Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction The Sun Rises [Ascendancy]


The steel thundered into the earth.

Given the circumstances, the Jedi did not utter a word of complaint. The heat was a bother, of course, and the lifting was beginning to take its toll. But. Everyone had to do their part to survive. And in Josiah's case, he had the gift to lift more. If nothing else, he could hunt down something to drink when this section was closer to being complete.

Or so he thought.

Though telekinesis was doing the brunt of the work, there were mundane hands readying the earth beneath each wall. A small trench was prepared before he moved each piece, locking it into place. One such worker approached him, a young woman, who offered him a canteen. She advised that the contents were room temperature. Warm. Hot. Didn't matter, it was a drink.

"I'd take boiling at this point, thank you." he said, accepting the canteen. A few hungry swallows later, Josiah wiped his mouth and offered the vessel back.

"Thank you for your kindness. What is your name?"


Kristyl Vaashe


~ Kristyl Vaashe ~

Kris hadn't stood foot upon solid, natural ground since her escape of Naboo, alongside her Master Diana Sophistica. Not until the surviving fleet had rendezvoused in an unknown part of space and together began the voyage to what had been described as a safe place to settle down long enough that they might get their bearings on the situation at hand.

It had been a horrid journey, and one of unknowing. Kristyl hadn't escaped Naboo with her Mother Asaraa Vaashe Asaraa Vaashe , nor Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic who was the closest thing that she had to a bigger sister. Not even Laneya Wexler Laneya Wexler (whom she had trained alongside for a brief time) had been seen amidst the commotion where Naboo had fallen under attack and they'd all had to fight their way out of the Knights Obisidian Academy.

Kristyl and Diana had barely made it out before having to call for an emergency airlift, just shy of becoming pet food for some ghastly creatures that had been out for blood. It was like an unending nightmare, even now still plaguing the girls thoughts with questions over who had survived, and whether or not her family were among them.


Her focus was shaken as someone had stepped in front of her view, looking to catch her attention. Like many of the refugees fleeing Naboo and what was left of Confederate Space, this one was entirely foreign to her. A boy, roughly around her age, suggested that she get a move on and figure out whatever life awaited her in the new world.

The vessel they stood within was docked at the makeshift landing zone, flagged with a comm-beacon for starships to pick up on and meet with the rest of the fleet on the surface of the unnamed world. She and her Master had docked the Red Hare within the larger vessels auxiliary hangar and managed to ride the rest of the way while Diana Sophistica Diana Sophistica 's wounds were seen in their medical bay.

While she didn't exactly wish to leave the safety of the starship, Kristyl didn't have a good enough argument to fall upon, thus sighing like a spoiled teenager and forcing herself up, hoping to make herself look at least slightly useful in the situation that was wildly out of her control, and far from what she felt capable of changing or improving upon.

Objective II

Tags: Josiah Josiah


There was the slightest tip of Nesryn's head at his response, and a soft clack of her tongue to go with it. "Any longer out here, and it just might reach that point." she noted. There was no denying that it was hot outside, even those who had no concept of heat or cold could tell as much, she was sure of it. So as this stranger got his drink, Nes stood by until the canteen was offered back to her. She capped it and tucked it aside for later use.

"I think at this point, kindness and necessity have more or less blurred together." the brunette pointed out to him with a slender shrug. "Fact is, you're doing the heavy lifting, and if you were to fallout due to dehydration? Well, that's just more work for the rest of us, isn't it?" She was teasing, and that was evident by the half smirk lifting one corner of her mouth. "And I'm Nesryn." she added and offered her hand in formal greeting.


Location: Refugee camp
Tags: Kristyl Vaashe + open
Ship: "The Red Hare"
Equipment: Prosthetics, Diana original lightsaber +attachment rods, Breshig War Forge Consolidated 'Ori'kute-CA' Armored Bodyglove
Droids: Orange Kitten, Blue Squid
Objective: Build a brighter tomorrow
Inspirational music

The woman laid on her back in a hospice. The encampment was build with the many people who fled in mind. Outside the hull of the big transport ship they had travelled on, was a world they would soon call home. It had been a while, traveling in her condition upon the Red Hare had been a difficult task. During the last battle she had lost much, least of all her dignity. But during the trip she had to do something that had been even harder. Together with her droid Blue Squid and Orange Kitten, she had developed a new set of prosthetic limbs for herself. Their look still wanting, it was a vast improvement on the previous version. The previous would whir and tick, it would occasionally whiz on heavy loads. The current only only felt like it did, and it was still a prototype. It had housings and casings for many upgrades, and soon she would try to build her lab up to start tinkering away.

That wasn't for today. Or even the day she found herself on. She stared up, sand kicking up with the wind as she lifted herself. The woman, a redhead with hair of unnaturally pure red. Only distracted by the strands of silvery grey hair that matched her bangles and ornaments that adorned her hair. It was a mess of braids and seemingly cut by herself. It was a fit for the many who stayed here. Her back curled up, letting her sit up and taste the dry arid air that swept the place. She stood up, dressed in only the bare minimum allowed at the tests that had to be performed on the woman to give her a green bill of health. Her body, scarred from head to toe with battle scars, now adorned itself with a few sets more.

