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Major Faction Orientation | The New Jedi Order




Ryv Karis, Sword of the Jedi

So you wanna join the New Jedi Order, huh?

I feel like I should start by saying we aren't the traditional types. Don't get me wrong, we like robes and meditation as much as the next guy, just uh, not as much as something more practical. You only wear a bathrobe to the battlefield once before realizing how stupid of a decision it was. Better to recognize the situation you're in, adapt, and overcome the problem at large. That's what it means to be a member of the New Jedi Order. We’re built on second chances and pragmatism, there’s no time to debate idealism. Plenty of people do that for us. Our place is on the front lines, leading the fight in the battle against darkness.

While the Sith Empire grows weaker, others move about in preparation, biding their time. Genocidal aliens consume entire planets to fuel their tireless war machine. Some have lost hope. Not us. I have only one thing to say to those who willingly abuse our galaxy for their own benefit.

There will be peace, but not for them.

It all started with a call—a message sent out by a lone Jedi Master aboard an artificial moon. Peace, we called it. Belonged to the zeffo once upon a time. Made an excellent place for Jedi to hide. Powered by a nexus, heightened our abilities significantly. Hell, it could even teleport. It was awe-inspiring. We spent months on that funny little moon cleaning it up, training, and learning. Some of the greatest Jedi of this age went there to discuss unification. Spoiler alert: It didn't happen.

The Silver Jedi weren't keen on the idea. They left. Jedi from the Grayson Imperium and Corellian Confederation stuck around, though, as did many of the stragglers. Together we became the Jedi Order, and for the first time in my life, I felt like I was a part of something bigger than me. We had a system in place. We trained and studied together. When the time came to test our mettle, we did not falter. The Sith's surprise attack on Kintan claimed many lives, but we turned them back beside the Silvers.

Eventually, the strain started to wear down on many of us. Our founder disappeared, others followed suit. With no other Jedi to turn to, we looked inward. The galaxy continued to change around us. From the ashes of the Grayson Imperium rose the Core Federation. The Corellian Confederation soon adopted a new moniker of their own, the High Republic. Both of these powers upheld the very same ideals the Jedi Order served. Months of negotiations, overseen by the Jedi Order, saw both parties agree to unite their strength and bring stability back to the Core.

The Galactic Alliance was born. The New Jedi Order right alongside it.


Council? You wanna know if we have a council?

Of course, we have a council, we’re Jedi. Bit of a different approach than you’re probably used to, but it's definitely there. We don't follow the traditional method. No council of masters or Grandmaster to head the whole thing. At the top, you’ve got two people. The Sword and the Shield.

I know what you’re probably thinking. Ryv, what does that mean? Are our leaders a rusty old sword and a pockmarked shield we’ve kept around for a good laugh? Come on man, we're new age, but not THAT new age.

The Sword of the Jedi is a distinction first given to Jaina Solo by Jedi Grandmaster Luke Skywalker. It came at a time of great turmoil for the galaxy, much like today. Most of us just assume it was an honorary thing, but nowadays it really means something to us. The Sith have taken so much from this galaxy. Trillions have died in their endless march for control. The Jedi elected by the New Jedi Order to lead us against the lurking dangers is named the Sword of the Jedi. First to arrive at the fight, and last to leave, the Sword embodies the very will that drives our Order.

So, if the Sword is out fighting the good fight, where does that leave the Shield? Typically at the homefront, taking the lead domestically. People get injured while out fighting, folks need teachers, and sometimes the GA needs some help when negotiations take a turn for the worst. When that happens, we look to the Shield for guidance. How they’re chosen is kinda confusing, so bear with me, alright?

From what Master Varobalder has shared with the rest of us, the force has a hand in it. The more spiritual of our brethren have received visions of a guiding light, one meant to lead the Jedi forward against this endless crusade of shadow. The Shield exemplifies what it means to be a Jedi above all else. Borders and factions are cool and all, sure. But when it comes to the nitty-gritty, the Jedi need someone who can remind them what it is we’re fighting for:


Right now, the position of Sword is taken up by yours truly, Ryv Karis. Folks seem to like the way I do things. And, truth be told, until recently, the position of Shield didn’t even exist. These visions granted to us by the force have brought about a much-needed change. One that sees our little light, Auteme Denko-Durren, claims the title Shield of the Jedi. Pretty cool, huh?

Before you get picky, yes, I know a council is made up of more than two people. There are others who help us keep the lights on. We call ‘em the Circle.

These are the guys who handle the day-to-day. Bunch of students in need of a class? The Shield looks to one of the Circle to handle it. They cover a wide range of responsibilities from caring for the sick to war preparations. Each member of the Circle is a Paragon of the New Jedi Order. They individually embody a different aspect of the Order. Guardians, Shadows, Healers, you name it. And together, you’ve got yourself a body of experienced Jedi unlike any other in the galaxy.



Aaran Tafo, Warden of Peace

To be a Guardian is to understand the paradox of fighting for peace. Violence should always be the last resort of a Jedi. But when it comes time to draw your blade, there can be no hesitation. For we carry a heavy burden. To protect those who cannot protect themselves. To strike back against those who would take advantage of the weak or abuse their own power. To uphold the ideals of the Order. That the strong should protect the weak. That all sentient beings have the right to decide their own fate. The path of the Guardian is not an easy one. You are the first line of defense, the first into a fight, and the last one out. Giving your all to protect those who fight alongside you. Be they your fellow Jedi or our brave allies in the GADF.

So I ask if any of you are willing to share this burden with me. To raise your blade in defense of the innocent. To stand true to your ideals and fight with me for a brighter tomorrow!

