Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction The Jedi Pilgrimage (NJO - Open to All Jedi)


"The idea is pretty simple. All throughout the galaxy there are sites of historical value to the Jedi. Not just the New Jedi Order, but all Jedi. Some still have their own orders there, some have long been abandoned. But you, all of you Knights, whether recently knighted or not, are encouraged to seek them out. The Galaxy is a massive place. There are millions upon millions of cultures, beliefs, ideals. You won't see them all, but you certainly won't experience as many being here on Coruscant or stuck in Alliance space. We'll provide you with the funds you'd need to get from planet to planet, give you ships, and always give you support if you need it, but the idea is that you, all of you, chart your own course through the stars. Find your own path as a Jedi, and as a person."

Within the main chamber of the Coruscant Temple, Kahlil turned his gaze to all that had gathered. Council, Masters, Knights, Padawans, from the New Jedi Order and beyond had all been invited. The Second Great Hyperspace War was over, and already people had started to heal. But the Alliance weren't the only people in the Galaxy that needed the Jedi. The Shield smiled from where he stood, hands clasped behind his back, the ever patient expression he'd long gotten used to keeping breaking to something more human and kind.

"People have felt abandoned because of our focus on the War. People have felt alone because we've been here in the Alliance. I know this frustrates so many of you. So use this as a chance to do good. Remind people that the Jedi are not the peacekeepers of the Alliance, but of the Galaxy, no matter what temple we might call home or what Order we say we belong to. This is, of course, just the beginnings of the idea. All of you are invited to speak here and now, suggest your own ideas, your own destinations. Ask your questions, air your concerns. This is limited to you who've been Knighted, but I encourage any Padawans here who might have an idea or want clarification to speak up. If all goes well, you'll be going on this Pilgrimage yourself once you're Knighted. So, floors open."

Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Amani Serys Amani Serys | Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | @Any and all Jedi


NJO Temple
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Amani Serys Amani Serys Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka | @everybody else

Valery stood quietly within the hall by her husband's side, while her gaze shifted out into the Temple. After Kahlil had sparked a conversation within the Council, the decision was made to host a more official meeting with all Jedi to discuss the idea of a pilgrimage. Valery had been on several herself, some shared with Kahlil and others alone. The longest being nearly a year, when she had just come out of stasis.

So there was no doubt in her mind that it could be useful for Jedi who had been trained and affected deeply by the war. They could gain new perspectives on the Force and life, or even just focus on centering themselves if necessary. Whatever it was they needed on their journey, Valery would be one of many to support them.

She knew plenty of places to visit as well.

"Well said," Valery finally told her husband after he had addressed the whole Temple. She then offered a smile and looked back into the crowd. "I hope that many choose to give it a try. If not now, at some point in their future. I know just how much of a difference it can make."

Although, in her case, it had helped to know who she was returning to after her meditative retreat.

It felt strange to go on a pilgrimage when you felt like you had only just started to understand something. To some extent it made sense, of course. A bit like gathering a practical understanding of Jediism from the past on top of the theoretical telling-you-sos of the present. And beyond that it was yet another nifty excuse to leave this metallic sarcophagus of a planet once more. Sure, Colette had warmed up to it a little bit more but there was still a distinct lack of wildlife here — at least beyond the all too common criminal and rustbugs.

To see the rest of the galaxy, to meet other survivors out there, would be a good idea. Only issue there was the fact that, well, it wasn’t exactly a small place. Where to go and what to start with felt big. A lot bigger than it probably had any right to feel.

Valery spoke. That would have to do. Colette had picked her spot somewhere along the wall to stay out of sight. Not because she despised the crowd or because she was antisocial or anything but rather because these big crowds were still unnerving to her. So many faces, so few names that she knew, and a lot of which she very well might never ever see again.

Well, okay, not that bad, but it was bad.

Still, she had her spot and Valery knew where it was. When the time to go was upon them she knew where to find Colette.


Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble , Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble , Colette Colette , Open...


"Aw shucks," Loomi sighed, her posture slumping.

The idea of a pilgrimage had sounded so exciting to Loomi that she hastily gathered her admittedly very short list of belongings, weaving a large backpack to hold all of her supplies. To hear that she'd be unable to participate on her own was crushing. She had no master, and the Godoan doubted any random knight would want to pick up a weirdo like herself for a trip. It seemed that she was stuck at the temple for the foreseeable future.

