Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Two for Flinching

LOCATION: The Silver Rest, Kashyyyk
OBJECTIVE: Repel the Sith; defend Kashyyyk; Have a little fun <3
ALLIES: The Silver Jedi Order | [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] | [member="Reggie Faayare"] | [member="Tanaski Yumi"][member="Stephanie Swail"]
ENEMIES: The Sith Empire | [member="Matsu Xiangu"] (Mental Direct Contact) | [member="Enyo Typhos"] | [member="Lok Munin"]


[SIZE=10pt]Footsteps and whispers, the forest for some reason always had footsteps and whispers. Sitting in one of the taller trees above the small group of padawans, Spencer had been perched, mostly watching. She had decided that after she felt the wave of the dark side make its way towards the green planet, she would observe and see what would come of it. Maybe, she would write a great song or a tale – memories of the Bard played in her head as she remembered his bed time stories. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]The dark side drew closer and she mused over where she would pledge her allegiances, remembering the dinner the silver rest had given her the night before it was an easy pick. Her perch wasn’t far from where the padawans were moving in their adorable single file line, perfect formation she thought quietly as she stood from her perch. Something fell from her robes and she watched as the small bag of chocolate covered peanuts fell and scattered to the base of the tree. A heavy sigh, and the slender blonde shook her head. “That was my last bag…feth.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]She moved along the branch and then began her way towards the padawans. Hands behind her head she sighed heavily as she felt the reaches of the dark side attempting to spread the terrors of doubt. Matsu tickled the back of her head and within an instant the Sith Lord was shut out from her mind. Well that’s adorable. Spencer thought quietly to herself and drew closer to the kids. Stopping in front of Stephanie, she smiled and placed her hands on her hips. “Hello, I’m here to help you guys out.” As she finished speaking, the master sighed. Matsu was being creepy to the kids and Spencer wasn’t an enthusiastic fan of that. With the small group and her previous experience of battle meditating for fleets and large-scale battlefields, Spencer was fully capable of shielding the four padawans. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Each of them would feel a calming presence wash over them, any source of doubt would be lifted from their minds. Spencer smiled and nodded. “Trust me okay?” Looking back at the forest, she wondered where the lovely Sith Lord was hiding, today was going to be a good day. As her influence washed over the padwans, Matsu would know that someone else was with the kids. A grin and the Sith Lord would feel the presence of Spencer Jacobs. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]You going to come play?[/SIZE]
LOCATION: The Silver Rest, Kashyyyk
OBJECTIVE: Defend Kashyyyk,

Allies: SJO [member="[/B][/FONT][COLOR=#7a98a2]Asaraa Vaashe"][/COLOR] [member="[COLOR=#7a98a2]Stephanie Swail"][/COLOR] [member="Reggie Faayare"] [member="Spencer"]
Enemies The Sith Empire | [member="[COLOR=#FFA500]Matsu Xiangu"][/COLOR] | [member="[COLOR=#7a98a2]Enyo Typhos"][/COLOR] | [member="Lok Munin"]
​Post: 4

​Tanasuki just silently nodded at Swails tactics, though not a military mind in any regard even her knew that trying to having people attempt to defend every part of the temple would just play into the Siths hands, if they keep congregated, tight and together nothing could overcome them. Though it all though a slight uneasy feeling seemed to surround the group, like the small ting along the spine Tanasuki often felt when someone was about to take a pot shot at him, but this felt more subtle, almost easy to confuse with the dark tendrils reaching out from the jungle due to so many dark siders.

They where being watched and he knew this, Swail coming to the same conclusion as the group made their way to the temple choke point, a vital area that one would need to hold if they wanted control over the battle field. It gave the boy reassurance in some manner, like a small boost in moral, but for some reason there was this ever itching feeling of doubt that seemed to be slowly seeping into his mind, was It nerves for the upcoming battle...

No Tanasuki never thought that way, in a sense he was incapable of thinking that way, not yet developing a persona to express his worry, doubt or shy behavior, this feeling, it had to be something else. "Everyone, do you feel that, like a sudden sense of worry? it is unnatural, well to me, I believe the Sith are closer then we think", ​his voice cold a stoic, a little pissed off that someone would try to play with his emotions like that, all the better to practice using his metal shields if need be. "Leve it up to a Sit to try and win a fight without needing to swing a single blade, I though they were the one to rule the galaxy with an Iron fist, crush those who oppose them, not use petty tricks to avoid combat".

​Suddenly though the feeling would vanish, replaced with the calming feeling of the light, a woman leaping just before them, long blonde hair and a white wash robe, a powerful force signature coming from them."Awww oh well Swail, look like a master is here, guess that means no fun", ​he quipped in a joking manner but more then glad someone else had decided to join the fray, removing the tainted feel of whatever Sith had been probing at the boys mind.

Matt the Radar Tech

ꜰɪxɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ʀᴀᴅᴀʀs ᴀɴᴅ sᴛᴜꜰꜰ

OBJECTIVE: Gather samples, spread some corruption Deal with opponents​
LOCATION: Kashyyyk Jungle​
ALLIES: The Sith Empire​
ENEMIES: Silver Jedi Order​
The battle was begun, a small confrontation isolated from the larger attack forces. The arrival of Darth Aion had been unexpected, but appreciated, especially against such a seemingly composed and capable combatant - the female able to maintain her edge despite being surrounded and covered in acid cloud. It was impressive. Uncanny, even. As Excidium had expected, Olrunn arrived and proved an effective factor to the foray, ridding the redhead of the explosive weapon. The follow-up weapon, however, proved just as potent if in another way - judging by the sound and way it seemed to produce sonic waves. But the biggest mistake, by far, was the fact the redhead stayed in the gaseous acid cloud, which was billowing a bright green around her position, saturating her and the armor she wore; and while it appeared to be finely crafted, and somewhat resilient, it was ultimately a metallic compound... and the acid from the T15 weapons used trifaraleen gas, which ate through metal like a ravenous mynock on power cables.

And judging by her armor design, those joints are considerably more vulnerable to damage, Excidium thought, smirking as he began to walk toward the redhead. He activated his long-handled lightsaber, the crimson red blade erupting with a deep, unnatural thrum. The area then slowly filled with a dark, nauseating aura, with the Sith Lord focusing that sensation on their opponent. The acid cloud will eat away at the seams soon enough, and then when it touches skin... she's going to be little more than skeleton.

