Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction The Price Of Freedom [The Rebellion]

Appearance: Image

Aeshi chimed in after Audren's question. In so doing she outed him as a Jedi but such was life. Anyone who didn't adapt on their feet wouldn't do well in today's galaxy, let alone with this group and their objectives. He disagreed with one of her statements: he thought they should be known for both what they did and what they didn't do. By and large though she had it right. On top of that she brought in - or represented, he wasn't quite sure - the secret support of the Suarbi System Republic and presumably the Rimward Trade League. Suarbi was an unknown but he was aware of the RTL...both small fish when compared to the major galactic powers but presumably bigger than the Sephi or Ceredir.

Ars didn't trust the Hutt Republic and thought weird things were going on in the Hapes cluster. Neither was much of a shock: one could only trust a Hutt to do what was best for the Hutt and Hapes had always been a bit different. Regardless though, neither were the large-spanning governments that it was presumed they would be rebelling against, and the Hapan government was squarely inside the oversight of the Silver Jedi Concord.

Seemingly in response to the question about crossing lines a new person joined them in the room, and at the table. The Jedi's first impression of him was that he was dangerous. He had a similar bearing as the Mandalorian supercommandos in the room and carried that without the full suit of armor they wore. In all honesty, his answer was precisely what Audren wasn't looking for. Black ops were a necessary part of war in the modern galaxy but even those teams needed to be held to a standard. A galaxy devolving into chaos was not a good thing.

Caedyn's response came next. It was effectively open agreement with what Audren and Aeshi had posed. No doubt the stances would be formally codified later - or as formally as this sort of group would ever get since they had no plans to become a galactic superpower. This was good enough for now.

During all the talking Audren got the distinct sense that the Mandos were also talking. Nothing could be heard outside their helmets but the sense of them through the Force was fairly clear. It wasn't clear what they were discussing but at some point one of them decided to immerse himself into the audible conversation. Shuklaar Kyrdol, representing Breshig War Forge, and he had some concerns. The first was whether the Rebellion would be going up against Breshig's clients. He named a Master Vaashe with that same condition. That drew the barest of frowns from the Sephi, not because the name dropping or implications that the tone carried but because he'd heard the name before and was trying to place it. He kept coming back to a Jedi in the SJO but hadn't seen or heard her in a while. Maybe not. The second condition was that he wasn't a charity. That was fine, neither was Ceredir; if all he offered for 'free' was training and this first weapons shipment that was acceptable; there was a reason bank accounts had been put in place. The third was a declaration that the group not be a GA or SJC puppet group. Again not much of an issue, though some of those present were part of those groups this meeting - at least from what he understood of it - was not under either of those auspices.

Aeshi responded quicker than the elfin Jedi did, and more eloquently than he would have. Again, he disagreed with little bits of what she said - rebellions were definitely won on military victories. That was in addition to the support and hearts-and-minds though. Her responses seemed to spark off the commando, who introduced himself as Commander Aien Mueller. It was now that the man chose to elaborate what he meant, and articulately at that. Effectively he was approaching the situation from a personal standpoint rather than an organizational one; he and his team could and would perform tasks that a Jedi couldn't or wouldn't. In short, they could be soldiers - presumably highly trained, extremely competent soldiers - as opposed to Jedi. Once the different perspectives became clear Audren found his concerns about the man assuaged.

The silver-haired Jedi spoke up then, and while he was on the right track Audren decided to say it more bluntly. They were adults, they could take it. Aeshi took the input that was given and explained herself as well.

"It seems there's an inherent difference in what's being discussed. Organizational limits, rules of war, as opposed to an individual's moral code. The roles of soldiers and peacekeepers can overlap but can also be starkly different. Spacing a hangar with civilians, orbital or sub-orbital bombardment of a populated city, or destruction through Walls of Light would be in violation. A soldier killing an enemy who had surrendered would be, a soldier performing an order of execution would not. The rules handed down that every member of the Rebellion will be expected to adhere to as a base minimum."

That brought up another question, one that would have to be answered before long. From what point of view were they fighting this? If the Jedi were directing the fight the fighting forces would most likely be hobbled by the directives they were given but if the soldiers were the ones directing the initiative Jedi could well be sent in over their heads. Almost ironically, it would be more cohesive for both parties if they were to fight without the moral boundaries of the Light side. The rules of war - the directives that rebel units would be given - might be easier set if such was even a concern.

