Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Purple and Red

Purple And Red
Location: Elphrona Outpost

Tags: Remy Singh Remy Singh

Watching the flames consume the armor, Mi'la merely watched at the cycle of life before her. Some day, that would be her. "She was a proud warrior if nothing else, it's a good thing I think to be proud of your skills and use it for others betterment." She said, folding her hands together. "You're very knowledgeable, and if it isn't too much trouble, I'd like to know more of your people, your culture. The Sith, I know it sounds odd, but I've always been interested in them as a culture, and species." She shrugged, looking to the woman. "If that's to your liking. I'd like to know more while we are here together."

Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Remy didn't look at her for a moment but thern turned her head. "Haven't the jedi taught you all about the sith? Wicked and evil, using the darkside for selfish gains." SHe said it and it wasn't clear if she was talking about the species or the group that had taken on the name. She also lacked mocking or malice... more it was just a matter of fact... sith either kind of sith were and could be dangerous. She had a few ideas though and was not worried about it. With the pyre though she waited and then started going back towards her place. Taking care to just have the materials there and some food for herself and her guest from the snare traps.

Purple And Red
Location: Elphrona Outpost

Tags: Remy Singh Remy Singh

Mi'la tilts her head at Remy, shaking her head. "That's the Sith as the group of dark side users, the Sith as a people have a history, a culture. Dark, yes, but something that can be learned, understood, and handled. We know much about the Sith as they are, but so little about your people. Almost nothing in fact. Which I have so many questions to ask you, and if you'd be okay, I want to speak with you about." Mi'la looks back to the pyre, musing to herself, wondering when that would be her to fall.

Hopefully not for a long time.

She turned to speak to Remy, and found the Pureblood was already moving away, seemingly focused on fiddling with her supplies. Sighing, the Twi'lek followed, looking to help in anyway she could. "I have a few supplies on my ship, might as well bring them over." She spoke, lingering if Remy needed her, but if not, she'd leave towards her ship and retrieve her survival supplies.

Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Remy looked up and spoke as she was taking the cloak she had been given and produced a small knife. "Very well." She set to work on it tearing parts of the threading so that she could wrap part of it around herself and alter her outfit enough for freedom of movement, coverage but she wouldn't be weighed down by heavy cloth. Then she started to thread it with strands of thick black hair and a needle made from the bone. Sewing it to her size quickly but also giving a few minor alterations. In the time it would take her to work on that she expected Mi'la to return and if the woman wanted to learn about purebloods she couldn't stop her from asking questions... she also couldn't stop some of the answers she might get.

Purple And Red
Location: Elphrona Outpost

Tags: Remy Singh Remy Singh
Returning with her survival kit, tent and food rations being brought via a small hover-sled. The knight was initially perplexed by what the Pureblood was up to, but upon a closer look, she saw what Remy was up to. Realizing she was going to have to request a new cloak, she discarded the sense of annoyance that rose up, placing her sled and supplies across from the woman's shelter, and began to assemble her portable shelter "You're rather good at using what you have, though that shouldn't be surprising, given you've lived on your own for so long." She commented, as after a few moments, her modest shelter stood nearly assembled.

It was a small relief to Mi'la to see, given she had always struggled with these sorts of things. "Though as I was saying before, the Sith, what customs do your people practice? I read that some used clan structures, and at one point there was a King Adas of Korriban, but, I am not sure how this all merges together." She began moving small crates of her food stuffs by hand, stacking them beside her shelter, then recalling that she still had repairs on her star fighter to make.

There always seemed something to do now.
Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Remy looked up at her and didn't say anything while she continued to work on it and slid the cloth over one should and across her back and cest. Clasping it for a moment so she could sew it and check it before a portion slipped down to her thigh. Her arms checking on parts of it so she would be able to put it on and take it off with minimal time and effort. She adjusted the straps and belt of her old outfit and the strips of shredded cloth into loops around her waist to hold it in position and she checked on her movements. She was able to move slightly better and it made it so she could not be overheated in the sun. "Ades was a king who united all sith under his rule. WHen he perished he said another would come eventually to be him reborn but none came... instead they fractured and only the strong would rule it. Factions upon factions battling and destroying much of the progress until they were subjugated by jedi exiles into servants."

Purple And Red
Location: Elphrona Outpost

Tags: Remy Singh Remy Singh
Tython Sentinel Robes
Lightsabers x 2
Omi-Tool Arm (Right Arm)
Prosthetic Lekku
Numa Class Headdress
It was an experience to see her garb be torn apart and reassembled into....something more befitting of Remy's figure. Mi'la wasn't sure what to say, or if she should say anything at all. She did eventually, after Remy finished her tale of King Adas, ignoring the destruction of her robes; which absolutely didn't bother her mind you. "And what are your thoughts on that? Given the original group of dark jedi that came to the world, the title Lords of the Sith denoted dominance of the Sith people,'s a way of justifying their own slavery over your kind's distressing to know they were all once jedi." She muttered, her Lekku's falling as she seemed to struggle with what the really think on it.

