Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Shadow Empire: Frosty Mood | EE Dominion of Shuldene




Shuldene; a frozen world, once an ocean planet, but now everything is frozen. The life that was on him was also frozen. Thus, the place can rightly be called a dead world. Most frozen vegetation is only here, and there is fauna in this place that has been immigrated from elsewhere, such as wampa, taun-taun, and such organisms.

In addition, countless research stations and laboratories are located here; last but not least, as is customary in such places, a great many smugglers and pirate bases also settled here. But not only do such negative things occur in such a place, but more fun events. Like pod-racer races or other acceleration races in extreme conditions.

Now it was Black Sun who brought such a race here and any interested person can watch this race from one of Black Sun’s ships in immeasurable luxury. The boat will be stationed in the atmosphere during the event so that racers can also reach it easily. However, the competition was threatened by sabotage by strangers. And of course, when is an underworld-inspired race completely legal or regular?

Meanwhile, on the other side of the planet, a research station where some companies’ research labs also can be found has been attacked by a large-numbered mercenary group. The station is sparsely equipped so they need support as soon as possible.



Objective 1: The Big Race
Illegal race, where Black Sun set a big reward for participants, especially the winner, for understandable reasons. The terrain is heavy, cold and frosty, competitors have come from a lot of places, everyone wants the big jackpot and hopes to start a good relationship with Black Sun.
1A: You can start as a racer, with any ground vehicle, you don't have to be a pod-racer, it could be a bike or a speeder as well. The point is to be fast and work in such conditions. (Examples: Vehicle 1, Vehicle 2, Vehicle 1)
1B: It’s a social event where you can place bets, gamble, build relationships, or just have fun with the people of Black Sun and those who came to the race.

Objective 2: Protect the Base
Much of the base under attack is underground, with one or two watchtowers, a control tower, and walls on the surface to keep the animals away. Inside, there is even more space, which corresponds to the runways. After the attack, by the time help arrived, the enemy had entered the base. The task is to rescue and protect the scientists, the workers here, and eliminate the mercenaries from the base.

Objective 3: BYOO
Bring your own objective, whatever you want. The point is to have fun.


Links: Shuldene | Shadow Empire

Racer: The Blind Nexu
Wearing: Facemask

Kalic carefully worked on The Blind Nexu, getting it ready for the coming race. Instead of his usual eye wrap, the Miraluka wore a full facemask. He wanted to make sure he wasn't identified after all. Jee would float over to the to the droid socket, whistling about coming race.

"I know Jee. This'll be an interesting one. At least I don't need a stupid blinding lizard this time." The astroech whistled again, and the Rebel would look out. He just had to hope that his curse didn't decide to strike midrace. He sighed a little, rubbing his head before grabbing some headache medicine. Just not in the middle of the race. Hold off for that long at least.
Objective: The Big Race - 1A
Location: Starting Line, Race Course - Shuldene
Racer: RMV-EV40 Skychaser Swoop Bike
Equipment: FAE/A-03 Repulsor Craft Riding Suit
Position: 11th (Qualifying Position)
Tags: Kalic Daws Kalic Daws @Other Racers @Spectators @Black Sun

Participating in a Black Sun-sponsored event made the fresh-faced Twi’lek swoop racer feel dirty.

It had not been that long ago that she had been gunning down Black Sun thugs from an interceptor swoop in the skies. Fortunately, there was only a miniscule chance that they would recognize her from Pa’Desh or Lotho Minor. However, if they did, the truce between the Agents of Chaos and the Black Sun would likely protect her from any retaliation. Nevertheless, Eleena had been careful in hiring a mechanic for the race, selecting someone who her squadron leader, Isena Elysi, knew and trusted. The last thing that Eleena wanted was to be sabotaged during her very first race. She had heard of it happening during events run by such shady organizations, which was why she had opted to store her swoop on her mechanic’s ship, rather than in the garage, where Black Sun thugs could sabotage her machine.

Not to mention, Eleena had spent a lot of money on it. She didn’t want anyone, not even herself, to break it.