And yet another concern: ff the soldiers were allowed to fight how they needed to and Jedi joined them it wouldn't be long before they were identified and traced back to whatever primary government they were involved in. The soldiers too, with Commander Mueller's involvement in the SJC. Target governments would never believe that the rebels weren't acting on the behalf of their parent organization, and it would be a propaganda nightmare on top of the internecine relations between major powers. Identities would need to be kept hidden or clearly disassociated from governments, even when they were killed. Easier for the any Mandos that joined up, with their reputation for individualism, as opposed to Jedi or ranking soldiers. Something to think on.

Caedyn Arenais Aeshi Tillian Aeshi Tillian A ARS VAMI Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Aien Mueller
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Lori continued to just watch and listen as everyone seemed to ruffle eachother's feathers and see who was on who's page, and to see if they'd end up succumbing to commiting war crimes too, as others have done. Fortunately the ER haven't done that, although EE propaganda would suggest otherwise.

Winning the hearts and minds of the people was what Lori's job was in and around EE space. It was what encouraged the people to fight back against Imperial military rule. And their efforts had been working, without any outside help. Sure the GA had promised broken down ships and some funding, but none of that had been delivered, not that the ER were counting on it anyways.

So they continued to support themselves, laying low while they gathered intel and planned their attacks on military targets. It has kept them safe from utter destruction so far. Always keep the enemies guessing. Preserve the element of surprise. That was how Tacitus was defeated. In the public eye she claimed responsibility for it, supporting the propaganda that the EE had thrown out there anyways, even though it was a lie.

But Lori wasn't about to throw her ego into the room. She just studied them all so that she could get a broader sense of just how utterly chaotic this side of the Galaxy was. It was no wonder that they were in a near constant state of war....

Aien Mueller


You know those types you don't want to meet in a dark alley?


Armor - "Apostle" armor(all),
Weapons (team)- T-73 Handgun, Combat Knife, FTB Rocket
3 Grenades (each), 2 Thermal Detonators (each)
(Snipers)- M-14 Sniper Rifle, Wrist Blaster, Carbine
(Assault)- RI-17 Assault Rifle, T-73 Handgun
(Heavy Weapons)- Minigun(if in the field), Defender-Automatic Weapon(if in CQC) Assault Rifle
GOLD TEAM: Azrael(Assault/Team leader), Castiel(Asault/Pathfinder)
BLUE TEAM: Sauriel(Sniper 1), Samael(Heavy Weapons), Michael(Sniper 2)
RED TEAM: Gabriel(Demo/EOD), Bartleby(Tech/Team Second)
HAAT 1- Scion(Pilot), Dominion(Weapons)
HAAT 2-Cherub(Pilot), Virtue(Weapons)
HAAT 3(Carry-all variant)- Dominion(Pilot)*
HAAT 4(Carry-all variant)- Virtue(Pilot)*
*When needed. Weapons Intercept officers will be assigned randomly
RONTO 1- John(Driver), Principal(Gunner), Archangel(Cover)
Tag: Caedyn Arenais Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Audren Sykes Audren Sykes Aeshi Tillian Aeshi Tillian Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol Odyn Tarsi

He was steaming. Ready and wanting to walk out. This was meant to be a showing of good faith on all of their parts and now all Aien has is a sour taste in his mouth. However, the Team Leader was reminded of something his old drill instructor would say: "If they try to get in your head, raise the rent." So, still mad, he was willing to... oh come on... a Jedi asking him if he killed kids? Really?

How about this, then? You stop looking at me like the mercenaries who called themselves "soldiers" insulting those of us who honorably serve others, and I will stop looking at you like the mouthy Senator that managed to force my father, a well respected General in the Galactic Alliance, a place my team and I left to join the Silver Jedi Concord in protest into a dishonorable discharge for crimes he was innocent of. She was from the Rim Territories. You treat me like an individual, and I will do the same.

Turning his attention towards the Jedi, but not losing focus on his main opponent here.

As for your question, Master Jedi, My team, and I, and everyone I have ever had the privilege of serving with have never and would never conduct any type of operation that would knowingly harm children, medical or overall civilian life and ways... you know what?

Gathering his items, Azrael prepped himself to leave, it was clear that this was a mistake.

I'm not going to justify 30 years of honorable service to anyone. My record speaks for itself. I lost good men getting injured Jedi and homeless civilians out of the line of fire when my team could have made it safely on our own. I lost friends over the years that wanted nothing more than to serve. Yes, I have done things I am not proud of, I have more than my share of blood on my hands, but each and every single one of them have killed others or ordered it be done. Yes, we take "extra steps" and we will continue to do so.

