Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Zetham Reav


NAME: Zetham 'Zet' Reav
ALIAS: Reav, Z.T.
FACTION: Elysium Empire / Reav Medical
RANK: Mercenary / Owner
SPECIES: Arkanian

AGE: 25
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 177 cm/5ft'10.
BUILD: Athletic
EYES: Light-blue, almost white.
HAIR: White and kept short.
SKIN: Pale.

FORCE SENSITIVE: Thankfully, no.
LANGUAGES KNOWN: Galactic Basic, Mando'a, Arkanian, Huttese.

  • As an Arkanian he can see into the infrared spectrum without assistance. But that also makes his eyes sensitive to heat so he's always with the helmet on while working.
  • Being far away from Arkanian culture, he has not enhanced his body through genetic manipulation. Yet.
  • The Arkanian pride was mostly replaced by Mandalorian pride. Mostly.
  • Learned Huttese for cursing, but ended up using it to please Hutts crime lords to get good jobs.
  • Technically has nothing against 'Space Sorcerers'. But everyone with the power to make things happen with a thought should be watched closely.

Arkanian: His eyes can see into the infrared spectrum. With his notable intellect (of which he is proud of), he has taken an interest in learning medicine and genetics.
Mandalorian: Combat class was beaten into him, granting him some tolerance to pain and skills in fighting and survival. Loyal to his friends, even if they are always dragging him into danger. Probably because he always saved them from said danger. He is a far better fighter airborne (jetpacks and pistols or piloting a ship) than he is on the ground, that's why he fights dirty to make up for it.
Ambidextrous: Learned how to use both hands effectively just go walk up to his friends and say 'Look, I'm using EIGHT FINGERS!'. Kids are dumb, but turns out that's an useful talent.
Pilot: Skilled enough to get rid of pursuers or to take dangerous routes. His favorite parking spots are asteroid belts.
Raider: His clan was trained in space combat, in and out of ships.

Arkanian: An Arkanian's intellect is often superior to all, but he knows there might be some better than him. Those very few he might come to respect. Important to note, this pride about himself and not Arkanians as a whole.
Morals: He's neither good or evil. Life is just ugly and survival is hard.
Conquest: If it's a good cause he has no problems with throwing as many lives and resources are necessary.
Mindset: 'Us versus Them' . Some lives are worth more than others.
Unfair: There's no such thing as 'fighting fair'. He can obey the local customs of course, even if he finds them silly, but sand in the opponent's eyes is always a valid strategy. So is setting up traps beforehand.

[The following are well used models or repaired into working conditions, retrieved from the Reav camp.]

Reav Kom'kr/Gauntlet ship - A customized Kom'rk Fighter/Transport
- Basilisk (Cargo area)
- Droid (Cargo area)


While often wearing his armor, Zet is clearly a young adult with a well built figure. His pale skin makes his several scars stand out a bit more. He carries himself with some professional neutrality, keeping distance from problems which are not his own but constantly watching his surroundings, and the helmet is useful to keep others from noticing where exactly he is looking at. He always keeps it when on the job, for the protection it brings to his eyes, but his identity is not a secret.

The long hair is carefully kept from growing too much. All of his gloves have five fingers, with the last finger filled with a toy finger. It's something he does more out of custom than actually trying to hide his heritage.

The Reav clan acted as space pirates for a few years. Created by a foundling who then grew in reputation, others flocked to his band. Over time his name was forgotten, being named only 'Reav'. And once Reav had a good enough number of soldiers, he went from bounty hunting to being a pirate. 'It is a more stable life' he was recorded saying 'No stupid bosses trying to underpay you, for starters.' The clan did good over the years, specializing in space raids like no other, creating strategies and reputation. But this story is not about Reav.

Three generations down the line, 'Zet' joins the group. Or better, he is brought in. This is Zet's story. And to know about this boy, one must know about the two parts which make his whole.

I - The Arkanian
His parents were exiled. Well, the whole lab was exiled. A scouting research ship full of scientists floating from here to there, exiled from Arkanian space for being too good. No, really. They wanted to prove the Arkanian mutations experiments were... Well, something no one knows anymore because they died but it was big enough for them to get kicked out, alongside anyone who might have worked on this research.

They survived for a while, somehow. But in their despair they had to accept a bad contract with some unknown ruler of some planet for cheap pay. Sadly they never made it, because the ship was boarded, looted, and everyone aboard was either killed, taken or died right after.