Fortunately, if she won or even got a podium finish, she could pay for the swoop with just one race and have more than enough left over for a luxurious vacation. The Black Sun was nothing if not wealthy, but racing in such cold and freezing conditions would present challenges. Fortunately, Eleena felt like she had been very productive during the practices and qualifying sessions of the last few days, familiarizing herself with the course, learning braking and turn-in points, and shaving off bits of time with each run. While she was by no means the fastest competitor on the grid, Eleena was hopeful that she could maintain a good race pace.

As she walked on to the starting grid with her mechanic and his assistant droids, Eleena looked over the other competitors, taking in their speeders, swoops, and podracers. One machine, with especially large engines that were joined to an enclosed cockpit, caught her immediate attention. In looking to the pilot, her eyes found a man wearing a face-concealing mask, accompanied by an astromech droid. Eleena gave the man a nod when she locked eyes with him, especially as her mechanic lined up her swoop, which seemed comparatively tiny compared to giant engines of the Blind Nexu, next to the podracer, in the slot designated for 11th position on the grid.

From there, Eleena bent over to stretch her legs, before climbing onto the pillion of her swoop.

“Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.” Eleena said to herself, as she gripped the handlebars. “Gentle on the brakes, gentle on the power, fast on the exit…” She added, repeating wisdom given to her by Isena Elysi.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Valeria Ragal / The Red Witch
Bounty Hunter, Intelligence Agent, Spy and Assassin
Location: Surface, Base
Objective II.: Protect the Base
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | Kiss of the Red Witch | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Kaldrweave Coat | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): Open
[ Solitude ]

Even an Empress is entitled to a day off. Sometimes, especially after captivity, the woman needed this, a little extra movement, so where no one knows who she is. The Black Sun race didn’t interest her so much, especially that Mordaen didn’t come. If her husband’s best friend had been here, she would certainly have gone there. But now she needed to vent her head.

She needed it, especially after meeting her son, Adrian, who essentially looked exactly like his father. Until she came home, she didn't even know her son hadn't gotten to Kalidan from Serenno, because he had been taken to the Netherworld by the Valkyrja to take care of him. Months passed only at the Realspace, and her son became a 17-18 year old in the Netherworld.

So now the red-haired woman had a day off where she didn’t have to deal with empire or family matters. It was for this reason that she changed her Force signature so as not to be recognized, of course her presence in the Force was hidden by her necklace because of that worked like a Taozin amulet, among other things. And finally she put on the attire she used under her the bounty hunter's work, over her armour.

She jumped out of one of the dropships above the base, which brought them down. The Red Witch arrived at the base site, where she immediately took cover to survey the surface of who and what else was here.



Objective 2: Protect the Base
Main Objective: Stay Alive
Secondary Objective: Find Other Pilots, Escape
"Mule" Sawned Off Shotgun, M10 Wolverine
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Open

The loud amount of blaster fire had finally ceased around him. Callum Saville should been considered quite lucky at the time, having only been in a nearby closet when he had to adjust his cybernetics out of view. Being so painful, he could sometimes pass out and in a closet, no one would make a fuss...except when he came to, he only could hear the sounds of blasters and screams. He had been here on a recent acquisition of new technology, wanting to enable the use of a lightning rifle on a much larger scale...instead, that seemed to have been put on hold. Pulling his robe to the side, he carefully moved his left arm to check the sidearms beside them and ensure the safeties were off.

Callum Saville is almost completely useless in a firefight and rightfully so, half of his nerve endings are held together by a magnetic set of cybernetics and even moving right now is considered painful. The mask on his face were held also by magnets, gently massaging to dull as much pain as humanly possibly. Holding onto the M10, he carefully opened the closet door as he aimed outwards and carefully kept a check of his surroundings. He had to get back to his Armored Walkers, having only sent a light group of three total to merely get over here. There was also the question of where his other two pilots went...which had become a small priority.

