Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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One man can change the Galaxy with a Blaster Bolt in the right place.

First Order Military & Research Installation.
Since the battle for control over the Hydian Way and the First Order's successful blockade of one of the most densely populated trading routes between key systems, both [member="Ara Zambrano"] and Brennan Cabrol had been acknowledged for their direct service under the study of [member="Sieger Ren"], the Supreme Leader of whom had attended this battle and ensured it's success through the deliberate strengthening of morale across all peoples of their great imperial nation vying for the better interests of the Galaxy at large. Many had fallen, several great vessels lost against the Terrorist Alliance and the Feral Mandalorian armada that had decided it wise to stick there hands in where they didn't belong, expecting not to get burned by the fires of war they were so eagerly stoking. Following their small victory over the hoards of lesser civilized foes, Brennan Cabrol had once again been called upon by the upper Echelon of the Order of Ren, [member="Samka Derith"] giving him his newest assignment for which their grandiose Leader had sanctioned a priority importance for the revitalization and further strength of the Knights of Ren, his elite warriors for whom serve him and carry his will on into the future.

The Knight of Ren descended upon the classified Military Installation, Delengtha piloting the Furious Class Corvette to touch down upon their designated Landing Zone that Caehl Ren might disembark and move down the landing ramp of his own accord to meet the welcoming party of Officers and a private escort squadron of the First Order's finest Troopers, his arrival having been sent ahead for which they had obviously prepared an envoy to guide him and assist his every need. The Armor and Helm of the Knight of Ren did well to mask his birthright as well as to intimidate those around him; they were good and loyal men and women to the First Order's cause and yet Caehl Ren knew that despite their loyalty, nothing encouraged maximum effort like the fear of being killed for their incompetence.

"Greetings, my Lord...", the words came from a middle aged man sporting the Imperial attire of an officer, badges upon his chest, collar and shoulders suggesting that he was indeed a loyal and experienced asset to the military presence they held over Bakura; "We have been most eagerly awaiting your arrival...-Your Quarters have been prepared and Research and Development are aware of your arrival, they are ready to meet with you now if that is your wish, Sir". As a Disciple of the Order of Ren, Brennan Cabrol had to fight for such respect and treatment from their own people, rarely getting his way and being provoked into a fit of rage like some spoiled child; yet over the years he had grown in experience, service to the Supreme Leader and the feats that he had accomplished, proving his worth and becoming reputable behind the alias of Caehl Ren, such treatment had become standard procedure and a reminder for which he could admire his progress despite feeling he had barely scratched the surface of his service as a member of their esteemed Order.

"Very good, Lieutenant..." Caehl Ren responded, the helm producing a mechanical overtone to his words rendering any hint of emotion void against the otherwise stoic visage of the Ren, "Let us proceed" he concluded, wishing to waste no time for the sake of the Order's soon to be newest production of Armor fit for their variety of skills and expected missions to come.
As is typical within the training regiments for all Disciples of the Order of Ren, Brennan Cabrol had been taught a large variety of useful skills he might not have picked up along the way, otherwise. One such particular interest he had come to build upon since those early years was the study of Sith Alchemy and the forging of Armors and Weaponry empowered by the magnificent dark energies surrounding himself. Ever since the Sith Artisan, Damien Daimon's crafting of the Sith Dirk had Brennan been interested in the technological workings of their distanced allies, the Sith for all that Brennan despised them, had some truly genius techniques that enabled them in their bid for conquest and glory over others and the empowerment of themselves.

His stay on Bakura would be a fair one, being given a number of weeks to take charge of the planning and construction of the first prototype for his fellow Knights of Ren; While it was one thing to create a factory line for which such things could be assembled upon, the Empowerment of such vestments was another matter entirely. It was the mass collection of Turadium, the heavy duty alloy for which would hold-fast as the core defensive attributes of this new armor which Brennan would first be required to meditate over. To pour all of his heart and soul, malice and anger, his elitist mindset for which looked down in the greatest disgust towards those that opposed the First Order's destiny, that the future wearers of such arms could find further strength in the Force, influenced by the materials they wore in order to maintain their lives inside of otherwise fatal situations.

With the Supreme Leader having orchestrated such an assignment and the First Order Security Bureau's collaborative involvement in the research and later creation of such a war-time attire, the financial requirements for such materials and tools needed were the least of the Knights worries; through-out many of the First Order's operations across their territories, the amount of credits rolling in as well as the assets gained through their many victories over others, salvaging the remains of fallen star-ships and picking the valuables off of dead men, it all added to their ability to create such elaborate arms and include a wide variety of features and internal fuctions that the armor not only fend off the blows of lightsabers but also provide utilities such as the Faraday Cage...


