Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Her tears of Joy (look to OOC thread before posting)

She did not know anything about House Woden she would of course look it up when she could and learn what she could of it. then compare what [member="Zye Woden"] said to what she found out. She would admit to liking the manners since she thought most of the people from outside of the Consortium were heathens.

"Potential allies and enjoy culture, such a practiced answer. Isn't that what we all say when we don't know exactly what to say or if we revealed our true intentions how shocked everyone would be." She looked at him there were times she wished she had the abilities that Jedi claimed to have to see a persons intent, to know their feelings but was that a gift or a curse? She didn't know, and so far she had never really felt a concern that she was not given it. "But then I'm a bit of cynic and mistrust is born as part of blood. So let me answer as well as I can and see if you find what you seek."

She picked up another glass she had to be careful and not drink too many, she needed a clear head.

"Yes Cherubah is in the Consortium." She arched a brow when he brought up seeing the more. She wished at times that she could smile in front of strangers, "I would show you around some places but part of our culture is to be mistrusting." She liked his directness so she would be direct too.

"There are place throughout the Consortium that are classic representations of our culture. Iridonia does not have this type of culture?"
It wasn't often Syn had the opportunity to attend a party and don his finer wear. Frankly Syn just wanted an excuse to wear something besides his armor. While he was a Mandalorian, he was quite fond of fashion and living life as a walking armory wasn't always fun.

Sometimes he liked to look sharp and handsome instead of menacing. Honestly, he was kind of shocked at how non-threatening he looked, also how light he felt. Unarmed and undefended....he felt pretty good all things considered. He couldn't remember the last time he felt like this but boy did he love it.

A classy party, fine drinks, beautiful people...Syn was going to have a blast.
Rekha was moving about sitting still has become tiresome. She was checking out the decorations which were lovely but she had to admit she was a fish out of water

She wasn't a diplomat she was just a girl looking around trying to see where to fit in.

Everyone seemed to have found a group or a companion. She sighed heavily touching the fabric if her skirt. It was a pretty dress not revealing just right for this.

She would take another turn see what happened.
"Please, just call me Ra. It is nice to not have to worry so much about formalities all the time. An evening to relax, let my hair down, enjoy time with new and old people alike."

Even though knowing Alex was still relatively new, they had known each other prior to tonight.

"Yes, we met a while ago and had some nice conversations."

A little heated, but not at each other so much. ​She wasn't about to go into the details on how or the reason why they met in the first place. Maybe it was common knowledge there was a bounty on her head. That issue would have to be dealt with soon. Ra didn't want to forever have to watch her back and be careful of where she went or what she did.

"What do you do, Ar'ekk?"

@Arekk​ [member="Alexandra Feanor"]
[member="Melanctha Dallamoor"]

Zye chuckled at him not stating his true intentions. His answers, even though they were practiced, were honest. His forwardness got the better of him, "Alright, then truth be told, after a lifetime of service and generations of serving the people of Iridonia, we were repaid with a political ousting with nothing and now I'm looking for allies."

He instantly regretted the words after they had left his mouth. These games of the court were all about subtly and not overplaying your hand. Unlike his father, Zye didn't believe in political games or playing with people's minds. Zye was strait forward, he spoke his mind. His lips turned upward in a tight smile, "Its all a matter of how we word it, now isn't it? I don't blame you for your cynicism and distrust. A healthy mistrust keeps people alive."

She asked if Iridonia had any culture, Zye shook his head, "Not like yours. Iridonia is hard planet, there are not enough resources to devote to architecture like this," he motioned to the building around them, "What we have is more devoted to weathering storms and the vile creatures that wander the wastelands. Iridonian culture consists primarily of combat, however we do have a great love for song and dance. Probably not to your liking, but we have them."

He took a sip from his glass of wine, "Do you enjoy dancing Miss Dallamoor?"


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Château Loire’an, Dimitor

INTERACTING WITH: [member="Ra'a'mah"], [member="Alexandra Feanor"]

"As you wish, Ra. It's been a while since I've mingled with such a "fine" line of people, let alone attended a dance."

Ar'ekk was always in the mood for jokes, it was nice to be who he used to be long ago and not having lost the way of just laughing about things.