Pushing the door with his cane to open completely, he started to hobble out and carefully go down the hallway in a rush. By rush, merely meaning a fast limp as it would resoundingly clack on the tile flooring. Holding loosely his firearm on his left hand while gripping tightly in his right hand the cane, he started to hobble into a nearby room and shove his way into there, sealing the door. Panting rather hard, it took a lot of strength to even go down the hallway. Leaning against the wall, he could hear someone outside the door as he lifted the M10 near his side and went quiet. It was survival now, anything goes.
Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul
Tags: Kalic Daws Kalic Daws Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa
Location: Aboard his personal flagship in orbit

While the imperials were doing military operations on the latest planet as usual, Broka had it so Black Sun would at least be able to have some fun at the same time. Military conquest got boring. Organizing the power structure for the new swathe of territory across the galaxy from his home became more necessary which made him participate less in the conquest than times before. However, he was in the neighborhood here with this conquest beginning. What better than to enjoy his stay than to attend this race. One of the local Underbosses through together this event with Broka's approval. With the Supreme Mogul now here, he was granted the chance to speak before the countdown began.

His flagship, the Grancha Nem'ro, hovered in orbit next to the ship with all the other spectators. The main atrium where his throne aboard the ship was filled with partying Nem'ro-Suns who were making bets among themselves over who looks like they would win. The judgments were based on who had the biggest engines, or nicest looking pod-racer, rather than what actually may be the fastest. Broka did not gamble with his underlings though. He was going to receive profits here from this being Black Sun alone. His cut will come from the bets collected, and the attendance payments from the spectators. As all the spectators found their seats aboard the other ship, Broka stood up from his throne, and lined up with a camera droid to project his image into the terminals on the other ship, as well as at the starting line. His colossal image appeared, and his voice boomed through speakers picking up the deep voice of the Supreme Mogul through built in audio receptors.
"<This ice ball of a planet has been home to smugglers, pirates, and various other forms of outlaws from across the galaxy. For years they have had free reign on this planet with their hideouts and rest stops. As this planet is taken by the Eternal Empire, Black Sun sees it fit to have some fun while the Imperials toil away in the ice to secure this world. This race will be the first of many to come in the future of the Eternal Empire as courtesy of Black Sun! For those spectating in orbit, rest assured that Black Sun does not bore at all. Pod-racing has been a past time for centuries that remains entertaining even without blood. These racers will rocket across the ice providing a spectacle whether they crash into flames or not. Droids will continuously circulate around your seating areas to take bets. Enjoy the drinks, high speed racing, and the flow of credits!>"
He then pauses for effect, and to catch his breath.

"<As for the racers on the surface! You have been permitted due to your talents, and the excellence of your machines. We trust you will put on a glorious show customary of such a momentous event. To increase the fun for all, the rule that may limit your abilities elsewhere are gone here. The one rule is to stay on the track. All other rules for this are gone now that Black Sun is here! Go as fast as you like! Push your machines to their limits! The winner receives great riches, and the losers can only pray they may win the next time this happens! Like the worlds Black Sun has expanded its influence on within the Eternal Empire, the limits pushed upon you all by the galaxy are no more under Black Sun! It is my great honor to see your participation in this race. May the cleverest racer, and the fastest pod-racer win!
Another brief pause.

"<Now, as my right as head of Black Sun, and Lorda of the Nem'ro, I say let this race begin!>"

With his opening speech complete, Broka sat back down on the throne to watch the events on the monitors put up in the atrium. The excitement was making him very hungry. The servants knew, and brought their master a great feast for himself almost automatically. With the race beginning, Broka feasted in his own glory.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Valeria Ragal / The Red Witch
Bounty Hunter, Intelligence Agent, Spy and Assassin
Location: Surface, Base
Objective II.: Protect the Base
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | Kiss of the Red Witch | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Kaldrweave Coat | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): Callum Saville Callum Saville | Open
[ Solitude ]

She barely had time to look around because something was immediately noticeable. And this was a walker and the fact that those who arrived with it have already entered one of the surface buildings. Maybe they are already underground. The Red Witch sighed incredibly softly, it was never an easy and simple job, but bounty hunting is a complicated profession. At least a lot of people say that.

She definitely agreed with that, and now she can’t even act as a high-ranking officer or empress of an empire because she was just a bounty hunter. Adrian chuckled beside her; the woman looked with a strict gaze at the hallucination she had only seen. She was "really happy" that at least her dead husband was having a great time. The constant hallucination did not disappear even after she had re-accessed the amulet to soothe the pain. Adrian stayed here with her.

