Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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My Character is:
Voroll Astaar

A little about my Character:
Voroll can be a confident character who comes from a fairly middle-class background on Esseles, but has so far refused the teachings of the Jedi Order (through his parent's choice primarily) and as such has no training to use the Force other than a slight proficiency for Force Empathy. He doesn't know where he's going or what he wants to do, so stability for him could be essential in deciding his fate. Despite his confidence with old friends, he can be incredibly shy when it comes to making new ones.

Why I decided to join the Fel Empire:
I'd make a topic because I didn't know the direction in which to take Voroll and after someone mentioned the Fel Imperium and a fair few members seemed to take an interest in having me here I thought why not. Plus the Imperial Knight armour looks amazing.

A little about Myself:
I'm Brodie, I have another account @[member="Veltraa"] whom I used from another Star Wars roleplay, but really couldn't see me using him in many roleplay 'scenes' due to character limitations. So I decided to make a Force-sensitive character and here I am!
Welcome aboard! Imperial Knights rock!
Jared's spent his life on a vagrant Star Destroyer and has a resulting shyness, so woo for soft spoken characters that will one day break the world wide open!
@[member="Voroll Dey Astaar"]
  • My Character is: Josiah Denko
  • A little about my Character: Josiah has a thing for puffcakes, a love for @[member="Sophia Walsh"], and a burning desire to see the Sith eradicated from the face of the Galaxy. Despite being in an order dedicated to balance and accepting both halves, Josiah has never wavered in his walk with the Light.
  • Why I decided to join the Fel Empire: *cough*myidea*cough* Heard you're looking for an Archmaster? XD
  • A little about Myself: "When trouble's on the rise: improvise."

Sergio Kaufmann II

My Character is: Sergio Kraufmann II (Name still pending change)
A little about my Character: Growing up I idolized the ideals of the Imperials, however; the Sith were the only thing keeping me from officially joining the Empire. The razing of Bastion was the final nail in the coffin.
Why I decided to join the Fel Empire: The Fel Empire will uphold the ideals of our ancient forefathers, and I have come to lend my aid in anyway I can.
A little about Myself: I like big butts, and I cannot lie
Who my character is: Luke a Beleren
About my character: Luke has a strong sense of protectiveness, and will do anything to help out his friends. That is, when he finally opens up to make any. When he first learns about the force, he constantly refers to it as "magic".
Why I joined: Referred to by @[member="Xander Carrick"]
About myself: I'm a pretty cool guy if I say so myself. I just like role playing ^_^
My Character is:
Ashtara Starweaver
A little about my Character:
'Ash' is a young FU pilot that aspires to excel and make a difference. Idealistic in the eyes of some, Ash believes anything is attainable with a little bit of elbow grease and drive.
Why I decided to join the Fel Empire:
"Heard you boys might need a lady's touch around here." - Sprays the place with some fruity perfume to get rid of the man odor. -
A little about Myself:
My name is Amber, I'm a wife, and full time Mommy of one. I'm a slightly busy individual, and rp is kind of a hobby for me. I like to think of myself as an open and friendly individual, and am looking forward to roleplaying with all of you!
Blessed are the peacemakers
My Character is:
A deniable operative.
A little about my Character:
That's classified.
Why I decided to join the Fel Empire:
That's classified.
A little about Myself:
I'm classified.

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