Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Two for Flinching

Location: Near the Rest
Allies: [member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Enyo Typhos"]
Enemies: [member="Stephanie Swail"], [member="Valae Kitra"], [member="Tanaski Yumi"], [member="Spencer"], [member="Reggie Faayare"], [member="Asaraa Vaashe"], Everyone else at the Rest
Objective: Burn for that money
Engaging: Soon™

Matsu had a fond of making friends with unusual people, something he didn't judge as he liked to make friends with that kind of people. Not to mention that he considered the Sith Lady as his adoptive mother who was extremely unusual. A trait that he loved and mixed in with.

The group moved closer and closer to the temple, his HUD showing him the tags of his allies and hostiles that were up ahead behind the treeline. His armor and its nifty tech on it were forged and built to battle the likes of anyone. Sith, Jedi, soldiers, just name it. But with his personality, he'd always be fighting against the likes of the Jedi. He disliked that group with a burning passion and always enjoyed preying on them. While Vilaz and Lok were sometimes tense with each other, the young lad learned how to fight from his adoptive father and absorbed his trait of hating Jedi. They were a nuisance for him as they just loved to oppress their ideals to the Galaxy. Peace and Justice. Which translated to to protect the weak from the strong and prohibit "wrong" things from certain kinds of people.

The group finally got pass the treeline, and there it was. The temple with a squad of Jedi and their allies forming a defensive line that obstructed their path to the temple. His fingers on his slugthrower, his pistols at his waist along with two stun grenades, two sonic detonators, a thermal detonator, and a knife. A good arsenal in any kind of combat scenario, especially against Jedi that just enjoyed to use the Force at their full advantage. He did not bring a ysalamari nutrient frame as that would affect his mother and friend in a negative way, but he had a repulsorpack with a lovely missile with their name on it.

He stood closely to Matsu, while giving her space for herself. She called out to someone that he was unfamiliar with, but he only cared for pulling that trigger. Wild he was, but even those of his type had some discipline. As Vilaz taught him, he'd make sure to have every bullet count. Wasted ammunition is a tragedy in every battle.
Location: Kashyyyk atmo
Allies: SJ [member="Jared Starchaser"]
Enemies: SE [member="Mulokhai Zarandur"]

"Roger, Sword Squadron, this is Hotelier from the Silver Starfighter Corps, we got your backs"

"An enemy flight has broken off from the main group, on a dive" Wallpaper communicated to Varindar.

"What about the dropships?"

"We are taking on the hostile fighters so that the two ground-based fighter squadrons can hit those dropships, so dive!"

While they didn't score a kill in this pass, the two fighters dove to catch the enemy flight that slowed down in an attempt to get underneath Sword Squadron, which was the main threat to the enemy squadron and to the dropships until those two ground-based squadrons could attack the dropships from below, in an attempt to cause as many casualties as was possible. Nevertheless, as she began to dive, alongside her superior, she plotted possible trajectories for the enemy fighters, so as to make the proper lead for firing the guns at their engines, knowing that mobility kills to craft in atmosphere will often cause catastrophic kills. At the speed the enemy was flying at, it wasn't long until she could come within firing range of the opponent's engines. While remaining mindful that their ray shields haven't been recharged in full, no more than their particle shields were. But her dive was still pretty erratic, so Wallpaper was nervous for the possibility that Varindar would crash upon the beach because of one careless maneuver that she didn't recover from in time.
Objective: Attack the Silver Rest. (Catch up)
Enemies: [member="Stephanie Swail"] [member="Tanaski Yumi"] [member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Reggie Faayare"] [member="Spencer"] +SJO
Allies: [member="Matsu Xiangu"] [member="Enyo Typhos"] [member="Lok Munin"] +TSE
Mother Vahl
Open my eyes so I may see my enemies.
Give me the strength to smite them down.
Give me the wrath to carry your will.
Mother Vahl, watch over me.

Joycelyn Zambrano's eyes burst open and the breath was quick in her chest.

There was pain as she stood up in the tall grass between the giant worshyrs, a groan escaping her lips as she looked around. She could not find her firearm, but her sidearm and her blades were still on her - and the- Yes, it was there. What had happened? The last she remembered was the drop. Something hit them on the way down, she couldn't quite remember. It was a blur. The life-expectancy of a drop-trooper was short, but their results were undeniable.

However, Joyce did remember very well why she was there: This was Kashyyyk, home of the Silver Jedi. She was a daughter of Vahl and of the Butcher King himself, and she was an Imperial. The Jedi were her natural prey; the goddess demanded it, her beliefs relied on it, and some would say it was in her blood. What other excuse did she need? Shaking the dizziness from her head, the Vahlacanthix reached out with her senses to get her bearings of the surroundings. She could hear the clashing of armies at her rear and in the skies above. She felt the great dark presence, and the light that stood out to meet it.

Joycelyn Zambrano, are you a Sith or are you a soldier?

She looked one way and the other, then felt the answer in her heart. She set off in a jog towards the clash of light and dark. She was Sith. The trees grew thinner as she approached the plains surrounding the Jedi citadel. The Acolyte just reached the edge of the woods in time to hear the legendary Darth Yaomo call out to the Jedi blocking entry to the Rest. She was still a ways away, needing to catch up, but at least she could see.

Joyce's hand clenched around the hilt of the dauntless blade at her side, a relic from her One Sith days and a reminder of the things she aspired to.
Objective: Finishing up what he started
Location: Still in the skies between Kkowir Forest and Hracca Glade
Allies: The Stolen Starfighter & Wookies
Enemies: The Sith

The Wookies needed Tristram's help right now as the com channel began to go crazy. There was some reports of Sith heading for the temple. Not just troops either but actual Sith. They decided to show their faces when he was engaged with their goons. Of course they did. Things could never be easy with the Sith, ever. He needed to wrap up things here now. But he was still facing the issue of these troops being well trained and experienced. It was not as issue to be taken lightly at all with lives on the line. They had him in check right now so he needed to do something they couldn't expect. What were they going to expect from him though? More of the same passes shooting in a line. It was the standard tactic, so time for something not so standard.

The fighter dived down suddenly towards the group heading after the wookies. Tristram was gunning the ship down as fast as he could. It was suicidal at best and the troopers knew that. Their frantic movements told him that they were adjusting themselves to his move. The ones chasing after the wookies suddenly stopped and began to rush back towards their mates. Shots were being taken towards the ship's engines, but were missing due to the distance and the speed. When he was nearly to the point of no return, he pulled up. The ship's nose barely missed the ground and he was now flying straight at the troops. He opened fire on the troops and watched as they were torn apart or throw about. After he passed them, he pulled himself back up into the sky before they could retaliate. It was going to take some time for them to recover themselves and by then the wookies would be gone. This mission was done and now it was time to respond to that report of Sith.

Tristram positioned the fighter in the direction of the temple. He checked the fuel gauge and saw he still had half a tank left. With that knowledge in mind he punched it. He needed to get there now but it was going to take him some time. Time was not on his side either. How long would it be? Minutes certainly but just how many minutes. It was frustrating him. His mission here was to fight Sith not let them have their way with innocent people. Not that Jedi were all that innocent, but he wasn't about to allow the Sith to have their way in any fashion. All he could do though was just rush over as fast as he could.
Location: Setting up front line, Northeast of Vexen/Dunkirk Beach
Allies: The Sith Empire, The Golden Company, Other Mercs | [member="Kor Vexen"], [member="Tekkio"], [member="Thane Danson"], [member="Khonsu Amon"]
Enemies: [member="Valkren Calderon"] | [member="Kei Amadis"] | [member="Jessica Med-Beq"]
Operation Guillotine
21st Legionary Expeditionary Brigade [21LEB]​

"Contact's been established with the enemy, Sir. Reports indicating ambush. Not a small amount of casualties either." 2ic Major Herod pointed at the blinking point on the tactical screen before his CO - Brigadier General Rubin Anwar.

"Foolishly, they've pushed too deep." Anwar shook his head in irritation. "The Silvers seem far more combat ready than intelligence described. Says something about our intelligence, doesn't it?" Although a rhetorical question, a curt nod came from the major.

"Also, Sir, the enemies movement, as much as recon could tell through this...jungle, have been oddly moving. There's been forces withdrawing, others moving forward."

"Interesting." The general's eyes fell on his second-in-command. "Order them to halt moving forward. Use the environment, form up defensively. That goes for the whole force, halt any advances. Our mission here is not to eliminate the Silver Jedi to the last man as much as I desire that to be our purpose today. If our soldiers' fervor is too high - this is the result, ending up too deep in enemy line right in their trap." Anwar cursed Sith-Imperial intel in his mind passionately. Their enemy's readiness was impossibly over the expectations of intel.

