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First Reply Pastime of a Rogue Padawan I



Location: Selvaris, Abandoned Jungle Temple
Equipment: Skinsuit, Rusty Green Jumpsuit, Left Bracer, Plastoid Shingaurds, Utility Boots, Mix and Match Harness, Left Ear
Accessories: Bracelet, Echo Stone
Weapons: Lossa's Lightsaber, Concealed Blaster, Nasty-Stabby
Tools: Fusioncutter
Ship: Skiptown with V-2 Minimech 'Skid'
Tags: Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl
The joy of success slowly gave way to the strain she felt. Like she'd been concentrating on a light for too long as the pin-prick feeling of a headache began to form.

Finding a spot to plant herself as instructed while she rubbed her eyes, let her body relax. Which in itself was a tough thing given how she felt like she'd run a marathon.

She had done it though.

"Hmm. I pick up concepts quick, and always wondered about this sort of thing. Just," A sigh escaping as she grinned, staring at the Flimsi. "Exhausting. But definitely not messing with much else than... replaceable things."

She didn't pay much mind to him examining the objects until he let loose of one, and his stepping back catching her off guard given how he had been for the entirety of their meeting.

Leaning forward with a hand planted to push her upright as she watched him sharply.

"You alright?" A wary tone in her words, staring at the journal before her eyes flicked back to him.


Nathan stared at the journal. The book had closed upon him dropping it, so it's not like Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus would figure out what had disturbed him.

"It's nothing." he said, picking up the book and placing it neatly back on the shelf, refusing to show any more interest in the book.

"A momentary flash of something...not worth the recollection." was all he said as an explanation for the break in his stillness within the Force. His face was once again that impassive, grim mask.

He would think no more on the book.

Instead he focused on something else. He spotted a transparisteel casing that was partly shattered. It looked like a long, silver staff that ended in a dish shaped emitter. He teleported over and reached inside. He activated it and a very short green lightsaber blade sprang up from the emitter.

"I always liked the ones that were actual spears as opposed to just short bladed staves used by the temple guard's. Do you know how to use one of these?" he asked, giving an experimental spin to test the weight...and betraying his knowledge of the subject in how deftly he spun it.

"It's an instrument that teaches patience, discipline, and precision. Excellent for moving meditation..." he said to Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus



Location: Selvaris, Abandoned Jungle Temple
Equipment: Skinsuit, Rusty Green Jumpsuit, Left Bracer, Plastoid Shingaurds, Utility Boots, Mix and Match Harness, Left Ear
Accessories: Bracelet, Echo Stone
Weapons: Lossa's Lightsaber, Concealed Blaster, Nasty-Stabby
Tools: Fusioncutter
Ship: Skiptown with V-2 Minimech 'Skid'
Tags: Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl

His hesitant answer making her focus on the ground before looking back up to him. Placing the book back on a shelf with that implacable expression made her frown. Leaning back in place before he noticed something of interest.

Her gaze following after him as he reappeared and messed with something.

The green blade springing to life causing her to jump a little at the sight.

"Oh what the-" She rose this time, pushing off the ground as she drew close enough to stay outside the swinging but enough to actually see some detail. "That's. That's a neat design."

A smile appearing as she watched him use the item as if he'd simply put down a familiar tool.

"Seems like a lot has been lost to time. A shame for some things." An awed stare at the staff blade before she narrowed her eyes a little.

"Moving med-Oh! I've heard of that one! That's intense from what I've read about it." A pondering gaze as she scratched her chin. "Usually used by those with mechanical skill to calm the mind right?"

"Yes." Nathan replied as he spun the spear in his hand.

"Moving meditation can indeed be a part of the regimen of the mechanically inclined..." he explained.

"Excellent also for fighting Makashi's the ability to stab constantly, you see. It frustrates attempts to build momentum."

He leaned down, performing wide sweeps with the weapon along with spins. It was clear he was deeply familiar with the system. Too familiar for a mere Padawan.

He stopped, his motions going back to that stiff, awkward mechanical gait when not practicing.

"Here...try it..." he offered, holding out the spear as he walked towards Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

"There's a reason spearmen are more common in primitive cultures than swordsmen. Simpler to learn. Gets the job done much more efficiently in some respects."

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