Caehl Ren sat legs crossed with his hands resting gently against his knees, the lightest of grips against his leggings surrounded by the darkness of the Sphere of Influence that he had requisitioned for this dubious task. For these Armor variants, more than one would be required made for the Order of Ren and across multiple attires came the difficulty and time consumption, not to mention the share stress of his very presence within the Force to seek to corrupt and empower them all without this grand machination of the Sith Empire. Fortunate in this case that the First Order were unofficial allies to the Brotherhood of Darkness...

He had the Sith to thank and to blame for much of his resignation unto the Dark Side of the Force, they whom enslaved, tortured and humiliated him. It was these memories for which he would come to concentrate upon now in the machine orb that enhanced his aura in the Force tenfold, his reach stretching out across the room, the assembly that would be responsible for the creation of these armors. All personnel had been told to clear out, they'd been given the day off-duty. Strange for them that one of Imperial Authority such as Caehl Ren, a Knight of Ren would seemingly offer them a reward of any kind, yet had they remained, his influence would have sent their minds into a dark depression for which they would have not come back from.

Sheets of metal, Turadium, Plasteel and mattes of Armor-weave remained on their assorting units, Fiber-mesh Underlays, as well as already built Copper Faraday Cage's and all other manner of materials needed for this undertaking surrounded the Sphere so that the Knight could unleash the full strength of his power, dominating each of these pieces, soaking and channeling the aura of strength through his hatred, fueling their density through the negative spiritual presence of the energy unbeknownst to much of the Galaxy save for the stories pulled from nightmares.

Brennan Cabrol was a Knight of the Order of Ren, by no means high in the hierarchy of their infrastructure and yet determined that his influence would further the cause of the Ren to better serve the overarching goals of the Supreme Leader, [member="Sieger Ren"]; his ability to manipulate and control the power of the Dark Side had more than doubled since the days before his Essence Transfer, his now complete body unhindered by his previous cybernetic enhancements holding him back none, taking in this pool of darkness and with it create a maelstrom of power that would seem to enrich every focus point surrounding the great sphere.

This would be his gift to the Order of Ren, his thanks for giving him direction and his show or loyalty to the First Order. The Empowerment of the Ren's future armors through the Force and his control, his testament and right of significance towards their future victories over lesser men.
The primary research laboratory glowed with what appeared to be one of the most highly financed facilities that Caehl Ren had laid eyes upon, provoking internal questions for which he wouldn't choose to speak upon though inquire within thought as to the classification of such an installation. The Scientists of whom were dressed in white jumpsuits and facial masks all worked upon their various stations, little conversation being held between one another save for those that were absolutely required, those co-operating to channel their findings and work together to create technologies of astonishing design and frightening power for the future victories of the First Order, here, the likes of their behemoth walkers were likely thought up, their planning first put into action before their state of the art factories could take over in the production of such colossal giants.

"My Lord...", Brennan's attention was pulled away from his curious study of the others to instead land upon the Officer for whom had escorted him through out the facility thus far. Beside him stood a much older man who's attire was not unlike those of the scientists yet he bore no facial mask nor cap to keep his hair safely tucked out of sight; "This is our lead Scientist, Doctor Chevalli", the Knight of Ren's gaze turned to look upon the Doctor, offering a slow and simple nod of acknowledgement; another asset to the Supreme Leader for whom they could not afford to lose.

Stepping forward to take the lead in the conversation, Doctor Chevalli seemed eager to get to business. "We received your suggestion for the new prototype only some few days ago. Rest assured we've been working around the clock to offer a first draft for what this armor will encompass..-Dependent upon your approval of course..." the older of the two turned to step aside, his left arm sweeping out to gesture for his personal work station, a large holo-projection lighting up in response to Brennan's closing proximity and the image of an upper torso coming to slowly rotate in it's almost transparent blue grow.

"Primarily, we sought to include the Faraday Cage and an internal respiratory system for the possible need of space-faring and the like. We're well aware of your peoples flare for the dramatic, after all", had he not been wearing his helm, the Scientist would have noted a most surprised raise of his eyebrows, a small tug to the corner of his lips, impressed that a man with such a quiet career would have the spine to speak of the Order of Ren in such a way. His initiative for the moment, Brennan felt was best rewarded with inaction.

"The Order's standard Armor was well designed, however sub-par that it will become with the completion of this product. The additional Biorestorative Underlay will offer an accelerated physical healing of the natural bodies revitalization. It needs to be noted however that the consumption of foreign bodies such as medical treatments will deter the underlay from fulfilling it's purpose. While not fatal, the hope is that one might be able to avoid serious injuries so that in down time between combat, you will make the most of the rest you're given" arguably one of the more impressive features despite it's obvious fault, Brennan found himself wishing that such a technology had been included in his own personal battle armor. It would certainly please his superiors however to know that the Order was being prioritized with the best that they could offer.
"What of the products tactical assets?"