Suddenly the Sith Troopers around began to scream and cry, as they were entwined by vines and the very ground itself. The main contingent of troopers were gone, save for the out-of-position T15 Launcher troops and the other individual who was out of sight. For a moment, Excidium believed he was witnessing another attack by the mysterious redhead, but a quick glance in the direction of Darth Aion and the woman proved otherwise, as she unleashed with a torrent of flame. She was quite versed in bringing everything to bear, it seemed, able to attack consistently. Likely a fighter with a lot of skill, but not unlike anyone else on the battlefield, save the Apprentices...

"Speaking of..." Excidium looked for Farah. She was gone. That was both an irritating and interesting turn of events.

Looking up, Excidium caught a Force presence above. He narrowed his bright green eyes, staring up toward the high, high canopy above. Activating his comm, one hand raised to his mouth with the device, the Sith Lord spoke to the trooper who had fallen back, with the large pack across his back. "Do you have the target? Fire as soon as you do." He commanded, hearing the confirmation come back. Whatever it was, it was hidden well, potentially camouflage or a cloaking device? There were several options to flushing out such a foe, especially knowing the general location of the new arrival; but wanting to conserve some of his power, Excidium instead decided to use what was available to him - trooper supplies.

So reaching down, Excidium grabbed a small carry satchel of grenades, which had come loose following the struggles with the vines. And using some Force to assist the effort to gain height, threw the bag of explosives into the air. The satchel arched up, well above the combat below, nearer the canopy; and following a small pressure of telekinesis on the grenades activation button, the several explosives detonated, showering the area up high with fire, smoke and pressure. The tree branches were blown askew, lit aflame, some snapped outright - and if the enemy hadn't moved, it was likely they were just as damaged.

A moment later, the Sith Trooper with the sniper rifle caught sight of his target - the redhead - and fired a high powered slug at her, mid-combat...


Nearby Allies: [member="Olrunn Darr"], [member="Farah"]
Nearby Enemies: [member="Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori"], [member="Orn Pharr"]

Location: Silver Rest
Objective: Battle meditation
Allies: SJO – Nearby the Temple: [member="Spencer"], [member="Stephanie Swail"], [member="Jyoti Nooran"], [member="Cassius Droma"], [member="Asaraa Vaashe"], [member="Reggie Faayare"], [member="Tanaski Yumi"]
Opposition: TSE: [member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Enyo Typhos"], [member="Lok Munin"]

The tendrils of darkness reached inside Silver Rest.

Valae could feel this curious sensation at the back of her mind, whispering words of doubt. This shadowy feeling threatened to linger, but the Grandmaster knew why she was here – and she had a duty to perform. This unseen influence had found her here, nestled within the meditation chamber of the temple… there was no doubt it would touch the minds of others present all around the Rest. For a moment, her suspicion was confirmed.

Sensing a noticeable shiver within the collective force presence around the temple, Valae knew that she would have to act quickly. Eyes closed, she focused on her goal and let her presence begin to stretch and grow. The Silver Circle healers felt it instantly; all four of them basked in the warmth that radiated from the Grandmaster. As her own presence extended, Valae could feel that a strong Jedi master had arrived. The other woman’s signature was now felt wrapping around that of some padawan learners – among them was Valae’s own apprentice, Stephanie Swail.

This was an encouraging development. Yet another strong example that the Silver Jedi’s community was strong, and that they would fight this threat together.

Letting this thought occupy her mind, along with a vision of propelling the Sith from their home. It was an image that those in and around the rest would share. Valae drew a deep breath and exhaled slowly. The reach of the shadows would begin to retreat, they were not welcome here. And now, she would give her allies a breath of fresh air – they would find their own calm center and courage within, and the steady sense that they were not alone.

We can do this.
Location: Silver Rest > Kachirho Area (About a 15 minute trip by air)
Objective: Provide reinforcements
Allies: SJO, Locals ([member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Jyoti Nooran"] [member="Cawn"] [member="Zavii"] [member="Cassius Droma"]
Opposition: Sith and friends, ([member="Thane Danson"] (?))
Directly Engaging: Eventually [member="Khonsu Amon"].

A headache began to formulate in Charlie's head, she had felt this before and it was before she had learn some defenses from the Jedi Masters. Flashes of her past triggered something, visions of her parents treated like animals angered the Padawan. Shutting her eyes tightly, she regained some of her composure. Like she had been taught she imagined a wall building piece by piece around her mind. Sealing it with her resolve within the force. Charlie was lucky she was practicing sense, she was centered within the force and prepared.

The tightness in her chest continued, the feelings festered and dug deep into her core. The force manifested and fueled the primal instincts she was born with. The desire to dispatch the Sith from Kashyykk continued to grow and the small Padawan could feel the small hairs on her neck stand like a beast preparing to defend it's territory.

She was lost in her own blood lust, until she heard Jyoti's words. The woman's voice cut through the girl's mental barricade and she looked towards her Master, for the moment, the K’paur bloodlust was calmed and Charlie followed the orders of her Master.

As they moved towards the armory, she could still feel the building effects of her heritage. The tightness of the shadow armor reminded her of the sensitivity she gained with this feeling. It had been almost 8 years since she had felt this, yet it felt like yesterday - especially with the memories of why she ended up on Tython still fresh in her mind.

A standard blaster found its place next to her lightsaber. Arms folded as the usually hungry and ditzy Padawan showed a different side to her. There was no fear as she looked towards her Master for the next order. “I'll protect our home, Master...just show me where they are…” Even her tone held the seriousness she felt along with a hint of excitement. Charlie wanted to do to the sith what she had seen them do to her parents and family.
Location: Groundside, beach-ish
Allies: TSE, Money, [member="Kor Vexen"], [member="Scipio Alta"], [member="Sokar Azad"], [member="Khonsu Amon"],
Enemies: SJO, Conscious, [member="Jessica Med-Beq"], [member="Charlie"], anyone who gets in the way
To be Engaged: [member="Jyoti Nooran"] (?)
Objective: Do the job, don't think too much about the moral ramifications

Mortars opened up, snipers popped out of trees, hell was unleashed on the Sith forces. But not on them oddly enough. The mercenaries had seemingly been forgotten amidst the chaos by most spare a few wookiees. As risky as being dropped off farther up the beach had been, it put them at quite an advantage right then.