The Major nodded respectfully and got on to transmitting quickly the orders from his superior.

"General, sir, we've detected Silver troop transports landing somewhere adjacent to our line." A younger adjutant approached the general interrupting him sipping his team.

"What do you mean somewhere, officer?"

"Scanning through this foliage is a complicated task, Sir. We've established a specific region in which they may have landed-"

"Is this incompetence that I am hearing, officer?" Anwar snarled.


"Artillery fire! Origin within assumed Silvers transport landing!" A sensor officer shouted making both Anwar and the adjutant turn their faces at her.

"Specify, soldier, specify!" The general's coarse voice boomed through the HQ.

"Triangulating telemetry from us and General Vexen's forces at the moment, sir and....there you go!" The sensor officer declared vigorously close to almost waving her arms around but the cold grasp of her chair by the Brigadier General froze her.

"Not what I expected but it'll do. Send the results to General [member="Kor Vexen"] immediately. " Anwar's tone softened at the results on the screen. It was not as specific as he had liked it but the earlier assumed circle on the map was greatly narrowed down. "Comm officer - contact Vice Admiral [member="Zahori Denko"] and ask her where is my damn air support."

"Yes, sir!"

"Sensors, what's the closest infantry platoon to the assumed artillery position." They had their triangulation, now they needed boots on the ground to narrow it down even further.

"Looks like Airborne - 2nd Rifle Platoon, 5th Company. Callsign Stiletto Two."

"Open a line."

"Good to go, sir."

:: Stiletto Two, this is Fury Actual, how copy... ::


:: Copy loud 'n' clear, Fury Actual. :: Scipio responded almost surprised the commander of the 21LEB directly contacted him. The transmission was obviously also patched through the lieutenant's direct CO - Captain Najek.

:: Sensor feedback has been transmitted of assumed arty position near you, Stiletto Two. Effective immediately commence recon operation at designated area and paint any targets for our birds. ::

A pause came from Alta for a moment before he responded while gesturing movement orders with his hand to his soldiers. :: 'ffirmative, Fury Actual. Oscar Mike. ::

The platoon's new orders flashed through their HUDs and they swiftly changed their movement through the foliage towards their target. Spread out to cover more area than usual but not too extremely to thin their ranks out. The environment offered on varying locations opportunities as much as threats for both warring parties, be it Silvers or be it Imperials.

Cautiously and silently they moved on, eyes open on their sensor readings for any abnormalities or hints of enemies.

:: Reading high energy output further ahead, Lieutenant. :: Sgt. Nava's voice came through the comms. He saw it too.

:: Vehicles? :: Dev suggested.

:: Y'all move cautiously where it's thickes'. Do not fethin' engage. Best we let 'em pass and move on furthe'. 'stood? ::

:: LT, aren't we here to spill damn silvers blood? :: SSGT Volk asked in disappointment. He was a recent addition, right after Thyferra where his trusted SSGT Husk was killed in a fight against a Jedi Ace.

:: 's all part o' a big plan y'all don't 'stand. :: It certainly was but Scipio hadn't put his mind to it much either. He did what he was told to do.
Objective: Slaughter
ALLIES: [member="Lok Munin"], [member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"]
ENEMIES: [member="Stephanie Swail"], [member="Tanaski Yumi"], [member="Valae Kitra"], [member="Asaraa Vaashe"], [member="Reggie Faayare"], [member="Spencer"], [member="Kei Amadis"], [member="Spencer"]. SJO at the Rest
ENGAGING: [member="Kei Amadis"]

Jedi were a paradox. They regarded themselves as 'keepers of the peace, not soldiers'. But they operated in a bleak, war-torn Galaxy that forced them to become warriors, lest Sith and the like reign supreme. They claimed they were defenders of freedom, yet like a typical order they were run by an oligarchy and kept themselves aloof from the common people. They feared power, yet wielded it in tremendous amounts because that's what being a Force-user was: Having an advantage that put you in a position of stength vis-a-vis those that lacked it.

When they were too reticient about 'taking the fight to the Dark Side', they were accused of being cowardly pacifists. By contrast, when they did initiate aggressive action, they were branded 'fanatics' and 'militants'. It was really not easy to be a Jedi.

Enyo had no time for obsessive hatred. Jedi and Sith had fought each other for millennia. Their struggle seemed never-ending. Ergo talk about 'eclipsing the light' was pointless and illogical. Same applied to 'the Light rises to meet the Dark'. It was borne out of a delusional belief that the latest version of the never-ending war was more important than the preceding ones because you happened to be participating in it. As if you could impose a finality by simply chanting slogans.

Light, Dark. The hybrid's logic processors saw no rationale in dividing the Force into sides or attributing a will to it. It was energy, power - an advantage a few could draw upon. The true path to victory lay in setting yourself a goal, regardless of what it might be, and doing whatever was necessary to accomplish it, regardless of the obstacles that stood in your path.

Before lay the Jedi sanctuary. In the distance, sound of battles could be heard. As they left the treeline, a change seemed to overcome Matsu. Enyo noted the shift in the Witch-Necromancer's stance and aura. A woman who stood amongst the Jedi, with surrounded by the aura of a Master, seemed to be the cause of this. However, the Cyborg did not recognise the individual in question.

While dialogue was initiated between Matsu and the woman Enyo presumed to be a Jedi Master, the Terminatrix was not idle. Other targets beckoned her, as her posse spread out and moved into position. She did likewise. The Cyborg's Force Signature was obfuscated, making her appear like a mundane on first glance, unless someone gifted in such arts were to carry out a detailed inspection and pierce the fog.

Her senses prickled, directing her gaze towards the door. To be precise, her sophisticated electronic eyes zoomed in on a boulder spying a rifle resting on top over it. She sensed a strong Force Signature behind it. Someone with a grasp of military methods and the Force had taken cover there.

The Cyborg plucked a grenade free from her utility belt. It was a gas grenade loaded with Ixetal cilona powder. hen inhaled, the gas produced a few minutes of euphoria...and it could greatly weaken a Force-Sensitive's connection to the Force for a few hours. An accelerator chip would cause the grenade to explode if it suddenly changed direction, due to say telekinetic deflection. An explosion could also cause some damage from shrapnel.

Furthermore, an integrated Taozin nodule would make it difficult to sense via the Force, as it blurred and clouded Force senses. Enyo was not worried about inhaling the gas. Even if her armour were not sealed, she did not breathe.

Calculating distance and the force needed for the throw, she hurled the grenade towards the enemy's hiding spot. Enyo could admittedly not know whether or not her opponent was equipped with the means to resist a gasuous attack, but even if that was the case, it would not be a waste since the gas would obfuscate her approach.

As the small object travelled through the air, intent on landing at her enemy's hiding place and fill it with gas, she raised her bolter and fired. Explosive bolts leapt out of the rifle in succession. The rounds were aimed for each end of the boulder. In other words, where her prospective opponent would come out, if he did. The explosive warheads that exploded on impact - any impact.

In short, if you tried to block them with a lightsabre, deflect them with telekinesis or stop them with a Force-based shield, they would go boom, producing a powerful blast wave and a cloud of shrapnel with a wide radius. Enyo tended to favour weapons that had the punch to cause kinetic damage.
Objective: Play with Matsu
Location: The Steps of the Rest
Allies: [member="Stephanie Swail"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Reggie Faayare"] [member="Tanaski Yumi"]
Enemies: [member="Lok Munin"] [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"] [member="Enyo Typhos"]
Direct Engagement: [member="Matsu Xiangu"]
Music: E.S. Posthumus - Unstoppable

Spencer smiled as she felt Matsu brush against her defenses. The force that the woman was seething across the battlefield was soon retracted. She remembered her, Spencer remembered this woman quite well. Visions of the girl’s face following Jared and learning from him filled her mind as she chuckled softly. The twisted fate of her legacy stood before her. The blonde woman wondered where else the line had fallen, she had taught Jared to remained balanced, to find power within the light and the dark, yet his apprentice stood before her bathed in the darkness.

