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Approved Planet Geminidae

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  • Planet Name: Geminidae.
  • Demonym: Geminian.
  • Region: Wild Space.
  • System Name: Consors System.
  • System Features:
    • Star: Frater, yellow main sequence star still in its younger years.
    • Moons: Soror, Sodalitas and Siostra. Sodalitas is a habitable moon which serves as security checkpoint. The headquarters and control center of the Sentinel fleet are located in this moon. Any foreign spacecraft must announce itself, state its purpose and receive approval before entering Geminidae's atmosphere.
    • Rotational Period: 38 hours.
    • Orbital Period: 580 days.
    • Astronomical Objects:
      • Celo Nebulae Cluster: a complex of absorption or dark nebulae large enough to envelop the relatively small system, obscuring it from outsiders.
  • Location: Lyran IV hex. (precise location)
  • Major Imports:
  • Major Exports:
  • Unexploited Resources:


  • Gravity: Standard.
  • Climate: Temperate.
  • Primary Terrain:
    • Alpine: Geminidae is riddled with mountains, caves and cliffs. The flatter terrain, which is still quite uneven, and many of the other biomes are cradled in the valleys that form between mountain ranges. The valleys can be isolated or connected through mountain passes and cavernous systems. Geminidae is known for housing some of the tallest mountains to be found in the galaxy. Past a certain height the use of breathe masks is suggested because the low pressure of the air and lower concentration of oxygen makes it impossible for atmosphere Type I breathers to survive.
    • Temperate and Boreal Forests: Temperate, seasonal forests are the main biome to be found around the northern tropic. Boreal forests occupy the latitudes nearing the southern pole, together with the tundra. The trees in Geminidae grow tall, sometimes as tall as some of the smaller mountains, thanks to the abundance of fresh water and properties of the soil. This giant-tree phenomenon is observable in all biomes.
    • Fungi Forests: One of Geminidae's most unique landscapes are its fungi forests, riddled with different species of these peculiar beings some of which grow as tall as trees. These forests tend to occupy the land nearest to the warmer wetlands, around the equator of Geminidae.
    • Tundra: One of the very few biomes where mountains are not the rule, the tundra dominates some regions in the southern hemisphere of Geminidae.
    • Freshwater: Rivers, rapids, waterfalls, lakes, underground freshwater bodies and glaciers are abundant on the planet.
    • Savannas and Mesas: Occupying the regions around the northern tropic, the savannas are quite extensive. Their terrain is more irregular than that of most biomes of this type. Plateaus, gorges and dormant volcanoes are a common sight.
    • Wetlands: There are no oceans or seas in Geminidae, instead, scattered across the globe are large formations of different types of wetlands of varying depths. The wetlands are home to a myriad of plant and microbe species that absorb most of the minerals found in the water because of terrain erosion. Because of this, the water in Geminidae never becomes salinized and is rid of most impurities. The wetlands are the equivalent of an ocean in other planets, serving as an environmental regulator biome.
  • Atmosphere: Type II due to the high elevation of most cities and major locations (breath mask recommended due to low atmospheric pressure). At lower elevations near the surface, the atmospheric pressure provides a normal Type I environment.


  • Capital City: Altranais.
  • Planetary Features:
    • Coexistence of advanced technology with healthy biomes thanks to strict environmental care measures.
    • Small but complex cities, famous for their unusual architectural designs.
    • Cave cities carved into the mountains.
    • No oceans or salt water bodies.
  • Political Division: Geminidae is divided into two main regions: Geminos and Advena. Advena is known as "the Strangers' Harbour", it is the only region that allows the presence of foreigners and the only place in Geminidae where the stay, arrival or departure of non-Geminian spacecraft is allowed. Advena's borders are heavily guarded so as to keep visitors from venturing into Geminos, which encompasses the rest of the planet: the home of the Geminians.
  • Major Locations:
    • Advena:
      • Axa, Distortion City: Axa is the main city of the Advena region, standing at the center of it. A cluster of impossibly tall and weirdly shaped buildings, winding roads and blinding lights, many describe the feeling of being a bit disoriented by the city. Up is down, right is left and all of a sudden Axa becomes a very beautiful but intricate labyrinth of architectonic craziness which has earned it the moniker "Distortion City". The center of the very limited inter-planetary relations of Geminidae, some of the more relevant locations of Axa include the High Embassy, the building where all administrative and bureaucratic activities in relation to foreigners and commerce are held, many companies and businesses, hotels and five space ports and hangars of considerable size, three of them reserved to export and import ships. Axa attracts quite a few tourists thanks to its unique and weird design and the chance to explore the mysterious planet. Because of this, several locations dedicated to leisure and tourism can be found too.
    • Geminos:
      • Altranais, Skyjump City: Altranais is the capital city of Geminidae and the largest one. As most things in the planet and due to the native’s love of heights, its buildings are very tall. Most of the city life occurs in its higher levels, since as time passed the foundations of the city slowly became less populated. Nowadays, the lower levels have mostly become a well-developed system of storage, distribution and transport, making travelling or moving materials through the large city an easy and enjoyable task by means of its famous SpeedTrains. Altranais is located in a mountain valley, and thus surrounded by mountains. The tallest mountain, bordering the edge of the city, houses the High Palace. The High Palace is the home of the Sovereign and the capitol of Geminidae.
    • Nature:
      • The Prism Grass Sea: The Prism Grass Sea is the largest and deepest wetland in Geminidae. Here a native species of flora grows, floating over the surface of the giant lake. These plants feed from the minerals and other "impurities" that found their way into the water through natural erosion of the soil. On their own, the blades of this grass-like plants are transparent and when light passes through them, they act like a prism appearing to be of many different colors. The prism grass sea is a spectacle of always changing shades, dancing in waves simulated by the swaying of the grass under the breeze.