II - The Mandalorian
The Reav clan conveniently received a transmission about easy prey. A ship with little to no defenses, full of expensive goodies for them to claim, keep or sell. So of course they went for it. A small group was more than enough and they boarded the ship as soon as the ship was in-sight. Easy job. The few fighters were killed, the survivors locked up, and the ship looted. The survivors were told to spread word about the Wreav clan. The clan wanted fame, to be known, to be feared.

So they left the ship behind, barely drifting in space with it's few survivors. The promised loot was not as good as promised. A handful of credits, some cargo. And a Foundling, since no one aboard the ship wanted the child of the leader who got them into this mess, so a Mandalorian (a saint called Torm Reav) came up and volunteered to take the scared brat hiding (very badly) in an empty cargo box.

That's it, job done, end of story.

Except that the Reav clan did a job so good they left earlier than expected, and avoided being blown to bits when the ship blew up out of nowhere. Almost as if someone wanted to get rid of both the Arkanians and the Mandalorians at the same time. Suspicious. But ultimately it was useless to think about since they had no way of knowing who, exactly, was behind it. The tip came from anonymous sources and they lacked the means to track it down.

So Zethan Jarh became 'Zet Reav'.

III - Zet Reav, the Child
The beginning was hard. But over time he adapted to it. From a scared kid afraid of everything and everyone, through a few small victories he grew to be proud, strong and loyal to his new people. The names of his parents eventually forgotten. Even their faces. To be fair it is not like Torm, his now-Father, had the time to ask the names of the cadavers by his feet.

So while being aware of his Arkanian origins, Zet was also aware he chose to be a Mandalorian. thus putting two things together and making it better. As a matter of fact, he always tried to excel at everything he tried to do, his Arkanian pride pushing him on. To be the best student, to be a quick learner, to impress grown Mandalorian with his genius and his skills, helping Torm with his medical work...

... Over the years it paid of. His name was recognized. As soon as he passed his Verd'goten, he was already being called to join the hunting parties.

IV - Zet Reav, the Mandalorian
They had a camp on a cold planet. A village built in a large cave with an opening for ships at the top. Small, but well defended. When not living in the village the Clan was either hunting for food, working on the base's defenses, or raiding. But no one was allowed to just lazy around. Zet was happy to always volunteer to the raids, having developed a passion for space and piloting their ships. Small groups were sent out as soon as they had information about possible prey. Apparently the Reav clan kept credits flowing to the hands of 'hyperlane professionals' as the elders liked to call.

Keeping said professionals a secret was part of the deal they had. Both sides profited greatly. And that was the issue. Too much profit attracts eyes.

Neighboring pirates eventually grew angry with the Reav quick growth. Eventually enough gangs decided to join forces into bigger gang to challenge the clan... which gave them a glorious war to fight for several years. The pirates had the numbers, but most of them wanted a quick profit and not a long, drawn out war. Their numbers reduced greatly, either from casualties of war of desertion, and then the Mandalorians kept pushing, through victories and loss of their own soldiers, excited with conquering an enemy.

And Zet was proud to be in the middle of that. Battle after battle, raid after raid. It made the clan richer than ever. But everything has an end and this war ended when the enemy leaders decided to throw one last assault with pure firepower, no strategy, massive losses, all or nothing. The enemy forces just kept landing and dying but eventually it worked.

It costed them everything, but it worked. The enemy fleet charged, being bombarded, shot, exploded and torn to bits, but they got their chance to bombard the Reav main base, where the remaining forces of the clan gathered.

After hours of combat the enemy forces left the planet, victorious and full of loot, to seek repairs. But they were so weakened they became easy prey to some other gang. And Zet survived out of sheer luck, stuck in the safety harness of a downed ship, the rest of the crew dead.

V - Last Reav
After spending several days transmitting messages to the area with no reply, it was official. He was the last Reav. After grabbing whatever supplies were left and repairing one ship into working order, he was ready to depart. Armed to the teeth and with a desire for vengeance...

... Only to find out the enemy was taken out. Weakened as they were, the victory cost them much, and they became prey to some other gangs eager to take their loot. Ironic. But also, that was the end of Zet's quest of vengeance.

So there stands Zet Reav. Without purpose, and just drifting from job to job, simply surviving one mission after the other while trying to make fame to get the name 'Reav' known once more. Perhaps if he goes on a suicide run into an impossible target...


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