Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction The Blood Arena (HSC | Elysium Empire - Rorak 4 | Anvil)

Fighting: Sars Sarad Sars Sarad , Mikremx Tremsi Mikremx Tremsi , Alessandra Io Alessandra Io , 'Juno' Hart 'Juno' Hart
Loadout: Red Lightsaber, Advanced Droid Shock Arm (Left Arm Replacement), V-82 Droid Tractor Arm (Right Arm Replacement), x2 CZ-22 Wrist Repulsors (One below each forearm, each concealed). Soto's Body.

The drid Sith hadn't expected the throwing disk to be trapped. It must have been a very expensive piece of tech. As his fingers contacted the device, and electrical shock would flow through his circuits. The energy would be enough to temporarily disable his right droid tractor arm, though thanks to the positioning of his Holographic Disguise Matrix, the device world remain untouched by the electrical shock. That was very fortunate, but could have been horrible.

Soto's right arm fell limp, while his left arm clutched his red lightsaber. Thankfully, the alien gladiator agreed to their alliance. The warrior even fired off various sonic attacks toward the other combatants. The alliance was already proving to be beneficial. Of course, the droid wasn't out of the woods yet, as the android-woman threw another disk in his direction.

In his best defensive effort, Soto would quickly move his blade downward, guarding his knee just as the blade came his way. With some luck, he managed to deflect the thrown weapon, but was soon met with another thrown weapon. From across the arena, a thrown plasma knife would sink into the droid's chest. It didn't penetrate too deeply, but somehow pierced through some of his Phirk defenses. As his knew ally asked who should die first, the Droid would retract his lightsaber before announcing, "The purple one!"

Again, with his one working A-Droid Shock Arm, Soto would attempt to unleash a powerful blast if lightning. This time however, his target would be 'Juno' Hart 'Juno' Hart , who seemed to be preparing some sort of big attack!

(OOC: Apologies, I will be out of town much of today and tomorrow. My posts will look odd, as they will be done on mobile.)
Arena stands, VIP Section
Objective: 2
Tags: Open

The white-maned prince sat back and let out a frustrated sigh. The Rodian man was the third contact that his intelligence agents had sent his way.

He was on the hunt for his mother's killer.

And what better place to do that than a fighting ring owned by the Hutts.

His mother had done business with some of their kind in the past, and through his own research, they happened to attract those who dealt in word of mouth.

His partner, Umi, leaned forward from behind and whispered in his ear,"Oji, I understand the want for the information, but I highly doubt any here would have any knowledge of the Empress's death."

He slowly turned, angry, but, she had been only person to keep his darker side from manifesting and causing havoc since his mother's passing. His pale blue eyes met hers and they passed some sort of telepathic message between them before he backed down, causing her to grin with delight.

The prince covered his face with his hands and groaned,"Perhaps you are correct, Umi. We may not find the information I am looking for here. Maybe, I could hop in the pit with the other fighters and beat it out of someone?"

She knew this game, but this time he would not get his way,"If you do, I am sure to make a note of your actions to Chika and your sister. I'm sure they would love to have your diplomatic status revoked and kept at home."

Gods was she good at pressing his buttons.

Oji pouted in defeat,"Fine. Let's go get something to eat before we meet with the next contact shall we?"
Above the arena in his box seating, Gorba rubbed his hands together. His one good eye fixated on the various fighters who he had money riding on, Sars, Lirka, and that massive Barabel. As two of them made it into the final three he would win his bet.

Tonguing the scar that ran across his lips, Gorba did not notice Azar Kortun slip into his box and cloak himself with the Force. The Hutt was far too distracted for this as a sudden procession of gifts enticed the eye, crowding his box with so many bearers of fine gifts. He looked the Zeltron who spoke on behalf of Goros, his eye narrowing slightly.

<Tell your master he flatters me,> Gorba said, reaching over and picking up a hookah pipe, puffing several types, and then going on to say, <but he should join me in my box, then we can share his gifts together in friendship, no?>

Goros the Hutt Goros the Hutt
Objective: 2

Lori had participated in tournaments before. Mostly ones held by Mandalorians. Those were fun and despite her usually being unarmed and facing an armed opponent, she did rather well. It was enough to earn her a lot of respect among her vode.