With a long sigh she dressed herself in what was an armoured body glove. The look of it was beyond unpleasant to Diana. It showed off her body too much, but it was the best she had to build and support the new prosthetics in. They were hidden from the sand, and their casing protected.
The woman thanked her doctor. The man clearly a kind soul who was being worked to the point that his mousey grey hair was drenched in a sweat that only could mean that he had little to no rest. The lines under his eyes deep and telling. She walked off, feeling the armour's clasps and parts booting up their purpose as she started to walk straight and comfortable again. Her limp all but gone since the last time she had met her apprentice.

As she stepped out of the camp she would find herself looking for the girl she travelled with. Kristyl was a young soul who had much to learn still. The force within her stronger then her muscles were, but with potential that Diana could not deny. As she spend a good time looking for her, she finally found her looking for an objective. What kind of master would she be if not to help?

With a smile she let a hand fall heavy on the girl's shoulder. She was proud of how well her Padawan was doing, but in favour of the caring but stern master, she looked at the girl and simply asked:

"Shall we make ourselves of use? I wonder if they still need people carrying stones from a place to another... perhaps they will even have a tree to chop down. Ah and the medic's gave me a green bill of health, so you can be sure I'll be training right alongside you."

She then looked out across the camp. Some people were out ensuring the camp's safety, while others were building huts. It was better to work on a stable home for some of the people, and start making the housing problem a less and less prominent aspect of life. She did however try to gage what her Padawan would do... she had to leave those she knew behind... and it had not yet been a thing that she had talked about with her Padawan. They would have too... sooner rather then later.

-=The Emerald Flame=-



Above, the Hawk shrieked.

Witnessing creation through the eyes of another was second nature. It was a talent passed down the generations: a gift from father to son. Now, the Great Khan wielded this to seek out fresh prey.

Astride a mechanical beast did he sit, observing the budding settlement. He willed his avian companion to circle about - and with each beat of its wings, His smile grew. It had been decades since otherworlders set foot upon his lands. So long had passed that the young men of his tribes were yearning for battle; enough so that they began to quarrel among themselves. The Great Khan whetted their appetite by sending them just beyond the reaches of the Expanse. They would sink their fangs into vessels gone astray. Scouts. Slavers. The odd Scientist. But these were mere scraps. He knew that they hungered for - and deserved - a feast. And as if the Gods heard his silent wishes, fresh morsels were delivered unto Him.

Already, his Horde had tasted of their flesh. As they landed, a first wave of scouts were sent forth. The Khan did not bid his warriors to attack the strangers head-on. But rather, he waited until their vanguard rode into his clutches. We come in peace, they said. We mean you no harm, they plead.

Their intentions fell upon deaf ears. Now, their flesh was broken. Ran through and hoisted upon pikes. Soon, the second wave of scouts rode forth from the landing zone - and it would only be a matter of time before they encountered the Great Khan's gift.

"Great One. Shall we attack now?"

The Great Khan briefly severed his connection to his hawk and looked on. Before him stood his General, Ogodei. Sworn brother. Impatient.

"This is a Hunt, brother."

"Let our prey come to us first."




Telula Vale

TAG: Jochi Khan Jochi Khan | Open

Being brought to a new world should have been much more daunting than it was. At one time, Telula would have cowered and hid behind the robes of those who were stronger than her, those who looked out for her and protected her. She would have busied herself so that she remained unseen and unheard, out of the way and as invisible as possible. But times had changed, circumstances and life experiences had stripped the deeply rooted bashfulness from the blonde - well, most of it anyhow - and she was not the sort to hide from change any longer.

This new planet was distasteful, but had promise. Plenty of people were helping to make it safe, make sure others could eat and drink, and that counted for something. Yet no one was talking about the fact that scout parties kept disappearing. Or rather, no one Lula had heard anyhow. It was bothersome, and suspicious to say the very least, yet they did not exactly have the resources to keep sending bodies out into the wild just for them to not come back.

Yet a screech from above drew the blonde's attention and her gaze shifted from the walls to the sky. She lifted a hand and shielded her eyes as she observed for just a moment. "And just where do you belong, hm?" she questioned aloud. It was a bit strange, for a hawk to be out here. Unless of course it belonged to someone mulling about, which was entirely possible. Still, the bird had height, it was circling...It was hunting.

Curious observation became more focused, and Lula's hand dropped away from her face. She reached out with her mind, meeting resistance from the avian at first, but Lula was well practiced in the art of control by now. She leaned more, applied the mental pressure until it gave way and she was given control. A sigh lightly parted the young woman's lips as her sight was replaced by that of the hawk's. Again it circled around, observing the well controlled progress of the settlers. And then the flight pattern changed, and rather than circling above the settlement, it made rounds over the dark strangers observing from afar.

Again the bird would shriek, but Telula kept her grip, kept her control so that she could get a look at these brooding bodies. Even through the bird, Lula could feel ill intent. Whatever they were waiting for? It did not bode well for any of them on the settlers side of things.


Something was compelling Kyyrk to venture forth. To travel with the others out on the scouting run. So he said his farewells, and offered reassurances that he would be fine. He planted a quick kiss on the cheek of his companion, and pulled his helmet on over his head. The other Knights were ready to ride. And Darth Metus Darth Metus had, after all, tasked him with assessing the state of the Knighthood. Perhaps he could gain a moment to learn more about the survivors while they were out on patrol. As fate would have it, he would. Just not in the way he expected.

