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Approved Tech Petal Blossom

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  • Intent: To submit an armoured robe package for Cybelle Elyance.
  • Image Source(s):
  • Canon Link(s): N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Link(s):
    • Included in submission



  • Classification: Armoured Robes
  • Weight: Light
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Very High
    • Kinetic Penetrative: High
    • Lightsabers: High
    • Kinetic Concussive: Low
    • EMP/ION: High
    • Force: High
    • Sonic: Low
    • Elemental: Average
    • Radiation: Low


  • Trackers:
    • Able to fire a small package of nanobots that can act as a tracking devices
  • Thought activated:
    • The inner surface of the jade band is etched with a biosensor and a Direct Neural Interface, allowing the inbuilt A.I. to respond to Cybelle’s thoughts and reactions. Furthermore, the biosensor is coded to Cybelle’s physiology. To anyone else, the bracket is just that, a heavy piece of jewelry.
  • Lock picking
  • Integrated Repulsors
  • Transferable
Elements of the Robes


  • Put away for a rainy day:
    • The robe spawns from a hollow jade bracelet which contains a core of dense material. The nanobots built into the armor are capable of taking the dense metallic core, and repurposing it into the Neithweave used to construct the robes.
    • That same function that allows the armour to be spawned from the bracelet, also means that Cybelle can control the deployment of the armour, choosing to form or dissolve the parts of the armoured robe she needs; boots, gloves or a cloak as needed.
  • Tracking devices:
    • The Armour can fire small packets of nanobots that are able to piggyback signals onto local signals allowing Cybelle to track the target over large distances.
  • Self cleaning/Self repairing
    • The nanobots responsible for the generation of the robes also serve a dual purpose, maintenance. As a Jedi Cybelle’s missions would take her all over the galaxy, there was no knowing what situations she might find herself pushed into. An important part of a Jedi’s toolset was their appearance, and the self-cleaning ability of the nanotechnology built into Cybelle’s robes means that she would never have to worry about her appearance.
    • The Nanobots involved in the creation of the armour allow it to have some degree of self repair capability, able to fix small amounts of damage on the battlefield by breaking down more of their environment.
  • Semi-sentient
    • The bracelet that stores the Nanobots also contains an advanced AI, mixing the capabilities of the BARCA and the Navi to provide Cybelle with a capable assistance system. It can both run the armour and provide assistance to Cybelle as she needs it.
  • Lock pick:
    • The armour is able to make use of its nanobot-created nature to flow into locks, filling out the tumblers to create a key that can open any lock it comes across. Even electronic locks aren’t immune to the armours capabilities, as the AI controlling the armour will slice into any computer it is commanded to. The armour can even scan and reproduce fingerprints as a way to defeat fingerprint sensors.
  • I see you there:
    • Due to its nanobot based design the robes are able to alter their colour to both suit Cybelle’s mood, but also allow her to blend in with a crowd and the shadows as needed.
  • Thought activated:
    • The Direct-neural Interface allows the robes to respond to Cybelle’s thoughts. The robes don't require physical inputs but can spawn or alter its form in response to the Jedi’s intentions allowing it to deploy at the speed of thought.
  • Integrated Repulsors:
    • The Gloves and Boots of the robes are seeded with micro repulsors that help the suit to maintain its speedy movement. The micro-repulsors also increase the damage caused by any kicks and punches delivered by the user. The Feilong repulsors also allow the wearer to stick to walls or surfaces whether they’re magnetic or not, meaning that no matter if the used is in space or on the ground, they’re able to affix themselves to a surface or scale the side of the building. The Feilong repulsor in the robes boots also allows the user to skate along a gravity well, allowing the wearer to move faster by never actually touching the ground but floating above it as if wearing skates.
    • The Feilong Repulsor has a secondary effect, the ability to create a localised gravitational field to increase or decrease the wearer’s weight. This allows them to move with increased agility, or take a more powerful blow without being knocked around. The possibilities are limited only by the user’s imagination.
  • Transferable:
    • With a touch and a thought Cybelle is able to deploy her armoured robes. However, she doesn’t have to deploy them around her body. It is entirely possible for the Jedi to have the robes form around the body of someone else, providing them with all the protection of the robes.
  • Airtight:
    • Due to the Nanobot driven construction of the Petal Blossom when it is fully deployed it is completely sealed from the outside in all of its configurations.
  • Energy Shielding:
    • The Petal Blossom comes with Locke and Key’s signature Kavcha Shield System installed, allowing its defenses to account for a number of different forms of attack.
  • Slave Circuit:
    • The Petal Blossom contains a slave circuit, allowing the wearer to send commands to a ship or vehicle which is connected to it.
  • Padlocke:
    • The Petal Blossom is a technologically advanced suit of armour, one of the most advanced in the galaxy, but like any technological item it can be hacked or afflicted with viruses. To counter this John included the Padlocke program, a powerful cyber defense suite that provided the armour with the protection that it needs to survive in the modern world.
  • Minerva:
    • A HUD system designed to draw information and data from a variety of sensors spread across the surface of the Raiju allowing the wearer to make decisions based on a complete understanding of the battlespace around them.
  • Hermes:
    • A capable communications system able to send data via a variety of encryptions all the way upto Quantum Key Encryption.
  • Legion:
    • A very capable mesh networking software that allows the Raiju to link up to other electronic devices, such as droids, ships and infrastructure. It allows information and commands to flow up and down, allowing the wearer to receive data to and provide commands to units and vessels as needed.
  • Harmonia System:
    • A communications device designed to allow technological communications networks to communicate via telepathic means
  • Discreet:
    • The Petal Blossom isn’t designed as a full war armour, but instead is designed as a set of robes. Due to its creation the armour
  • Sensor Slick:
    • The materials used in the creation of the bodyglove, primarily the Sichouweave, are hard to spot on sensors, making the bodyglove behave almost like a ghost, revealing only the faintest of signatures that would normally be ignored.
  • Grip:
    • The bottom of the foot is textured to provide additional grip to prevent the user from sliding around when walking around in the bodyglove. The grip provided is analogous to a pair of trainers, not enough to stick to walls, or fight against a vacuum.
  • Health Sensors:
    • The suit is threaded with a variety of health sensors which collect data on the wearer’s heart rate, breathing and other biological functions. This data is collected via the Iris Link built into the suit that will allow the data to be processed by any armour you are wearing, or transmitted via a commlink.
  • Iris Link:
    • Locke and Key’s newest generation of datalink has the ability to link up to other systems via a direct-wired connection or a wireless link. This data can include readings from the medical sensors and Direct Neural Interface, as well as commands sent via the Apollo Mark II.
  • Apollo Mark II:
    • An improved version of the Apollo interface, the Mark II replaces the need for a datapad, providing a holographic display and interface when needed. It also comes with a few basic sensors built-in and solid light technology, allowing the user a greater ability to interact with their environment without needed tools or armour. Very useful when you need to make a quick repair or adjustment onboard a ship.