But now one was being held on Damascus Station. The Station itself was the brainchild of herself, Viken Dobson Viken Dobson and others. As such the entire station was mostly owned by her company Dar'manda Industries, while being run by Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson as it's Chief Director.

Of course Lori wanted to participate. But for the moment it was probably best for her to be a spectator. Especially as she was the Queen of the Elysium Empire. Still she donned her Rebel Ops armour in any case, and was accompanied by Arla as per usual.

Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt was running the event and it was probably be a good idea for her to at least greet the Hutt. So that was where both her and Arla were headed to.
Objective 2

Grace was not one to spectate such sports, she in fact loved to participate in the occasional cage match but not under such an crowd. She would normally fight in front of her men as a proof that they were not following a weak female after all. But today, she would be a spectator here. She was a new member of the consortium including the Hutts who owned the box she was now standing in.

She hated Hutts, not because of who they were as a criminal empire or their past rivalry with the Zann Consortium, it was because of their love for dancers. Back when Scar was making a living as a dancer, she often danced for Hutts and they were the foulest of her customers. Scar brought along a droid to keep track of her dealings and one of her up and comers in her organization, Chain Chain . A man of pure muscle he doubled as a bodyguard as well. He would not say much as he was not there to speak, but he knew he could speak freely to her when he deemed it appropriate.

Scar approached one of the Hutts, she was not sure which of the two it was as all Hutts look the same to her, and she had her droid make introductions.
Location: Arena - Damascus Station
Objective: 1 - Battle Royale
Dialogue Legend: <<Technopathy Link>> │ “Verbal”
Combatants: Sars Sarad Sars Sarad Mikremx Tremsi Mikremx Tremsi S0-T0 S0-T0 'Juno' Hart 'Juno' Hart Lirka Ka Lirka Ka
Spectators: Azar Kortun Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt TC-CS-4820 TC-CS-4820 Goros the Hutt Goros the Hutt

Alessandra felt her body shift unbidden and against her will almost immediately after the shield gauntlet hit the ground. Fortunately, it went without saying that the HRD’s reaction time was inhuman, enough that she managed to correct her course via her chassis’s integrated repulsor cells. However, the pull from Sars Sarad Sars Sarad had thrown her directly in the path of the Tognath’s lightning, eliciting a sudden, earsplitting scream from the Chaplain as she absorbed the powerful blast in lieu of her partner.

But in fact, it was no normal scream at all.

An invisible wave of sonic energy tore free from her throat in retaliation, set to mimic the effects of a sonic shockwave and carrying the potential to gruesomely rip and tear apart any targets caught in its path. She directed it in a narrow spread, aiming to strike the Tognath in his chest, even as his lightning continued to rake against her chassis. While the Chaplain was highly resistant to it and unable to feel pain, the damage from a direct hit could not be understated. It immediately fried one of her photoreceptors, which oozed down her sepia-toned features almost as if she were crying white tears. Her diagnostic systems also warned her of the Kamikiri Blades in her arms shorting out. While they were still intact on a purely physical level, they likely wouldn’t respond if she attempted to deploy them, thereby depriving her of melee capability.

Still, she wasn’t finished, yet.

Her initial scream directed towards the Tognath represented a single maximum power discharge that lasted a half-second in duration. Then, with inhuman precision and speed she snapped her head towards Sars Sarad Sars Sarad 's chest, unleashing a second scream a half-second after the first that manifested a similarly lethal sonic fury, with the intent to rip him asunder via concentrated shockwaves, potentially before he could close the distance!