Although, the twisted nature of the dark side festered, Spencer felt something different coming from the Sith Lord. Her smile widened as she knew that this was a dark sider that held onto the ways of the Fringe. A single index finger rested on Spencer’s cheek as she listened to the woman as she called out to her. Sincerity filled her words, something she didn’t expect to hear from Matsu. Nodding, Spencer’s smile faded slightly. “Thank you. It has been a long time Matsu. You’ve had quite the adventures, haven’t you?” Looking back at the padawans, she nodded. “Stay alert, remember your survival skills.” A smile and Spencer turned back to Matsu.

“I remember you. You were so strong, Jared made a desirable choice in training you. So, let me test the limits of my legacy, Desmius’ legacy.” Spencer was trained by Ashin, in turn Jared was one of Spencer’s very limited student pool. He was her favorite out of them all, he was the strongest and the smartest. Even with everything he had done, she was proud of him. Matsu now stood before her and even though she wasn’t hands on with Matsu’s training, she felt an odd kinship to the woman.

Before Spencer could make the first move, a trigger-happy individual caught the corner of her eye with movement. Something flew towards them and in quick reaction, Spencer used the force to attempt to brush it aside.

Instantly, when the trajectory changed, the grenade exploded releasing the gas inside. She had seen this before several times and quickly commanded the padawans behind her. “Detox.” It was a good thing she caught the grenade at its highest arc, this allowed her a moment to use the Force once again to swallow the cloud of smoke forcing it to pass as if a breeze caught it. The contents of the grenade moved along and Spencer herself began to detox just in case. Eyes narrowed as she looked at Matsu. “How about we keep this between us. Tell your people to back down and entertain themselves, I truly want to test your limits.”

Roona Osmari

Location: Planetside - DUNKIRK BEACH
Allies: [member="Beltran Rarr"] | [member="Valkren Calderon"]| [member="Kei Amadis"] | [member="Jessica Med-Beq"]
Enemies: [member="Kor Vexen"] | [member="Scipio Alta"] | [member="Tekkio"] | [member="Thane Danson"] | [member="Sokar Azad"]

Roona fastened her belt around her waist, acknowledging the stammered words of Jost Cal Dayne with a curt nod. Her sharp eyes flickered to [member="Beltran Rarr"], had these two strange additions come with him? She remembered Specialist Rarr from Nieflheim, a topic that she could easily have used for some idle small talk. But she was one of few words, and she suspected the same of Rarr. Instead, her attention was drawn again towards the now rocking form of the fat man. Over the sound of the transport and the din of battle in the distance, she could hear the nervous man humming now.

She had half a mind to tell him to stop, but then… he started to sing.

Green eyes narrowed slightly, but she kept quiet. Much to her surprise, it wasn’t unpleasant. The sergeant understood that people had all sorts of ways to deal with pre-battle jitters, perhaps this was just his way. After wiping her brow with the sleeve of her suit, her hands smoothed back her hair and gathered it back into a clean-cut bun. All around her, it seemed that the other Rangers had quieted down to hear the words of the man’s song.

They were lyrics that certainly seemed to hit home, for all of them. Waiting patiently, Roona sat with her eyes closed. It wasn’t long before they had arrived. The doors would soon open to deliver them to their destination. A last flutter found her heart, an uneasy beat that came with stepping onto a battleground.

Squinting, Roona could see that the other transports had set down just ahead of theirs. Glancing back to their party, she saw Beltran and his crew exit the transport, along with the other members of the Radama Raiders.

“Baker, Lowder, Clark – with me,” She motioned for them, “Let's link up with the Colonel.”

Behind them, the Rangers from their transport began their move to the front. Looking to Beltran, Roona raised a brow. “You lot…” She regarded the trio with the slightest of smirks. “Perhaps you ought to stick with us.” And just before she covered her face with her helmet, she lowered her voice and spoke to the fat man. “Nice song.” She said simply, and then moved out.

Keeping low, Roona’s boots carried her forward through the brush. Through the trees, she could see the forest landscape opening onto the coast. There were vehicles moving through, followed by the Rangers. Even in the sea of Katarn armor, she could just make out the form of Colonel Calderon. With her fellow Raiders in tow, she would move up to join him -- staying a pace or two behind, and just to his left. The battle was here, and the Rangers would be ready for it.
Location: Deep woods outside heavily populated area
Allies: TSE
Enemies: TJO

The built in binoculars in the sith armor zoomed in. The solder in question was Chief Steve, the Chief accompanying Lieutenant Tekkio. From his visor, a Wookie building lit up bright green. "Target spotted." He said over comms. There was a high pitched, almost raspy voice in response. "Copy." Tekkio replied. The Kushiban was on top of a fallen down tree, looking back as the walkers and other soldiers was catching up. The Survey team saw little opposition getting this far. Any Jedi soldier spotted at this point was easily dispatched. Tekkio put his hands behind his back and waited for the Lieutenant Commander Rogers.

​"Building sighted, and marked to reveal its location, codenamed 'Therapy'." Tekkio reported. Rogers laughed a bit. "Ok. I got a plan, tell Recon and Survey to make sure we are covered." Tekkio through a salute and hopped off the tree disappearing from their sights. He made his way back to the Chief. "Scan the trees and surrounding building. If enemy is out there, we fire first." Tekkio ordered. The soldier nodded and relayed the message. The Lupine creature sat down and looked around him. It was quite, well save the noise of machines in the background, the environment was quiet. Everything was either green or brown. Some flowers here and there. Tekkio was never one to stop to admire beauty, when he did though, he always regretted it. There was always something going to destroy what he admired.

For ten minutes the two officers sat there. "So I never got to ask this, sir." The Chief said. "What's it like fighting Xinkra on Kushibah?" Tekkio looked at him and then said, "They really weren't Xinkra. True Xinkra are extinct. All that's left is mutants. And they are tough but a few good shots and they go down. They are easy to outsmart. But if one ever got ahold of you, its over before you could even think of a way out." Tekkio lowered his gaze a bit then looked back up at the general direction of their target.

​There was a loud boom coming from behind them. Tekkio turned to see a rocket was fired heading for the medical center. "Rockets away!" He heard over comms. The rockets impacted the oval shaped building that seem to be protruding from the tree. The impact area was exactly where the building met the tree. A few more rockets was fired from behind, followed by a volley of mortar strikes. They was using heavy weapons the troops carried to attempt to take out the target. It took a few volleys before the bark cracked and the building came crashing to the floor of the planet. The only thing behind was the very top floor of the medical center, acting as a 'roof'. "Therapy has been destroyed!" Someone confirmed.

​"Excellent." The Lieutenant Commander said. "Send in the walkers, destroy the surrounding homes and buildings. And see if you can capture a few of those wookies." There was a following 'yes sir' from most of the other Lieutenants. The Survey team re grouped. Tekkio watched the other teams move out. "We'll support the rest. With all this devastation, its got to take notice of the Jedi." Tekkio said. He started walking away as the Chief gave assignments and jogged to catch up. Tekkio could hear walkers firing and thermal detonators detonating, followed by the sounds similar to trees falling in the forest.

Concerning Sith trooper Armor
Location: Flying through the air at the temple door. Touring the local sites and places to land.
Dueling: Exterminus aka [member="Enyo Typhos"]
Allies: [member="Valkren Calderon"] | [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] | [member="Jake Daniels"] | [member="Roona Osmari"]
Enemies: [member="Khonsu Amon"] | [member="Scipio Alta"] | [member="Kor Vexen"] | [member="Sokar Azad"] | [member="Tekkio"] | [member="Thane Danson"]
NPCs Engaging: [member="Scipio Alta"]

NPC Actions and Losses Summary

Wildcards 1st Battalion: 1,150 / 1,200 Engaging [member="Scipio Alta"] - North
Wildcards 2nd Battalion: 1,200 / 1,200 Flanking [member="Scipio Alta"] - South - Trying to stay Out of Range
Wildcards 3rd Battalion: 1,045 / 1,200 Pushing South HARD [member="Scipio Alta"] - Central
House Rules 4th Battalion 1,500 / 1,500 Holding in the mountains.
Nikto Engineers 5th Battalion: 1,500 / 1,500 Holding at Temple.
Wildcards 6th Battalion 1,200 / 1,200 Readying North for a Push [member="Scipio Alta"] - North - Out of Range
Wildcards 7th Battalion 1,200 / 1,200 Reinforcing behind Center [member="Scipio Alta"] - Fallback line - Out of Range.
Surrounding the Temple HAVw_A6_Juggernauts (Capacity 6000) x20 - RX-200 Falchion Class Assault Tank (Anti Aircraft) x20 - AAC-1 Speeder Tank (Lighting Strikes) x20

[member="Scipio Alta"]

Grenades, small arms and fast moving strikes in, then withdrawing before losses were too high. Standard Guerrilla tactics. When the Sith started building their own positions up, 3rd Battalion simply stopped attacking, staying out of range. Then came the sounds of artillery. It was difficult to know where the Sith artillery was coming down which made it all the more unnerving, you could not see that far ahead here. This was jungle so the tree’s gave some cover, but when they landed you could hear the shouts and screams of those hit, the blasts tore up wood, men and ground. Bringing down parts of the trees to fall below and crush anyone unlucky enough to be below.

