Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Oderint Dum Metuant | The First Order Invasion of Galactic Alliance held Mustafar Hex


Location: Somewhere near the Alliance Base
Objective: Blow up the Alliance base and collect Jedi Skulls for the Skull Throne
Allies: [member="Jude Falkrowe"], [member="Koshka Scalvez"]
Enemies: [member="Michael Sardun"], [member="Aeron Kreelan"], [member="Grozkalla"]

He didn't have time to worry whether or not his blade hit its mark, there as a thunderous explosion nearby and from its fiery birth emerged a single individual flying propelled by the detonation's explosive force through the air and towards him. The Sith Lord's first instinct was to deactivate his remaining lightsaber and roll to the right to put himself out of the man's trajectory, that was a simple task and was practically second nature to the seasoned warrior, and as he came to a stop he reactivated his lightsaber and held it in a one-handed defensive stance.

He could still fight sufficiently with one blade, but it wouldn't hurt to fill his open hand with another weapon. The covered staff that was slung across his back suddenly unfastened itself from its leather sheath and levitated up into the air before falling to rest in the open palm of his left hand. The thick cloth hood that had been draped over the staff head was then removed to reveal the mangled and rune-inscribed skull that topped the grisly weapon, each intricate line carved into the polished bone pulsating with latent power. The mere unveiling of such a horror would send the weak-willed into a frenzy of terror, no matter which side of the battle they were on.

It was why he had kept the skull concealed with a scrap of cloth weaved with dampening threads that protected the Imperial soldiers from being driven to madness while they were still en route to the planet, but now there was nothing holding the deranged energies from infecting others. He thrust his staff forward, using it as a conduit to exude a powerful telekineic blast towards the Jedi Master that would tear up the ground as it passed.
Location: Darth Vader's Castle
Engaging: [member="Sarge Potteiger"]
Allied: [member="Kriel Firin"]
It happened in the space of a few moments. With her attention divided, the foe sped towards her. Her momentum was broken and advantage lost. She took a rapid sidestep and brought her lightsaber up for a deflection. But before there was contact she felt a tug at her leg. Instead of fighting the sensation and deflecting while off-balance, she moved with it dropping to the floor and, with the aid of the Force, speedily rolled aside. The Ren scrambled to her feet, firing off a wide, indiscriminate kinetic push in the general direction of the enemy as she did so to give the girl a chance to rise to her feet unmolested.

"That," she snarled and panted, "was most unsportsmanlike." Samka resumed her fencer's stance. Legs spaced apart, curved Saber at arm's length pointing directly towards the enemy. "Very dishonourable conduct to strike while your partner is distracted." In truth, it was nothing she wouldn't have done herself but she enjoyed prodding the enemy with her words. She enjoyed the sound of her own voice.

She gave her weapon a little twirl, goading the Jedi into attacking her. There was another figure approaching now, a presence she recognised instantly as that of her former Master, Talon Ren. The man glad in black ignited his blade. He was here to fight alongside her. No words were exchanged between the two Ren, there was no need for any. She only chuckled, a small almost girlish simpering sound. She knew the power of the man at her side now, someone even stronger than her. What she knew of the Dark Side had been shaped by him.

Time was running short and she could afford to be delayed here forever but Talon had earned himself at least some aid before she had to depart. She circled the Jedi defender for a moment and then unleashed strands of red and orange Dark Force energy towards her opponent. A Force Drain aimed to sever her foe's connection to the Force itself and rejuvenate herself in the process. It was no coincidence that this was a technique Talon himself had taught her but it was now something she had perfected. Plenty of practice and access to a specialised a Sith holocron had pushed her capabilities to a level her former Master had never seen. Perhaps she wished to show him how much she'd grown. Or perhaps it was simply her strongest attack to punish the foe. She didn't have time to psychoanalyse her choice of attack now. She just had to attack.
Location: Barkesh North
Objective: Hold the lines, teach the FO about taking vitamins
Allies:[member="Rebel Sunka"] [member="Trextan Voidstalker"] [member="Rekha Kaarde"] [member="Tsuki Aihara"] @nock leothan
Enemies: FO, directly engaging [member="Asharad Graush"]
Keeping NPCs as background noise

Muscles along her forearms flexed as she went to pull her staff back. Body twisted away from the armored Sith as the force whispered a warning. But it wasn't fast enough. Two of those five heads grazed up here side, along her ribs, biting into her armor weave and tearing clothes before he was thrown back.

Base of her staff hit the ground and she leaned heavily on it for a moment, one hand cradling her side. She'd have two long lines of bruises but the weave saved her from the fangs. Just barely.

Myrtle-ellipses watched the Sith between counter attacks, waiting for a clear moment. There. Purple lips pursed into a thin line. A clear shot to the Sith' s left ribcage, the closest one to her. Bringing up her wrist ion beamer, she fired.
First Order Planetary Defense Forces
FN-4077 "Sub Zero" or "Zero"
Rutan Surface
Allies: First Order, Imperial Remnant, and other Allies
Enemies: Galactic Alliance, and Allies.

Looking around with FN-888 no where to be seen. Zero was alone as she liked it but yet orders were orders, so stopping a moment to allow Joan to catch up would the the wise idea. Leaning up against a tree, taking a rest, though not letting her guard down. Zero didn't want to get jumped by the SIS but yet she needed to take a rest to regain some stamina for the upcoming fight with said SIS. Taking off her helmet hoping Joan didn't show up while she had her helmet off, but yet not at the same time not really caring.

"I knew I was fast but didn't realize I was that much faster."

Zero was faster than most troopers but she didn't realize she was faster than the officer she was supposed to be working under. It made her really think to maybe dial down the speed level she would run at for the rest of the mission

[member="FN-888"] | [member="Micah Talith"] | [member="Vexen"] | [member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Jarven Zexxel"] | [member="Maria Natalja"]
Vader's Castle
Allies: [member="Ty Rellius"]
Enemies: [member="Kriel Firin"] [member="Samka Derith"]

Typically, he'd engage in banter, but he wasn't feeling it just then. Contrary to what most realized, Sarge couldn't really 'sense' with the Force. During the galactic horror known as the Dark Harvest, when the dead rose to stalk the galaxy and whole worlds plunged into bitter street to street fighting for survival against biological horrors, he'd gone on a mission to Elrood. In attempting to save a group of scientists attempting to synthesize a cure, he came in contact with a relic that briefly turned him into a beacon in the Force.

