Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Palm-Imer

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    • Name: Palm-Imer.
      • Current nicknames:
        • Palm.
        • Naddej, made up name she uses when not on official duty as a representative to keep her identity secret.
    • Age: Young adult. (23 GSY)
    • Gender: Female.
    • Species: Near-human, Geminaie.
    • Occupation: Ambassador.

    • Force Sensitive: Yes.
      • Alignment: Neutral.
      • Order: Soller-Navah.
      • Proficiency: Soll'kai. (equivalent to knight)

    • Homeworld: Geminidae.
    • Known residence: Nomad.
    • Known languages:
      • Nexilis: broken - semi-fluent - fluent - native.
      • Galactic Basic: broken - semi-fluent - fluent - native.
      • Nosk'lum: broken - semi-fluent - fluent - native.
      • Binary: broken - semi-fluent - fluent - native.
      • Huttese: broken - semi-fluent - fluent - native.
    • Primary allegiances: Geminidae ~ The Confederacy of Independent Systems.
      • Contractual allegiance: None.
    • Current Status: Active.

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    • Height: 1.79m/5'10"
    • Weight: 64.7kg/142lbs
    • Physique: Athletic.
    • Voice: Sample.
    • Eyes: Honey-brown, almond shaped.
    • Hair: Dark-brown, long, slightly wavy.
    • Complexion: Fawn, slightly tanned, warm undertones.
    • Implants: None.
    • Distinguishing marks:
      • Gen-code Z44P-Y99I tattooed on the inside of the lower lip.
      • Pierced left ear: lobe, upper lobe, helix, tragus, daith.
      • Scar: medium sized slash across upper chest. Inflicted by Joycelyn Zambrano Joycelyn Zambrano during the Battle of Velmor.
      • A couple of small scars.
    • Usual apparel: Bodyglove, boots, protective gauntlets, long hooded cloak and black fitted mask covering the lower half of her face. She applies dark brown makeup on her temples, eyes, and bridge of her nose forming a straight line in order to obscure the features the mask does not cover.
    • Description:
      Palm is a young woman in her twenties. Of average height for her species, she possesses an agile body with a generous layer of muscle as a result of years of training which accentuate her figure and are a testament to her strength. Palm has perfected the art of expressing herself through movement, body language and gesticulation according to her intended purpose: more often than not she will keep a low profile and go by unnoticed through most places, maintaining an unassuming posture, a slightly lowered head and overall unremarkable pose. When on duty as a political representative of her homeworld, her bearing becomes well poised and elegant, exuding a gentle but firm presence. She has soft, stylish features and a youthful look.

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    Palm-Imer was born on Altranais, the capital city of Geminidae, alongside her twin brother Natram-Striff. The conclusion of one of the many long-term breeding programs of their generation, they were both born potential Heirs to the sovereignty of their home-world. As is customary the youngest one would take on the responsibility of being an Heir while the other followed their original predetermined role, the mantle of the Heirs fell upon Palm's shoulders.

    The first several years of her life were spent between books, mentors, training droids, other apprentices and myriads of lessons. Palm had to live up to the expectations of both her status as an Heir and as an Ambassador-in-training, for this was secondary path assigned to her. Around her seventh year of age she became an apprentice of the Soller-Navah in order to learn how to tap into her connection to the Force. Because of her status as both an Heir and a future Ambassador, she was met with a less enjoyable and more severe childhood. Palm-Imer grew up privy to the ways in which her planet is governed and managed, its well-kept secrets and its plans for the future.

    Palm was a diligent child, doing her best and often pushing herself beyond her limits as she desperately tried to accomplish the seemingly unreachable goals placed before her. She was talented but her true remarkable qualities were being consistent and disciplined, she was not the strongest or the fastest, yet her perseverance and methodical approach would always see her to the finishing line. However, as she grew older a roiling wreath of doubt and questioning began to coil around her mind and heart, nurtured by her own nature and a few of her mentors who were of a similar mind. She could see the benefit of and, to a degree, endorse the fierce isolationist practices of her planet but a part of her could not help but believe it was time for a deep change in their ways. Time to remove the veil that kept the galaxy hidden from practically the whole population of her homeworld.