However, she hoped that with a quiet entry and assassination, the situation could be resolved, but thanks to the incoming team, all this was no longer possible. Through the Force she sought out where they were now. No one was here in the neighbourhood, that is, on the surface except those she saw with her own eyes. So she came out and hurried over to where the man was.

"You couldn't have come here louder than this… we will no longer be able to quietly surprise them." she said in a cold voice.


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Racer: The Blind Nexu
Wearing: Facemask
Tags: Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt

Kalic stopped as he heard Broka the Hutt speak. So the race was no rules. Hm. This would make things interesting. He could activate the blasters. The Miraluka, who had signed up to the race under the name "Stitch," noticed the swoop rider he was next to on the starting grid, returning her nod with his own. He would then climb into the pilot seat of the Nexu, closing the cockpit as he began to spool up the engines. He head the deep rumbling of the Y-Wing engines powering up as he added some throttle to test then engines before the green light came.

He'd look at Jee, smiling a little under the mask as he gripped the control sticks. They wouldn't know what hit them this race.
Objective: The Big Race - 1A
Location: Starting Line, Race Course - Shuldene
Racer: RMV-EV40 Skychaser Swoop Bike
Equipment: FAE/A-03 Repulsor Craft Riding Suit
Position: 11th (Qualifying Position)
Tags: Kalic Daws Kalic Daws Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt @Other Racers @Black Sun

Commentary Booth

“Annnd, we are live from Shuldene on a beautiful Benduday afternoon, here to present the Kalidan Fried Ewok 450! I am Haly Eyan, here with my partner, Daro Kimeln. That was a beautiful, inspiring speech from the Supreme Mogul and we have every reason to believe that these racers on the grid will put out a good show for our audience! As a reminder folks, you can cast your bets virtually, via the official Black Sun HoloNet app!”

“That’s right Haly! Make sure to cast your bets and vote for Racer of the Day too, folks! You don’t want to have any regrets after this is all over! Make your predictions count!”

“No doubt, this is sure to be a very exciting hour! The course is fast and flowing, with lots of long, winding turns, fast straights, and a few hard braking areas. Speeds will be high all day long, so only the strongest racers will emerge to claim the top spots! Who do you like for this event, Daro?”

“Well, I believe the fastest pilot on the grid is the veteran himself, Pana Tillo! Although he only qualified third on the grid, he showed relentless pace during practice and qualifying! I’ll be looking for him to take top spot, Haly. However, there are a few others that I like in this event, as well. We have Graarkoo, who put up the fastest laps during both free practice sessions and qualified in second. Diva Sant, the fastest landspeeder racer on the grid, piloting the Rocksolid Arms machine, Yusanis Fenni, the fastest swoop racer on the grid, and Drido Tana, who is very quick through the first and second sectors on that Glimmersteel bike! Who are your favorites, Haly?”

“Well, in fact, you covered most of them, Daro! But that said, there are a couple dark horse candidates that I like, starting a little farther back on the grid. One of them is Eleena Salwa, a rookie who started slowly, but built up pace quickly throughout the weekend. She qualified in eleventh, but look for some surprises from her. Then, there’s the dark horse, in quite the literal sense, Stitch! He’s completely unheard of Daro, but he’s already proven to be one of the most aggressive racers on the grid! Watch for him to shake things up with that Blind Nexu machine! He’s already a favorite among the bettors!”

“For dark horses, those are both good selections, Haly. That said, the mechanics and engineers are now clearing off the line. All twenty of our racers are strapped into their machines and ready to start. The green lights are only a few moments away! Let’s bring you down live, to the grid as the pilots start their engines!”

“Alright, Eleena, good luck! Keep your nose clean out there, girl. I’ll be in your ear all race. You’re gonna do great.”

The voice of her engineer, Seelwa Jillim, a calm paternal bass, sounded out over the sound of engines roaring to life, the man giving her a thumbs up gesture as she sealed her helmet over her lekku. Eleena nodded in turn, taking a deep breath as she did.

“Thanks Seelwa.” The Twi’lek answered. “I just hope the start isn’t too crazy.” She frowned.