Not one but two powerful Jedi were now assisting the commanders on the ground with battle meditation. [member="Matsu Ike"] | [member="Valae Kitra"]

Because of their efforts. When the gurilleas of wildcards 1st Battalion started their hit and run attacks on the north flank of the Sith Brigade to draw their attention, it was done entirely with the thought of distracting them from what 2nd Battalion was doing to their south, which was still staying out of range and moving quickly at that to trying and get around their lines. Pushing hard now at anyone in the way if they moved to stop them. Quicker than you’d think assisted by the Master's efforts, but this was still a jungle to move in, that and they were not going to hide their movements for long. Bold too, given it put them in danger of being cut off from supply. 3rd Battalion in the center were holding holding. Then in flashes of light, grenades blaster fire and brave charge. A sudden BIG push hit the southern edge of the sith lines to support 2nd Battalion. So they wouldn’t be cut off easily and to concentrate the wildcard forces in one area. Maybe the sith commander could see what was going on, maybe not. The battle lines were shifting somewhat south, which left the wildcards weaker in the north west, stronger in the south west, and a heavy attack on that area of the sith lines. Attempting to separate him from the beachhead or the republic forces there.

[member="Jessica Med-Beq"] | [member="Scipio Alta"]

“Copy that command we are moving in 6th and 7th battalions into position. We’ll push them soon enough. We’ve word of a hospital under attack! Please advise if you need us.” That would get the wookies blood pumping. For now Gradually 6th Battalion would go north readying for a push and 7th central to Scipio preparing a secondary line of defense behind the 3rd. These weren’t rangers though they didn’t fight like them, didn’t trade in a fixed battle well with the sith. If they came on mass against a prepared force it’d be a bloody battle, so they were readying for a very specific strategy.

[member="Valkren Calderon"]

“Rangers this is wildcard forward commander, Major Dreger. They won’t get past us over. Be advised the enemy has artillery in play. Any word on that aircover?”

[member="Enyo Typhos"]​
Being a Jedi was tough. Always had been. Good things didn’t always come easy. Especially today.​

Kei was a sniper primed and ready. Had been all his life. Looking through that scope, measured breathing and awaiting the slightest sound. An old soldier’s force calming technique to relieve doubt from [member="Matsu Xiangu"] only added to that icy concentration. Something mundane, a rustle of leaves a throwing distance away had him turning his body to match it, and out came a grenade, instinctively he reached out in the force. Another Jedi might have assisted the grenade behind him, or moved it upward harmlessly, he couldn’t tell.

Kei Amadis wasn’t subtle. He smashed the full weight of a Jedi Masters force push into the grenade and resulting explosion, shrapnel and all, force pulling himself backwards as he did so. Sure he got some shrapnel across the side on the armor but the gas he was out of range of.

Amadis didn’t like the thought of taking a breath of fancy Sith perfume this early in the day.

Holding his breath he soon got damn far out of range too but not so much by choice. The first bolter shot collided with the rock ahead of him sending his sandwhich! flying in the air, thankfully he wasn’t right behind the shattering rock now. He certainly wasn’t after the explosions hit it, sending everything including him further back still, the next shrieking shell impacted behind him. A bolter was usually a slow weapon but deadly, and he got a taste of its nearby exploding ordinance imbedded in his waist’s left armor, painfully matching a couple of bits of grenade shrapnel which he yanked out. Because believe Kei that’s better than losing a bodypart over it.

A familiar gritting expression of pain, but only a trickle of blood, the armor was good but not invulnerable and would heal itself, sadly not heal him. He couldn’t use the temple for cover or elevation, risking others getting hit, instead he knew he had to disable that bolter. Worse with the gas spreading out he couldn’t see whoever it was, and he couldn’t feel in the force whoever it was either, as unknown to him they had been masking themselves.

Masking their signature? Clever. But they’d given a hint. This planet was teeming with life. Where was the spot it wasn’t currently…. about there…. he didn’t know so focused at the direction of the bolter shots. Spray and Pray! 5 rounds of large 12mm SPA-I Slug, Ion tipped ammo at one spot, then another, then another. Fast firing desperate MRS Rifle responses to the slow firing bolter which whizzed by his head into the side of the temple entrance, rocking it. It was a crapshoot. He may have guessed her location completely wrong.

Standing up and calming himself, Kei took a chance on timing, he concentrated firmly and slammed another thunderous force push forward as the next bolter shot should be coming his way. This one took up loose debris with it, sending them flying. Hopefully catching the shot soon after it came out, or just knocking them over. It would depend how methodical his opponent was in their shots. What was sure was that Kei had started running in behind it toward them, breath held.

One Important Sandwich | Tempest Jedi Armor | Power Blade Mii Knife (Hip) | Lightsaber (Hip) | MRS Rifle Ammo: 12mm SPA-I Ammo (Hands) | 2x Stun Grenades | Basic Field Medical Kit (Pouch) | Grappling Hook/Tie/Field Rations (Belt)
[SIZE=9pt]Location: Space[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Objective: Destroy Sith Fleet and ground Sith Army (Fleeting) [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Allies: SJO, Directorate, Wookiees, maybe Mandalorians (?) ([member="Gir Quee"] [member="Kaine Australis"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Opposition: Sith and friends ([member="Zahori Denko"], [member="Vanessa Vantai"])[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Directlly[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Engaging: Zahori[/SIZE]

[Naval Station “Kronos” (Tenchu Battlecruiser “Bahamut), Alaris Expanse]

Muttering curses under his breath, Elijah shuffled right into the operations center from his cabin across the hall. He hadn’t wasted any time changing to answer the call of his XO Captain Gruth, so he was still decked out in his pajamas and pair of mag boots.

Inside, he joined other senior commanders hovering over tactical feeds. The Kashyyyk system currently dominated the streams, but data still flowed in from hundreds of other star systems from across the Mid-Rim and beyond. It was not only the Sith that the Antarian Rangers fought, but also slaver despots of petty empires, pirate lords of great marauding fleets, carnivorous swarms of spacefaring mutants, etc. The list went on.

The Combatant Commander could have left the theater commanders in the region to take care of the issue as they were more than capable, but this was a matter he wanted to oversee personally. Thyferra was still fresh in his mind. In one fell swoop, the Vratix had been nearly exterminated, and the single largest producer of bacta destroyed. The galaxy as a whole now suffered from the Sith’s latest act of evil.

The Sith’s message to the galaxy had been received loud and clear, but not the one they had intended. It had only strengthened his resolve to see them eradicated as the locusts they really were.

“So the Sith have finally came around with that housewarming party,” Elijah drily noted as he studied the feeds. “How did they get the jump on us like this?”

“Based on simulations modeled after their ingress routes, it looked like they moved along minor lanes coming in east and west of the Mytaranor sector where we haven’t established monitoring stations.” Gruth reported. “I just deployed ELINT elements to cover our blindspots, so we’ll have fair warning if the Sith send in another wave.”

“Good, and what’s the status of the Kashyyykians?”

“At the time of incursion, most of their Spacy elements were oriented around space stations and other orbital platforms. Thus far, they’ve taken a defensive posture as they mobilize and recall patrol groups from the Expanse.”

“Looking at the force strength of armada that the Sith just brought in, we’re in a much better position to engage their fleet directly, and I already see the Directorate in the mix. Ask the Kashyyykians focus on defending the stations and providing ground support while we wipe the Sith fleets.”

“Now, we need to throw some hardware into the fight before Admiral Quee gets overwhelmed.” he said, now addressing all the commanders at the table and over holo comms. “Send in Aurek and orient them above M2 (Kashyyyk’s second moon) for long range strikes against the larger Sith formation. We’ll draw in their attention to start, then the real fireworks begin.”


[Second Moon, Kashyyyk High Orbit]

Minutes after the orders of Admiral King, Squadron Aurek microjumped right over the near side of Kashyyyk’s second moon, M2. As all capital ships possessed HIMS, they had remained unaffected by the pull of the Sith interdictors during their short transit.