"That smarts..." she mumbled. "Guess no trip then..."

Being a knight must be so cool, she reasoned. Freedom of decision, the ability to travel without someone peering over their shoulders, naturally garnered respect... Loomi felt as though she was so far away from achieving such a thing. A part of her doubted that she'd even manage to reach that status. Given her condition, the Godoan reasoned she'd have someone staring over her shoulder for the rest of her life, poking and prodding at her fragile memory.

She still had a bed, at least. That made things better.

Why did it make things better?

Open to all

Standing with her back against the wall, Tala couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the Master's proposal. For some, it might be easier to travel to the stars. Some of the younger Jedi were even whispering to each other their travel plans. For herself though... the tall girl could only wince at how many bulkheads she would ram her head into. On the other hand, seeing new people and places would be exciting. She did come off her homeworld and joined the Jedi for that reason after all.

She sighed as her mind moved on to her girlfriend. She doubted that the Jedi would be as willing to keep them on a mission together like they had let them share an apartment. Plus there was no escape from a starship in space and while she did love her girl, staying in the same space with the hyper young woman for that long might make the pull her hair out. For now, she would put the proposal in the "Maybe, Possibly" pile and settle on seeing the other Jedi's reactions.


New Jedi Order Temple
Tag(s): Loomi Loomi | OPEN


It seems like Ko was largely excluded from the matter at hand. He would be lying if he said he didn’t envy the proposed personal pilgrimage for the Jedi Knights. Imagining how nice it would be to have his own ship, a mobile home. To have its life support system support his kind of life. With none of that icky oxygen. For now however, he could only dream.

Standing close by he looked over the Godoan. A fellow padawan he’d worked with a little bit before. She seemed a little bummed that like him, she too wouldn’t be able to partake in this just yet. She also didn’t have a mentor so they also had that in common as well. Ko gave her a friendly pat on the shoulder, looking down at her through the goggled eyes he spoke. “Don’t let it get ya down Loomi. Good things come to those who postpone... Oh, no that's not it... Wait! I meant to say wait.” He recounted a proverb he heard once. Galactic Basic wasn’t his first language.

The kel dor felt a little embarrassed now for fumbling his own encouragement. “Umm, so don’t worry, folks like us will get our chance soon enough.” Under his antiox mask Ko gave a hidden friendly smile.
Location: Courscant - Jedi Temple
With: Jedi Friends!
Equipment: Jedi Robes | Lightsaber |
Theia Glasses

Caden stood with the group.

He'd tried multiple times to leave and go back to doing his own thing, and every time something had kept him within the New Jedi Order. Mostly it had been the incident on Thyferra. This time was no different, he'd again gotten ready to leave and go about his business. He'd even packed his bags this time. However, this time the thing stopping him was something fairly interesting.

Ever since he had been Knighted by Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser all those years ago, his focus had been exploring the different sects of the Force. He'd spent time with a lot of them, or researching into those whom had been wiped out for whatever reason. It had been his focus for so long, what he'd spent so much time on whilst the galaxy was going on around him.

And now it was being made an official Jedi thing.

For as much as he hated admitting it, he was starting to enjoy Courscant. He'd made friends since returning to Jedi business. He'd grown quite fond of a few particular Padawan's who's careers he wanted to watch with great interest. He'd grown quite used to the Jedi Temple on Courscant. He was actually starting to enjoy his time back amongst the Order.

Now he was being a chance to carry out something he'd been focusing on for so long, without having to leave the Jedi. For what it was worth, he was honestly considering it as an option. He wasn't sure if the Jedi would accept him staying around admittedly, that was something he'd have to check and confirm, but if the option was there he was definitely debating taking it.

The Jedi's eyes danced around the group that had gathered. In the crowd he spotted both Loomi Loomi and Tala Vale Tala Vale . He intended to check in with both at some point, as soon as possible. Both of them had shared adventures with him and he was interested in watching both of them develop. He had a few ideas, but he needed to talk with the Sword of the Jedi first, when he got a chance.

Instead, he turned his eyes back to the front where the main announcement was happening, and he smiled.