“Just get through the corners safely, drop positions if you have to, then make up time on the straights with the accelerator. There are plenty of em’ on this course.” The Togruta said. “Don’t get caught in anyone else’s mess.”

“Got it.” Eleena smiled, then waved towards Seelwa before he jogged off the grid, followed by his assistant mechanic droids. With the press of a button on her machine’s control console, Eleena brought the repulsorlift engine to life, the soft hum resonating within the pillion as she leaned forward over the fuel tank, eyes focused on the lights.

As soon as they went green, Eleena set the propulsion accelerator to full power and screamed off the line.
Objective: Protect the Base
Location: Research Station - Shuldene
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Callum Saville Callum Saville

For once, Ivixa had relinquished her sniping duties.

However, the Asa’nyx was neither disappointed nor insulted, especially since she was giving them up to the Red Witch, who was one the Empress’ many aliases, if the rumors were true. Having been sent out on her first mission as an official Agent of Blackwatch, Ivixa felt a mix of emotions, some positive and others uncertain. Nevertheless, if anything, Ivixa was determined to prove her worth to the organization, even if she wasn’t a good liar or a keeper of secrets.

Eventually, she would learn.

For now, her handlers had seen fit to place her where she was best, as an assassin. As such, Ivixa moved after the Red Witch, dropping down to the base with her repulsor pack taking her safely and silently down to the ground as she did. From there, the assassin stayed close behind the taller woman, staying quiet until…

The familiar, disharmonious rhythm of blaster fire met her sharp ears.

Ivixa blinked, knowing that the Red Witch’s initial goal had been a quiet infiltration. Fortunately, Ivixa was equipped to go loud if necessary, but she knew that her companion much preferred a stealthier approach. After all, there was a reason she was the most prolific assassin in the Unknown Regions.

Taking out her disruptor pistols, Ivixa looked towards the Red Witch, almost feeling a chill at the cold tone of the woman’s voice.

“Can we still make this work? We might just have to move a bit faster.” Ivixa suggested. “Or else they might take hostages. In that case, your rifle might help.”

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O B J E C T I V E 2
Location: Research Station - Shuldene
Equipment: Lightsaber, Lilanna's Warden Armor, NZ-BG.400 Tactical Blaster Pistol
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Callum Saville Callum Saville Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas
There was a sense of calm that emanated from her being as she left the confines of the drop ship, falling, dropping, tumbling to the cold frigid ground below. Her mind felt clear, the 'hiss' of her mask being something of a rhythmic timing, informing her when she would need to slow her fall, as the rapidly increasing ground raced towards her. She reached out her hand, making a pocket of force around herself, and brought her will to bear. A brief 'woosh' emanated from below, encompassing Lilanna for several seconds, as the former Sith's fall came to an abrupt stop, her body moving as if in zero g only for a moment, but it was all the time she need to right herself, landing on her feet as gravity seized her once again.​
The strain of such of a maneuver was felt not long after, a reminder that she needed to trend carefully on her deployment of power. Regardless, she moved towards the gathering company that had moved towards the facility. She had alot of catching up to do it seemed. Her force presence diminished, shrinking into herself, as she moved towards her 'squad' for the mission ahead. There was so many unknowns about the situation, though getting even a few questions sorted would do wonders in making the rest of the operation something more than a shot in the dark. She glanced to the oddly short woman before her, and the armored huntress that was also in their midst. It was a strange gathering to be certain. The distorted voice of Lilanna spoke, her saber already in hand, the warden clutching it tightly. "What of the power relay? Perhaps a little sabotage could give us an edge." She knew they needed to save the scientists, but perhaps with a little bit of distracting and maneuvering, they could make this work for them.​
Unsure of how else this conversation would continue, the woman fell silent, curious as to what their next move would be.​

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Moric aep Deithwen


Demi-Imperator of the Rim-Guard Order
Location: Shuldene, Objective 2 Research Base
Equipment: Lancer-pistol, Gladius, Tactical Armour Mk II, Nelvaanian Longsword, Combat-Shield

Being subtle was once part of Morics job description, but those times are long gone. Are they though? His orders were afterall the same. This time though he was without his cadre and ship, he had to deploy them elsewhere for Order business. He only took a squad of Skytroopers and a shuttle to support the Eternal Empire efforts once again. A rescue mission.