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Post: 1
Tags: TBD
Objective: 2

Well, he had finally made it to Damascus Station, Imperial territory. After the situation on Culroon III, Felix was able to snatch a transport to Damascus Station, where his breath was taken away by the size of the station. It was unlike anything he had seen. Sure there were stories and depictions of Super Star Destroyers, Death Stars, so on and so forth but to actually witness the vastness of a structure of this magnitude was amazing. He had read about it, how it was the crown jewel of The Empire, and how it housed millions of people. Now he had gotten through all the security measures and whatnot, and he stood in a massive area full of businesses. It was like a mall, but much, much larger. It went on for as long as the eye could see.

He had overheard mention of some new arena making a grand opening today. That sounded fun to him, he had seen brawls before (and participated in his fair share of em), but never a true arena battle. Maybe he could even make some bets. Of course he'd need to keep his last name a secret...Dobsons were controversial here....he wondered if the executions had taken place yet. Maybe his kin had escaped. He didn't really care, but he had made this journey to say goodbye to them, even if he hated them with a passion.
Second King of The Elysium Empire
Post: 1
Tags: Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
Objective: 2, maybe 1 later

Damascus Station. It was starting to become a familiar site. At least the exterior. Inside, Rex was certain that he'd never get used to it. There were simply too many businesses. Too much space. If he spent all day going through the rented business slots, the next day they'd probably be sold to different people. Many businessmen didn't stay. They'd come, make a profit, and go. Others had signed long-term contracts to stay longer, making steady gains as billions traveled to and from the station.

Not only was this place the crown jewel of The was the crown jewel of The Outer Rim. At least it seemed to be. He couldn't think of a bigger, more known station anywhere near The Outer Rim...and its' renown seemed to grow each month. That meant The Empire's renown was growing too.

The most recent addition was an arena. Before that, a casino, and before the casino, a bank. The place had everything under the sun and then some. One major contributing factor to The Station's success was the security. Being in Imperial space, with 49% of ownership going to The Empire as shipyards, security was top notch. That meant businesses were safer here than some world like Nal Hutta or Nar Shaddah, which were full of crime syndicates and gangsters. Indeed, a large amount of security funding went to the station, ensuring that there are absolutely no gangs, drug traffickers, slave rings, etc. That, the low taxes, and the pro-refugee policies of The Empire were all major factors in the success of the station.

Today Rex would be attending the first large duel in the arena. Partially for mind-settling entertainment, and partially to meet some influential members of The Rimworld Trade League, a large group that was actually claiming territory just North of The Empire. Of course, he was late to the fight. It was becoming a signature of his to be late. Be it meetings with foreign representatives, or arena duels, it was almost impossible for him to arrive on time. How irritating!

As he approached the arena the cheers grew louder. The place was pretty big, like everything on Damascus. It should be a slogan...Everything's bigger in Damascus. He looked around for people he recognized, and spotted Lori! Perfect! He could surprise her by showing up!

He would try to sneak up behind her, and give a quick, light shove accompanied by a "Boo!"
Damascus Station
Objective 1
Equipment: Lightsaber; Old Sin; Armor; Duster
Opponents: Alessandra Io Alessandra Io ; 'Juno' Hart 'Juno' Hart ; Lirka Ka Lirka Ka ; S0-T0 S0-T0 ; Mikremx Tremsi Mikremx Tremsi

The Lenses attached to Sarad's eyes, like contacts and integrated into his armor fed him a constant stream of data which was the displayed holographically. It synchronized with his field of vision ensuring he had the most up to date information available at the time. Not something Sarad used extensively however in a melee of this size it proved helpful.

The Telekinesis he'd employed had moved Alessandra Io Alessandra Io into the path of the electrical discharge created by S0-T0 S0-T0 yet Sarad felt nothing from the force. It was as though both of them were there and yet not. Their connection to the force altogether absent though not in the sense that they were dead to it or a wound in the tapestry created by it.

When Alessandra's sonic attack occurred it might have caught Sarad completely had she targetted him initially.

The Sonic Blast would be picked up immediately by the sensors in his armor feeding information back to the lenses that Sarad wore. As micro computers and tech went the information was fed to him almost instantly. It would identify the initial blast that Alessandra had targeted S0-T0 with however her head snapped towards him next, a half second later and so he already knew what was coming.