"Well, I'm in. However, if we all go off on pilgrimages, who's left to teach all the youth?"
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Kuzon Lu’ten

Standing among his fellow Jedi, a young Bothan held a crimson book in right hand while using his opposite to write with a humble pen. He was writing down Master Kahlil Noble's speech to all of them. While others would prefer to just use a camera droid to record or write from a datapad Kuzon favored the more ancient way to do it whenever possible. Fortunately he was already done and looked just as Valery Noble spoke up briefly. Of course inwardly Kuzon did feel a bit awkward being here.

This ceremony from his point of view was for the knights and the master and padawans going out into the galaxy. He certainly didn't qualify in any of those categories. Burdened with sudden insecurity Kuzon looked down at the marble floor, seeing his reflection.

At the sight of his Bothan features he closed both eyes.

Why am I even here? What could I possibly add to what these heroes and legends have or will say about the Pilgrimage? I should be busy with training and my studies. Yet the masters called us all here and it wouldn't be without reason.

Opening his eyes Kuzon glanced around the crowd of Jedi. A number of padawans and younglings were excitedly whispering about the Pilgrimage. They were thrilled about the prospect of going on their journeys one day. At the moment he didn't exactly share the sentiment but understood it. Underneath the mountain of insecurities and past pains however, Kuzon did long to go out to the galaxy and help those in need.

The Jedi saved my life when I was abandoned by those whose blood I share. I want to do the same for others whom the galaxy has cast aside.

Then he overheard a Kel Dor Jedi comfort Loomi and found himself smiling at last. I am a Jedi and we will go on our own pilgrimages one day. Subsequently a knight asked a question that he didn't even consider until that moment. Turning to the Noble couple he readied the pen and wrote Knight Evesa's question and awaited the answer.

In the midst of this Kuzon realized something and straightened his posture with renewed purpose

As one training to be a historian for our Order it is my duty to be here. The force guides us in so many unexpected ways.
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"Well, I'm in. However, if we all go off on pilgrimages, who's left to teach all the youth?"

"We still have Masters within the Order. And, well, if you're worried you can always bring a Padawan or two with you. Sometimes finding yourself involves helping another find their own path. Or something like that." Kahlil flashed a brief smile. "At least, that's what I figure. If you're worried, don't be. We can't expect you to teach if you're not sure who you are as a Jedi. Find yourself out there, find yourself here. Whatever path you want to take, it's your choice."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kuzon Lu’ten | Caden Evesa Caden Evesa | Ko Vuto Ko Vuto | Tala Vale Tala Vale | Loomi Loomi | Colette Colette

Joland Graves

The audience softly stirred as the two Jedi Councillors spoke. Joland stood among them, arms crossed, with quiet curiosity. As a padawan, the subject of the meeting didn't concern him very much; a pilgrimage, if he went on one at all, was far in his future. His current responsibilities lay here on Coruscant. Still, he made a mental note to rummage the library for possible locations. Preparation was a padawan's modus operandi after all — every class, mission, and meeting a learning opportunity to apply in the future. So why not consider his options?

The Jedi being addressed had other responsibilities, though. This was the second time Joland had a revealing glance of his future, his first being the knighting of Jand Talo. He ruminated on what the Jedi path could lead him to with anticipation and apprehension. Regardless, even though he didn't meet the requirements, he stood among the Jedi who did, and that counted for something.


Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Ko Vuto Ko Vuto


“Umm, so don’t worry, folks like us will get our chance soon enough.”

"Golly, you think so?" Loomi remarked with an exhale. A sudden wave of embarrassment came over her. "Gee, that sounded real pessimistic of me. That's very sweet of you, Ko..."

It was enough to lighten her spirits a bit, but Loomi was admittedly still rather bummed out that she'd be stuck at the Temple. Still, the cogs in her head were beginning to turn a little as she thought about the possibility of travel.

"I wonder if they'd allow weekend stays at other Temples," she pondered out loud. "It isn't really a pilgrimage, but it's a change of scenery, right? I don't know how all that works."

The Godoan's antenna flattened at her uncertainty. That wouldn't do.

We still have Masters within the Order.

"Aw shucks," she sighed. "Looks like we still have classes too."

So much for spending the pilgrimage reading.

