Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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No Ridiculous Anime Characters

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Anzat's How it's Done
It's not about avatars, hell, I wouldn't even know yours was anime unless you pointed it out.

Read the full post and the included edits and you might not get a mild case of bumblast
If you find someone ACTUALLY breaking the rules to an extent that someone would find harmful, offensive, or abusive, there's a "report" button for it. Otherwise, if it does not effect you, your family, or your friends, there isn't truly a reason to make a thread based off a few cute anime characters.

To sort through all of the characters to find the ones who are legit, and the ones who are super-kawaii-boob-chan troopers, would take a few days. If you want to do that, by all means go ahead, but trying to rid Chaos of a few specks of people isn't going to cause much more than argument and more trouble than anyone really has time for.
Kathryn Janeway said:
Hold on, are you saying that my presence on these boards would be degrading to all people who roleplay here?

That I'm somehow lessering the integrity of the universe. That some people might feel like that their characters achievements and emotional connections are devalued by the idea that characters who have almost little to no relation to the star wars universe pollute the rich, co-operative saga being written by people who actually care about the star wars universe?

I'm a human, humans are in star wars. I see no reason why I couldn't have been teleported from the alpha quadrant to some unknown galaxy far far away and now it is my goal to get my crew home safely while I thwart cardassian sith threats to the Planet Earth.

Why if it's true, that'd be in violation of the prime directive and I should go find a star trek board.
^ I love you.

All my yes.

I don't think we should do anything about it, much less have the Admins start gunning down Anime ripoffs, but I do think the whole thing is a little ridiculous.

That said, there are plenty of other ripoff characters that are not anime oriented. The character I had who I was most remembered for (Mikhail Shorn) was a rip off of Damon Salvatore from Vampire Diaries. Did it work? I'd like to think so.

So for all of us who write or have written ripoffs, let's use this opportunity to reflect on whether or not we could do better with our ripoffs and make them more star wars oriented, rather than trying to bring anime abilities and powers into the star wars universe.

Edit: there are a lot of alien characters out there in the star wars universe that a lot of people would love to see written. So, maybe next time we all think about making a ripoff anime character we can just make a star wars alien instead. #diversity
Warok the Defiler said:
So for all of us who write or have written ripoffs, let's use this opportunity to reflect on whether or not we could do better with our ripoffs and make them more star wars oriented, rather than trying to bring anime abilities and powers into the star wars universe.
Rip offs are super lame and gross.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Ham, I love ya, but every time I click on this thread I think-

Tralik U'rik said:

Tralik U'rik said:
a play-by who is doing, in my mind, a fantastic job of writing a Star Wars character. Does that bother you as well? And I'm not talking about just the avatar. Much of that character draws on thematic elements of Buu's amorphous body, but I never find my sense of the Star Wars universe smashed when I read a post by him.
Oh stahp! I can't take the spotlight like this! Lmao

Menoetius said:
If people want to RP something that is not, and can never be, Star Wars themed, there are other places on the internet for it.
Perfect answer to this issue? Alchemy. Using it, SW has had creatures from every range. It is a literal way to basically handwave any form/ability/shape into the game. TO AN EXTENT. Those who read this, do not take it to heart and make a fething Galactus character.

On the point however, I keep seeing the term sexualized....has anyone seen the movies??? Leia ring a bell??? She dressed as bad as real life prostitutes while under Jabba. That being said, I do also see the idea of underage exposure aspect being mentioned - this I agree with whole heartedly. However saying a neko character is underage is the same as saying a child character from the Anzat is underage, though could be 80 years old!

It is a matter of opinion, and I wholly support Tef's ideals that it shouldn't be reprimanded.
[member="Kathryn Janeway"]

Kathryn Janeway said:
He thought these life forms must be deficient examples of their race if they truly believe this sort of constructive and creative contribution to the debate at hand is a waste of time compared to spending hours and hours roleplaying on a star wars forum where majority of people aren't interested and some likely to be sickened by anime.

And now you're being passive-aggressive and using IC fiction to mock people OOC. We've already held a thread which showed that many people disapprove of such behavior. Cease and desist, please.
Just as a point of Fairness. While we're ragging on Anime characters, can we also rag on Sith Characters with the tendency to write Strengths: God , Weaknesses: Mean ? And character overpowering nonsense such as this?
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