Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Purple and Red

Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

"I am three hundred years old, the rest of my days is several hundred more." She said it and didn't fully answer but she looked at the woman while being there. "And yes I can see myself leaving the world... there are other temples, other outposts.. other places to learn the jedi ways and really expand my knowledge and understanding. There are even several different orders of jedi spread across the galaxy." She finally lifted her head. "Why are you planning to stay with me the rest of your life?" She asked it and raised an eyebrow ridge but it was easy enough here and there was a couple other temple she could be in maybe ones without predators.. but that would likely mean little in terms of game to hunt and eat.

Purple And Red
Location: Elphrona Outpost

Tags: Remy Singh Remy Singh
She smiled at the woman’s retort, forgetting just how long lived the Sith species was. Remy was nearly ten times her age, and it was rather mind blowing to ponder. She couldn’t even imagine being able to live that long. All the wonderful things she’d be able to do by then.

She smirked at Remy’s question, at least happy the Sith didn’t plan to stay here forever. “I might, would that be a problem for you? You’ll outlive me in a century I’d think.” She chuckled, leaning back to watch the woman’s expressions. She was tired of being mess with. Now it was her turn to go on the offensive.
Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

She looked at her and stared blankly. "You won't have enough things in your cargo hold." Remy said it just waiting there for her reply but she watched unblinkingly... "But if you wish to, I suppose the company isn't terrible." Remy continued to lay there and kept her eyes on the woma as she took in parts of the twi'lek with a more discering eye. "How did you lose your lekku? Or is it some hip new fashion design like those mods on Tatooine replacing parts of their bodies with artificial and droid parts." SHe said it and there was the rest of her injuries that could be seen as well.. Mi'la was at least somewhat interesting and the dirt might make her parts lock up eventually.

Purple And Red
Location: Elphrona Outpost

Tags: Remy Singh Remy Singh
The Twi’lek grinned at her comment, shrugging. “I’m planning on getting a bigger ship. Right now I can at least have two flying with me.” She elaborated, feeling Remy’s eyes unmoving upon her. It was something certainly something, to have those yellow eyes piercing into oneself. Though as Remy inquired about her injuries, her smile faded, eyes trailing away. It wasn’t her favorite story explaining what she had been mutilated “I fought a Darth by myself years ago. She beat me to a pulp, broke my several things in my body, but she dropped her guard and I delivered a fatal blow to her. She had a companion with her, and that companion was furious with me. They attacked me, cut off my arm and Lekku, then drug me off to a place called Vjun and tortured me for two weeks.” She was silent for a moment, before looking back to Remy. “It wasn’t great truth be told. I left the order after that, they still made me a knight as if a title change would help but…..yes, that’s why I’m a bit of a freaky Twi’lek, not a fashion statement, but people seem to be scared when I detach it and have only one Lekku.” She pulled her legs against her chest, wondering how the Pureblood would reply to that story.
Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Remy remaiend quiet as she listened and moved quickly... from under the covers as the twi'lek wrapped her arms around her legs. The pureblood offered an embrace... her arms wrapping around her from behind and she stayed there burying her head in the crook of her neck putting her legs to the sides of the twi'lek. "Do not read into this... you are sad and require some form of comfort." She said it while offered calming energies for her. Her facial tendrils twitching for a moment but Remy breathed outwards with her breath and the force to expand and send all of the enegies she could into Mi'la.

Purple And Red
Location: Elphrona Outpost

Tags: Remy Singh Remy Singh
To say she was surprised to find Remy moving over to embrace her, was putting it mildly. Mi'la wasn't sure what to think at first as she found the red skinned woman wrapping her in an embrace, then using the Force to fill her with warmth. Remy's head pressed into the side of her neck, and the Twi'lek blinked in confusion, before returning the gesture, unable to keep her cheeks from burning.

The extra energies she felt flood her system were a nice change of things, as the tinges of sadness she felt were washed away. "Thank you Remy, this is very sweet of you." She said softly, arms wrapped around the Pureblood, as the closeness to another was appreciated.

It was nice to know that the woman didn't hate her after all.
Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Remy remained there and felt the arms around hers... staying to the side a little she spoke in a whisper but also loud enough to be heard. "I am not a monster, I do care for others feeling it is just... different." Remy said it and remained there for a little longer before rising up and untabgling her limbs from the twi'lek. She stood behind her and walked around to stand in front of her and dusted herself off. Putting arms to try and heft her up. "Come on, can't be much good sitting in the dust." Remy said it and remained there looking at her. "You'll be alright in time.. it is a good way to get past things knowing that the cause of it will pass away and become dust."