Was it wrong that her people in a sense started all of this? "What of Sith art, Sith music, is....there anything from your home you miss?"
Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

"What will it do? They are long dead, the galaxy largely sees my species as gone or scattered to the cosmic winds. Only isolated pockets having survived who might have some blood from cross-breeding over centuries eons ago." She said it sitting there and taking some of the food started cleaning and striping it into portions that could be cooked. Some brush being used as she sparked it with rocks. "And our art is statues dedicated to old lords who were of importance. Music something rare as we do not gather in large numbers for massive celebrations." SHe said it though and finished as her fingers moved without her having to look at the food.

She portioned it and slowly with a little sliver of bone peeled skin and fur back as she gutted and had the organs going into a bowl. The blood draining as she worked into a second bowl. THe meat was portioned into strips when she cut it. THe bones going to bucket of liquid that would clean them. She worked on the middle bowl adding some seasoning and putting it over the fire. She stirred in a small amout of herbs and the organs were being cooked in a small pan over the heat until they were crisped on the outside before she poured them into the soup. Her fingers going to a spoon when she took it back off of the fire. "Bloodsoup to honor your kills."

Purple And Red
Location: Elphrona Outpost

Tags: Remy Singh Remy Singh
Tython Sentinel Robes
Lightsabers x 2
Omi-Tool Arm (Right Arm)
Prosthetic Lekku
Numa Class Headdress
Hearing the responses given, Mi’la merely stood and nodded. She didn’t know much about Sith culture really, but now she was hearing in and it seemed rather…well oppressive. She supposed it made sense, her own people had a similar problem. She was taken aback by the offering of soup given to her, as the Twi’lek eyes the broth, before nodding. She had no idea what Remy might have put in this. “I hope there aren’t any droid parts in this, given that was our last foe.”

She took a sip from the bowl, then paused, eyeing it in confusion before taking another sip. The flavor was….unique. “Thank you for the soup, it is….unlike anything I’ve ever had before. Thank you.”
Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Remy looked at her. "Droids don't boil." She spoke the words straight faced but went back to cooking as she had some soup for herself... the bloodsoup for the latest kill she got to be able to eat. The meat she had made into strips cooked quickly and she used a third of them. THe rest she put up onto hooks and left them in a section of the rocks that was in the sun for the longest time. WIth some salt on it to dry out. THe other third she had for Mi'la. "It is boiled blood and organs from what is in the traps." She said it while she was prepared for other things and sat back down getting some of the water that had been collected and drinking it. "How long do you plan to stay here?"

Purple And Red
Location: Elphrona Outpost

Tags: Remy Singh Remy Singh
Tython Sentinel Robes
Lightsabers x 2
Omi-Tool Arm (Right Arm)
Prosthetic Lekku
Numa Class Headdress
Mi'la smiled at the woman's comment, amused that she took things literally. Watching Remy work, she felt a tad bad about being unable to assist the woman in cooking, though given her history with such attempts, she decided that wasn't worth the effort. Though she did feel a bit ill when Remy explained the source of her food, though the Twi'lek didn't stop eatting it; though she was much slower now in consumption. "Lovely..." She muttered, though it was what the woman asked last that caught her attention, as she looked to her with an expression of confusion.

"I plan to stay here until I can work out what that stone in the outpost was, and perhaps, once you've driven me off." She smiled, pointing to the woman with a grin. "Assuming you can manage that, I am quite stubborn after all."
Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

She looked at the woman... raising an eyebrow ridge when her tendril twitched but she didn't need to say anything. "I see." She stood up and grabbed from the cooking pan for her with one of the bone blades a chunk of cooked meat. Offering it to her. "Then if you are my guest here... the heart is yours per tradition. You need to eat it all without regurgitating it otherwise it is considered a grave insult and I am honor bound to take your heart." She said it with a matter of fact voice and facial expression while holding the bowl of soup in her other hand and she took a sip of it. She remained standing there offering it as her golden eyes narrowed on the woman. "You wanted to know about sith traditions."

Purple And Red
Location: Elphrona Outpost

Tags: Remy Singh Remy Singh
Tython Sentinel Robes
Lightsabers x 2
Omi-Tool Arm (Right Arm)
Prosthetic Lekku
Numa Class Headdress
Mi'la paused in her meal as Remy began to speak about eating a heart. The jedi looked horrified as she looked at the raw piece of meat she was expected to eat, and the words of her companion did little to ease her fears as she looked between Remy, and the heart, an eyebrow slowly arching as if doubting the words of the Sith, but soon felt in her heart, that this was no joke. She was going to be expected to devour this thing, wasn't she?