  • Connection Broken:
    • The armoured robe is attuned to Cybelle and Cybelle alone. Due to the biometric sensors, if the robe is deployed around another they would be unable to utilize it’s more advanced functions.
  • Not a hazmat suit:
    • The armoured robe can be airtight but it is not designed as a hazmat suit, while it can handle the cold of space for a time, and some other environments it’s not a replacement for a proper hazardous environments suit.
  • Not a shell
    • The body glove is a skin-tight suit with only basic armour, while it can protect you from blaster bolts and can stop the penetration of a slug or other weapon, the physical impact will still transfer to your body.


The galaxy is replete with iconic uniforms, the armour of the stormtroopers to the hard shell of the Mandalorians. Amongst all of these, the robes of the Jedi stood out as perhaps the most iconic set of clothing to ever have existed on the galactic scene.
A Jedi’s robes had to provide the optimal mix of comfort, ease of movement and an iconic look that people had come to associate with the Jedi, that people drew comfort from.
John had spent enough time living around Jedi to understand the importance of their robes as a part of their arsenal of tools, part of the mystique of the Jedi. He also knew that a Jedi’s standard robes weren’t the best at protecting their wearer from the dangers that the modern galaxy held. So, when Cybelle Elyance, John’s almost adopted daughter, completed her trials he wanted to give her something that would be more than just a standard Jedi robe. Something that would give her both protection and utility while still allowing her the mystique of the Jedi Robes.
So John took the basic Jedi robes, and then he let them evolve, folding in more and more technology until what was left was the Petal Blossom, a semi sentient armoured robe that would provide her with clothing and utility in any situation she might find herself in.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
John Locke John Locke

Very cool attire.
  • I can't accept the Harmonia System, it is a sub in the Pre-Factory. So please change this item, or repost the sub and link the new link.
  • And the Kavacha Shield isn't an approved sub, it is sitting in the Factory Modifications in the last 7 months. It isn't a problem, I just wanted to indicate/mention it.

Thank you for picking up the submission.

Harmonia System

I have replaced the sub with the approved version. Thank you for catching that.

Kavacha Shield

In order for something to be in the Factory modifications it needs to be an approved sub that has been pulled for adjustment.
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