Purple And Red
Location: Elphrona Outpost

Tags: Remy Singh Remy Singh
As the pair embraced, Mi'la was perplexed at how odd Remy's sleeping vestments felt, then it occurred to her, Remy wasn't wearing sleeping attire. A quick glance, and Mi'la's smile turned into one of shock, as the Twi'lek became aware of the situation. Yes, Remy was no monster, but she was certainly different. Mi'la would give her that much. She stared in a mix of awe, and awkwardly induced energy as Remy offered to help her rise, the Twi'lek doing her best to avert her gaze as she took the offered hands, appreciating the gesture, but flummoxed beyond what words could describe. "T-Thank you..." She muttered, narrowly managing to lock eyes with Remy, and struggling to keep her gaze fixated with the rest of the situation being reminded to her. Mi'la tried to silence the frantic panic at the back of her mind, to various levels of success. 'Just ignore it, it's no big deal, plenty of cultures practice this.'

It didn't assist in making the color on her cheeks vanish, but she was able to focus entirely on Remy's face, and not trail off into the dirt. "I never thought you were a monster, just different, just like I'm different....but yes, I am fine, thanks to people like you." She motioned, raising her head awkwardly to not have her gaze drop below Remy's chin.
Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Remy looked at her and her tendril twitched on her face in more curiosity at how Mi'la who liked to observe was taking a great deal of interest in her face. THe pureblood tapping her shoulders. "Good then, you should get to sleep unless you have other questions." SHe said it going back to her bedding and sitting down while she dested some of it off and laid down again on her side taking the time here. Her one arm propping her head up and the other drumming her fingers on her naval. The pureblood took a moment to watch the twi'lek though. "Well thank you for not thinking the worse of me... and I suppose I can apologize for making you eat the heart. It is not entirely tradition for that.. usually the organs of the slain are burned but they are good meat."

Purple And Red
Location: Elphrona Outpost

Tags: Remy Singh Remy Singh
To say she was baffled was putting it mildly, though the Twi'lek was intent on not facing the woman directly, until she moved to lay down. Allowing her eyes to wander, Mi'la glanced over to Remy, as the knight began to withdraw into her own sleeping roll for the night. As their eyes were upon one another, Remy revealed something that soured Mi'la's expression, the knight sinking into her bedding at the revelation. Remy just tricked her into eating a raw animal heart.

That wasn't nice.

" going to get you back for doing that. I don't know how, or when, but I won't forget this." She said with a hint of playfulness, but also certainty. She wasn't angry, but to say she was less than pleased was apt.
Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Remy looked at her as she was going into her own sleeping bag and spoke with a small grin hidden. "Isn't revenge against the jedi ideals master?" SHe said it and with a hand snuffed the fire quickly as the pitch blackness was there and her golden eyes disappeared. SLeeping on the ground was easy and she was used to it so she just relaxed. She drifted off to sleep as she adjusted where she was sleeping quietly and carefully to make sure there were no predators that would come out or through. Safety in numbers after all and she slid into a small area closer to Mi'la but far enough away if she woke up first it wouldn't reveal her location.

Purple And Red
Location: Elphrona Outpost

Tags: Remy Singh Remy Singh
"Not revenge, justice, padawan." She smiled gleefully, extending a hand as she eased the doors shut, seeing as how Remy was calling it a night, Mi'la would go ahead and secure the pairs shelter for the night ahead. Mi'la wasn't able to fall asleep however, as she could feel that there was a presence deep within the outpost, and she simply could not get it out of her mind.

Perhaps it had to do with her condition, but whatever it was, it kept the knight from sleeping well. So much so, she didn't realize that Remy had inched closer to her while she tossed and turned. After several agonizing moments, she was finally able to quiet her thoughts, and allow herself off to sleep.

She had to hope this wouldn't become a trend.
Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Remy could sense Mi'la tossing and turning.. her thoughts going to nightmares aand the first instinct was to comfort her... there was a difference between messing with the woman over something trivial and there being a serious problem... which had the padawan listening to the force as she could feel something deep in the ruins of the jedi outpost. Her attention going to most of everythign in the night..... but she still slept soundly the presence might be there but it didn't bother her inall of her years here... which was an important difference before she was checking out things in the morning as she awoke earlier and went out to check the snares for early morning game. SOme small things she could cook up and eat while she was doing that and portioning it for two people as well as a third for later use during the day or if they didn't have food. Her clothing on when she finished up and double checked debris and supplies they could bring forward and make small alterations to fortifications or shelter around her.