A massive wookiee stepped out of cover, firing with its bowcaster angrily. The bolts dissipated against his shields, weakening their integrity, but failing to crack them. Geller wouldn't have that problem. His rifle came up and he squeezed the trigger, blasterfire raking the hairy being's torso and sending it tumbling into the sand. They had seconds before one of the nearby Silver troops noticed them. Perfect.

Leaping down into an entrenched position, the personal energy shield around him cut out to recharge as the Silver's firing on the beach turned their heads towards him slowly as the other mercs came down beside him. For the briefest moment, there was confusion about which side the rag-tag group was on, but the ensuing blaster fire cleared any suspicion away.

Stepping over the bodies of the troopers, smoldering wounds across their corpses, Cadmon waved on the soldiers of fortune. There were plenty more positions to hit.
Location: Entering Silver Rest
Objective: Link up with Selena
Allies Silver Jedi Ravers
Enemies: Sith peeps

Dunno why everyone was yelling to turn off the music as I already had. Glancing at my HUD as I moved into an alcove by the temple I realized that the Kushiban party had stopped....that was unacceptable although slightly amusing as well. Rotating to the secondary channel I blasted some peanut butter jelly time into those specific troops' helmets. Then just for the giggles I shut off the temperature controls and ventilation systems in troops in the whole forest. Let them have the sauna treatment for a bit, moving towards the temple I felt darkness moving towards the temple and also......Celiana? How though she'd been away from the temple for ages now. Reaching out I said "Celiana? Where are you?" Waiting for a few seconds I heard mentally "dropped support off by the Wookiee villages. Headed towards you though. Andorreth, my sister she's among the padawans being kept safe her name is Selena Drayven. Check and see if she's there please, I feel a reunion is overdue."

In the alcove I brought up a list of Silver Jedi on planet, down to simple younglings. If she'd returned from a mission recently she could be....there medical watch. As if, any relation of Celiana's would be demanding to fight. "Celiana be advised she's on site listed as being under medical watch. Seras is perched somewhere I'll have her keep watch." Having dealt with making things difficult for the enemy troopers I finally kicked off the stealth unit and drew Tamerlein from the sheath on my left hip and engaged the energy shield module on my left forearm gauntlet. "Seras start dropping trooper bodies by the Beskar clad man we need to split them up." A moment passed then "Acknowledged going hot in three, two, one. Engaging troopers now, good luck Andorreth." Pulling my blaster pistol from the holster on my right hip I heard a trooper in the treeline and I began lining up the shot waiting as he moved then two more. without looking and aiming with The Force I fired three times in quick succession dropping all three.

Moving towards a secondary entrance towards Silver Rest I entered through code clearance and joined up with the knights and padawans inside. "Master/ crunchy people/ beach and moving into jungle/ we eat?" Smirking I said "One group/ beach/ one group jungles/ hunt well friends/"

[member="Celiana"] ~ [member="Selena Drayven"] ~ [member="Nameless One"]
Location: Airborne screeching towards Silver Rest
Objective: TBD for now reunite with student and family
Allies: Silver peeps
Enemies: Dark side peeps

I'd been away a long time and now hearing that everyone from Voss had moved to Wookieland I wondered...I'd contacted Andorreth through The Force but now I was screeching towards the temple in The Morrigan. Currently looked like there was a mass of troops and equipment being set up along the beachheads at a separate location from the rest of the invasion force. While out of the way a little bit I screeched towards it and activated the flak cannons and quad laser cannons. Then as I flew down the beach head I rained hellfire on the equipment being set up and cut through a huge chunk of the war-droids like butter. darting back out of range I veered off towards the jungles, Wroshyr trees and my studnet and sister... I was dressed in my own beskar'gam minus the helmet and odds were there was someone at the Temple who could actually use the supplies I had aboard. I felt like I was coming home but the triumph was yet to be had.
[SIZE=11pt]Location: Planetside - DUNKIRK BEACH[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]Allies: [member="Beltran Rarr"] | [member="Roona Osmari"] | [member="Kei Amadis"] | [member="Jessica Med-beq"][/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]Enemies: [member="Kor Vexen"] | [member="Scipio Alta"] | [member="Tekkio"] | [member="Thane Danson"] | [member="Sokar Azad"][/SIZE]​
Colonel Valkren Calderon leaned out the door of his transport once more, gripping tightly onto the handle on the door, well aware the threat he faced if his gloved hand happened to slip and his armored body plummeted to the jungle below. His eyes were drawn to the airborne soldiers that rained in front of him into the woods. As his visor zoomed in on his command, he traced the landing pattern of a group of the soldiers, watching as they professional dropped within the trees behind the rangers fighting their hardest to keep sith forces from advancing up the beach. Valk’ pulled himself back in the troop bay as the pair of dropships turned sharply, heading towards a drop point just beyond where the airborne soldiers had landed in the trees.

Copy Commander, we’re moving to the ground. Let your men know the cavalry's here. I’ll assume control at dunkirk.” Valkren responded to Jessica Med-beq’s transmission, returning to sift through their armaments once more before his team’s insertion.

“Looks like more have landed at the shores, not much progress up the beach yet!” The copilot of Valkren’s transport shouted out, even though he was clearly heard through their communications system.

“If we don’t get through these fetthin’ airborne and get to our people, they’ll reach the rest in no time.” Konrad’s gruff voice chimed in, the Lieutenant heaving up a Z-6 rotary cannon into his lap as the dropships turned about once more, giving him a more clear view out his side of the gunship.

They’ll hold. We get off here and wait for the third to reach our position! With the armored support from the juggernauts and our bengals, we’ll rip through these airborne troops in no time.

Valkren turned his helmeted head towards Specialist Osteen, lifting two fingers in a pointing motion off of his own rotary cannon and directed them at the ranger.

Jiho, I’m going to need you to take two of our boys, and find a sergeant from the third infantry willing to take his platoon and stay back with the artillery platforms. Those guns are going to be the difference between life and death on that beach.

