Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Artist Kae's Code Canvas - Template Building, Alterations, and Code Help

Hello, and welcome to my canvas!

I'm Kae!

Here you will find my documentation of various templates I generate or adjust for myself and others. See here for some of my previous work, though to be fair, that's terribly out of date and possibly not as mobile-friendly as far as what I can do now.

I can:
  • Build templates/alter existing templates
  • Help if you're having issues with your code
  • Make your template mobile-friendly
If you're having code issues, or would like a template built, or are simply wondering how I did something, or anything template-related, please PM me here on the site, or DM me on Discord - I'm easier to reach on Discord because I tend to stay logged in on one of my subaccounts most of the time, rather than this one.



p.s. Shoutout to mah girl Amz Amz - she's fantastic with graphics (signatures, avatars, etc) and aesthetic, and has learned from me all she knows about div code, to build some absolutely beautiful post templates. Check her out!


Directory: All templates are mobile-friendly. Templates with code spoilers (they will say 'Template Code' on them) are free to use and alter for your purposes. Otherwise, please ask!
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This bio template is intended as a default bio template for the Clans of Islimore, altered from the updated template I did for my alt Alfhildr Ótta Alfhildr Ótta (Which you can see here), at the request of Aelin Erevos Aelin Erevos , who created the dividers for this template. You can see much more of her work here! <3

Please open the spoiler to see what this template looks like. :)


Full Name
Personality Traits
Education Traits
Lifestyle Traits
Force Sensitive
Force Alignment
Character Alignment
Template Credit
  • VVVDHjr.png

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam in risus auctor, porttitor neque sed, efficitur libero. Nunc facilisis justo risus, nec aliquet odio fringilla ac. Donec pretium facilisis feugiat. Integer diam sem, fringilla eu iaculis quis, ultricies condimentum nulla. Curabitur leo erat, sodales eget risus et, dignissim ullamcorper elit. Donec sagittis molestie massa, ut auctor quam porttitor ac. Nam vel purus non orci commodo ultrices. In sit amet ornare augue, non congue dolor. Proin vehicula gravida nibh, eu hendrerit metus interdum vel.

    Maecenas quis lorem justo. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam neque nulla, suscipit ac eros sed, pulvinar blandit arcu. Suspendisse imperdiet et lorem ac fringilla. In aliquam ut velit eu vestibulum. Morbi sit amet ultricies neque, at finibus orci. In tincidunt scelerisque iaculis. Donec elit dolor, mattis et congue eu, tincidunt vitae lacus.

    Fusce venenatis est risus, vel porttitor leo congue vitae. Curabitur id turpis enim. Phasellus euismod viverra tellus, ut euismod nisi sollicitudin nec. In iaculis dapibus tincidunt. Nulla augue turpis, sagittis sit amet sapien in, feugiat molestie est. Nullam quis tortor massa. Curabitur sollicitudin est vitae efficitur rutrum. Aenean sed varius turpis. Donec iaculis velit augue, a lobortis eros tincidunt id. Nullam lacinia interdum mi non suscipit. Curabitur at tellus dolor. Morbi ut dignissim nunc. Curabitur sollicitudin est vitae efficitur rutrum. Aenean sed varius turpis. Donec iaculis velit augue, a lobortis eros tincidunt id. Nullam lacinia interdum mi non suscipit.

  • 527505.png

    *Ability Icons can be found HERE

  • Islimore_Divider3.png

    Brief Arc Description Here
    Placeholder | Placeholder | Placeholder | Placeholder


    Brief Arc Description Here
    Placeholder | Placeholder | Placeholder | Placeholder​






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This post template is an updated version of my previous template for my alt Ichika Masudo Ichika Masudo . Please see her bio for a bit of a different look with the same colour palette and background. The divider is a recolour of one of the Galactic Alliance dividers, suited specifically to the colour palette of this template. Please open the spoiler to see what it looks like.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sagittis nunc vel lorem efficitur viverra. Proin tincidunt, arcu sed efficitur mattis, diam urna bibendum risus, non condimentum justo enim ac lorem. Morbi sit amet sem eget quam posuere cursus. Cras venenatis aliquam urna. Maecenas vulputate est sit amet ullamcorper maximus. Sed sagittis egestas diam non maximus. Duis ac diam in dolor posuere facilisis vitae vel nunc. Mauris ex libero, faucibus ac nunc ut, posuere finibus augue. Nunc eget scelerisque orci. Cras scelerisque sapien vel sapien ultrices, eget suscipit velit hendrerit. Vivamus vitae libero velit. Vivamus at sagittis mauris. Integer sapien urna, sollicitudin ut finibus quis, sollicitudin sed nibh. Maecenas nunc elit, aliquam at condimentum ac, fringilla quis leo.

Duis ac quam tempus, pulvinar elit vitae, convallis turpis. Nunc a sagittis metus. Etiam ullamcorper mi ac orci gravida, congue sodales est finibus. Curabitur commodo mi et ligula molestie, vitae tristique massa posuere. Ut a enim metus. Etiam suscipit eget tellus vel dapibus. Aenean tincidunt mi massa, in accumsan sem rutrum vitae. Quisque condimentum eros lacus, luctus commodo est consectetur auctor. Phasellus aliquet aliquam enim vel egestas. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur purus nibh, cursus nec dignissim rutrum, posuere non ipsum. Ut sem odio, tincidunt vel scelerisque sed, aliquet et lorem.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Curabitur in eros laoreet, vehicula turpis eget, egestas justo. Nam ultrices et leo vel euismod. Integer neque purus, ornare ac ornare ac, porta sed nulla. Maecenas et cursus tortor. Nunc fermentum arcu arcu. Duis ac molestie justo, non mattis risus. Phasellus id massa ac ex varius posuere. Fusce ante nisi, blandit eget libero in, tincidunt iaculis dolor. Fusce euismod mi sed ex consequat, sit amet sollicitudin libero hendrerit. Nullam posuere tristique commodo.


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Here is a recolour of the default Clans of Islimore Bio Template at the request of Astrid Ylva, with her images included into the template. Open the spoiler to see what it looks like.



Full Name
Personality Traits
Education Traits
Lifestyle Traits
Force Sensitive
Force Alignment
Character Alignment
Template Credit
  • VVVDHjr.png

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam in risus auctor, porttitor neque sed, efficitur libero. Nunc facilisis justo risus, nec aliquet odio fringilla ac. Donec pretium facilisis feugiat. Integer diam sem, fringilla eu iaculis quis, ultricies condimentum nulla. Curabitur leo erat, sodales eget risus et, dignissim ullamcorper elit. Donec sagittis molestie massa, ut auctor quam porttitor ac. Nam vel purus non orci commodo ultrices. In sit amet ornare augue, non congue dolor. Proin vehicula gravida nibh, eu hendrerit metus interdum vel.

    Maecenas quis lorem justo. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam neque nulla, suscipit ac eros sed, pulvinar blandit arcu. Suspendisse imperdiet et lorem ac fringilla. In aliquam ut velit eu vestibulum. Morbi sit amet ultricies neque, at finibus orci. In tincidunt scelerisque iaculis. Donec elit dolor, mattis et congue eu, tincidunt vitae lacus.

    Fusce venenatis est risus, vel porttitor leo congue vitae. Curabitur id turpis enim. Phasellus euismod viverra tellus, ut euismod nisi sollicitudin nec. In iaculis dapibus tincidunt. Nulla augue turpis, sagittis sit amet sapien in, feugiat molestie est. Nullam quis tortor massa. Curabitur sollicitudin est vitae efficitur rutrum. Aenean sed varius turpis. Donec iaculis velit augue, a lobortis eros tincidunt id. Nullam lacinia interdum mi non suscipit. Curabitur at tellus dolor. Morbi ut dignissim nunc. Curabitur sollicitudin est vitae efficitur rutrum. Aenean sed varius turpis. Donec iaculis velit augue, a lobortis eros tincidunt id. Nullam lacinia interdum mi non suscipit.

  • 527505.png

    *Ability Icons can be found HERE

  • 2Ba1WS0.png

    Brief Arc Description Here
    Thread Title/Link | Thread Title/Link | Thread Title/Link | Thread Title/Link


    Brief Arc Description Here
    Thread Title/Link | Thread Title/Link | Thread Title/Link | Thread Title/Link​








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This post template and bio template were created at the request of Elias Edo Elias Edo . All images have been replaced with ones I use. Open the spoilers to see what they look like.



Personality Traits
Character Alignment
Template Credit
  • rm50yYC.png
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque iaculis orci bibendum purus auctor, at lobortis velit ultricies. Sed in lectus malesuada, dignissim metus vel, pellentesque elit. Sed ultrices, risus sit amet laoreet pulvinar, lacus erat venenatis odio, et consequat ante urna elementum lacus. Duis efficitur risus mauris, sed lobortis massa efficitur ac. Morbi nec diam cursus, feugiat libero at, ultricies nisl. Aenean aliquet mattis orci, sit amet finibus nisi accumsan pulvinar. Quisque vestibulum turpis id dapibus maximus. Curabitur consequat malesuada blandit. Suspendisse tincidunt nunc et velit ornare vehicula. Nunc rhoncus scelerisque dolor a eleifend. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque pulvinar risus id magna accumsan, ac scelerisque nisl semper. In vestibulum est sit amet felis lobortis efficitur. Duis aliquet elit nunc, vel euismod odio rutrum sed. Cras luctus dui purus, vitae sodales ante consectetur sed. Morbi congue rhoncus est vel rutrum.

    Nulla leo turpis, bibendum eu interdum molestie, fringilla scelerisque magna. Proin a elit eu est porta congue. Morbi vestibulum nisi ut laoreet congue. Donec at tincidunt magna, in volutpat risus. Integer congue pellentesque quam id maximus. Curabitur interdum ex diam, et lobortis eros hendrerit tristique. Fusce nisi velit, consequat in purus id, lacinia lobortis dolor.

    Proin quis suscipit sapien, id viverra ex. Nam magna eros, ornare quis arcu a, luctus sollicitudin risus. Integer ac porttitor diam, sed aliquam ex. Nullam vehicula facilisis est, nec porttitor ligula faucibus rutrum. Donec auctor mattis lorem eget imperdiet. Vestibulum congue augue et fringilla laoreet. Sed et magna urna. Quisque maximus turpis risus, eget accumsan tellus accumsan nec.

    Maecenas interdum felis vitae turpis fringilla interdum. Vestibulum lacinia, tortor eu consequat congue, tellus velit vestibulum orci, vel suscipit tellus nunc nec elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Duis ut placerat odio. Sed et odio ultricies, molestie ipsum tempor, rhoncus nunc. Aenean condimentum arcu nec luctus vehicula. Integer a efficitur ligula, et egestas ligula. Duis lorem nulla, ultrices nec odio dignissim, ultrices venenatis libero. Proin eget augue facilisis, condimentum ipsum quis, elementum elit. Maecenas vitae justo ipsum. Nulla in nunc in nunc elementum efficitur.

    Ut a vulputate lorem. Maecenas vel placerat justo. Quisque sit amet libero in nibh ornare ultrices ac vitae quam. Proin aliquet sem eget elit maximus imperdiet eu at ante. Suspendisse id aliquam odio. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla et urna at erat dictum varius. Duis gravida diam sit amet elit consequat ullamcorper. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse rutrum eget erat in sollicitudin. Proin tincidunt elit non vestibulum rhoncus. Maecenas hendrerit metus porttitor diam porta auctor. Morbi finibus aliquam fringilla. Cras enim nibh, gravida efficitur dolor accumsan, euismod molestie elit. Sed elementum tortor in odio efficitur, nec dictum elit ullamcorper. Nam justo nisi, rhoncus vitae malesuada sit amet, ornare sed ipsum.
  • pgZEq6O.png
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sed purus vulputate turpis porta tincidunt. Duis magna nisi, ornare at feugiat non, tristique sit amet nibh. Sed feugiat ultrices sodales. Integer sit amet felis dictum ipsum lobortis auctor eu vitae orci. Phasellus ex urna, consequat sit amet metus ac, bibendum pretium massa. Duis placerat sapien ut tortor sagittis, sit amet placerat quam tincidunt. Praesent et porttitor nulla.

    Morbi vestibulum sed lectus tempus consequat. Sed massa nulla, pulvinar eget erat tempor, pellentesque congue enim. Aenean placerat convallis nulla, vel sollicitudin dui ultricies congue. Donec malesuada tortor id consequat vestibulum. Praesent et gravida ligula. Donec accumsan orci vitae sagittis ultricies. Maecenas eget lorem a velit sollicitudin tempus a quis odio. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Proin vitae gravida magna. Duis ac pellentesque lectus. Nulla eget sapien tellus. Curabitur in facilisis ipsum, eget vulputate libero. Vivamus odio elit, congue at dolor eu, egestas mattis diam. Praesent laoreet posuere hendrerit.

    (+) Strengths:
    • Strength
    • Strength
    (-) Weaknesses:
    • Weakness
    • Weakness
  • PhvWlyr.png

  • XKcAJbu.png

  • lwsuHjR.png


    Chapter description here​

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam ac enim quam. Sed suscipit placerat ornare. Mauris id est eleifend, efficitur est vitae, fringilla ex. Praesent nulla metus, euismod eu lacinia ut, scelerisque eget quam. Proin volutpat felis libero, sed tristique augue tincidunt varius. In nec semper nulla. Curabitur sit amet arcu viverra, egestas felis et, malesuada erat. Sed tincidunt mauris nec turpis luctus fringilla. Curabitur velit tortor, congue at ante ut, cursus vehicula arcu. Integer malesuada tellus at scelerisque semper.

Phasellus lectus odio, efficitur ut risus id, sodales ultricies nibh. Quisque ultrices quam id vehicula dapibus. Nulla finibus, massa nec ullamcorper dignissim, tellus dolor sollicitudin lacus, quis ultricies eros tortor dapibus sem. Nullam volutpat odio sit amet ligula tincidunt, vitae pretium ante efficitur. Suspendisse hendrerit hendrerit quam, eu molestie eros. Aenean volutpat odio id aliquam consectetur. Curabitur in semper neque. Mauris pharetra faucibus augue eu dignissim. Cras malesuada, odio pretium lacinia aliquam, sem metus ultrices sapien, quis porta neque ligula ac ex. Nam nec nulla vel erat tincidunt auctor. Aenean in dignissim orci. Morbi at velit ultricies, aliquam quam quis, ullamcorper risus. Aenean condimentum pharetra turpis, non elementum lacus maximus sit amet. Ut dignissim arcu sagittis pretium auctor. Proin quis consectetur justo.

Suspendisse a lacus eu ipsum scelerisque tincidunt. Praesent fringilla ut arcu at varius. Quisque vitae velit turpis. Sed ut mauris mauris. Phasellus consectetur lectus id mi pulvinar, sit amet congue est placerat. Nulla efficitur orci eget sapien placerat, quis pretium arcu ultrices. Aliquam orci dolor, varius at nunc sed, sollicitudin scelerisque nisl. Aliquam faucibus efficitur leo. Praesent pellentesque ornare augue sed auctor. Pellentesque fringilla velit orci, sit amet eleifend metus consequat eget. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis porta, justo eu sollicitudin dictum, dui magna fringilla nisi, non elementum ex libero dictum arcu. Aliquam scelerisque sem sit amet ex ultricies varius ac eget justo. Phasellus sed eleifend est. Duis tristique tincidunt leo at ornare.