  • Native Species:
    • Geminaie.
    • Various semi and non-sentient species.
  • Immigrated Species:
  • Population: Moderate, regulated through reproduction programs.
  • Demographics: The majority of the population is comprised of the native Geminaie, while a very minor percentage is represented by a select few who have earned the right to a permanent stay in the Advena region and even fewer who have been welcomed into Geminos. Both the entry and the exit of the planet are heavily regulated, and most visitors are only allowed a short stay of up to three months in the Advena region without permits that enable them to remain for longer.
  • Primary Languages: The official languages of Geminidae are Nexilis, the mother-tongue of the Geminaie, and Galactic Basic.
  • Culture:
I. Selective Breeding and Roles:
The Geminaie have been selectively breeding for hundreds of generations. Each individual's genetic code and personality is closely analysed and monitored and then pairs are selected in order to ensure with as much certainty as possible that the offspring inherit specific traits and characteristics, both physical and behavioral. The purpose of this practice is to strengthen their race as a whole, to control the population of their planet and to breed individuals that will be best suited for a certain role in their society. Genetically tailored for this specific role, each Geminian receives a specialized education and training so that they excel in the field they were designed for. Because of this practice every profession and labor is carried out by highly qualified personnel.

Despite being born with a predetermined role and path, Geminians do not ignore ambition and personal preference. Individuals deviating from their assigned role is a rare occurrence because behavioral suitability is also considered in the breeding programs, but it is not unheard of. Although choosing a different role is not forbidden, it is discouraged and frowned upon but in the end accepted if the Geminian proves themselves effective and efficient in their new, chosen role.

II. Isolationist Tendencies:
Geminians have always kept their interactions with the rest of the galaxy to a minimum, preferring to watch from the sidelines and carry on their lives in secret and solitude; or so it seems. For a long time, they have believed that opening their borders to foreigners and stepping into the big scenario of inter-planetary relations would bring them nothing but chaos, instability and tragedy, as the history of the worlds who do has proved time after time. However, they are also a people deeply characterized by their curiosity.

In order to satisfy both their desires of separation and knowledge, the Geminaie began breeding and raising individuals with the sole purpose of them leaving Geminidae to explore, learn and acquire new information, technology and even traditions or other skills that they deem useful and beneficial through the means necessary (negotiation, spending years within a community to learn its ways, becoming apprentices to foreign masters of x skill/art, infiltrating companies and institutions or even stealing technology to replicate or modify in Geminidae). These individuals, known as the Ambassadors, would then return to Geminidae to teach what they have learnt.

III. Acculturation:
Thanks to the Ambassadors, Geminidae is a very culturally diverse planet that has ample knowledge of the galaxy despite its protective and isolationist practices and is very resourceful and innovative. With adaptation being one of the distinctive traits of the natives and on their relentless pursuit of betterment and learning, the Geminians assimilate aspects of foreign cultures with little to no difficulty. They modify behaviors, pick up on customs and adopt new philosophies and practices which quickly spread through the population. Their own culture is more of a never-finished jigsaw puzzle whose pieces get changed when they find one that fits their current purposes better. They have become a chimera of cultures and most people, no matter their origin, would discover at least some aspects they find familiar in the ways of the geminians.

