Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Elysium Imperium

Monarchy with a council and senate, Imperial-Alliance Mixed Ideology, Goal is to unite The Galaxy and end The Chaos.

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Disclaimer: This follows the Chaos timeline. However due to some kind of etheric fabric that is preventing time dilation in the galaxy, our characters have aged very little.

  • The Creation of The Empire

    • Heath Valhoun returns to the known regions and proclaims The Elysium Empire, with himself as king, backed secretly by Dr. Andreus Veinstein and his company, Veinstein Laboratories and Innovations.

    • For a year The Elysium Empire is stagnant, barely growing, and narrowly avoiding collapse. Veinstein Laboratories and Innovations continued supporting The Empire, designing multiple ships and providing essential supplies.

  • The Empire Strikes

    • The Elysium Empire strikes out against The Agents of Chaos, defeating them at a strategic diamond mine and taking the diamonds. Despite being forced to abandon the mines, the battle was a strategic victory. Months later The Agents of Chaos collapsed. Heath Valhoun credits his empire for the collapse. (x)

    • Having fulfilled one promise, King Heath Valhoun launches propaganda campaigns as far and often as possible. Slowly, more and more recruits join The Empire.

  • Affairs of State

    • The Elysium Empire announces its' official currency, Elysium Imperial Credits. Slowly, citizens and supporters of The Empire exchange their Galactic credits for Elysium credits. The Elysium Empire's treasury grows. (x)

    • King Valhoun calls on congress to vote on an amendment to the constitution regarding The Bryn'adul. The amendment passes, having unanimously been endorsed by the council and the king. It severely limited rights given to Bryn within Imperial space, and proclaimed that a draft was legal if the Bryn'adul reached Imperial space. (x)

    • King Heath Valhoun begins making unofficial alliances with the mindset that the ends justify the means. He allies The Empire with The Shadow Triumvirate, and Broka the Hutt. (Shadows, Broka 1, Broka 2)

  • The Dawn of The Empire

    • The Elysium Empire sees the most growth during this time.

    • Heath Valhoun and Rowna Arenais arrange a marriage between Heath's adopted son and heir, Rex, and Rowena's niece, Loreena Arenais. This arrangement is a massive step for The Empire. With it, The Empire gains renown, and exclusive deals with MandalArms. (1, 2, 3

    • Heath Valhoun cuts ties with The Shadow Triumvirate. (x)

    • The Dobson family continues to dig into The Empire like a tick, securing more power, including an additional seat on the council, and multiple senate seats.

    • Congress votes to remove the Foreign nation council seat and replace it with the Mandalorian council seat. (x)

  • Make The Empire Great Again!
    • King Heath Valhoun is in a coma! Long live King Rex Valhoun!

    • Expressing a dangerous amount of transparency, Rex Valhoun admitted to the public that his father's policies had nearly ruined The Empire. He promised to Make The Empire Great Again. The new King wasted no time, enacting many reforms to fix the many errors of his father.

    • MandalArms was bombed by an unknown force, on multiple planets. The Empire led the effort to rebuild the company, which temporarily renamed itself Mandal-Elysium Arms, but again changed to Dar'Manda Industries shortly after.

    • King Rex Valhoun's policies thrust The Empire into a golden age, cutting corruption, piracy, and crime down massively. Meanwhile the military grew into a formidable force, able to compete with other nations such as The Eternal Empire. Furthermore Rex met with other nations, restoring relations and reversing the negative effect of his father's warmongering rhetoric.

  • Change

    • Despite the golden age brought by Rex's policies, many issues remain within The Empire. The Dobson Crime Family still held significant influence, and many nations still had no respect for The Empire, ignoring its' claims, refusing to trade, and showing very little respect during diplomatic meetings.

    • King Rex Valhoun oversaw the acquisition of more and more territory, including planets like Lionus, where The King gave in to The Imperial Bloc's wishes with a massive bombardment of the capital. This action harmed his reputation among several of his closest advisors and best military minds...something he would regret later....

    • The Empire promised aid to Belsavis, but upon the arrival of two fleets, it was discovered that The Eternal Empire was blockading the planet. This crisis almost brought the two Empires to war, but Rex backed down, enraging The Imperial Bloc and embarrassing himself, and The Empire.

    • Pressure from The Imperial Bloc, Dobson interference, and the embarrassment at Belsavis were beginning to affect The King. When the head of The Elysium Intelligence Agency, Var-Sulis, revealed his feelings for Loreena Arenais-Valhoun, Rex cracked. He assaulted Var, almost killing him. Then immediately after, he made an emergency broadcast, declaring the death of The Empire and formation of The Elysium Imperium. He called for the arrest of all Dobsons, and promised more reforms, the end of appeasement policies, and a continuation to peace, freedom, and unity.

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