“Those guns are going to be a big target for enemy birds, sir.”

Once we’ve linked up with our armor i'll pull the sixth off our asses and have them support your positions. Flyboys should keep enemy TIE’s off of you.

The specialist only gripped his assault ripper tighter, nodding in response.

Valkren scanned over his team inside the troop bay of the transport once more, assuring that they were truly prepared as the titans of war sat strapped with all sorts of munitions to their armor.

The dropship rocked violently as it narrowly missed a tree, hovering still several feet in the air, the second dropship moving several trees over to a separate opening in the canopy.

Time to rock, ladies!” The colonel’s voice boomed out suddenly, lifting the cannon up and hopping into the brush below. The entire platoon from both transports dropped after him, spreading out in several different directions to hold a perimeter.

With a simple direction from his hand, Specialist Osteen and two other members of the Radama Raiders took off in the direction of the convoy, moving to support the artillery.

As the trio separated from their platoon, the rest of the raiders converged onto Valkren’s position facing the beach. Through the patch of jungle between his group of operators and the allied forces on the beach, lay in waiting their first enemy of the day. Blaster fire and constant bombardments could be heard from their position on the beach, a calling to the silver forces, their battle to attend.

However, Valkren knew that this wasn’t the time to make ‘bigshot’ calls and enter the jungle and push forward. He had to wait for support if they were going to make it through the sith soldiers and hold dunkirk -and- make it out all in one piece.

As Valkren crouched in the brush, watching through his visor and listening for transmissions, he heard his name called. Supposedly just ahead of them, where their airborne enemy was present, more allies seemed to be.

Copy that, we need the wildcards support to hold dunkirk. First objective is to rid the trees of any bad guys that just dropped in. Our artillery will provide extra shelling to the beach to keep their forces from advancing.

Just as Colonel Calderon was making this transmission, the juggernauts and bengal tanks were making their way through pathways, and making several paths of their own as the grew closer to the colonel’s position.

The artillery platforms had stopped further back, already preparing weapons and receiving details from observation units on enemy positions on the beach.

Within one of the juggernauts, rangers all prepared to disembark, checking whatever weaponry and equipment they could get their hands on. A platoon sergeant with the third infantry was walking down the length of the troop bay area, spouting and barking orders as he went.

Come on then! Are you jogging private?! Jogging to get your kriffin’ kit together when the damned sith are on our doorstep?! Why don’t we just hand them Kashyyyk!”

On the other end of the troop bay, the remaining members of the raiders sat, Specialist Lowder eying the sergeant as he harassed the soldiers preparing for battle.

God I’m glad we’re special forces, don’t have to deal with karkwits like that anymore.” Lowder spat on the floor of the bay as he said this, rather content with the job he occupied.

“You mean you haven’t been gettin’ yelled at? What’s the deal then. Been gettin’ my nads hazed off by Lieutenant Harris.” Corporal Baker exclaimed, fitting a bandolier of detonators around his flak jacket.

Means he doesn’t like ya, brother.” Lowder simply responded, which ended up getting the specialist a vulgar gesture from Baker.

Lowder continued to scan his immediate area, nodding to Roona as he spotted his fellow teammate, before spotting specialist Rarr. Jim attempted to make contact, before a sudden rude interruption that had him and the other raiders sprinting out the bay.

​"Hey, ranger. Aren't you the baldy from Nifl-"

"Incoming!" A vehicle operative screamed out just as the troop bay opened, flooding the area with light. A stray round from the beach struck into the side of the armor plating of their vehicle. The round scrapped off and shot to the side, tossing debris all about the ramp as a platoon of rangers trotted down the ramp of each juggernaut that stopped. The groups of katarn-sporting soldiers, and some not-sporting as much plating, brought their arsenals about as they all rushed into the brush, falling under command of each platoon sergeant they had.

Bengals and juggernauts alike advanced through the woods along side the rangers, moving to Valkren's platoon before stopping short, every vehicle operator and soldier glaring out ahead in preparation for the battle to come.

The members of the raiders, several platoon sergeants from the third infantry, and two armored NCO's suddenly appeared in Valkren's circle, awaiting orders from their 'field-commander.'

"Right, you all know the risks here so I'm going to cut right to the chase. We advance cautiously through this next part. Call out any enemy positions in the trees, and watch for friendlies. We'll come up on our boys at the beach fast, so once we're there we dig in."

Suddenly, he switched his direction to the NCO's in charge of their juggernauts, artillery, and tanks.

"The Juggernauts will act as great cover, so get those up there leading. Have the bengals branch off on either side of each Jugg'. A platoon or so of riflemen will be behind each juggernaut and tank to provide support. If we hold our line we'll push right through, sound good?"

There was a resounding 'yes sir' from the motley group of troopers before him.

Valkren moved from his crouched position, slinging his assault ripper directly across his kit attached to his chest plate, soon after picking up his rotary cannon in preparation. The NCO's and team leaders went to their respective positions, vehicles chugging forward into the jungle as they approached the beach, with Valkren and a whole helping of rangers in tow.

"Let's show 'em what the silvers are made of."

Artillery rounds began to soar overhead, the artillery platforms attempting to make their mark on the beach.


Afraid, you are. Worried, I'm not.
Enemies: [member="Darth Aion"] | [member="Farah"] | [member="Darth Excidium"] | [member="Olrunn Darr"]
Ally: [member="Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori"] | [member="Orn Pharr"]


The large piece of bark peeled away from the wroshyr tree in a large, curved swathe with a satisfying snap, though it bothered Minch that he had to strip a part of this ancient tree's protection in order to assist the greater good. He levitated the chunk over to a quizzical, yet pained and wounded soldier laying at the top of a hill a fair distance from the nearest allied town. He set it down and began to assist the trooper to crawl on top of it.

"Gone sledding before, have you?"

"Er, I...Well, sir, yes I have, but what in---?"

*Hmm, hmm-hmm!* A close-mouthed, whimsical chortle rumbled from Minch's throat.

"Fun, this shall be."

Without warning, the bark sled began sliding forward from its standstill position. The trooper flinched with surprise, but Minch simply smiled and put a reassuring hand on the human's armored shoulder.


