Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Taking Steps For Preservation

Willow and Ivy's meeting with Heath Valhoun Heath Valhoun was over. There was much for the twins to think about. On their way back into the Palace they were quite sure that their employer Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt was already aware that the Elysium Empire Head of State was there to meet the twins. No doubt the Hutt would be curious as to what the meeting was about and could probably hazard a few guesses.

Yet instead of waiting to be summoned, the twins went right to Broka himself. But not wanting to barge in on the Hutt, they let one of the servants know of their intent to speak with him and waited outside of the door until entry was granted.

Self preservation. That was what this mostly was about. And although Broka did everything in his power to keep the twins safe, their nightmares proved that that might not always be the case. So they had taken matters into their own hands for once. Yet it is hoped that the potential profits could save them from any sort of punishment for taking such a course of action without Broka's consent or permission.
Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul
Tag: Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy

The Supreme Mogul was lounging in his living quarters in the palace. The servants finally finished getting rid of all the dishes from his fifth dinner. It was then that one of the servants entered the room soon after saying that the twins were waiting outside. Broka responded, "<Let them in.>", with some curiosity. This was a change of pace. It made him rather curious to say the least. What are they bound to do next, he wondered.

When they entered his chambers, he continued sitting back in the lounge chair, it built like his thrones but even more comfortable.

"<What brings you before me?>", he said rather warily but still as certain as he usually sounded. Them approaching him could mean many things. It seems now they are striving for the limits of their freedom. This both made Broka very curious, but very worried as well. He decided to let them do more talking this time so he could figure that out as soon as possible.
Willow and Ivy stepped inside after watching all of the dishes being carried out. Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt had just finished another meal. That could be both a good thing or a bad thing. It all depended on his mood and what had happened during the day thus far.

They gave him a curtsey as they stopped at a respectful distance. "Forgive us for the intrusion, Your Grace."

His question gave them the knowledge that perhaps he wasn't aware of what the pair had been up to. Maybe they weren't being watched as closely as they thought. But hopefully this would change that.

"And forgive us for our boldness. We have acted without your authority or permission..."

"Nightmares had been plaguing us lately, ones that showed us a future that your employment of us had been helping to prevent."

"Yet another had been shown, and with the help of our bodyguard, we had located him and had him come here for a meeting with us."

"That meeting had just concluded and if you...agree with the outcome..."

"....There are profits for you to be gained..."

Written on their faces was many things; fear, worry and hope among them. Yet this discussion could either go very very well for them, or very very badly.
Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul
Tag: Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy

They went over his head. However, they made a deal. Broka may do a punishment of restricting comms in the future, but that can be saved for later. Right now, there was urgency needed behind what was going on. Broka needed to know everything that happened. Declaring punishment would discourage the girls, and make them cagy. That would not be good for Broka. So, he just posed another small question. The continued probing seemed to be working so far.

"<And who exactly did you call? Who is coming here to my house?>"
"Your Grace we have spoken with Heath Valhoun Heath Valhoun , the King of the Elysium Empire."

"He is on his way back to his fleet. We had informed him that we would speak to you on his behalf."

"And our behalf too."

The twins interlocked their fingers with one another, keeping their gazes away from Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt 's eyes, as one would assume that liars would do. Yet it wasn't as though they had intended to be untruthful to him, it was just asserting their position of being beneath him.

"He offers new trade routes and recipients of your goods that could bypass any restrictions imposed upon the Black Sun by other powers."

"In trade he asks for assistance should his Empire be attacked or betrayed by it's allies."
Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul
Tag: Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Heath Valhoun Heath Valhoun

Broka was confused. He never heard of this Heath Valhoun character before. Maybe a few notes in passing, but clearly one of the rising powers, not an established one. He knew he had to become informed on how this one would be. What this ruler's stances are. It was not uncommon for any form of imperials to deal with the Hutts. However, it was still very necessary for the Supreme Mogul to know who he would be dealing with.

He noticed the meek posture of the girls after they were done speaking and he was done pondering for a bit. Clearly intimidated. This was at least a welcomed realization for him. They still kept within their place despite this. Part of that was comforting. Them turning against him was very unlikely still. His work at spoiling them to his loyalty has been working so far then. Very good.

"<Trade routes to where? I am unfamiliar with the Elysium Empire's holdings. What value is to be gained through this? How good would the newly accessible markets be either within this empire or on either side of its realm? Have you learned this, or do you just know the man only? Then how much defense is to be expected here? Does this man really think the Hutts to be a military power? He is truly ignorant if that is so! The Hutts' strength and power is in wealth! How we get it, keep it, and use it. Toiling away in far off wars is not part of that. Financial investments in his empire could be possible, but expecting military assistance from the Hutts would be among the most foolish prospects I could possibly think of in all the centuries I have lived!>"

He needed to learn more on this new power he was to associate with now. The various unknowns to him were making him very hungry. He then leaned over to one of the servants and said, "<Tell the cooks to fix me desert immediately instead of within the next hour. Also fill this.>"

He then shoved a wine chalice in the face of the servant beside his throne. he servant then quickly ran to the side of the room, grabbed a pitcher, and began to poor it to their master's liking.
Willow and Ivy looked to eachother as Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt spoke. Their faces were full of concern and worry. They needed this far more than Broka did. Yet overstepping their bounds in the way that they did was proving to do them more harm than good.

