Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Asmus Janes



Name: Asmus Janes

Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Homeworld: Eriadu
Language(s): Basic, Huttese, Sullustan
Current Occupation: Rogue Squadron Leader, previously smuggler.​

Decorated Pilot: Already at 25 Asmus is one of the most proficient pilots serving in the Alliance. He has a quick mind and incredible reflexes and has been flying since a young boy. A talented mathmetician his is a capable astronavigator and able to hold vectors, ratings and other stats in his head to keep a good situational awareness of the battlefield. He has flown more missions than nearly any Alliance or Republic pilot before him.
He has flown at (all in character open threads):
  • the battle of Karfeddion;
  • the battle of Belsavis;
  • defeated a droid fleet at Naboo;
  • the battle of Dulvoyinn;
  • the battle of Malastare;
  • the battle of Coruscant;
  • fought pirates at Kinyen;
  • the battle of Keres I;
  • the battle of Chandrila;
  • engaged at the Sith skirmish on Belsavis;
  • the battle of Atrisia;
  • the battle of Coruscant;
  • the battle of Bomis Kooril;
  • engaged sith starfighters in the liberation of the Itsukusk;
  • the battle of Epiphany station;
  • the battle of Kaeshana;
  • the battle of Mustafar;
  • the battle of Skor II
Capable close quarters combatant: His time with the SIS (as well as a smuggler) has made him capable with sidearms and in hand to hand combat.
Cocky: He chafes under overbearing leadership, talks too much, and likes to take challenges head on.

Description: Asmus is the nephew of the Quintessence's Captain. When [member="Kairon Rees"] overthrew the Captain of the Harlequin Asmus was on board and refused to be put off ship. His parents had been grooming him for a position as an accountant within the company firm, and the tales of his uncle's time serving as a young pirate had always fascinated him. Kairon grudgingly kept him on, but always felt some guilt towards his older sister by running off with her son.

Unlike his uncle, who takes the business very seriously, Asmus sees it as a great adventure. He often tests his uncle's patience during the longer slights and his often first off and last back on the ship whenever they reach a port.

He has the same dark hair and bright eyes as his uncle, but has a much more slender jawline and feminine features. He's often considered quite attractive, and is aware of this. Most of his ship's pay goes on clothing. He finds his uncle's short temper over bearing, and can't understand why Kairon takes the bad trades so hard and is so stern towards his nephew. He has never comprehended the guilt his uncle feels for tainting his innocent relative.

Recently Kairon met [member="Malia Afredane"] and the crew of the Quin flew on the Grey Warden for six months. During this time the ex-Republic officer took a slightly firmer hand with Asmus. Since that time he's been taking slightly more responsibility when working and has been studying to take some astronavigation exams. Kairon and Mal are apparently quite keen for him to try entering a naval academy. His parents still want him to return to the family business and crunch numbers for the trade operation.

During his trips he met several interesting people who used the Quintessence as transport. [member="Joza Perl"] was given a journey to Voss to begin her time with the Silver Jedi. The whole crew got tangled up with an imperial patrol on a shadowport and only [member="Allyson Locke"] 's slicing skills got them off in one piece.

One journey in particular shifted Asmus' world view. In a drunken stupor, he decided to smuggler [member="Kaileann Vera"] out of a quarantine zone and onto their ship. She was distraught after losing her only friend in the galaxy. The following morning his uncle was furious and would have put Kaile off ship had Asmus not intervened and the espion not broken down in tears.

Over that trip all the layers of bravado were stripped away and Kaile found a pleasant, intelligent young man. One with a true talent at the helm and an analytical mind. She told him he would be brilliant. He told her she was beautiful. They inexorably fell for each other. But the espion decided there was no place in his life for her and left the ship at Denon, determined not to contact him again.

Temptation came, amplified especially when she found that she was pregnant. Temptation that evaporated when she lost it at six months.

Asmus found a renewed sense of purpose. He signed up with the Alliance academy after acing some qualifications through distance learning. After a promising start, marked for an analytical or intelligence officerhood he started to chafe under the strict military hierarchy.

A final chance came from [member="Sieb Tevv"]. He was offered a position in the new Rogue Squadron under its new Zabrak Leader. He served dutifully under [member="Loske Matson"] and then under [member="Alexandra Russo"] who made him her XO.

He served at the battles of Juyo, Dulyovin and Coruscant. In the latter battle, that turned the tide against the One Sith, he was shot down and forced to go into hiding on the lower levels with stormtroopers snapping at his heels. Only meeting up with the rest of Rogue Squadron got him off the world in one piece.

At some point he started to become disillusioned with service. The First Order, who had mercilessly bombed his homeworld, were mostly left to expand their space against the borders of the Alliance.

The SIS gave him the option to carry on the war. Discharged from the GADF to give the Alliance deniability he began his service aboard the advanced SIS stealth frigate Subversion. The ship operated in do space actively gathering intelligence and carrying out strategic attacks under the guise of local resistance.

It was here that he found her again. Or rather she found him at the helm of her emergency evac shuttle. They were thrown together to an emergency mission to retrieve an imperial defector together. Asmus managed to get shot and they ended up marooned on a low tech world with a stolen ship and a stolen droid determined to join them in their adventures.


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