It unlocked his Force power, but sealed away a great darkness in his mind. Telepathy was beyond him, and so were any true sensing abilities. He could call upon the Force, however, but he couldn't tell if the Dark Side was strong, or if the person he was talking to was a Force User.

On the flip side, they couldn't see into his mind; to touch it was to stare into the abyss, to see the myriad colors of madness laid bare. No one had actually tried touching his mind, and thus he remained unaware of this fact.

This, however, did not preclude him from being able to know when the Force was acting on him. He'd fought Sith for most of his life, and so when he went to shift his stance and felt himself slow, like his muscles were stiff... he immediately dropped to one knee and sent out a Force Wave with himself as the epicenter. It would be more than enough to knock her over - given their close proximity - but the newcomer he'd just noticed would likely be simply stumbled.

He wasn't as close, and he'd only wanted to break her concentration. Rising again, he took a step back, keeping them both in front of him as he raised his blade into a low guard again, having 'reset' the fight as best he could manage. "Mm, you've brought a friend." He remarks casually, as if she'd just invited her ally to join them at the bar for a drink.

Nokk Leothan


Location: Falling back to the Alliance base
Objective: Hold the lines and beat up some FO stormtroopers
Allies: [member="Trextan Voidstalker"] [member="Rebel Sunka"] [member="Rekha Kaarde"] [member="Tsuki Aihara"] [member="Taheera Sollo"]
Enemies: First Order, exact writers TBD

As his squad fell back to the base, he started to see blaster bolts fly past him. The first troops had been deployed. He ran faster, trying to avoid being hit by a sniper. One of his men suddenly fell dead. He urged his squad to keep running, because falling back to collect the body would most likely make the squad even easier targets. Eventually they got to a defensive enplacement.

It was near the other defenses of the Alliance base. The post was part of a trench system, and there were two anti-infantry guns along it. He manned one of them and prepared for the incoming attackers. The rest of his squad went in the trench and prepared.
Location: Darth Vader's Castle
Engaging: [member="Sarge Potteiger"]
Ally: [member="Samka Derith"]

Kriel observed the interchange. He was not biding his time or allowing his potential opponent to tire – or anything untoward. He was merely observing his former Disciple and ascertaining if she could manage this duel without his assistance.

Yet what he observed was not someone intent on defeating the foe she faced, but rather someone who looked as though the duel was an inconvenient distraction on her way somewhere far more important. Where she was destined to go, Kriel did not know – but he accepted and understood the role he was about to play. Once he had the light sider’s full attention, he fully expected Samka to slip away.

So it was with mixed interest that he observed her next attack. It was an Ability he’d taught her, but she’d clearly taken her proficiency to a new level. And the bittersweet aspect? It was an Ability he’d warned her of, for its addictive tendencies. If she was now proficient to this level, he wondered how much she’d been practising and to what degree she was dependent.

But that was a conversation for another time. Right here and now, there was the man in the resplendent exoskeleton to deal with.

And he wondered what the outcome of the exchange would be. His former Disciple was literally sucking the Force from the man between them, and here he was, calling it to himself in order to send it in her direction. Logic said that would simply drain him more and add to her power, but the Force was never as simple as an equation. There were simply too many variables.

The Force Wave was not necessarily expected – although Kriel anticipated something. So the first buffet of the energy knocked him back a step or two and he fought initially to retain his footing but did not look to directly oppose the force but allow it to flow around him.