As Kyyrk mounted up, a final look was given to Alessandra Creed Alessandra Creed , and a silent reassurance that he would return safely. Then, as Abel Denko Abel Denko led the way, Kyyrk gunned the motor to follow. As they rode through the wasteland towards an outcropping of rocks far in the distance, Kyyrk cast his mind's eye across the expanse. Nothing. No plants, no creatures. Just a wasteland. But as they drew nearer to their checkpoint, Kyyrk felt the presence of several individuals. The Scouting party? They should have been further afield than this. Kyyrk glanced over at Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic to check up on her, make sure that her bike wasn't proving problematic. When he looked back, they were passing through the rocks, and a large fountain of sand. A fountain that had not been there moments prior.

Kyyrk felt the bike stop abruptly underneath him, and he was catapulted head first into the sand. He twisted in the air out of reflex, turning to land on his shoulder, and let his momentum roll him to a safe, but painful stop. Around him, the cries of battle were already echoing from the rocks. Kyyrk reached up to trigger his comlink, only to discover his helmet had flown off in the crash. His bike had bucked downward under the force of an impact. Slug rifle. Had to be. Kyyrk pushed himself to his feet as he saw a figure rushing him, bladed weapon held high. And in this instance, Kyyrk realized two things. This planet was far from uninhabited, and they had just been ambushed by the locals.

Kyyrk looked to the side, spying his lightsaber protruding from the sand a few feet away. He reached out, and called the device to him, just in time for the brilliant white blade to snap to life, and sever hands from wrists. As Kyyrk's assailant dropped to the sand, another two began to rush him. The hairs on the back of Kyyrk's neck stood on end, warning him of impending danger. He sidestepped out of instinct, thrusting his blade towards the empty space where his heart had just been. The slug bolt impacted the blade and molten slag showered the sand behind him. Without his helmet, there was no easy way to call for help. Kyyrk just had to hope one of the others had a working comm. And that they had survived the crash...​

Tags: Jochi Khan Jochi Khan ,
Objective: Assess, assist rebuilding, and support reconnaissance efforts

Draconis would stand from his seat as he gazed at the holo table displaying their various deployments across the zones. Various representations of local forces, from light vehicles and walkers, to speeder bikes roamed across the sands and fields surrounding their particular zones. One thing Draconis had done to make room for the civilians entering the zone was to set the main landing zone and airfield for military assets away from the civil centers. His men had taken to calling the base, FOB (Forward Operating Base) Last Chance, a play on their current situation. The majority of their heavier armor and combat air assets were staged there in case they were required, but his briefing had been that hopefully the situation here was tenable. That they wouldn't need to use them in case of skirmishes. He hoped against hope that he was wrong to have his men still run patrols, as they needed all of the hands they could to help the engineers with the building projects. John had seen fit to get logistical support in play, getting roads in place, ensuring power grids and such could be set up to continue the expansion of these settlements. Locke was certainly a strange man to Draconis, as he seemed more machine than man, and he didn't need some hokey religion to pull off seeming magic with a thought. He was happy to see him survive the conflict, as with such an innovator within their remnants there was still hope. There would be a few scuffles between the droids and engineers of the SLDF, as the droids would make their improvements in the most optimal ways. This would result in a few mishaps causing some minor mayhem in the settlements, nothing to serious save for a couple accidents, some curses thrown about, and angry words being passed a time or two to the droids. But the engineers and volunteers were more than happy for the help. Survey teams would need to be sent out to scour the wastes for possible points of water, to dig wells and attach them to the water systems. This would be so that the people would be able to rely on themselves and not just pre-packaged self-contained ship borne water supplies. Such a goal would be a major first step in a new colony's development.

Meanwhile he'd heard that Darth Metus Darth Metus had set up his own command tent, and while Draconis was more than eager to send his reports and plans to get this settlement and its defenses up and running, he'd decided it was better to simply send a message regarding such matters. The former Vicelord was more than likely busy with his own matters to deal with. And if he was being honest, he didn't want his former lord to see the shame he carried for his failings. He had enough problems to deal with as it was, with the rest of the viceroyalty either missing, dead, or just simply gone, Draconis had decided for now it would be best to serve from afar. The people didn't need gods of war, or supreme beings of charisma and otherworldly power right now. They needed someone who would put his nose to the grind stone and do the work. They simply needed a good man to stand with them, and do what needed to be done. And while Draconis may forever hold himself to blame for their fall, he would never let such guilt immobilize him from his sworn duties. He needed to use that pain to be better. It meant he had to fighter harder, and work more diligently than ever before. If his lord required his presence, he would summon him. For now, it was best that Draconis deal with his own problems.

"Sir, Sigma lance is reporting in, another clean sweep. No signs of hostility, or of anything out there really,"

Draconis would simply nod, not needing to tell the officer who'd made the report that they were to continue their patrols. The men and women under his command were now veterans of two great cataclysms. War to them was now something as simple as the rain. Battles were no longer alien and full of doubt. Each of them had been forged in the fires of their own civil war, and tempered over the years with a final christening at the fall of the Confederacy. Those that had survived had returned changed. Their former homes had been burned to the ground and then cast to oblivion. Their friends and family were now few and far between among survivors, and where once normal people who welcomed all walks of life, a cold hardy and almost emotionless people remained. They would do whatever it took to survive and see their duty fulfilled. And only death would satisfy them now as punishment for their failures.

