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Approved Location The Wall | Denon

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  • Intent: A city unto itself and a location for future RP - free to use, but ask permission if you want to blow it up.
  • Image Credit: Cityscape by Adrian Mihai Marchidan | POD Life by Marc-Alexandre Robbe; Local Eatery by Pavel Vophira; Underground Factory by Chelsea Jinxu Du; Interior Set Design by Josu Solano; Laboratory Concept Dimension (P.T.)by 1oshuart.
    • Depicts the Wall itself (IMG1), typical working-class housing (often paired with Hypersleep Caskets; IMG2), a typical Coretown eatery (IMG3), a typical autofactory in the Depths (IMG4), the Centriplex's "Sovereign Suite" (IMG5/6), and the Vault (IMG7).
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • City Name: Globex Denon, Gigahabitat 1 (GD-GHAB-1), better known as "the Wall"
  • Classification: Arcology
  • Location: Denon, near Seven Corners
  • Affiliation: The Globex Corporation | Corporate Authorities of Denon
  • Population: Crowded; around ten million sentients and Force knows how many droids reside within the Wall.
  • Demographics: The demographics of the Wall is roughly analogous to Denon at large with humans as the clear majority; while xenophobia is not unheard of, the average Pinnacle-dweller cares more about social skills and the size of one's bank account than whether or not one has tendrils in place of fingers, a sentiment largely echoed by the "unwashed masses". The relationship between social classes is less harmonious.
  • Wealth: Medium; the Wall is home to both fantastical wealth and deepest poverty - the glittering spires of the Pinnacles feature the sprawling apartments and veritable palaces of the Corpos and Denon's other elites while its sunless depths are shared by impoverished workers stowed away in "efficient housing solutions", often ones bordering the factories in which they work. The middle-class usually occupy outward-facing apartments or nicer pods in "better parts of town". Given the compact nature of the arcology, excessive spaciousness is the ultimate luxury.
  • Stability: Medium; the Wall is safe... more or less. The Pinnacles are polished to perfection under the watchful eye of omnipresent holocams and the factories deep below rarely suffer delays for long; the middle-class areas are mostly safe too, as are many of the poorer sectors. The unfortunate reality is, however, that Globex's attention seems to be roughly proportional to the average rent paid by inhabitants, and so the slum-like areas in the Depths and the bad part of Coretown are mostly overlooked so long as some semblance of order remains. Should the local gangs get too bold, the modus operandi is a district-wide ransacking performed by a horde of police droids followed by mass evictions.
  • Freedom & Oppression: In typically corporate fashion, inhabitants are more or less free to do as they please so long as they don't kill anyone, don't disturb the peace (especially not in the Pinnacles), don't screw with the Corpos, and, perhaps most importantly, pay their damn rent on time. While pseudodemocratic in the sense that inhabitants are supposed to have a say in matters of importance, everyone knows that the only people with any real power are Globex's Board of Directors and the Corpos living in the Pinnacles.
  • Description: Gargantuan even by the standards of an ecumenopolis, the city-structure known as the Wall towers over even some skyscrapers, rising kilometres into the sky and stretching dozens more into the distance; from its glittering spires to its smoggy depths, watery districts housing aquatic aliens to monotonous factories staffed solely by droids, there is little that cannot be found within its cavernous halls.
  • The Pinnacles: Sitting at the apex of the Wall both physically and socially are the Pinnacles, a collection of twelve megalithic structures that rise above even Skytown, each of which is unique in its own way and most of which house luxury housing and the like, law and PR firms are known to take up residence as well. Detailed below are the three particularly notable Pinnacles.
    • The Centriplex: If the Globex Corporation has a beating heart it is the Centriplex, a monolithic structure atop a structure whose bulk stretches into nearby parts of Skytown; within these busy halls the teeming hordes of white-collar employees required to administrate the corporation's vast interstellar holdings can be seen, working away in clean and spacious offices. The sheer size of the installation necessitates the presence of numerous amenities. Some of the highest-ranking of Globex's Directors are given access to Executive Suites within this facility, the greatest of which is the so-called Sovereign Suite, reserved for the current Executive Director.
    • The Silver Spires: Amongst the many Pinnacles dedicated primarily to private housing, the Silver Spires are perhaps the most exclusive of all; the dozen and one chromium-plated towers that rise from the service section below house only the wealthiest and most well-connected of individuals, many of which own entire floors. As is to be expected, the thirteen penthouses are beyond expensive.
    • The Constellation: The glittering haven of wealth and decadence known as the Constellation is a luxury hotel-cum-casino of the highest calibre, its gilded halls decorated in an astronomical theme and featuring grand art pieces glorifying the great exploration efforts that preceded even the Old Republic. As is to be expected, security is tight but subtle.
  • Skytown: The uppermost districts of the Wall proper, known collectively as Skytown, are home to everything from the wealthy to the middle class and encompasses the top of the Wall (excepting the Pinnacles) and its outer sections, often dominated by outward-facing apartments.
    • The Cloud District: When not occupied by other facilities and institutions such as the Centriplex and the university, the elevated parts of the Wall that stretch between the Pinnacles tend to be referred to collectively as the Cloud District and is known to house a number of social climbers, corporate managers, and other folk who long to one day live within the Pinnacles themselves. Expect high ceilings, large apartments, and well-tended public parks deprived of smelly beggars and other unsightliness.