And still he did not speak as the man attempted banter with Samka. Kriel nodded to his former Disciple and stepped forward, his saber held vertically in both palms, on the right side of his body. He was ready to engage.
[SIZE=11pt]Location: Mustafar Ashflats[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Sub-Location: (Eventually): Mensix Mining Facility, Currently at Frontrunner Crash Site[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Allies in Scene: First Order & Allies, [member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="Irajah Ven"] | [member="Rexus Wenck"][/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Allies In Vicinity: [member="Rolf Amsel"] | [member="Torian Pierce"] | [member="Commander Lusk"] | [member="BE-183"] | [member="Heidi Ziegler"] | [member="AR-3752"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Enemies in Scene: Galactic Alliance & Allies | [member="Choli Vyn"] | [member="Elliot Locke"][/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Enemies in Vicinity: [member="HK-36"] | [member="Ultimatum"] | [member="Draco Vereen"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Objective: Defend Frontrunner Crash Site[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Personal Equipment: FO-02 Stormtrooper Armor, F-11D Blaster Rifle, Bayonet, Combat Knife, SE-44C blaster pistol, x4 Thermal Detonators, x1 M1-VX "Vee Ex" Grenade, x3 M1-NR "Nerve" Autoinjectors.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Unit Equipment: (for general reference and flavour purposes only): FO-02 Stormtrooper Armor | F-11D Blaster Rifles | FWMB-10 Repeating Blasters (select troopers) | T-7 ion Disruptor Rifles (select troopers) | Bayonets | Combat Knives | Thermal Detonators | Standard Concussion Grenades | x1 FI-H8b: Hussar Command Speeder | x14 FI-C9v: Cuirassier Assault Repulsortanks[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Post: 8[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“I certainly would not wish to prevent you from using your medical skill and knowledge, nor would I presume to tell you how or when your doctoring.” Pharazon said, he could not see the smirk that had no doubt marked her face, but he could hear it in her words. He liked that spark of defiance and independence in anyone, was heartened if amused hearing it from the diminutive Doctor when compared to Pharazon. He was already starting to consider leaving the command speeder once he finished issuing his final set of packaged orders to his platoon and squad commanders that would tell them their place in the future formation that included the other tanks and the other ground troops, and various other contingencies and tactical plans Pharazon hoped would at least prepare them for contact with the enemy under various circumstances.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Act as you will, I only ask you to consider your own safety, regardless, so long as myself or any of my Stormtroopers draw breath the Alliance shall not have you or the Grand Moff” Pharazon said firmly but assuredly, he was not going to force his direct protection on her or restrain her in the command speeder, he knew that her skills were likely best used and most effective when she had autonomy to act as she willed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]As Doctor Ven entered the command speeder, Pharazon returned his attention to the monitors and equipment feeding him visuals, data, and reports from the 189th and the repulsortanks under his command. He quickly ascertained that his Stormtroopers and the fourteen repulsortanks under his command had formed up in an initial defensive wedge as they prepared for the rest of the First Order units to form up together, so as to ensure they were not caught unawares as they began to leave the crash site. The Stormtroopers performed final checks on their weapons and armour, ensuring power packs we ready and set to full charge, and that armour seals were functional and their helmets were properly connected to the company command and com network. Tank crews likewise check their weapons and other systems, ready fight at a moment's notice.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Then came the moment.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Pharazon heard the cry of incoming and then his command and tactical consoles within the speeder and his helmet flared to flashing life with contact reports threat assessments. His lieutenants confirmed assorted Alliance shuttles and gunships moving against them and that troops were beginning to land in the distance, the more pressing development were the gunships raking the Imperials with covering fire. Pharazon began to issue specific orders to engage and counter the enemy.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“All platoons and repulsortanks, redeploy the wedge orientated toward the oncoming enemy gunships and shuttles. Stormtroopers, all platoons, take up positions behind and around the tanks along the wedge, each platoon should maintain it position along the wedge, only break formation if necessary” Pharazon began ordering calmly though dark and firm.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]He then switched his com channel directly to the tank commanders he had been assigned. “I need the rear three tanks of each wing of the wedge to focus fire on the gunships firing upon us and any troop landers within range, shoot them down or take their attention away from the crash site and Stormtroopers” he barked, finishing his initial round of orders.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]As his troops ad tanks moved into position, they were raked by fire from the gunships. Fire, smoke, and ash filled the air around the Stormtroopers, several white armoured Imperials went down dead or wounded in the barrage. They reached their new position quickly, facing in their wedge the landing Alliance troops at a distance. Pharazon was growing concerned over the gunships and the potential for anti-tank equipment to be carried by the Alliance troops. A lock shock and bang shuddered through the command speeder from a glancing hit by a blaster cannon round. The damage was minimal but Pharazon did not like confined places at the best of times, least of all when people were shooting at him while he was inside one. However, he also knew that his talents, now that they had been attacked without beginning their redeployment to the mine, were better suited with him leading from the front and on foot with the other Stormtroopers.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Rising from his seat in the command speeder, Pharazon turned to Doctor Ven. “I would advise you to stay in the command speeder for your safety, however… should you wish to exercise your great medical skill and knowledge, follow me and be ready as we already have dead and wounded, choose fast” Pharazon said, the aggression and adrenaline surging through his body evident in his voice. He then quickly exited the speeder and moved toward the head of the wedge where the Stormtroopers of 4th Platoon and Lieutenant Remus Cain were positioned. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]However, given that the command speeder was positioned behind and in the middle of the wedge he did not need to travel very far, and could return to the command speeder quickly should he need to [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]utilize[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] its command functions. All across the wedge the Imperials began to fire upon the Alliance gunships preying upon them. Heavy laser cannon bolts and anti-air missiles streaked through the sky from the six tanks firing at the Alliance air support, filling the sky with smoke and savage red flashes. Stormtroopers poured fire from their blasters in great red lances that hurtled toward the Alliance gunships, lighting up the smoke with ominous red flashes distinguishable from those of the fire and magma of the planet.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The gunships continued to rain down fire upon the Imperials to take as much of the pressure off of their landing ground troops as possible, Pharazon knew. Another Stormtrooper near Pharazon was blown apart by a blaster cannon bolt, and a repulsortank took several direct hits that broke through a portion of its shields, scoring a great mark down its side. It remained operational but rocked for a few seconds before stabilizing again and resuming fire.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Pharazon looked to his Lieutenant and protege, Lieutenant Cain. “We need to hold their attention until the rest of our forces at the crash site can move and link up with us and destroy the shuttle. We hold fast and stay reactive” Pharazon barked to be heard over the horrific cacophony of the battle. “Understood sir. The 4th can hold the tip of the wedge and I am sure Solarus, Tauron, and Lacroix can hold their positions across the rest of the wedge respectively, I've also been in contact and have established overlapping fields of fire, sir, we are ready” Cain said calmly and professionally. Pharazon knew him and could tell he was nervous, but if Pharazon knew anything about his friend was that he was resilient.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Adjusting his visor settings to give him the best view of the shuttles and gunships through the smoke, Pharazon added his own disciplined blaster fire to the torrent, taking crouching cover behind the lead tank in the wedge and popping out to fire a single shot or a short burst of shots with quick pulls of the trigger. The gunships were keeping their distance by that would not stop Pharazon, his troopers, and his tanks from making their task as difficult as possible.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Pharazon and the other officers of the 189th and tank commanders could see the troop landers coming down, but they seemed to be landing at a distance away from the crash site. Several of the repulsortanks not firing on the gunships providing covering fire directed their dual linked heavy laser cannons on the landing troop shuttles but did not expect to do much significant damage given the range, as the Stormtroopers readied themselves for the inevitable assault of the ground troops.[/SIZE]