Be careful what you wish for.
“He who wishes to secure the good of others, has already secured his own.” - Confucius

“Excitement… Adventure… a Jedi craves not these things.” Caltin had heard it from the Jedi Grandmaster who had coined the phrase personally. He had heard it countless times in fact, it was a part of what had brought him to the force. What was surprising about this was it drove the big man to take the approach of a Jedi of Lore and not the approach of a character that he'd been seen as. He had always known that he had the approach to lift others and not simply stand among them. This to him was not the life of a Jedi. Caltin had long believed that protecting those who cannot protect themselves is fruitless if they can not grow.

The funny thing about this gathering is that the big man had tried this very thing a couple of years ago. The response he received was “lackadaisical” at best. A few years ago this would have bothered Vanagor, but today it was a realization that it was a matter of timing. So many Jedi had died, and to not support this idea was not only the incorrect approach it was petty, and Caltin Vanagor was principled and opinionated, but never petty.

I’m in.

Simple as that.

There was also something that he could offer to this as well. Something huge. He was reminded of the Outreach that his company was involved in and Chrysa Vanagor Chrysa Vanagor was running. This was the perfect way to stay close to her and help continue this work. If needed, he would offer the resources, but would not push it on them, this was their gig, not his.

This is something important. Whatever I can do to help…

Quietly, he nodded as he stood leaned up against the wall.

tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Open


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Meetings of jedi were always so... interesting and with the dissolution well she had more time when not on Ahch-To or the High Plane of the Jedi. The main temples of the silver jedi were personal for her as was the celestial forge they had used to channel the lightside into clothing and items like Kiriko had experimented with. So as she listened mostly from behind a few of the jedi the kushiban like creature on her shoulder nuzzled and the jedi maaster shhhed it. The black furred biot was Experimental in many ways but they had developed it to aid and test advancements of technology and force items for the different jedi. Her hands went back to being clasped behind her back as a few jedi were asking questions and the chance to go to a number of temples was always fun.. She raised a hand and offered a small smile moving so she was mostly behind a few so she couldn't be seen and scattered her presence in the force to seem like a padawan... being short helped a lot. "Master Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble what temples would you recommend visiting?"
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Caedyn Arenais


LOCATION: The Jedi Temple of Coruscant.
PEERS: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Valery Noble Valery Noble | @Kuzon Lu'ten | Caden Evesa Caden Evesa | Ko Vuto Ko Vuto | Tala Vale Tala Vale | Loomi Loomi | Colette Colette | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Matsu Ike Matsu Ike

Caedyn Arenais stood within the great hall and listened to Master Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble speak, and the words that were shared with the group were a relief to hear. For the Jedi to be steering away from the political involvement of War, and any motive for their return to peace-keeping, traditionalist pacifistic ways was music to his ears. Something worth being a part of, and even more so encouraging for the many Padawan who had been brought up during the years of the second great hyperspace war. While the Jedi were at times considered warriors, soldiers they ought never to have been in the mind of the Jedi Knight.

Some among the group began to talk quietly between themselves while Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor voiced his participation to the Jedi, and then Matsu Ike Matsu Ike who was another well-respected and known Jedi to Caedyn soon questioned where they might begin. "Might I suggest the Tho Yor for those who wish to know the history of the Je'daii and the origins of our Order" Caedyn offered his suggestion for those who were not yet learned the history of the ancient Je'daii. He stood at the back of the group, adorned in his earthly Jedi Garments and a dark navy blue robe atop. His hands met at his centre, where he held his Staff in front of him, offering a smile to those who might look his way.

For the time being, he would fall silent once more, and speak on the matter further should others have questions. Looking beyond the Knights and Padawan however, his gaze fell upon Valery Noble Valery Noble and Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble offering the pair a bow of his head in respect and support for the gathering they had organized.

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New Jedi Order Temple
Tag(s): Loomi Loomi | OPEN


Ko was glad that it seemed Loomi appreciated his words, even if he nearly messed up the delivery of said words. He also understood why the Godoan would feel a little bummed still. Still though he did travel a fair amount, it was generally busy work. Nothing really dedicated to self discovery or improvement. Those were more like secondary aspects of his duties if at all.

The Kel Dor then heard Loomi seemingly thinking out loud to herself. Thinking about traveling to other temples and enclaves, likely as a compromise. Ko himself regularly hung around the corellian sector as it held Nubia within its borders. Which was sort of like his home away from his home here in NJO temple, and Dorin by extension. This gave him an idea he would share with Loomi.