The Knight of Ren inquired thoughtfully, the restorative functions were impressive indeed though the armor was being built to compliment the Order of Ren's ability to commit to war, such requirements needed to be met before he would commit the armor to begin it's production line.

"I hoped you would ask" Doctor Chevalli replied rather quickly with an eager smile, his attitude eclipsing Brennan's quite significantly though the Knight of Ren didn't appear too bothered considering the man was showing such a dedication to his work, "I'll begin with the head gear first..." he soon changed the holographic display to provide an elaborate layout of each individual piece of the Armor prototype whilst continuing to provide details to the Knight of Ren.

"No doubt the first thing you'll notice is that the visor doesn't cover the full face. Our initial theories were to do so though we instead designed the Micro-shield emitters to close off the rest with a force field, to put it simply", a curious choice to Brennan's mind though it did look the image of the Order's typical choice of attires. The Red Visor itself was a good blend of color against the otherwise black exterior, the theme of their governments visage written all over the prototype. "This offers a vacuum seal for which the outside environment will not be able to penetrate without critical damage dealt to the head piece. In order to properly monitor the state of the helm, we've designed a heads-up display...Or 'HUD' to be triggered against the back of the Visor at your activation...All the appropriate readouts will be included, your oppositions status of health, environmental weather statistics and area mapping taken from the Bureau's archives".

Doctor Chevalli paused, turning to glance back to Brennan Cabrol, the Knight of Ren offering a second nod, acknowledging that he was listening and for the man to continue. Chevalli's expression tightened noticeably though he turned back to continue. "Internal communications has been ensured thanks to the commlink that will connect to secure frequencies under First Order designations. I'm afraid you won't be able to intercept foreign communications though I'm not sure why you would wish to favor their rhetoric over the wisdom of the Order" he smiled, Brennan glancing to the side noting the man's sudden attempt to warm to his mood. "And finally we have the Audio Sensors to offer extended range of hearing and the recording of conversations around you. Should you need to remember anything crucial to your mission, the data can be sent back through to the FOSB for analysis and feedback...".
The good Doctor went on to explain the rest of the Armors functions, the Knight of Ren remaining silently attentive, his presence within the laboratory standing out like the balls of a kath-hound, his black armor and cloak shrouding around him cascading against the otherwise pale white hazmat jumpsuits of Doctor Chevalli's colleagues. "The Utility belt is nothing to brag about, standard for most armors I'm afraid though we didn't see the need to build upon something that quite frankly already does it's job perfectly well. Why fix what's not broken, as they say" the man chuckled though found he would be alone in his apparent amusement, the stoic visage of Caehl's black visor staring back at him silently and evidently un-phased by his attempted humor.

"The SB-U01 Wrist Datapad as shown here" he gestured to the left arm displayed upon the hologrid, "I believe is rather familiar to you yourself. If I'm not mistaken, you're carrying one this very moment" he soon nodded to the Knight of Ren's armor for which his forearm did infact have one of those marvelous devices attached. "The device has not been altered in any capacity, this is simply to be a fitting to the new product for which you may utilize all of it's functions from the beginning of the products use" Caehl knew exactly the type of functions the advanced device offered. Thermal tracking among other sensor readouts, a well concealed dart launcher for non-fatal incapacitation of ones target. No doubt it's audio sensors and commlink would go mostly unused given the helm's supposed inclusion of these, yet back-up's were never a bad thing in case of malfunctions and the like.

"And last are the Mag-Boots which are again already a standard asset to most naval faring soldiers. In zero gravity environments these will keep you locked down to your desired surface so that you might walk or run, given the advanced state of the boots we're able to offer...-I think that's about as far as we've come in our planning..." the Doctor turned to look back to Caehl Ren somewhat uncertainly, his apprehension clear in his expression and the Knight of Ren finally finding some amusement in his thrown confidence due to Caehl's ignoring Chevalli's previous attempts to lighten the mood between them.

"Begin assembly immediately" Caehl Ren responded bluntly, his mechanical overtone somewhat flat and to the point, the decision made with little reluctance as the current attire he found would benefit the Order well. It wasn't difficult to anger the Knight of Ren, though impressing him came far less often. The good Doctor seemed to be ignorant of the fact he had done an excellent job thus far, Brennan not feeling the need to give him due credit however simply added as if to stir his insecurities; "Your superiors will hear from me in due time".

It was then that he would turn back to the Lieutenant who had remained in the background for the briefing, his posture suddenly straightening at the attention Brennan had given him. "Show me to my quarters, Lieutenant. I have a report that demands precedence", the Imperial nodding firmly in response and the pair of them soon leaving to make their way further back into the facility.

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