“This is Captain Draken, the Alliance has begun their assault”[SIZE=11pt] Pharazon began over a com channel to the Grand Moff, Doctor Ven, and the other officers present, before being silenced by an explosion of dirt and ash as a blaster cannon round landed in an empty are of ground near him, spewing ash into the air and over all those near by. Reasserting his focus he continued, [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]“Ground troops are landing and they have shuttles and gunships in the sky providing covering fire and fire support. I would strongly advise you to quickly[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] finish whatever is left to be done”[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Pharazon said firmly more quickly this time, not wanting to be cut off again nor give any impression that they were not about to be embroiled in heavy fire.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]As Pharazon fired upon the gunships with his blaster rifle a sharp pain tore through his chest and abdomen. He fell back behind the tank and leaned against it while sliding down. Looking down to check himself for the blaster wound that he was certain was there, he saw nothing, just ash covered and imposing white armour. He stared down at his chest for a few seconds more, completely dumbfounded by the lack of a wound. The pain surged again, he was ready and composed himself, controlling the pain, however, this time it was accompanied by a scream. It screamed his name “Pharazon!” He knew the voice, he knew the sensation now, it was like he had felt on Kaeshana. He recognised his sister Elenthyia’s voice from his previous experience, but this time it was different, he could feel [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]her pain and fear, all consuming. [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Something has happened.. By the Mists… Elenthyia no! [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Pharazon wailed internally despite having no knowledge or anything suggest this was not a trick of his mind. But he knew from experience to trust his feelings. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]However, he could do nothing, so he let it fuel his anger, his rage, his lust for combat perfection as he picked himself up and fired a brutal barrage from his rifle at the gunships and any exposed crew or gunners.[/SIZE]
Location: Darth Vader's castle
Objectives: Repel the Galactic Alliance | Secure the castle
Allies At Location: [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Ara Ren"] | [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] | [member="Castor Ren"] | KoR/FO
Enemies At Location: GA
Gear:{In Sig} Ren Attire / Cloak

It was just Connor’s soft footsteps that could be heard crunching over the gravel that was strewn across the tunnel, backtracking where he came to the smelting yard where the lava once converged. He looked around, reaching out with his attuned Force aura to surround himself in the energy that stained the walls and floors. Dark Side energy that had survived hundreds of years, bottled within the castle of Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader. The First Order had been born from the ashes of the Empire he forged from the Dark Side, and now this place rightfully belonged to them once more.

He turned slowly in his helmet and felt it. Like a calling. A power that was for the worthy, not the foolish.

The black imposing visor of his Ren helmet shrouded his dark eyes as he walked forward to the edge of the yard and pulled away clumps of rock and solid magma that crumbled beneath his grasp the more he dug away. A chamber was un-earthed, and one that looked like an old turbolift shaft built into the yard leading down into the bowels of the castle.

Looking up, and then down, Connor stepped over the rock and twisted iron that once probably made a protective grille around the shaft and wedged himself in; hands and feet outwards. He let himself slide down, dragging debris with him as he did in a regulated speed. The shaft was wide enough for one person, and he could imagine who that one person may well be.

The green glow of the night-vision kicked into life in the helmet as his vision faded, and with the floor fast approached, Connor dug into the shaft and slowed himself abruptly, falling the last few feet down to land awkwardly on more debris and twisted iron. It was metal on metal when he landed, and looking down on the ground he saw the melted remains of the turbolift itself. Charred wire, broken glass and a control panel was all that was left under his feet.

A shiver ran up his body, and the Disciple looked into the bleakness of the catacomb he was now in, and he saw a glow in the near distance. A fiery glow that signalled he was below the castle itself and the source of the magma rivers that flowed into the foundations that had been the building blocks for Vader to work on. Connor walked forward in rocky passageway towards the magma river that forked along the black ashen ground.

Connor followed the streams as they led further into the depths of the castle foundations, and so he followed on the evidently man-made walkway of steel. Broken torches dotted the walls. Magma belched quietly and bubbled here and there.

The call of the Dark Side was strong, and there was much more hidden beneath the materialistic upper castle than expected. Connor felt the hunger inside for power, knowledge and victory. He wouldn’t stop until he had it.

”Focus on my coordinates. All Ren in the vicinity come to me.”

He spoke out into his com built into the helmet, and hopefully it would reach those able to join him. If not, he would continue alone to see what was ahead.

Hazel Zanteres

The Angel/Devil on your Shoulder
Objective: Calm the mob
Allies: [member="Joza Perl"] | [member="Electroheart"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] & Aka'liit
Enemies: N/A

Hazel almost let out a sigh if relief when the mob didn't just immediately rush forwards, or become outright violent again. She watched as the crowd in general mumbled, whispers and quiet discussion going on between various parties within the mass of people. This was a very different beast to past situations. The crowd before her was unpredictable, one could curate their words to appease a vast majority, but all it took was that one person to spark the anger and send them into a rush again.

It brought forth memories, some of her oldest from her military days. Back during her first year when she was deployed into a freshly formed unit. There were a couple hotheads especially with the heavy gunners. After a few bettles the pair had begun to butt heads in the barracks, it was causing chaos between the others and at one point Hazel had managed to slip between the two to stop them from doing any serious damage. It was an amusing sight, to see Hazel; a medic - someone who was easily dwarfed by the two, trying to calm them down. They tried intimidating her, but she had stood her ground. It eventually did calm down, and within a years time one of the two ended up becoming a close comrade of hers. As she stood before the crowd, part of Hazel almost wished it was a situation between soldiers, at least those disputes were typically predictable.

Hazel nearly cursed openly when Vilaz and his men entered the scene, weapons raised with a threat to follow. Instead she kept it internal, sending an annoyed glance towards the Mandalorians' way. Though when Joza seemed to move to intercept them, she gave the woman a grateful look before returning her attention to the mob - who were now more tense with the Aka'liit's arrival. By this point, the older man had made his way to the front of it. And just as he sized her up, she returned the motion. Noting his age, that he likely had experience with situations like this - being the innocent stuck between a war.

"Yes, we would." She began, there was no point in lying here. "We'd see to helping the First Order's wounded, just as we would with the Galactic Alliance. It is unfair and unjust to just help one side, where both are in equal need of aid. If there is any one side we strive to help - it's you, the ones stuck inbetween. We would help both yes, but our priority is to your health and safety."

Her words brought more memories to the the surface of Hazel's mind. Reminding her of when she had taken a step away from the battlefields when the Netherworld Event had occured. She had been occupied with what had been happening with Corellia at the time, but it had given her an opportunity to look back on things. Specifically on the fact she had left countless wounded untended, albeit they were always the opposition to the Republic - but it still pained her that she was going against her doctor's oath. It's what had driven her to ultimately became a neutral party, in which would eventually lead her to the Sacred Lotus.