Knowing is one thing, avoiding another though. Sonic weapons seemed to be making more of a comeback in the galaxy, they created an almost transparent blast however as some noted in the past their was some atmospheric distortion that often accompanied them.

Already aware of what was happening Sarad, who had been positioning himself defensively pressed off his right foot so that he could lunge aside rather than charge at Alessandra. He'd mostly put himself out of the way of her attack but as already indicated sonics were a funny thing. He'd still be clipped, somewhere on the side and flung to the durasteel floor of the arena where he landed with a 'thud'.

Prone on his stomach his opponents might think Sarad at a disadvantage, his side certainly thought he was at one. It was hard to focus on any one person though. Underneath his armor Sarad's skin started to redden, an indication of the trauma that had occurred deeper inside of his body. He'd definitely suffered bruised skin, it was possible some of his muscles had been shredded or suffered from the impact, maybe there was even some bruising to his organs. At this point he didn't have the information.


...the word sputtered from his mouth like a sudden revelation. It explained everything, especially why he had a difficult time sensing Alessanda, maybe why he felt the same about S0-T0 whereas he could feel @'Juno' Harts connection to the force and knew that the Barabel, Mikremx Tremsi Mikremx Tremsi and the other combatant, Lirka Ka Lirka Ka were living and breathing.

Normally Sarad limited himself in combat, he focused on battlefield control not tactics that were altogether considered offensive but against a Droid, even an expensive humanoid replica he held no such reservations.

As Sarad picked himself up and into a kneeling position he'd extend his right arm, lightsaber still clutched in its grasp, the heat of which created ambient waves that distorted the area directly in front of him. He focused on Alessandra Io Alessandra Io . An Alteration of the Environment was usually tricky in an arena setting, there weren't many natural things one could alter however pressure was one of them. It was wasn't the type of pressure that could be applied via telekinesis either, it was a natural pressure; the kind of pressure that existed when someone shot up from the bottom of the depths of the ocean all the way to the surface again. A Human, unprepared could literally 'pop' if they rose to fast. In this case Sarad didn't expect Alessandra to 'pop' but the increase of pressure in the arena around her would surmount to what could cause someones ear drums to burst or their eyes to explode. She wasn't a person, she was something else but pressure was pressure....
While waiting on Goros the Hutt Goros the Hutt 's reply, Gorba's good eye turned toward a white-haired human on her way to him, with a hulking figure looming over her shoulder. Gorba's nasal slits flared with a snort and he waved Scarlett Zann Scarlett Zann through his guards.

He tongued the gap in his lip left by the scar again, while eyeing her.

<You wish to see me? What business do you have with the Bareesh?> he said in Huttese, referring to the Bareesh Kajidic, the Hutt family over which he was the patriarch. All Hutt society was organized into such families and clans, some lesser and some rising so great as to rule entire planets and sectors. Gorba's was one of the ancient families and so fell into the latter category.
Objective: 2

While Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt was busy with Scarlett Zann Scarlett Zann , Lori waited in line for her turn. Despite being the primary owner of Damascus Station and Queen of the region, she was not unaccustomed to being made to wait by others. More often than not, she was but an afterthought to many, despite her status. There was always someone nearby that was more highly regarded and respected. Of course it wasn't as though she had arrived before Scarlett and was passed over either. Such a thing had happened to her many times over. But not this time so far.

Speaking of which, the light shove alerted her to the arrival of Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun . Lori couldn't help but smirk at his 'boo' greeting. It was as though a part of his old self was back. That was the side of him that she wanted to see.

"Boo, yourself. I didn't expect to see you here. Are you planning to join in the tournament?"
Location: Arena - Damascus Station
Objective: 1 - Battle Royale
Dialogue Legend: <<Technopathy Link>> │ “Verbal”
Combatants: Sars Sarad Sars Sarad Mikremx Tremsi Mikremx Tremsi S0-T0 S0-T0 'Juno' Hart 'Juno' Hart Lirka Ka Lirka Ka
Spectators: Azar Kortun TC-CS-4820 TC-CS-4820 Goros the Hutt Goros the Hutt Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun

Alessandra twitched.