The shuttle had landed a few cliques away from the station, out of sight and the Skytroopers did immediatly go off into the sky to be ready for deployment. Moric himself was running to the base on foot, running was more of a sprinting compared to ordinary humans, he physique allowing him to be much faster for a longer time than unmodified individuals.

He saw the dropping of several friendly or rather allied individuals and also spotting several adversaries at the entrance as well as a enemy walker. Moric would swiftly catch up with the group.

"Reporting in. Whats the approach?"

Racer: The Blind Nexu
Wearing: Facemask
Tags: Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt

Kalic took a breath as he looked at Jee, revving the engines a couple of times before seeing and hearing the count. Then it went green. Kalic threw the throttle forward and the podracer accelerated quickly. The craft had quickly reached it's top speed, giving an early jump as he looked around. The Miraluka knew that there would be more than a few racers who had paid off anyone trying to keep weapons from being involved, and he was just happy that he had had the Nexu built a little tougher than other pods. He'd try to avoid hitting any racers as he pulled into the first turn, fighting to take the inside as he held tight, hoping this race would go well, and that he Force would leave him alone for one race.
Objective: The Big Race - 1A
Location: Starting Line, Race Course - Shuldene
Racer: RMV-EV40 Skychaser Swoop Bike
Equipment: FAE/A-03 Repulsor Craft Riding Suit
Position: 9th
Tags: Kalic Daws Kalic Daws Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt @Other Racers @Black Sun

Commentary Booth

“Green lights are out and away we go! Off the start, Pana Tillo holds the lead, but Fela Bane is right next to him, followed closely by Graarkoo and Yusanis Fenni! Stitch takes the inside mid-pack, right behind him is Eleena Salwa and Kom’vida as they go into the first turn!”

“Oh no! We’ve got trouble in turn one! Tillo and Bane are off! I repeat, Tillo and Bane are off!”

“No caution flags at this time! A lot of folks just lost a lot of money! Will Tillo be able to get it going again?”

“The rest of the field has gotten through turn one okay, but Haly, as far as I know, all eyes are on Tillo. Too many people have put too much money on him! If he can’t get that pod going in time, he might get black-flagged and forced to retire!”

“Daro, I can’t imagine the scene on the Grancha Nem’ro right now! Surely the bettors have to be going crazy! Every second that passes is more time and money lost!”

“Right! Now though, our new leader is Graarkoo, with Fenni in second and Drido Tana following close in third!”
The vibrations of her swoop’s powerful repulsorlift engine were a primal sensation that spiked Eleena’s adrenaline, the raw passion of speed overcoming her as she drove her swoop off the line. However, the large podracer which had started qualified one position behind her was aggressive off the start, moving for the inside into the first corner, forcing Eleena to hold the outside around the tight chicane. It was only then that she noticed many of the racers slowing down, especially as two podracers spun off the track, presumably having been involved in an incident. Immediately, she recognized the podracer as belonging to Pana Tillo, the favorite and perhaps the fastest on the grid. While she had not seen what went down, her engineer quickly informed of the situation over comms.

“Pana is off. Pana is off. He got tangled with the Bane. We’ve made up two positions but that crash might cause us to lose time on the leader.”


Neither she, nor her engineer needed to say anything else. With the fastest pilot likely knocked out of contention, Eleena and perhaps many others had a clear path to victory. However, having already lost time, from having to slow down, the Twi’lek knew that she faced an uphill battle.

As she came out of the chicane, Eleena held her swoop along the outside, seeing that Stitch was doing the opposite. Taking turns in that manner would cause them both to lose time on the leader, but Eleena knew that her opportunity to pass was imminent.