Kristyl Vaashe


~ Kristyl Vaashe ~

Kristyl had felt completely out of place, standing there looking out among those who had gathered to start building a new life, completely devoid of any familiarity or connection to what she had left behind on Naboo. Were this a personal decision to embark on a new journey, leaving behind a peaceful world, then she would not have felt the pang of anxiety and heartache that she did there at that moment? No, Perhaps every moment since she and her tutor had managed to escape the onslaught of an unknown enemy against the peaceful world of Naboo.

Her heart ached for her family, those she had yet to see again since the invasion of her homeworld. None of her friends had been aboard the much larger starship that they had rendezvoused with, nor had anyone heard from her mother Asaraa Vaashe Asaraa Vaashe . For one so young and inexperienced, there were more feelings of hopelessness, loss and anger than there were signs of hope, despite standing upon a new planet that was reported to be their new home or sanctuary; depending on how you looked at it.

"Shall we make ourselves of use? I wonder if they still need people carrying stones from a place to another... perhaps they will even have a tree to chop down. Ah and the medic's gave me a green bill of health, so you can be sure I'll be training right alongside you.".

Kristyl whipped around to stare up at her Master Diana Sophistica Diana Sophistica with a glossy-eyed and gladdened smile brought on by the sound of her voice. Her wounds had been quite severe, fighting to make up for Kristyl's own lack of combat experience when the invasion had hit them. By the time the Red Hare had descended down to pick them up, Diana had been barely able to walk and by some bizarre turn of events, it had been Kris who had basically carried her Master to safety. It wasn't heroic, or some great feat of daring, but rather out of desperation that she did not lose another person she admired or cared about to the cruel fates the Galaxy seemed to have thrown at her.

"Diana!" She exclaimed with surprised relief, looking her Master up and down as if first needing to confirm the older woman's words; "You're okay?" she asked, needing to hear it a second time in order to wrap her head around the womans' recovery. Her Master had a biotic arm and leg, having lost them before the two had been introduced, and yet still been able to fight down force knows how many of those horrid creatures making it look easy compared to what Kris knew how to do. She really was an example of strength and perseverance.

"Sure. We can do whatever you think is best, I guess?" Kris added, cautious about choosing an activity that seemed to be a bit much for someone who had literally just walked out of the medical bay. Diana may have been able to rest for a while, but it still seemed a bit much to expect the woman to go building entire houses after all she'd been through.

The tone of defeat in the young girls' voice was undeniable too, the conversation turning towards the future's sake and the reminder of what they'd all left behind. It was difficult to feel motivated in the aftermath of such loss.



The Great Khan felt the tug.

As his commands fell from his lips, the awareness caused him to look skyward. His eyes had been taken. The avian that served him so dutifully now flew off in a different direction - encircling their very heads. While this grave offense would have been a source of frustration to lesser souls, the Khan found a toothy grin forming upon his face. Good. Those who set foot upon Verun were not pushovers. They were gifted. They would give his men a good hunt. Perhaps then the hottest of tempers would mellow.

Thus, Jochi did nothing to stop the intrusion of Telula Vale Telula Vale . But he did leave a message after the beep. His thoughts would graze her presence. His words would leave killing intent firmly in the pit of her stomach.

Like what you see?

The telepathic message was coupled with his bemused chuckle. But the amusement did not last for too long. Ogodei, ever impatient, nudged the Khan's arm and pointed over their ridge. The Khan's gaze moved from his companion to the earth, where his forces had "greeted" the scouts. Where once there were the dying moans of men, there were now cries of battle. Rounds were being fired - the enemy had arrived at last. The Great Khan beat once upon his chest.

"Your patience is rewarded. Go."

Ogodei bowed his head and departed at once, moving his speeder down to join the fray.

The handful of scouts would be facing down impressive odds. Advancing towards them were a cavalry of mounted riders - each astride a hefty speeder. The Horde was armed with a variety of blades and slugthrowers. Though a pair were brandishing lightsabers that had been pilfered from the corpses of the first wave. Behind them were warriors on foot, rushing forward. The air thundered with their cries of battle.

The scouts would have but a few precious seconds before carnage was upon them.



Kyyrk was in danger. They all were. But Kyyrk didn't have a way to warn those back at the settlement. Kyyrk looked around through the melee trying to find Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic . She was the least skilled among them, and would need his assistance the most. He backstepped to avoid a reckless lunge from one of the attackers, spinning his own blade to disarm his opponent, then to disarm his opponent. Kyyrk turned, looking back to the settlement, and closed his eyes. Horace! Danger. Kyyrk's companion had not accompanied him into the field! He urged the avian entity to warn the camp, and hopefully get them reinforcements.