IV. Integration of Foreigners: It is almost unheard of but there have been some instances in which a foreigner or small group of foreigners is welcomed into Geminos and integrated into Geminian society. Given the reserved nature of the Geminians, it takes a considerable amount of time and effort to gain their trust. Once they feel an outsider can be trusted, they introduce them to their culture and put them through a harsh evaluation period of character and knowledge. If the foreigner meets their expectations, a council is called, and a unanimous vote is needed to accept the person as a honorary Geminian.

V. Curiosity and Innovation: Geminian society is driven by a deep seated desire to better themselves and their planet. Just as they have the breeding programs for the former purpose, they have taken to technology for the latter. Learning and building on what is learnt is a daily activity for the inhabitants who are always looking to improve on what they already know or have. Intuition, creativity, analysis and handiness are highly valued traits for the Geminians. Just like their own behavior and culture, their cityscapes are also forever changing -albeit more slowly- under the steady paced advance of the technology they create.

IV. Tight-knitted Societies: In their own way, Geminians are very group-oriented people. They hold individuality, personal identity and ambition with great value and believe in the mastery of oneself, mentally and physically, to be the true goal of their lives because their philosophy states that the advancement and security of the whole shall be attained by the perfectioning of the components: the individual. In most cases, they are incredibly supportive of each other and every aspect of an individual's identity is respected and welcomed. The reason why they believe in the breeding programs and the castes also stems from this behavior: one will be of more help to the others doing what they are good at. They will discourage or reject behaviors and decisions when they believe they are not in the best interest of the group, but will become supportive once more if their reservations are proven wrong.

IV. Arts and Expressionism: The arts and crafts are probably the area in which the diversity and contrasting colors of their complex culture truly shine through. Geminians believe entertainment, symbols and expressions to be as important as any other part of their lives. There is no true definable characteristic to be described, between the merging of their own forms of art with any they find interesting or beautiful from foreign cultures, it is safe to say that their art, music and literature will have something to cater to everyone. In a similar way to the Echani, the Geminians see physical discipline and mastery as a form of art in its own right


  • Government:Elective and Constitutional Monarchy, welfare state.
    • The Sovereign: The Sovereign is the monarch of Geminidae. The Sovereign holds great power over the administration of Geminidae but does so under a constitution which limits their reach. Decisions and measures are usually taken in conjunction with the Tribunes through vote with the Sovereign having the right to approve or deny their resolutions. The Sovereign will keep their title until they are deemed unfit to rule or 'obsolete'. The Geminians prefer having younger individuals as monarchs because they are considered to be the most adaptable and innovative. The average age for a Sovereign to retire is around 70 to 80 years old (the Geminaie are a long-lived species, this would be around 40-50years old for a human). There is no official proper form of address, but they are often referred to as "your Majesty" or "liege".
      • Manner of Election: As happens with all social roles in Geminidae, potential Sovereigns are the result of the longer and more complex breeding programs. The Geminaie who have been born as potential Sovereigns are known as the Heirs. A Heir will be prepared throughout their life to become the Sovereign but because this might not happen, since there are usually about twenty Heirs born and raised per ruling period, they are allowed to pick up a secondary role and go through its training in addition to the one they receive as Heirs. Once the Sovereign announces their retirement the Heirs are summoned, and they are subjected to the Geminian Ordeals: a series of tests both physical and mental to prove their aptitude. The results of the tests and a vote cast by the Tribunes after every round are transformed into a score, candidates are eliminated until one remains. The eliminated candidates are no longer considered Heirs and will not be summoned again. The Heirs have no true privileges as members of society other than the respect and prestige associated with their title. Non-Heirs are permitted to participate in the Geminian Ordeals if they pass a primary testing, but so far in the history of Geminidae none of these individuals have succeeded in becoming Sovereign.
    • The Tribunes: The Tribunes are advisors to the Sovereign and authorities throughout the different regions of Geminidae. They are elected by the Geminians. Every five years a revision vote is held, and the people decide whether they want to renovate a Tribune's mandate or choose a new one. There are twelve Tribunes out of which three, the longest ones in office, are the High Tribunes.

  • Affiliation: Her Majesty, Sovereign Feyd Serit. (NPC)
  • Wealth: High.

    Geminidae is a planet with abundant natural resources and a growing, sustainable industry with advanced technological development. The economy is the only affair for which Geminidae does come into contact with other planets and systems, however they do so only in the strictly necessary measure to ensure the income of the planet is enough to sustain their society, industries and research. Because of these protectionist measures, Geminidae has developed a strong internal market that can become incredibly competitive if introduced to foreign commerce. The well organized and profitable economic systems of Geminidae yield a stable and considerable income which is then invested in the planet. This, together with the regulation of the population through the breeding programs, provides Geminians with a remarkably high quality of life and near zero poverty rates.
  • Stability: High.