"Trooper? What is your name?"

"Wilka, sir. Berrum Wilka."

"Recover well, Wilka. May the Force be with you. As for you, sir Wookie, very much appreciated, your assistance is. May the Force be with you."

The Wookie warrior holding the wounded Lieutenant Wilka in his arms growl-roared a response that Minch's untrained ears could not comprehend, so Minch simply nodded respectfully before taking his leave. As they parted ways, Minch sighed with a hint of exhaustion, but resolved to shrug it off and refocus his efforts on the ongoing conflict. It had been many years since he had been in the thick of true conflict, but it wasn't his first time dealing with war.

Minch came to a stop at the edge of a platform and took the time to re-center himself by sitting at the edge and meditating. He wasn't going to stop for long or wait to find his "inner peace", but he knew he couldn't just run off. He needed a plan, a direction to go in. He needed to remain open to the call of the Force.

Seconds passed by, then minutes. The distant sounds of combat and the mounting pressure that was the death toll made it difficult to find much peace, but he kept on trying to focus. His right ear twitched. Must have been a fly,, it was a whisper on the edge of the wind. His expression softened and he raised his head. A small, contemplative groan rumbled in his throat. He could smell freshly uprooted dirt, a whiff of unnatural, toxic corruption and felt the broiling anger of conflict that was uniquely detached from the rest of the major fray.

Minch stood to his knees and called upon the power of the Force to empower his stride, lest he arrive too late to assist.

In came the little green man, bounding headlong into the donnybrook. He came to a stop at the edge of the chaos and took everything in.

A Sith and some troopers in the distance, An ally of the light using nature to his advantage and two Sith ganging up on one...yes, one light sided woman who was enveloped in noxious fumes. Those fumes were a threat to all things living, let alone the lone woman. How one could ever justify its use, especially in a rich, living environment so easily affected, Minch could not understand. The gas had to go.

His eyebrows furrowing together in concentration, Minch used the Force to summon the element of air down upon himself. He built it above his head, took a deep breath and channeled it in a mighty gust. The wind would (hopefully) blow the fumes away expeditiously. As much as the Dark Side tempted Minch to go further and use this terrible weapon against evil, against its owners, he knew that it was wrong for anyone to use it no matter their reasons. The longer it stayed concentrated, the more of a risk to the forest and its denizens it remained. So, he channeled as much of the fumes up, out and away where they would (hopefully) harmlessly disperse.

His accomplishment would bring a smile to his face, but his heart suddenly dropped. He didn't exactly know how, but he sensed that an unseen threat was about to slay the lone redhead. His calculating eyes processed how best to proceed.

The woman couldn't know what was about to happen or, at least, he couldn't assume she'd know. That meant he needed do something fast. If he were to simply try to get her attention and warn her verbally, she would become distracted by his unexpected arrival rather than likely follow his advice fast enough. She needed to move out of the way quickly; out of the sniper's shot and away from the two enemies. Best way to do that was to run, jump off the closest enemy trying to engage her and knock her away from harm. The only downside: the redhead was firing a sonic weapon at that same enemy, which meant this was going to hurt or worse...But, if he could do something to eliminate more death, he would gladly do so.

Minch leaped at Olrunn Darr, bounced all 25 pounds of his weight harmlessly off her sturdy chest and leaped at Elpsis. Immediately, as he had moved quickly and without warning, his acrobatic antic caused him to be caught in one of the sonic blasts from her trigger happy gun. He blacked out for a very quick time and landed against her with blurred vision. His action had hopefully knocked her back a bit in time to foul the shot taken by Darth Excidium's goon, but there was no personal celebration as he bounced off Elpsis and weakly crumpled to the ground.

Minch lay disoriented on the ground. His nose was snotting, his eyes were tearing up and his ears were bleeding a little, so his first instinct was to curl up into a ball. However, he resolved to take a couple deep breaths, firmly plant his hands and feet and rise up. He spoke to Elpsis, relying more on his scattered senses and the hope she would hear him than his blurred vision.

"Find cover, we must. Divide and conquer, we can."

His own voice sounded distant compared to the ringing in his ears. Although it was likely in his best interests to leap out of there, he couldn't find it in him but to take a couple of steps away from the Sith before staggering to one knee. His eyebrows furrowed. His teeth clenched...His features softened and he smiled, thanking the Force he could at least do one more good deed in his life.
It was deep in the jungle, it reminded him of Dagobah, the birth of his reconstruction after the force was taken from him. Everything Mythos once knew he had to rebuild again, become a warrior without the aid of mastery of the darkside of the force and it all started in a jungle like this but covered in swampland. The soldiers of the elite NSF were few in number by the standards of regiments but made up for their lack of numbers in being one of the finest infantry fighting forces in the galaxy. Thanks to them and advanced special operations training as well as time in advance Mythos owned what part of the jungle he chose to be his, both the jedi who was to come across them as the Dark lady that placed a monster over their heads would understand this. These forests had been home to another monster that could not only be easily sensed through the force but now as beckoned by it's master, broke the firmament of these trees as he walked. The Chains of Angramar he brought this day to battle.

One more creature he always carried with him also, Groom, a Tuk'ata he raised since even before he had started his tutelage with Ophidia, a beast of primal ferocity and incredible intelligence but at the end of the day just a Tuk'ata. Before the dark lady arrived Mythos was meditating in his small encampment base and periodically checking the live scans of every inch of His jungle. Everything was quiet, as quiet as a warzone could be and Mythos was doing what he came here to do, observe and report. When a lone soldier, wearing armor he found very familiar approached his men, using the advanced C.A.R.G.S. system he was able to zoom and bring details of his facial features and weaponry, down to his estimated weight and estimated height. Mythos did not need all that data, he had seen this man before, this Jedi had welcomed him in his second step in his path to become a warrior after being severed, the son of the man who did the deed, [member="Théodred Heavenshield"].

