Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction The Pilgrims 4: Not This Crude Matter (open to Jedi/Lightsiders)

Was actually very friendly



Ten meters tall, braced by repulsors and physical straps, the artifact dominated one of the Saber's two great hangars. Prospectors had snared it in the Deep Core, and when their pet vornskr freaked out, they'd promptly sold it to the Jedi. It had an alien resonance in the Force - benign, Light-oriented, but deeply other. As Khefiir drew closer to it, letters glowed in an unknown script - the protocol droids had no idea what it meant, but Khefiir almost felt he could intuit it.

The cocoon of sorts had opened the first time a Jedi touched it; now it opened again, revealing the thing that it had protected since long before the Republic. As always it struck Khefiir as something sacred. A small hovering droid relayed the image to a large screen.

The ten-meter cocoon held a second, smaller cocoon, this one in layers of pale blue fibers. It was somehow both silky and rubbery, and when Khefiir scratched it with a claw, it sealed shut on its own. It wasn't alive in any normal sense. A firmer grip cleared back to cocoon to reveal a transparent innermost layer, snug around an insectoid body. Breach that final layer, he knew, and the occupant would die at long last.

He turned back to the assembled Jedi.

"The being insside the cocoon is a dying Mist-Weaver. They were disstant precurssorss to the Jedi, thoussandss of lifetimess ago, unknown to hisstory. Thiss ancient one iss named K'narik. She would like to passs on her artss and teachingss before she returnss to the Forssssse."


The Pilgrims: #1 - #2 - #3 - current signup thread

Typically we spend the first 3/4 arriving and getting to know our hosts and the setting. Once that's tapered off I do a time jump of a few IC days and we all talk about/share what we've learned. They're feel-good low-pressure faction-agnostic Lightside community threads that add something wonky to your character's Force skillset.

Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor
Lief Lief
Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser
Kaska Arden Kaska Arden
Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo
Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze
Viera Viera
Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku if he's on his BEST behavior
Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei
Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire
Kisaku Oroken Kisaku Oroken
Auraya Irath-Ur
Vexander Graves Vexander Graves
Rose Ann Lovely Rose Ann Lovely
The galaxy was a strange and weird place that never failed to fill Tiland with wonder, but this was something unknown even to him. The galaxy was ancient, yes, but much had been lost and destroyed since the coming of the Gulag Plague, and rarely did Tiland meet beings who made him feel as young as everyone else in the galaxy, regardless of how gray or wrinkled, looked to him.

A dozen generations of humans and near humans had lived and died over the span of his life and a dozen dozen of Anzati generations had passed since K’narik walked free of the cocoon.

He pushed by the edge and lowered himself to the floor, “Hello, K’narik,” Tiland said at last. “My name Tiland Kortun. A thousand years have I walked this galaxy and yet is but a fragment of your experience.” His voice was soft, gentle, even reverent. With one gnarled hand he patted the cocoon, softly and gently. “Your arts and your memory will be preserved and honored as long as I continue to walk these stars, be it only a decade or another four thousand.”

He smiled softly. “And then I will join you in the Force and we will all be of one consciousness.”
once she had arrived. Rose listened with great intent bewildered by the sight and sensations. Rose looked to K'narik unsure if she should speak or not so she did what she always did. stayed silent. she was good at it so she could walk along a path filled with droid carcasses past slumbering predators and have full confidence that they would not wake. Rose drew a deep breath. she was excited to learn like that of a child running along with their parents and excitedly studying all the insects and looking at the faces of strangers that they passed.

She was also patient though and would wait for the others to come as well. she closed her eyes listening to everything around her then she looked over to. Khefiir. she greeted him with a respectful bow that was standard for her. "thank you." she said at last. "for the great opportunity." her words were directed to the mist-weaver.

she straightened again and brushed her hair out of her face.
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The bigger the galaxy, the sweeter the homecoming – Corellian Proverb

She was part of this group now, part of the Pilgrims. She was more than excited to make a home coming trip. Corellia was always here, it was the core of the Starchaser family, it was the world they always defended and made their way back to. There were others, sure, Kattada and Pamarthe becoming worlds the clan had frequented, but when she found out the Pilgrims were going to be taking their next stay on Corellia? She leapt at the moment. Her father and brother were even scheduled to meet for dinner one or two nights.