Kyyrk turned back to the charging line of speeders. He suspected they would not be able to talk their way out of this one.
"Hold the line! Help is coming!"
He hoped. His lightsaber was held at the ready, and Kyyrk drew a deep breath, closing his eyes to prepare. To center himself. When he released his held breath, his eyes opened. In place of the muted purple orbs that normally peered forth, there was a brilliant violet light. The Force surged around Kyyrk, and as he stepped forward and thrust forward his hand, the Force leapt at the opportunity to do his bidding. A massive wave of energy shot forth against the speeders, knocking them off course. Subtle, but likely something they'd not recover from.

All about him were weapons. Tiny. Miniscule even. Most would overlook it. Wouldn't trust that such a thing could even serve such a purpose. But Kyyrk was never one for being confined to a box. The sands around him began to shift, and soon tendrils of the fine substance were writhing in the air around him. The tendrils dispersed just as fast, clouds of harsh particles flying about the battlefield, cutting through exposed skin and flesh. Kyyrk himself launched himself bodily into the fray, using his blade to cut down even more foes. One even tried to charge him with a lightsaber. Kyyrk recognized the blade instantly. It's owner had been his friend. To see it in the hands of this..bandit...

Kyyrk stepped forward, bringing his blade to meet it. But he did not stop there. He pushed forward, using his physical strength to knock the bandit off balance. The bandit tried to swing at him again, but Kyyrk blocked the man's wrist with his own, and delivered a devastating punch to the man's nose. His opponent reeled back, and Kyyrk kicked his shin, hearing an all-too-satisfying snap in result. His empty hand twisted to grab the lightsaber hilt from the falling man, and its blue blade sprang back to life, piercing the bandit's gut alongside Kyyrk's white blade. Then he was quickly and neatly cleaved in two. Kyyrk hoped that in death, the bandit had learned a valuable lesson. Killing Kyyrk's friend and taking his lightsaber didn't give you a chance against him. It just gave Kyyrk a second lightsaber...

The ambush happened so fast.

Only a few moments prior, the Knight was chuckling under his breath. His lost (and now found) Apprentice was making her usual jokes - specifically wanting a good view if Abel crashed - and off they rode. Kyyrk had taken point, with Abel, Dreidi, and Luna riding not far behind. "Oh please, what kind of mentor would I be if I crashed?" came his mirthful reply. There wasn't much time for him to see Luna's witty comeback to his question - for his gaze fell upon what laid ahead.

Small explosions of sand. Kyyrk being vaulted off of his speeder. They weren't alone.

And worse? They were under attack.

"Just can't catch a break." he seethed quietly, before yelling to the young ones. "Scatter! We're under fire!" Abel's first instinct was to rev the engine and ride closer to Kyyrk, who was pinned down. And worse still, there were speeders closing in on his position. Abel reached immediately for his own comm and broadcasted the situation:

"This is Scout Team Two, we're under attack north of the LZ. I repea-"

His voice cut short as fire shot through his shoulder. The sudden sting caused Abel to recoil backwards - plummeting clean off of the speeder bike. He tumbled unceremoniously into the sand, rolling and sputtering for a moment. He lived - but felt like death. Groaning, he managed to roll onto his backside and reached for his shoulder. What he found was blood. He had been hit. "Feth." he swore. Gritting his teeth together, his mind attempted to fight through the pain. Fight enough to have his thoughts graze the mind of his apprentice.

Get Dreidi outta here and warn the camp. Quick!

As for the fallen Knight, he pushed himself onto one knee. He was hit, but he could still fight. He'd be damned if he failed twice.​




The Great Khan turned.

Whilst his riders bared down upon the Second Party, Jochi strode towards a small tent. It was hastily erected - as typically the Horde preferred to sleep under the stars. But in this case, they were entertaining valuable guests. He pulled back the entry flap and opened his arms, as if to embrace long-lost family member. "Have you eaten your fill?" The question was poised to the trio seated in a semi-circle. Before them laid a large pot of fresh stew and several canteens of cool water.

And given how full their mouths were, Jochi imagined that they had indeed eaten their fill.

He joined their circle for a moment, quietly grabbing a canteen as they continued to eat. "More from your camp are on their way." he began, uncorking the vessel. "My riders will cut them down. But I imagine your camp will not fall so easily."

The Great Khan indulged in a taste of the canteen. The trio paused their feast.

"So I must insist upon your help. And as agreed, you will be spared. Your kin will be spared. Housed. Clothed. Fed. As you are now. No more running from the stars."

The canteen settled back down upon the tent floor with a solemn thud.

"You will tell me everything about your camp. Its fighters. Its leaders. Everything."

The Rodian, Wookie, and Aqualish quietly agreed.​


Any longer out here, and it just might reach that point.

The Jedi chuckled and nodded in agreement. It was quite sweltering, there was no denying that. But they would push through regardless - such was the demands of the moment. The young woman had a similar mindset overall. Kindness and Necessity were one given the circumstances. "I suppose you're right, Nesryn. But nonetheless, I am grateful." came his simple reply. "You may call me Josiah."

"I'll do my absolute best not to cause more work for the rest of us."

Josiah offered a quick wink to match her tease and accepted her handshake. Once rendered, he turned as if to resume working, but heard his comm chime. Reaching, he pulled the device out of his pocket. His eyebrows rose immediately as Abel Denko Abel Denko 's words reached him over the defunct Confederate channel.

