Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Matthew of Valendale





Matthew possesses a solid build. He's not overtly muscular but seems pretty fit with a well-defined structure. His face has sharp, chiseled features and offers a fine few masculine traits that seem somewhat softened around the edges. His icy cold, blue eyes are sharp and diamond chipped, giving an intense look to anyone he may turn his gaze to. His hair is smoothly and neatly combed back into a taught pony, often washing over his broad shoulders in winding wavy patterns. His face is always kept clean and is always without facial hair. He walks with an upright practiced posture. His voice is full, warm, and rich like that of smooth velvet, and he speaks clearly with great diction.


These magnificent wings, at first glance, may deceive the eye with their pristine white hue. But as one approaches closer, a mesmerizing display of colors unfolds. Like a kaleidoscope dancing in the sunlight, these wings emit a radiant prismatic sheen, enchanting all who behold them.

With each subtle movement, the wings come alive, shifting through a spectrum of pale yet vivid hues. They seem to mirror the surrounding light, creating an ethereal glow that captivates the imagination. The play of colors is reminiscent of delicate soap bubbles, their iridescence casting a spell of wonder and awe.

In their full glory, these wings span an impressive 20 feet from tip to tip, a breathtaking expanse that commands attention.

Matthew is a fair judging, sort of man. He tends to be open-minded and willing to listen and hear people out. He can be described as very kindhearted and serious. He can be very parental. It's a bit hard for him to really let loose and enjoy himself. He tends to keep a wall up against just having fun for he has a strong sense of responsibility. Punctual and reserved. He is always willing to lend a helping hand when needed. Matthew tends to show strong qualities in leadership, determination, confidence, innovation, and motivation. The ability to make sound decisions and to organize as well as coordinate work efficiently is an essential key to how he works. Matthew shows very high self-discipline and shows good manners.

Conceptually speaking, Matthew is a chivalrous man with a heart of gold, patience of a god, and the kindness of a saint. He tries to do his best to make sure he can help in this world. He tries very hard to do what he can, when he can, and he tries to make the best choices when faced with concerning problems. Matthew believes there is a spec of goodness in just about every one and will try to help those whom have suffered. Matthew will sacrifice his time and effort in trying to find solutions to the problems he comes across. Matthew has a very parental out look on the younger folks he comes in to. Matthew will not usually resort to violence. Matthew tends to have a strict set of morals and ethics. Matthew is celibate and does not drink hard drinks nor takes / uses drugs.
Matthew was given up by his mother at a young age and he's spent his life in servitude to the light.

    • Knowledge – Strengths of wisdom and knowledge are cognitive strengths related to the acquisition and use of information.​
    • Leadership is a set of behaviors used to help people align their collective direction, to execute strategic plans, and to continually renew an organization.​
    • Kindness is a type of behavior marked by acts of generosity, consideration, rendering assistance or concern for others, without expecting praise or reward in return.​
    • Honorable- He prefers the straight and narrow and the honorable path often times to a detriment.​
    • Gullible- Matthew believes in giving second chances and believes others can change if they want to and this is sometimes a problem. Prone to misplaced trust and/or easily deceived.​
    • Clumsy – uncoordinated and fumbling; often accident-prone.​



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 'The Jedi who enter the Chambers of Contrition are expected to meditate in quiet reflection upon the errors of their ways. Those who find no penitence within themselves are unfit to be Jedi.'
The Chambers of Contrition, a place known to many as the path through Reflection, is a section within the Temple of the Sun and Moon.

Reflection, as a concept, is used by many different religions to refer to the process of self-examination and examination of the inner life, or the recognition of sins, insecurities, and wrongs, and their effect on oneself. In the case of the Temple of the Sun and Moon, the Chambers of Contrition are a place where those who have committed crimes or otherwise wronged others, or who have strayed from the Light, may atone for their sins. It is a place of solitude and peace, a place where a person can sit quietly and reflect on their actions, and come to terms with the pain they have caused.

The Temple of the Sun and Moon is a place of worship and prayer, a place for those who believe in the Force, and a place for those who feel they have lost their way. It is the home of a religious sub-sect Order known as the Order of the Sunstar, which believes in the power of the Force to affect the world around us, and its connection to the sun and moon, as well as the planets and stars. The Temple of the Sun and Moon was built over five centuries ago, by the Order of the Sunstar and their followers. The Temple is located on a large island in the middle of an ocean, surrounded by tall mountains and high cliffs. It is a place of great beauty and tranquility, where people come to find peace and tranquility for themselves. The temple itself is carved into the mountain. There are many different rooms in the temple, some of which include libraries, cafeterias, gardens, and even a few training areas where people can practice their skills with a lightsaber.

The Temple has no formal clergy, but rather it is a place of spiritual guidance and wisdom that is available to all who come to it, regardless of their faith or creed. The Order of the Sunstar provides the bulk of the clergy within the temple, but other Orders such as the Jedi have been known to make appearances.