The coordinates of enemy vessels had been pinpointed from telemetry fed to Narsil’s Subtai unit by Quee’s formation and military satellites in orbit, so only some quick adjustments were required to bring the guns and launchers to bear on the second Sith armada.

All capital ships were hammered with extreme long range energy explacements (Capital-grade Heavy Long Solar Ionization Cannons, Scythe Homing Lasers, Capital-grade Heavy Long Range Incinerator Plasma Railguns), fire focused on their vulnerable exposed bridge sections so typical of Sith-Imperial designs. The Scythes and Incinerators were used for their effectiveness to quickly burn down shields, especially in focused strikes, while solar ionization cannons could bypass most shielding all together to directly damage structures.

Angons were used to lob hordes of Inago biots into the ships, all instructed to tear through the bridge and other critical areas of the capital ships to cripple them in advance of follow up attacks.

The icing on the cake was Narsil’s use of its Erebus jamming arrays on the armada to send the Sith vessels into disarray as Aurek Squadron continued lay into them.

Meanwhile, Aurek’s twin carrier-destroyers (Seolhyun, Taeyeon) and their escorts (Ingolf, Leloo) slipped to the back of the fleet, then away over to the dark side of the moon for cover. There was no reason for them to see direct combat at the moment, their purpose to serve as glorified transports.

Starfighters began to disgorge from all ships, the droid-guided ships quickly forming defensive screens for intercept against enemy attack craft. Among the deployments were a pair of stealthy Sowa drones that split away from the main body to begin their AWACS mission and to hunt down enemy stealth vessels that may be lurking in orbit.

To help relieve Quee from being double teamed, continuous salvos of anti-beam canisters were fired at the flank of the Sith Armada to obstruct its fire lines. When struck by directed energy bolts or beams, the clouds of particulates would ignite into great bright blooms of energy to create an aegis for the Directorate ships.

“Looks like we came at good time,” Captain Noa told Admiral Quee over secure biocomm, immune to the Sith’s methods of jamming and eavesdropping. “I’m going to whittle down the bigger half of the Sith fleets, if you can focus on the other half for now. That nice big wall of energy should keep them split.”

“I see a third distinct body moving between you and the Sith formations? Are they with us?”

Summary of Actions

  • Deploys Squadron Aurek from the Alaris Expanse to the near side of the second moon of Kashyyyk (M2).

  • Begins to attack Zahori’s entire formation from behind and above, targeting the exposed bridges with extreme energy emplacements. Biots are also fired at the ships for a large scale boarding assault.

  • Zahori’s formation is also targeted for jamming, and anti-beam canisters are deployed to block her from firing upon Gir’s formation.

  • Carriers are moved back to the dark side of the moon to avoid being hit in retaliatory strikes.

  • Starfighters begin deployment for intercept and recon.

  • Pings Gir to ascertain the allegiance of the Mandalorian flotilla.
Order of Battle
Battlegroup Kronos, 1st Silver Fleet

Squadron Aurek (Over Kashyyyk’s Second Moon)

Centurion Destroyer - Taeyeon

  • 4x KF-01 Fencer Droid Starfighter Squadron (96)

  • 5x KF-02 Talon Starfighter Squadron (60)

Okami Heavy Cruiser - Botewolf

Okami Heavy Cruiser - Chinua

Okami Heavy Cruiser - Ingolf

Okami Heavy Cruiser - Leloo

Draken Artillery Cruiser - Mushu

Draken Artillery Cruiser - Spitfire

  • KF-01 Fencer Droid Starfighter Squadron (24)

Draken Artillery Cruiser - Smaug

  • KF-01 Fencer Droid Starfighter Squadron (24)

Draken Artillery Cruiser - Horntail

  • KF-01 Fencer Droid Starfighter Squadron (24)

Nebel ELINT Frigate - Luxxana

10x Kometa Ramship - (A1-A10)

Squadron Dorn (Alaris Expanse)

  • Centurion Destroyer - Eunji

  • Centurion Destroyer - Narsha

  • Centurion Destroyer - Hyuna

  • Centurion Destroyer - Chanyeol

  • Okami Heavy Cruiser - Lobo

  • Okami Heavy Cruiser - Mingan

  • Okami Heavy Cruiser - Phelan

  • Okami Heavy Cruiser - Raff

  • Okami Heavy Cruiser - Ivaylo

  • Okami Heavy Cruiser - Gorg

  • Nebel ELINT Frigate - Apollo

  • 10x Kometa Ramship - (D1-D10)

Squadron Krill (Alaris Expanse)

Kashyyyk Spacy Defense Force

(Just background flavor unless directly engaged. Currently set to guard space stations and other platforms scattered in orbit.)

Defender Cruiser - Lelak

Defender Cruiser - Onbaa

  • RZ-1 A-wing Interceptor Squadron (12)

Liberte Light Corvette - Orga 07

Liberte Light Corvette - Orga 08

Liberte Light Corvette - Orga 09

Liberte Light Corvette - Orga 10

Assault Group Gnasp (Kashyyyk Geosynchronous Orbit, Far Side)

  • Kossak Star Destroyer - Wroshyr

    3x RAF-01 X-Wing Starfighter Squadron, Standard Configuration (36)

  • 3x RAF-02 Y-Wing Bomber Squadron, Standard Configuration (36)

Defender Cruiser - Iveche

  • RZ-1 A-wing Interceptor Squadron (12)

Defender Cruiser - Aghro

  • RZ-1 A-wing Interceptor Squadron(12)

Liberte Light Corvette - Orga 11

Liberte Light Corvette - Orga 12

Liberte Light Corvette - Orga 13

Liberte Light Corvette - Orga 14

Patrol Element Egi (Alaris Expanse)

  • Damorian Light Cruiser - Muk

  • Damorian Light Cruiser - Sharle

  • Damorian Light Cruiser - Wos

  • Damorian Light Cruiser - Chyan

Patrol Element Kruli (Alaris Expanse)

  • Damorian Light Cruiser - Khusshen

  • Damorian Light Cruiser - Muchi

  • Damorian Light Cruiser - Yocho

  • Damorian Light Cruiser - Lowlay
LOCATION: The Silver Rest, Kashyyyk
OBJECTIVE: Defend Kashyyyk,

Allies: SJO [member="[/B][/FONT]Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Stephanie Swail"] [member="Reggie Faayare"] [member="Spencer"]
Enemies The Sith Empire | [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Enyo Typhos"] | [member="Lok Munin"] [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"]
​Post: 4

It was a very sudden and revealing feelings as the dark tendrils seeping from the forest subsided, reeling back like a snarling animal who got what for with a bump on the nose. It would not deter the threat though, if Tanasuki knew anything about the Sith it was that they where persistent, their want and lust for power being insatiable, their war like nature driving the Jedi to the length they where. Did he hate dark sider? no, not in the slightest, such thinking would mean hating his own mother, it had been proven that the light and dark could co exist, but the Sith where different, the whole ideology revolved around attaining more power. A belief that ate away at their being and corrupted one, no matter how justified they though their actions are Sith, to some extent were controlled by their desire, weather they knew it or not. Why else would they despite proclaiming to bring peace and order instigate almost every attack with the goal of trying to cause the most death and destruction.

Such views and ideal had ruled the galaxies wars for millions of year, and did not seem to be stooping anytime soon, all Tanasuki could do now was just defend the Temple along with his fellow Padawan and Master. Watching the tree line his gaze kept close attention on the Sith Lord who existed, a gut feeling telling the young boy this woman was responsible for the mind trick that affected them not to long ago. Following suit was a Mandaloiran looking man, armed with a slug thrower and decked out in armor, a fearsome opponent no doubt. Tanasuki placing his blade in a defensive stance, waiting for the Sith to make the first move, which they so kindly did, but in a manner that was not to be expected.

