.
Attached Squadrons: All Launched

1st Gargon Viper Squadron: Ghost Viper Interceptor (Armed with two proton torpedoes) 4/12 : Engaging Alpha Squadron, has taken heavy casualties. 7 pilots ejected and floating in space, 1 dead and killed before ejection.
2nd Gargon Viper Squadron: Ghost Viper Interceptor (Armed with two proton torpedoes) 12/12 : Engaging Beta Squadron, attempting to fire unguided proton torpedoes to destroy the heavy fighter squadron before they fire their missile swarm. Learning from the mistake of the first squadron engaging alpha squadron.
3rd Gargon Viper Squadron: Ghost Viper Interceptor (Armed with two proton torpedoes) 12/12 : Guarding the Engines in the rear.

1st Gargon Tyrok-Class Dropship Squadron: Tyrock Class Dropship Armed with 4 Homing Missiles 8/8 (Each Dropship Carries 100 Mandalorian Marines as well): Attempting to take advantage of the gap created with all fighters being engaged and the Oculus taking a pounding to make a B line for the Shackler. To board and capture the ship and shut off it's gravity well. To allow the trading fleet to jump out and escape back to Mandalorian Territory.

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In Umbris Potestas Est
I'dadr Gargon I'dadr Gargon

As the Knifefight took pressure off the Oculus, it moved closer, bringing its secondary armament to bear: ion cannons, pulse cannons, and shield-piercing solar ionization cannons. The main beam charged up and sought to unload again on the enemy heavy cruiser, as the ship's ordnance tubes launched a barrage of assault concussion missiles at the vessel. Simultaneously the Oculus turned its composite beam lasers on nearby fighters, seeking to further degrade any attempt the Mandalorians made at air superiority.

As the Coryphins moved to make their bombing run, turrets frenetically firing at the enemies, they launched their payloads of plasma bombs and a full set of energy bomblets as created by their bomblet generators. The plasma bombs would detonate on the flak field, the Coryphins somewhat singed by the attack, but the bomblets would likely get through, being blobs of energy. With their main ordnance depleted, they turned to try and get another run in on the Rock with their bomblet generators.

Alpha Squadron continued tangling with the Mandalorian fighters, a tenuous struggle that was wearing their ships' shields down but proving particularly fruitful. The combination of straight passes and exceedingly complex acrobatic maneuvers of the Forges was proving beneficial against the green Mandalorian pilots. Beta Squadron's initial rush remained relatively unscathed by the swarm of unguided torpedoes, except for an Eightgun that took one to the port weapons module and was so heavily damaged the pilot was forced to eject. Having swept in aggressively, they now used the cover of the Oculus to defend them as they rather widely turned around and sought for another pass at the second Gargon squadron.

The Toxmalb moved in to engage the dropships with its own anti-fighter weaponry, as the Shackler did as well, the ship moving well away from its original position. The Toxmalb itself got between the dropships and their target - quite a deliberate move. There was an emergency gambit to be pulled if the vessel was boarded, but Onrai was loathe for that to happen yet. In fact, she had another option that she viewed as far more likely to end the conflict under more beneficial and less bloodthirsty terms.

On the bridge of the Rock, a shadowy form manifested, milky eyes gleaming as it looked at the Mandalorian leader. "Gargon, cease this madness! I have entire fleets on the way here and more blood will be shed if you continue to engage. Let me check the ships for weapons, and despite all the trouble you've caused, I will let the convoy you are escorting be on their way." Whether this worked or not, Onrai was unsure, but it was worth a try to get the Mandalorian to disengage. "Think of what I'm going to have to tell Mia, Ijaat, and Drego the next time I commune with them - that an entire Mandalorian clan was sacrificed due to the impulsive nature of a single man who picked a fight when he shouldn't have. Stand down and this will all be over!"

DE Fleet Units:
Class | Name | Length | Shields | Hull
Monitor-class Corvette | Toxmalb | 174m | 100 | 100
Carrack II-class Frigate | Oculus | 400m | 36 | 96
Thrawn-class Interdiction Cruiser | Shackler | 600m | 100 | 100
Silencer-class Dreadnought | Knifefight | 1400m | 83 | 100

DE Fighters
Alpha Squadron
Ship Type | Shields | Hull
6x Forge-class Interceptor | 39 | 72
6x Eightgun-class Assault Fighter | 63 | 94

Beta Squadron
11x Eightgun-class Assault Fighter | 83 | 92

Gamma Squadron
12x Coryphin-class Super-Heavy Bomber | 63 | 83

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