Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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order of the sith lords

  1. Alicia Drey

    Approved Lore  The Fifth Wing

    The Fifth Wing OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To explain a branch of a Sith-sect called the Tsis'Kaar. Image Credit: Canon: N/A. Permissions: N/A. Links: Alicia Drey , Darth Malum of House Marr , The Sith...
  2. Darth Ayra

    A Summit of Governments: Aftermath [Open]

    | [member="Tarre Saxon"] | [member="Krest"] | [member="Vanessa Vantai"] | [member="Kas Varad"] | Shields designed to stand up against planetary bombardment did fall against the weight of falling cruisers. Debris rained across the Temple of Balance. Fire scarred the skies. N-5 fighters and...
  3. Darth Ayra

    The Rule of Two [Invite Only]

    | [member="Vanessa Vantai"] | It seemed like a lifetime ago since that fateful night on Chandrila when they had first met. There had been a funfair, with wild rides and laughter in the background as they had conversed. Back then the girl called Alicia Drey was young, vulnerable and malleable to...
  4. Darth Ayra

    "I have a proposition..."

    | [member="Grond"] | It was night time on Bastion. Citizens led their life under the strict but fair regime of the Sith Empire. Flags flew over buildings with the emblem of the Empire emblazoned for all to see. Starfighters flew overhead on patrols and in the horizon a Star Destroyer loomed. It...
  5. Darth Ayra

    Spiders [Rule of Two]

    Rule of Two Spiders | [member="Via Dolorosa"] | Dathomir. It was a world that held ancient heritage to the dark side. But it was one of only the few that had it's roots outside of the Sith dichotomy. There are many who had studied the ways of the dark side who claimed that if it had not been...
  6. Darth Ayra

    A Long Term Apprentice (Join Rule of Two)

    Join the Rule of Two Two there must be; no more, no less. A Master, to embody power; an apprentice, to crave it. A long time ago I had the privilege of experiencing the truest Rule of Two apprenticeship, that in my opinion was the nearest one could take such a philosophy in a fandom...
  7. Darth Ayra

    Crystalidium [Order of Shadows]

    Crystalidium | [member="Darth Animus"] | Following their duel on Ambria, Darth Ayra had left Darth Animus with a broken arm, several fractures and a concussion that would have put even the mightiest warrior out of commission for a few weeks. She had entered the Order of Shadows to enter a...
  8. Darth Ayra

    Novaius Dracks [Tobias Dracks]

    | [member="Tobias Dracks"] | The passage of the amended Alpha-32116 “Enhanced Core Security and Protections Bill” had just been made. Passing with six votes to four against it seemed that the bill itself was not very popular, and least not certainly with the Humbarine Council, who had made it...
  9. Natalie LaForte

    Initium novum

    [member="Ella Nova"] After what seemed to be months of absence from her standard galactic duties, Natalie had sort of got back into the swing of things. Sort of being an important quantifier. Under an unknown alias, with only the artificial intelligence known as "Melody" understanding her...
  10. Darth Ayra

    Approved Tech  The Book of Rhand

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide a detailed explanation of the Sorcerers of Rhand and their ability: Darksight. Image Source: N/A Canon Link: [Link] Primary Source: [Link] Development Thread: [Link] PRODUCTION INFORMATION Name: The Book of Rand Manufacturer: Darth Ayra...
  11. Darth Ayra

    The Pelagon Connection [Samael]

    | [member="Samael"] | As the elected representative of Humbarine in the New Republic, Ella was once again living two lives. This was nothing new to her, seeing as she had been trained to do exactly this for many years under the guidance of Darth Pandeima. But unlike her seminal life, where she...
  12. Darth Ayra

    Contact [Ask]

    | [member="Tathra Khaeus"] | During the days when she lived in the city of Avalonia, Ella had held an excavation of the nearby tombs of the Sorcerers of Tund, a sect of Force-users that could create illusions which rivalled the legendary Nightsisters of Dathomir or that of the Fallanassi. She...
  13. Darth Ayra

    Approved Tech  Jal-Shey Teachings

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide a detailed explanation of Jal-Shey teachings Image Source: N/A Canon Link: [Link] Primary Source: [Link] Development Thread: [Link] PRODUCTION INFORMATION Name: Jal-Shey Teachings Manufacturer: Darth Ayra Affiliation: No Production: Unique...
  14. Darth Ayra

    Approved Lore  Order of the Sith Lords (Rule of Two)

    Order of the Sith Lords (Rule of Two) OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide the lore behind the Order of the Sith Lords, and the philosophy of the Rule of Two, that I have been developing and writing about on Chaos for the past five years. ​Image Credit: [Link] ​Links...
  15. Darth Ayra

    Humbarine [Tmoxin Temi]

    | [member="Tmoxin Temi"] | In a seminal life Ella had once met with a woman called Tmoxin Temi. In those days she had been the head of a small technology and foodstuffs firm from Chandrila who had a lot of potential for future expansion. She had met with Tmoxin to sign a deal where Chandrila...
  16. Darth Ayra

    Purple Moon [Thraxis]

    | [member="Thraxis"] | A few years ago there had been a criminal organisation known as the Black Tie Syndicate. It consisted of a few dozen crime lords, smugglers, bounty hunters and a Sith Lord. For a time business had been good although the crime lord responsible for it's foundation came to...
  17. Darth Ayra

    Humbarine Election - Message from Ella Nova, War Hero of the Republic

    Humbarine Election The following campaign message is from Ella Nova, running mate for the upcoming elections on Humbarine, former Jedi Knight and war hero during the One Sith Wars during the days of the Old Republic. "My name is Ella Nova. In the years since the fall of the Old Republic...
  18. Darth Ayra

    Humbarine Election [New Republic] [Invite]

    Humbarine Election The ecumenopolis of Humbarine was set for an election of a brand new senator to represent the planet on the fledgling Senate of the New Republic. The previous representative of the planet- Yasmleil Ridall- had succumbed to a rare heart attack at the age of thirty two...
  19. Darth Ayra

    A Hand Reaches Out...

    | [member="Darth Interitus"] | [member="Darth Abyss"] | [OOC: Whilst the Conclave thread is still on going, I am roleplaying this in the meantime because whilst it concerns the conclave meeting, it doesn't necessarily affect it or what is decided about the two Holocrons. I didn't want to keep...
  20. Darth Ayra

    Ella Nova (Darth Ayra)

    Ella Nova "I am one of you." Former biography here: Avedia Lacroix and Darth Ayra. Biological Information: Name: Ella Nova or Darth Ayra Faction: Order of the Sith Lords Homeworld: Coruscant Born: 820 ABY Rank: Jedi Knight (Master) Force Sensitive: Yes Physical Description: Species...
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