She could feel them on the world, so close to the rest of Corellia, it made her feel like a kid again. What she wasn’t expecting was something so ancient on the world. She pulled her Warden cloak, this one forest green, a symbol of her heritage with the Green Jedi, tighter as she looked and listened. Khefiir wasn’t Quill, but that didn’t matter, she was listening just as intently.

Watching the closest she had to a constant Master in Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun approach, she followed suit, offering a small bow, her lightsaber the only item on her belt. “I am Jedi Kaia Starchaser. I will respect the teachings you can bestow and pass them to the rest of my line, if that is possible. A pleasure to be in your presence, K’narik.”
Grey Jedi Padawan/Cinnamon Roll
Kuxirra limped toward K'narik and kneeled as well, her mother taking her crutches. "My name is Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri. I am grateful for this opportunity to learn with you. Thank you." She said reverently before standing with her father's help.

Zenda returned her daughter's crutches and kneeled. "I am Zenda, Kuxirra's mother. It is an honor to learn from you."

After making sure Kuxirra was standing on her own, Leehak kneeled. "I am Leehak. My wife and daughter have told you all of what I intended to say."
Be careful what you wish for.



Location: Corellia
Conservator and Vanguard 2.0 (Lightsabers)
Comm-link, Rebreather, Custom Robes
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Dilorian in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music"
Desbre Gensan, Milya Vondar (Welcome to come along if they want to, I signed them up with me)
Khefiir Khefiir
Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor Lief Lief Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser Kaska Arden Kaska Arden Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Viera Viera Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire Kisaku Oroken Kisaku Oroken Auraya Irath-Ur Vexander Graves Vexander Graves Rose Ann Lovely Rose Ann Lovely

What happened to Quill?

The last trip he came on like this, to commune and communicate with the Force attune Banthas, Master Quill was their expeditionary host. He wasn't very knowledgeable of the hermit, but the Jedi was a treasure trove of information and stories. This brought out the curiosity of the massive Jedi Master, and he could appreciate what Quill had to offer, Caltin was more than busy during the last two Pilgrimages, but this was Corellia, he has a huge history on this planet, so the big guy jumped at the chance. Now, instead of anticipating how the trip would go, Caltin was more concerned about where the former long time Hoth resident was.

Make no mistake, this Jedi Knight Khefir was no slouch, not at all. He was clearly mentored by Quill, and he seemed to be nice enough (a true and respectable rarity for a Trandoshan, at least in Caltin's experience), he was simply curious.

Not wanting to dwell on something he did not have the details about (He could ask, but what would that bring? Maybe the Hermit was busy with another matter? Maybe he was too full on a casserole, no sense worrying about it) what happened, and he could not affect it, nor would it affect him at this point, so he moved on.

Corellia was a planet that he did not call "home", had not for a long time, but it held some cherished history with him. The massive Jedi Master actually enjoyed himself with the sights. Many of them were historic and brought back a lot of cherished memories. The shopping mall used to be a Corsec office(weird), the bistro he used to frequent was still there (weirder). Coronet University was a place he was going to visit when the trip was over. The last two times he had been here, Caltin had forgotten to, his daughter Alyscia matriculated here and he wanted to check out any possible changes. That would have to wait though as he had someone to meet.

Caltin knew some of those gathered. He had respect for Master Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun , and the Padawan Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo was nice enough, he had the potential to be a great Jedi Knight. There was also the green Jedi Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire . No doubt the two may have had issues after their spar, but the Corellian matched him move for move and their spar went to an actual standstill. That in itself had annoyed the (censored) out of the big guy but he respected the fact that it happened now that he can look back on it. He needed to be knocked down a peg and reminded of what he taught students himself "No one is better than another. You can do everything right and still come up short." Of course, there was Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri , or "Kux" as he called the "Cinnamon roll" of a Jedi Padawan, he knew the sweetheart of a Togruta Jedi quite well. He wasn't here to meet "Jedi" though if they introduced themselves, then, by all means, he would converse, he was here to learn about "K'narik" here.