The NSF were not sith soldiers, none were even force sensitive so as they approached the jedi they did so with weapons at the low ready pointing to the floor away from him and approached him in a squad of three, two taking rear flank and protecting his flanks and the first slinging his weapon and holding his hand, palm raised and his second hand operating a speaker device from his concealing helmet. They knew and were briefed about what to do if confronted by a jedi. The voice inside the helmet sounded for Theo in a familiar and near perfect Valkyri language with the peculiar accent of Thainborek. "Young Theo, you are far from home. It's Durin, we met once in the steps of the great city." The soldier stood near motionless but Officer Malzor, the man behind the helmet was scanning for every possible threat imaginable. "I will give you two options, the first and the one I recommend is telling you and allowing you to leave and go back home, Kashhyk is lost, regroup and regather and see your father one last time, tell him we are even." There was a pause, Mythos sensed the shake in nature, felt the fear of common beasts and a slight breeze that caressed the back of his neck. Sloppy, he thought, the beasts will not fear you unless you are with one of them. A breath of fresh air entered his lungs as he fed on the fear of the small critters that he could sense, a horror only those attuned to the wild beasts and have felt the power of the Hrothwurms miles away to survive would understand for as the clans of High Peak say, "What drives the eagles from the nests and what causes the Hrothwurm to head north demands your attention." This was his jungle and not a leaf fell from a tree unless he wished it so. "The second option i give you young Theo is to follow the man before you, put your faith in the light and see if your steel can truly stand against darkness."

The lights from his devices were silenced, the bungalows fire was doused and a lone figure walked outside the camouflaged tent with combat boots and combat pants, a skull strapped to his shoulder, a rudis slung on his back and long untamed golden hair soaked by the sweat of infantry labors draped evenly across his shoulders. His body attuned for heavy combat, almost twice the size of that light and agile fighter that was Animus Malgus in Iridonia. Mythos had lost the ability to be able to hide his force signature, across his body the scars that kept him linked to this world screamed in protest as if they were newly sliced. This price did not come without a reward, the raw power he unleashed from his being made it so that his ability with force blast became incredible.

To the emptiness of the forest he spoke, this needed to happen and after the path of Lykos he knew he needed to be the one to end the pale assassin and thus making her work successful and complete. It was something that The Sith Empire would not understand and something even the One Sith would frown upon but it was something Sith Assassins understood all too well. We all have to do it... sooner or later...

Face The Master

"To the end the cycle. The time has come. I am ready. "

[member="Darth Ophidia"]​
Mulokhai Zarandur

Allies: N/A
Enemies: [member="Jared Starchaser"] | [member="Varindar Asyt"]
"Contacts inbound."

The voice on the other end of the communicator was calm and collected, Krayt Squadron's cool demeanour and methodical discipline beginning to reflect that of their Commander. Mulokhai observed scanners, watching as an enemy Squadron, clearly well-trained and in an excellent formation began incoming. Actual opponents would be a nice change; many of the typical pilots he'd seen weren't at a level he was hoping for.

No doubt their objective would be the dropships; he doubted they were here for the thrill. He noticed one group incoming, and at least one more holding back. Most likely a third Flight Group was waiting in reserve, if they were in packs of 4. "Group 2 and 3, meet the incoming attackers. Group 4, stay on defense for those dropships. Group 1, follow my lead." He had a plan in mind, they'd have to see if the Jedi took the bait.

As the fighters rushed towards each other, Group 1 seemed as though they joined them, in an attempt to overwhelm the group of 4 with superior numbers. As Groups 2 and 3 split off to the sides, wishing to flank and seperate the group, Group 1 went under, seeming like they were to join them. It was a simply a ploy, in reality. As they went below, power was temporarily diverted from thrusters; to lower their signature on scanners.

With luck, the Jedi Group that actually came in for the attack on the dropships would move in now, thinking there wasn't much investment on defense. If they moved according to that plan, Group 1 could power up again and move up behind them, possibly hitting weak points on their shields, and then their ships. Of course, certain factors were always hard to determine. He had no doubt he'd have to adapt - Jedi were irksome that way.

Olrunn Darr

Talk Of The Wolf And Behold Its Skin
Olrunn Darr.​
Allies: [member="Darth Excidium"], [member="Darth Aion"], [member="Farah"]​
Enemies: [member="Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori"], [member="Orn Pharr"], [member="Minch"]​
The acolyte's tactic had luckily proved to be successful, as she saw herself speeding past the Witch Elder with the weapon in her hands. However, she did not have the needed speed to get fully out of range of a sonic attack she had not expected. Her armor, though well-crafted in consideration of her abilities, was not designed to offer considerable protection against sonic attacks. So she did the only thing she could possibly do at such a time, try to clear the area as much as she could, getting away from the red-haired woman. When the blast hit her, her first instinct had been to protect her ears through the Force. Thanks to her species, they were highly sensitive organs and of greatest importance to her. The pain she felt was hard to describe with words, as she felt her vision blur and hot, viscous liquid start to weep from her ears and nose. She lifted her head, trying to search for her Master in hopes of finding further direction in this startled state she had been left in.

However what she saw did not have her reassured, but instead unchained a vicious fury within her, that had her even more perplexed. [member="Farah"], the one she had to call her fellow apprentice, walking away from the fight. The glacial cover of her black heart melted by anger, the Gurlanin instinctively lifted her free hand and tore the helmet of the armor from her head, tossing it aside to be devoured by the branches and mud that raged in the forest's floors. Her eyes, not longer steel blue by the cover of her appearance, burned through the ones of her Master, all the intensity of their natural bright orange hue shining through. A mixture of ire, confusion and disbelief conveying the full extent of her bewilderment while the red paths of blood smeared the sides of her face, mouth and chin as she recovered from the sonic blast. The eyes of the acolyte started turning progressively brighter and rimmed in a darker color as this new flow of Dark energy surged through her, feeding from her pain, anger and confusion.

