Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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3:10 to Kathol: TKO Dominion of Zonju V Hex

Location: Zonju 5
Objective: Gold rush
Allies: KO and friends
Enemies: Unknown
Post: 15/20 (writer) 5/5 (Ringovinda StarYards)

By now the tugs were deployed mostly to get the parts out of the cargo ship, which is used for internal delivery of components from a location to another, and serves an important purpose. A while later, this ship is scheduled to go on a route that will take it all the way back to Ringo Vinda, but for the time being the spectacle of the tugs being much like worker bees would unfold before them and the internal reserves of deactivated tugs would take over from those onboard. One squadron on the Egroegs, six on each of the Saculs. That ought to yield some results. Oh-ho! Now that poodoo got real, their reserves of parts inside the cargo holds are steadily dwindling until they empty. Jessica has no idea of who will take over the control of the naval yard, given that they have no real naval organization, but then again, nor should she.

"Now that we got this business started, we can leave them to their own devices"

"Will do: we have other things to do than to oversee a naval yard"
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Location: Zonju V
Allies: [member="Kimiko"]
Enemies: No contact

Dax had slipped out as the true feasting had begun. While he would've loved to stay and gorge on what looked to be absolutely heavenly food, he had business to attend to. The man silently walked past the servants bustling bak and forth, trays of food held high above their heads. It seemed they were all too busy to care that a guest had decided to venture where he wasn't supposed to.

The man had left his sabers in his ship. No way he'd have been able to smuggle the foot long metal rods into the palace...well...not without a very awkward pat down...

Ducking into the first room he came across, Dax found himself in what appeared to be some sort of storage closet. Cleaning chemicals, tools, lined the walls, tucked into corners. Nothing...what a surprise...
[member="Julius Sedaire"]

A blaster whined below and behind him, and a chunk flew off the speed regulator. The bike slowed and dropped with a stomach-twisting jolt. Maybe he'd get lucky and scrape Julius off on the ground, but this was a man who could run on ceilings. It'd take more than a little bit of dirt to lose him, especially since the bike was losing momentum by the second-

Or not. The regulator sparked and the bike took off like a Corellian out of a Huttese harem. Evening was coming on, and a brisk, gritty wind howled around Jorus as he did his level best to steer the wildly accelerating piece of salvage through the canyon. He'd looked to this place's steep walls and stone ruins for shelter; that had, apparently, been a mistake. At any given moment, it was all he could do to pull his next move out of the aether before he splatted himself. Intuiting a true course just wasn't possible at this stage.

Going with a move that felt less than optimal, but not outright hazardous, he twisted the controls and slid the bike through a narrow gap between twin obelisks. Scraping Julius off with the ground likely wouldn't work, but it'd take something special to keep a grip while running face-first into ten-thousand-year-old statuary.

Wasn't like he was trying to hurt Julius, of course. The guy had decent precog, enough to see the collision coming and get off the train. Or, more likely, try to get right behind, on top of, or even underneath the bike, narrowing his profile to avoid the stones. On the assumption that Julius would try something of that nature, Jorus took probably his biggest risk of the day: removing one hand from the controls to pull his little repulsor stunner and fire it backward blindly.
Location: Zonju V, Royal Palace dining hall
Objective: B - What is the King hiding?
Allies: TKO/Underground, Companions, [member="Dax Fyre"]
Enemies: Aww crap...
Post: 4

The atmosphere tensed in the dining hall after the King's proclamation. What made it even worse was the fact that his servants entered again, almost every single one of them...and they were armed. This startled the majority of the room, who had no security. But Chika, Kanan, and Kimiko remained rather calm. Their new objective was to find out the King's motives and get the rest of the dignitaries to safety.

"Do not fear too much, I have promised to deliver you all ALIVE to the First Order, and I always keep my promises." this proclamation caused our three heroines eyes to widen, but what was said next shook the white-haired woman to her bones,"But YOU Kimiko, are the main prize here. It seems as if you have caught the attention of quite a few members of the Order, and I am more than happy to cash in on it." he cackled maniacally.