Synthetic silver blood poured forth from the wound where her left photoreceptor had been, now reduced to a gooey mess that was running down her cheek. It would regenerate, but not nearly fast enough to return to working order during the fight, unless the bout ended up going for hours, in which case, she would probably have bigger problems. For the time being, her biggest problem was Sars Sarad Sars Sarad . With the other combatants caught in their own fights, Alessandra set her focus on the Thrysian Force Adept. As a Chaplain Nuetralizer, she was optimized to kill beings the likes of Force Adepts, Jedi, and Sith. Her weaponized organs mimicked select applications of the Force and in this case, the HRD had an answer for the particular power he deployed against her.


Her systems registered it in her Anti-Force Adept databases and in response, the miniaturized dovin basal that doubled as the HRD’s heart kicked into gear. Alessandra had used it before as a weapon, but now it was turned towards a defensive application, quickly generating a gravity swell to counteract the pressure brought down upon her by the Thrysian. At the same time, Alessandra pulled one chakram, then another, from her back, before letting the first one loose at a vertical angle. The integrated repulsorlifts accelerated the bladed disc up to a speed far faster than was capable of being thrown, aimed on a course to potentially take off her opponent’s left arm at the shoulder. All the while, the second chakram remained in the HRD’s hand, but it was primed to be thrown immediately after the first!


Azar Kortun

Azar found himself frowning at the displays on the arena floor. Sloppy, all of them, even against droids. Power surged back and forth in the arena, his eyes tracking back and forth as the tug and pull. Where was the precision, the focus, the artistry? He saw acrobatics, but no true goal. He stifled a sigh and turned away from the arena, listening instead to the conversations in the box seat.

Another Hutt had sent gifts or been invited. That, perhaps he could work with. Remain subtle, unnoticeable. Learn what may be learned. Perhaps, if things were teased out slowly, there would be strings he could play.

But he suspected not. Not here. No, this was not a place for subtle machinations, but raw power, apparently. Disappointing, perhaps, but not unexpected. That was the challenge with most short-lived species. They could only think in terms of a few short years. Crime lords and royals both, not that Azar saw much difference between them. Laws were an illusion after all.
Scar mad her way over to Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt as he had called her over. As she made her way, she passed by Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun and looked down upon her. She did not look down upon her as if she herself was above her, but she often looked down on people who looked like they deserved more then they were receiving. Scar could tell that she was heading to Gorba, but made her way by her as she was taking slower and more elegant strides with her companion. Scar knew she was cutting in line to see the big worm, but she cared little with offending a nobody queen.

As Gorba spoke, she understood everything that he said, but looked to her droid for a translation anyway. It looked better to reveal such things later in dealings. "Hello great Gorba, I am Scarlett Zann, of the Zann.... Family" She introduced herself and knew better then to say consortium as it was a given with her name. She then looked to the droid and it presented him with a gift of credits. Nothing serious, but enough to make a good gesture to the worm. She despised his species but honored and respected the position that he and his clan had held, and so tried not to hold that he was a slime worm, against him.

Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt
Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
The Hutt's booming laughter rolled through the box and he grinned at her, his toothless visage appalling to most, especially with the scar.

<Family. Yes. An old family, yours. Not as old as mine, but old still.>

His good eye tracked down to where Sars Sarad Sars Sarad fell and rose again. Something seemed to be happening, though Gorba could not tell what. He made a disappointed noise. He had money riding on the Thyrsian.

<Are you bringing back the family business? Maybe you already did, eh? You will come to Oba Diah. I will send you the invitation. There will be others there. Business partners. We could use someone with your... heritage.>

Gorba smiled again.

The galaxy might hate Hutts, but the feeling was not exactly mutual. Hutts didn't hate other beings they just didn't give a flying shit about them. Unless, of course, those other beings happened to be talented individuals who might advance their own interests.

Then the Hutts cared very much.