She just had to be patient.
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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Valeria Ragal / The Red Witch
Bounty Hunter, Intelligence Agent, Spy and Assassin
Location: Surface, Base
Objective II.: Protect the Base
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | Kiss of the Red Witch | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Kaldrweave Coat | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): Callum Saville Callum Saville | Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas | Bright7 Bright7 | Moric aep Deithwen | K König Kryze | Open
[ Solitude ]

The man was very surprised when she walked over to him and jumped a big one. He also started talking about something, but it didn’t make much sense. Ingrid was already quite sure it was an amateur. She sighed again, but then became the cold, distant person again. She was aware that Ivixa knew that the Red Witch meant the Empress and her secret identity. The question was great; the woman could have done it alone, but now she was not alone.

"I really hope it will succeed. These are amateurs, only good at ruining the work of professionals." she was a bit grumpy.

There was another woman with them, she knew that in theory she was a Warden, even if she was closer to the Sith. But her question was good. Nodded, unfortunately this couldn't be done from here, they had to go down.

"Most of these are underground, everything on the surface would freeze. Once we get down, we might have to separate for a short time to make the job quickly and silent."

The Red Witch hadn't answered the man yet, she just raised her hand when even the Mandalorian showed up nearby. He didn't attack, chances were he wasn't with the enemy. However, it was now possible to take advantage of the actions of a group of amateur guys who had now blown a downward passage inside. She could hear it when she arrived.

"This way!"

She said, holding the gun in front of her, she moved militarily, smoothly like an elite commando member. She wasn't the assassin now, she wasn't using Shadow Company training now, she was using what she learned from the Frost Company, the elite commando training. Entered the building leading to the elevator - it was more of a moving platform - moving so that the others could come with her. The platform was on the lower level, a blast in the wall that made service corridors available.

"As I see it is a free choice, openly or stealthily." She said in a cheerful voice, her behaviour deliberately not reflecting what she usually used to be. After all, she was now playing the role of a bounty hunter.



Objective 2: Protect the Base
Main Objective: Stay Alive
Secondary Objective: Find Other Pilots, Escape
Equipment: "Mule" Sawned Off Shotgun, M10 Wolverine
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Open

The footsteps would soon fade into the distance as Callum would breath a sigh of relief. Lowering his sidearm, he gave a short cough as the magnetic mask was attempting to slip off. Moving it with his right hand to readjust, he heard the door open as an individual came in, some tall human male as he threw a small bag onto the bench nearby and turned to see Callum. The males mouth was agape in shock and tried to pull out a sidearm to only be tackled by Callum as the others sidearm flew across the room.

This was just bad in all the wrong ways. For starters, Saville cannot really wrestle a person down as he could barely move at all. Second, this man only needs to scream and it all be over. Third and finally, this person can just easily remove the mask and it make him completely immobile in pure pain. That was what the man attempted to do, attempting to grab at the mask with the other pulling away. When the person tried to scream, Callum did the only thing he could do, he smashed his left arms magnetic cybernetics into the others mouth hard as he could. Safe to say, he possibly been hurt as much as the other one did as a spike of pain made Callum pass out for a brief few seconds as he could only hear a muffled scream and some form of gurgling.
When he finally came to moments later, he could only see a pool of blood forming along the ground. Giving a loud whine in pain as the magnetics in his right arm were now all out of place, he rolled off the body of the individual he did not mean to kill so easily. Not wishing to look at the others face, he started to move as blood dripped from his electrum plated cybernetics, attempting to move them with his right hand to place them back in as each one gave a small spike of pain once connected but gave some relief. Glancing at a nearby bag, he would start limping towards it as he ripped it open to look inside, his eyes behind the mask widening. This...could help him.
Objective: Protect the Base
Location: Research Station - Shuldene
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Callum Saville Callum Saville Bright7 Bright7 Moric aep Deithwen K König Kryze

Ivixa’s huge ears picked up the disharmonious beats of blaster fire and a singular explosion ( K König Kryze ), originating from the far end of the base. That meant, along with the squad of Rim-Guard Skytroopers, the Red Witch, the Warden, and herself, who were all in a group, there was another acting separate from their team, perhaps an ally. However, since her security clearance was not at the requisite level, Ivixa did not know for certain, though she could ask her handler if she knew of any mercenaries or contractors the Eternal Empire might have hired to assist in retaking the base.