Phasellus eu ante tempor, mollis ligula eu, dapibus felis. Donec convallis turpis in nisi ultrices, et rutrum sapien auctor. Aenean vehicula libero eu nibh iaculis tristique eu eu felis. Curabitur erat justo, condimentum sed malesuada a, finibus at purus. Curabitur molestie aliquam congue. Aenean a turpis sed velit aliquet laoreet eu in nisl. Proin sagittis, ante eu volutpat sagittis, metus dui ullamcorper nunc, eu porta quam urna sit amet massa. In malesuada risus cursus ligula bibendum dapibus. Nullam iaculis, tortor sed maximus fermentum, odio nibh ultricies ex, posuere interdum nisi purus vitae eros. Vivamus vitae laoreet ante. In ut libero nec orci pulvinar laoreet at at ipsum. Sed convallis faucibus nisl, sit amet elementum ligula. Fusce lobortis nisl velit, nec rhoncus urna finibus sit amet.

Donec et viverra purus, egestas pellentesque lacus. Sed viverra diam sed massa feugiat imperdiet. Pellentesque a arcu nibh. Ut molestie commodo elit quis posuere. Etiam et eros enim. Etiam tincidunt eleifend quam, sit amet sagittis orci tempor et. Praesent tincidunt felis sit amet tortor dapibus lacinia. Vestibulum consequat sollicitudin cursus. Nulla consectetur elit justo, eget blandit lacus vulputate at. Morbi sagittis, arcu non bibendum porttitor, neque eros finibus risus, et condimentum nisi turpis vitae ligula. Suspendisse non rutrum diam. Nam sit amet urna non odio mollis venenatis non a sapien. Vestibulum sagittis elit vel diam eleifend sagittis. Proin hendrerit libero consectetur lacinia placerat.

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Just some black & gold templates I did. These are rather suitable for Black Sun.

You'll find the Black Sun Symbol background here if you want to swap that in. Example of what that looks like in the post template, here.



Full Name
Character Class(es)
Personality Traits
Education Traits
Lifestyle Traits
Force Sensitive
Force Alignment
Character Alignment
Template Credit

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque iaculis orci bibendum purus auctor, at lobortis velit ultricies. Sed in lectus malesuada, dignissim metus vel, pellentesque elit. Sed ultrices, risus sit amet laoreet pulvinar, lacus erat venenatis odio, et consequat ante urna elementum lacus. Duis efficitur risus mauris, sed lobortis massa efficitur ac. Morbi nec diam cursus, feugiat libero at, ultricies nisl. Aenean aliquet mattis orci, sit amet finibus nisi accumsan pulvinar. Quisque vestibulum turpis id dapibus maximus. Curabitur consequat malesuada blandit. Suspendisse tincidunt nunc et velit ornare vehicula. Nunc rhoncus scelerisque dolor a eleifend. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque pulvinar risus id magna accumsan, ac scelerisque nisl semper. In vestibulum est sit amet felis lobortis efficitur. Duis aliquet elit nunc, vel euismod odio rutrum sed. Cras luctus dui purus, vitae sodales ante consectetur sed. Morbi congue rhoncus est vel rutrum.

    Nulla leo turpis, bibendum eu interdum molestie, fringilla scelerisque magna. Proin a elit eu est porta congue. Morbi vestibulum nisi ut laoreet congue. Donec at tincidunt magna, in volutpat risus. Integer congue pellentesque quam id maximus. Curabitur interdum ex diam, et lobortis eros hendrerit tristique. Fusce nisi velit, consequat in purus id, lacinia lobortis dolor.

    Proin quis suscipit sapien, id viverra ex. Nam magna eros, ornare quis arcu a, luctus sollicitudin risus. Integer ac porttitor diam, sed aliquam ex. Nullam vehicula facilisis est, nec porttitor ligula faucibus rutrum. Donec auctor mattis lorem eget imperdiet. Vestibulum congue augue et fringilla laoreet. Sed et magna urna. Quisque maximus turpis risus, eget accumsan tellus accumsan nec.

    Maecenas interdum felis vitae turpis fringilla interdum. Vestibulum lacinia, tortor eu consequat congue, tellus velit vestibulum orci, vel suscipit tellus nunc nec elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Duis ut placerat odio. Sed et odio ultricies, molestie ipsum tempor, rhoncus nunc. Aenean condimentum arcu nec luctus vehicula. Integer a efficitur ligula, et egestas ligula.


    *Ability Icons can be found HERE


    Brief Arc Description Here
    Thread Title/Link | Thread Title/Link | Thread Title/Link | Thread Title/Link

    Brief Arc Description Here
    Thread Title/Link | Thread Title/Link | Thread Title/Link | Thread Title/Link​

    Character name/link or tag
    Description about the relationship.
    Character name/link or tag
    Description about the relationship.
    Character name/link or tag
    Description about the relationship.
    Character name/link or tag
    Description about the relationship.

    Character name/link or tag
    Description about the relationship.
    Character name/link or tag
    Description about the relationship.
    Character name/link or tag
    Description about the relationship.
    Character name/link or tag
    Description about the relationship.

    Character name/link or tag
    Description about the relationship.
    Character name/link or tag
    Description about the relationship.
    Character name/link or tag
    Description about the relationship.
    Character name/link or tag
    Description about the relationship.

    Character name/link or tag
    Description about the relationship.
    Character name/link or tag
    Description about the relationship.
    Character name/link or tag
    Description about the relationship.
    Character name/link or tag
    Description about the relationship.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ante risus, varius ac nulla et, dapibus gravida metus. Pellentesque suscipit, metus vitae auctor pulvinar, urna tellus sollicitudin elit, eleifend auctor tellus sapien eget diam. Ut scelerisque vel libero sed malesuada. Phasellus sodales scelerisque nunc, elementum mattis dolor interdum nec. Etiam sed ultricies leo. Cras vitae purus in nunc lacinia mollis sed sit amet libero. Etiam quis consectetur augue. Nunc ligula enim, semper at ex sed, porttitor rutrum massa. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque mi eros, scelerisque in sodales rutrum, dictum consectetur mi. Praesent non vulputate massa.

Donec interdum purus nunc, semper ullamcorper lacus imperdiet sodales. Curabitur tincidunt ornare nisl ac blandit. Mauris neque dolor, consequat ut blandit placerat, sodales vitae purus. Duis mollis augue mi, id volutpat libero sagittis eget. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam id tincidunt risus. Pellentesque dapibus, nisl sit amet fringilla vestibulum, sapien tellus lacinia orci, eu convallis elit risus sed urna. Nunc vitae cursus felis. Aenean viverra posuere facilisis.

In non volutpat orci. Phasellus pharetra ipsum consectetur nisl eleifend feugiat dapibus quis lacus. Aenean quis fermentum eros. Fusce egestas auctor metus, laoreet pretium risus semper a. Pellentesque semper metus sit amet neque laoreet finibus eu et odio. Morbi sollicitudin nisl enim, nec aliquam orci egestas et. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Sed fringilla interdum tristique. Cras consectetur orci in sapien tincidunt gravida. Duis vestibulum leo vel finibus blandit. Vivamus consectetur neque lacus, at semper lorem viverra a. Vestibulum dignissim sagittis finibus.

Fusce in lectus elit. Fusce ac placerat magna. Nam lacinia nulla in lectus auctor vulputate. Aliquam euismod est sed vulputate ultrices. Aliquam tristique lectus id nulla laoreet ornare. Fusce tortor nibh, varius vel tellus eu, rhoncus semper sem. Morbi nunc nibh, elementum et eros sit amet, varius congue orci. Nulla euismod metus eros, sed imperdiet ligula dignissim non. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque et sem leo. Morbi eget mauris quis lectus cursus iaculis. Etiam id suscipit ex. Nullam lacinia, velit vel consectetur finibus, mi dui dignissim orci, at accumsan dolor ligula at sem. Quisque faucibus ut odio et ultrices. Nunc pretium turpis vel tortor facilisis lacinia.

Morbi pulvinar, nibh quis fringilla blandit, sem quam feugiat mauris, in vulputate dui tortor id justo. Nam nec tortor id lorem iaculis molestie. In eget neque rutrum, mollis risus vel, efficitur felis. Donec ut vestibulum ligula. In risus nibh, condimentum at sagittis non, pellentesque eget turpis. Sed ut est id mauris eleifend porta. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras eget elit sit amet est bibendum blandit. Donec id sodales magna. Suspendisse nec purus orci. Aenean nec dui vel tortor rutrum hendrerit. Donec diam ipsum, porttitor a metus in, fermentum gravida augue. Praesent viverra diam vitae purus varius rutrum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.a.

[div='background:url(; background-position: center; max-width: 935px; margin: auto; filter: drop-shadow(0px 0px 10px #000000); overflow:auto; ; border: 2px solid; border-image:url("") 50;'][div=width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: auto; background: #00000060; box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px #A57C00 inset; padding: 15px; font-size: 100%; font-family: georgia; text-shadow: 1px 1px #000000; overflow: auto; color: #a19778;][div='margin: auto; float: right; padding: 5px; max-width: 465px; background-color: #00000099; border: 1px solid #A57C0099; box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px #000000; position: relative; z-index: 100'][div=background-image: url(''); background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; margin: 5px; max-width: 465px; height: 400px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #000000 inset;][IMG width="12px"][/IMG][/div]
[div='display: block; font-family: courier new; font-size: 2.5em; text-align: center;  -webkit-text-stroke: 1px #FFB30099; font-weight: bold; color: #000000']YOUR CHARACTER NAME[/div]
[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;][B]Theme[/B][/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]

[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;][URL=''][COLOR=rgb(250, 212, 92)]knowledge[/COLOR][/URL][/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]
[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;][B]Full Name[/B][/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]

[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]TBD[/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]
[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;][B]Alias(es)[/B][/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]

[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]TBD[/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]
[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;][B]Character Class(es)[/B][/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]

[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]TBD[/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]
[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;][B]Homeworld[/B][/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]

[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]TBD[/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]
[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;][B]Age[/B][/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]

[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]TBD[/div][/CENTER][/TD]
[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;][B]Personality Traits[/B][/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]

[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]TBD[/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]
[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;][B]Education Traits[/B][/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]

[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]TBD[/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]
[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;][B]Lifestyle Traits[/B][/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]

[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]TBD[/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]
[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;][B]Rank(s)[/B][/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]

[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]TBD[/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]
[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;][B]Faction(s)[/B][/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]

[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]TBD[/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]
[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;][B]Species[/B][/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]

[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]TBD[/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]
[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;][B]Language(s)[/B][/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]

[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]TBD[/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]
[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;][B]Gender[/B][/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]

[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]TBD[/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]
[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;][B]Force Sensitive[/B][/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]

[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]TBD[/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]
[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;][B]House(s)[/B][/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]

[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]TBD[/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]
[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;][B]Force Alignment[/B][/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]

[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]TBD[/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]
[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;][B]Character Alignment[/B][/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]

[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]TBD[/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]
[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;][B]Height[/B][/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]

[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]TBD[/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]
[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;][B]Weight[/B][/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]

[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]TBD[/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]
[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;][B]Hair[/B][/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]

[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]TBD[/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]
[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;][B]Eyes[/B][/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]

[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]TBD[/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]
[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;][B]Playby[/B][/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]

[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]TBD[/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]
[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;][B]Template Credit[/B][/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]

[TD][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;][USER=1966]Ilias Nytrau[/USER][/DIV][/CENTER][/TD]
[/div][div='margin: auto; word-wrap: break-word; float: left; max-width: 465px; background-color: #00000099; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #A57C0099; box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px #000000;'][div=background-image: url(''); background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; margin: auto; max-width: 460px; height: 300px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #000000 inset;][IMG width="12px"][/IMG][/div]
[TABS width="250%"][SLIDE_HEADER]The Story So Far[/SLIDE_HEADER][SLIDE]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque iaculis orci bibendum purus auctor, at lobortis velit ultricies. Sed in lectus malesuada, dignissim metus vel, pellentesque elit. Sed ultrices, risus sit amet laoreet pulvinar, lacus erat venenatis odio, et consequat ante urna elementum lacus. Duis efficitur risus mauris, sed lobortis massa efficitur ac. Morbi nec diam cursus, feugiat libero at, ultricies nisl. Aenean aliquet mattis orci, sit amet finibus nisi accumsan pulvinar. Quisque vestibulum turpis id dapibus maximus. Curabitur consequat malesuada blandit. Suspendisse tincidunt nunc et velit ornare vehicula. Nunc rhoncus scelerisque dolor a eleifend. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque pulvinar risus id magna accumsan, ac scelerisque nisl semper. In vestibulum est sit amet felis lobortis efficitur. Duis aliquet elit nunc, vel euismod odio rutrum sed. Cras luctus dui purus, vitae sodales ante consectetur sed. Morbi congue rhoncus est vel rutrum.

Nulla leo turpis, bibendum eu interdum molestie, fringilla scelerisque magna. Proin a elit eu est porta congue. Morbi vestibulum nisi ut laoreet congue. Donec at tincidunt magna, in volutpat risus. Integer congue pellentesque quam id maximus. Curabitur interdum ex diam, et lobortis eros hendrerit tristique. Fusce nisi velit, consequat in purus id, lacinia lobortis dolor.

Proin quis suscipit sapien, id viverra ex. Nam magna eros, ornare quis arcu a, luctus sollicitudin risus. Integer ac porttitor diam, sed aliquam ex. Nullam vehicula facilisis est, nec porttitor ligula faucibus rutrum. Donec auctor mattis lorem eget imperdiet. Vestibulum congue augue et fringilla laoreet. Sed et magna urna. Quisque maximus turpis risus, eget accumsan tellus accumsan nec.