Stepping forward slowly, his hands clasped behind his back and quietly surveying what was before him, Caltin took the warrior's approach to those about to return to the Force. He would verbally try to make their trip as comfortable as possible.

Greetings. I am Caltin Vanagor. I will not mourn your passing, for I will celebrate your existence. You have lived a long and fruitful life and I am honored merely to stand among you. Anything you wish to convey is something I will treasure for my own existence and hopefully pass on to the next generation. Your knowledge will keep you and your memory alive, just as will the Force.

Not the most eloquent, he never has been. This will probably come off as egocentric to some, the massive Jedi Master could not control that and would not try. However, Caltin considered himself a student of history and this was something he felt lucky to be a part of, even if nothing was conveyed.


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if they're watching anyways

"I'm going to try the weaving," she said, in a stunning bout of decisiveness. "I think it could be useful. I mean, I know how to shape Light well enough, but this could be a next step. An extra component, to make them as impenetrable as K'narik's cocoon."

She paused a moment. "Or maybe- no. No, yeah, I'm doing the weaving."

Decisiveness was hard.

Still, she knew this was an opportunity unlike any other. K'narik intended to pass on to the Force after passing on her knowledge. Death was a constant in the galaxy, and the Force had a habit of keeping people around after their physical bodies had passed, yet Auteme couldn't help but feel a deep sorrow at the Mist-Weaver's decision to pass. How long had she been trapped in her cocoon, alone, only feeling the things beyond through the Force? K'narik's spirit must have been strong indeed to survive so many eons.

Auteme wandered forward, tracing her hand across the part of the cocoon she could reach. It was warm to the touch and teemed with Light. Though it seemed rough on the surface, the strands were surprisingly soft; yet somehow she knew she'd never be able to pierce them -- further, that no one could. "Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter," she whispered, before stepping away. "Your weaving is beautiful."

She moved back to Lucien and Kisaku. "One of you better learn about the painting -- Kisaku, that might be good for you, actually. Leaving messages that you can see could be useful. And you can finally take notes when I teach you things," she said, grinning.

The Saber, Corellia
Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku | Khefiir Khefiir | Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun | Rose Ann Lovely Rose Ann Lovely | Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser | Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Auteme Auteme | Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo

Kisaku was mesmerized by what he saw. His vision pierced veils that obscured ordinary sight. Encapsuled there within the layers, behind fortress walls of its own design, a being resided in a state between dreaming and wakefulness. Khefiir had said it to be dying, yet Kisaku felt no pain from it. The peace it exuded was not that of a being dying fitfully, in a struggle for life. It was like a sunset casting warm across the sky in its final moments. A radiance and beauty that would only be cheapened if it were to last forever.​
He was broken from his reverie by Auteme's voice. As his mind caught up with her words he couldn't help but smile. Of course his master would struggle even now with her decision. He watched her approach the being as those before her had. Hesitation crossed him; what could he possibly have to say? Nothing of import but... Perhaps it was worth trying anyways. Extending some kind of companionship in what might feel like to the Mist-weaver, its last moments.​
When she returned he smiled weakly, still struggling with finding words. "I had actually planned on it but... Not for that." he said, a soft amusement to his words.​
"I don't think I'll ever be much of a note taker but, I want to know what it feels like to paint. To make art." He said, a surprising optimism to his quiet voice. Confiding in others was hard for him right now, but he was getting better at it. He had the best mentors around to coax his walls down.​
Finally, after fidgeting a moment longer with his hair he approached with a hesitant demeanor. As if he might change his mind at any step. Somehow, he never did. His hand rest against the outside of the cocoon for a moment as he stared within. "Your poise gives me hope for the future." He finally said in a whisper.​
"If there is one thing you can teach me, teach me to find grace in the Light as you do,"
A few moments later he slowly pulled away from the cocoon, making his way back to mom, dad and big bro Auteme, Lucian and Aaran.​
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Corellia... it has been years and years since he has been around... and yet, this place was still sooo familiar. So full of life. It brought memories, happy times, and as always filled him with some sort of patriotic sense that he was not always comfortable with. He knew that as a Jedi his allegiance was with the Force and every single being in the galaxy that needed his assistance, but he couldn't forgo his heritage, and the fact that deep down there was some green in his heart.