    Such stance earned her the support and acceptance of some and the disdain and ill-looks of others. A deep and dangerous rift separated the two groups as it had done many generations ago during the times of the Second Great War. Moved to do right by her people and speak against what she believed to be excessive and unjust measures, Palm became one of the strongest voices for the anti-isolationist party. When she finished her education as an Heir and completed her training as an Ambassador, Palm left Geminidae to fulfill her role as the tensions began to grow stronger. Now, Palm roams the stars serving her people to the best of her ability while keeping a watchful eye on the political stage of her planet.

    • Sexuality: Undefined.
    • Marital Status: Unmarried, single.
    • Family:
      • Natram-Striff, twin brother, dead. (NPC)
    • Children: None.
    • Friends:
      • Soll'kai Emre-Tal. Childhood friend, alive. (NPC)
      • Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion . Bestfriend.
    • Masters:
      • Soll'relath Artem-Lahs, alive (NPC). Her mentor and father-figure.
    • Apprentices:
      • Lyra Uvati.
      • Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion : After being stranded in Geminidae, Mathieu was welcomed into the Order of the Soller Navah where he apprenticed under Palm for a time before leaving the planet. He was introduced into the philosophies of the Art of One, force sensing and control (self-enhancement through the Force).
    • Enemies: TBD.

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    • Ambassador: Palm was bred and raised to become a geminian Ambassador, a member of the elite caste of agents and diplomats. Meant to be a representative as well as a covert operative, she is both a capable combatant and well versed in politics. She is skilled in Ky'ret martial arts, her weapon of choice being tonfa or a bo staff. She has a well tailored skillset suited to her purpose as a learner, explorer, politician and potential spy/infiltrator.

    • Soll'Nav: She shares a strong connection to the Force or, how the Geminians call it, the Surge. Palm was trained in the ways of the Soller-Navah, a neutrally aligned order of force-sensitives native and limited to Geminidae and currently holds the rank of Soll'kai, equivalent to knighthood in other orders. She is a talented duelist, a specialist at enhancing her own capabilities through the Force and has quite a remarkable defense against the influence of other Force users, both mental and physical.

    • Focused: Palm is characterized by her patience and perseverance. Once she has set a goal she will work diligently towards it until she sees it accomplished, without being deterred by failure, frustration or obstacles. Her steadfast nature and control over her impulses often serve her well, she is efficient and very dedicated. As all geminaie, she has an enhanced capability to comprehend and assimilate new concepts, a quick and efficient learner.

    • Charismatic: A true geminian, Palm has a natural gift to get along well with others. If its on her own terms, her laid-back nature and easy smile will do the trick. Otherwise, as all members of her species, she has an uncanny ability to read others and adjust her behavior and presence accordingly. She finds it just as easy to blend in among the lords or the beasts, gaining their trust or going undetected.

    • Heights Dweller: Palm possesses a deceptive strength, particularly in her upper body and back, paired with a superior mobility and balance. She can navigate difficult terrain with little restrictions being able to climb almost any surface, jump much higher than the average human and sort through irregularities with ease. Normally she will try not to display these abilities in public as long as she can avoid it, preferring to pass off as a human.


    • Obsessive: As an Ambassador, Palm was designed to be a quick learner and to possess an apetite for knowledge and explanations. She can get so engrossed in the study or pursuit of something that she will, unintentionally, endanger her own well-being by neglecting basic needs such as sleep and nourishment. If this goes as far as overpowering her focus and patience, she may become reckless in her pursuit of answers.