Maecenas interdum felis vitae turpis fringilla interdum. Vestibulum lacinia, tortor eu consequat congue, tellus velit vestibulum orci, vel suscipit tellus nunc nec elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Duis ut placerat odio. Sed et odio ultricies, molestie ipsum tempor, rhoncus nunc. Aenean condimentum arcu nec luctus vehicula. Integer a efficitur ligula, et egestas ligula.[/slide][SLIDE_HEADER]Notable Skills[/SLIDE_HEADER][SLIDE]
[CENTER][div='display: block; font-family: courier new; font-size: 2.5em; text-align: center;  -webkit-text-stroke: 1px #FFB30099; font-weight: bold; color: #000000']NOTABLE SKILLS[/div][/CENTER]
[TD][IMG width="60px"][/IMG][/TD]
[TD][B][SIZE=18px][FONT=Georgia][B]SKILL NAME HERE[/B][/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/TD]
[TD][IMG width="60px"][/IMG][/TD]
[TD][B][SIZE=18px][FONT=Georgia][B]SKILL NAME HERE[/B][/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/TD]
[TD][IMG width="60px"][/IMG][/TD]
[TD][B][SIZE=18px][FONT=Georgia][B]SKILL NAME HERE[/B][/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/TD]
[TD][IMG width="60px"][/IMG][/TD]
[TD][IMG width="60px"][/IMG][/TD]
[TD][B][SIZE=18px][FONT=Georgia][B]SKILL NAME HERE[/B][/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/TD]

[I]*Ability Icons can be found [/I][URL=''][I]HERE[/I][/URL]

[CENTER][div='display: block; font-family: courier new; font-size: 2.5em; text-align: center;  -webkit-text-stroke: 1px #FFB30099; font-weight: bold; color: #000000']STORY ARCS[/div]
Brief Arc Description Here
Thread Title/Link | Thread Title/Link | Thread Title/Link | Thread Title/Link

Brief Arc Description Here
Thread Title/Link | Thread Title/Link | Thread Title/Link | Thread Title/Link[/CENTER]
[CENTER][div='display: block; font-family: courier new; font-size: 2.5em; text-align: center; -webkit-text-stroke: 1px #FFB30099; font-weight: bold; color: #000000']FAMILY[/DIV][/CENTER]
[TH][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;][B]Name[/B][/div][/CENTER][/TH]

[TH][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;][B]Description[/B][/div][/CENTER][/TH]
[TD][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]Character name/link or tag[/div][/TD]
[TD][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]Description about the relationship.[/div][/TD]
[TD][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]Character name/link or tag[/div][/TD]
[TD][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]Description about the relationship.[/div][/TD]
[TD][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]Character name/link or tag[/div][/TD]
[TD][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]Description about the relationship.[/div][/TD]
[TD][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]Character name/link or tag[/div][/TD]
[TD][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]Description about the relationship.[/div][/TD]

[CENTER][div='display: block; font-family: courier new; font-size: 2.5em; text-align: center;  -webkit-text-stroke: 1px #FFB30099; font-weight: bold; color: #000000']FRIENDS[/DIV][/CENTER]
[TH][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;][B]Name[/B][/div][/CENTER][/TH]

[TH][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;][B]Description[/B][/div][/CENTER][/TH]
[TD][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]Character name/link or tag[/div][/TD]
[TD][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]Description about the relationship.[/div][/TD]
[TD][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]Character name/link or tag[/div][/TD]
[TD][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]Description about the relationship.[/div][/TD]
[TD][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]Character name/link or tag[/div][/TD]
[TD][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]Description about the relationship.[/div][/TD]
[TD][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]Character name/link or tag[/div][/TD]
[TD][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]Description about the relationship.[/div][/TD]

[CENTER][div='display: block; font-family: courier new; font-size: 2.5em; text-align: center; -webkit-text-stroke: 1px #FFB30099; font-weight: bold; color: #000000']ENEMIES[/DIV][/CENTER]
[TH][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;][B]Name[/B][/div][/CENTER][/TH]

[TH][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;][B]Description[/B][/div][/CENTER][/TH]
[TD][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]Character name/link or tag[/div][/TD]
[TD][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]Description about the relationship.[/div][/TD]
[TD][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]Character name/link or tag[/div][/TD]
[TD][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]Description about the relationship.[/div][/TD]
[TD][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]Character name/link or tag[/div][/TD]
[TD][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]Description about the relationship.[/div][/TD]
[TD][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]Character name/link or tag[/div][/TD]
[TD][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]Description about the relationship.[/div][/TD]

[CENTER][div='display: block; font-family: courier new; font-size: 2.5em; text-align: center; -webkit-text-stroke: 1px #FFB30099; font-weight: bold; color: #000000']OTHER RELATIONSHIPS[/DIV][/CENTER]
[TH][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;][B]Name[/B][/div][/CENTER][/TH]

[TH][CENTER][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;][B]Description[/B][/div][/CENTER][/TH]
[TD][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]Character name/link or tag[/div][/TD]
[TD][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]Description about the relationship.[/div][/TD]
[TD][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]Character name/link or tag[/div][/TD]
[TD][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]Description about the relationship.[/div][/TD]
[TD][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]Character name/link or tag[/div][/TD]
[TD][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]Description about the relationship.[/div][/TD]
[TD][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]Character name/link or tag[/div][/TD]
[TD][div=border: 2px solid #A57C0099;]Description about the relationship.[/div][/TD]

[div='background:url(; background-position: 50% 35%; padding: 15px; max-width: 900px; margin: auto; border: 2px solid; border-image:url("") 50; box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px #A57C00 inset; filter: drop-shadow(0px 0px 10px #000000);'][div=width: 100%; height: 100% margin: auto; overflow: auto; background: #00000099; border: 1px solid #A57C0099; padding: 15px; font-family: georgia; font-size: 100%; text-shadow: 1px 1px #000000; box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px #000000; position: relative; color: #a8967b;'][div=background-image: url(''); background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; max-width: 830px; height: 300px; margin: auto; border: 4px solid #4f3b00; box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #00000099;][IMG width="12px"][/IMG][/div]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ante risus, varius ac nulla et, dapibus gravida metus. Pellentesque suscipit, metus vitae auctor pulvinar, urna tellus sollicitudin elit, eleifend auctor tellus sapien eget diam. Ut scelerisque vel libero sed malesuada. Phasellus sodales scelerisque nunc, elementum mattis dolor interdum nec. Etiam sed ultricies leo. Cras vitae purus in nunc lacinia mollis sed sit amet libero. Etiam quis consectetur augue. Nunc ligula enim, semper at ex sed, porttitor rutrum massa. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque mi eros, scelerisque in sodales rutrum, dictum consectetur mi. Praesent non vulputate massa.

Donec interdum purus nunc, semper ullamcorper lacus imperdiet sodales. Curabitur tincidunt ornare nisl ac blandit. Mauris neque dolor, consequat ut blandit placerat, sodales vitae purus. Duis mollis augue mi, id volutpat libero sagittis eget. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam id tincidunt risus. Pellentesque dapibus, nisl sit amet fringilla vestibulum, sapien tellus lacinia orci, eu convallis elit risus sed urna. Nunc vitae cursus felis. Aenean viverra posuere facilisis.

In non volutpat orci. Phasellus pharetra ipsum consectetur nisl eleifend feugiat dapibus quis lacus. Aenean quis fermentum eros. Fusce egestas auctor metus, laoreet pretium risus semper a. Pellentesque semper metus sit amet neque laoreet finibus eu et odio. Morbi sollicitudin nisl enim, nec aliquam orci egestas et. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Sed fringilla interdum tristique. Cras consectetur orci in sapien tincidunt gravida. Duis vestibulum leo vel finibus blandit. Vivamus consectetur neque lacus, at semper lorem viverra a. Vestibulum dignissim sagittis finibus.

Fusce in lectus elit. Fusce ac placerat magna. Nam lacinia nulla in lectus auctor vulputate. Aliquam euismod est sed vulputate ultrices. Aliquam tristique lectus id nulla laoreet ornare. Fusce tortor nibh, varius vel tellus eu, rhoncus semper sem. Morbi nunc nibh, elementum et eros sit amet, varius congue orci. Nulla euismod metus eros, sed imperdiet ligula dignissim non. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque et sem leo. Morbi eget mauris quis lectus cursus iaculis. Etiam id suscipit ex. Nullam lacinia, velit vel consectetur finibus, mi dui dignissim orci, at accumsan dolor ligula at sem. Quisque faucibus ut odio et ultrices. Nunc pretium turpis vel tortor facilisis lacinia.

Morbi pulvinar, nibh quis fringilla blandit, sem quam feugiat mauris, in vulputate dui tortor id justo. Nam nec tortor id lorem iaculis molestie. In eget neque rutrum, mollis risus vel, efficitur felis. Donec ut vestibulum ligula. In risus nibh, condimentum at sagittis non, pellentesque eget turpis. Sed ut est id mauris eleifend porta. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras eget elit sit amet est bibendum blandit. Donec id sodales magna. Suspendisse nec purus orci. Aenean nec dui vel tortor rutrum hendrerit. Donec diam ipsum, porttitor a metus in, fermentum gravida augue. Praesent viverra diam vitae purus varius rutrum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.a.

Last edited:
Just an IMPERIAL version of the above post template - two templates with different versions of the Empire's symbol in the background.

The header image can be swapped out where it says background-image: url in the third layer of div. Please use a wide image, not a tall one.

Depending on the image used, you may also need to adjust the background-position property in the third layer, as well. This is currently set to center, which will work for most images. See here for more information, or ask me for help on Discord.


[div=background-image:url(''); padding: 15px; background-size: cover; background-position: 50% 32%; max-width: 900px; margin: auto; border: 2px solid; border-image:url( 90; box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px 5px #c5c9c999 inset; filter: drop-shadow(0px 0px 10px #000000);][div=width: 100%; height: 100% margin: auto; overflow: auto; background: #00000060; border: 1px solid  #666969; padding: 15px; font-family: georgia; font-size: 100%; text-shadow: 1px 1px #000000; box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px #000000; position: relative; color:  #a3a3a2;'][div=background-image: url(; background-size: cover; background-position: center; max-width: 850px; height: 300px; margin: auto; border: 4px solid #666564; box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #000000;][IMG width="12px"][/IMG][/div]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ipsum ante, laoreet ac volutpat vitae, ultricies nec justo. Integer consectetur mauris ultrices, condimentum elit at, aliquam purus. Donec tortor odio, feugiat sit amet velit non, laoreet porttitor urna. Cras bibendum augue vitae urna finibus, nec elementum nisi faucibus. Praesent condimentum dolor eu orci rhoncus molestie. Donec dignissim iaculis leo, sit amet blandit ex pulvinar ac. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Cras id varius libero. Curabitur nulla risus, ultricies at tincidunt at, venenatis at mauris. Nullam consequat ante ut eros porta efficitur. Sed maximus efficitur nunc quis commodo. Nulla facilisi. Praesent ipsum odio, vehicula nec odio id, porta sodales libero.

In sed lacinia mi. In a elit sit amet velit aliquam cursus. Proin at lectus a risus facilisis bibendum rutrum ut orci. Praesent non metus luctus, posuere nisl at, dapibus tortor. Sed eget libero metus. Pellentesque eget tortor quis libero volutpat egestas feugiat et mauris. Phasellus venenatis nisi ac interdum malesuada. Curabitur ornare semper turpis, a facilisis ante vehicula at. Donec lacus odio, dictum ut lectus eu, sollicitudin maximus risus. Nullam efficitur mauris eu nisi semper, vel vehicula nibh dignissim. Praesent blandit pharetra tortor id eleifend. Donec commodo leo rutrum, bibendum ex ac, aliquet mi. Integer molestie iaculis turpis ut ullamcorper. Curabitur elit lectus, tempus eget efficitur in, maximus id erat.

Suspendisse placerat rutrum augue ut gravida. Maecenas ac mollis nisi. Donec placerat odio nec erat sagittis, quis accumsan lectus cursus. Praesent nec magna eget arcu commodo rhoncus et et eros. Aenean lobortis aliquam egestas. Nullam feugiat sem a ornare laoreet. Ut mollis elit sit amet lacus iaculis ullamcorper.

[div=background-image:url(; padding: 15px; background-size: cover; background-position: 50% 32%; max-width: 900px; margin: auto; border: 2px solid; border-image:url( 90; box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px 5px #c5c9c999 inset; filter: drop-shadow(0px 0px 10px #000000);][div=width: 100%; height: 100% margin: auto; overflow: auto; background: #00000060; border: 1px solid  #666969; padding: 15px; font-family: georgia; font-size: 100%; text-shadow: 1px 1px #000000; box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px #000000; position: relative; color:  #a3a3a2;'][div=background-image: url(; background-size: cover; background-position: center; max-width: 850px; height: 300px; margin: auto; border: 4px solid #666564; box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #000000;][IMG width="12px"][/IMG][/div]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ipsum ante, laoreet ac volutpat vitae, ultricies nec justo. Integer consectetur mauris ultrices, condimentum elit at, aliquam purus. Donec tortor odio, feugiat sit amet velit non, laoreet porttitor urna. Cras bibendum augue vitae urna finibus, nec elementum nisi faucibus. Praesent condimentum dolor eu orci rhoncus molestie. Donec dignissim iaculis leo, sit amet blandit ex pulvinar ac. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Cras id varius libero. Curabitur nulla risus, ultricies at tincidunt at, venenatis at mauris. Nullam consequat ante ut eros porta efficitur. Sed maximus efficitur nunc quis commodo. Nulla facilisi. Praesent ipsum odio, vehicula nec odio id, porta sodales libero.

In sed lacinia mi. In a elit sit amet velit aliquam cursus. Proin at lectus a risus facilisis bibendum rutrum ut orci. Praesent non metus luctus, posuere nisl at, dapibus tortor. Sed eget libero metus. Pellentesque eget tortor quis libero volutpat egestas feugiat et mauris. Phasellus venenatis nisi ac interdum malesuada. Curabitur ornare semper turpis, a facilisis ante vehicula at. Donec lacus odio, dictum ut lectus eu, sollicitudin maximus risus. Nullam efficitur mauris eu nisi semper, vel vehicula nibh dignissim. Praesent blandit pharetra tortor id eleifend. Donec commodo leo rutrum, bibendum ex ac, aliquet mi. Integer molestie iaculis turpis ut ullamcorper. Curabitur elit lectus, tempus eget efficitur in, maximus id erat.

Suspendisse placerat rutrum augue ut gravida. Maecenas ac mollis nisi. Donec placerat odio nec erat sagittis, quis accumsan lectus cursus. Praesent nec magna eget arcu commodo rhoncus et et eros. Aenean lobortis aliquam egestas. Nullam feugiat sem a ornare laoreet. Ut mollis elit sit amet lacus iaculis ullamcorper.


Other image examples:
Click picture to enlarge - image used in picture can be found at the link below the picture!
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ante risus, varius ac nulla et, dapibus gravida metus. Pellentesque suscipit, metus vitae auctor pulvinar, urna tellus sollicitudin elit, eleifend auctor tellus sapien eget diam. Ut scelerisque vel libero sed malesuada. Phasellus sodales scelerisque nunc, elementum mattis dolor interdum nec. Etiam sed ultricies leo. Cras vitae purus in nunc lacinia mollis sed sit amet libero. Etiam quis consectetur augue. Nunc ligula enim, semper at ex sed, porttitor rutrum massa. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque mi eros, scelerisque in sodales rutrum, dictum consectetur mi. Praesent non vulputate massa.

Donec interdum purus nunc, semper ullamcorper lacus imperdiet sodales. Curabitur tincidunt ornare nisl ac blandit. Mauris neque dolor, consequat ut blandit placerat, sodales vitae purus. Duis mollis augue mi, id volutpat libero sagittis eget. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam id tincidunt risus. Pellentesque dapibus, nisl sit amet fringilla vestibulum, sapien tellus lacinia orci, eu convallis elit risus sed urna. Nunc vitae cursus felis. Aenean viverra posuere facilisis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ante risus, varius ac nulla et, dapibus gravida metus. Pellentesque suscipit, metus vitae auctor pulvinar, urna tellus sollicitudin elit, eleifend auctor tellus sapien eget diam. Ut scelerisque vel libero sed malesuada. Phasellus sodales scelerisque nunc, elementum mattis dolor interdum nec. Etiam sed ultricies leo. Cras vitae purus in nunc lacinia mollis sed sit amet libero. Etiam quis consectetur augue. Nunc ligula enim, semper at ex sed, porttitor rutrum massa. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque mi eros, scelerisque in sodales rutrum, dictum consectetur mi. Praesent non vulputate massa.