But it was apparent he wasn't finished there,"As we sit here, the Order is landing their forces on the planet and gladly be rid of you all, you pathetic alliances, and take Zonju, as well as the entire Kathol Sector into their fold!"

Oh dear...

Location: Zonju V
Objective: A - Target [member="Bryce Bantam"]???
Non-Player Character: Yoshiko (Yohane) Tsushima
Post: 3

Yoshiko had begun moving almost instantly and began herself for her job.

Instantly and as if on instinct, her Force signature would disappear, as mysterious as this was... Her hands moved to her sides, where her custom vibro-knives hung, specifically made by her by her former handlers for the sole job of silencing Jedi.

But, interestingly enough, she was here for answers, and her current handler had given the woman specific orders. Orders she would follow to the letter.

The woman neared a corner closer to her prey, and assumed a crouching position as she watched him with a grin.

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Location: Zonju 5
Objective: Gold rush
Allies: KO and friends
Enemies: Unknown
Post: 16/20 (writer) 1/5 (IGR Brokerage)

The financial landscape of the Kathol Outback was practically beholden to Alliance-based institutions: IGR took care of the realty part, while Aurum-Saccs and IGR were in intense competition when it came to the banking part. Freshly off from concluding an insurance deal on Terminus, the Gungan insurance salesman was still accompanied with his assigned security guards in an attempt to obtain the rights to sell insurance in the Kathol Outback. But because he had to first purchase another location (rather than to lease it, as was the case on Terminus), he sifted through the GMLS for commercial properties for sale, large enough to house a bank, an insurance broker's office and a realty location all at once on Zonju 5. Time to open a new location in the Kathol Outback, he thought, knowing that, to have enough space for all services, a floor area of at least 500 square meters will be required. He found one in Zoronhed, but he knew that implanting such a branch would mean that he would serve an entire neighborhood with all three services at once.

"Mesa finden an appropriate property: 123 Fake Street"

"Isn't that close to Praiseland?"

"Yousa will take usen to 123 Fake Street" he told his guards, using the mind trick.

"I will take us to 123 Fake Street"
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Location: Zonju V
Objective: Grab Ki, get out
Allies: [member="Kimiko"]
Enemies: Anyone trying to kill him...

A hissing of the door behind him made Dax turn around a shocked servant stared back at him. And then Dax was looking down the barrel of a blaster. Instinctively, the Rogue lowerd his shoulder and rushed forward, his weight throwing the servant backwards into the wall behind him. Dax grabbed the barrel of the blaster and slammed it against the wall, pointing away from them. With his free hand, the Master wrapped his finger's around the servants neck, cutting off his oxygen. Bringing his face close to the other whisps of glowing blue smoke began to pour from the man's eyes and mouth. The gossamer threads hung there for a moment before the Rogue breathed them in, stealing away the servants life-energies. Soon the life-less body thudded to the floor, leaving Dax standing alone, a blaster in hand.
Objective: A
Friend a enemies: [member="Kimiko"] \ [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]

Things were just off around Bryce, the force swirled oddly around him. Something was wrong, he could feel the intent but the person it belonged to was... elusive. As he came to the corner the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. There was nothing there save for a hole in the force.

"There you are" Bryce said drawing his stun pistol.

It was not he could sense her but rather the fact he could feel nothing from that area. The void of a cloaked force user was somethings as obvious as an overt one to a master trained to look for it.

"Ok what game are you getting at?" Bryce asked the aspersion.
Objective: A
Posts: 10/25(writer)
Allies: [member="Jorus Merrill"]

Feth feth feth feth! NINE HELLS THIS IS GONNA HURT!