But not before it was mentioned that they’d still have their classes and that the Temple and Order would be far from derelict if many of The Order’s knights were away on their personal journeys. In some ways this reminded Ko of the more enjoyable lessons he learned out in the fields before really taking on the role of a padawan. Classrooms and training halls were not really something his missed from his initiate days.

Looking back to the Godoan Ko spoke once more. “Hey Loomi, if you’re interested in other temples. I’d recommend looking into the Green Jedi of Corellia. They’ve got an enclave there and it’s well within Alliance territory. They got a temple there that they and Jedi like us mutually use. Might be worth it if you can get a trip there.” It was far from a pilgrimage but Ko imagined it could be rather accessible for her even a padawan. Ko himself had never actually been there personally but has worked with a Green Jedi briefly once before since he was in their Corellian Sector. Perhaps for the Godoan it could be like a mini-pilgrimage and could still be back before dark so to speak.


Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Ko Vuto Ko Vuto


"...Maybe I'll look into it," she sighed.

It wouldn't be the same, obviously, but she could appreciate the suggestion. Ko seemed far more well-traveled than she did. Of course, Loomi could count on her hand the times she had been off of Coruscant, so that wasn't a surprise. Well, at least that she could remember. Still, she was glad he was at least giving suggestions for a remedy. It spoke a lot to his character.

"Perhaps a bunch of us could go," she decided, her smile coming back. "Y'know, an educational class venture. It's... not the same, but it's a start, right?"


Outfit: Jedi Robes

Dreidi looked around, curious about the idea of a pilgrimage, what she would like to do with her travels as a fresh Jedi Knight. There was so many possibilities in life that she had to decide for herself now that she was feeling a little lost on what the next step would be. The idea of travelling to Kashyyyk, perhaps seeing the Jedi Temple there that was once connected to the SJC, mostly due to the strong connection to her father and see how his life as a Jedi Knight was. Curious on what could be found there for herself.

Another idea was to search around and find out more about the mysticism in the Force, since she used both Magick and the Force, Dreidi was curious about what might be talked about from the perspectives of truly ancient Jedi. Explore some of the earliest Jedi Temples known to them. However, she would just have to figure out more a concrete plan on what her pilgrimage would entail later on.

"I'll go." Dreidi spoke up. Her hands resting behind her as she gave a shrug, she wasn't too sure what was going to be involved but the ideas of training and figuring out what were the next steps for her during this time of peace. That was important.


Mar Sango

She was standing by the door, with one foot wedged outside. There were a lot of people in this room and it felt suffocating. As the Masters spoke she did her best to listen, but her head was spinning slightly in the confines of the walls around her. It had always been like this inside the temple. Even the larger rooms made her feel trapped. In any case she had heard the jist of what was said. The issue of course was that even padawans couldn’t go and Marnie wasn’t even a padawan. Not anymore. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t already doing as they asked.

Marnie’s whole life was a pilgrimage. As a member of the Jedi Service Corps, and more specifically the Exoloratuon Corps, she spent more time in ancient temples, bitter wildernesses, and exotic locations than she did Alliance space. In fact she still didn’t know many Jedi despite being in the Order since she was a young girl. It was intimidating to meet other Jedi. Many considered the service corps as a route for washouts that couldn’t cut it as a padawan. In fact Marnie had been a padawan… sort of. She had been taken on mostly as a research assistant but her master had passed during the war. Now it was unclear if Marnie would be getting another master or if she would even be allowed to advance to knight someday. She had barely impressed one master, and only then because he needed a researcher.

Her deep eyes scanned the room and she felt her restlessness increase. She truly did not belong in the room. Maybe she wasn’t even allowed to be in the meeting. Sometimes though the corps were needed on missions like these so she would wait around.. at least until her claustrophobia made her leave.



Kahlil turned his gaze towards Loomi and Ko, the ever patient smile still on his face.

"Corellia is fantastic this time of year. You are, of course, welcome to go to the other temples yourself. This is no way saying that Padawans are limited from visiting the other temples of the Jedi. But the idea of the pilgrimage isn't to just visit the temples. To visit our ruins, other Force beliefs, stopping on all the worlds between destinations to help the people of this galaxy. We're leaving this task to the Knights for a reason." His smile faltered. Just a little.