Donec interdum purus nunc, semper ullamcorper lacus imperdiet sodales. Curabitur tincidunt ornare nisl ac blandit. Mauris neque dolor, consequat ut blandit placerat, sodales vitae purus. Duis mollis augue mi, id volutpat libero sagittis eget. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam id tincidunt risus. Pellentesque dapibus, nisl sit amet fringilla vestibulum, sapien tellus lacinia orci, eu convallis elit risus sed urna. Nunc vitae cursus felis. Aenean viverra posuere facilisis.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ante risus, varius ac nulla et, dapibus gravida metus. Pellentesque suscipit, metus vitae auctor pulvinar, urna tellus sollicitudin elit, eleifend auctor tellus sapien eget diam. Ut scelerisque vel libero sed malesuada. Phasellus sodales scelerisque nunc, elementum mattis dolor interdum nec. Etiam sed ultricies leo. Cras vitae purus in nunc lacinia mollis sed sit amet libero. Etiam quis consectetur augue. Nunc ligula enim, semper at ex sed, porttitor rutrum massa. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque mi eros, scelerisque in sodales rutrum, dictum consectetur mi. Praesent non vulputate massa.

Donec interdum purus nunc, semper ullamcorper lacus imperdiet sodales. Curabitur tincidunt ornare nisl ac blandit. Mauris neque dolor, consequat ut blandit placerat, sodales vitae purus. Duis mollis augue mi, id volutpat libero sagittis eget. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam id tincidunt risus. Pellentesque dapibus, nisl sit amet fringilla vestibulum, sapien tellus lacinia orci, eu convallis elit risus sed urna. Nunc vitae cursus felis. Aenean viverra posuere facilisis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ante risus, varius ac nulla et, dapibus gravida metus. Pellentesque suscipit, metus vitae auctor pulvinar, urna tellus sollicitudin elit, eleifend auctor tellus sapien eget diam. Ut scelerisque vel libero sed malesuada. Phasellus sodales scelerisque nunc, elementum mattis dolor interdum nec. Etiam sed ultricies leo. Cras vitae purus in nunc lacinia mollis sed sit amet libero. Etiam quis consectetur augue. Nunc ligula enim, semper at ex sed, porttitor rutrum massa. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque mi eros, scelerisque in sodales rutrum, dictum consectetur mi. Praesent non vulputate massa.

Donec interdum purus nunc, semper ullamcorper lacus imperdiet sodales. Curabitur tincidunt ornare nisl ac blandit. Mauris neque dolor, consequat ut blandit placerat, sodales vitae purus. Duis mollis augue mi, id volutpat libero sagittis eget. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam id tincidunt risus. Pellentesque dapibus, nisl sit amet fringilla vestibulum, sapien tellus lacinia orci, eu convallis elit risus sed urna. Nunc vitae cursus felis. Aenean viverra posuere facilisis.

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This is a repost.

I have taken the liberty of grabbing a commonly-used and frequently reskinned bio template (from this thread) and have updated it to display appropriately on mobile. Simple instructions for how to accomplish this for any other similarly structured template can be found below. What the template looks like, and the updated code can be found in the spoilers below.

This update will:
Enable the template to not stretch out on mobile

Rearrange the left side of the template to display underneath the right side on mobile, so nothing is squished on mobile, either ( which I suspect is why this template and others like it were originally built the way they have been)

This update will not:
Change the overall aesthetics (look/style) of the template - need help with changing it? DM me on Discord!


To update any similarly structured template to be mobile friendly, all you need to do is change the width in the first div to be max-width then after
[/TABLE] [/div][/float]
you need to add [div=max-width: 470px; margin: auto; padding: 15px; float: left;]

then you need to change [TABS block_align="bleft"] to [TABS width=100%]

and add another [/div] at the very end of the template, next to the other [/div] that exists there.

That is all!



Musica silent guardian
Jedi pretty boy [ty suri]
golden boy of njo [- Aayla Shan]
Class(es)Jedi Sentinel
Place of residenceDenon
AgeEarly-mid twenties
Personality TraitsCompassionate
Education TraitsIntricate Webweaver
Lifestyle TraitsAdventurer
Rank(s)Jedi Knight
Jedi Watchman of Denon
Faction(s)New Jedi Order
Galactic Alliance
LanguagesGalactic Basic
Force SensitiveY
Force AlignmentAshla
Character AlignmentNeutral Good

  • Chapter I

    Chapter II

    As the war against the Sith Empire is coming to a victorious conclusion for the forces of good, another threat emerges from the Unknown Regions - the Brotherhood of the Maw. Meanwhile, a phantom menace begins to creep into the fabric of the Galactic Alliance seeking to bring it down from within.

    After finally purging himself free of his father's corruptive presence, Dagon Kaze, now a Jedi Knight, has a new inner conflict to tackle - trying to strike a balance between his duty as a Jedi and his personal relationships.

    One's bound to break.
    After his fateful reunion atop the spires of the Ziost Academy with his fallen twin brother - Aeric Kaze - who nearly kills Dagon, the young Jedi Padawan is corrupted with his father's vengeful spirit. Rescued from the ruins of the Academy by his fellow Jedi and friend Kaska Arden, the two end up embroiled in a deadly battle with a Sith aboard the Prosperity during the Sith Empire's counter-attack over Ziost. In the midst of the duel, Dagon - driven by his father's presence within - taps into the dark side in an attempt to save Kaska; while he succeeds in doing so, the trust and bond between the two is shattered. The rift is further opened by the intervention of Michael Sardun, famed Jedi Crusader and Kaska's mentor, who sacrifices an eye to cauterize Haytham Kaze's corruption. Left conflicted, but feeling justified in his actions, Dagon embarks on a toiling journey to better discern the line between right and wrong.

    While still ripped apart from within due to Haytham's spirit, Dagon not only joins the attack on Generis but persuades more Jedi to join him in his quest for justice against the Sith - notably Viers Connory, Viera, Violet Horne and Kaska Arden. The mission turns into a fiasco and his foolishness nearly costs the life of all of his companions, leaving Kaska in a bacta tank for an indefinite time, while being rescued by Violet and the enigmatic presence lingering within her. Regretful in his rash actions, the young Jedi Padawan retreats into a self-imposed exile briefly and inaudibly swears to go solo believing his leadership being an ingredient for disaster.

    During the brief pause from the Stygian Campaign, there remains no respite for the raven-haired Jedi as he uncovers a conspiracy plot on Coruscant that would eventually lead him to Denon. However, before that, Dagon faces the growing threat of the so-called Brotherhood of the Maw. Fending off the crazed cultists on Jakku and along the rest of the Alliance's frontier with the Unknown Regions, he alerts both the Council and Senate of the impending threat. Around this period he meets Ayana Vullen with who he forms a strong, loving relationship which sees him at last turning the tide of the internal turmoil raging within his mind. The bond between the two intensifies greatly but fate once again seeks to take his most precious..

    As the Maw raids upon the frontier decline, the Jedi finds himself on Ossus fighting the newly risen Sith Eternal as part of the Alliance's reinforcements to the Concord. The GADF unit he is attached to is the same combat element in which his lover Ayana serves as a medic. A foreboding sensation envelops him and it eventually manifests into reality - meeting his brother once more. In the brutal scuffle between the two, Dagon inadvertently plunges his blade through Ayana's heart in an attempt to stab Aeric. And just like before, the Jedi is left feeling alone in a galaxy that only promised to take all that he valued. A void opens up in his heart there where his beloved used to be and Dagon shuts his feelings to the universe fearful that any attachment he forms is damned to be shattered.

    Eventually, Dagon manages to open up and confess what had transpired both over Ziost and on Ossus to his best friend Aeris Lashiec and his master Asmundr Varobalder - the legendary Warden of the New Jedi Order. Consoled and given hope by both, Dagon rediscovers once more the resolve he had lost but still treads carefully the line between the darkness and the light.

    Prior to the relaunch of the Stygian Campaign, the Jedi follows a lead on the conspiracy plot he had been investigating to the corporate world of Denon. There, after an eventful attempt to go undercover within the ranks of a local gang, he meets Yula Perl - the daughter of the woman who had killed his father. Without any deliberate 'push' from each other, the two begin to form a bond that intensifies through the fire and flames of Csilla, Sev Tok and Nar Kreeta. By the time both could even acknowledge it, the duo's bond grows into an emotional relationship with Yula filling the void left behind by Ayana's death.

    The culmination of these near 600 posts of writing the author has struggled (terribly) in summarizing comes at the Battle of Krayiss II, where Dagon is faced with yet another dilemma - abandoning Yula to her fate against her cousin, the formidable fallen Jedi Zaavik Perl or performing his duty to the Light carrying out his oath. With tears in his eyes, he (of course because drama) chooses the latter and joins his fellow New Jedi comrades into the heart of darkness that is the Library Temple of Krayiss II. There, both his friend Bernard of Arca and Dagon fall to the Dark Side with the latter ending up fully possessed by his father. In one last ditch effort - a suicidal one at that - Dagon channels his whole existence into the Light purging Bernard's corruption and Haytham's vengeful presence once and for all.

    Thus comes the end of Chapter I with his father's spirit cleansed forever but with a new obstacle ahead - trying to strike a balance between his duty as a Jedi and his personal relationships.

    One's bound to break.

    Also he's a Jedi Knight now, nice.

  • Backflips.png

  • in 3 words

    Aeric Kazetwin. regret. sorrow.
    Aeris Lashiecgot. your. backbff.
    Yula Perlwarms. the. heart
    Asmundr Varobaldermentor. warden. guide.
    Djonas Valfriend. past. regret.
    Ryvleader. sword. brother.
    Viers Connoryin. another. life...
    Autemenerd. eminence. pure.
    Bernard of Arcawalks. the. mile.
    Damsy Callattrustworthy. good. warrior.
    The Doppelgangeri'm. sorry.
    Michael Sardunseraphim. empyrean. retribution.
    Lucien Dookufriend. hero. casanova.
    Maynard Treicoltman. among. men
    Zaavik Perllost. friend. scarred.
    Aaran Tafocomposure. virtuous. necessary.
    Ishani Sibwarraoops. gottem. redeemable.
    Kyra Perlit. wasnt. me.
    Marae Tavlarsee. you. again.mp3
    Violet Hornesee. you. again.mp3
    Vierasee. you. again.mp3
    Kaska Ardensee. you. again.mp3
    Ayana Vullendont. tell. pink.
    etcno. more. space.

    dont ask me its 2 am.

  • kwzlsmL.png

    Not a soul in the galaxy is closer to Dagon than his own twin brother - Aeric Kaze. When he disappeared one day from their home on Ruusan, Dagon believed his brother dead somewhere in the galaxy. Not long after, Dagon left for the stars seeking to become a Jedi and find his brother's whereabouts if alive. Discovering his brother is alive but corrupted by their father and fallen to the Dark Side, the two clash in a lethal scuffle twice - once on Ziost and once on Ossus. Left with only the painful revelation of his brother's fate, Dagon is torn whether there his brother could truly be redeemed or is he forever lost.
    The Other Side of Peace | Dualism | The Ossus Massacre


    After clashing with his twin brother on Ziost, Dagon's psyche is infiltrated by their father Sith Lord Haytham Kaze. A legendary Dark Jedi in his prime and one of the Sith Triumvirs of old, Haytham's legacy in the realm of mortals is his relentless pursuit of vengeance against Joza Perl; the woman who had killed him. He continuously attempts to corrupt Dagon to the dark side with the aim of assuming control - just like he had done with Aeric - and succeeds twice. During the second successful conversion, the young padawan finally finds the strength to purge his father's presence by nearly killing himself in the process.
    Hope Never Dies | Crumbling Castle | A Promise Kept.. Kind Of | The Persistence of Loss | IDCARRATOS | Return To Stygian | Revelry In Ravelin


    In his numerous adventures as a Jedi, Dagon has inadvertently encountered numerous Sith. While most are beyond saving, two - so far - have been found capable of salvation. The Doppelganger Kai and Damsy Callat. Both now carry the burden to walk the righteous path in a daunting struggle against the curse of the Dark Side. Dagon strives to help them in any way possible despite his own failures. Then there's Ishida Ashina trying to ruin his plans every step of the way.
    Curse of Sycorax | The Modern Prometheus | The Chemist | Live Free Or Die | The Search | Blacknight | Blood City


    Thirty-three decapitated bodies found on freight from Empress Teta to Coruscant. That's where the most complicated investigation in Dagon's life begins. Following the trail of blood, the Jedi soon begins to realize he is entangled in a web of lies and deception way beyond just a case of serial homicides. From low-life thugs and gangs to corruption on the highest level of the Alliance, the conspiracy slowly but surely begins to assume the form of rising Sith influence within Core. Along with Ryv, the Sword of the Jedi and war hero most recently framed for murder, they embark to unravel the greatest mystery and threat the Jedi have so far faced.
    Bring Me His Flesh Leather | No Rest For The Wicked | Way Over Her Head | The Chemist | Gloves of Metal | Head Of The Snake | Bad Company | On The Rox | Severance | Operation: SHATTERPOINT


    A love-inducing chemical accidentally released on Jedha leads to Dagon Kaze and Ayana Vullen crossing paths. What started as artificially created attraction turned into a genuine love for each other. Considered Dagon's first, true love, Ayana becomes the 'missing piece' in his life. Their relationship is cut short when he inadvertently kills her during the Battle of Ossus when Aeric pulls her into the way of Dagon's lightsaber. She forever remains in his heart and to this day Dagon refuses to visit the rooftop of Building 157 on Coruscant where they confessed their love to each other believing his presence would desecrate otherwise sacred grounds.
    Jedhamour reve | The Ossus Massacre | The Persistence of Loss | A Benefit Most Welcome | Strength In Unity


    The loss of Ayana left an unfulfillable void in his heart and a fear of attachments. Following a lead on his conspiracy investigation, Dagon accidentally met Yula Perl during a failed sting operation on a criminal gang. It would not be their last encounter. Teaming up together through the fires of Csilla, Sev Tok, Nar Kreeta and crimefighting on Denon ignited a spark between them burning to ash the fear of closeness. While the stark contrast of their personalities and their struggles in the galaxy have forged a strong, caring bond between the two lovers, they have also shaken their relationship - the culmination of which was Dagon choosing the duty of a Jedi over her during the Battle of Krayiss II. Since then both have resorted to sweeping these issues under the rug, yet it is only a matter of time before the heap becomes too big to ignore.
    Razor's Edge | In The Air Tonight | Standoff | Words | Scattered Sunlight | Allegiance | Ode To Sev Tok | If You Like Pina Keladas | Return To Stygian | At The Seams


