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How much damage does your character take?

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It's more of a curiosity question than anything. It's not to judge you as a writer, just wanna see how much people put their characters through.

How much damage has your character taken, excluding death?

Do you do your best to avoid being hit? Maybe you take a light tap and try to obliterate the person you're fighting and expect them to take a boulder to the face?

Do you ever knock your character out if the hit is fair enough or your character is distracted?

Just be honest.

Mira for example has had broken ribs off a telekinetic punch to an area without armor and was unable to counter-attack.

Another example - shot down out of the sky and out of commission for a day at best, several injuries to include a broken (Maybe fractured, never really specified.) femur.

I'm sure I have other examples from Mira and my other characters but I'd like to hear from others.
Depends on how people roleplay and how much for a tit for a tat they do.

I'm pretty easy going. I'm far more willing to take a massive hit when rping with someone who is pretty chill and takes damage as well.

Sometimes the scene just ends up with one being used to mop the floor. I'm okay with that too.
Poy has plenty of scars and bruising from her time as a fighter pilot - she has broken her nose several times from smashing it on the targeting computer and has been burnt when her electronics shorted out, which lead to temporary blindness.
If you're taking damage, I'll take damage.
If you're deciding that nothing is getting pass you because of reasons, then nothing is getting pass me because of reasons.
I'm just vindictive that way.

Ronan Nakasla

Typically, I try to keep the playing field level barring extreme skill gaps. I do enjoy putting my characters through mayhem, though. Taking bad steps, sliding down slopes, tripping over things... harmless flavour text that in my opinion makes them seem more human. "Oh, I didn't see that."
It depends... if I don't like you and you try pulling me into a fight during something like an invasion... You'll have to work hard for each hit. But if I love our rp's, then even if I foresee a distinct advantage, I'm more willing to take that blaster bolt. For example, [member="Triam Akovin"] was one of my favorite fights ever... and I lost an ear, and passed out with severe burns after being iron man blasted and drugged up. Basically, I was airlifted from the field after that battle. Similar fights have had me buried under rubble and sent into intensive care(that was a beating Vulpesen has never forgotten).

On the flip side, I had someone pull me into a fight then pulled out every dirty trick while also treating my master like a padawan level force user... I was pissed and it showed when I didn't budge an inch and made it a point to show my character's strength.

Basically, give a little respect and recognize the work I've put into this character. And I'll be sure to do the same, even if it means I have to turn my head to hear the whisper parts on my holovids....


Vulps was also a master of nope for a time... he charged a sith emperor, intent on cutting the head off the serpent... when he was met with a torrent of force lightning, he jumped over the the lightning, past the emperor, off a cliff, and into a crumbling building. Not the most impressive moment... but one that I smile at every time.


Vulpesen said:
if I don't like you and you try pulling me into a fight during something like an invasion... You'll have to work hard for each hit.
[member="Mira Rekali"]

James Justice has been captured and tortured by @Thraxis. James fights like a bar room brawler, so he gets bloody fast. During a thread he took a shot from a rifle, fired, and had to receive medical treatment..... as he kept shooting over the doctor's shoulder and telling the man to stop stabbing him with needles. He once took half a dozen stun rounds into his body and got carried away as [member="stardust"] blew his ship up in an "accident" <.< Another time he fought an entire night long and got battered like a boxer. When the sun rose he was so exhausted he could barely walk, let alone stand. When fighting said thread with Thraxis, he also recieved second degree burns on his stomach, a broken rib, and a bloody lip.

For a business man...... I am finding that I get beat up a lot. :D But as the saying goes "you should see the other guy"

Aleidis Zrgaat

Young soul from an older generation.
Tons. Often. Most of my characters are garbage in a straight up fight, especially this one - Aleidis is arguably my strongest character, a master-level force user, and the one time she had to directly fight somebody it cost her her dominant arm, forever. It got fried by Force Lightning and cut off at the shoulder, making her even worse at saberplay than she was to begin with. Since she broke her pacifist vows to kill Velok to begin with, she refuses to get a prosthetic fitted, seeing her one-armed state as a constant reminder that violence is bad.

Fable, my only character who jumps into and willingly looks for fights, is a big hurt sponge. She has little technique, some power, and ends basically every brawl with severe trauma and a trip to the ER. Even against NPCs I'm writing myself. Whether or not she was dumb as a sack of bricks before or because of her lifestyle of skull fractures is up for debate. Basically, Fable lives in a mid-90's action movie, but doesn't recover like an action movie star. She recovers like an actual person.


Disney's Princess
Lots. For a number of reasons I try to keep in mind.
  • She's pretty Mary Sue. So I need to have her take damage to keep that Sue-ness off my mind.
  • She's a tank. So I need to have her take damage to at least seem competent at her job.
  • She wears armor, not robes. So I'm comfortable having her gear do it's darn job.
  • Because damage is fair. If I'm not taking hits, my partner's already sighing.
  • Because damage is respect. If I'm not taking hits, I'm not respecting my partner's competencies and strengths.
  • Because damage is pride. If I'm not taking hits, my rep ain't worth a darn.
  • Because damage happens. If I'm not taking hits, I'm not on a battlefield. I'm in LaLa-land.
  • Because I've made mistakes. IC and OOC. Damage shows that not only can my character hack it, so can I.
  • Because I'm in control.

That last one probably doesn't make any sense, but it is a big reason why I RP at all. Because no matter how much damage, trauma, heartarche, or setbacks my characters face? They never stop fighting. And they never believe in fate.

Joran Del-Finn

Smuggler by day. Snuggler by night.
Haven't been in a lot of combat with this character specifically but with this character or any other, I do not mind taking a bump or hell even doing the job if the RP calls for it. I'm all about taking damage to make my partner feel comfortable and let them know I'm willing to do business and hopefully that makes them more willing to do business as well.
Corvus has taken hits in every encounter. And not just hits but invariably significant damage.

Off the top of my head - 3 x broken ankles, too many broken ribs to count, perforated ear-drums, scar above eye, scar below bottom lip, heavy scarring on upper arm, broken arm x 2, many, many burns from saber strikes, many, many body scars from saber strikes

And of course she once suffered a broken heart :(
I've taken a few hits. For as mean a guy I don't tend to get into fighting all to much. I'm more a direct from my Star Destroyer's bridge kind of guy. Suppose the closest I came to death was Mikhail Shorn ripping the bridge off one of my Star Destroyers. Put me out of the battle in one post, and I dropped my jaw before laughing. The Throne Breaker was OP, lol.

I did say I'd be in the GA / OS Invasion though. So we'll see who I fight.

One of my other main characters, Ruby Wilded. She's been in two PC fights. One of which she won, but in both she took a beating.

When I do go in for a fight I try and go tit for tat. Play fair and press my advantages when needed. I've been tempered in RP fighting for 9 years. I'm no great writer compared to so many of you guys on this site. But I know not to go overboard unless its necessary.
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