Purple And Red
Location: Elphrona Outpost

Tags: Remy Singh Remy Singh

When Mi'la woke, she found that Remy was no where to be seen. The knight sat up, frowning at having been left alone, though she got the impression the pureblood hadn't ventured far. Seeing that she was to prepare for a voyage deeper into the temple, Mi'la exchanged her clothes for her robes, setting her sleeping gown aside, and equipping her lightsabers firmly to her belt. Sitting cross legged upon the ground, she allowed herself into a trance, meditating on the here and now, and slowly, pushing her mind outwards to try and explore what in the world might dwell within the outpost, and where that could lead them.

To Mi'la's surprise, she found that there was indeed a dark power dwelling under the structure, so much so that it was like a shield that kept her lighter presence from reaching, but with great effort she could indeed manage it. This aura felt familiar, perhaps what had tormented her the night prior, yet she still could not find peace in knowing that.

This is what the Twi'lek was up to when Remy would return, as the knight seemed to be in her own world at current.
Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Remy continued to work outside for a moment and returned slowly... not wanting to wake the jedi knight up as she listened to it... she didn't know she was meditating until she entered and secured the doorway. If they were going into the outpost then they dind't want something sneaking into the living area.. or getting out if they somehow unleashed something. She gathered her equipment mostly tonfa's and her clothing... a strip of cloth from her old top for her hair and she was checking out a few things. She had some of the strips of meat and small bottles of water that had been collected. She had some for herself and Mi'la as she crocuhed and went towards the pathways that she had sealed to go lower. She could feel the darkside down lower and had ignored it before but now the jedi was awakening something. "Are you ready."

Purple And Red
Location: Elphrona Outpost

Tags: Remy Singh Remy Singh
The knight felt Remy’s approach, but was grateful that the woman hadn’t attempted to stir her. Coming out of the trance, Mi’la gave her a brisk nod, before rising, having to dust off her robes out of habit. “Yes, let’s go and get underway.” Her senses lingered towards that odd sensation within the temple, unable to fully put her finger upon it. It just felt….it reminded of the Bryn world truthfully. The thought of which did her little good to linger on.

Frowning, she seemed distracted for a moment, before looking to Remy. “Right, well, keep on, I’ll follow.”

None of this sat right with her one bit.
Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Remy looked at the woman and gave a nod of her head as she looked towards the passages that went deeper into the outpost and what they might be able to discover... she had explored a little but never wanted nor cared to. Just sealing them off when she was certain there wans't anything going to attack or try to break through in the night. So she went off and secured her tonfa's at the small of her back pushing the force outward to enhance her senses... to expand her awareness and she could feel it in the distance.. that presence in the force as her footfalls were muffled with the force and silent. Breathing shallow and practiced for hunting and stalking prey in the dark. She didn't even use the glow rods instead letting her eyes burn golden as she enhanced them with the force to go down deeper.

Purple And Red
Location: Elphrona Outpost

Tags: Remy Singh Remy Singh
Following behind Remy, Mi'la felt the force working around the woman, and was amused by how she was choosing to use her senses now. She tried to recall if Remy had done this before, or if this was some attempt to show off to the Twi'lek. She hadn't a clue.

Moving behind the woman, she kept a steady pace, though the pair would both sense an inky blackness that was creeping forth from the depths of the temple, a blackness that had not been there before. Taking in several breaths, Mi'la felt her skin start to grow cold, goosebumps forming along her arms. The dark side was stretching out from this place now, and she was entirely lost as to how that had happened.

None of this sat right with her one bit, but there was little she could do right now. "Remy, be careful, something isn't right about this." She advised, unsure if the Pureblood was intent on hearing her, or was plowing ahead without a care into the cold dark fog that seemed to be filling the depths of the outpost.
Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Remy nodded as she slowed for the twi'lek and could feel it. "Disturbing things yesterday might have woke something up." Not exactly what she wanted to deal with but she could deal with it.. she had a plan... usually it involved stabbing things over and over but that was as much a plan as anything they had going for them. She stayed silent in her footsteps though and motioned to the twi'lek as they could go deeper following some of the stairs down into the lower levels. Sections where she had blocked parts of it off she could start moving out of the way. "I blocked the way down here because there was nothing important at the time... it was just a way something might have been able to sneak up on me."

Purple And Red
Location: Elphrona Outpost

Tags: Remy Singh Remy Singh
Hearing that Remy had said that they had woken something up, the Twi'lek was very much concerned. There were ways to combat these creatures, but Mi'la had no training in such powers. Try as she might, she wanted to learn these abilities, but they eluded her for the time being. Following Remy, she began to wonder if she could protect the Pureblood from harm. She began to doubt that.

Reaching the collapsed and blocked off stairs, she watched the Pureblood begin to make her move. "Remy, are you sure you want to go down there with me? I'm not sure if I can protect you from whatever dwells there." She spoke, before reaching out with the Force, and began to clear the way forward. She felt that this might not end as well as she was hoping.

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