Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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isley verd

  1. Damsy Callat

    Private  Reyoke Your Earth

    || Outside of Regnum, Verun || She hadn't sent word ahead. All that announced her presence was the vaguely familiar ping of a starship reminiscent of a seashell and its rearing, tentacled occupant. The Chambered Nautilus' shadow rarely graced the dandruffy skin of Verun face, but She was well...
  2. Darth Metus

    Private  After the Darkness

    H O M E He knew her fury. Despite the most recent turn of events, time had not been easy for the alabaster woman. The Master knew this - for it was an impossibility for the pair to hide from one another. Betwixt them ran a river. Perpetual. All-encompassing. Within it flowed their innermost...
  3. Darth Metus

    Approved Tech  Armor of Darth Metus

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION INTENT: IMAGE SOURCE(S): Template - Charles Michael Davis & Star Wars Photomanipulations - Darth Metus Armor - Pablo Dominguez CANON LINK: --- PERMISSIONS: --- PRIMARY SOURCE: Armor of Darth Metus PRODUCTION INFORMATION MANUFACTURER: House Verd, Inc. (Parent)...
  4. I

    Hawk Eyed | Safira

    H A W K..E Y E D LOCATION: Golbah City, Geonosis TAG: [member="Safira Varad"] One of the greatest gifts was freedom of movement. What many failed to realize was that the life of a mercenary was the definition of liberation. One was able to truly determine their fate without tying themselves...
  5. I

    Isley Verd, Reclaimer

    R E C L A I M E R NAME: Isley Verd ALLEGIANCE: The Confederacy | Clan Verd SPECIES: Human AGE: --- HEIGHT: 6'0" BUILD: Middleweight EYES: Brown HAIR: Black SKIN: Brown FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes FACE: x C R U S A D E R ...VETERAN Isley possesses a lifetime of leadership and combat experience...
  6. Malok

    Darth Metus | Isley Verd

    Beneath the Mask. NAME: Darth Metus | Isley Verd ALLEGIANCES: The Confederacy & House Verd RANK: Vicelord SPECIES: Human AGE: --- SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6'0" BUILD: Middleweight EYES: Sulfur HAIR: Black SKIN: Brown FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes FORCEBORN Darth Metus is beyond competent in utilizing...
  7. WolfMortum

    A Meeting of Providence

    The QueensGuard drifted through into foreign territories, the battlecruiser followed by it's counterpart, the Commenori Receiver of which carried a number of smaller craft catered for the pairs defenses within space. These vessels were Commenori, new to the world and now her two governed...
  8. Nyx

    There Have Been Happier Reunions

    Dune Sea, Tatooine As the twin suns moved across the sky in their eternal arc, on their way to retirement for the night, the desolate sands of the Dune Sea were almost empty. Tatooine had seen much over its history, with many of the galaxy's greatest heroes and villains originating from its...
  9. Yasha Cadera

    Hell's Youngest Daughter (Isley Verd & Aditya Mantis)

    "Mama? Mama, you gotta have a drink." An Epicanthix girl-child pushed both hands on her mother's shoulder. [member="Aditya Mantis"]' head and upper body lulled to the side with the girl's pushes, but she did not wake. A stir skewed her face, fading to the lucid sweats of the past few days. "Mama...
  10. Celiana

    Beskar'gam Forging

    I'd promised payment of Arkanian Diamonds to both the current Mandalore [member="Isley Verd"] as well as a Beskarsmith by the name of [member="Saera Willamina Savan"] and another Beskarsmith by the name of [member="Valashu Elahad"] in exchange for their help in forging a suit of Mandalorian...
  11. Nyx

    Bonding Time

    "Come on, babe! I miss you." Nyx sighed deeply as she lay on the bed in her room on Echoy'la, her holo communicator projecting an image of her ex-boyfriend, Klaw. The woman had broken off her relationship with the Shistavanen four months ago, and he had been trying to get back with her...
  12. Gray Raxis

    A Clan Named Raxis

    Gray had been incredibly busy as of late dealing with some unusual matters. He had learned some things from force ghosts and then got lead along all over thanks to the force. He had discovered a new planet and gotten it opened up to the rest of the galaxy. He had found himself helping out random...
  13. Julius Sedaire

    AEL Exclusive Catalogue: The Force-Breaker Bodyglove

    AEL Exclusive Catalogue: The Force-Breaker Bodyglove Note: Ostanes was not involved in the selection of the marketing campaign for this item. OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create the first in a series of Force Hunter goods from AEL Development Thread: If Needed Image Source...
  14. Nyx

    A Dysfunctional Family

    After several months, the sunlight hurt her eyes. That was the first thought coming to Nyx's mind as she was escorted out of the prison, the guard with her lazily keeping his blaster trained on her. As if she was actually going to take him out as she was leaving this place. Idiot. "Alright...
  15. Curupira Hawk

    The Crow no longer Sings to Me (Isley Verd)

    It takes a village to raise a child, Curupira once heard. And she laughed so hard, her tummy hurt afterwards. A village tried to raise her once. And then people died and she was taken away. A slave first, a Draclau second, a Jedi third, a Sith and Van-Derveld forth. She'd played the parts to...
  16. Joza Perl

    Are You a Good Witch?

    ...or a bad witch? Dathomir Though not heavily used by most light sided Jedi, sorcery had become an interest of late to the young Jedi. Her own hero—Master Jericho Hex—had long since mastered shaping of the elements, but the Lorrdian man was difficult to track down, and occasionally...
  17. Skye Mertaal

    Breathe In, Breathe Out, Let The Human In

    WAYLAND [member="Isley Verd"] Things never quite go as one plans. I should know better. I should expect it. It was supposed to be an easy job. Track, tag, bag. The chase had led her deep in the jungles of Wayland. They were out there; Skye had felt it. Had known...
  18. Darth Metus

    Isley Verd [ Redux ]

    Isley Verd "We are the Sum of our Mistakes." Basic Information Name: Isley Verd Alias: Darth Metus (Formerly) Force Alignment: Neutral Force Rank: Master Species: Human Races: Umbaran, Korun Age: Seasoned Height: 6'0" Build: Middleweight Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Black Skin Pigmentation...
  19. A

    Half A Heart

    [member="Isley Verd"] Blood. Some said that it was the greatest bond in the galaxy, that above all and everything else, blood beget loyalty. Aellin would have argued with that, in fact, he would have spat in the man that claimed it was so. To him blood meant less than water, less than piss...
  20. Nyos Val

    Brothers of the Craft (which craft?)

    Dathomir was Marrik's home away from home away from home. He was born and raised here, but grew up in the Mandalorian ranks and now returned to train and discover his capabilities with Magik. He was here to train with a well known Vod and Spellweaver [member="Isley Verd"]. He didn't know Verd...
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