Scarlett Zann Scarlett Zann

J u n o
Location: Rorak 4
Time of Day: Midday
Mentions: S0-T0 S0-T0 Sars Sarad Sars Sarad Mikremx Tremsi Mikremx Tremsi Alessandra Io Alessandra Io
Juno felt herself be thrown backwards as the wave of force crashed against her throwing knives as well has her chest. Her ally was drawn before her with much the same pull shielding her from the lighting as it almost seemed to curve towards her conductive chassis. Juno thanked her stars for a moment, the angle of the shockwave shoving her between the bullets of the heavy gun in turn. She didn't have time for big showy attacks it seemed, for all intents and purposes, they were in close combat.

Breathing a moment and rolling with the wave, Juno would find herself at her feet, Alessandra Io Alessandra Io Charged the front-lines, blasting it with sonic energy falling afoul of some change in pressure. No longer than it took for the woman to raise her arm with one of her chakram, Juno's mind leaped into action, taking in her surroundings. With a simple spin both of her light disks would hurl out to the left and right at speeds equivalent to a slug thrower yet alone a light-saber throw.

The blurry patterns of amber-gold would streak across the sky like meteors, one seeking to intersect Sars Sarad Sars Sarad at the waist where he stood, while the other aimed a for his back a moment later in order to prevent a backward retreat at almost the same height. While Juno wove her Telekinesis to guide the precision of their attacks in an advanced saber throw that shored up the usual innacuracy of balistakinesis.

Juno would push forward, ready and waiting to catch the blade that would pass through her opponent if it wasn't avoided with superhuman reflexes, while the other would snap back in her direction as she'd recall it to her hand as part of her advanced saber throw, hoping to drag it through S0-T0 S0-T0 if she saw the opportunity to. But if Alessandra were attacking the high powered force user, Juno could at least take the heat off the droid.

Making her approach and recalling her weapons, Juno would Throw one of them twenty meters into the air if she hadn't been thwarted too vehemently, bounding in and accelerating with spring-like speeds all while her teeth clenched hard, lips twisting up into a smile...

this is going to suck big time bantha poodoo...

Chiss Ascendancy V. Cardassian Union - (Star Wars/Star Trek) | SpaceBattles
Damascus Station
Objective 1
Equipment: Lightsaber; Old Sin; Armor; Duster
Opponents: Alessandra Io Alessandra Io 'Juno' Hart 'Juno' Hart S0-T0 S0-T0 Mikremx Tremsi Mikremx Tremsi Lirka Ka Lirka Ka

The Data filtering through the lenses fitted to his eyes was monumental. It accounted for not one combatant but several, including their weapons but more specifically those that would directly Sarad or veer into his path. Aside from this there was a certain element of randomness constituted by the Force, something that couldn't be entirely accounted for by an algorithm but that Sarad could sense via his own connection to it.

An Alteration of the Environment required some focus, it could be taxing to maintain which is why when Alessandra Io Alessandra Io attacked, throwing one of her chakrams at him in concordance with another assault by 'Juno' Hart 'Juno' Hart Sarads attention shifted immediately. Imbued by the force opted for the course of least resistance when it came to his defense and leapt up into the air.

He'd been kneeling, not standing so the Force Jump propelled him like a rocket. The Lightsaber in his right hand would flourish ahead of him, angling downwards in the process to account for the changing arc to deflect the chakram aside with a flash of energy while his elevation carried him up and over the precision arc of 'Juno' Harts ballistics rather than requiring him to account for an attack from the front or rear. As insinuated, it was the path of least resistance.

The Jump would have carried Sarad up and forward, towards Alessandra Io Alessandra Io but still out of arms reach as he came back down and the moved forward to make distance on her. Arcing the lightsaber in his right hand he'd weave it in a classic figure-eight pattern ahead of him, the blade angling up over his shoulder before swinging back down past the adjacent hip before rising to repeat again. It was a maneuver designed to pressure her while 'Old Sin' remained tucked close to the outside of his left hip and held tight to his side.