    Viers Connory was one of the Jedi from the Jakku Enclave he 'recruited' to the Battle of Generis. Throughout the period of the war against the Sith Empire, both work together on various missions and grow close. Unbeknownst to Dagon, their closeness is defined by Viers' feelings for him. The regretful revelation dawns during the Battle of Krayiss II and leaves Dagon regretful. Puzzled by what could've been, the raven-haired Jedi's struggling attempts to maintain some form of balance between his duty and personal relationships are further strained.
    So, You Got Somethin' To Say | Crumbling Castle | Speak Of The Devil | Dunes | Return To Stygian | Kill Them All And Let God Sort Them Out


    Djonas Val, Dagon Kaze, and Kal Varn were once a promising team of Jedi padawans bestowed with great expectations. The Dynamic Trio was eventually shattered due to Dagon's error as a leader which left Kal dead and Djonas to leave the Order. Djon resurfaced years later as an Imperial Knight in service of the New Imperial Order, while there's no outright hostility between the two and mostly regret, past mistakes have made their reconciliation a challenge.
    Gloves of Metal | Bad Company


    An umbrella arc for stories that define Dagon's 'career' as a crimefighter not necessarily tied to the other arcs above. Whether one-shots or overreaching arcs, mostly on Denon but not exclusively, these stories represent Dagon at his core as a detective and/or vigilante.
    The Spice Must Flow | Old Town Road

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[IMG width="358px"][/IMG]
[div=display: block; font-size: 3em; text-align: center; font-weight: bold;][COLOR=rgb(44, 130, 201)]DAGON KAZE[/COLOR]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Music[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New][URL='']a silent guardian[/URL][/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Aliases[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Dag
 Jedi pretty boy [ty suri]
 golden boy of njo [- [USER=21817]Aayla Shan[/USER]][/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Class(es)[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Jedi Sentinel
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Birthplace[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Ruusan[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Place of residence[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Denon
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Age[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Early-mid twenties[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Personality Traits[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Compassionate
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Education Traits[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Intricate Webweaver[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Lifestyle Traits[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Adventurer
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Rank(s)[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Jedi Knight
 Jedi Watchman of Denon[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Faction(s)[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]New Jedi Order
 Galactic Alliance[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Species[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Human[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Languages[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Galactic Basic[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Gender[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Male[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Force Sensitive[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Y[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Force Alignment[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Ashla[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Character Alignment[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Neutral Good[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Height[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]6'3[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Weight[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]210lbs[/FONT][/TD]
[div=max-width: 470px; margin: auto; padding: 15px; float: left;]
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[CENTER][URL=''][SIZE=26px][B][FONT=Georgia]Chapter I[/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/URL]
[SIZE=26px][B][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)][FONT=Georgia]Chapter II[/FONT][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]

[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=13px]As the war against the Sith Empire is coming to a victorious conclusion for the forces of good, another threat emerges from the Unknown Regions - the Brotherhood of the Maw. Meanwhile, a phantom menace begins to creep into the fabric of the Galactic Alliance seeking to bring it down from within.

After finally purging himself free of his father's corruptive presence, Dagon Kaze, now a Jedi Knight, has a new inner conflict to tackle - trying to strike a balance between his duty as a Jedi and his personal relationships.

One's bound to break.
After his fateful reunion atop the spires of the Ziost Academy with his fallen twin brother - [USER=21450]Aeric Kaze[/USER] - who nearly kills Dagon, the young Jedi Padawan is corrupted with his father's vengeful spirit. Rescued from the ruins of the Academy by his fellow Jedi and friend [USER=22250]Kaska Arden[/USER], the two end up embroiled in a deadly battle with a Sith aboard the Prosperity during the Sith Empire's counter-attack over Ziost. In the midst of the duel, Dagon - driven by his father's presence within - taps into the dark side in an attempt to save Kaska; while he succeeds in doing so, the trust and bond between the two is shattered. The rift is further opened by the intervention of [USER=22817]Michael Sardun[/USER], famed Jedi Crusader and Kaska's mentor, who sacrifices an eye to cauterize Haytham Kaze's corruption. Left conflicted, but feeling justified in his actions, Dagon embarks on a toiling journey to better discern the line between right and wrong.

While still ripped apart from within due to Haytham's spirit, Dagon not only joins the attack on Generis but persuades more Jedi to join him in his quest for justice against the Sith - notably [USER=22219]Viers Connory[/USER], [USER=22304]Viera[/USER], [USER=21684]Violet Horne[/USER] and [USER=22250]Kaska Arden[/USER]. The mission turns into a fiasco and his foolishness nearly costs the life of all of his companions, leaving Kaska in a bacta tank for an indefinite time, while being rescued by Violet and the enigmatic presence lingering within her. Regretful in his rash actions, the young Jedi Padawan retreats into a self-imposed exile briefly and inaudibly swears to go solo believing his leadership being an ingredient for disaster.

During the brief pause from the Stygian Campaign, there remains no respite for the raven-haired Jedi as he uncovers a conspiracy plot on Coruscant that would eventually lead him to Denon. However, before that, Dagon faces the growing threat of the so-called Brotherhood of the Maw. Fending off the crazed cultists on Jakku and along the rest of the Alliance's frontier with the Unknown Regions, he alerts both the Council and Senate of the impending threat. Around this period he meets [USER=22880]Ayana Vullen[/USER] with who he forms a strong, loving relationship which sees him at last turning the tide of the internal turmoil raging within his mind. The bond between the two intensifies greatly but fate once again seeks to take his most precious..

As the Maw raids upon the frontier decline, the Jedi finds himself on Ossus fighting the newly risen Sith Eternal as part of the Alliance's reinforcements to the Concord. The GADF unit he is attached to is the same combat element in which his lover Ayana serves as a medic. A foreboding sensation envelops him and it eventually manifests into reality - meeting his brother once more. In the brutal scuffle between the two, Dagon inadvertently plunges his blade through Ayana's heart in an attempt to stab Aeric. And just like before, the Jedi is left feeling alone in a galaxy that only promised to take all that he valued. A void opens up in his heart there where his beloved used to be and Dagon shuts his feelings to the universe fearful that any attachment he forms is damned to be shattered.

Eventually, Dagon manages to open up and confess what had transpired both over Ziost and on Ossus to his best friend [USER=22256]Aeris Lashiec[/USER] and his master [USER=3131]Asmundr Varobalder[/USER] - the legendary Warden of the New Jedi Order. Consoled and given hope by both, Dagon rediscovers once more the resolve he had lost but still treads carefully the line between the darkness and the light.

Prior to the relaunch of the Stygian Campaign, the Jedi follows a lead on the conspiracy plot he had been investigating to the corporate world of Denon. There, after an [I]eventful [/I]attempt to go undercover within the ranks of a local gang, he meets [USER=14652]Yula Perl[/USER] - the daughter of the woman who had killed his father. Without any deliberate 'push' from each other, the two begin to form a bond that intensifies through the fire and flames of Csilla, Sev Tok and Nar Kreeta. By the time both could even acknowledge it, the duo's bond grows into an emotional relationship with Yula filling the void left behind by Ayana's death.

The culmination of these near 600 posts of writing the author has struggled (terribly) in summarizing comes at the Battle of Krayiss II, where Dagon is faced with yet another dilemma - abandoning Yula to her fate against her cousin, the formidable fallen Jedi [USER=19442]Zaavik Perl[/USER] or performing his duty to the Light carrying out his oath. With tears in his eyes, he (of course because drama) chooses the latter and joins his fellow New Jedi comrades into the heart of darkness that is the Library Temple of Krayiss II. There, both his friend [USER=12771]Bernard of Arca[/USER] and Dagon fall to the Dark Side with the latter ending up fully possessed by his father. In one last ditch effort - a suicidal one at that - Dagon channels his whole [I]existence [/I]into the Light purging Bernard's corruption and Haytham's vengeful presence once and for all.

Thus comes the end of Chapter I with his father's spirit cleansed forever but with a new obstacle ahead - trying to strike a balance between his duty as a Jedi and his personal relationships.

One's bound to break.

Also he's a Jedi Knight now, nice.[/SPOILER][/SIZE][/FONT][/JUSTIFY][/SLIDE]
[SLIDE][div="max-width:350px;margin: auto;font-family:Georgia;"]

[TD][IMG width="60px"][/IMG][/TD]
[TD][B][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)][SIZE=18px]ART OF THE MOVEMENT[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/TD]
[TD][IMG width="60px"][/IMG][/TD]
[TD][B][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)][SIZE=18px]INVESTIGATOR[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/TD]
[TD][IMG width="60px"][/IMG][/TD]
[TD][B][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)][SIZE=18px]TELEKINESIS[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/TD]
[TD][IMG width="60px"][/IMG][/TD]
[TD][B][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)][SIZE=18px]NIMAN[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/TD]
[TD][IMG width="60px"][/IMG][/TD]
[TD][B][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)][SIZE=18px]FORCE VALOR[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/TD]


[SLIDE][div="max-width:500px;margin: auto;font-family:Georgia;"]
in 3 words

[TD][USER=21450]Aeric Kaze[/USER][/TD]
[TD][B]twin[/B]. regret. sorrow.[/TD]
[TD][USER=22256]Aeris Lashiec[/USER][/TD]
[TD]got. your. back[B]bff[/B].[/TD]
[TD][USER=14652]Yula Perl[/USER][/TD]
[TD]warms. the. [B]heart [/B][IMG width="19px"][/IMG][/TD]
[TD][USER=3131]Asmundr Varobalder[/USER][/TD]
[TD][B]mentor[/B]. warden. guide.[/TD]
[TD][USER=23557]Djonas Val[/USER][/TD]
[TD]friend. past. [B]regret[/B].[/TD]
[TD]leader. sword. [B]brother[/B].[/TD]
[TD][USER=22219]Viers Connory[/USER][/TD]
[TD]in. [B]another[/B]. life...[IMG width="23px"][/IMG][/TD]
[TD]nerd. [B]eminence[/B]. pure.[/TD]
[TD][USER=12771]Bernard of Arca[/USER][/TD]
[TD]walks. the. [B]mile[/B].[/TD]
[TD][USER=15345]Damsy Callat[/USER][/TD]
[TD]trustworthy. [B]good.[/B] warrior.[/TD]
[TD][USER=21873]The Doppelganger[/USER][/TD]
[TD]i'm. [B]sorry[/B].[/TD]
[TD][USER=22817]Michael Sardun[/USER][/TD]
[TD][B]seraphim[/B]. empyrean. retribution.[/TD]
[TD][USER=18127]Lucien Dooku[/USER][/TD]
[TD]friend. [B]hero[/B]. casanova.[/TD]
[TD][USER=18054]Maynard Treicolt[/USER][/TD]
[TD][B]man[/B]. among. men[/TD]
[TD][USER=19442]Zaavik Perl[/USER][/TD]
[TD]lost. [B]friend[/B]. scarred.[/TD]
[TD][USER=17679]Aaran Tafo[/USER][/TD]
[TD]composure. [B]virtuous[/B]. necessary.[/TD]
[TD][USER=20540]Ishani Sibwarra[/USER][/TD]
[TD][B]oops[/B]. gottem. redeemable.[/TD]
[TD][USER=17116]Kyra Perl[/USER][/TD]
[TD]it. [B]wasnt[/B]. me.[/TD]
[TD][USER=19504]Marae Tavlar[/USER][/TD]
[TD]see. you. [B]again[/B].mp3[/TD]
[TD][USER=21684]Violet Horne[/USER][/TD]
[TD]see. you. [B]again[/B].mp3[/TD]
[TD]see. you. [B]again[/B].mp3[/TD]
[TD][USER=22250]Kaska Arden[/USER][/TD]
[TD]see. you. [B]again[/B].mp3[/TD]
[TD][USER=22880]Ayana Vullen[/USER][/TD]
[TD][URL=''][B]dont[/B]. tell. pink.[/URL][/TD]
[TD]no. more. space.[/TD]