As if this had not been enough, her reflexes caught sight of a small shape speeding towards her chest. Fueling her speed through the Force, Olrunn lifted the weapon she had previously took, the feet of the green alien landing on the grenade thrower instead of her chest but still allowing him to perform his intended acrobatics all the same, and push the red-head away from her previous position. Her anger gave one last final flare, eliciting the deepest of growls from the shapeshifter as she moved, falling back into formation along side her Master, careful to avoid the fury of nature beneath her feet. "Your command, Master?" She asked, her voice holding a sharper tone than it usually did, though it needn't be said that her irritation was not aimed at the Sith Lord.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Location: ...
Silver Jedi: [member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Minch"] [member="Sky'ito Yumi"] [member="Charlie"] [member="Spencer"] [member="Celiana"] [member="Stephanie Swail"] [member="Jyoti Nooran"] [member="Cassius Droma"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Reggie Faayare"] [member="Tanaski Yumi"] [member="Zavii"] [member="Varindar Asyt"] [member="Kei Amadis"] [member="Beltran Rarr"] [member="Khia Varad"] [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] [member="Valkren Calderon"] [member="Dusaro Dresari"] [member="Nameless One"] [member="Selena Drayven"] [member="Orn Pharr"] [member="Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori"] [member="Théodred Heavenshield"]
Enemies: Sith
Objective: Open Your Mind

She could feel it, sinking into the force the jedi master was touching the minds of the jedi on the world and she knew a number of the minds that were all around her. Slowly she expanded outwards feeling it, then instead of forcing herself into their thoughts she alligned them, moving her mind to match and slip around. There was warmth and a familiar presence, someone she knew and hadn't expected to see here of all places. 'Spencer' The words came to her mind but she mostly mouthed them in the hollow before she was pressing forward. Her hands moving without real thought when she was focusing the energy. Generating power to give and pull at it.

She was letting the force energies come to her, battle meditation was good but melding, allowing the energies to be shared was something that could improve everything even more.... and she knew how to conduct and generate as white whisps were coming from the area around herself. Blue waves along her hands and skin as it licked and touched at it. Sending it into her and through the force when she was pressing outward with that energy along lines of the force. Mental connections and aspects before she was channeling it. The force, generated from a world filled with life, ancient life in the trees, an overabundance in some cases at it had grown out of control.

"Valae" She said it opening the connection and pushing energy to go to her, the battle meditation was warm and strong but it could eventually tire her out... the jkedi master was making a feedback loop. While the grandmaster could empower everyone the jedi master could connect and keep her strong. One of the things she had learned to really work on as she could feel the area around her, the pressure going as slowly she focused the energy letting small bumps form of gooseflesh along the length of her arms even under the robes. THe white whisps formed out from her along that tether and she went towards the others to give them strength and inspiration.

'No fear.' She said it while she was focusing and there was little she had to worry about here, the scent of freshly grown trees came to her the feeling of the open air, the heat of the sun as it was coming down to beat across her face. The scent of the world around her opened her mind until she was touching the world like it was a nerve and could generate more of the energy to herself. Pushing out across the surface the feeling of it, the feeling of hope and energy that would make it a symbol of life and the lightside of the force. 'Always in motion the future is, ever changing....' the thoughts were there but she saw across the surface in her mind them.

She could feel more of it, she could feel and see them within her minds eye before she was focusing the thoughts to match them... so many minds, so many different ways of thinking from the simple to the alien and even more that knew how to work with it. SOme strange feelings from a few of them, something that brought her attention around and hse could feel her mind roaming around from each of them within the span of a heartbeat. The feeling of the world around her underneath her became hot and primordial, with the heat of it touching the back of her neck where it burned but she was shutting out the pain.

She knew this feeling, she knew what it meant before she was allowing the force to continue along. Once she felt it sitting there in her little alcove and the energy was dancing practically off of her skin with blue-white swirls of energy... there was the soft crackle pop of energy then she could feel the glow and inner length as she pushed the power not as something new to go with them but as something old, something that was within the world itself they could accept and have give them a feeling of strength and empowering. She was there at it as the light was in front of her vision, even with her eyes closed before she opened them.

She could feel the glow on her skin, a radiating warmth, a strength that was in her core and came outwards until she was seeing it change.. the world rise and change, the force signature remaining as it slowly became opened and refined. 'Open your minds' She was pushing at it and seeing the trees as they grew around her, seeing the shadowlands develop and the wookiees, the creatures and everything else. The jedi master was pushing the force energies to become something of a loop that she drew upon. Ancient, powerful, a collective of the lightside of the force they were bringing to it and working to connect with all of them.
Location: Medical Wing
Allies: Silver Jedi [member="Selena Drayven"]
Enemies: Sith
Objective: Protect padawan

She was looking at the girl, laying in the medical bed and there was the sound of klaxons coming to her. She knew they were under attack but Sleena needed to heal and she was looking at a few of the problems for now. She moved her cloak around getting a saber ready just in case as she moved her hand towards the girls head and was focusing the force energies. Cathbodua was skilled but had only been able to do so much, the hapen woman with some of the ones who would be coming as an influx now that they were under attack. Before she could work at a few parts of it. her datapad filled cloak going to the chair while she stood in the bodysuit focusing on the force.
[member="Mythos"] [member="Théodred Heavenshield"]

Zhelen was an intelligent thing, not in the way a rodian or a bith was intelligent. Rather, he was intelligent in the bestial way; being alert, creative - able to draw conclusions based on what it observed around it - and able make creative solutions to what it sensed. Against the crunching below, it simply stood still. Ears sharp. Wings spread over the canopy and legs crouched and ready. Zhelen was a hunter, an apex predator, and its master's perfect companion.

After Mythos made his declaration, at first there was silence. It was drawn out, as if the birds and leaves themselves turned their heads to spectate the answer. Then came a huff, and a chuckle, then a hideous, taunting laughter. It echoed with itself between the trees.

"Your circle has already ended." "The time has passed. You are nothing; you are no one."​
The laughter subsided in a wry tone of voice, retaining its mockery and lowering in volume to the former hiss. The mirth bled out of it one syllable at the time, replaced by a disgust. The beastly shape on the crown of the trees made a show of turning its neck, changing the oscillation just barely.
"You failed, Animus Malgus."​
The oscillation dived into the canopy, sending a rustle of leaves as it clawed its way through the brush. Its wings were now tucked tightly to its sides, preventing them from being torn or ripped on the branches as it climbed the enormous worshyrs and turned to leave.
Location: The Silver Rest
Objective: Defend Kashyyyk
Allies: Silver Jedi, [member="Tanaski Yumi"] [member="Spencer"] [member="Stephanie Swail"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
Enemies: Sith Empire

As Stephanie said, getting seperated from the group would put them at a disadvantage. Panicing is exactly what they wanted them to do. He followed his allies, ready for whatever would come their way...or so he thought. doubt began to creep into his mind yet again, but it was different this time, more enhanced than before.