Arcing his legs he swung a bit on the rail and was caught in the repulsor just by his ankles. Particularly the left one turned at an awkward angle before returning. There was, thankfully, no pop or grind of broken bone or a dislocation. But it was a sprain at the least. The very least. And likely an especially nasty one by the pained look on his face as he swung into the seat behind Jorus just barely, wincing but grinning all the same as he drew his blaster and fired wildly at the control console with a reckless shot. It was poorly aimed and apt to go wild, but if it hit the thing would loose all ability to steer, or become at the least about as responsive as a bantha with a stubborn streak being directed by someone with a leaf-frond fan.

"Excuse me, driver? Pull over here please..."
[member="Julius Sedaire"]

Post 17/25

There were options at this stage, most of them kinetic, brutal, and short-range. More important than the risk of really losing control of the speeder, though, was the risk of doing legitimate damage to someone he considered a friend. As the bike began to slow from its breakneck pace, Jorus considered a different option entirely. It wasn't something he liked to do, wasn't something he did option, but when extreme need beckoned...well, it might just make the difference.

Oh, this is gonna hurt.

He slewed the bike to a stop and tumbled off, hands raised, backing away while digging deep in the back of his mind. He would get exactly one chance for this. It wasn't a malevolent sort of thing, wasn't even an attack, and thus shouldn't trip Sedaire's danger-sense in any serious way. "Got me fair and square," he said. "Was worth a shot."
Objective: A
Posts: 11/25(writer)
Allies: [member="Jorus Merrill"]

Wincing as he swung off the speeder, he turned to face Jorus, cuffs at the ready, and took a slightly limping step. The limp was exaggerated just enough that if it came to blows his reaction time might be a shade quicker than expected. He tromped to within throwing distance of Jorus and smiled as he waved, closing his eyes. The air seemed to grow heavier then pop with a concussive release as the cuffs in his hands disappeared and appeared right over Jorus' wrists, sealed and locked. Or so he hoped. He slumped slightly, swaying, and almost fell over to the ground on his injured side. He was drained, utterly. There would be very little he could do to stop Merrill after that display. Fold Space on the best of occasions was exhausting. It was successful, if at all, only because he was so close and the move was so minor.

"Goes with... Your... Eyes..."
[member="Julius Sedaire"]

"Aing-Tii, right? My sister studied with'em too. That ain't a bad trick." Jorus felt himself relax a little, and kept on backing up. "But son, I don't need my hands for this."

Terentatek cuffs were marvelous things for resisting, say, telekinetic attempts at removal - which he couldn't do. They'd hold pretty good, keep him from driving or fighting. They did feth all when it came to actually cutting him off from the Force. He dug deeper, gauged the distance between them, and did the one and only thing he could do other than move by instinct. That one and only thing had sort of grown out of instinctive astrogation, to the point where some days he felt the two skills were one and the same, or at least blended to the point where he couldn't tell where one started and the other left off.

His back hit a rock wall. Feth. Did he have enough distance, or no? Well, worst-case scenario, he could still make sure that Julius was safe...

Jorus took a deep breath, stilled his thoughts, and exhaled. Reality tore and warped around him, and the canyon landscape of Zonju Five vanished in a crackling blur of blue-white, just for a bitterly cold instant.

He exited hyperspace covered in frost, about ten metres above the ground of Zonju Four. Hot thin stinking air rushed around him as he fell. He hit hard enough to knock the wind from his lungs and strain his cuffed arms. Rolling over with a groan, he looked around to see whether he'd brought Julius along by accident or not.
Objective: A
Posts: 12/25(writer)
Allies: [member="Jorus Merrill"]

There was a flash and sensation of cold and disorientation. His insides felt like they became his outsides, and streaks of blue and white flashed across his vision as if at a bad party or rave at some House event put on by [member="Joza Perl"]. As the motion stopped externally it did not internally, and Julius swayed violently and then hit his hands and knees right in front of Jorus, covered in frost and shivering like a kicked curr. Retching came shortly thereafter, violent and dry, and then with the sound of a squelched ysalimir he spewed the entirety of his stomach contents out his mouth and across Jorus' boots in one violent heave and promptly collapsed right into said output and on top of Jorus' feet. Snoring would echo and reach the Navigators' ears as the blademaster twitched fitfully, comatose from what would have been an impossible feat for almost anyone else in so short a time period. A snort and a short phrase before the sleep resumed.