Allies: [member="Ara Ren"] [member="Kyrel Ren"] [member="Mishel Ren"] [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] [member="Samka Derith"] [member="Kriel Firin"] [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Castor Ren"]
Enemies: [member="Taeli Raaf"] [member="Liliane"] [member="Elmont Block"]
Directly Engaging:
Battle armour, X-11E Sonic Rifle, M1-VX Grenades, Lightsaber


In chaotic situations such as this, one could not afford to lose their focus. Once aggression no longer clouded rational thought and her heartbeat slowed down, Zmej reconsidered her position. The only sensible thing was to find a better place someplace else. Staying out in the open any longer would be counter-productive, and thus the Ren turned and headed to the castle after releasing another booming shot – aside from preventing hostiles from surrounding her, smaller corridors and hallways meant the devastating X-11E could cover the whole area more efficiently. Leaving both opponents behind, either dying or incapacitated and suffering from the sonic rifle’s organ-rupturing blast, the young knight considered the task of holding off the incoming hostiles successful. Although individual fights raged on here and there, none could consider it a stalemate anymore – the Ren have gained the upper hand on the outside. It was time for those who remained to finish their battles, secure the castle itself and taste victory.

Breathing felt particularly painful, giving the knight some difficulty. Taking shallow breaths helped a bit by removing pressure off her ribs, but keeping it up was impossible when lungs screamed for oxygen and adrenaline pounded without a pause. Ultimately, the young knight gave up and inhaled deeply, filling her body with filtered air and a fresh wave of pain, which she had no other choice than to embrace to the fullest. As if trying to puncture her lungs, dozens of sharp needles wreaked havoc across her chest to remind the knight she had, indeed, suffered quite a few nasty hits from the shotgun. Muffled, distorted cried escaped from beneath the helmet, eventually turning into deep, steady breathing, every rise of her chest a new source of hurt to give her the strength to face more. That, and knowing her opponents have suffered fate far worse than this. Getting her ribs fixed promised some time in a bacta bath, but survival was guaranteed. Breathing in the nerve agent? Even if they miraculously survived, the gas’ effects would be felt for a very, very long time.

Satisfied so far, yet not completely sated, her lust for battle carried Zmej’s armoured form through the long dead Sith lord’s personal fortress. Walls black as charcoal practically guided the woman’s steps, leading her deeper into Vader’s sanctum that’s been desecrated by the Alliance. Sounds of combat reached her ears quickly, carrying between the walls in crashing echoes. Signatures, both light and dark, touched her own and the cold hearted agent gritted her teeth. Plenty of meat to be ripped apart by her powers and weaponry – though each battle equalled receiving several hits as well. Rushing in without taking a moment to recover spelled quick defeat; she had zero intention of biting the dirt before every Jedi lied defeated and the First Order’s flag proudly announced Mustafar’s new master. As such, albeit unwillingly and already seeing herself gunning down another Force wielding foe, Zmej Ren leaned against the rifle and panted heavily, viewing the world around through the helmet’s visor before glancing down.

One last gas grenade. Making it count was beyond crucial given the sheer amount of death it could sow across the battlefield.

Location: Mustafar skies over Mining Facility
ALLIES: [member="Aver Brand"] | [member="Elliot Locke"] | [member="Choli Vyn"]
Enemies: [member="Rexus Wenck"] [member="Natasi Fortan"] [member="Pharazon Draken"]
Gear: TX-110 and blaster in Sig, Sniper Drone

Janes immediately recalled that this wasn’t the best idea. Sometimes, despite being an analytical creature at his core, he could make hasty decisions. Especially when it came to people close to him. Having heard of Choli’s capture had hurt him, more so that he knew he was leaving the Rogues for a career with the SIS.

He flew with barely a thought. His concentration was on how he should reply to the young pilot, whilst his subconscious appraised the approach of another TIE. It seemed one had decided to graze the upper atmosphere to take a shot at him. The targeting computer warned him of incoming missiles. His left hand stabilised the ship with repuslors whilst his right brought him about.

“Yes it's me. Black One on your readout. I sort of…”

The computer honed in on the incoming missiles, tracking with the nose mounted repeater.

“...Forgot that I'm not supposed to be here. So if you could not tell anyone else, that would be grand. But…”

He pulled the trigger giving a one second burst. A few moments later a white flash showed he'd struck the target. A gentle nudge brought his nose around to bear as he continued to plunge through the atmosphere. Backwards.

“...At least you know why I couldn't come visit. Which I so, so sorry about. Still. Great to see you flying.”

Another burst of laser fire and the second torpedo was plucked out of the air. A different warning sound started. Asmus pushed his left forward to ramp up the engines. His ship slowed its descent and came to an abrupt halt a few hundred metres above a magma flow. A few sparks from below grazed the shields and had the shimmer a faint blue. He hovered there for a moment as his squadron mates caught up.

“Heading for your position now Cho, stand by.”

“Well Janes,” called Chad, “that the first time you've taken a plunge bottom first.”

“You know it isn't,” Wilson added.

“Alright Ghosts, stick tight. Moving to a defended First Order LZ. We're going to come in low and hard.”

ALLIES: [member="Darth Carnifex"] ; [member="Koshka Scalvez"]
ENEMIES: [member="Michael Sardun"] | [member="Aeron Kreelan"] |[member="Grozkalla"]
EQUIPMENT: Duraplast Armor Stormtrooper version of this basically | C-51 | Wrist Datapad | Vibroknife

ENGAGING: , [member="Aeron Kreelan"]

Jude had been behind cover the whole time as the thermal detonator exploded but he felt no life disappear through the Force. Instead, two new powerful beacons of the Force had appeared. The agent peeked through the cover to see a large man, a Jedi obviously, entering the fray. The Sith Lord as if a hound on a prey automatically took upon to engage the Jedi Master. A staff in his hand emitted malicious aura and Falkrowe could feel the weak-willed around flip the kark up.

Great, now I got to watch my back too.

The agent's attention was taken by the arrival of an armored blonde lady. One strong with the Force.