dont ask me its 2 am.
[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=13px][B][SIZE=18px][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]BROTHERS DIVIDED[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px]Not a soul in the galaxy is closer to Dagon than his own twin brother - [USER=21450]Aeric Kaze[/USER]. When he disappeared one day from their home on Ruusan, Dagon believed his brother dead somewhere in the galaxy. Not long after, Dagon left for the stars seeking to become a Jedi and find his brother's whereabouts if alive. Discovering his brother is alive but corrupted by their father and fallen to the Dark Side, the two clash in a lethal scuffle twice - once on Ziost and once on Ossus. Left with only the painful revelation of his brother's fate, Dagon is torn whether there his brother could truly be redeemed or is he forever lost.
[URL='']The Other Side of Peace[/URL] | [URL='']Dualism[/URL] | [URL='']The Ossus Massacre[/URL]
[FONT=Georgia][B][SIZE=18px][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]THE CRIMSON KING[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px][FONT=Georgia]After clashing with his twin brother on Ziost, Dagon's psyche is infiltrated by their father Sith Lord Haytham Kaze. A legendary Dark Jedi in his prime and one of the Sith Triumvirs of old, Haytham's legacy in the realm of mortals is his relentless pursuit of vengeance against Joza Perl; the woman who had killed him. He continuously attempts to corrupt Dagon to the dark side with the aim of assuming control - just like he had done with Aeric - and succeeds twice. During the second successful conversion, the young padawan finally finds the strength to purge his father's presence by nearly killing himself in the process.
[URL='']Hope Never Dies[/URL] | [URL='']Crumbling Castle[/URL] | [URL='']A Promise Kept.. Kind Of[/URL] | [URL='']The Persistence of Loss[/URL] | [URL='']IDCARRATOS[/URL] | [URL='']Return To Stygian[/URL] | [URL='']Revelry In Ravelin[/URL]
[B][SIZE=18px][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]BORN ON A MONDAY[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px][FONT=Georgia]In his numerous adventures as a Jedi, Dagon has inadvertently encountered numerous Sith. While most are beyond saving, two - so far - have been found capable of salvation. [USER=21873]The Doppelganger[/USER] Kai and [USER=15345]Damsy Callat[/USER]. Both now carry the burden to walk the righteous path in a daunting struggle against the curse of the Dark Side. Dagon strives to help them in any way possible despite his own failures. Then there's [USER=23737]Ishida Ashina[/USER] trying to ruin his plans every step of the way.
[URL='']Curse of Sycorax[/URL] | [URL='']The Modern Prometheus[/URL] | [URL='']The Chemist[/URL] | [URL='']Live Free Or Die[/URL] | [URL='']The Search[/URL] | [URL='']Blacknight[/URL] | [URL='']Blood City[/URL]
[B][SIZE=18px][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]THE GREAT ERROR[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px][FONT=Georgia]Thirty-three decapitated bodies found on freight from Empress Teta to Coruscant. That's where the most complicated investigation in Dagon's life begins. Following the trail of blood, the Jedi soon begins to realize he is entangled in a web of lies and deception way beyond just a case of serial homicides. From low-life thugs and gangs to corruption on the highest level of the Alliance, the conspiracy slowly but surely begins to assume the form of rising Sith influence within Core. Along with [USER=18034]Ryv[/USER], the Sword of the Jedi and war hero most recently framed for murder, they embark to unravel the greatest mystery and threat the Jedi have so far faced.
[URL='']Bring Me His Flesh Leather[/URL] | [URL='']No Rest For The Wicked[/URL] | [URL='']Way Over Her Head[/URL] | [URL='']The Chemist[/URL] | [URL='']Gloves of Metal[/URL] | [URL='']Head Of The Snake[/URL] | [URL='']Bad Company[/URL] | [URL='']On The Rox[/URL] | [URL='']Severance[/URL] | [URL='']Operation: SHATTERPOINT[/URL]
[B][SIZE=18px][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]THE MISSING PIECE[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px][FONT=Georgia]A love-inducing chemical accidentally released on Jedha leads to Dagon Kaze and [USER=22880]Ayana Vullen[/USER] crossing paths. What started as artificially created attraction turned into a genuine love for each other. Considered Dagon's first, true love, Ayana becomes the 'missing piece' in his life. Their relationship is cut short when he inadvertently kills her during the Battle of Ossus when Aeric pulls her into the way of Dagon's lightsaber. She forever remains in his heart and to this day Dagon refuses to visit the rooftop of Building 157 on Coruscant where they confessed their love to each other believing his presence would desecrate otherwise sacred grounds.
[URL='']Jedhamour reve[/URL] | [URL='']The Ossus Massacre[/URL] | [URL='']The Persistence of Loss[/URL] | [URL='']A Benefit Most Welcome[/URL] | [URL='']Strength In Unity[/URL]
[B][SIZE=18px][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]STAY AWAKE WITH ME[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px][FONT=Georgia]The loss of Ayana left an unfulfillable void in his heart and a fear of attachments. Following a lead on his conspiracy investigation, Dagon accidentally met [USER=14652]Yula Perl[/USER] during a failed sting operation on a criminal gang. It would not be their last encounter. Teaming up together through the fires of Csilla, Sev Tok, Nar Kreeta and crimefighting on Denon ignited a spark between them burning to ash the fear of closeness. While the stark contrast of their personalities and their struggles in the galaxy have forged a strong, caring bond between the two lovers, they have also shaken their relationship - the culmination of which was Dagon choosing the duty of a Jedi over her during the Battle of Krayiss II. Since then both have resorted to sweeping these issues under the rug, yet it is only a matter of time before the heap becomes too big to ignore.
[URL='']Razor's Edge[/URL] | [URL='']In The Air Tonight[/URL] | [URL='']Standoff[/URL] | [URL='']Words[/URL] | [URL='']Scattered Sunlight[/URL] | [URL='']Allegiance[/URL] | [URL='']Ode To Sev Tok[/URL] | [URL='']If You Like Pina Keladas[/URL] | [URL='']Return To Stygian[/URL] | [URL='']At The Seams[/URL]
[B][SIZE=18px][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]IN ANOTHER LIFE[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px][FONT=Georgia][USER=22219]Viers Connory[/USER] was one of the Jedi from the Jakku Enclave he 'recruited' to the Battle of Generis. Throughout the period of the war against the Sith Empire, both work together on various missions and grow close. Unbeknownst to Dagon, their closeness is defined by Viers' feelings for him. The regretful revelation dawns during the Battle of Krayiss II and leaves Dagon regretful. Puzzled by [I]what could've been[/I], the raven-haired Jedi's struggling attempts to maintain some form of balance between his duty and personal relationships are further strained.
[URL='']So, You Got Somethin' To Say[/URL] | [URL='']Crumbling Castle[/URL] | [URL='']Speak Of The Devil[/URL] | [URL='']Dunes[/URL] | [URL='']Return To Stygian[/URL] | [URL='']Kill Them All And Let God Sort Them Out[/URL]
[B][SIZE=18px][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]GHOSTS OF THE PAST[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px][FONT=Georgia][USER=23557]Djonas Val[/USER], Dagon Kaze, and Kal Varn were once a promising team of Jedi padawans bestowed with great expectations. The Dynamic Trio was eventually shattered due to Dagon's error as a leader which left Kal dead and Djonas to leave the Order. Djon resurfaced years later as an Imperial Knight in service of the New Imperial Order, while there's no outright hostility between the two and mostly regret, past mistakes have made their reconciliation a challenge.
[URL='']Gloves of Metal[/URL] | [URL='']Bad Company[/URL]
[B][SIZE=18px][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]ROUGH JUSTICE[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px][FONT=Georgia]An umbrella arc for stories that define Dagon's 'career' as a crimefighter not necessarily tied to the other arcs above. Whether one-shots or overreaching arcs, mostly on Denon but not exclusively, these stories represent Dagon at his core as a detective and/or vigilante.
[URL='']The Spice Must Flow[/URL] | [URL='']Old Town Road[/URL][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
Last edited:
This is a repost.

I have taken the liberty of grabbing a commonly-used and frequently reskinned bio template (from this thread) and have adjusted it to display appropriately on mobile. Second verse, same as the first.

See the above post for how the template was altered, and open the spoilers below to see what the template looks like, and to access the template code.



Musicghost in the trenches
Special Commando Advanced Recon Trooper
BirthplaceOuter Rim
Personality TraitsZealous
Education TraitsSkilled Tactician
Lifestyle TraitsHunter
Rank(s)Staff Sergeant
Faction(s)New Imperial Order
501st Legion
Imperial Special Forces
SCAR Squadron
LanguagesGalactic Basic
other Outer Rim languages
Force SensitiveN
Character AlignmentLawful Evil

  • X5Yx2PB.png
    Chapter I

    You know what the average life span back home was? I'll spare you the time looking it up. Forty-six. That's what happens when you rise up against the dukes two centuries ago. The blood tax's collected every year, somewhere around the tail end of harvest's season. Tributes from each burgh are pitted against each other to the death in the Western Forests, each a commoner of the lowest class.

    And for what? Bread and circuses for the citizens that won the war. A war neither of us remembered.

    A war neither of us was made to forget.

    We buried our brother when I was nine.

    Buried my sister when I was twelve.

    Buried my parents when I was fifteen.

    Somewhere in that shitty forest, a tombstone had my name carved on it. Just like everyone I'd known had.

    But then one day... everything changed forever. Was the day I saw the most beautiful sight I'd ever seen.

    The day I saw my first stormtrooper.

    They gave me a rucksack and inside? A life worth living.

  • 528958.png

  • X5Yx2PB.png

    Recounts Sarge's experiences as a stormtrooper in the ranks of the New Imperial Order.
    Placeholder | Placeholder | Placeholder

  • X5Yx2PB.png

    HoaxChief conspiracy theorist. Pazaak cheater.
    CatKleptomaniac. Loves her trinkets.
    Lily StevensReaper. Speaks like a farmer. Shoots like a sniper.
    Volgin AltoMauler. Always brings a hammer to peace talks.


    501st LEGION




[div=max-width: 920px; background:url(''); background-position: center; margin:auto; padding:15px; text-shadow: 2px 1px #151515; text-align: justify; filter: drop-shadow(3px 3px 7px #000000); border: 1px solid; border-image: url('') 10; font-family: Georgia; font-size:100%; color: #c0c0c0; text-shadow: 1px 1px #4A4949; overflow: auto;][float=right][div=margin: auto; padding: 0px; max-width: 400px; background-color: #000000; border: 3px solid rgba(0,0,0,.5); border-right: 4px solid rgba(0,0,0,.6); border-bottom: 6px solid rgba(0,0,0,.7); position: relative; color: #A9A9A9; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; z-index: 999;]
[IMG width="358px"][/IMG]
[div=display: block; font-size: 3em; text-align: center; font-weight: bold;][COLOR=rgb(65, 168, 95)]SARGE[/COLOR]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Music[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New][URL='']ghost in the trenches[/URL][/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Aliases[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Class(es)[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Stormtrooper
 Special Commando Advanced Recon Trooper[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Birthplace[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Outer Rim[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Age[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Thirties[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Personality Traits[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Zealous
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Education Traits[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Skilled Tactician[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Lifestyle Traits[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Hunter
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Rank(s)[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Staff Sergeant[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Faction(s)[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]New Imperial Order
           501st Legion
 Imperial Special Forces
[URL='']SCAR Squadron[/URL][/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Species[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Human[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Languages[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Galactic Basic
 other Outer Rim languages[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Gender[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Male[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Force Sensitive[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]N[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Character Alignment[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Lawful Evil[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Height[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]5'11[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Weight[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]185lbs[/FONT][/TD]
[div=max-width: 470px; margin: auto; padding: 15px; float: left;]
[TABS width=100%]
[CENTER][IMG][/IMG][SIZE=26px][COLOR=rgb(65, 168, 95)][FONT=Georgia][B]Chapter I[/B][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]

[I]You know what the average life span back home was? I'll spare you the time looking it up. Forty-six. That's what happens when you rise up against the dukes two centuries ago. The blood tax's collected every year, somewhere around the tail end of harvest's season. Tributes from each burgh are pitted against each other to the death in the Western Forests, each a commoner of the lowest class.

And for what? Bread and circuses for the citizens that won the war. A war neither of us remembered.

A war neither of us was made to forget.

We buried our brother when I was nine.

Buried my sister when I was twelve.

Buried my parents when I was fifteen.

Somewhere in that shitty forest, a tombstone had my name carved on it. Just like everyone I'd known had.

But then one day... everything changed forever. Was the day I saw the most beautiful sight I'd ever seen.

The day I saw my first stormtrooper.

They gave me a rucksack and inside? A life worth living.[/I]

[SLIDE][div="max-width:350px;margin: auto;font-family:Georgia;"]
[TD][IMG width="60px"][/IMG][/TD]
[TD][B][COLOR=rgb(65, 168, 95)][SIZE=18px]HUNTER[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/TD]
[TD][IMG width="60px"][/IMG][/TD]
[TD][B][COLOR=rgb(65, 168, 95)][SIZE=18px]SPECIAL FORCES[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/TD]
[TD][IMG width="60px"][/IMG][/TD]
[TD][B][COLOR=rgb(65, 168, 95)][SIZE=18px]VETERAN[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/TD]
[TD][IMG width="60px"][/IMG][/TD]
[TD][B][COLOR=rgb(65, 168, 95)][SIZE=18px]TRENCH GHOST[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/TD]

[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=13px][B][COLOR=rgb(65, 168, 95)][SIZE=18px]LONG LIVE THE EMPIRE[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px]Recounts Sarge's experiences as a stormtrooper in the ranks of the New Imperial Order.
Placeholder | Placeholder | Placeholder[/SIZE][/FONT]


[SLIDE_HEADER]Relationships and Associations[/SLIDE_HEADER]
[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=13px][B][COLOR=rgb(65, 168, 95)][SIZE=18px]SCAR SQUADRON[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT]

[TD]Chief conspiracy theorist. Pazaak cheater.[/TD]
[TD]Kleptomaniac. Loves her trinkets.[/TD]
[TD][USER=27092]Lily Stevens[/USER][/TD]
[TD]Reaper. Speaks like a farmer. Shoots like a sniper.[/TD]
[TD][USER=18915]Volgin Alto[/USER][/TD]
[TD]Mauler. Always brings a hammer to peace talks.[/TD]

[FONT=Georgia][B][COLOR=rgb(65, 168, 95)][SIZE=18px]501st LEGION[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px][FONT=Georgia] [/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER]


[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=13px][FONT=Georgia][FONT=Georgia][B][COLOR=rgb(65, 168, 95)][SIZE=18px]OTHER[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px][FONT=Georgia][FONT=Georgia] [/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER]


[/TABS][FONT=Georgia][FONT=Georgia][FONT=Georgia][div="max-width:500px;margin: auto;font-family:Georgia;"][/div][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/div][/div]
Last edited:
This is a repost.

I have taken the liberty of grabbing a commonly-used and frequently reskinned bio template (from this thread) and adjusted it to display appropriately on mobile. Third verse, same as the first. See two posts above this post for details on how this template was altered.

Please open the spoilers to see what this template looks like, and to access the template code.



AgeLate teens
Personality TraitsWrathful
Education TraitsFlamboyant Trickster
Lifestyle TraitsBlademaster
Faction(s)New Imperial Order
Stormtrooper Corps
Iron Sun Youth Group

Axis of Shadows
LanguagesGalactic Basic
Force SensitiveForce Dead
Character AlignmentChaotic Evil

  • X5Yx2PB.png
    Chapter I

    A bastard born out of wedlock, Konrad-Heinrich Harrsk still enjoyed a priveleged life growing up in the war-torn landscape of the New Imperial Order. Groomed to fulfill the Imperial legacy of the Harrsk family, Jaeger's son was indoctrinated from a young age to believe in the existence of the Great Conspiracy; a plot encompassing all galactic powers and nations that sought to eradicate True Imperialism. If there were any doubts lingering in his mind, they were eradicated when the Elder Council came to clash with the New Imperials over Dantooine.

    Baptized in the axiom of the Great Conspiracy, Konrad grew into a callous persona full with paranoia in an image identical to his father. However—well in his teenage years as a youth in the SAGroup of COMPNOR—the lack of a father figure in his daily life led him to slowly form disdain for Jaeger. Eventually, in an act of petty spite against his father, Konrad enrolled into the Iron Sun Youth Group - the Felist counterpart of the SAGroup.

    While the loss of his father and his admission into the ISYG did little to temper his strong beliefs in the Great Conspiracy, it did lift the heavy burden of the Harrsk legacy heaving over his shoulders. Konrad, instead, sought to carve a legacy of his own making. With the nation in despair, he would seek reasons everywhere.

    'They were out to get him, and he would not go gently into the night."

  • 527330.png

  • X5Yx2PB.png

    Bred to believe that the galaxy was out to get him and his nation, Konrad's whole existence is centered around fear. Made to feel like a cornered animal, the young Harrsk's extraordinary will is driven by an intense form of paranoia. In a constant state of fight-or-flight, Konrad seeks to unravel and undo the great conspiracy by extending and expanding the reach of the New Imperial Order by absolutely any means necessary.
    Placeholder | Placeholder | Placeholder


    Beneath the thick veil of paranoia lies a boy of privileged life and a stubborn need to be in a position of power. Stubborn to death in believing his cause righteous, he can often be described as a 'my way or the highway' type of person. His cause is not only just, but right. Konrad seeks to build his power base across the galaxy, forming a circle of subservient and like-minded fellows, in order to envelop the universe under his thumb.
    Placeholder | Placeholder | Placeholder

  • X5Yx2PB.png

    Aemilio ValaarComrade in the 501st. Peasant, but has potential.
    EnlilVizier of the Empire. You will die a painful death.



    Jaeger HarrskFather.
    Valeriya Harrsk [NPC]Aunt. Ace of Teta.
    Dr. Enrst Tannhauser [NPC]Physician. Grandpa's friend, irritating at times.


    Auria BlackmooreSorceress. Irritating witch.


    AbaddonArt of the Assassin.
    Dr. Ernst Tannhauser [NPC]Medicine, Stim Chemistry
    Keishiro Hayata [NPC]Way of the Sword
    Valeriya Harrsk [NPC]How to Fly 101

    Ishida AshinaUgh.