As he stepped close to the Jedi gathering, he looked around the place and just admired the architecture... he had to snap out of it for an instant to actually dwell in the matter at hand. The reason for being here was quite different than usual... he was here to listen and to learn. He could be a Jedi Master... but for him that was just a title he was granted long ago, and he didn't know if he deserved it... but either way, regardless if he was a Master or not, this was a great opportunity to learn and to apply to his understanding of the Force and his path.

As he grew closer to the coccoon, Vex noticed that every single one of them were giving words to the passing being... reassuring words... words to honor it's life and some were quite solemn. The corellian Jedi took a deep breath not knowing what exactly he was supposed to say in this particular time and at that particular being that would sounds anywhere near to what the others were saying... and when he was closed enough... he had no other choice.

Entangling his fingers to one another at the height of his belly, he just bowed as solemnly as he could, he showed his respects.

"I am Vexander Graves... corellian by birth... Jedi by heart" He then raised back up and placed his right hand in his chest as he talked "As corellian I'll cheerish what you have weaved in this ground and, as a Jedi; I'll learn everything as possible and pass it down to other generations. It's no mere coincidence that this knowledge will be entrusted to us... the Luminous Mist's will it is... and by the Mist... by the Force... I'll honor this knowledge"

The man looked down, and stepped back. Something in his own words made him just wonder... about his role... about what he had to do. But perhaps it was too early to meditate on those matters... perhaps he had to see what this luminous art was and then he would understand a little bit more about what he had to do, and more importantly; how to do it.
When Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor had encouraged her to join him on Corellia, with the promise of something super fun and awesome, this was not what Asha'd had in mind. She had ventured into the hangar only to find countless others assembled, and thus she turned to her companion with a curious expression... Just what had he gotten her into?
Of course it was impossible to miss the presence of the cocoon at the core of the space. It pulsated slowly with life, not just at its heart but throughout the fibrous membranes which encased whatever lay within. She could feel it here, the Living Force was present in a far more obvious fashion than she'd ever felt it before. A soft, steady thump at the core revealed the life of the one inside, present but waning.
It brought with it a twinge of melancholy to the redhead. A life lived, yet soon to be lost. To return to the Force... It was a beautiful thing, truly, but that did not make it any less sad.
As the Trandoshan spoke, Asha became acutely aware of the fact that those who were gathered were, in fact, Jedi. She observed them each, curious as to how she'd been roped in on one of their expeditions, and hummed quietly under her breath in thought. Thankfully Asha trusted Cotan to know that it was in her best interest. She had not been around many Jedi since the days of her youth, where she followed Jericho between enclaves and learned from them freely without ever becoming one.
Would they sense that she was an outsider? Would they know that she did not wholly walk within the Light, as they did? A slow exhale banished such thoughts from her mind. It did not matter. She was here, and she would participate as the rest of them did.
Still, her hand found Cotan's all the same. A safety line as she stepped into the unknown.
Asha did not verbalize what she wished to communicate to the one known as K'narik; she closed her eyes instead and felt through the Force at that most ancient of beings, allowed her presence to wash over the cocoon until the one within knew her for who she truly was. As one who wandered the strands of time, and held a deep reverence for such, it was impossible for her not to take note of the strands which made up the wrappings... Weaved through the Force with physical manifestation.
The Trandoshan had spoke of them learning from the one in the core. Perhaps, then, if permitted, Asha might learn how to weave those strands also. It was an intriguing, exciting prospect to be sure.
Was actually very friendly
Once the assembled Jedi all had their chance to begin communing with K'narik, a wordless question impressed itself on Khefiir's mind. He accepted the request and closed his eyes. An insectoid appendage, still swaddled in silk cocoon, emerged and gripped his three-clawed hand. He held it very gently.