This keeps getting better and better.


Falkrowe went back down under cover as a hail of blaster fire struck the steel cover he had found himself behind. Well, there was not much time for thinking through it. The agent tapped into the Force and found those in the front lines of the Alliance that had weaker mental barriers making it easier for him to intrude. A quick and easy task was to divert their fire upon, well, the blonde lady.

A pair of soldiers opened fire upon the blonde.

Mishel Kryze

Location: Vader's Castle, Third Floor
Allies In Range: None
Enemies in Range: [member="Aela Talith"] (Rooftop)
Objective: Plant the Flag

Mishel rounded the stairs and found herself on the third floor of Darth Vader's castle. Sweat beaded down her face as her bare hands felt clammy against the wooden staff that once served to hold their flag so high. The girl leaned her body up against the warmth of the castle walls, squeezing her eyes shut she recalled the breathing lessons from [member="Kaalia Voldaren"]. Kaalia had been one of the few to witness the girl's breathing and heart problems and reported them to [member="Samka Derith"]. Taking a deep breath she exhaled softly, and again breathing in and then out opening her eyes the teenager had time to reflect on the information presented to her. Putting one foot in front of the other she continued her trek, her thoughts running through the events of the second floor. She had always known she was Siobhan's daughter but it never really meant much until recently. Brother [member="Kyrel Ren"]'s insistence that she pay for her mother's crimes against him, and how the fiery young girl told him that he would, heel at the boot of a Kerrigan. The days she pestered the former Silver Jedi [member="Connor Harrison"] about Siobhan and her exploits but there was only so much he could tell her. The console told her more than she could have imagined though she did little to read but rather skimmed and yet the spirits that spoke to her, spoke truth and now that she was free of her yoke she tried to remember the memories that were supposed to have been gone.

The ones that her programming was to have erased, and yet somehow through the screams of a five-year-old girl she hung on. She clung to the memories as the bacta tank filled, as her screams were silenced in the darkened chambers of the Bastion of Ren. And the questions; do you know who you are? Mishel even now insisted she was Seiger Ren's child but something told her that this wasn't so. But she loved her family, loved the Ren it was all she knew - and yet the quiet voice inside began to whisper.

Feeling a cool rush of air she turned to find nothing there and yet she swore she could hear music. "Ashira..." she whispered, and the memories of her days at the Grand Cathedral flooded into her mind. "Valora, Ardarvia... Goddesses." Walking away from the window, the corridors were large and the light of Mustafar flooded behind her leaving only the shadows against the floors to be seen. And yet, all she could see was a bright golden light dancing across it; snapping out of whatever trance had taken her mind she realized it was the sound of a shuttle. Once more her staff was planted to the duracrete as she headed down the corridor with purpose. Mishel, please you know my name do not turn away from me please... Remember my songs, you once sang them.

The familiar tune of the hymn beat in her mind, the harmony and melody came so easily and she found herself singing the hymn. "Great Mother of Heaven, look down on us. Great Mother of Heaven, preserve us. High Goddess, grant us your favor. High Goddess, show us your mercy and grace. Revered Lady, take us and lead us to salvation. Revered Lady, allow us to imitate your virtues. Holy Ashira, preserve us from evil and sin, Holy Ashira, in your name we worship." Mishel recalled the cannoness as she had begun the ceremony on that day, she tripped over the Eldorai language. A smile along Mishel's face as she now knew the foreign tongue, odd, that a child would cling to a foreign song but the more Mishel thought and dwelled on the blurred memory the more she realized. This song was all that she knew, it kept her quiet, it was a comfort that she did not have in the bacta tank. The choir in the Grand Cathedral - it was their voice, their voices. It drew her there much to her mother's surprise. "Ashira L'Adonai..."


A break in her thoughts, a voice - a voice she knew all too well. Seiger Ren.

Your insolence knows no bounds, does it, my child. You continue to insult me, insult my name, and you dare call yourself Ren? Did you really think that I. Seiger Ren would need an implant to control you? You are mine, or have you forgotten who liberated you from that filth. It was I who gave you your gifts, who made you into what you are today and you dare defy me?!

The sound of her staff clattering against the duracrete echoed throughout the corridors as Mishel dropped to her knees. Hands over her head, planted against her ears, jaw clenched tight as she gritted her teeth. A fiery blistering pain struck out at her nerves, burning beneath her skin as she did her best to not scream in pain, sweat poured down from her skin hitting against the slab of crete beneath her knees. "Get out of my head," she managed to grunt out between gasps of breath as the pain increased. Rolling to her side all she could do was endure the flash of searing heat that swore to break her.

Mishel bit down on her lips as the pain increased, she refused to be pinned down and as she looked at the First Order's flag, with her body prone to the ground she pulled herself across the duracrete floor. Her legs felt heavy, weighted and useless and still, she would try she thought she had to try. "What is wrong with me?" She questioned wondering what was happening to her today, "I am Seiger's daughter." Squeezing her eyes shut, she swore she pushed all of the voices out of her mind. Hand against the warmth of the floor, another hand to the floor she pushed herself up. Feet on the ground she rose and opened her eyes, taking another breath she exhaled and recalled the words of [member="Ara Ren"] when she was speaking to Sister Kaalia, something about how her parents did not define her and she was more than the sum of her parts. Looking over her shoulder she found the staff and as she picked it up from the floor she winced, the sounds of the voices returned. Gripping the staff she concentrated on pushing the voices out, reflecting on the details of her mother's file. Taking a deep breath again she exhaled, closing her eyes once more she came to a realization.

Neither Ashira nor Seiger had control over her destiny, she controlled it.


"Who am I?" She asked as she approached the window. Mishel's eyes tracked the oranges, the reds and yellows as they clashed against the black of the castle and the rocks of Mustafar. Her jaw tight as the girl narrowed her gaze on a particular rock that parted the lava to the left and the right. Seiger Ren's voice represented what she was now, the voice of Ashira represented what she had lost and what she could gain. Seiger still was her current path and what she could also become, does she stay her path or change it. The questions lingered in her mind, and again she thought about her mother. Staring out at the edge of the lava she closed her eyes and remembered the day at the beach, her nose tinged with sadness as the realization of what had happened to her sank. Mishel had been robbed of everything. Opening her eyes she looked down at her hands, Riona's my little miracle.

