Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Major Faction Administrator Limit


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A lot of responsibilities tend to make people unmotivated. Limiting that could prevent a lot of factions from stalling, in my view at least.

I feel if anything it put limits to the game play if one is an adm. to many fraction. Also, then its comes to stand that one could do this but I would think they could use there position to get one Faction more advance then others.

So I say maxim of two if not just one.
Well-Known Member
Yes, I'm an advocate of an administrator serving solely to one faction.

Though if we must, I am not adverse to allowing them to take two administrative roles in factions. Connections with other factions can sometimes be beneficial to a faction, in a sort of ambassadorial role.
Yes. I think it should be limited to a single faction as well. FAs hold a lot of responsibility and things they need to do to help the faction grow and keep moving. Dividing yourself between two or more FA roles, by spreading yourself too thin, you do a disservice to the factions you are serving. It's certainly a conflict of interest as well.
I agree with the others saying one should be limited to administering a single major faction. There's an obvious conflict of interest being an admin for multiple competing factions with different priorities. As far as major factions go, their members deserve committed admins.
[member="Tefka"] [member="Isley Verd"]

Writer accounts? Or individual characters?

I vote yes on individual characters
I vote no on entire writer accounts

Edit: if this doesn't affect minor factions, I could be persuaded to a writer account wide limit
Isley Verd said:


I suggest a cap of two adminships, maximum.

It'll encourage the individuals to really prioritize their roles, imo.

Along with what other people already said regarding 'too much responsibility = lose of motivation"

Imo, it will get people to work harder on their own things so it would lead to less 'flash in the pan'.

In business we call it a conflict of interest... In several invasions you see Admins that play in both sides... Some even admined in both. It should be limited to one. And if in an invasion with a faction they play both sides, they must be required to play the side they admin. The more responsabilities one takes on the less freedom it gives. If people don't like it, then don't agree to be faction staff.

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