[div="max-width: 920px; background:url(''); background-position: center; margin:auto; padding:15px; text-shadow: 2px 1px #151515; text-align: justify; border: 1px solid; padding: 10px; filter: drop-shadow(3px 3px 7px #000000); border: 2px solid #151515;  border: 1px solid; border-image: url('') 30; font-family: Courier New; font-size:100%; color: #c0c0c0; text-shadow: 1px 1px #4A4949; overflow: auto;"][float=right][div=margin: auto; padding: 0px; max-width: 400px; background-color: #000000; border: 3px solid rgba(0,0,0,.5); border-right: 4px solid rgba(0,0,0,.6); border-bottom: 6px solid rgba(0,0,0,.7); position: relative; color: #A9A9A9; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; z-index: 999;]
[IMG width="358px"][/IMG]
[div=display: block; font-size: 3em; text-align: center; font-weight: bold;][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]KONRAD HARRSK[/COLOR]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Music[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New][URL='']engel[/URL][/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Aliases[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Hellion[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Class(es)[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Stormtrooper
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Birthplace[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Bastion[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Age[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Late teens[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Personality Traits[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Wrathful
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Education Traits[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Flamboyant Trickster[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Lifestyle Traits[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Blademaster
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Rank(s)[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Lieutenant[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Faction(s)[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]New Imperial Order
 Stormtrooper Corps
 Iron Sun Youth Group[/FONT]
[URL=''][FONT=Courier New]Axis of Shadows[/FONT][/URL][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Species[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Human[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Languages[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Galactic Basic[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Gender[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Male[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Force Sensitive[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Force Dead[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Character Alignment[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Chaotic Evil[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Height[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]5'10[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]Weight[/FONT][/TD]
[TD][FONT=Courier New]185lbs[/FONT][/TD]
[div=max-width: 470px; margin: auto; padding: 15px; float: left]
[TABS width=100%]
[CENTER][IMG][/IMG][SIZE=26px][B][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)][FONT=Georgia]Chapter I[/FONT][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]

[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=13px]A bastard born out of wedlock, Konrad-Heinrich Harrsk still enjoyed a priveleged life growing up in the war-torn landscape of the New Imperial Order. Groomed to fulfill the Imperial legacy of the Harrsk family, Jaeger's son was indoctrinated from a young age to believe in the existence of the Great Conspiracy; a plot encompassing all galactic powers and nations that sought to eradicate True Imperialism. If there were any doubts lingering in his mind, they were eradicated when the Elder Council came to clash with the New Imperials over Dantooine.

Baptized in the axiom of the Great Conspiracy, Konrad grew into a callous persona full with paranoia in an image identical to his father. However—well in his teenage years as a youth in the SAGroup of COMPNOR—the lack of a father figure in his daily life led him to slowly form disdain for Jaeger. Eventually, in an act of petty spite against his father, Konrad enrolled into the Iron Sun Youth Group - the Felist counterpart of the SAGroup.

While the loss of his father and his admission into the ISYG did little to temper his strong beliefs in the Great Conspiracy, it did lift the heavy burden of the Harrsk legacy heaving over his shoulders. Konrad, instead, sought to carve a legacy of his own making. With the nation in despair, he would seek reasons everywhere.[/SIZE][/FONT]

[CENTER][FONT=Georgia][SIZE=13px][I]'They were out to get him, and he would not go gently into the night."[/I][/SIZE][/FONT]


[SLIDE][div="max-width:350px;margin: auto;font-family:Georgia;"]
[TD][IMG width="60px"][/IMG][/TD]
[TD][B][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)][SIZE=18px]MEDICINE[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/TD]
[TD][IMG width="60px"][/IMG][/TD]
[TD][B][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)][SIZE=18px]ASSASSIN[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/TD]
[TD][IMG width="60px"][/IMG][/TD]
[TD][B][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)][SIZE=18px]RECONDITE MARTIAL ARTS[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/TD]
[TD][IMG width="60px"][/IMG][/TD]
[TD][B][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)][SIZE=18px]UNORTHODOX THINKING[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/TD]

[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=13px][B][SIZE=18px][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]THE GREAT CONSPIRACY[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px]Bred to believe that the galaxy was out to get him and his nation, Konrad's whole existence is centered around fear. Made to feel like a cornered animal, the young Harrsk's extraordinary will is driven by an intense form of paranoia. In a constant state of fight-or-flight, Konrad seeks to unravel and undo the great conspiracy by extending and expanding the reach of the New Imperial Order by absolutely any means necessary.
Placeholder | Placeholder | Placeholder
[FONT=Georgia][B][SIZE=18px][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]BORN TO RULE[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px][FONT=Georgia]Beneath the thick veil of paranoia lies a boy of privileged life and a stubborn need to be in a position of power. Stubborn to death in believing his cause righteous, he can often be described as a 'my way or the highway' type of person. His cause is not only just, but [I]right[/I]. Konrad seeks to build his power base across the galaxy, forming a circle of subservient and like-minded fellows, in order to envelop the universe under his thumb.
Placeholder | Placeholder | Placeholder[/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]

[SLIDE_HEADER]Relationships and Associations[/SLIDE_HEADER]
[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=13px][B][SIZE=18px][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]NEW IMPERIAL ORDER[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/FONT]

[TD][USER=24871]Aemilio Valaar[/USER][/TD]
[TD][B]Comrade[/B] in the 501st. [I]Peasant, but has potential.[/I][/TD]
[TD][B]Vizier [/B]of the Empire. [I]You will die a painful death.[/I][/TD]

[FONT=Georgia][B][SIZE=18px][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]SON OF JAEGER[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px][FONT=Georgia] [/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER]

[TD][USER=19794]Jaeger Harrsk[/USER][/TD]
[TD]Valeriya Harrsk [NPC][/TD]
[TD][B]Aunt[/B]. [I]Ace of Teta.[/I][/TD]
[TD]Dr. Enrst Tannhauser [NPC][/TD]
[TD][B]Physician[/B]. [I]Grandpa's friend, irritating at times.[/I][/TD]

[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=13px][FONT=Georgia][FONT=Georgia][B][SIZE=18px][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]DEMON'S HEAD CLIQUE[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px][FONT=Georgia][FONT=Georgia] [/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER]

[TD][USER=21460]Auria Blackmoore[/USER][/TD]
[TD][B]Sorceress[/B]. [I]Irritating witch.[/I][/TD]

[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=13px][FONT=Georgia][FONT=Georgia][FONT=Georgia][B][SIZE=18px][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]MENTORS[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px][FONT=Georgia][FONT=Georgia][FONT=Georgia] [/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER]

[TD]Art of the [B]Assassin[/B].[/TD]
[TD]Dr. Ernst Tannhauser [NPC][/TD]
[TD][B]Medicine[/B], Stim Chemistry[/TD]
[TD]Keishiro Hayata [NPC][/TD]
[TD]Way of the [B]Sword[/B][/TD]
[TD]Valeriya Harrsk [NPC][/TD]
[TD]How to [B]Fly[/B] 101[/TD]

[CENTER][B][SIZE=18px][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]OTHERS[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=13px][FONT=Georgia][FONT=Georgia][FONT=Georgia] [/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER]

[TD][USER=23737]Ishida Ashina[/USER][/TD]


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This is an edit of the Clans of Islimore Bio Template, done at the request of Groushh Groushh - open the spoiler to see what it looks like.



Full Name
Personality Traits
Education Traits
Lifestyle Traits
Force Sensitive
Force Alignment
Character Alignment
Robert Pattinson
Template Credit

  • A good resource for Personality, Education, and Lifestyle traits to fill in the table to the right can be found here.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam in risus auctor, porttitor neque sed, efficitur libero. Nunc facilisis justo risus, nec aliquet odio fringilla ac. Donec pretium facilisis feugiat. Integer diam sem, fringilla eu iaculis quis, ultricies condimentum nulla. Curabitur leo erat, sodales eget risus et, dignissim ullamcorper elit. Donec sagittis molestie massa, ut auctor quam porttitor ac. Nam vel purus non orci commodo ultrices. In sit amet ornare augue, non congue dolor. Proin vehicula gravida nibh, eu hendrerit metus interdum vel.

    Maecenas quis lorem justo. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam neque nulla, suscipit ac eros sed, pulvinar blandit arcu. Suspendisse imperdiet et lorem ac fringilla. In aliquam ut velit eu vestibulum. Morbi sit amet ultricies neque, at finibus orci. In tincidunt scelerisque iaculis. Donec elit dolor, mattis et congue eu, tincidunt vitae lacus.

    Fusce venenatis est risus, vel porttitor leo congue vitae. Curabitur id turpis enim. Phasellus euismod viverra tellus, ut euismod nisi sollicitudin nec. In iaculis dapibus tincidunt. Nulla augue turpis, sagittis sit amet sapien in, feugiat molestie est. Nullam quis tortor massa. Curabitur sollicitudin est vitae efficitur rutrum. Aenean sed varius turpis. Donec iaculis velit augue, a lobortis eros tincidunt id. Nullam lacinia interdum mi non suscipit. Curabitur at tellus dolor. Morbi ut dignissim nunc. Curabitur sollicitudin est vitae efficitur rutrum. Aenean sed varius turpis. Donec iaculis velit augue, a lobortis eros tincidunt id. Nullam lacinia interdum mi non suscipit.

  • 527505.png

    *Ability Icons can be found here.

    Brief Arc Description Here
    Thread Title/Link | Thread Title/Link | Thread Title/Link | Thread Title/Link

    Brief Arc Description Here
    Thread Title/Link | Thread Title/Link | Thread Title/Link | Thread Title/Link​


    Character name/link or tag
    Description about the relationship
    Character name/link or tag
    Description about the relationship
    Character name/link or tag
    Description about the relationship
    Character name/link or tag
    Description about the relationship



    Character name/link or tag
    Description about the relationship
    Character name/link or tag
    Description about the relationship
    Character name/link or tag
    Description about the relationship
    Character name/link or tag
    Description about the relationship



    Character name/link or tag
    Description about the relationship
    Character name/link or tag
    Description about the relationship
    Character name/link or tag
    Description about the relationship
    Character name/link or tag
    Description about the relationship



    Character name/link or tag
    Description about the relationship
    Character name/link or tag
    Description about the relationship
    Character name/link or tag
    Description about the relationship
    Character name/link or tag
    Description about the relationship

    Item Name​

    Item Name/Link Here
    Item Description
    Item Name/Link Here
    Item Description
    Item Name/Link Here
    Item Description
    Item Name/Link Here
    Item Description


    Item Name​

    Item Name/Link Here
    Item Description
    Item Name/Link Here
    Item Description
    Item Name/Link Here
    Item Description
    Item Name/Link Here
    Item Description
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Here's a template code I had sitting around - Feel free to use it!
Want to change the background? Just swap out the url in the
first div!

If you want to change the border colours or default text colour, look for the hex codes - a hash followed by six alphanumeric digits, e.g.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam posuere urna leo, eu sagittis quam posuere non. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Phasellus eleifend bibendum est, dignissim finibus elit dictum quis. Suspendisse blandit nibh a lorem vulputate facilisis. Ut non dui eu risus gravida tincidunt. Proin pulvinar dictum lacinia. Mauris lacinia massa a eleifend viverra. Nulla in lacus at nunc sodales laoreet. Vestibulum mollis vestibulum tempor. Vivamus risus metus, rhoncus sed mollis et, elementum at magna. Etiam tincidunt cursus elementum.

Aenean et cursus augue, nec laoreet ligula. Vivamus efficitur nisi commodo dui commodo, eu cursus urna molestie. Proin non metus metus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Proin in arcu ac nibh aliquam iaculis. Proin at faucibus diam. Aenean eget dolor quis leo convallis viverra. In sollicitudin nisl non orci rhoncus maximus. Cras pellentesque, tellus commodo maximus vestibulum, enim dolor interdum diam, sit amet condimentum orci elit ac lorem.

Vivamus felis nunc, hendrerit non consectetur sed, tempus pulvinar ex. Nulla consectetur enim elit, ac dapibus lacus imperdiet at. Nullam ultrices quis mi id ultricies. Proin nec ex vitae eros sagittis faucibus eu sit amet orci. Nullam scelerisque, velit sed semper lacinia, ipsum nisi efficitur orci, non pulvinar dolor sem eu lacus. Duis varius non justo at dignissim. Pellentesque viverra aliquam ipsum a scelerisque. Donec augue lacus, mattis quis turpis quis, hendrerit gravida arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis ac lobortis erat. Suspendisse id est dapibus mauris sollicitudin consectetur et vel est. Duis malesuada dui eu diam pulvinar tempus. Etiam vitae neque ipsum. Mauris eget maximus ipsum. Maecenas a enim ultrices, finibus sapien nec, varius libero. Fusce id augue lectus.

[div=background: url(; margin: auto; background-size: 750px; background-position: 60%; max-width: 750px; padding: 40px; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 100%; text-align: justify; border: 3px solid #b0ac94; border-radius: 5px; filter: drop-shadow(0px 0px 10px #000000); box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px 8px #000000 inset;][div=background: #000000;  filter: drop-shadow(0px 0px 10px #000000); margin: auto; border: 3px solid #b0ac94; border-radius: 5px; max-width: 750px; padding: 15px; color: #b0ac9499;]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam posuere urna leo, eu sagittis quam posuere non. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Phasellus eleifend bibendum est, dignissim finibus elit dictum quis. Suspendisse blandit nibh a lorem vulputate facilisis. Ut non dui eu risus gravida tincidunt. Proin pulvinar dictum lacinia. Mauris lacinia massa a eleifend viverra. Nulla in lacus at nunc sodales laoreet. Vestibulum mollis vestibulum tempor. Vivamus risus metus, rhoncus sed mollis et, elementum at magna. Etiam tincidunt cursus elementum.

Aenean et cursus augue, nec laoreet ligula. Vivamus efficitur nisi commodo dui commodo, eu cursus urna molestie. Proin non metus metus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Proin in arcu ac nibh aliquam iaculis. Proin at faucibus diam. Aenean eget dolor quis leo convallis viverra. In sollicitudin nisl non orci rhoncus maximus. Cras pellentesque, tellus commodo maximus vestibulum, enim dolor interdum diam, sit amet condimentum orci elit ac lorem.