"I wish I could be the perfect daughter, father but everything leads back to her. And I know, that one day I'll go back there and when I do there's no telling how far I'll go. I know everyone at the Bastion, and I know that we all have our roles and maybe one day I can be okay with mine." Mishel said with a sadness, "but I need to know more, father. You took her from me." Tears fell again, "you took me from my mother. There's a voice deep inside a voice you couldn't silence and it's speaking and it's calling me back home to Tygara." Closing her eyes she swallowed hard and as she opened her eyes the tears clouded her vision. "My mother worked hard for all that she had and you, you took one of her most precious things and Ashira calls to me back home." Licking her lips she continued, "forgive me father, but my future is not set in stone and you do not define me..."

In the Jungle

[member="Vexen"] - The only one with a brain
[member="Kaili Talith"]- what is love? Baby don't hurt me
[member="Micah Talith"] - The reason this all happened
[member="Kellyn Muir"] - The Real SIS agent

Enemies: [member="Jarven Zexxel"] | TX-130T Tank | [member="FN-888"] [member="FN-4077"] | [member="Andor Callro 457"]

Allyson heard the call over the comm as Kaili spoke in front of her. This meant that Kaili not only was here to get her out of the field, she was also involved. Allyson tried to keep her frustration to herself, but she knew Kaili would feel it as well. “No. Kaili go home. I'll be home after this. You need to go, this isn't -” she stopped herself. She wanted to tell her this wasn't her fight, but she knew this would spark an argument.

“Didn't you have a meeting with Incom today?” Ally had been banking on being able to handle this mission while Kaili was busy with business. It seems though, if she did have the meeting she probably cut it short - which would fuel the anger she was feeling.

Knowing no matter what she said her girlfriend’s stubbornness would prevail. Allyson moved to the second speeder and put her hand on it. It helped knowing the system of the machine, she quickly sabotaged it - preventing it from recognizing any function to activate. “Kaili, this other speeder has the side car, I'll take you to the base so you can head home.”

Nokk Leothan


Location: Near Barkhesh Alliance Base
Objective: Defend the northern front from the FO assualt
Allies: (None nearby) [member="Trextan Voidstalker"], [member="Rebel Sunka"], [member="Rekha Kaarde"], [member="Tsuki Aihara"], [member="Taheera Sollo"]
Enemies: (None nearby) [member="Jude Falkrowe"], [member="Darth Carnifex"], TBD
Gear: Currently using an anti-infantry gun

As his squad entrenched, he saw other soldiers entrench and load their weapons. He quickly checked his anti-infantry gun, finding out that its ammo load was full. Suddenly, he started to see small groups of stormtroopers walk through the plains toward the base on the north front. Eventually the groups started to gather into larger forces.

As they started to get within range, he ordered his men to aim their weapons. He put his own weapons down and manned his anti-infantry turret. He could feel that the distance was closing. There was silence for about half a minute, with only the sounds of the incoming stormtroopers and the troops around him loading their weapons. Suddenly, it began.

Yelling "Fire!!!", his squad of soldiers started firing on the nearest troopers. Soon after, more and more defenders opened fire. The stormtroopers returned fire, and soon the plains were lit up with blaster bolts of many colors. His anti-infantry gun tore through the first few troopers, but soon others started either avoiding his blasts or focusing fire on him. This was going to be a rough fight.


Well-Known Member
--- --- ---
Location: Mustafar, Mensix Mining Facility
Allies: First Order & Allies
Enemies: Galactic Alliance & Allies
[member="HK-36"] | [member="Ultimatum"] | [member="Aver Brand"]
Engaging: (Engaging) [member="Draco Vereen"] | (Engaging) [member="Aver Brand"]
In Vicinity:
[member="Torian Pierce"] | [member="BE-183"]
[member="Irajah Ven"] | [member="Pharazon Draken"]
[member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="Rexus Wenck"]
--- --- ---
The last thing Rolf remembered was the light touch of his fist against the enemy - and then the world as he knew it turned into a convoluted tempest of durasteel, pain, and stars overwhelming his vision. He'd done his best to turn his chin but even that could only help so much. The concussive force of the enemy's fist slamming into his helmet was something he hadn't been prepared for. Thankfully, due to the sturdy construction of their new armor, he hadn't been knocked unconscious outright - but to say it was a glancing blow would be dishonest. Blindly rolling to his side as he fought the bright lights playing across his vision, Rolf felt his body ache - he'd slid several feet across the floor and must have caught a support brace in the hallway, he was all turned about.

Rolling towards his chest he placed his hands down on the deck, pushing himself, or attempting to, up. As Rolf did so, he felt his stomach heave, a sudden wave a nausea sweeping over him. *Oh gods, not in the helmet* Forcing back a dry heave he reached out his armored gauntlet towards the wall, stabilizing himself as he rose. Reaching deep within, Rolf pushed hard against the dizziness he felt. As the stars began to fade, a subtle horror began to clench in his chest, a sudden sensation of doubt gripping at the veteran trooper. He found himself without a weapon - a deadly situation if he didn't rectify it. Trying to peer through the flickering glow of his HUD he cursed under his breath, that blow had scrambled his HUD something fierce - but that was the least of his worries.

One part ingrained training, the other part feral instinct, his hand fumbled for a weapon. If by luck or by the will of the Force, his hand found purchase on one of the three cryoban grenades attached to his combat webbing. Hundreds of hours of training had burned its way into Rolf's muscle memory, his hand expertly manipulating the device as he began to wind up his throw. A gentle press of the activator set the Cryoban armed, a flick of the wrist sent it spinning towards the corridor in the direction of the enemy who'd landed the hefty blow - Rolf could still see the skull painted on their faceplate, a ghost which now haunted his vision. It was a lazy through, one more of necessity than practiced accuracy and aim. And the Mandalorian. He'd seen the man fly past in a blur, seconds before he'd been so unceremoniously accosted. As his body turned towards where he assumed the armored hulk to be the Major nearly choked. The corridor had filled with a reddish twinge as the cackling of energy unbound coursed through the air. Had the Mandalorian just grown in size? It nearly appeared so, his stature and posture that of a man fresh and new to the battle despite the barrages of fire that had been unleashed in his direction.