When he opened his eyes again, they weren't his natural yellow. Instead they burned silver.

"My thankss for letting me borrow your voissse, Jedi Khefiir," he/K'narik said to the group. "And my thankss to all of you for your resspect. Khefiir tellss me the energiess of the deep-heart sstarss make it imposssible to know how much time hasss passsed sssince I wove my cocoon - thousandsss of lifetimesss, and the sstarss were not sso old and weathered ass they are now.

"I am a Misst-Weaver. We drew from many sspeciess, much like your Jedi Order. We traveled the galaxssy in ssearch of new beautiess of the Misst. Each world hass itss uniquenesssess, itss ressonance in the Misst. Our sskill wassz to weave the Missst into tangible, luminousss form - to repressent the wonderss we found, ass if each new world'ss uniqueness wass a new paint."

Still willingly under K'narik's influence, Khefiir raised his other hand and drew a line in the air. That line became tangible, a pulsing shimmer that cooled into a physical strand of sorts. He drew again, line after line. Each had the same resonant character as the glowing letters and abstract designs on the cocoon - they'd been made in just such a way, and had lasted for hundreds of millennia or longer.

The strands they conjured together wove into an abstract painting on the hangar wall, a highly stylized yet simplified image of this tall enclave at the water's edge. To Khefiir, still watching through his own eyes, the image felt very deeply like the enclave itself, and also Corellia. K'narik had made this painting by drawing on the specific character and richness of the enclave's Force presence. The painting was, to nobody's surprise, dominated by shades of vibrant green.

Khefiir and K'narik drew the Force into more strands together. These ones wove themselves into a tough, elastic, self-healing barrier like the cocoon's middle and innermost layers, then transmuted into a long cord. The Mist-silk strands could take all sorts of forms. Though flexible, it had the cool translucence of pure ice or glasteel.

"The Misst iss in all thingss, and all thingss are in the Misst. The sstrandss I wove for my cocoon were - I am ssorry, Jedi Khefiir doess not have the wordss. In ssimplesst termss, they focussed on the asspectss of the Misst that include and are included in time itsself. Thiss wass a great effort on my part, and I wass a Masster Misst-Weaver. But learn to ssee and feel the Misst ass we did, and perhapss you could learn ssomething of that sskill, or any of the diversse waysss we applied the ssilk that we sspun from the Misst. Thiss iss our core sskill - to make the Misst's local colourss into ssilk, and then to weave. To create, to invent, to dream. Everything elsse you have sseen and heard about our wayss flowss from that verssatile sskill."

Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor
Lief Lief
Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser
Kaska Arden Kaska Arden
Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo
Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze
Viera Viera
Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku
Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei
Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire
Kisaku Oroken Kisaku Oroken
Auraya Irath-Ur
Vexander Graves Vexander Graves
Rose Ann Lovely Rose Ann Lovely
Auteme Auteme
Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor
Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri
Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun
Tiadu Tiadu
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"I promise, they don't bite," Cotan quietly said with a smile on his face, giving Asha's hand a small squeeze. It wasn't entirely truthful—from what he had seen, plent of them could certainly bandy about biting words—but if Jend-ro's previous successes with such endeavours had shown him anything, it was that all these disparate Jedi and Jedi-adjacents could at least come together in peace and learn without falling to the arguments and divisiveness that normally plagued them. It was a small comfort in a galaxy that had been lacking many, as of late.

He looked back up, casting his eyes about the crowd for anybody he recognized. The young redheaded Padawan who was learning with Ryv, of course; Tiland was easy to spot from his place near the cocoon; soon enough, though, his eyes fell over another group. The Miraluka he didn't quite recognize, though Lucien, of course, couldn't be missed, even if he'd never really had the opportunity to speak to the younger man. The other two, though..."Auteme, be nice to him," Cotan chided playfully, in response to Auteme's ribbing her own apprentice. "It's bad enough that Aaran's here to bully all the learners, you don't need to help him with it."