Anyone with Thrysian blood in their veins had an aptitude to read the body language of their opponents, this was circumvented by an opponent that was a Droid for all intents and purposes. Sarad was forced to changed his tactics to some extent which is why he advanced on her with a move designed to pressure an opponent, the oppressive heat created by his lightsaber causing an ambient distortion of the environment as it passed ahead of him.

Now that his primary focus was Alessandra he was less inclined to let his priorities shift back to Hart relying on the presumption that she would need to engage both S0-T0 S0-T0 and Mikremx Tremsi Mikremx Tremsi or risk leaving herself open to their attacks.
Crown Princess of the Sakura Empire
Objective: BYOO (Keep an eye on her brother)
Tags: Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun | Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun | Oji Taiyou Oji Taiyou

As a regular human, she was allowed a higher level of anonymity than her fox-eared and tailed people, especially those of her adoptive brother and his closest companion. The crown princess was surprised with the Sonoda Matriarch and her obvious affection for the prince. It was definitely the talk of the palace servants lately and the whispers had reached her own ears. Her fingers pinched the bridge of her nose as she watched the unlikely duo trance off in search of food.

Her hooded robe hid her features well, Dax Perl Dax Perl had insisted on a more discreet look when she told him of her plan to tail Oji. So far, this had been fruitless as the so called contacts the Sakuran Intelligence had sent him had mostly been completely stupid and lacked anything useful.

The princess turned to Chika, who was sitting beside her sipping casually on a cup of caf, like a cop on a stakeout,"How are you so calm about this? You insisted on tagging along and all you have done this far drink coffee and lecture me!"

Chika rested her half empty cup in her lap and visibly relaxed, seemingly watching the fights,"You are the rising Empress my dear Tsubasa. I have done nothing but what your mother has instructed me to do since she placed you under my charge. I am rapidly running out of things to actually teach you ya know?" she smirked, and resumed her drinking.

The princess stood and pouted before wandering off.

It wasn't long before her eyes spotted a familiar figure among the crowd. Her eyes quickly scanned the crowd around her and she hurridly approached the regent of the station.

She smiled widely as she bowed slightly and spoke,"Queen Loreena, your Majesty! It is great too see you here. How have you been?"
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Second King of The Elysium Empire
Post: 2
Tags: Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
Objective: 2, maybe 1 later

"Yes, no, maybe. Looks like the tournament has already begun, but I suppose we could pause it and have a special round. The people'd probably love to see a surprise fight."

It was a good idea. He liked it more every second. Yes...he'd interrupt the fight and hold a special round, a surprise. It'd entertain the crowd, and it'd show off his combat prowess to any spectators. The Empire needed a strong leader and there was no harm in reminding them that he was indeed a strong leader.

But who would he fight?

"Who would fight me though? It wouldn't be fair to challenge one of them." he motioned toward the current combatants "They're already fatigued from the battle."

Maybe he could spar with Lori. It'd be a win-win: No matter who wins, it would show that the leaders of The Empire are capable fighters, and it'd be fun. He had only fought her once...a long time ago...and it had been a tie if he remembered correctly.

But before he could continue the discussion, Tsubasa Kira-Taiyou Tsubasa Kira-Taiyou , Heir of the Sakura Empire, showed up and greeted Lori. This was good since Rex hadn't spoken with her before. Now he'd have a chance to.
Scar smiled as her droid translated what Gorba had said. She knew what he said and when the droid repeated it, it lacked the style and charisma of the individual who spoke it. She took the words and said "Yes, I have brought the family business back and in full force." She emphasized that last bit for both of their enjoyments. She was surprised to receive an invitation to further dealing so quickly, but she gladly accepted his invitation. "Thank you, I will be happy to join such an esteemed figure as yourself at the meeting."

After introductions and invitations were complete, Scar changed her attention to the fight below them. "I almost missed the fight. I have money on that mysterious cloaked character S0-T0 S0-T0 , do you have money on any of them and care to make a side bet?" She asked with a smile. Although she did not like the hutt species, this one in particular was not half bad, and although his smile was a bit creepy as usual, his large scar located in a similar spot to her own under the left eye, brought her mild comfort and connection between the two.

Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt
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