Sailing through the air a detonator came down, the Jedi master quickly catching the defensive, but it exploding anyways, releasing a toxic looking gas, Ixetal cilona. A substance he had used sometimes in the past when still an assassin, its effect very useful against force users, something that he would not have to feel today, the Master quickly directing the fine powder away from the group. In all honestly such an attack was bound to fail, if the Sith wanted that to work it would have been best to get in close drop the grenade and flee, not chucking if from far away in a wide arch, easy to spot and take care of. Would the Sith try again most likely but it seemed the Jedi master wanted to settle things in a manner very fitting of a Samuri, a one on one duel between the two in the middle of the battle field, now that would be a show. Still Tanasuki kept his blade raised, keeping an eye on the Mando to the side, not trusting such a battle hardened fighter would just idly stand by and watch, force knows himself wouldn't.
Location: Welcome to the jungle
Allies: The Sith Empire
Enemies: Silver Jedi Order
Nearby: [member="Darth Excidium"] | [member="Olrunn Darr"] | [member="Darth Aion"] | [member="Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori"] | [member="Orn Pharr"] | [member="Minch"]
Objective: Literally abandon my allies and probably get a bacterial infection

Olrunn’s anger was directed at her—something Farah felt in the threads of the Force—before the other Acolyte internalized her feelings of disgust and used them fuel for the Dark Side. The Zeltron, however, was only partially aware. Though trained to concentrate on everything that was around her, she deemed the battle as secondary to her main task. The Gurlanin, strong and dutiful as she is, was more suited to combat alongside their master.

Farah’s skill lay elsewhere.

“I can’t believe it—“ She shifted her eyes from her foot to the datapad, again and again. They were in the area where the bacteria had been collected before, though the alcove described in the text was still a little ways off. Not one to argue with a good thing (at least not right now), the doctor quickly retrieved a sample prep kit from the small bag at her side. Carefully, she scraped the mud and bits of bacteria into a small container of bacterial media. This would keep the sample alive for at least a few days until she could get it into a proper laboratory culture. The tube was placed into a small durasteel box, made to withstand heavy blows in case that the worst happened.

One wasn’t enough. She collected more, just in case—another sample would be hidden on her personage, and another on the soldier she’d brought along.

“Acolyte Zambrano,” He seemed to protest, still alert and more than a little unease with the strange Acolyte he’d been assigned to. Her heavy glare gave him pause.

“Farah.” She corrected him. Though her surname carried weight in certain circles, it was certainly not a unique identifier and spoke of achievements that were not her own. “Stop fussing. We’re almost through here.”
Location: Rest
Duelling: [member="Kei Amadis"]

It was on. Enyo's younger self had experienced excitement in combat. It had brought out her bloodlust. Her present self was a good deal more clinical. Admittedly young was relative since she had not even been in this world for half a decade, though she looked like a grown woman.

And now was incapable of aging due to being a robot. It remained an open question whether her brain might eventually decay...but carry on, forced to live due to the twisted machinery keeping it alive. It was not something she liked to contemplate.

A hail of projectiles shot towards her. The Cyborg had not been idle, but was on the move, weaving a pattern through the hailstorm as the five ion-tipped slugs whizzed towards her. The gas served its purpose by obfuscating her presence somewhat.

Still the slugs were fast. Taking advantage of rocks and trees, she moved in a zig-zag pattern. Projectiles impacted close by her, missing her though. She felt an ion charge splash on her armour, though her systems appeared undisrupted.

However, one round struck her in the shoulder, striking a weak spot. Her phrik skeleton tanked the round, but the ion detonation had an effect. Her HUD flared up information, reporting that the arm appeared to be impaired. A few circuits had been destroyed. Mechu-deru flowed through her, and backup systems compensated. But it was momentarily more difficult for her to move the arm and aim a precise shot.

Then there were tremendous ripples in the Force, when her opponent's thunderous telekinetic push swept towards her, raising debris and a cloud of dust along the way. This was confirmation that her adversary was a Force-user. Her enhanced hearing could hear him storming towards her, and sophisticated cybernetic eyes were not impaired by the cloud.

The Terminatrix braced herself. In the same moment, she dropped her concealment and unleashed her own Force Push. The thunderous telekinetic battering ram came from a quarter that might be a bit unexpected. For rather than meet the Jedi Master head-on, it came from behind him. The intent was to ram him with it and propel him into his own telekinetic push, and into the debris and the cloud of dust that clogged the air.

A chunk of debris rammed Enyo and she was slammed into the ground, skidding along the grass a bit before she came to a halt and swiftly jumped to her feet again. For a human it would have been a bruising impact - or worse. But she stood again, feet firmly planted on the ground. No sound escaped her.
Location: Near Excidium, Farah, Minch and Elpsis​
Goal: Kill Silver Jedi; Take vengeance for Jedi misgivings against him​
Allies: [member="Darth Excidium"] | [member="Farah"]​
Enemies: [member="Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori"] | [member="Minch"]​
* * *

Actions and words, that was all they were.

Breath haggard, posture stiff and eyes pulsing red, the Sith held his focus on the woman before him. He'd come for Jedi, for the spilling of blood of those that had wronged him so long ago; it hardly mattered to him just who she was. As he looked upon the woman before him, feeling her power course through the air around them, he knew she was there for the purpose of assisting the Jedi in their escape from their rightful fates. They had escaped from extinction hundreds of years ago, she stood in the way of him continuing that extinction even now.

It was enough to bring a snarl to the Sith's lips beneath his helmet, heard only as a low rumble to those within the vicinity.

And then, as quickly as he'd made his assessment, he could feel the energy around the witch, as he assumed she was, pulse outward. Outward the wrong term as the energy began to culminate and focus upon his location alone. Almost as if she assumed what his very nature was, though she should hardly know through the visually deterring skin suit he wore, let alone the plating that lined over it. Perhaps she intended to heat the plates upon his armor but he hardly concerned himself with the rising heat as the suit was more than enough to compensate for it.

With another rumble and a shift in his posture, the Sith hunched himself over and drew upon the Force. The heat intensified, the plates on his armor beginning to reflect the nature of the power she exuded towards him, and then he converted the energy he had reinforced himself with into an outward moving aura. Letting out a sigh that would likely have given many a foe chills, followed by a straightening of his posture once more, the Sith took a step forward through the heat collecting around him; an action she likely would not expect.

What happened next would likely be more of a shock, though he did not expect one as cool headed as she to respond in relative kind.

As he moved forward, clearing himself from the concentrating heat one step at a time, the area in close proximity to him began to change. The air thinned, the green of the foliage began to wilt and the very ground appeared to blacken beneath his feet; all indicative indications that something about the Sith had changed. Unphased by the assault that had been made on him, uncaring of the very nature of the individuals around him, the Sith stalked forward with every intent to continue pursuing the woman before him. Almost as if Death itself had taken to assisting in his task.

Excidium had made his move, the arriving jedi made his but the Sith seemed hardly concerned. He cared only for one thing; that moment his mind screaming for the satisfaction in lough of his absence from the public of the galaxy. HIs gaze continuing to pulse red, one thought came to mind.

He would consume the very essence she clung to so firmly.
Location: Leaving juggernaut transport, moving to [member="Valkren Calderon"]’s position on [member="Roona Osmari"]’s heels.
Allies: SJO, Lupewaurreg, Jost Cal Dayne, [member="Valkren Calderon"], [member="Roona Osmari"], [member="Jessica Med-Beq"], [member="Kei Amadis"]
Enemies: TSE, [member="Kor Vexen"], [member="Tekkio"], [member="Khonsu Amon"]
Engaging: Nobody currently

Beltran Rarr:

Beltran turned his head back to the three Rangers sitting further in the transport the moment he heard the word “Baldy.” He wasn’t entirely sure whether the man calling out to him simply wanted an answer to his question, or if he’d planned to start some kind of hazing ritual right here on the transport.

The Lorrdian had just opened his mouth to answer, when the sudden and violent ping of the stray round as it glanced off the juggernaut’s armor filled the air and drew everyone’s attention back to the matters at hand. It was all the better, Beltran decided. He had never been much of a conversationalist. For a man who excelled at understanding other’s emotions and intentions, he had more than a little difficulty managing his own. As a result, he often felt it best to keep to himself rather than expose anyone else to the uglier sides of his personality.

Once the transport stopped, he gathered himself up. As he passed by Lupewauregg and Jost Cal Dayne, the latter who was having a brief issue getting his own safety belt undone, he heard Sergeant [member="Roona Osmari"] as he began issuing orders to the other members of the Raiders.

Technically, Beltran wasn’t part of Colonel Calderon’s unit. Following his return from Nieflheim, he’d been detailed to another platoon. That platoon had been sent off world while he’d been on furlough, and weren’t due to return until the end of the week. That hadn’t bothered him though. Colonel Calderon had seen him in action twice now, and Beltran was sure that the officer knew the Lorrdian’s worth.

And if he didn’t, he soon would.

Jost Cal Dayne:

Jost Cal Dayne, for his part, had looked up at Sergeant Osmari as she’d spoken to him, a look of surprise on his face. “Th-thank you.” He stammered out, once again put off balance by the green eyed warrior woman.