"Hope... Hope they weren't expensive..."
Objective C


Slowly but surely this pitiful town was being pulled out of its long slumber as it embraced the wonders of progress and capitalism. Zonyu would be opened up to the rest of the Galaxy and the better for it...even though its considerable mineral resources would be mostly under the control of foreign corporations.

But, hey, wealth would trickle down. Attract foreign investment, make the well-to-do prosperous, then one day their prosperity would leak through to those below. At least that was the theory if you subscribed to supply-side economics. At least that was the theory propagated in certain academic circles.

Regardless, while the town had a long way to go before it became an affluent commercial centre, progress had been made and the new spaceport was near completition, built by Archangel machines. The labour droids would toil day and night, for their metal minds were unsullied by heretical concepts such as an 8-hour work day or trade unions.

The spaceport would allow the monarchy of Zonyu to better control immigration and emigration, impose tariffs and so on. Likewise, other businesses could set up outposts and shops here. Maybe [member="Joza Perl"] could even set up a small one for Heartbeat or build another food joint. McYoda's was bound to show up one day and sell ObiBurgers to spacers.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler


She left the pad to wander around the city, letting the professor's holopresence get the first proper academic look at all of this, and headed back to the surface. Certain arrangements needed to be made, in keeping with the new territory laws related to the aurodium rush, registering this ruin and purchasing the property down to a certain depth was a straightforward process. As she managed that, she had plenty of time to, well, envy the Gungan professor.

Her experience and station and demeanor tended to garner respect in the realms of business and politics and certain branches of the military. She'd never had a problem establishing respect in pretty much any area -- except academia. Ajira Cardei had an unexceptional undergraduate degree; Ashin Varanin's formal education had ended when she'd been separated from a Jedi academy in her mid-teens. She'd taught at various Force schools, but that wasn't the same thing, not remotely.

In this moment, she found herself making an unexpected decision.

Ashin Varanin, half a century old, former Sith Empress, conqueror of a quarter of the known galaxy at one point or another, was going to go to college.
[member="Julius Sedaire"]

The next few minutes were uncomfortable and just generally not ideal. Gasping in the thin air, he got his breath back as his diaphragm de-spasmed. He rooted around in Sedaire's coat for the keys to the terentatek cuffs, and unlocked himself. He didn't have a comlink on him, but Sedaire did, and wouldn't you know, it connected right to the people who'd sent Sedaire after Jorus.

"Hi, this is General Jorus Merrill. I'm ready to come in. I'm on Zonju Four, repeat Zonju Four, with Captain Sedaire. He might need some minor medical attention. Wore himself out, took a heavy fall, puked out his guts, and passed out, and this atmosphere's not doing him any good. Or me, for that matter. Yeah, I'll answer the charges, I said I'm ready to come in. Yeah, say hi to her for me."

He clicked off the comlink channel and switched it to beacon mode so they'd know where to go. In pretty short order, Kathol ships that had been at Zonju would come pick them up. And then...well, que sera, sera.
Objective: C (Sponsorship)
Post: 4/15

Despite being from a luxury world, Joza Perl catered to a different market. It was a misconception among some circles that Zeltrons lived a lavish lifestyle. That was true—if you had the money. As with many productive words, Zeltros had an affluent upper class, a comfortable middle class, and the lower caste of society. It didn’t take much to guess who ran and supported the extravagant resorts, spas an clubs. In the same vein, it wouldn’t take much to guess who worked at the seedy strip clubs and dabbled in the underground. Ah, life.

While high class amenities were not unknown to her, Joza had first-hand experience living and working in the less well-to-do areas of the pleasure planet. And while that made her no expert in business, it gave her an upper hand when designing structures that were meant to appeal to a certain type. Specifically, the average working class man to scumbag. But not too scummy. She had to balance maintaining a gritty charm while keeping her people safe, and it was tedious at best.