"Many of you are still young. And I think it's time you're allowed to be young again."

He turned his gaze to Matsu, nodding once towards Caedyn's direction.

"That would be one destination. Tython, of course, is another natural choice. But perhaps the Dawn Temple on Spintir. Or Lothal. Dantooine. We will provide a larger list, with so many choices, but you don't even have to pick from the list. Trust in the Force, let it guide you. We of the council will support whatever path you choose to follow. If you're worried about funding, Knight Arenais and his sister have already set up a fund for Jedi to use. We'll also be trying to bring back the old Office of the Frontier, so people, no matter where, can ask for aid from us easier. We can't be everywhere, but we can try to make sure we can help more than just those we can see."

Loomi Loomi | Ko Vuto Ko Vuto | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Matsu Ike Matsu Ike | Caedyn Arenais | Marnie Sango | Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Joland Graves | Kuzon Lu’ten | Caden Evesa Caden Evesa | Tala Vale Tala Vale | Colette Colette
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Hmm how interesting. She listened to some of the other padawans who were there and Kahill talking about it. She was curious but the funding mentioned was something she contributed to offering the economic watch circle who let the silver jedi fund themselves and their research. THe benefits like food production and cleaning air or water getting funded by various governments to have it and help their people. Terraforming towers for colonization and repairing worlds... a benefit. THen she heard a few talking about other groups and smiled with a wider grin while she walked over towards Caedyn Arenais and bowed.

"I recommend the Je'daii they have knowledge and are quite hospitable." A smile on her face. "Though the economic watch circle that oversees that fund to help does do more and there are stipends and letters of credit if it is needed." SHe said it while the various temples were listed which all of them were welcome. "I would also recommend the temple of Ossus and Ahch-To, they have been rebuilt true but given some of the latest. There is the silver rest though it is no longer on Kashyyyk, with the dissolution of the Concord and returning control to their governments with the latest in self sustaining and terraforming technologies. The silver jedi relocated."

She said it and there was a lot more. "I'd also recommend the green jedi, they are always welcome, or the Altisianss and other groups. This is a time to go and learn so much. From the Aing-Tii to the advisors and all the way to the Zeison or Jensaarai. Elemental shapers, weavers of the force, astromancers, Jal Shey, Fallanassi, Disciples of twilight and a dozen more like the boughtin or the Luka Sena." She clasped her hands behind her back and looked towards the other masters. "And some new places, the silver jedi worked to build a few places in the galaxy that are... new such as the High Plane a haven for the jedi or the Discplates for the displaced millions of the galaxy. Or Jadelight Beacon which was built to shine a light into the unknown areas."

She smiled while holding the biot in her hand but walked over. "But I didn't just come to observe, I did bring some gifts to offer aid. Based on our studies from the Rammahgon and Aionomica. Have let us make some advancements in terms of what we can create." She adjusted the biot to her shoulder. "Well a couple, I'll have to show you what my little friend here can do later maybe.... now lets see something to help for this ah." She slid a hand to her bag and the small hip bag opening as it pulsated with the force energies allowing her to withdraw a Reference Book and she held it before opening to show it is blank and then. "Rammahgon" She said it as the text changed to show the jedi writing.

"We have tied them to the old academy network and the library temple annex. If can access any text we have transcribed to the databanks for training and traveling including notations by various librarians. Perfect for students and classes but for you two." She looked at Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble and Valery Noble Valery Noble while taking out a bracelet. "It is called the Undrjarn, we used the theorems in the Rammahgon to create it and it will allow one to go to any place they can think of quickly through the force plane the unbeing. One can even use it to access the Annex should they wish to add more knowledge to the jedi's network we used the old academy framework... and oh Solarite Metal."

She took out the silvery gold metal to show it and tossed it. "Weightless, highly protective and detrimental to the darkside and... made to be used with a jedi's robes. We have started infusing it into clothing for jedi and ships." She turned though and offered a small grin. "For those that needs ships though there are always ones available from me. I am not in this order but Romi has always said jedi need to work together and well if anyone needs a master or ride. I can offer it. My friend here needs to stretch his legs it is always fun to teach." SHe moved to go and stand near Caedyn and raised an eyebrow. "Scale of one to ten, professional sounding or spotlight hogging? Want to have a good journey before going back to the force plane we discovered."

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