Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Kelora Priestly

    Approved Lore  Commonwealth Diplomatic Service

    Commonwealth Diplomatic Service OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify and expand on Commonwealth lore. Image Credit: Vectors from Adobe Stock, Google, Vecteezy. Assembled and completed in Photoshop, final touches in Photoshop, by me. Other elements produced in Midjourney. Canon...
  2. Onrai

    Private  A Diplomatic Incident

    I'dadr Gargon Braxant Run, near Ketaris Along the Braxant Run, the old Thrawn-class interdictor Shackler was pulling ships out of hyperspace for inspections. Presently on-site was a Carrack II-class frigate, the Oculus, that was scanning and inspecting cargo ships for any contraband, along...
  3. Darth Centax


    Ships 5x Stormbreaker Class Battlecruisers Naval Assets may eventually get their own page. Weapons: Revolving Doors HC1 Blaster Magnums Ranc Spitter Blaster Carbine Blindfire SAB1 Stealthy Blaster Pistols OS-GG2 Blaster Chaingun - Blaster Chaingun DS-9K Simplicity Disruptor Shotgun Baratta...
  4. Darth Centax

    Purpose of the Faction | Relations

    Purpose Protect the Sith Code. Wage War. Train Stronger Sith. The purpose here is conflict and its never-ending cycle, also known as the long conflict, to breed stronger Sith. It is intended to remain an influence at critical times towards this end. Is this an exclusive faction? No you can...
  5. Maple Harte

    Approved Starship  J-Type Diplomatic Barge (Classic)

    Intent: To create an open market sub for a classic canon starship Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: J-Type Diplomatic Barge PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Theed Palace Space Vessel...
  6. Credit Wizard

    LFG  Diplomatic & Social Thread Anyone?

    Greetings everyone on chaos Recently I have been trying to expand upon my rp opportunities with my new main character, Baron Monkrove Irs'Valachie Moldova. So I figured that I should make a diplomatic and social thread to establish my character a bit more and give people the opportunity to...
  7. Laertia Io

    Approved Tech  Diplomatic Nuetralizer Model 1

    Intent: To craft a Diplomatic Bio-Droid Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Sword Herald Special Purpose Enterprises Affiliation: House Io Market Status: Closed...
  8. The Amalgam

    Diplomatic Nuetralizer Model 1

    Intent: To craft a Diplomatic Bio-Droid Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Sword Herald Special Purpose Enterprises Affiliation: Market Status: Closed Model...
  9. B

    Public  Diplomatic Relations On Karkaris (Character Introduction)

    Location: Eridaka City, Karkaris President Brucavaticus “Bruce” Londson paced back and forth across the tall atrium of the Administration Building of Eridaka City. The room contained formal-looking, but not uncomfortable chairs made of an odd spongy substance, two long tables carved out of...
  10. Julius Haskler

    Private  Diplomatic Channels

    From: Moff (Julius Haskler) To: Lord Protector Rurik Fel Accessing... Encrypting... Encrypting... Opening the joint files... Accessing... Opening... Open IMPERIAL DIPLOMATIC CORPS - MOFF JULIUS HASKLER WITH OFFICIAL APPROVAL OF THE IMPERIAL DIPLOMATIC CORPS S U C C E S S I O N Imperial...
  11. Han Tuusoc

    Faction  Mandalorin Conglomerate and Children of the Protectors Diplomatic meeting

    With Mandalorian becoming little more than hired guns at the best of times and criminal orginizations at the worst of times. Han called for a Meeting of the Mandalorian tribes. He along with some of the Children of the protectors members Choosing to strike out on their own and become a standing...
  12. Geiseric

    Diplomatic Profile

    ASHLAN CRUSADE DIPLOMATIC LANDSCAPE MAJOR GALACTIC POWERS {STATUS} : At War {DISPOSITION} : Hostile | Existential Rival {TRADE} : Non-Existent {OVERVIEW} : The destruction of Csilla by the planet-killer "Mercy" station hes been cemented as a rallying cry for the Light. Now known to...
  13. Darth Vinaze

    Warlords Diplomatic Profile

    DIPLOMATIC PROFILE Major Galactic Powers NEW IMPERIAL ORDER Status: At War Disposition: Hostile The New Imperials have been a consistent thorn in the Warlords' side since even before the inception of the group's current incarnation. Once allies of the Qotsisajakaar, a constituent faction...
  14. F

    Long May She Reign [TSE]

    LONG MAY SHE REIGN A diplomatic corvette bearing the sigil of the Sith Empire reverted from hyperspace and headed toward the Hydian Bastion. Aboard the diplomatic vessel known as the HIMS Lawrence, an impromptu negotiator and citizen of the Empire Ryssa Yvarro. Chosen by her mother Lord...
  15. Vespasian the Elder

    Open Congress on Ord Mantell

    An unspecified invitation leaves Ord Mantell via the HoloNet. Adressing the reader with the following offer: "The Mantellian Commonwealth invites industrial, trading and technological business people, unemployed intellectuals, commanders and pilots as well as diplomats or representatives of...
  16. Harley Fenstermacher

    Space Yacht Get Away

    Current Abroad a Private NH-SCV-1 Class Space Yacht The majority of those among the Republic Remanent kept a very stern hold on the whole non dark sider's rule when it came to governmental interaction and other events. Going as so far to dissuade it's own Jedi from participating in a tournament...
  17. Jaster Awaud

    Explosive Relations (PM to Join)

    Location: Valhala Mining Statioin Alpha Zulu 3-2 Time: 1052 Galactic Standard Time All Conversation is Classified Above the Planet Erida, a planet no longer part of the living and destroyed many years before during the Collapse of the One Sith. Jaster was not around this area of space when...
  18. RC 212

    Operation: Olive Branch (Diplomacy/Open to all Factions)

    OOC: Open to Diplomat Types and anyone else. No shooting please. A new message had been broadcast across the wide nets. It would be repeated across relay satellites to the major players of the Galaxy and their respective Embassies. Even the lesser known and more seclusive folks on the rim...
  19. Teynara Jeralyr

    Approved Starship  [TJO] Ambassador-Class Multipurpose Frigate

    Ambassador-class Multipurpose Frigate OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a multi-purpose frigate for use by the Jedi Order. Image Source: Original Image Canon Link: Not Applicable Restricted Missions: Not Applicable Primary Source: None PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  20. A

    And on the way then came..... trouble or adventure.

    And so it was after a short absence from his duties due to having attended to the family . Andulf had eventually found himself back working the diplomatic and business agenda as was part of his duty. As appointed Ambassador by the House Organa of the Coalition....he had been making the rounds of...
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