For now, the Asa’nyx decided against it, especially as the Red Witch led the team down into the depths of the base. Ivixa followed close behind, her disruptor pistols held at the ready as she traversed the hallways, all the while mimicking the precise, commando-like movements of the Empress. Before long, they reached the building leading into the turbolift, to which Ivixa gave a sigh of relief.

So far, things were going smoothly, in spite of the few hitches they had encountered along the way, perhaps owing to the work of amateurs.

“My armor has a cloaking device and sound suppression systems.” The Asa’nyx offered. “Whether we go direct or...subtle, Lilanna and I can break into their lines, while the Skytroopers draw their attention with covering fire.”

To say the least, for Ivixa, it felt awkward even offering suggestions to the most prolific assassin in the Unknown Regions. Ivixa had never been much of a leader, but as a newly-minted Blackwatch Agent, she felt compelled to prove herself, even now. After all, planning was just as important, if not more so, than execution.

Nevertheless, Ivixa found that she desperately wanted to start talking with her blades and pistols, soon.


Their initially small squad had turned into something akin to a full force now, though Lilanna still wasn't sure what was going on entirely. The explosion in the distance caught her attention, to which the warden merely canted her head, and frowned to herself. This wanton destruction was going to make their mission harder. They were discussing options for getting in, something that the warden herself had several ideas about. The words of the diminutive one caught her, as the warden glanced down to her hands, before looking to the group. "With my powers, I believe I can bypass most of the security here, and bring this one with me." She motioned above Ivixa's head. She had never been good with names. "My suit might not have a stealth field generator, but I can block out sensor readings. The two of us could slip in from below and strike, while the rest of the unit strikes. Could work."
It was a mere suggestion, and honestly, she wasn't sure if her phasing abilities would work as well with another person. She hadn't exactly tried that before, but then again, other powers worked on people, why not this one? Now she waited, unsure if her idea would be approved, and if the diminutive one would be willing to be a test subject for her powers.​


Moric aep Deithwen


Demi-Imperator of the Rim-Guard Order
Location: Shuldene, Objective 2 Research Base, Entrance
Equipment: Lancer-pistol, Gladius, Tactical Armour Mk II, Nelvaanian Longsword, Combat-Shield

As the team was heading into the base itself, Moric decided to stay where he was and secure the entrance against possible reinforcements but also make sure the team had a valid escape route if the situation could go sour. The Skytroopers were far above him, but ready to drop any moment, they are reinforcements, but shall not show themselves until needed.

Moric was inspecting his new weapon, the Lancers were given out to all paladins lately, new weapons, destructive and made for people with increased physical strength. On the shooting range he grew very fond of it, but had yet to test it against actual targets. He holsters the pistol again while he watches the icy plains, his silver gaze looking around.

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Valeria Ragal / The Red Witch
Bounty Hunter, Intelligence Agent, Spy and Assassin
Location: Surface, Base
Objective II.: Protect the Base
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | Kiss of the Red Witch | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Kaldrweave Coat | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): Callum Saville Callum Saville | Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas | Bright7 Bright7 | Moric aep Deithwen | K König Kryze | Open
[ Solitude ]

"I don't have camouflage equipment, I'm a bounty hunter, not an assassin. So this is a great idea… Miss. I'm sorry, I don't know the names of those present. My name is the Red Witch, I’m a freelancer bounty hunter, from the Bounty Hunter Guild."

She replied to the others with a loose shrug. It was a long time ago when she probably told such a lie last time. Her armour was full of camouflage systems and technologies, not to mention her own abilities and the Force. The coat she wore was really just an armoured coat, but underneath there was the armour. But no one saw that.

The other lie was that she was not an assassin. But it was enough that Ivixa knew it was a lie. Just as it was a lie she did not know who was present. Only Red Witch and BHG were real because that identity was authentic and she also paid the membership fee for the license.

"Then I think it will be most appropriate for us, if I and the pretty boy with his machines distract the soldiers while you, ladies secretly arrange for the generators and the defence system and deactivate them. If that suits everyone, we can set off."

She said in an almost flirtatious tone. If that plan worked for everyone, she would hang the rifle on her back, pull out her two pistols, and head down the service passage down to the actual part of the base.



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