    • Highly Specialized Training: Her combat training focused on hand-to-hand, unarmed combat and only on two weapons of her choice: the tonfa batons and, secondarily, the bo staff. She may be able to hold her own with other weapons, but her chances are significantly reduced. Palm would rather fight empty handed than with a vibrosword, and no matter how good one is at unarmed combat, this would still be a grim scenario.

    • Overly Analytical: Curiosity, fast-learning and a lack of connection to the esoteric are all defining traits of her people. Palm likes understanding things and anything that repels a logical explanation is bound to stir the more cautious and skeptical aspects of her nature and dispel her usually secure, objective and steadfast disposition.

    • Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained: Hard-wired through breeding and training to objectively assess any situation before acting, Palm has a deep seated instinct to not take any risk unless she concludes that the chances of her succeeding are favorable or, at least, reasonable. The pull of this premise is strong enough even when the more emotional aspects of her nature urge her to take action (e.g. to protect someone). When this happens, she becomes desperate and nervous and can only manage to overcome this instinct to not get involved at the cost of her composure by allowing her emotions to take over.

    • Soll'Nav: Because of the philosophy of the Soller-Navah, Palm does not make use of any force powers that directly affect others or her surroundings or does so in a very restrained measure. Skills such as extensive use of telekinesis, force manipulation and many forms of altering are off limits to her due to her belief that the connection to the Force is not meant to be abused and only employed to strengthen already existing attributes and as a tool of self-discovery and preservation.

    • Fire Arms: Palm knows her way around fire arms, technically. Her strong predilection for CQC has also heavily influenced her ability to wield these weapons. Palm is a point blank range specialist, so even to use what is supposed to be a long-range weapon she must get relatively close to her target. There is not one cell of sniper material in her body, and her performance will leave much to be desired if she tries her hand at firing at targets who are outside of her preferred range.

    • Geminaie: A pure blooded Geminaie, Palm shares not only in the strengths but in the shortcomings of her species.

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    • Political Sciences.
      • Interplanetary Relations.
    • Business Administration.


    Proficiency Rating: None - Initiate - Apprentice - Adept - Skilled - Mastered - Specialist.
    • Combat Training
      • Ky'ret Martial Arts: Mastered.
        • Featured moves: Syncing, open hand hits, joint-locks, pressure point abuse, grappling.
        • Main objective: Incapacitation, internal damage.
      • Teräs Käsi: Adept.
      • Stava: Adept.
      • Weapons Training.
        • Primary, Tonfa batons: Specialist.
        • Secondary, Bo staff: Adept.
      • Marksmanship:
        • Point-blank range: Skilled.
        • Mid range: Adept.
        • Long range/Sniping: Initiate.
    • Military Training
      • Tactician: Skilled.
      • Vehicle operation: Adept.
      • First-Aid training: Initiate .
      • Parachutist: Adept.
      • Climbing: Specialist.
      • Piloting: Adept.
      • Survivalist: Adept.


    Proficiency Rating: None - Initiate - Apprentice - Adept - Skilled - Mastered - Specialist.




    Lightsaber Forms
    Proficiency Rating: None - Familiarized - Trained - Adept - Skilled - Mastered - Specialist.

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    • TBD.


    • TBD.


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    Threads in Total: 18 | Threads Completed: 10 | Threads Ongoing: 6


    Flying the Nest | Palm leaves the Consors System for the first time to begin her duty as an Ambassador, alongside her apprentice Lyra Uvati.

    The Jewel | Palm is sent as an official representative of Sovereign Feyd-Serit to extend her grace and acknowledgement of Illyria's new monarchs, King Adron and Queen Alessandra Malvern. The meeting would then lead to the creation of the Winter & Spring Accord between Illyria and Geminidae.

    Foreign Place, Friendly Face | Alienated and cut off from her ability to feel after spending too long dampening her emotions during her service as an Ambassador, Palm meets mercenary Mathieu Brion after he crash landed in Geminidae. Eventually he is welcomed into the Order of the Soller-Navah were he becomes her apprentice for a short while and they form a friendship.






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