    Geminians possess an uncanny ability to adapt their behaviors and to understand that of others, leading to very few misunderstandings or conflicts among the people. Their structured and well administered society ensures good quality of life while the security forces make sure any legal trespasses are dealt with swiftly and justly. In the later years, a rift has started to form between those who wish to keep to their established protocols and those who want Geminidae to abandon its harsh isolationist practices.
  • Freedom & Oppression: Relative.

    To outsiders, Geminidae certainly seems to be ruled by a few oppressive practices. There are two matters in which this does ring true: the breeding programs and leaving Geminidae. Regarding the first, the imposition of reproduction programs is certainly not as fierce as it was in the past, but its demands are still felt in the form of social pressure. Those who do not wish to be a part of the programs are expected to remain childless or, at the very least, find a 'genetically compatible' partner or face the disapproval of their community. As for the second, being a Geminian trying to leave might be even more difficult than being a foreigner trying to enter Geminidae, unless one is an Ambassador. The Geminians who wish to leave must pass a series of evaluations comparable to some of the basic tests of the Ambassadors, which is no easy task for someone who has not received their education. It is known that one of these evaluations is hand to hand combat against an Ambassador.

    As for the rest, Geminians are free to do as they like so long as they abide by the law and their wishes and liberties are respected both by the people and the government. There is little to no resentment against their selective breeding practices and they are embraced and celebrated by the great majority of the community. This is because, albeit a bit restrictive, Geminians truly feel most comfortable and accomplished in their assigned role and, if they did not, they know they won't be stopped from pursuing others.


  • Military: Standard.

    Well-rounded and equipped, Geminidae's military and fleet is comprised of professional and highly skilled soldiers and pilots who have been trained since childhood. The military and its divisions receive generous funding from the government. The main purpose of the military force is the defense of Geminidae and its system. Because there is no intention of using their military for purposes such as expansion or colonization, the size of their military is very reasonable. Their equipment and armament are up to par with the average planet from the core regions. The Geminian Sentinels are the division of both the army and the fleet whose sole purpose is the surveillance and control of the entry and exit from Geminidae's orbit and proximity and the frontier between Advena and Geminos. The Sentinel fleet would be the first responder in case of a threat.
  • Technology: Slightly above galactic standard.

    Geminians spend a lot of resources in research, development and the creation of technology of their own or in modifying pre-existing one. They are pioneers in the fields of defensive armament and structures (large scale shields, surveillance, etc.), mechanical engineering (machinery, droids, gadgets, curios), construction (architectural design) and medicine (genetics, biomechanics and diverse pharmaceuticals). They have recently started venturing into spacecraft design but there have been no advancements of note yet. Their industries work under strict environmental care measures and regulations and many of their creations are non-hazardous to nature.


Hidden away behind the dark veil of the nebulae of its system, Geminidae was shaped by the forces of the universe and nature into a planet where life took its course unencumbered for many millennia. At first a planet with a very unstable surface, the clash and shift of its tectonic plates would set the incredible and unique mountainous landscape. And just as it happened in many other planets, only time was needed for the waters to rise and lifeforms to evolve. Many types of mammals, amphibians, reptiles and avian creatures called the ancient natural paradise of Geminidae their home, and one of them would rise above the rest becoming the sole sentient species of the planet.

Early Development.
They called themselves the Geminaie, an antropomorphic species who had adapted to the irregular and daunting landscape of their planet. They were intelligent and curious, and slowly began to develop more complex societal structures and technologies. Back in those days the way in which they grouped was very similar to the present one: smaller societies scattered across the planet with shared common territories where the different tribes met every once in a while, to stay in contact.

The pace in which the Geminaie developed was a steady one, their tribes becoming cities and their bone-carved spears metal made weapons. Many generations later, they would discover the greater truth of the universe and the expanse of it on their own. They would send explorers on voyages to other systems, for back then they did not have the distrust they have in the present. At first, they were met with countless amounts of empty and uninhabitable planets. But it did not take them long to find humans.

They found a large population of them on an arid planet. A few generations ago, their spaceships had been damaged beyond repair and they became stranded, forced into a life of harsh survival. The Geminaie decided to invite them into their own world, taking pity on them and feeling curious about this species that seemed to be remarkably similar to their own. From them they learned about the core worlds and their history, the many wars and tragedies, the Jedi and the Sith. This caused alarm in the natives and was the seed that would bloom into their isolationist practices.