His stomach sank.

Not only was this attempt at survival already in peril - his own flesh and blood was in harm's way. He knew not the number, but if Abel was calling for help...Turning, he motioned to Nesryn.
"We're in danger. We need to get help."


Uh, Sir. Forgive me...

The sable-skinned man's attention rose from the table before him. This unforeseen circumstance. But given the reality of the situation, it was a welcome one. Prior to his return to the Confederacy, Darth Xiphos had been responsible for many enslaved deaths on Rhand. These actions had earned a solemn banishment from Confederate space. A consequence riddled in mercy for past assistance given. Now, as the southern systems dissolved, she had arrived once more. Isley allowed himself a morbid, bemused chuckle at the thought.

The Confederacy was no more, so did the banishment stand? What a thought.

He reached for his comm and answered. "We'll take her at her word. Send Darth Xiphos to my tent."

With his order rendered, Isley looked up to see the arrival of John Locke John Locke . He offered the man a weary smile. "Am I glad to see you." he began.

Though he knew the Exarch lived, it was the first time he had laid eyes on him since the fall. It was heartening to see that he was whole. Well. As whole as a cyborg could be anyway. Isley crossed the room and placed a hand on the businessman's shoulder. "We've so much work to do..." he began, but motioned with his chin towards the tent's entrance. "Starting with Xiphos. Any clue what's going on?"

He spoke, not yet knowing that there was a new trial thundering towards their doorstep...​



Kyyrk spun, deflecting a blaster bolt back towards the man who had originally fired it. He turned to see Abel Denko Abel Denko rising slowly from the sand. He lunged forward to cut down a rushing swordsman as he charged Abel. White and Blue spun together in a whirlwind of death. Kyyrk paused long enough to notice someone pointing a weapon their direction. Rocket. Kyyrk cursed under his breath, and hurled the blue blade in his off hand towards the man. It cut down three others before finding its mark. But not before the man loosed his explosive payload.

Kyyrk turned, stabbing another attacker through the gut, then completing the spin and reaching out towards the incoming rocket with his left hand. The rocket came to a halt, mere inches from his palm, straining against the opposing force. Some of the smarter combatants turned to dive behind cover. Or rather, their fellow fighters. Not that it mattered. Kyyrk shoved the rocket back in the direction it had come, causing a geyser of sand to erupt from the explosion.

Kyyrk turned back to Abel. "You really didn't have to go to this effort to prove I was as tough as they say!" His hand extended downwards in an offer to pull the other knight to his feet. If taken, Kyyrk would pull the man up to his feet, and clap him on the shoulder. They were in this together. Up chit creek and not even a boat to their name. As Kyyrk fought, he wondered. Were these the same people they had just escaped? Did they serve the Unmaker? Kyyrk was a far quieter, and far more reserved man than the legendary Sith Lord that most knew him as. He would never give in to baser instincts. But in this moment, Kyyrk was deciding upon two things. The first was that he'd not been given time to properly grieve the destruction of his home planet. To come to terms with the fact that he was truly the last of his kind. The last surviving Vylmiran. The second was that Kyyrk was going to find the one responsible for this attack. And he was going to figure out just what he or she knew.

Kyyrk had once been the Dark Councilor of the Sphere of Mysteries.

And today?

He would learn everything his quarry had to tell him. He didn't care what husk of a lifeform was left in his wake...​

Tags: Jochi Khan Jochi Khan , Kyyrk Kyyrk Luna Evanstance Luna Evanstance , Telula Vale Telula Vale , Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

Objective: Secure all civilians in the settlements, Evacuate all non-essential personnel, Launch counter attack to allow for scout team withdrawal

Draconis was pulling out his canteen to get a sip as he studied the array before him. The scout teams were sweeping across the vast area and while this was the most efficient way to cover the ground surrounding the base, it wasn't the best. Draconis had known that they would be sacrificing the better coverage of the air for the increased manpower that would be available by diverting the majority of their pilots with transport duties. And with their current losses, it didn't matter what you flew anymore. If you were qualified to fly, you flew what was available, which they had a lot more ships than bodies to fill them right now. A small wave of static would come across the holodeck for their tactical display. The environment had been more than unkind to their intrusion here, which had let small glitches harass various tech across the deployment. But it was something the SLDF and Draconis were used to. They had just finished rebuilding their home worlds when they'd committed to the first exodus, and now their countrymen would follow in their foot steps. Living in austere environments, building cities and homes from nothing, none of this was new to the men and women of Surric. So the rest of the Confederacy's people would look to her for guidance, for support, and most of all for hope. Draconis couldn't let anything stop them. Which was why when he heard the commlinks crackle to life in the command center, he stopped mid drink and stared at the deck like a man possessed.

"This is Scout Team Two, we're under attack north of the LZ. I repea-"

Draconis would hear the repeat from his comms officer, confirming what he just heard, and the wave of red diamonds start to cross the map. The scouts were about to be encircled, cut off, and overrun. Draconis knew that without support those men would die. Which was why he didn't hesitate to issue his orders.

