Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bonding Time


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"Come on, babe! I miss you."

Nyx sighed deeply as she lay on the bed in her room on Echoy'la, her holo communicator projecting an image of her ex-boyfriend, Klaw. The woman had broken off her relationship with the Shistavanen four months ago, and he had been trying to get back with her basically ever since.

"Forget it, Klaw. I ain't crawlin' back to ya."

The red headed woman looked away as he began another tirade of reasons they should continue the relationship. Her room was rather spartan, containing only her bed, a dresser, and a nightstand. Every other space in the room was dedicated to physical training, empty floor where Nyx would push herself and her body to new heights.
She hadn't had anyone on Echoy'la share a bed with her, as of yet. Apparently, they were too afraid of drawing the ire of her father. Damn. Some people on this planet were pretty cute, too, like that Zephyr. . .

"Are you even paying attention, babe?"

Nyx looked back.
"Look, it ain't happenin'. I'm tired of pickin' fur out of places there ain't supposed to be any damn fur. Stop callin' me."

She ended the call, and feeling rather morose, decided to check on her poetry.
Nyx posted poems to an anonymous site on the Holonet on an almost daily basis. They weren't viewed often, but that wasn't really the point. It was therapeu-

"What the feth!? That mutt stole 'em!"

Gone. They were all gone. He had gone in and stolen them, deleting her entire account! Nyx knew she shouldn't have logged in with him around! He must've seen her info and remembered it.
Nyx threw her terminal at the wall, smashing the device, panting with rage as her Dark Rage began to grow, emanating from her form.
Of course, she was no longer paying attention if anyone was entering the room, so focused on her anger, was she.

[member="Isley Verd"]
Because you refuse to accept me, your children suffer.

Any icy hiss, long forgotten, echoed in the recesses of his mind.

Is that a threat?

Nay, only a hard truth. The Darkness has chosen you, Isley. And if it cannot have you, then your seed will have to suffice.

Sleep was a delusion this night, for simply drawing near to the embrace of slumber meant an undue confrontation. Time after time, the Mand'alor attempted to rest – only to be rudely interrupted by the anathema he had locked away. For the most part, that part of him remained quiet...but recent events had seemed to have a profound affect upon Darth Metus. They inspired the Spirit to confront him, just as Vesphira had a few nights ago.

And why didn't Isley cave? Why did he deny the power he once commanded at a whim? At face value, one would assume the risk of blurring the line between Spirit and Mand'alor was too much to tred...but deep down, Isley knew the reason. It wasn't because he wanted to honor his mentor's life by walking her path; nor was it a fear of the opinions of his people. At the end of the day, Pride was the barrier – just as it had been on Mandalore only days prior.

"Kark this..." he said with a groan, finally arising out of bed. Resigned to his sleepless night, the Mand'alor decided to check in on his children. He wanted the virus to be wrong...he wanted the Darkness to simply leave he and his kin alone. But he couldn't run. Isley soon met that truth head on when he reached the door of his daughter, [member="Nyx"], only to feel the presence of shadow upon her quarters. Concern raced through his being, prompting an unannounced intrusion into her room.


Rage was upon her, for good reason too. Having caught the tail end of her explosion, Isley was left puzzled...and defeated.

"Who's ass am I kicking?" he said, attempting to shelve his worry.

I warned you.


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As she grew ever angrier, Nyx berated herself for being a idiot. She knew Klaw couldn't be trusted for a second, let alone when she did her speech-to-text login. She hadn't even thought about it at the time, as she increasingly found she never did. The redhead growled in frustration as she grabbed her nightstand, shoving it over in anger, the wood splintering as it hit the metal floor.
Nyx panted for breath, bracing her hands on the wall. She closed her eyes, cursing herself for being such an idiot. It was just some poems, but they mattered to her. It was an invasion of her inner sanctuary, a violation of her most private thoughts and fears.
That was when she noticed [member="Isley Verd"] had entered the room. Her face reddened as she realized he had seen her breakdown. Great. The man she hated most in this galaxy was witnessing her experiencing weakness. She decided to ignore just how he knew she was upset.
"My ex, Klaw. He. . . stole something very important to me."
Her hands unwittingly closed over her heart, her head looking away from her father. Dammit. Why was she so weak?
"I'm going to get it back."
She stared at her father, silently daring him to deny her request. She thought he probably would. Nyx had no confidence in her father's regard for her abilities in combat, or her father in general, for that matter.
"We will take the Mie'yebo. It's faster than anything else we have available - and gods know its been collecting dust since the Empire got underway."

In that moment, the Mand'alor shelved his title. He put aside the burden of being the guiding hand to a budding nation. Right now, what mattered was the woman before him: the child who so loathed him. She was his daughter, and she had made it alone for so long. But. Isley didn't want that for her; he didn't want that for any of his children. In an ideal world, he would have been there since day one to the present...But at least, he was there now.

"You're driving."

By this point, [member="Nyx"] would probably get the hint - Isley would make no attempt to stop her in retrieving what was hers. But he would be damned if some furry karker wronged her...and didn't see the Verd patriarch's boot lodge into his arse.

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