Vivamus felis nunc, hendrerit non consectetur sed, tempus pulvinar ex. Nulla consectetur enim elit, ac dapibus lacus imperdiet at. Nullam ultrices quis mi id ultricies. Proin nec ex vitae eros sagittis faucibus eu sit amet orci. Nullam scelerisque, velit sed semper lacinia, ipsum nisi efficitur orci, non pulvinar dolor sem eu lacus. Duis varius non justo at dignissim. Pellentesque viverra aliquam ipsum a scelerisque. Donec augue lacus, mattis quis turpis quis, hendrerit gravida arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis ac lobortis erat. Suspendisse id est dapibus mauris sollicitudin consectetur et vel est. Duis malesuada dui eu diam pulvinar tempus. Etiam vitae neque ipsum. Mauris eget maximus ipsum. Maecenas a enim ultrices, finibus sapien nec, varius libero. Fusce id augue lectus.
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Just a little bit of fiddling around with a different type of corner, by request. ;)
You can find an easy way to generate the code for these clipped corners and other polygon shapes at
this link. Just copy and paste the code it generates into your div!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin orci risus, aliquet non tellus vel, dapibus tempus mi. Morbi eget libero ac orci aliquam vulputate. Aenean sem velit, interdum nec est quis, ornare semper lorem. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus at cursus metus. Quisque nec magna at lacus molestie consectetur. Duis malesuada dignissim luctus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum ut ante ut tortor tincidunt malesuada vel ac libero. Morbi a viverra eros. Etiam nec placerat lorem, quis pharetra eros. Etiam sed lobortis leo. Pellentesque finibus egestas massa eu pharetra. Vestibulum eu lacus sed erat ornare auctor.

Vestibulum pharetra tincidunt leo rhoncus fermentum. Suspendisse tempus magna et urna euismod condimentum. Aenean vitae felis ut enim aliquet feugiat. Maecenas at arcu velit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed et purus et quam malesuada condimentum. Vestibulum id gravida purus. Proin a euismod urna, vitae semper nisl. Vestibulum eget elementum dui, quis lacinia mi. Nunc egestas ex a risus ultricies faucibus. Etiam dictum lectus eu turpis ornare venenatis. Sed euismod id justo nec bibendum. Vestibulum vel tristique ipsum. Etiam sed bibendum sem, in semper diam. Vestibulum eu magna a lacus maximus posuere id eu velit. Morbi sodales massa sit amet pulvinar hendrerit.

Cras mi nulla, molestie at nisi et, imperdiet rutrum mauris. Phasellus ut sollicitudin urna. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed convallis, nibh at blandit dapibus, enim mauris laoreet tortor, vitae pellentesque lectus urna at odio. Suspendisse blandit risus in libero gravida elementum. Nullam orci libero, tempor et lacus eget, iaculis finibus elit. Sed luctus vestibulum bibendum.
Last edited:
These bio and post templates were done for Fill Fill , based on my template for Vizion Trozky Vizion Trozky , seen here. Open the spoilers to see what the templates look like. :)



Musicyour theme here
Personality TraitsPLACEHOLDER
Education TraitsPLACEHOLDER
Lifestyle TraitsPLACEHOLDER
Force SensitivePLACEHOLDER
Force AlignmentPLACEHOLDER
Character AlignmentPLACEHOLDER
PlaybyCaleb Widogast Fanart
Template Credit Ilias Nytrau Ilias Nytrau

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc a condimentum quam. Integer condimentum risus sit amet metus dictum maximus. Duis arcu turpis, pulvinar id sagittis eu, ullamcorper in magna. Morbi in nunc at magna pretium vestibulum. Nullam tristique venenatis aliquet. Etiam cursus nisl eget felis facilisis gravida. Ut cursus ante non metus ultrices, sodales lacinia mauris bibendum. Sed pellentesque, orci quis auctor cursus, libero mauris viverra erat, id egestas orci mauris vel odio.

    Ideas to fill out the Personality Traits, Education Traits, and Lifestyle Traits fields in the right-side table, if you need ideas, can be found HERE.

  • ForceCharge.png
    Ability Icons can be found HERE.

  • div-orange.png

    Brief Arc Description Here

    Thread Title/Link | Thread Title/Link | Thread Title/Link | Thread Title/Link



    Brief Arc Description Here
    Thread Title/Link | Thread Title/Link | Thread Title/Link | Thread Title/Link

  • div-orange.png








@tag | @tag

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sem leo, posuere sed vehicula a, varius at massa. Duis vehicula justo fermentum leo cursus, at cursus nisi lobortis. Aliquam mollis aliquam purus eu lacinia. Etiam sed massa id ante sagittis viverra. Donec nec ligula diam. Etiam a ligula id ante lobortis semper at nec tellus. Quisque facilisis erat a porttitor commodo.

Ut aliquet libero sed aliquam vehicula. Aliquam ac tellus sit amet metus sodales elementum. Morbi fringilla justo sed ante dictum, sed pretium sem ornare. In odio lorem, elementum suscipit eros vel, efficitur eleifend quam. Quisque venenatis id lectus et bibendum. Proin tincidunt massa ipsum, sed varius sapien placerat et. Suspendisse nec consectetur erat. Sed quis feugiat ante. Vivamus aliquam interdum enim eu tristique. Etiam tempus nibh sed velit faucibus, et hendrerit ligula bibendum. Fusce augue augue, sollicitudin sit amet mattis quis, congue sed felis. Curabitur fermentum est vel dui commodo, eget finibus diam venenatis.

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I was asked for code help by someone who appeared to be new to creating templates. I'm happy to help, definitely always glad to see others try, and thrilled when they want to learn how to create templates! :D

I was given two layers of [div], which showed a repeating background; there was also an image top-centre, and a word in size 32 font, below it. The code was meant to show a green border around the background with rounded corners at the bottom, but the code had errors. Just fixing the code I was given still didn't make it look good, so this is what I came up with, and he liked it! The character image was replaced with one I had on hand, and the title word was changed to something neutral for posting it here. :)


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus tellus ex, mollis at fermentum non, semper ac nisi. Nulla placerat ex id mi elementum porttitor. Nunc lobortis elit lacinia, porttitor elit eget, consectetur massa. Cras felis massa, tempus id massa nec, pellentesque imperdiet velit. Phasellus mattis aliquet purus ut pharetra. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec faucibus orci sem, vel vulputate tellus volutpat sed. Curabitur congue, nunc in facilisis faucibus, mi augue accumsan turpis, blandit vehicula mauris nibh vitae ex. Mauris nec mauris et est congue bibendum. Maecenas finibus vestibulum auctor. In tristique varius sagittis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Etiam rhoncus faucibus tortor, aliquam elementum nisi pellentesque et. Suspendisse vel augue ut sapien facilisis rhoncus eget eget ipsum.

Maecenas ornare nulla tincidunt, aliquet enim eget, ornare quam. Sed non efficitur elit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam id eros eu lectus auctor iaculis et id sem. Curabitur luctus elementum nibh eu ultrices. Ut mattis ante arcu, et auctor risus vulputate et. Mauris et sollicitudin metus, id viverra odio. Nunc in consectetur nisl. In laoreet ligula risus, sit amet lobortis dui dapibus vel. Integer nisl est, finibus at consectetur ac, pharetra varius velit.

Nunc efficitur pharetra bibendum. In gravida pretium neque, eu semper ligula semper iaculis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec luctus gravida arcu sit amet lobortis. Integer vitae vehicula quam. Integer ac turpis commodo, elementum turpis nec, lobortis lectus. Fusce ut ligula at justo faucibus ultrices. Curabitur ultrices, urna ac auctor interdum, arcu tortor pretium metus, condimentum mollis erat sem vitae ex. Vivamus facilisis interdum lacus et varius. Nulla nisi orci, molestie vel laoreet efficitur, ornare eget neque. Nunc vestibulum laoreet tortor. Donec non pulvinar erat.
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This is a neutralised version of the post template I use for Nekana Quane Nekana Quane , which you can see here. You can make basic alterations to the template by following the instructions provided below.
Make sure where you are going to copy and paste the template to has the bbcode toggled off, first, so you can see the code for everything in the template. That's the square brackets button in the editor controls, if you are unfamiliar.

Do not touch this piece of code:
[IMG width="5px"][/IMG]

It's a transparent image that appears twice in the template code and it's what allows the visible image and the horizontal line in this template to appear at all, and as they need to be. They appear as strange blank spaces when the BBCode is toggled on, so please do not be concerned if you see a blank space in the midst your code where there otherwise wouldn't be one. A pointing finger will appear if you hover over them, and clicking them will bring up image controls, like always.

The visible image has a size of 200px wide and 400px in height; put your image link where background-image: url appears in the template code. It only appears once. Please do not use the image that is currently in the template, that is art for one of my characters.

You can find colours you like for the below changes by using Google's colour picker. Just search colour picker on Google.
  • The colour of all the white lines can be changed by finding every instance of border: 1px solid #ffffff and changing the hex colour code - a hex colour code starts with a hash/pound sign (#) followed by six alphanumeric digits, e.g. #ffffff or #949494 as you will find in this template's code.
  • Background colour is changed right at the start of the template by changing the colour hex code. Please keep this rather dark for the sake of people's eyes - very dark or almost-black shades of the colour you use for the border of this template will look fantastic.
  • You can change the colour of the title text and the regular text by finding both places where colour hex code #949494 appears in the template code - I suggest sticking to medium/bright grey to white-ish shades of the colour palette you're using, or something very, very, very vaguely that colour. Nothing too bright, as that can also hurt to look at.
You can change the font-size of the title text (currently expressed as font-size: 1.5em) in increments or whole numbers depending on the font you're using. Some fonts will appear bigger or smaller, so adjust accordingly.

If you wish to change the default font and/or the title font, look for the two places where font-family appears. You will find a list of websafe fonts you can use, here. I strongly suggest sticking to fonts that display 50% or more for both Win and Mac.
[div=background: #000000; max-width: 900px; border: 1px solid #ffffff; border-radius: 5px; margin: auto; padding: 20px; color: #949494; text-align: justify; font-family: tahoma; filter:drop-shadow(0px 0px 8px #000000); box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #000000 inset; overflow: auto;][div=background-image: url(; background-size: cover; background-position: center; border: 1px solid #ffffff; width: 200px; height: 400px; float: left; margin-right: 15px;][IMG width="5px"][/IMG][/div]
[div=display: block; background-position: center; -webkit-text-stroke: 0.5px #949494; font-family: papyrus; word-spacing: 5px; font-size: 1.5em;  text-align: justify; font-weight: bold; filter:drop-shadow(0px 0px 5px #000000); color: transparent]YOUR TITLE HERE[/div][div=background:url(; max-width: 850px; margin-left: 200px; margin-bottom: 10px; height: 1px; border: 1px solid #ffffff;][IMG width="5px"][/IMG][/div]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec egestas lacus in aliquet accumsan. Aliquam sollicitudin, nisl a sagittis blandit, nisi metus congue felis, at tempor est lectus non felis. Nullam sit amet lacinia tellus. Nulla mollis, quam quis porttitor placerat, arcu libero consectetur nisl, sed hendrerit lorem eros ut lacus. Etiam elementum laoreet magna, sit amet placerat justo. Morbi et iaculis tortor. Fusce ultricies dictum aliquam. Cras vitae scelerisque orci, id molestie elit. Aliquam eget lacinia mi. Nunc ultricies consectetur quam eu laoreet. Donec malesuada nibh in mi tincidunt venenatis. Pellentesque ex augue, lobortis ultricies mi in, hendrerit semper purus.

Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque molestie suscipit lacus, nec placerat lectus aliquet a. Nulla ac erat sit amet tortor cursus vulputate. Sed varius elementum elit ut auctor. Suspendisse aliquam aliquam orci sit amet commodo. Nunc sit amet elit fermentum, egestas mi ut, luctus nisl. Donec semper augue non tortor pulvinar volutpat. Aliquam volutpat auctor ligula in feugiat.

Phasellus vel lorem ultricies, mattis nunc ut, pretium ligula. In vel dolor non tellus pretium laoreet ut accumsan ante. Duis nec sagittis orci. Aenean in dolor nibh. Aenean vel quam tincidunt eros rhoncus feugiat quis nec tortor. Curabitur vel sem sed leo tincidunt congue eu vel enim. In et scelerisque nunc. Fusce ac pharetra nibh, vitae consequat ante.

Cras vehicula leo eu mi tincidunt, et pellentesque enim tristique. Vestibulum dapibus vulputate diam non scelerisque. Proin et mi erat. Curabitur blandit porttitor turpis id elementum. Mauris sed dictum nisl. Phasellus volutpat condimentum orci. Cras sed tellus a tortor lacinia viverra quis in ex. Sed rutrum tristique dapibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi convallis fringilla enim. Vestibulum semper viverra lobortis. Phasellus non libero odio. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur iaculis ut sem non scelerisque.

Nulla nibh ex, efficitur vel libero a, ullamcorper pretium lacus. Cras vitae ullamcorper libero, id congue augue. Maecenas non feugiat dolor, id blandit nisi. Morbi tristique tortor a consequat cursus. Morbi ac leo sit amet ipsum faucibus accumsan at eu mi. Maecenas ultricies pharetra pellentesque. Pellentesque pretium enim orci, ac porttitor diam mattis et. Duis vehicula vestibulum magna a varius.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec egestas lacus in aliquet accumsan. Aliquam sollicitudin, nisl a sagittis blandit, nisi metus congue felis, at tempor est lectus non felis. Nullam sit amet lacinia tellus. Nulla mollis, quam quis porttitor placerat, arcu libero consectetur nisl, sed hendrerit lorem eros ut lacus. Etiam elementum laoreet magna, sit amet placerat justo. Morbi et iaculis tortor. Fusce ultricies dictum aliquam. Cras vitae scelerisque orci, id molestie elit. Aliquam eget lacinia mi. Nunc ultricies consectetur quam eu laoreet. Donec malesuada nibh in mi tincidunt venenatis. Pellentesque ex augue, lobortis ultricies mi in, hendrerit semper purus.

Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque molestie suscipit lacus, nec placerat lectus aliquet a. Nulla ac erat sit amet tortor cursus vulputate. Sed varius elementum elit ut auctor. Suspendisse aliquam aliquam orci sit amet commodo. Nunc sit amet elit fermentum, egestas mi ut, luctus nisl. Donec semper augue non tortor pulvinar volutpat. Aliquam volutpat auctor ligula in feugiat.

Phasellus vel lorem ultricies, mattis nunc ut, pretium ligula. In vel dolor non tellus pretium laoreet ut accumsan ante. Duis nec sagittis orci. Aenean in dolor nibh. Aenean vel quam tincidunt eros rhoncus feugiat quis nec tortor. Curabitur vel sem sed leo tincidunt congue eu vel enim. In et scelerisque nunc. Fusce ac pharetra nibh, vitae consequat ante.

Cras vehicula leo eu mi tincidunt, et pellentesque enim tristique. Vestibulum dapibus vulputate diam non scelerisque. Proin et mi erat. Curabitur blandit porttitor turpis id elementum. Mauris sed dictum nisl. Phasellus volutpat condimentum orci. Cras sed tellus a tortor lacinia viverra quis in ex. Sed rutrum tristique dapibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi convallis fringilla enim. Vestibulum semper viverra lobortis. Phasellus non libero odio. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur iaculis ut sem non scelerisque.

Nulla nibh ex, efficitur vel libero a, ullamcorper pretium lacus. Cras vitae ullamcorper libero, id congue augue. Maecenas non feugiat dolor, id blandit nisi. Morbi tristique tortor a consequat cursus. Morbi ac leo sit amet ipsum faucibus accumsan at eu mi. Maecenas ultricies pharetra pellentesque. Pellentesque pretium enim orci, ac porttitor diam mattis et. Duis vehicula vestibulum magna a varius.
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