Recent Times.
Time passed and with experience and observations their fears were proven true. The Geminaie did not approve of what they saw in the rest of the galaxy and decided their planet would be best off on its own. They closed off most of their world to visitors and only maintained strictly necessary contact with other systems, mostly to maintain and stimulate the economy of their own planet. To this day, Geminidae stays on the sidelines of events, carefully guarded by its inhabitants. But there are some who believe it is time to face what will one day be inevitable, voices pushing for the end of the isolationist practices that have always been the rule of Geminidae are slowly starting to be heard.
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Zak Dymo

Naviira Naviira

I apologize for your wait. I have just a few comments for you.

1. Major Exports
Major Exports:
  • Technology (defense weaponry, medicine, droids, diverse gadgets)
  • Metals and refined ores
  • Raw materials (crops, fruits, plant products, oils, lumber, gas)
  • Services (architects, scientists, engineers, geneticists and counselors among others)
  • Exotic Species
  • Water

Which metals and ores, specifically?

2. Unexploited Resources
Unexploited Resources: Mineral, ore and crystal deposits. Forests. Freshwater bodies. A few songsteel deposits, known to the inhabitants but left untouched due to harsh regulations regarding its extraction and use.

Same question as above: Which minerals, ores, and crystals are found here?

Please tag me when you have completed any edits.

Zak Dymo

Naviira Naviira

Thank you for those edits. My last comment is a minor note here:

Atmosphere: Type I, Type II past certain altitudes due to lower pressure of air and concentration of oxygen.

Are there many areas on the planet where this is relevant? If not, please merely list Type I. The atmosphere type should reflect that which concerns the planet generally, not every possible permutation of the atmosphere from sea level to the Kármán Line.

Once that's done, I believe this will be ready for Administrator review.
Zak Dymo

A human would no longer be able to maintain consciousness due to low oxygen levels past 3000m altitude and most of the terrain and the cities pass this height. I'm not sure if it would be right to say that this is an atmosphere change, but breath masks would be required so I thought it best to include it as such.

Zak Dymo

Naviira Naviira

Then this should be clearer in the submission. If the majority of the places where roleplay on the planet would take place would have a Type II atmosphere, then you might consider listing that as the primary atmosphere type, with the annotation that there's Type I at lower elevations.

Zak Dymo

Naviira Naviira

Good, but I'm not sure a casual reader who desired to write a thread on this planet would necessarily follow. Maybe something more along the lines of:

Atmosphere: Type II due to the high elevation of most cities and major locales (breath mask recommended due to low atmospheric pressure). At lower elevations near the surface, the atmospheric pressure provides a normal Type I environment.

That takes the math out of it and puts it in a more narrative context. Over to you if you have any comments or feedback there.
Zak Dymo | Naviira Naviira


I'm here to handle the Secondary Approval for this sub. Overall, it's very pretty with a lot of solid information. You should feel very proud of this!

This part is my favorite:

Nature: The Prism Grass Sea: The Prism Grass Sea is the largest and deepest wetland in Geminidae. Here a native species of flora grows, floating over the surface of the giant lake. These plants feed from the minerals and other "impurities" that found their way into the water through natural erosion of the soil. On their own, the blades of this grass-like plants are transparent and when light passes through them, they act like a prism appearing to be of many different colors. The prism grass sea is a spectacle of always changing shades, dancing in waves simulated by the swaying of the grass under the breeze.

Just a few small things to adjust:

1.) Location: Lyran IV hex - This is fine, however, I would suggest also linking Lyran IV. I would also need you to add general positioning. Is it north of this hex? South? Just a general approximate would be fine.
Location: [ This can be a screenshot of the hex from the map with a marker, or you can say that it is located "in X planet's hex" and give a general description of positioning. If you intend to add this planet to the Chaos Map please review the rules thoroughly.]

2.) Native Species: I think this was missed because I don't think the Species existed when the Planet was made - But, I did come across Geminaie, the Heights Dwellers. Please link them here.

3.) Immigrated Species: Do the "Other alien species" have significant enough populations that they're worth mention? I noticed in Demographics that it should be few, but, wanted to double-check.
Immigrated Species:
Shell spiders, brought to Geminidae by Ambassadors a long time ago.
Humans and other alien species, mostly in the Advena region.
Immigrated Species: [ Immigrant species with significant populations. Any uncommon species or custom species should be linked. ]

That would be all. Very, very small tweaks but otherwise a well thought out and very imaginative world. If you ever do decide to make a submission for the NPC Sovereign you can always do a Submission Modification so that you can link her in as well.

Give me a tag me when you're ready for me to take another look, or, if you have any questions. Thanks!
Thanks again for your comments and input! I added the specific near-human species worth of mention and deleted the "other alien species" part. I think I got all of the edits but let me know if there's anything more!

Srina Talon Srina Talon
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