Still, they had to try to salvage it.

"Your Grace, his Empire is willing to keep trade routes open for your goods should the superpowers block them due to the sometimes illegal nature of the items."

"His Empire is nomadic, and working with them can ensure that your profirs never drop."

"As for military assistance, you have connections to people with mighty vessels that can help in a pinch to protect a profit line."

Ivy sighed a little, the two of them still keeping their eyes cast downward. "We need him, Your Grace. He will keep us from being separated and keep Willow alive. We had been having nightnares of being stolen and taken to a lab where we are cut in two and experimented on. Heath is there saving us from that."

"There is a Shadow government growing, meaning to destroy a lot of the super powers and put people like us into slavery or locked up. Heath has an agreement with them, and so he is our inside man with what they are up to..."

"You must understand that we are merely trying to ensure our livelihood with you here. Your Grace has treated us far better than anyone else has."
Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul
Tag: Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy

"<You are never to repeat this as you did. Your job is to report these visions you find with such great importance to me. I will not punish you tremendously for this. Expect more guards present around you, and all communications monitored if not blocked. This is not more stringent because you show that this Elysium Empire could provide potential profits. Do count me as ungrateful for your service there despite your actions. With the existential threats, I do not blame you for preserving yourselves, but you are to do so through me. You wish to preserve yourselves, then continue to serve me, and allow me to funnel any insights you have to the resources I have accumulated over the centuries of my life. In the meantime, let us dine.>"

He then snapped his fingers, and the servants poured wine for the girls, and placed the cups on a table set in front of Broka. The chair was then pulled out by said servants, a wider one that was made recently for conferences they had to be present at if not participating in for the Nem'ro organization. Then one other servant ran to the kitchens to tell the cooks to start preparing the girls' usual meal that they order.

In the meantime, Broka laid back leisurely on his throne. With the exterior of relaxation, his inner thoughts were spinning. It was at this time that he started to think of an heir for the Nem'ro. It would have to be a Hutt. His name would forever be disgraced. However, he needed people to possibly groom the heir if something were to happen to him. There are many threats in the galaxy, and Broka needed to be prepared. The monstrous Bryn'adul were eating up fringes of Hutt Space and created a circumstance where the Hutts had to grovel to the Jedi of all people. That one thing was just the most prevalent threat to his reign, but Broka knew there had to be more in the galaxy awaiting him. His thoughts then meandered back to the girls now sitting before him. It was a shame they weren't Hutts. Now that was an entertaining prospect. However, with the right grooming, they could possibly grow to at least be more business competent. Hopefully. With this latest action, Broka thought he would make them more capable of understanding the games played with such an organization. Both political and business.
Willow and Ivy nodded their heads while Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt spoke, accepting their punishment for stepping out of line. Having more guards wasn't bad, but the fact that all of their communications were going to be monitored or blocked might be a bit troublesome. Not for right now, but possibly in the future, or with Heath himself.

Visions of Broka they were sure to share with him straight away. But these nightmares were of them themselves, and so they had kept it to themselves. Why worry their employer if they didn't have to, right?

"We're sorry, Your Grace."

"It won't happen again."

By now the food was being prepared and delivered. The twins took their seat on the special chair made for them. More often than not, the twins dined in their own room or in the atriums. Yet it seemed that on special occassions, or when Broka had more to say, that he would have them dine with him. By now they had gotten used to his tablemanners and his ugly looking foods. They couldn't pry into his mind, nor would they even try. Hutts were known to not fall victim to such a thing for their minds were strong.

"Is something else on your mind?"
Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul
Tag: Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy

The apologies were noted, but Broka did not make much of an acknowledgement of them. The food had yet to come, so the drinks were all the three had.
"<Nothing too much. However, because of your activities, I would like to train you more in the ways of business. If you are to care about self preservation, and work in my court, your knowledge would need to.....expand more to improve both fronts. It is clear you need more direct guidance instead of just watching how I and others do things.>"

The servants came to bring in the food, yet Broka waved them to hold. The conversation was becoming necessary, and he could not afford to distract himself. After introduction to these coming lessons, then he would accept the meal.
Willow and Ivy sat up straighter once it became apparent that they were going to be punished no further. Instead they were being offered something from Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt that was more akin to a gift.

"You wish to train us, Your Grace?"

"Oh, that would be wonderful!"

Watching and listening during political meetings, the twins usually had to focus on the webs in the Force and whatever they brought up in regards to Broka. Hardly did they get to pay attention enough to understand the moves being played by various figures within the political spectrum. Every move had a reason behind it, with motivations that were both hidden and visible. Willow and Ivy were keen on learning about both. They weren't allowed to have any ohysical weapons. Yet perhaps they too could fight with words and the stroke of a pen.
Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul
Tag: Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy

They were receptive to it, and that pleased Broka greatly.

"<Indeed. I want to train you two in those ways to further your usefulness within my organization. You can return to your quarters if you wish now.>"

The food then started to come out after he said that. He took another sip from his drink, and then embraced the food. Gorging at it in his usual near ravenous manner.

(Final Post from Broka)

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