It was then the Major made a decision, consequences be damned. His eyes filled with rage, his heart pounded against his chest. Those were his men. Men he'd served with before, on Zarnathea, on Kaeshana, men who'd gotten him out of tight places before and now they lay crumbled, some still twitching with the dark magician's supernatural abilities. As the Cryboban clinked off the floor behind him, he pushed off with his back leg, right arm held close to his body, the left rising as he activated the knuckle-plate vibro-blade on his gauntlet. They were already close but it had taken him time to rise to his feet, no doubt the enemy before him would have time to turn and face him - but Rolf only saw red. As he entered striking range the Major leapt into the air, left arm raised high, poised to make a strike at the enemy's neck.

At the landing pads, the soldiers were pulling back, hesitantly aiming towards the gaping maw of the corridor. Had the gap been filled with Alliance troops or enemy mercenaries they would have simply bombarded it with the heavy lasers mounted on the shuttle but no - they could see the white finish of the Major's armor and thus held their fire. Frantically they worked to load the wounded and the dead, the deck plating and pad covered in an amalgamation of ash and blood. The Lieutenant and crew who'd so valiantly tried to take down the Mandalorian would be left - hopefully to be recovered later, their bodies no doubt slated for a closed casket affair should they be granted that luxury. Warily, the soldiers at the end of the suspended walkway watched the fight unfold just within the doors, anxiously waiting for the moment they could fire without a care - or assist the lone trooper struggling against the behemoth.

Rolf Amsel's Equipment:

Armor: FO-02 Stormtrooper Armor

Misc Equipment:​
[Kaili's Armor] [Serenity of Inari]
[member="Allyson Locke"] [member="Micah Talith"] [member=Vexen] [member=FN-888] [member=FN-4077]
“This isn’t what?” Kaili gave the Corellian a glance that could turn stone into ice.
Allyson tried to change topic to Incom and Kaili couldn’t help but raise her arms alongside her eyebrows as her head crooked in defiance. “Yeah? You think so?” The girl huffed. “But I am here now,” She sang with snide remarks. “Too late to think about the impacts of walking out on Incom alongside Asmus-fething-Janes!”
Clearly this was the best time to start an argument. In the middle of the forest as whoever was out in the forest continued to do whatever it was they were doing to the Alliance outposts. Kaili raised her hand towards the speeder with the sidecar and gave it the twist of her wrist.
“What sidecar?” She asked in utter defiance as the vessel plummeted from its speeder to the ground with a thud. She raised it for the other speeder in threat of making yet another rash action.
“Either you take me with you, or you are not going anywhere at all.”
[member="Aeron Kreelan"] | [member="Jude Falkrowe"] | [member="Darth Carnifex"]​
Grozkalla shook his head, trying to clear away the strange sensation that had come over him. His eye tracked upward and saw the tall figure in dark armor hurl a lightsaber at him. The red blade spun end over end, humming angrily. Grozkalla raised an arm, eye going wide.

Suddenly, a large, furry shape leaped out in front of the general and intercepted the spinning lightsaber with his body. There came the hiss of searing flesh and the primal cry of fear and anguish.

Grozkalla fell to his knees beside the dying Ayyylmao.

His aide looked up at him with foggy eyes. <<Tell Uncle Beyyr I did not die a coward.>>

The general grasped the soldier's paw. <<I will tell him.>>

Ayyylmao's grip went slack.

Standing, Grozkalla started to turn when an explosion went off near him, vaporizing everything within meters in a white hot inferno. The Alliance general stumbled backward away from the flames, eye wide in terror.
In the Jungle

[member="Vexen"] - The only one with a brain
[member="Kaili Talith"]- what is love? Baby don't hurt me
[member="Micah Talith"] - The reason this all happened
[member="Kellyn Muir"] - The Real SIS agent

Enemies: [member="Jarven Zexxel"] | TX-130T Tank | [member="FN-888"] [member="FN-4077"] | [member="Andor Callro 457"]

Allyson watched as Kaili threw her temper tantrum. The side car she was going to use to transport Kaili with her back to the SIS outpost snapped off and crashed to the ground. The Force was an arena that Kaili would always win against Allyson. Seeing as now their speeder was being threatened by the blonde, Allyson rubbed the bridge of her nose trying to think of something.

Stress was getting the best of her. First the mission she was on was foiled, Micah sent an embarrassing image out into the holo net of her, Kaili obviously found out about Asmus, and now she was here with barely any clothes and a pissed off girlfriend. Yeah, stress and Allyson's breaking point snapped.

“Don't you bring Asmus into this! It's not his fault you walked out of Incom! It's not his fault you're here! You didn't need to come here. Yeah I fethed up my first real mission with the SIS but I'm trying to fix it!” Walking up to Kaili she stood in front of the blonde and poked her shoulder. “I'm doing what you want me to do! I'm not flying with the Rogues! What more do you want from me?!”

Taking a deep breath, Allyson focused her mind on the comm Kaili wore, if she felt she was staying because the SIS put her on their frequency - well then she doesn't get to be there anymore. The comm would suddenly fade out and any connection to the SIS was gone. “You're going HOME. This isn't your fight or your mission - there! Are you happy I said it?!”

Allyson had no outlet for her like Kaili did with the force. Oh how she would love to throw the speeder half way across the forest landscape, but she couldn't it was beyond her reach with the Force. “I can't protect you here! If something happened to you, if I -" Allyson paused again, no Kiki didn't get to find out how important she was. She continued as she raised her arms and shouted towards the sky. "Okay - feth Kaili feth feth feth FETH!”

The only way she could expel the anger and frustration she felt was to do the following: Allyson removed one of her heels and then proceeded to beat the broken side car with the sharp stiletto, which for this scenario - was durasteel.

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