“So you’re going for a cantina, then?”

Ivan’s voice sounded from her left side as she eyed a particular spot near where another mining company seemed to be setting up shop. Mines of value were like rivers, it seemed. Wherever one was discovered, civilization grew up around it.

“Bingo,” She adjusted her shades, tilting them down and squinting to get a better look at the land. Decently flat, bit enough for what she wanted to build. “We’ll have to hire a construction company, but I’ve got a few contacts I can reach out to.”

“What’s all this talk of ‘we’?” The pilot grunted, sending a hand through his short hair to keep it from his eyes.

“You’re still here, aren’t you?”
Objective: Establish A Night Club
Post : 2/5 [7/25]

The businesswoman transmitted her IFf tag, as well as her transponders, and she was cleared for landing. Other things had already been set up, and the building was about to commence immediately. She appreciated that her team had hired local workers to build the nightclub, in accordance with Golden Entertainment's policy of supporting the local industry, and so forth. Like the Zeltron nightclub, all of the work being done here would be done by the locals.

She arrived at the spaceport, and after arriving at the spaceport. Maria then left her ship via the exit hatch, and grabbed her speeder, her next destination being the building suite.

"I will be there." she said, before she grabbed her speeder, and left. It was time to begin the construction of the next nightclub.
Location: Zonju V
Objective: Gold Rush
Allies: TKO
Enemies: Unknown

Some local leaders had arrived to see the new opening of Nova Corp's new aurodium mine. Astril new better than to mine all the riches at once, deciding to slowly mine aurodium. Even then, she knew that a pocket of it would cost billions, undoubtedly making it one of the richest minerals in the galaxy. Even then, she new that deposits always finished, and she would have to find other deposits, and diversify her income.

Astril in ceremonial practice, cut off the ribbon, and the mine was officially open. For today however, the workers, and her would not work(except security guards), as they would throw a small party since all of their hard work paid off.

Now that it was open, it was time to begin looking for other deposits, and to establish a new mine.

Negative Prime

Space Elf.. its a thing apparently.
Location: Zonju 5
Objective: Gold rush
Allies: TKO
Enemies: Unknown
Post: 3/5

The Clan were doing well admittedly the town was mostly prefabs but it was a start.
" Shore up the walls. and we need to locate a drinking supply. the defenses can come later." Hokoko ordered the droids.
admittedly things were going smoothly the land was solid the only problem would be water and food the soil looked stable but she wasn't a farmer.
Objective: C (Sponsorship)
Post: 5/15

“Because despite the rumors, you pay decent.” Came the acidic response, but Joza just smiled. Not much, only a little tilt of the lips. Ivan had been with her for a while, the past few years at least. She’d caught him and his father smuggling slaves—an unusual fare for them, but allegedly the job paid well. The Zeltron was known to turn a blind eye to illegal cargo that wasn’t living, and wasn’t something insanely destructive. She picked her battles, at least. In the end she’d made them an offer—work for me, and I won’t turn you in. Ivan begrudgingly agreed. His father was sent to Kessel.

Maybe that’s why he was so acerbic, or maybe it was her playful advances. Either way, he was a reliant, begrudging part of her life that followed her into all sorts of trouble. If they were fiends, it was beneath a layer of frustration, and not the fun kind.

“Now we need to figure out how to go about getting a zoning permit.” She already had schematics drawn up, checking inventory from her datapad before they’d arrived. Her gaze fell on a trio of men nearby setting up shop. “Wait here,” She said to the pilot before walking towards them, hips swaying with a slight swagger—not too much to be positively overt, but it would be enough. Ivan, from where he leaned against a skeletal building, rolled his eyes and considered hitting up one of the food joints.

“Excuse me,” Approaching the men, their heads turned at the sound of a sweet feminine voice. The niceties were put on, of course. “Would any of you boys happen to know where a girl and see someone about land development?” The shades were removed, a polite smile on her face as her dark lashes fluttered just enough.

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