The Temple of the Sun and Moon is a place of great importance to many who visit it. It offers open doors with the sentiment of neutral grounds for a rather special purpose that revolves around the Chambers of Contrition. It is the place where those who wish to repent for their sins and atone for their mistakes, can do so without judgment. Those who seek to use the chambers will be welcomed with open arms and given the opportunity to confess their sins and make amends, and seek atonement. Those who are too afraid or afraid to enter the chambers for whatever reason, are offered the opportunity to stay at the Temple and work off their penance.

There are generally two types of people who enter the Chambers of Contrition: those who are trying to atone for their sins, and those who wish to be atoned for their sins. Both groups will find a sense of peace and serenity in the chambers through trials of the mind and spirit, and both will find the opportunity to repent and atone for their sins.

Visions are prevalent here and for those who rest within the temple of the Sun and Moon. Many visions and dreams have been reported by those who entered the chambers. This includes those who were atoned, but those who did not repent have also reported their own visions, which seem to vary greatly from each other.

Atonement is the act of making amends for the sins committed by an individual or group. It is the process of removing or alleviating something that is considered sinful or evil.

The concept of atonement is derived from the idea that people are responsible for their actions and must be held accountable for them. If not, then they will continue to do the same thing over and over again, causing harm to themselves and others.

The order of the Sunstar believes heavily in the concepts of hope, self-betterment, and growth. The order believes that we can always become better people and that if we strive for improvement, then we will reach our full potential. This is why those who enter the Chambers of Contrition must reflect upon themselves and their actions, as well as how they can improve themselves going forward.

There are many ways to atone for sins, some of which involve acts of forgiveness and compassion, while others require the individual to reflect upon what they have done.

The order of the Sunstar holds similar but somewhat divergent beliefs than the traditional Jedi Order.

Emotion although intense and strong are not bad. Emotion is natural and humanizing. They are part of life and are not to be feared. The Order of the Sunstar is a strict order, but it is very open-minded. They believe that the Force flows through all living beings and that by understanding ourselves and our emotions, we can better control them and thus control our lives. They teach that the Jedi Code is meant to control and suppress our emotions, while the Force should be let free.

They teach that emotions can not be helped, but one can learn how to adjust their actions in spite of such strong feelings. They are vehemently against the use of violence as a weapon, seeing it as a means to control people rather than liberate them. They teach that peace can only come through love and understanding rather than fear and hatred.

The temple is open to anyone who wants to repent for their sins or seek atonement. It is open to all who come, regardless of religion or belief, and is a place where everyone can find peace and harmony- if they actually seek that.

The order of the Sunstar teaches that self-betterment MUST come from a place of a genuine desire to change one's self. It can not be forced. A person's own thoughts, emotions, and feelings are not a bad thing; they are part of who we are and need to be allowed to show themselves. However, we must learn to control these emotions and actions, because if we do not, then we will be lost in the storm.

The order of the Sunstar holds the following Code for members to live one's life so that it is worthy of respect and honor.

The Light's Templar Code

  • Devote yourself to life. If there is any way to prevent death and preserve life, it is the way of The Light.
  • Judge not others. By Judging others you yourself are judged.
  • Honor your words and live by them. Your oath is as true as these laws.
  • Help others live a full life, and harm not the harmless.
  • Heal the sick and wounded who ask for assistance. Those whom you have deathlessly defeated remain your responsibility.
  • Abandon all greed, hatred, and evil feelings toward others. These sentiments close the mind to truth and engender a hatred for life.
  • Pay homage to life by living freely and allowing others the same.
  • Respect those who would teach you and ask nothing of those you teach.
  • Respect the laws of mortals, but remember always that your fealty is to the laws of your Faith.
  • Pledge your life, soul, and words to your faith. Never should faith falter.
  • Bring light to the darkness and you shall always be counted among your faith's Blessed.
  • Wear the Symbol of your faith with honor love and devotion.
  • Take only what you need, and give what you can.
  • Let your heart know only virtue. Not Pride, Humility. Not Greed, Generosity. Not Envy, Love. Not Wrath, Kindness. Not Lust, Temperance. Not Gluttony, Moderation. Not Sloth, Zeal. Never Evil always Good.
  • Fight with honor
  • Never abandon a friend, ally, or noble cause.
  • Never attack an unarmed foe.
  • Never Murder
  • Avoid deception
  • Avoid cheating
  • Avoid torture
  • Exhibit self-discipline
  • Exhibit manners.
  • Be polite and attentive.
  • Be respectful of host authority and women.
  • Respect women
  • Respect authority
  • Respect & Obey the Law
  • Respect Life.
  • Administer Justice
  • Protect, Defend, & Uphold the innocent, weak, and helpless.
  • Avenge the wronged.
  • Devote yourself to Valor.
  • Exhibit courage by word and deed.
  • Always keep one's word & speak only Truth.
  • Always maintain one's principles.
  • Never betray a Confidence or Comrade.

The Order of the Sunstar holds true to many rituals based in mysticism with a heavy emphasis on allegory and symbolism for which the temple of the Sun and Moon makes an excellent proving ground. The beliefs and practices of the Order of the Sunstar are rife with esoteric and cryptic proverbs and sayings.

