Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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development thread

  1. Elise Ahana-Gwyneira

    Dev  To Heal A World, Part I - Left To Waste Away

    The dry, flat wastes of Mandalore spanned ever on. The arid, unassuming landscape was mostly ignored and forgotten by most of the galaxy after the Sith siphoned the planet's very life from it. And yet, since the Protectors under Ijaat Mereel and Mia Monroe took up the task of restoring this...
  2. Henne Bastra

    Bad Moon Rising: A Short Star Wars Story[hr] In the main hold of the Mynock 30min to hyperspace exit to Nar Shaddaa Dressed in her grey-to-black robes and with her blonde hair tied up in a bun, Jedi Knight Henne Bastra stood before a...
  3. M

    Student of the Force

    Varunda IX [hr] Rave Merrill's Place Meditation The Force. It moved around all things, in life and death it was without a doubt the most unpredictable thing in the galaxy. Light, dark, and whatever remained of balance all depended on the Force. It had been years at this point since...
  4. WolfMortum

    One man can change the Galaxy with a Blaster Bolt in the right place.

    First Order Military & Research Installation. Bakura, Telaan Valley. Since the battle for control over the Hydian Way and the First Order's successful blockade of one of the most densely populated trading routes between key systems, both [member="Ara Zambrano"] and Brennan Cabrol had been...
  5. WolfMortum

    The Darkest of Knights

    Before him lay the grotesque and dismembered corpse of his former self, cybernetic modifications and replacement limbs and organs all removed from the now dead carcass that Brennan Cabrol once inhabited. To think that he would undergo something as comprehensible as an Essence Transfer, how...
  6. Tour Sera

    RP Interest: To Found a Planet

    Hello all, I've noticed that Kalzeron is not canon, despite its being on the Star Wars Essential Atlas and its native Kalzerians mentioned in the Star Wars Adventure Journal. This is a problem, as I want a homeworld for Tour. So, would anyone be interested in getting stuck in with Kalzerians...
  7. Darth Arkanus


    He just stood there, staring at a distance at the girl he had known, she had done better then him, covering it up, becoming normal again. She looked good, from what she could tell, walking into her apartment all alone, with a job, a boyfriend, a real life. He bet that her military career was a...
  8. Kaitara

    The Box In The Tomb

    The Tomb of Tulak Hord was quiet. Empty. The only signs of life were the noises coming from the shyracks. Through the tomb was nothing but sadness and emptyness. Anything that might have been in this tomb before was gone. Most of it was looted years ago, but strangely a certain box remained. A...
  9. A

    The Guardians of Cathar

    There was a common phrase the elders told each Cathar cub and it stuck with them their whole lives. The Blood Hunts were rare since the Kiltik nests were all but wiped out when the Mandolorian's ravished the land. Yet rumours of nests underground spread throughout Cathar. Elders were worried...
  10. LT-137

    Charon's Call - Voidstone Acquisition Thread. While being appropriated and redeployed were one of the many constants in a Soldier’s life, I never expected to be assigned to a Strike-team, chasing after some scientist’s fever dream. From the quick glance at the mission briefing, I knew we were headed out of...
  11. J

    The Art of Forging

    Jagen of Clan Wren sat in the field depot of the Dxun Mandalorian Outpost, in front of the blademaster lay a generous amount of refined beskar in a crate that had been received from Concordia, the moon of Manda'yaim or Mandalore. With a callused hand, he lifted a ingot and smelled it; it smelled...
  12. Isamu Baelor

    The Jaws of the Wolf [Iron Empire]

    Location: Rhigar Space Iron Imperial Fleet: 1x Ironjaw-class Star Destroyer, 1x Stormcrow-class Star Destroyer, 1x Harbinger-class Star Destroyer, 1x Longclaw-class Star Destroyer. Rhigar. The icy-planet, which lay at the edge of the Iron Realm, had long been subject to raids by pirates...
  13. Republic Engineering

    New Horizons [REC Dev Thread.]

    Coruscant Orbit, Centax-2. Republic Engineering Corporation - Surface Drydocks. 0800 - Taungsday. Today was to be an auspicious day. I could feel it within my synthetic core. For years before this moment, my company had been perverted by the likes of the Galactic Republic and the One Sith...
  14. Hansen

    To Reclaim what was lost

    Joan Lunor Reclaimer-class Assault Ship Joan's hands clutching a pair of guiding sticks make a series of gestures. Guiding Malachor One into its berth aboard the great Reclaimer-class Assault Ship; A new vessel with the purpose of transporting troops and material. "That's it! Keep going, back...
  15. Cyrus Tregessar

    Part I: A Darkling Sky

    Initial reports were spotty. Ships appearing out of hyperspace in frontier systems in the Ablajeck Sector, matching no known transponder codes or mapped energy signature. They attacked without any sort of dialogue, striking at civilian stations, trade depots, and even small military outposts...
  16. Darth Ayra

    The Sorcerers of Rhand [Invite Only]

    | [member="Malok"] | [member="Chaon Vel"] | [member="Alana Vettry"] | [member="Kaira Ignis"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Boo Chiyo"] | [member="Darth Veles"] | Docked in a spaceport on Dosuun, the Ayrix was waiting for the aspiring dark side adepts that wished to gleam more knowledge...
  17. D

    The Sacrifice (Nexus Development Thread) [PM for Details or Invite]

    Months of planning. A year, even – the young, grey skinned woman had been gathering people far before she was brought into the world of the Sith. Darth Vitium’s Apprentice stood on the deck of the Jen’Midwan, hands clasped behind her back as she observed the surface of Rhelg – ancient planet...
  18. T

    I Needa Ship

    Log #1, Day #1 CEO Tanomas Graf, Imperial Elite Shipyards Vergesso Asteroids, The Outer Rim -------------------------------------------------------- Production has reached peak efficiency after we moved our operations out of the Unknown Regions and away from First Order space. I am still...
  19. Quietus

    Codex Development Thread Guide

    The Codex Development Thread Guide The below was the creation of Rusty with some editing from [member="Valiens Nantaris"] and Lorelei Darke. It is a guide to how dev threads are managed and what they will be usually requested for. Remember, the CJ of a submission has final say on whether a dev...
  20. Garza

    Space-Greeks Invention Convention

    Aboard the Kinta Satvas, A sharp clang of swords meeting one another was met with both Thalia and I bracing against one another. Testing her skills with the blade once more, I was teaching her to use a sword, rather than a lightsaber. Why? There were many differences between a sword, and a...
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