Unlike the others, though, he didn't bother to walk up to the cocoon, to offer the occupant within any sort of reassurance or the like. He doubted that any being, so suffused in the Light especially, who had existed for so long, would need any warm words from him to ease their passage.

He fell silent as Khefiir stepped forwards, melding with K'narik and giving a demonstration of the Mist-Weavers' signature skill. After the demonstration, he glanced back down, his voice dropping to a whisper: "See, dear? I told you it'd at least be interesting."



Lucien watched as Auteme walked away to pay her respects to the Mist-weaver for the opportunity that it had given them. Truth be told, he'd never heard of the species in his entire life. Even more, he didn't quite understand the logic behind the creature passing its knowledge onto those who had gathered there today. The Force moved in mysterious ways, that much he'd admit. He wasn't so narrow-minded that he'd outright write off what the Trandoshan was saying, but a part of him was more than settled on just going with the flow until any new developments were made.

She returned to him and Kisaku not long after she'd left. "That was quick." He smiled, shifting his gaze across to her Padawan as she suggested a course for him to follow. He watched the interaction quietly, shoving his hands into his jacket pockets as the Miraluka walked off to pay his respects as well. "Guess I'll be sticking to the weaving." He concluded. It was a pretty logical choice, given his propensity for using the force to accentuate his capabilities on the battlefield. The concept of their ability to weave the force into letters and images was intriguing, at the very least.

The Trandoshan eventually caught his attention once more as the Jedi completed a meld with the being wrapped inside the cocoon. His interest piqued with the demonstration of his skill being put on display, the force itself being weaved into physical strands, along with a healthy explanation of the process behind it.

An elbow tapped Auteme on the arm. "I don't get it." He flashed a goofy smile, laughing quietly as to not draw away from the concentration of the others. "So these...Mistweavers, they wove the force into this silk; to create, to invent, to dream?" Luc rubbed at the back of his head for a moment. "Maybe i'm just lookin' at it the wrong way? I dunno, but i'm not sold on its utility, or how i'm supposed to interpret it." His Padawan years had been focused on far more practical applications, than the esoteric, perhaps to his disadvantage. As much as he wanted to understand, it'd been a while since his training didn't involve the weapon clipped onto his belt.

Auteme Auteme | Kisaku Oroken Kisaku Oroken | Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor | Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo | Lief Lief

Rose studied them with great intent each strand that the mist-weaver created had her eyes while the voice had her ears. she wouldn't miss a second for each moment counted. She cared not what the others said or thought. they were solid and could be used where she needed. in fact she could hide the sight if she focused on it. that gave her an idea on how it might help her in her current situations. ensnare some one in a web of the force? brilliant. all in all it made a cocoon for the mist-weaver how out land-ish was her idea compared to that?

and she did love to make art. randomly weaving a tapestry at will? perhaps she would do that to Ryv to tease him. she always liked seeing him smile and wanted him to be proud. so she wanted to show him what she is learning in a fun way. Why not make him a portrait?

her mind drifted from the subject of art.

What about the cocoon, how did it slow time around the mist-weaver? While Rose did have a good four hundred years left to live and did not care to make it any longer than that perhaps even cut it off shorter. still her curiosity got to her.

so many questions. she also wanted to practice seeing if she could use these threads with force healing so if she gave someone one they would be healed when they got hurt. The padawan had big ambitions no doubt.
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Handsome blindfolded hyper-religious whackjob
Cotan would hear a loud scoff come from behind him as the aforementioned Battlemaster turned his nose up at the mention of his name. "Excuse you. I don’t bully my students." He said, crossing his arms as he looked away. Letting out a small huff a faux indignation. "I create carefully crafted taunts that allow them to challenge their worldviews and grow as a person." That was of course a roundabout way of saying misery builds character. But surely he was joking?