"Sound the alarm, I want all pilots to RTB immediately regardless of status, I want all combat frames up in ten minutes, infantry in five. Get ground crews to start up close air support craft now and get follow on afterwards. Direct all support assets to that scout team, priority one, we have a duty people. See it done,"

Alarm klaxons would begin to blare as Draconis would reach over to the rack where he'd stowed his own gear, alongside that of every officer and enlisted man here. Each station would see one or two men rise to join him. They'd been wearing their undersuits as a duty uniform, their dress uniforms not suited for such environments, but their combat armors and helmets were stationed here. Draconis would begin putting on his armor as he yelled at the comms officer still manning the station.


"Aye sir!"

Draconis would then don his helmet for his suit, the seals clicking in place with a sharp hiss as he reached over and grabbed his rifle. He may have been the commander in chief of the SLDF, but he was still at heart an infantryman. His place was in the field with his men. He pulled back on the charging handle slightly to check the chamber, loaded as he'd left it. After that he'd check the safety before stowing the weapon on his back and grabbing spare magazines, a couple grenades, and his service pistol. It would take minutes for the headquarters to do their swap and get all personnel in combat gear, but down below the quick reaction forces on rotation were already done. Members of the 272 Rangers were already mustering outside and grabbing extra ammo and explosives. They never knew how long they were going out, but today promised a lot of fighting.

Across the base alarms would ring out, and on duty soldiers would direct non-combatant civilians to predetermined shelters that Draconis and John had set up first, ensuring that such a scenario was accounted for. All others were directed to the various armories or in the case of pilots and crews, hopping on speeders to get back to FOB Last Chance. At the strip the skeleton crews were going from bird to bird, getting preflight checklists done as they were able and spooling up engines on the craft to decrease time to takeoff, meanwhile their pilots would hit the tarmac running to various hangars. They quickly donned their gear, some not bothering to tie boots, put on gloves, or their helmets as they then ran to the craft awaiting them. They were already behind, and any second they wasted was a potential life forfeit. And none of them would allow such a mistake again. They would finish donning their gear in their cockpits, alongside finishing pre-flights and taxiing to the runway to begin mustering for takeoff. The first out were a pair of AT-3 gunships, followed by a few AT-1 Raptors. In hangars on the other side of the FOB, walkers would spun up as well, alarm klaxons blaring as a computer generated voice repeated a message over and over, stating the scouting parties were under attack and the base was to expect a full assault. Walkers would hum to life as their crews did their cold start procedures and prepared the largest beasts of land warfare ever utilized by the SLDF if not the entire Confederacy. Across the base, a hum of activity could be observed as the Hobbesian Leviathan awoke from its slumber. It would take barely minutes for pilots from the first flight to get within contact range of Abel Denko Abel Denko , sending direct comms messages to him as they prepared to give close air support.

"Scout team two, Gunfighter 1-1, on station and ready for fire missions, give us vectors and targets, over,"

Gunfighter flight would circle above as they spied the battlefield below, prepared to strike with the hammer blows of a vengeful god, smiting all who dared draw its ire. Meanwhile Draconis would run to the nearest Raptor dropship as the Rangers prepared to board, their Lieutenant counting them aboard as he got his head count.

"Lieutenant! Got room for one more!?"

"Always room on the elevator to hell sir!"

"Good man!"

Draconis would step aboard behind the last man of the chalk, similar chalks loading up in other 'ships as they sat down and just barely got their restraints on when the pilots took off. At the scout team's position, they would see that the enemy was getting ready to envelope them, but they would find that they weren't alone. Nearby patrols were diverted to them, encountering resistance but determined to fight their way through, hover craft having to dismount their infantry support to fight in defensive positions while skirmisher and scout walkers tore into the enemy. The SLDF may have been battered by her last major loss, but she was not broken. These men and women would give the enemy raiders a fight like they'd never seen. They had to break through the encirclement and get through to the scout team. Meanwhile forward controllers tried to give the best views they could, mustering up what support they could as the FOB got its assets online. For now, they had light and medium walkers, air support, and the weapons they carried. They would need to hold out for six minutes before they could get artillery, and another five after that before heavier walkers and tanks could roll out to support them. Draconis and incoming Rangers would be the first and only infantry support they got for the next five minutes, and he was going to plunge them as close as possible to the objective. They would not lose another for lack of vigilance nor a failure of one's duties. They would not surrender a single soul to this enemy without a fight that would seem to echo the power of death itself. The scout team would see that they were not alone in the explosions of cannon and blaster fire around them as the SLDF moved to break through to them. Help was on the way.

They just had to survive.
Driving a speeder wasn't the easiest thing in the world, it helped that with the Force giving some guidance and some survival instincts kicking in that she hadn't crashed the thing and ended up in the sand scratched to holy hell. She was feeling herself relax a little, it seemed that this mission would be a bit of a breeze and that she would be able to report to Asaraa that things went well for her. However, as soon as she thought it then the attack happened. She watched as Kyyrk was thrown off his speeder and sent flying into the sand. She prayed that he would be okay and trusted that the more skilled Force User could handle himself, before Dreidi could call out to Abel about what she should do, more explosions happened and she felt her control on the speeder go completely and crashed the speeder hard as she rolled in the sand. Coughing, she quickly did an assessment and nothing bar some nasty bruises seemed to be worse of her pain.

