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Character Viera - The Haunted Sage


General Information

Name: Viera Vale
Nicknames: V, Vie, VeeVee
Age: Early-to-mid twenties
Gender: Female
Homeworld: Never had one

Occupation: Jedi Knight/Sage
Known Residence: Jakku Enclave
Affiliations: Jakku Jedi Enclave, New Jedi Order, Galactic Alliance
Allegiance: The Force

Force Sensitive: Yes
Alignment: Light

Physical Information

Species: Thyrsian (Dathomirian Ancestry)
Height: 5’8”
Build: Athletic
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Green
Complexion: Dark-skinned

Familial Information

Significant Other: No one currently.
Children: Maybe one day.
Parent(s): Didn’t deserve to be called parents.
Other Family: A few are decent folk.

Psychological Information

+ Hand-to-hand Fighter - Even without any weapon on hand, Viera’s still got two ready to go.
+ Light on Her Feet - In a juxtaposition to the usual Thyrsian ways, Viera is much lighter and quicker in her movement, as opposed to typical training to fight with heavy armour.
+ Thick Skin - Viera’s seen and experienced some shit, of what the galaxy and fate can throw at you. This has hardened Viera, developed into a collected sense of being. Allowing her to address situations without panicking.

Conflicting Between:
+/- Haunted - For as long as Viera has known, she’s been ‘haunted’. Ever since she first developed her connection to the Force, she’s been hearing voices in her mind. Be they of the dead or something else, their desire has always been for ‘balance’. The source of this comes from a supposed curse inflicted on their ancestors hundreds of years ago. Or that was at least what Viera was told.
+/- Talk First - Viera more often than not opts for a talk first, kick arse later approach. This can go well a lot of times, but can also be turned on its head many other times. It has its pros and cons, but it’s never deterred Viera.

- Imbalance - Due to the nature of what ‘haunts’ her, Viera can become increasingly unbalanced within the Force. This is dependent on where she is, and for how long.
- Trauma - Certain events in her childhood have left their scars deep within. While Viera might’ve built walls up to protect them, they aren’t impenetrable. If the memories are brought to the surface, or she witnesses similar acts, Viera is liable to become a lot more volatile than her otherwise calm nature.

Hand-to-Hand Combat
Form VII
Enhance Attribute
Force Precognition

Was almost killed at a young age, at the hands of her own parents. Aunt and Uncle managed to save Viera and take her away. Saw to it she was taken into by one of the Jedi Orders. But was incidentally intercepted by the Rogue Jedi Master, Allyia Zarn. Was taken on as her Padawan, travelled across the galaxy and learned everything she could.

In the wake of her Master dying; succumbing to wounds she had been dealt by a former student, Viera looked towards the smaller organizations of Jedi. Namely the Jakku Enclave...

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