For when faced by the mad, the tyrannous, and the depraved servants of the Dark. The only way we will be able to achieve our peaceful future is if we are willing to fight for it!


Bernard of Arca, Jedi Sentinel

Jedi Sentinels get the job done, no matter what the job may be. We're a walking DIY-book. No challenge is above getting a good old Jedi-try with our mindset. We excel in high-pressure situations that require quick thinking and problem-solving skills that would leave other Jedi believing no solutions exist. We're the essence of thinking outside the box.

Our greatest advantage is the versatility of our skill sets and our adaptability in the face of any challenge. We know a bit of everything, from the snooze-fest of Force philosophy that our Consular compatriots can't shut up about to the 'peak-physical mastery' the Guardians would have you sacrifice your entire life for, and we even draw extensively from the many practical skills our non-force sensitive friends in the wider galaxy have developed. Whatever tool's needed for a job, a Sentinel has probably heard of it.

Now, all this comes with some serious drawbacks, too. Because we value thinking outside the box, we get in trouble with the traditional approach to the Jedi path. A lot. We're at a greater risk of losing our balance and stumbling on our journey. It's hard work, to keep ourselves from losing sight of what's truly important sometimes, especially when we bend rules and definitions to our advantage every day, but with training, it’s possible to keep a cool head. Demanding work, but satisfying.

If you find yourself bored by Morteg's meditation practices or Tafo's saber classes, give the Sentinel's path a chance. You might just find it's the thing you've been missing.


Aldric Galliard, Consular of Serenity

You may have heard of the saying: The pen is mightier than the sword? It exemplifies the core of what a Jedi Consular's work is about.

Our realm lies within the Force and the spoken word. As with all Jedi, the non-violent resolution of conflicts is our highest priority, yet, where our fellow Jedi, the Sentinels and Guardians, reach for lightsabre and blaster to resolve matters of conflict, we employ diplomacy and mediation. It is a difficult path to walk, as all Jedi's paths are, and the galaxy of today does not make it easy on us, but our work is no less vital during times of war.

Our fight involves the creation of mutual understanding and compromise when the rift between two parties is so great that it threatens to plunge both into a mutual abyss. It is also our task to broker peace. Conflicts and war leave us wounded in more ways than just the physical. The Consular's work includes teaching those embroiled in war's flames how to heal and forgive, so that they may build a future that is free of further bloodshed.

The Jedi Consular is not exclusively limited to diplomacy and mediation. The Force is, perhaps, one of the greatest mysteries known to us, and we Consulars seek to actively study it, in order to increase our understanding of its workings and nature. This may take the form of long nights in libraries, hours of meditation, or exciting excursions into the wider galaxy. There is no shortage of paths to walk in pursuit of answers to the questions you might harbor about the very essence of the Force.

If you have a penchant for words, care deeply for living beings from all walks of life, and are drawn to the Force more so than a lightsaber or technology, then the Jedi Consulars might be your calling.


Ripley Kuhn, Jedi Shadow

You wanna know about being a shadow?

I’m sorry, that information is classified.

Relax, kid, I’m just messing with ya. It’s true to an extent- our nature is secrecy, as you can probably tell by our names. That being said, there’s never enough of us, so lemme give you a quick rundown. Our driving force is knowledge, plain and simple. Sounds cliche, but it’s the truth. Information is invaluable, both in the hands of the Jedi, and the Alliance.

That leads us to the day-to-day. Shadows are sort of an enigma within the New Jedi Order- just as we walk the line between light and dark, so too do we border on Jedi and Alliance agent. Most of us are taken into the SIA- Security Intelligence Agency- in our own special subunit. We take jobs that utilize our skills, furthering the Alliance’s interest. It’s not all government work, though. If the NJO needs scouting, reports on the latest sith cults, whatever requires a delicate hand- the shadows are at the ready, for whatever mission calls for us.

I’m not gonna lie to you- it’s not an easy job. Weeks away from home, seeing the darkness in everyone and everything.. It takes its toll. A lot of us aren’t just shadows of the New Jedi Order, we’re shadows of ourselves, and our work becomes our lives.

You’re still listening? Oh, well, if all of that didn’t scare you away- come talk to me at the temple of Coruscant. We’d be glad to have you.


General Maynard Treicolt and Commander Loske Treicolt, GADF Jedi

“The New Jedi Order works pretty closely with the Galactic Alliance’s Defence Force I mean, look at us. ‘Ol Treicolt’s managed to become a General and Loske’s a commander now –– but when it comes to the Alliance Military, we’re Alliance Citizens before we’re Jedi. ”

“Uhh, sort of ––That only means we’re required to go through the regulatory promotions and routines, our Jedi creed still regulates how we conduct ourselves on the field. When it comes down to it, and we’re shoulder to shoulder with soldiers, they know who we are and what we stand for. They rely on us to uphold that standard.”

“But to get shoulder to shoulder, we earn our ranks the same as everyone else.

We’re also upheld to the disciplinary principles of the GADF. Court Marshals, suspensions, all that. Trust and service go hand in hand, and we’re able to serve wherever. We have Jedi Aces in the Starfighter Corps, Guardians as part of the Army, and Shadows as part of the SIA.”

“With a slight benefit...given our hmm, transferable usefulness let’s say, we sometimes hold more than one position at a for example is both Commanding Officer of Saber Squadron, Starfighter Corps, and General over the 104th Battalion. I fit in there as XO and..captain? Really depends on what the mission needs at the time...and where our comfort is.”



To fight ignorance through knowledge;
To act as the guardians of life;
To bring light to the darkness;
To serve others, rather than rule;
To always seek betterment;
To be the light in the dark

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