There was no way that one of the head instructors for the New Jedi Order spent his free time carefully crafting ploys and scenarios.


Brushing forward, he moved towards the front of the crowd. Not saying anything, merely reflecting over what was in front of him. A being of immeasurable age. Old when the universe was young. One who could understand the Force in a way the Jedi would have never even considered.

It was humbling. That something so old decided to share its wisdom with the various orders gathered. Who in the Mist Weaver's eyes, were barely neophytes grasping at the greater strings of the universe.

Personally, he could not wait to learn.

Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor
@everyone else because goddamn.
if they're watching anyways
It clicked. Everything clicked.

"I get it," she said, staring first at Khefiir before her gaze turned to the sphere.

It felt as though everything had connected in her mind -- after all, everything was connected. The Weavers saw the strands in the Force and combined them into lattices of make and beauty unlike anything else. The galaxy was connected, held together by those strands. A Force-sensitive person was someone acutely aware of those strands and connections.

Yet they were not simply weavers, for there was still the mist. The thing beyond. The Force was as water, a current to be swept away in, something that could drown others; an essential part of life, and yet a force of nature that could destroy just as well as create. Water had three states -- the mist, the intangible, the thing beyond that hid one's surroundings yet gave way to one's movements; ice, cold, unyielding, so powerful it could meet time itself and stop it in its tracks; and water, that elixir of life, so essential to them and their galaxy, that force of nature so mundane and yet beyond understanding.

And the final piece: the Light. The Light that made their mist so luminous, a truth beyond what they could see, yet ever-present and guiding each action. It was woven into their strands and imbued their spirits.

The world was in sharp focus. The strands used by K'narik were clear as day; water, surrounding the sphere, allowing it to heal and recover no matter what struck it. Ice at the core so strong it kept even time at bay. The mist, surrounding them, permeating all things. The threads of the universe tying them together. The Light.

She couldn't contain her excitement. A wide grin spread across her face; she bounced on the balls of her feet. She knew it'd come to her easily, but she also knew she probably couldn't do it now. Her heart was racing. It was the answer to everything, yet equally an entirely new set of possibilities.

"It's- it's everything. The strands; the colors, you just need to see the Force that way," she said to Lucien. "It's amazing. Just how- everything's connected. You're just moving pieces, tying things together, creating something from nothing."

She calmed a little. "Look at the cocoon -- see how it's woven, the strands, everything. If you sense deeper you can see how strong and tight the lattice is; almost frozen, like ice, the opposite of the mist that surrounds us. Just- it's like that. Am I making sense?"
The last pilgrim trip had been a success, albeit with some small hiccups along the way. It proved to be a unique, enlightening experience. Learning from the Selkath, of their traditions and their bond with the Progenitor. The latest brought her to Corellia, to the Jedi Temple known as ‘The Saber’. Albeit, it wasn’t Master Quill who was heading this trip, which given the recent events it didn’t come as a surprise to the Thyrsian.

Instead it was a fellow Knight, a Trandoshan by the name of Khefiir. He had the same towering intimidation Master Kryll back on Manaan. But Viera wasn’t one to judge someone by their appearance alone, actions and words were more so important.

She stood with the others, listening to Khefii’s explanation, while also looking around at the others. There were a few she recognized from Manaan, namely Auteme, who had been within the same group as her. But there were also others, like Tiland, Kaia, Kuxirra, and so on, that were part of the other groups that day.

One by one everyone walked up to announce their presence and give thanks. Some remained where they were, communicating from afar.

Viera opted to walk up to the artifact, that was in fact a cocoon, protecting an ancient being. The Thyrsian closed her eyes as she placed a palm flat against it. Immediately she could feel the texture of it, how strong the weaving was. “Greetings K’narik, my name is Viera.” She paused, reaching out with the Force to allow the being to grow familiar with her presence. “Thank you for spending the last of your time teaching us. I promise to carry on what I learn today, and pass it on to those equally willing to learn.