    • The Shuttleports: Though public transportation terminals and airspeeder garages can be found in various locations across the Wall, most interplanetary or interstellar flights (as well as a significant portion of intercontinental flights) are routed through a pair of shuttleports nestled atop the Wall - they notably each host two dozen SH-101 gates designated A1-24 and B1-24 respectively.
    • The University: Officially known as the Globex University, Denon, or simply GUD, the university is positioned between the Constellation and a residential Pinnacle and is known primarily for its engineering, bioengineering, physics, and business programs, the former three of which maintain sizeable facilities in Coretown and even the Depths for practical courses and research. The campus is a rectangular structure whose hollow centre houses a two-kilometres by two-hundred-metres glasteel-roofed atrium-cum-park.
  • Coretown: In many ways, Coretown is the beating heart of the Wall and its purse all in one - though Skytown is certainly populous, it is here that the majority reside, occupying a stratum between the wealth above and the abject poverty below; within its numerous sectors, districts, and sections a vast and diverse selection of people and amenities alike can be found alongside factories, corporate offices, and more.
    • The Ward of Steel: Much like the autofactories and crowded manufactoriums of the Depths, the Ward of Steel's business is industry, but unlike the former it is known for quality, not quantity; expect high-end disruptor rifles, luxury Hypersleep Caskets and OmniLinks, and the like. Given the specialists it employs, it is predominately an upper-middle-class area and given the value of its output it is said to be as well-protected as the Pinnacles themselves, with security "never more than a minute away."
    • Centrimed: Though there are various medical clinics scattered throughout the Wall, most specialised medical services are concentrated at Centrimed, an enormous central hospital able to service the Wall's entire populace and various nearby districts to boot.
  • The Depths: With a few exceptions, the Depths were never meant to be inhabited by organic life, and yet even the best-planned projects are subject to human error and the crushing need of the desperate; it is no surprise, then, that slums and criminal outfits alike are to be found in these industrial halls, sharing space with vast refineries, recycling facilities, autofactories, and stranger things yet. To exactly no one's surprise, disappearances are a dime a dozen and barely ever investigated by Gellenbright, let alone CorpSec.
    • Facilities: Broadly divided into AgriTech, Recycling, and Power, the Facilities sectors are the true heart of the Wall, pumping energy and foodstuffs to Coretown eateries and lofty Pinnacles alike and taking their waste in turn, much of which will inevitably be broken down to its base components and pumped back up to the arcology's various factories.
    • The Vault: Known only to a select few, a joint Primyn-Draxin laboratory complex known simply as the Vault was constructed deep, deep beneath the Centriplex, its sterile halls housing experiments that range from the profoundly unethical to that which is merely strange.
    • The Lungs: Larger even than Facilities and buried deep below even the Vault is the Lungs, a gargantuan life support system intended to not only provide the arcology itself with its remarkably clean air but to serve as one of many components in Denon's enduring efforts to keep its atmosphere liveable despite the lack of a conventional ecosystem.
    • Smogtown: Despite being located near the Lungs, the unauthorised yet tolerated slums known collectively as Smogtown are ironically famous for their abyssmal air quality, a problem only made worse by ramshackle housing and a lack of accessible healthcare. While by all accounts unwilling to uphold law and order amongst its impoverished masses, Globex's security droids are utterly merciless when it comes to protecting Facilities and even more so the Lungs - any "active scavengers" are likely to disappear. Permanently.
  • The Amenities: As is to be expected from a structure with a population in excess of that of many frontier worlds, almost anything can be found within the Wall's cavernous halls, from malls, to medical centres, to a university and even a theme park or two. For further recreational variety, Sakedo Tower is only a short airspeeder ride away, as is the vastness of Denon - and there are few tastes, legal or illegal, it cannot sate.
  • Security Rating: Medium
  • Defensive Systems:
    • A number of point defence cannons scattered across the structure provide some protection from airborne threats.
    • Civilian-grade shield generators should be able to withstand orbital bombardment... for a while.
  • Security Forces:
    • CorpSec maintains a Security Station crewed by hundreds of Officers in Skytown; given the sheer size of the Wall, a quartet of Starfighter Squadrons (typically droids - pilots on standby are expensive) have been assigned as on-site security.
    • Gellenbright Securities is responsible for the bulk of law enforcement and emergency response in the arcology; for this purpose, the company relies on a mixture of organic security contractors (perhaps most importantly Neurocrown-wearing surveillance specialists), and C1 Security Drones, CS1 "Custodian" Police Droids, Sentinel-series Security Droids, and other security/battle droids. Any who would dare to tarnish Globex's prestige project with bloodshed should expect stiff resistance, presumably backed up by CorpSec.
The Wall is no common city, built according to changing fancies and shifting administrations, but a single megalithic structure in whose shadow lesser skyscrapers linger ingloriously, its population greater than that of many of the city-world's districts and even quite a few frontier worlds.

Owned entirely by the Globex Corporation, at least as far as the structure itself is concerned, it is as much a corporate colony as anything else, with everything from security to air purification falling under the megacorporation's jurisdiction and services as diverse as eateries and hospitals, theme parks and clothes stores (and factories) forming part of its portfolio, or as some inhabitants jokingly put it, "Globex, from womb to tomb".

A relatively recent addition to Denon's cityscape, the structure has yet to be involved in any of the various calamities that have plagued the galaxy in recent years and it remains to be seen how its security measures would hold up in practice.
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