Now it was time to look at everyone in the room.

So that no one else has to. I have to bear the weight of each and every one of those decisions. I am messed up in the head because of it, but if that means that kids can go to school without being afraid, or Space Jockeys can skip out on a bar bill, or Jedi can have a day off, then my job is done and my conscience will survive. I came here to help, but it's clear to me that only one of you wants it. I didn't expect to be welcomed with open arms, and I'm not gonna beg, and I'm not looking for sympathy either. When you decide what you want, you can either call me...

He tossed a comm-link onto the table.

... or you can trash that. Your choice.

He then walked out.

... yeah, we scare them.


Caedyn Arenais

"That is enough, all of you please" Caedyn raised his voice as he stood at the head of the table looking at all of those seated or standing around it. "We all have our differences, our particular skill sets and virtues. You all know why you've agreed to meet with me today...-Because everyone here agrees that there is a grave threat against the freedom and rights of galactic society. Arguing amongst ourselves will get us nowhere. I've seen it time and time again among the various Jedi organizations and that's not what I called you here to do today" he spoke with a sense of commitment and authority, that of which he had none over these people, yet he couldn't allow their first meeting to come apart at the seams if they were to make any difference out there.

"Each and every one of you will bring your own contributions to the Rebellion, whether that be experience as a former or current Soldier, that of a Jedi or that of a Spacer from the Outer Rim Territories, whatever your makings, you're all here for the common cause and should we let ourselves stay divided then the bad guys out there still win one over us" Caedyn continued, speaking with more of a mutual voice now that he had cut through their indifference.

"Obviously we are not a grand army or body of government. Right now we're small in number and can only hope to offer what we have in support of those currently in place and already fighting against the Sith, the Imperials and the Bryn'adul. This Rebellion will grow with time and perhaps things will evolve, but we have to work for it. Not just for the sake of this group but for all the people out there being forced to suffer at the hands of tyrants...." His voice faded for a time, looking from one to the next and gauging their expressions intently, hoping that he had so far managed to discourage anyone from leaving.

"As far as not being bound by Politicals or Government Law. Naturally, I'm not saying we'll go breaking any. All I meant by that was that our movements and actions will not be slowed by politics, nor will the consequences of our actions be held against us by some grand committee or senators like we've all seen between the Galactic Alliance and the Silver Concord giving one another grief over past actions or inaction. This Rebellion is a group of action, we seek to disrupt any harm or crimes against the people, through strategic action. Careful planning and moral decision making. I will not have innocent blood on our hands".

Audren Sykes Audren Sykes | Aeshi Tillian Aeshi Tillian | A ARS VAMI | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion | Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun | Aien Mueller

Odyn Tarsi

Odyn Tarsi held a grim look upon his face, his jaw tense as he listened to the back and forth and found none of the bickering to be of any benefit or relevance to the reasons he had come to Mnemosyne; He himself was a former soldier, and only very recently having left the Antarian Rangers. Under orders he had killed others for what the Concord and the Silver Jedi required of him to protect their worlds and people. He had experienced the horrific scenes of war, and he had not survived simply to sit at the table to listen to people arguing over their differences, only deterring any of the group from actually coming together and doing something worth fighting for. It wasn't until the Jedi Knight spoke, that Odyn found some small sense of relief and hoped that their meeting could get back on track.

"We're all here then" Odyn spoke up, his eyes on Caedyn Arenais with a sense of expectation; "Whether we're fighters or not, what's the course of action moving forward. We all know the enemy is well ahead of us, both in number and influence in the Galaxy. We're few in number, so a recruitment drive will probably be a good start, as well as asset collection" he suggested, looking back around the table to those seated on his side or opposite him, seeking some sort of further contribution to the business at hand.

"Some of us have already mentioned support in the way of assets, people and the like" he nodded in reiteration of the fact, not wanting it to be forgotten or without due credit. "I'd like to suggest taking on some small covert op's against military supply lines. Try to hinder the imperial's, make life difficult for their troops where possible. It could mean the difference of another invasion for all we know".

"If anyone has any reliable contacts within the Alliance, the Concord or the Confederacy, then it would be a good idea to make them aware of our presence in the Galaxy. Maybe they could add further support to us, knowing that we could be hitting the opposition from the flank while they worry about the frontlines, so to speak".

Audren Sykes Audren Sykes | Aeshi Tillian Aeshi Tillian | A ARS VAMI | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion | Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun | Aien Mueller

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