In truth, the Corellian hadn’t realized that he’d started singing. It was something that he did when he was nervous or trying to concentrate on something and he rarely thought much of it. Waurr had told him on a few occasions that he had a decent voice, but it was flattering to hear it from someone else.

Once he and his Wookiee companion had disembarked, following Beltran Rarr out into the thick brush of Kashyyyk’s endless forest, he stood next to the Lorrdian. The mercenary was a strange man and one that Jost tended to feel very uncomfortable around. It was clear that he didn’t care much for either him or Waurr. And yet, for some reason he couldn’t understand Waurr seemed to have taken a liking to him.

A moment later, the woman-a Sergeant, he thought-exited the transport with three other soldiers in tow. Jost had heard her call them by name, but heavens help him if he could remember them. The Corellian was poodoo with names.

When she stopped and spoke to the Lorrdian, Jost thought he could sense a little condescension in her voice. Part of him wanted to shout out to her, and really anyone else who’d listen, that he hadn’t wanted to come in the first place. He was more than happy to let all these chiseled bronze statue-like specimens of good diets and rigorous work-out regimens come out here and blow themselves to bits while he sat back in the cantina getting hammered.

It was only because Waurr was insisting on playing the fething hero that he was here at all.

Beltran, however, didn’t seem to acknowledge the tone in the woman’s voice. As always, the Lorrdian stayed ice cold-all business, all the time-as he answered: “Right, we’re on your six.”

With that, the entire group headed into the forest to meet up with some mythical Colonel person Jost had never heard of. It only took about ten seconds of fast walking/light jogging before he began to lag behind.

“Keep up, Cal Dayne!” The Lorrdian’s voice called out. That was another thing that bothered him about Rarr, even when he had to talk over a loud environment, his voice never seemed to rise or change. And yet, he could always somehow be heard. It was weird.

“I’m trying…” Jost breathed as they pushed deeper into the forest.

“Try harder and keep your breathing under control. We’re about to confront the enemy, and I’d rather if they didn’t hear you gasping from a mile away.”

Beltran Rarr:

At Sergeant Osmari’s suggestion, Beltran led his companions through the brush behind her and the three other Rangers. He surmised from her orders to Lowder and Baker that they were to join up with Colonel Calderon. That suited the Lorrdian fine.

Behind him, he could still hear Jost Cal Dayne as he crashed through the woods. Lupewaurreg, on the other hand, moved nearly silently in the brush. It was a surprising feat for a Wookiee who looked like he could have lifted the juggernaut transport that they’d arrived on over his head.

While it was clear that the Wookiee was just following him because he didn’t know what else to do, Beltran respected the fact that he wasn’t making himself a nuisance while doing it. The Lorrdian intended to try to keep the two of them alive, but if it came down to it he knew he could always just sneak aboard and get his items off the ship before the port authority impounded it.

After a few minutes of moving, Beltran and the others came up to [member="Valkren Calderon"]’s position, about seven paces behind Sergeant Osmari. Motioning to Waurr and Cal Dayne to duck down behind the base of one of the massive wroshyr trees. He then crouch ran up to the Colonel’s position and knelt down next to Osmari and the other Raiders, intent on listening to the Colonel’s plan...
Allies: [member="Minch"] [member="Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Excidium"] [member="Darth Aion"] [member="Olrunn Darr"]

His non-lethal clearing of the small force of troopers did as desired, thinning the herd out and dealing with at least the majority of the enemy support force. Of course the random nameless soldiers weren't the real threat posed by the group of Imperials advancing on the forest, but they could be vital in the right time and place. Eliminating them was common sense.

Grenades hefted a loft and the old Jedi grimaced, tensing what passed for muscles in a Neti as he prepared to receive them. There was only so much he could do, and thus he could only accept that he had to protect the green. The Force surged in his outstretched hand, gripping at the satchel of explosives as they triggered, a tiny field of energy enveloping the bag in shimmering glow.

The explosion wracked the bubble, but everything outside it was unharmed. Orn groaned, sighing with effort from the defense, but the green was intact and relatively unharmed, the foiliage around him seemingly brushing against the tree like being in thanks as his attention turned to joining the fray and finishing off the enemy's support.

Attached to the web of trees, the Neti could feel them, the subtle distortions they had when a person or creature moved within them or upon their roots. It was impossible for a mortal mind to process all the information the forest could gather, an immense undertaking for even the most advanced supercomputer network, but with a goal and general direction known based off rough trajectory it wasn't that hard to sense out a lone sniper and instruct the vines and roots to ensnare the being as they had already to his comrades.

Like an immense snake, the shapeshifter slithered from the canopy, a mass of branches, moss, hardwood, and flowers pouring down from the trees behind the large sith corrupting the jungle with each step, his form smoking from an earlier fireball. The neti rose up, arms and legs sprouting, its humanoid appearance returning as Master Pharr stepped onto the jungle floor.

A long red colored stave sprouted and grew from his arm, as quick as activating a lightsaber. The sound of bark cracking and surging, the snap of woody sinew and muscle tightening beneath Jedi robes emanated from the being. "Leave now, and you will be spared youngling." He warned to the sith in the jungle, his tone authoritative and stern. Like an old professor speaking to young students.
Location: In orbit above Kashyyyk
Destination: Planet side
Enemies: Silver Fools
Objective: To make planetside with a group of Bone Walkers to search for an ancient shrine to a fallen Jedi.

Darth Nekros had recently been resurrected only a few short days ago, his ancient bones experiencing movement for the first time in centuries. He had been awoken by way of a curious Culisetto traveler who declared alegiance to the Sith Lord in exchange for being able to feed on the blood of whatever enemies he slay. The being had proven itself useful and had helped to educate him on the current state of the galaxy. He had helped the ancient Sith set up connections with the modern Sith Empire and had also helped him to procure a ship . The creature had proven itself worthy and thus Nekros had decided to granted him the honor of being his personal servant. In fact the creature who called itself Malare had helped him in more ways then one; by helping him get in contact with the Sith Empire he had also learned of the factions impending attack on Kashyyyk which was home to a group of Jedi.

Nekros sat within a throne like chair in the darkness of the silent tomb like ship, he steepled his clawed fingers and formed his sharp jagged teeth into a sinister smile. had been far too long since he had faced these light side fools in combat. He longed to once again clash weapons with his enemies, to fill their so called righteous hearts and minds with terror and dread as he would slay them and drain them of their life force to reduce them to nothing but dust. He caressed the amulet of a skull that he wore around his neck as he sank deep into thought; conquest, domination, would all be his. However in order for him to truly be reborn as Sith once again, he would need to acquire a new lightsaber, for his old one had been rendered unusable. It was the way of the Sith to craft a new lightsaber by using a kyber crystal that had been taken by a Jedi defeated in combat, and then force the crystal to "bleed" thus creating the crimson red blade. Nekros figured that the best place to get a Jedi's crystal was to head straight to their strong hold and pry it from cold, lifeless hands.

The Culisetto who had been at the pilots control swiveled around to look at his master. "Master....... we are about to enter the Kashyyyk system"

Nekros stirred within his seat, his red glowing eyes illuminating under his black cloak. He then spoke to his underling in a raspy, crackled voice. "Good........take us down and give no thought to any rabble that try to stop us for the fools no not what awaits."

Malare nodded, easing the dark eerie ship out of the blue/white bands of hyper space. The ship lurched forward into real space, where a green jungle planet sat within the black veil of space. Heavy combat between Jedi and Sith space forces could be seen in the distance. The Insectoid alien kept the ships heading, hoping to make it through without being detected, for he wished to live to see his masters glorious conquest. Howver suddenly alarms began to wail inside the ship as proximity alerts indicated that enemy fighters were converging on their position. "Master! We are under attack!"

Nekros could sense them....he could feel the anticipation of the pilots within their cockpits, eager to make a quick kill. He could sense their over confidence, the spark of hope in that what they were doing was for the greater good. Nekros merely grinned maliciously as he reached out with the Force focusing on the rapidly approaching starfighters. Suddenly the starfighters halted to a standstill, unable to move. Nekros rose from his seat and slowly walked towards the front viewscreen of his ship peering out at the enemy fighters trapped in the Siths grip. Nekros smiled at them wickedly, his red eyes burning with excitement; he couuld feel their fear, their desperation their desire to live. Nekros began to laugh, it began as a small chuckle and gradually evolved into a malicious cackle.