Sighing, Mi'la used the force, taking the object and moving it into her nearly empty bowl, glancing back and forth between it, and Remy, before she mustered up the courage to devour it. With Remy's golden eyes locked onto her, Mi'la returned the glare in kind, as she found the heart...not all that different from a dish on Ryloth. It wasn't as bad as she thought it was going to be truthfully.

It took nearly a minute, but, Mi'la managed to devour the whole damn heart, all without voiding her stomach, though her mouth and lips were coated in dark red blood. "That...wasn't...horrible? Sorry, you can't execute me now." She managed, looking for something to wipe the abscess blood from her lips with.
Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

She watched mostly to see if she was going to do it and maintained a straight face... though her facial tendril twitched in amusement... Remy spoke. "I wasn't planning on it." SHe said it and sat down eating some more of the soup and meat strips while going over one or two things that they had and would be able to use here. She started cleaning out the bowls she was finished with and cleaning the bone blades. Everything that was able to be used for cooking and preparing the food were cleaned and set aside. She remained there looking at the twi'lek offering a seat across from her. THen her eyes drifted to all the things she had brought with her. "Have you been in the wilderness before you don't normally have repulsor sleds."

Purple And Red
Location: Elphrona Outpost

Tags: Remy Singh Remy Singh
Tython Sentinel Robes
Lightsabers x 2
Omi-Tool Arm (Right Arm)
Prosthetic Lekku
Numa Class Headdress
Mi’la gave a slightly annoyed glance at the woman as she spoke. Nothing serious of course, trying to understand the facial movements of the race. She had to assume the facial tendrils meant something when they shifted, as Twi’lek body language was similar with the head tails. Regardless, she was perplexed to say the least.

Remy seemed intent on cleaning, perhaps preparing for the night ahead, though her question to the Jedi knight amused her to no end. “Yes, several times. I started to keep one in my cargo hold due to times where I’ve had to venture out a ways, carrying all those shipping supplies by hand is tiring.” She stated, finishing the contents of her bowl and rather displeased she had nothing else to clean her face with.
Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

"I see." Remy said it and finished cleaning as she rose up and moved the cooking area around to make the space for her beddings. Laying it out and removing her new outfit so she could slip under the small coverings. Using the clothing like a pillow to lay there and relaxing for a moment. "There is not much else here.. the traps have alerts on them for noise and there are ssome trip wires in case anything tries to get close. Still best practice is not to go out after dark. More predators and more chances to get lost." She laid there and moved her tonfa's to within arms reach should she need them while holding a hand out to push and make sure the blocks to the lower passages were secured. "When you want to sleep close the doors and bar them for the night. The fire will die out soon enough."

Purple And Red
Location: Elphrona Outpost

Tags: Remy Singh Remy Singh
Tython Sentinel Robes
Lightsabers x 2
Omi-Tool Arm (Right Arm)
Prosthetic Lekku
Numa Class Headdress
To her surprise, she found Remy seemingly ready to sleep, as the Sith put aside her utensils, and began to crawl over to what appeared to be bedding now with all her defenses set up. The Twi'lek finished up the rest of her meal, putting the bowl to the side, and shedding her attire to don a thinner sleeping gown she had stashed; of course, away from Remy's prying eyes.

With her jedi gear stowed away in her sleeping shelter, Mi'la looked to Remy as she spoke of securing the camp for the night. "Well, since you are retiring, I might as well close the door now, unless you wished to be pestered by my questions?" She smiled, sitting aside from Remy, watching the fire flickering, and waiting for her reply before she decided on a course of action.
Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Remy looked at her and she laid there. "I suppose." She said it and didn't shift herself in the bedding more just flicked her eyes towards the twi'lek with everything closed up for them to be protected she only turned her golden eyes towards the woman. "Ask your questions if you must... I make no promises about answering them." SHe said it and stretched a little under her covers while a few answers came to mind of what she would be able to do... though she already had gotten the woman to eat a heart... it was really hard to top that. She would have to work on something truely diabolical if they were going to be around each other for awhile.

Purple And Red
Location: Elphrona Outpost

Tags: Remy Singh Remy Singh
Tython Sentinel Robes
Lightsabers x 2
Omi-Tool Arm (Right Arm)
Prosthetic Lekku
Numa Class Headdress
To her surprise, she found Remy seemingly agreeing to answer her. Sorta. "Well, isn’t that nice of you?" She smiled, sitting aside from Remy in her bedroll. “I want to know if you’d ever like to try and leave this world behind, or are you content with remaining here the rest of your days?” She asked, curious what the woman might say to that.

“I spent so much of my life roaming space. I wish I could just do that the rest of my days honestly. But if you want to stay here, I respect that.” She nods, smiling at the red skinned woman.

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