Reggie heard Tanaski begin to speak but couldn't make out any of his words. Reggie tried to push back his doubts again, to focus on the situation at hand, but was unable to. He began to sweat, his breathing becoming heavy. His emotions were overwhelming him, and then they were just gone. All his doubts disappeared and his moral was increased.

Seeing that a master had joined the fray and had helped them from mental attack that the Sith had used on them. Reggie began to chuckle, realizing how outclassed he was from their enemies. Luckily, he wasn't fighting them alone.

"Thank you."

His thanks was given to Women who had helped them, but he didn't know if he had said it loud enough for her to hear. Reggie refocused on on the situation at hand, awaiting the Sith's next move.

Stephanie Swail

Look what they've done to my dream
LOCATION: The Silver Rest, Kashyyyk
OBJECTIVE: Repel the Sith; defend the Rest
ALLIES: The Silver Jedi Order | [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] | [member="Reggie Faayare"] | [member="Tanaski Yumi"] | [member=Spencer]
ENEMIES: The Sith Empire | [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Enyo Typhos"] | [member="Lok Munin"]

It was like a strange pulse was emanating from the forest. If Stephanie had to guess this Sith battle plan, it was a dark and dangerous assault from the forests using dark magic, stealth and predatory instinct while on the beaches it was all out attack and defence.

"Can you feel that too?" Stephanie said quietly. "There’s something out there."

The four of them seemed to stand in silence as the individual blades hummed, and everything else went quiet. A dark, nagging feeling was clawing at the back of Padawan Swail’s mind, and what it was she could not be certain. She hoped it wasn’t residue from Mirial and the Dark Side wave she had encountered.

And then, as if summoned by the Force itself, a white-robed Jedi emerged from behind to stand almost triumphantly before them. A Jedi with confidence, poise and bravado. A Jedi Stephanie had never seen before but felt immediately comforted by and safe with. At Tanaski’s comment, she glanced and shot half a smile.

"Master Jedi, my name is Stephanie Swail. This is Asaraa Vaashe, Reggie Faayare and Tanaski Yumi. Thank you for being here."

She took everything in about the Master – she radiated the Force, and she felt the darkness subside due to it. A wave of calm washed over her and a renewed sense of confidence.

"We’re trying to hold his fork between the Rest, the beach and the forest. Nothing has come this way so far, which I don’t know if is a good thing or bad thing, but the forest…." she tipped her chin to it. "There’s something in there and it’s heading this way."

Without realising, Stephanie tried to copy the posture of the Master Jedi.
OBJECTIVE: I didn’t mean friends this old.
ALLIES: [member="Enyo Typhos"] | [member="Lok Munin"] | TSE
ENEMIES: [member="Stephanie Swail"] | [member="Tanaski Yumi"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] | [member="Reggie Faayare"] | SJO at the Rest
DIRECTLY: [member="Spencer"]

Matsu had no particular qualms where Jedi were concerned. Misguided in their beliefs in the Force, to be sure. But unlike many diametrically opposed to the Order, she didn’t underestimate them. Their belief was their power, an unflinching surety that could match any Sith. As had been stated many times before - she didn’t hate a Jedi just because they were a Jedi. They saw the Force differently, and while Matsu might have been a composite of flaws, none of those were arrogance - and she was aware differences in perspective did not equate to insufficiency.

Perhaps she had her time in the Fringe to thank for that. After all, she’d been surrounded by men and women of all walks of life. A strange and uncommon tolerance had formed from those experienc--

And suddenly, that voice in her head.

[SIZE=10pt]You going to come play?[/SIZE]

It couldn’t…
It was only there because she’d been thinking of the Fringe…
But she knew that wasn’t true. Memory and reality were, for once, the same.

Those who’d felt Matsu’s influence would note its sudden and instantaneous absence as she pulled back viciously, steeling her mind against the other woman. Walls, usually impregnable even when passive, now had to be maintained carefully. There were few living people in the galaxy against whom Matsu had to protect her fortress of a head. But Spencer Varanin was here.

She reached out, brushing a metallic influence over the outside of Varanin’s equal holdfast inside her skull in greeting, before she closed all avenues entirely. She did a quick check of her equipment, knowing she’d need it in one way or another: armorweave, modified saber, a rebreather, and the shorter of the two Mohc blades she owned strapped securely in a sheath at her right thigh. And with a nod to her two companions, several of the cyborgs in Enyo’s party streaming from the treeline to form a line of engagement, Matsu stepped out as well.

Open ground flowed out between her and Spencer, flat earth marred by the occasional rock or poorly cleared stump. Behind the line of Padawans rose stairs leading to the main body of the Rest.

“Been a long time,” she called across, the mechanical rhythm of cyborg movement echoing in the held breath. Of course, those had been Matsu's earliest days - an unknown Acolyte, scrambling to learn everything she could from the Masters and professionals surrounding her in that group of outlaws. “I was sorry to hear about your wife.”

And she was. The emotion was genuine. She’d learned spatial telekinetic manipulation in a lesson from the great Ashin she wasn’t likely to forget. She'd been quite the woman.

But time saw the Fringe separate, and here they stood now. Opposite sides of the line.
Location: Medical Wing
Objective: Get up and fight
Allies: [member="Nameless One"], Silver Peeps
Enemies: Not Silver peeps

I was jerked awake by alarm klaxons, looking towards the door of the medical wing I saw my Master there waiting. I was still a bit groggy but I reached out with The Force and felt.....battle. Rising from the bed albeit slower than I'd like I realized that I still needed to heal. That'd have to happen while I fought.... Looking at my Master I pulled on a pair of jungle colored cargo pants and groaning slightly as I pulled on a black crop top. Waking up more it looked like I didn't have my weapons here and I still had yet to construct my saber. Pulling on socks and boots I looked towards my Master and began weaving Force energy. Requesting a trade, the forests to lend me their energy to aid me in healing as I fought and in exchange I'd do whatever in my power to protect the forests and help them heal.

"Master....I need light armor and weapons. I have to help, I'll not let others stand and risk their lives to protect me as I simply lay here."

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