"You fools! You will see you will all see!" He then raised his other hand and by way of the Force, smashing the cockpits of the fighters and exposing their occupants to the cold vacuum of space. The pilots attempted to scream as they were sucked into space but no voice left their lips as they finally embraced death. Nekros smiled again "These Jedi are not prepared for my return, death will come to all those who stand in my way! And through death comes eternal service to me!" Suddenly several white, skeletal like creatures, emerged from the shadows of the ships interior, shuffling towards Nekros side. The creatures let out series of growls and groans as the light revealed them to be Bone Walkers; agents of the Undead. The ship continued to glide towards the planet, carrying its undead passengers and their dark master.
Location: Medical Wing Retrieving Selena
Objective: Escort Selena and Defend padawans
Allies: Silver Ravers
Enemies: Sith peeps

My HUD flicked on a warning that samples were being taken by someone probably bent on science and doing twisted things with it. Luckily I'd actually prepped for this...Triggering the flammable grains of sand I'd scattered throughout the sample spots. Mentally weaving knots with Force energy I kept the fire going by tying it into the energy being emitted from all the fires and destruction raging across the planet surface. Glancing back at my HUD I realized the trooper squads had in fact changed comm codes....Oh well, first time was amusing enough and at least would make them want to figure out the how later. Chuckling I thought of how long it'd take to update the codes in the helmets.

Moving through the temple plaza I cut the filter on my helmet so the padawans could see my face. Recognizing [member="Stephanie Swail"] in the crowd I said "Stephanie be aware there are some troops moving through the trees outside. Just took three out but odds are the group out front is splitting up to take each side of the Temple. May The Force be with you." Moving off towards the medical plaza I reached out through The Force and said "Celiana moving towards the medical plaza to secure your sister." Moving down a set of stairs towards the medical wing I disengaged the shield module on my left gauntlet then moved into the medical chambers to see both a Zeltron Master it looked like with a saber in hand. Not yet activated I noted, tilting Tamerlein's blade towards the ground I disengaged my helmet lock. Pulling it off with my free left hand I looked at the padawan and said "Selena Drayven? Your sister is on her way here if you're good to get geared up there's an armory not far away but we do need to move. Troops are moving in to surround the temple and we can use help. Your Master should come too, not sure what combat experience she has but we could use a gunner at least."

Pulling my helm back on I locked it in place and heard Celiana "Andorreth get her gear and start moving towards some kind of exit. That place is a death trap if breached." Smirking I said "They have to take it first, we're moving find a decently safe place to land and we'll make contact if we can. I'll keep her safe though." Just then I heard "Master we are hunting/ Beach men are well protected/ eat forest men?/" Smirking I said "Aye/ split into pairs/ eat the crunchy ones/ there's some by some goop on fire/ don't eat goop/ crunchy ones only."

[member="Farah"] ~ [member="Tekkio"]
Location: Deluge-class Battle Carrier Soresu, in hyperspace
Objective: Set up
Allies: [member="Kaine Australis"]? | [member="Elijah King"]
Enemies: [member="Vanessa Vantai"] | [member="Zahori Denko"]


The retaliatory fire by the Sith Empire ships was swift, but not entirely unexpected. By keeping a course that ran parallel to the Void Irregular Fleet and a maintained long distance from the enemy ships, the corvettes weren't in an immediate threat except from long-range weapons. Even then, the corvettes' defense rested on their small size and maneuverability, assuredly advantageous against many long-range weapons, known for typically having difficulties for tracking small and maneuverable targets. The corvettes weaved up and down and abruptly shifted speeds to make themselves inherently more difficult targets and in effect forming a variant of the Dantooinian firing squad. But the sheer amount of fire mustered by the combined Sith fleets ensured that at least some of the corvettes were hit, and several were outright destroyed in fiery blasts of flame. As the Lightfall Dominion fleet moved in, one of the corvettes was caught by a tractor beam and summarily destroyed.

They would risk hitting their own ships,” noted Captain Ryundai.

And they appear to be jamming the frequencies that we used earlier at Anzat. That would confirm our suspicions.”

Should we change it then?”

Gir nodded, “Assign random channel-hopping algorithms by salvo for the remain Firelance salvos. We'll keep them guessing on what channel they should be trying to jam-

As he said that, the reserve elements of the Void Irregular Fleet appeared from behind, further harrying the corvettes even as one of the Sith fleets committed their entire starfighter reserve to chasing down the corvettes. Well, they won't last long against that...but it was worth drawing out their reserves. Gir tapped a command into the console, signaling the light corvettes to scatter abruptly. Several of them exploded violently even as he typed the orders. The surviving corvettes scattered at abrupt angles. As they did so, Admiral King's armada began to enter the fray. Their timely deployment of the obscuring anti-beam cannisters would help cover their withdrawal from the main battlefield. But even as the corvettes retreated, more Silver Jedi and Directorate ships appeared on the battlefield.

Taking time to have observed their opponent and make the necessarily calculations under Drake, their advanced navigational AI, the heavy warships of the Task Force Justice shunted in and reverted at the rear of the Ablution in an asymmetric “V”-formation, with the Soresu taking the upper the port position, the trio of assault carriers filling out the rest of the wings, and the Black Sword holding down the base of the formation. The ships opened fire as soon as they appeared into the Ablution's stern, hoping to cripple and destroy the ship's engines in a classic alpha strike. A hextet of proton beams, dozens of hypervelocity cannons, energy torpedoes, heavy autocannons, and countless other weapons slammed into the ship's glowing exhaust. As impressive as that display was, those weapon's brilliance compared in comparison into the Soresu's combined dozen Scythe-class Homing Lasers converging to focus on a single point to burn through the battleship's defenses. Even the carriers' communications systems were set to the offense, with the subspace transceivers being turned into communications jammers against the enemy fighters as the carriers communicated via comm lasers. Among this flurry of weapons fire and communication's jammig, the carrier group's wings struck. Two dozen squadrons KF-02 starfighters which immediately set themselves on the nearest starfighters. As they did so, the eleven squadrons of Cyclone bombers off of the Soresu took advantage of the surprise of the attack combined with their fierce counterattack of their compatriot fighters to make a bombing run on the Ablution's ventral stern section.

Tractor the Ablution,” ordered Gir, “by all carriers. There is no escape for it this time.”

As if to confirm that, several more bright flashes of cronau radiation announced the arrival of more Silver Jedi warships to their capital. The Tenchu Kai-class Battlecruiser Aeglos cut into realspace, flanked on either side by an Akula-class Star Destroyer. Scattered among these massive ships were a quartet of Directorate-crewed Manta-class Heavy Corvettes. Rather than appearing on the same horizontal plane as the rest of the combatants, their journey from the budding Silver Jedi base over Alaris Prime to come in at a perpendicular angle. By moving forward, they appeared to be diving down towards the Ablution. Gir scrolled in to zoom in on the incoming friendly vessels. They're not quite in normal firing range. But observation that didn't stop Admiral Quintus from using his own long-range weapons. The Aeglos was a beacon of light, spewing solar ionization cannon bolts, homing laser beams, ion ripper fire, and hypervelocity cannon slugs. While likewise designed for long-range combat, the Akula star destroyer's own solar ionization cannons, hypervelocity cannons, plasma energy torpedoes, and mass driver slugs seemed like lesser if still impressive deities. Gir further zoomed the holo-projector in on the Ablution's topside, noting that rather than simply focusing on dealing damage, Quintus, ever the duelist, had opted to focus on specific targets, notably the larger weapon emplacements located on the ship's topside. He recalled a one meeting with the wiry selonian several weeks ago. What did he say back then? A toothless enemy is a prisoner in the making...

Summary of Actions
-Most corvettes are destroyed by combined Sith fleet fire...survivors scatter and attempt to break contact
-Task Force Justice's heavy ships revert from realspace right behind the Ablution in "V" formation as described.
-Soresu, Salen Toth, Rojo Trace, Laotah, and Black Sword all fire directly into the Ablution's engines
-Soresu, Salen Toth, Rojo Trace, and Laotah apply tractor beams to Ablution
- Oracle Communications Packages on carriers begin to jam communications frequencies used by Sith Empire starfighters.
-24 squadrons of KF-02 Talon Starfighters off of the carriers attack strikecraft around Ablution
-11 squadrons of Cyclone Bombers attack Ablution's ventral stern area
-Battle Group Rhea under Admiral Quintus arrives at long-range weapons range, slowly coming down perpendicular towards the engagement
-Aeglos, Mablung, and Anborn all fire down onto Ablution, seeking to destroy topside weapons using their own long-range weapons

Task Force Justice

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