Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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the underground

  1. Jared Starchaser

    Minor Faction  The Underground

    The galaxy has fallen into a stall. Darkness is allowed to run wild. Resist. Rebel. Revolt. Sith and Imperials have taken a strong hold into the galaxy. The Underground moves to become an equalizer. Decentralized. Asymmetrical. Small groups. Precision targets. A group of freedom...
  2. Corbin Valor

    Private  The Underground

    TAG: Valery Noble GEAR: Disguised Guard, head coated in a brown hoodie. The spaceport on the planet Eriadu bustled with activity, ships of various sizes and shapes coming and going like a cosmic ballet. Corbin's been at this for a couple of months, calling in an a favor with an old friend...
  3. Tales of the Outer Rim

    Skirmish  The Kal'shebbol Run (Rimward Trade League vs Sith Order)

    "The newest reports are in," the ORION analyst, a stocky Sullustan, said as she approached the center of the room, surrounded by Council members and Defense Advisory Board members. "Tsis'kaar forces appear to have attempted a coup." "Unsuccessfully, I take it?" Mya asked, frowning at the news...
  4. Aeshi Tillian

    The Irregulars: ORION, Privateers, and the Underground

    OUTER RIM INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS NETWORK A holdover from the days of the Outer Rim Coalition, ORION was founded by Veino Garn to coordinate the various intelligence-gathering agencies of the Coalition. While they were crippled when the Coalition was dissolved, Veino has rebuilt them as the...
  5. Aeshi Tillian

    Faction  Reuss Renegades (RTL)

    SPACE BETWEEN SKYNARA AND REUS VIII...TWO DAYS AGO "Mayday, mayday, mayday, this is the Like A Bantha; we have fallen under attack!" The distress signal crackles and cuts through the transmission waves that fill the void between stars across the galaxy. "It looks like some kind of star...
  6. Veino Garn

    Approved Tech  AXC

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a cheap, easily accessible, but unreliable method for NFUs to help defend themselves against hostile Force-Sensitives. Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Death Sticks Ixetal Cilona Balo Mushroom PRODUCTION...
  7. Veino Garn

    Work In Progress  AXC

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a cheap, easily accessible, but unreliable method for NFUs to help defend themselves against hostile Force-Sensitives. Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Death Sticks Ixetal Cilona Balo Mushroom PRODUCTION...
  8. Aeshi Tillian

    Approved Lore  They Shall Not Pass: The Rimward Trade League's Guide to Resistance

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a pamphlet and brief educational resource to share with resistance movements across the galaxy Image Credit: Rebel art from Fantasy Flight Games Soldier On, edit and text by me Canon: No Permissions: N/A Links: Excerpt Media Name: They Shall...
  9. Aeshi Tillian

    Major Faction They Shall Not Pass: The Rimward Trade League's Guide to Resistance

    STRATEGIC CONSIDERATIONS Military occupancy and subjugation is a highly complex process reliant on the smooth transition of governance and power. It relies on incredible investments that cannot be sustained indefinitely without sacrificing resources (Militarily, economically, politically...
  10. Aeshi Tillian

    Faction  Stoke the Embers (RTL/Underground)

    DEFIANCE NOVA THE DEEP HOLD Iris Arani Arkyn Rane Porro Tanau Yula Perl Mariah Raefe Khilasa Kaia Starchaser Varen Ardos @Other League and Undergrounders The time was here, and Aeshi found the fighting spirit to be... a bit on the low side. The Underground still lived, of course, with cells on...
  11. Aeshi Tillian

    Approved Location  Defiance Nova

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make a hidden base for the Underground and more rebelliously oriented Leaguers Image Credit: Defiant Core from FFG's Strongholds of Resistance Canon: Yes Permissions: N/A Links: Nova Defiant Defiant Core Base Sensor Disruptor BX-Series Commando Droid...
  12. Aeshi Tillian

    Work In Progress  Defiance Nova

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make a hidden base for the Underground and more rebelliously oriented Leaguers Image Credit: Defiant Core from FFG's Strongholds of Resistance Canon: Yes Permissions: N/A Links: Nova Defiant Defiant Core Base Sensor Disruptor BX-Series Commando Droid...
  13. Aeshi Tillian

    Faction  Where is (Y)our rebel base now?

    DEEP SPACE SOMEWHERE IN THE TINGEL ARM THE REQUIEM- HEAVILY MODIFIED YV-929 ARMED FREIGHTER The light freighter was cramped, to put it lightly. Every nook, cranny, and hollow space not in use for cooling was crammed full of equipment and members of the Rebellion that she had been able to get...
  14. Aeshi Tillian

    Public  The Imynusoph Run: Finale

    MORELLIA Jerec Asyr Coren Starchaser Aeson Keel Okkeus Dainlei Gren Blidh Milla Aeshi tried not to slump as she picked her way through the crowd to the podium in the front of the square. A few Morellian Enforcers hugged the edges of the crowd and podium to keep it all cleared. Exhaustion...
  15. Veino Garn

    Rebellion  The Light Cometh Unseen- Underground Rebellion of ZU Ilum, Redoubt, and Volik

    Veino looked out the viewport of the corvette-sized pocket carrier and its attendant support ships as around them, more ships dropped out of hyperspace. Corellian freighters. A few ragtag squadrons of starfighters. More support ships. Even a few small frigates and light cruisers. Hardly a fleet...
  16. Veino Garn

    Rebellion  The Light Cometh Unseen- The Underground Rebellion of ZU's Ilum, Volik, and the Redoubt

    The Underground reacts to opportunities as they come, remaining flexible, and always striving to aid those it considers its friend, and exploit any sign of weakness in imperialist regimes. With the Zweihander Union seemingly withdrawing from galactic affairs, leaders of the Underground held a...
  17. Veino Garn

    Faction  Undergrounders! Time to go... more underground?

    The cycle of governments rise and fall was an undeniable fact of life in the current galactic era. Long gone were the days of a Republic lasting twenty five thousand years or an Empire ruling the entirety of the government for decades. Now, they were lucky to last more than ten years. It was...
  18. Veino Garn

    Underground Awakening

  19. R

    Faction  The Siege of Castilon Five (Underground Operation)

    Castilon Five- Supertanker Fuel Depot Theme ================================= If there was one thing the Underground needed, it was pilots committed as equally to its ideals and values as they were to flying. It wasn't an easy balance to find. There were many people who cared deeply and...
  20. Veino Garn

    Faction Ad  Join the Underground!

    \\\Underground Dispatch 0-0-1-5-7/// \\\Darknet Dispatch Encryption LOW/// The galaxy struggles under the burden of tyranny and imperialism. A few governments try to fight the good fight for freedom and democracy, but they are bound to protect their constituents. The rest of the galaxy has been...
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