What really sets them apart and differentiates them from the traditional Jedi Order is this strong focus on symbolism that is bolstered and supported by these traditions and adherence to ritual.

Their rituals can be quite complex and mystical, and they take often take into account various elements of the environment.
The rituals themselves are often quite long and drawn out, but they are done in such a way that are given reverence.

In the temples of the Sun and Moon are several rituals that must be performed before a person may enter the Chambers of Contrition, that ensure the penitent is prepared for the trials that lie ahead.

The first ritual set is known as the Path of the Penitent.

The Path of the Penitent includes fasting, meditating, and prayer. Each of these steps has its own purpose and meaning.

Fasting is used to purify oneself. Fasting helps one focus and concentrate on the tasks ahead. It is also used to bring awareness to the body.

Meditation is used to clear the mind. Meditation allows the mind to focus and empty itself of distractions.

Praying is used to communicate with the spirits of the dead. Praying allows one to connect with the spirits, the ancestors, and the gods. It is also used to make requests of the spirits, which can be answered or ignored depending on the circumstances.

These rituals are all important, but they are only a small portion of the whole. There are other rites and ceremonies that must be performed before entering the chamber of the Sun and Moon.

The second of these is known as the Trial of Truth. The Trial of Truth is used to test the purity of the soul, and determine whether or not a person is worthy of entry into the Chambers of Contrition.

The trial consists of three tests: The Test of Faith, The Test of Knowledge, and The Test of Action.
The penitent is provided with the nectar of the Dawnstar Aster brewed with a special tea. This drink is to be consumed before a member of the Sunstar Order who will observe and monitor the penitent taking these tests.

The tea made from the Dawnstar Aster Nectar has a psychoactive effect that has a tendency to leave the consumer with their inhibitions diminished, and their ability to speak the truth of their thoughts and feelings more freely. It is said to have a relaxing calming effect on the consumer. Its effects last two to three hours and take effect approximately fifteen minutes after consumption.

The first test asks the question "Are you of Contrite demeanor-What does your faith tell you?" This is meant to see if the candidate has a sincere desire to change and to seek forgiveness.

The second test asks the question "Do you know the truth-What does your knowledge tell you, and what could have been different?" This is meant to test if the candidate is ready to face reality and accept the consequences of their actions.

The final test asks the question "What will you do? What action can you take now that will make things right?" This is meant to test the candidate's willingness to put their beliefs into practice and take responsibility for their actions.

All three tests are important, but none are sufficient alone. In order to pass the final test, the candidate must answer each question earnestly. If the candidate fails any of the three tests, then they cannot proceed to the next step.

Once the path of the penitent and the trial of truth are complete, the candidate must enter the Chambers of Contrition.
When a penitent enters the Chambers of Contrition, they are stripped of all items except their robes. After completing the Trials of Truth, the penitent is given a robe of white and gold.
The Chambers of Contrition is the heart of the Sun and Moon Temple. The Chamber of Contrition is where the penitent is meant to confess their sins, face themselves and seek forgiveness. It is where they come face to face and confront their shadow self. The goal here is to work out the details of the penitent's past, present, and future; and to bring their two halves into balance.
[There is a puzzle that must be completed to open the doorway into the Chambers of Contrition]
After completing the entry door one finds themselves in a circular room with many different doorways to choose from. There are several locations one can venture into throughout the Chambers of Contrition, each with its own trials and tribulations.

The Hall of Reflection is where the penitent must reflect on their lives.

The Hall of Pain is where the penitent must face their demons.

The Hall of Wisdom is where the penitent must find answers.

The Hall of Mercy is where the penitent must forgive themselves.

The Hall of Fire is where the penitent is tested on their faith.

The Hall of Water is where the penitent is tested on their knowledge.

The Hall of Air is where the penitent is tested on their actions.

The Hall of Earth is where the penitent is tested on their will.

The Hall of Time is where the penitent is tested on their spirit.

The Hall of Life is where the penitent is tested on their emotions.

The Hall of Death is where the penitent is tested on their memories.

The Hall of Rest is where the penitent must rest.

There are also other rooms in the Chambers of Contrition, but these rooms are reserved for special occasions.

The last part of the Chambers of Contrition is the Hall of Contrition.

The Hall of Contrition is the place where the penitent confronts their past and makes amends. They confront their other half and reconcile the differences between them.

Each of these halls are designed to challenge the penitent and help them grow stronger.

The Halls of Reflection, Mercy, and Pain are the most well-known. These halls are used to test the penitent on their ability to face their inner demons. Each of these rooms has its own purpose and function, and each room is a test of the penitent's character.

The Chambers of Contrition is not just a place to talk about yourself. The chambers are a sacred space, and they hold many secrets. The rituals and the teachings of the Sun and Moon Temple keep those secrets safe. Each of these rooms is symbolic and representative of the trials and tribulations of the penitent. The penitent must use all of their senses and abilities to overcome the trials and tribulations that await them
After a penitent has finished their time in the chambers of contrition, they are taken back to the Sun and Moon Temple. Here, the penitent is made whole again.

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