It was all she had to say, and thus stepped away and walked back over to the group. She lingered within the earshot of Auteme, Lucien and Kisaku. Viera’s eyes snapped over to Khefiir when the Trandoshan’s eyes shifted silver. She watched and listened with rapt attention as the Mist-Weaver spoke and acted through the Jedi Knight.

Seeing the Force as a mist was quite an intriguing concept to Viera. The Force was invisible, but something as common as mist was not. Everyone can see it, but it’s impossible to capture it. A hand would simply disperse it, and reform elsewhere. But it gave the person something to focus on, a visual aid to try and reach out towards.

Viera sat on the floor, falling into a knelt position. She angled her body towards the cocoon and closed her eyes. She began to focus into a quasi-meditation, but keeping her senses open to pick up on what was being said, or heard in the case of Auteme’s audible excitement. Viera opened a single eye, glancing over at the trio of Jedi. She waited to speak until Auteme had finished.

As Jedi we draw upon the Force to protect others, thus we project abilities such as shields and barriers. As opposed to, say the Sith, who use it for destruction. Here we need to focus on creation, to draw upon ourselves as inspiration and intent.

It was at least the interpretation Viera got from the demonstration. K’narik, through the use of Khefiir’s form, created a piece of art that was reflective of one’s nature. Then focused on intent, to produce a protective barrier.


Auraya Irath-Ur

Raya's head hurt.
The concept presented was difficult to follow in and of itself, but there were many among their fold who added more to it until she felt dizzy. There were strands? All around them? In the Force?
As their instructor was used as a vessel for the one within the cocoon Raya paid close attention and observed all that was shown to them. The creation of some great masterpiece, made not with ink or paint but...
That was the trouble. Raya didn't rightly understand the what of it.
She stood to one side, meek and quiet, and watched as one by one the others seemed to comprehend it on some level. This was going to be as it had been with the Progenitor, she realized, it was going to take her three days to fully understand what she was supposed to be doing and then... Well then it would be too late to learn.
It was a slightly deflating realization.
But... She'd try. She always tried.
Grey Jedi Padawan/Cinnamon Roll
Leehak mulled over Auteme Auteme 's words, thinking. Yes, it did make sense to him. He had always perceived the Force as a web of sorts, tying all things together...he knew his wife perceived it differently, but that was her interpretation. All beings and cultures have their own interpretations, but they're all perceiving the Force.

Zenda, too, thought over the words. She had seen the Force as a river, but as water itself? It made even more sense.

Kuxirra thought as well. These webs...they healed themselves. Could they be used to heal others as well? She glanced at her right ankle briefly before mumbling her question. She doubted anyone heard her question, but K'narik might sense it.
rose looked over to kuxirra. she tilted her head a little she vaguely had sensed it as well only enough to know it was a cry for help. she looked back away and began to make her own connections. the threads that connected her to the force to the galaxy. she began to make her own way about it not speaking her ideas. everyone had there own way and needed to learn there own way. it should be respected and kept quiet the mist weaver knew them there own way and they knew it deeply. that was also to be respected the knowledge is what made it easy for them to teach it in a simple manner. rose tried to create her own threads nothing cool yet. just trying to get one up as she slowly made her own way through it trusting the force would guide her hand and her thoughts in the direction she needed.

she was perfectly silent in her attempt clinging onto those who helped her. then letting go. those were her threads the items she interacted with were her threads in the galaxy. lost in her thoughts she no longer was paying heed to what she was doing. just bringing things to memory and letting go. just like how a thread some day will be cut. she let go. soon the dying mist-weaver would let go let the thread be cut. then they would be there own great work of art one that would join a much greater one. where exactly would rose be woven? or was she already? was she just making her way along the line of it?

rose continued to drift in her thoughts as she let go of her last one cutting it off. she opened her eyes checking if she did anything even if she did not she was closer than before. there was not just a web like was mentioned before there were cut offs and junctions like when a spider connected the threads or ripped them apart. she thought about this a new idea dawning on her.

"and just like a spider and its web the connections in the force can be cut ate and reused for further purposes."
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