She panicked, was it the creatures from Naboo? Had they followed them all the way to this distant world to kill them off once and for all? The sand in her eyes blinded her for the moment as she stumbled around and tried to wipe the sand away. Her training with her mother meant that her skills even when blinded were higher than her average peer. Closing her eyes and breathing in deeply, Dreidi let the Force flow through her and sensed her surroundings, she could feel and hear the heavier speeders that were rushing towards them and could sense where Kyyrk and Abel were. She wasn't leaving, she wasn't going to leave people behind and not fight. She had spent too long training, too long fighting to prove her worth to just leave now. She rushed over to the pair and ignited her dark orange Lightsaber, poised to fight.

"I can stand, I can fight! I am not running away! Not after Naboo!" While no one had said to Dreidi to leave, she could feel the ideas being in their mind, it was something she had heard all her life. Run away from the war, the fight, avoid getting hurt. But whenever she did that, people she cared about got hurt instead, people died because she ran away. Better to stand and fight, hell even died, if she could prevent one more person getting harmed. That was her stance now and she wasn't moving. Her eyes were glued shut but her Lightsaber was held with trained grip and slashed at the nearby attackers, slashing at them hard with precise strikes as if she could see as normal. It was draining to focus as hard as she could but the sand in her eyes would be gone soon, she just had to keep focused.​

Abel Denko Abel Denko
Planetfall had been pretty anti-climactic considering the climate, but having been part of the first few to arrive? Thrilling. The decimation of the Confederacy had been like a wave of dejavu, he’d seen it before and he saw it again, though the methods and reasons differed. Twenty year old memories, mostly fragments and different than the bare things he could recall of his past. I thought of myself as a monster then, but now I truly am a monster. Just not for the reasons that I still cannot fathom.

He’d been taken into the custody of Nightsisters, their Nightmother effectively holding him a hostage, even if treated well enough. This of course went to hell not long after, he had had no love for his situation and the opportunity to flee? He took it, letting them fend for themselves, he doubted they would have accepted his help anyways. He’d still felt so many lives lost. By some miracle he had found himself on a fleeing supply ship called to return to Naboo and then his arrival at the Capitol? Only to be thrust into the fighting instead.

When the lead speeder suddenly shot up from the sand Saer barely managed to evade. He slid to a stop about twenty paces from the one whose command he’d been assigned. The dust obscured much, but his main focus was the man in the dirt. He rushed over as he got to his feet. “You injured? I’m Saer Lorian, was assigned to your group last minute. We either need to find cover or I need protection while I raise some.”

He was strangely calm, danger didn’t do much to ruffle him because having seen so much in the hell he escaped from after his death? Ordinary combat was less horrifying. Beneath his feet, below the sand, he could feel hard earth, but to raise it up to provide cover he would need a little time. He could fuse the sand as well, but knowing this man’s plan was his first goal. He hated that he had to wait for another’s direction, but oh well, there was something familiar about this man, something that said he wasn’t a fool.
Xiphos was soon allowed into the tent with Darth Metus Darth Metus . Her inhuman looking Armor a sharp contrast to what others wore.

Darth Metus Darth Metus hadn't ordered her shot, which was progress. With the death of the Confederacy, all things were up in the air, inexorably coming back to the earth.

Xiphos stood for a moment, and as a goodwill gesture, decided to come out of her armor. She concentrated and the living bio armor split open at previously invisible seams, silently parting and allowing her to come out of it, wearing a dark blue armorweave body glove.

Whenever he got done speaking with John Locke John Locke , that is when she would speak.

"I have thousands of survivors from Naboo aboard this Prototype Hospital Vessel. Many of their injuries were serious. We lost hundreds on the operating tables--some were so badly injured there was nothing even we could do for them. But most survived and are recovering." she explained to him.

"I've brought spare supplies. Weapons. More doctors and rations." she added. "As much as I could spare, anyway."


A team of General Purpose Nuetralizer Units had been on the very peripheral of the nascent colony when the hoardes of Jochi Khan Jochi Khan had begun their attacks.

The General Purpose units, akin to Protocol Droids in House Io, were nonetheless deadly killers, and when presented with enemies firing slugthrower rounds reacted like any one of their Model 1 brothers would have.

The artificial women, all wearing dark green catsuits, armed with DC-15S carbines and Echani Vibroswords having been aiding in scouting efforts, had responded brutally, and unhesitatingly, with blaster fire.

One of them, named Brigitte, had scored a bunch of headshots in the first opening seconds of the engagement, and as soon as the strange warriors had gotten in range had pulled out her Vibrosword and sliced off a head easily with her Enhanced Speed and Reflexes, which all of her sisters shared. Her sisters covered her with blaster fire as she charged into the thick of combat, smashing in the skull of a warrior attacking a Knight Obsidian with a kick, slicing off the head of another as they attempted to impale one of the colonists. There were hundreds of these General Purpose Nuetralizers on the planet at the moment. All had been focused on population relief but were always ready to fight in any case. Units that had been caught off guard soon made up for it, ruthlessly attacking the hoards sent by the Khan, though they were forced to resort to asymmetric warfare, not having the frontline capability of their mechanical siblings. Some of the units began to get on whatever high points they could secure, using their carbines to snipe at enemies near Kyyrk Kyyrk and Abel Denko Abel Denko

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