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How much damage does your character take?

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I gave Fabula super-healing explicitly so she could get punched in the kidneys, have her hand lacerated by Voduun armor, get caught in a flechette storm, have her skull knocked into the street with enough force to crack pavement...

Razelle hasn't had a chance to show it yet, but she's got the whole Die Hard thing going on, too. It's no fun if you don't get your ass kicked.
Fabula Caromed said:
I gave Fabula super-healing explicitly so she could get punched in the kidneys, have her hand lacerated by Voduun armor, get caught in a flechette storm, have her skull knocked into the street with enough force to crack pavement...

* high fives * We love hurting our chars so much, don't we?

[member="Fabula Caromed"]

Hmm. Damage. Well, Siobhan has lost limbs an absurd amount of times, got her lung punctured, buildings have dropped on her a lot and once she got spaced and was put in coma. On top of being possessed by an ancient Sith once. That was especially fun for her writer, though probably not for her.


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
I take damage in accordance with the needs of the fight. If the other guy isn't taking damage, it doesn't suddenly make it right for me to start playing their game.

That said, at the point where it becomes clear that the other guy isn't interested in playing fair, I pull out all the stops and do everything in my power to grind them to the ground.
Depends on what's realistic. Given that Asemir is a combat specialist, he doesn't get hit often because in Real Life, if you get hit, you're typically done. So he avoid getting hit.

That said, if it's IC warranted, he'll get hit appropriately.

Also depends on what he's fighting. NPC grunts where the skill level is incomparable, he doesn't get hit because it's not realistic for him to get hit.
I try to play as realistically as possible. You can only take a few hits before you're down in real life--even Jedi fall like regular people in the movies. (See: Obi-Wan crumpling to the floor after only a glancing slash from Dooku.)

Shrapnel caused Geneviève to limp around for a thread. Three times a broken nose that messed up her cognition. (Why does everyone hate mah nose?) Almost died to a face battering thanks to [member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]. Had multiple ribs broken from Circe and another Sith, and went into a coma during the latter encounter. Fractured larynx and near-death experience courtesy of [member="Matsu Xiangu"].

Geneviève eventually had enough soldiers that she could take more of a distant, commanding position rather than actually participate in the firefights, however. Sometimes I wish she had stayed a guerrilla warrior, though her story since those days has made me happy all the same.

I've taken hits in just about every combat situation across the board, even when I've felt like I was doing all the taking. Though there is a point when it's no fun to be the chew toy, and I usually leave the thread.
It depends on my character. Gren has a lightsaber, some good force abilities, and CQC training so he's a formidable opponent. However, the one fighting him might attack with an unexpected weapon or abilities. An example of this would be with his fight with [member="Matreya"] . He used a bow and arrows as well as a force ability that made them basically fully controllable by the force. I took the some hits because Gren never fought an arrow wielding man before like that.

It also depends on the storyline. If you plan on making a duel thread, you're bound to get scratched right?


Krest has lost a leg, and an arm. Been set on fire, crushed, and I don't remember much else. I like hurting my characters as much as possible really, it's fun.
I got set on fire once.

Had my lung crushed twice.

Had my spine dislocated.

Got flung into a tree a couple of times.

I also got shot many times.

Had C4 blow up in my face.

And [member="Ashin Varanin"] fried half of my face off with Sith Lightning once.
lol this thread.....I love these.

Let's see my first Sith was basically walking scar tissue between saber hits, blaster hits, and two chunks of shrapnel from artillery fire.

I had a Republic soldier that not only got hit by Artillery fire but fell a hundred feet and ended up in a coma for a month.

Vengeance here as a few scars from saber hits...........about 4 if I had to guess, been fried a few times by lightning, and while not expressly mentioned but insinuated during the thread a few broken bones in his hands and arms. Plus a myriad of bumps and bruises from things like being force pushed in walls and such.
Depends on what the other guy is doing.

I'll take all kinds of hits and then dodge some too. If you're this godly competitor that never gets hit after a few rounds, I'll stop getting hit too. However I don’t mind losing or getting mashed into the ground. Makes good story, so I’ll take what I think is deserved, given my skill set and abilities, as well as the opponents.
[member="Ordo"] - So by that logic you headbutted a star-destroyer and it won?

For me? It depends on the flow of the fight. I'm not going to list how a character has been hurt and how many times. It happens. [member="Reverance"] karked me up royally on Selvaris as Ijaat. Julius hasn't had a good fight yet, so I'm not sure what will happen. I tend to go more for what the story dictates. 'You cant hit me cuz muh skillz' is an excuse for lazy writing, imho. I've seen people who've fought longer with swords than I have been alive get knocked good because they weren't prepared or thinking the way a first-day student acted.

Also, FU rank or post-count, which some people take as a badge of ability, means jack-diddly in a fight as well. Just notates the strength of your abilities. That Paddy can and probably will get in at least one hit on your Knight or Master. And there are PLENTY of book, comic, movie, and other media examples of this for Star Wars. And a ton more in real life.

So, quick answer? I take damage where it makes sense in the story and helps the thread. I work with my opponent if i'm going to avoid a particularly cunning hit or overcome a defense... 'Hey, I like that you did X here, but I really want to try doing Y after/because of it, so do you mind Z instead?'.... You'd be amazed the mature and level-headed responses that gets you. And when it gets me petulance and snark or attitude? That's when I just nope out of the thread.
I take hits when it makes sense logically. That's really the only way to explain it. Regardless of how my opponent behaves I always do what I can to play fairly, and if I'm out-written in a fight, well, it happens. Just like everybody else Keira has limits, and she's reached them and been pushed past them an unhealthy amount of times. It doesn't matter how many fights she's been in or how skilled she is, because there's a lot of people in the galaxy, and every one of them has something about their style she hasn't experienced before that catches her off guard. Nobody can prepare for every eventuality. But I usually write for story first and take hits when it fits well and balances with what the character is capable of.

That being said, Keira's gotten beat up a lot. To the best of my knowledge she's only actually won a single fight, and that was in a sparring match against [member="Sage Bane"] forever ago, and only after he folded. Otherwise it's been draws or losses. [member="Kezeroth the Unyielding"] crushed her left arm and caused her to get the cybernetic, [member="Arrbi Betna"] and [member="Vilaz Munin"] both shot her in the side, [member="Kana Truden"] and [member="Connor Harrison"] both gave her nice scars from a lightsaber, and she's broken her ribs a few times, broken an arm in a recent thread and gotten a concussion at one point as well, and she was tortured by the Primeval twice. And those are just the physical scars. :p
[member="Mira Rekali"]
Had her lower left arm disintegrated, both knees shot out by blasters, lost her eyesight, was confined to a wheelchair for a month, developed a heart condition, had her left lung crushed by [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], and then died of a heart attack/asphyxiation.

Oh, and gave birth to a stillborn before she met Alric Kuhn.
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