Being a joker was something he liked and it had been part of his personality during his early teens which was seemingly lost as the years progressed and the things he experienced changed his mood entirely.

"Uhh... I work freelance, actually. For people in certain places or circles, my skills are usually required when clients can't do things themselves."

The question caught him by surprise, slightly slurring his words as he tried to come up with an answer after being put on the spotlight. He wasn't a criminal or a scumbag, just someone who made a living in the underworld thanks to his ability to be an enforcer and act as a debt collector or pulling off specific tasks.

Hutts liked him somehow, wanting to pay exorbitant amounts of credits for his services.

"What about you?"

Er'in's gaze must have flickered up, but the hood concealled all but the dull gleam of her eyes.

She didn't swear, she didn't do anything other than smile politely, even her emotions managed to stay in check.

"Master Jedi." The words came out smooth, but curt, then she tilted her head slightly, responding to some inner prompt - perhaps even just the pleasantry of need for contact. "Lady Cathobdua, it's always a surprise and a pleasure to see you home."

[member="Erin Tenel"]

"As it is to se you." She said it and stood there looking at the woman's eyes... she couldn't see her face, the hood obscured it but motioned with an arm for her to come and be comfortable. "Please, come and speak. THis is a party and it seems being worried about the Queen Mothers protection is not needed." A smile though appeared on her face as she stood there. "I know we may not meet outside of this hall, outside of our duty to help the COnsortium.. in fact we may even be considered enemies outside the mists but I dislike killing or fighting. I am a doctor, a healer. Selab and the medical corp would prefer to heal and knit things back together."
"I'm not an enemy of the Jedi, Lady Cathbodua."

Er'in's reply was almost quiet enough to be lost in the noise of the room, but she nodded willingly enough to the invitation.

"I do not agree with your philosophical standpoint, but... appearances aside, I am not a devotee of Darth Carnifex either. I am... well aware of the flaws in the Sith Code, as well aware of them as I am of the flaws in Hapan society."

Which wasn't strictly true, given Er'in's past she was far more aware of the flaws of Hapes, merely far more subject to the flaws in the Sith Code.

"The Dark Side guided me here to help Ta’a Chume when I was needed, but I did not do so selflessly." Not entirely selflessly.

[member="Erin Tenel"]

She bowed her head with a look at her and she coudln't see much. "Yes, I imagine most who have come to aid the Queen Mother didn't do it for selfless reasons." She said it and didn't say she was different then that, she could admit she came to help yes, she came to protect and aid and if needed sacrifice herself but that didn't mean she had come here without some sort of expectations. With the chance that she would be able to return home... her family mostly killed in attacks it meant she was counted as the heir to her house... a strange thing... a dangerous thing since she was a jedi and had proper duties to preform. Where she was looking though she motioned with a hand for two fo the glasses to let the woman hopefully be comfortable and speak with her.. or at least move her hood back. "There are always going to be flaws, my family tried to get rid of me because of my condition, now they are gone."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra smiled as the two continued to talk, leaving her to smile at @Ra'a'mah and [member="Arekk"], the two rather interesting individuals that she has gotten the chance to meet in the past. They were an insteresting duo and Alexandra did enjoy the company of both for different reasons. Ra had not given her comfort, but rather clarity, seeing that her former way of thinking did not help anything and she would need to take things into her own hands if she wanted change. It had helped her in progressing in her life but certain things... certain people... are hard to deal with.

Which caused her to look down for a moment, staring down at the ground and thinking on what had happened.

Then there was Arekk, who provided comfort and understanding, something that had caused her to collapse in on herself and to finally break down in a way that opened her to happiness. She thought about that for a few more moments, curious as to what might continue on from this point. He had helped her but he was uncertain just how far that it would go.

"Well, Ill leave you two birds alone, try not to head off on your own too quickly. And watch out for Arekk's words, they are a bit more honeyed than one would expect to come from such an ugly mug." She grinned and smiled at her friend, letting go off Ra and walking off past Arekk, reaching up to rub at his hair before she continued on to find someone else to converse with, leaving these two to their privacy.
"We're all the last daughters, it seems. I did hear about your condition, I admit I always thought they sent you off-world for a cure."

Er'in shrugged and took the offered drink, but there was a lot more anger than she could ever hide in the thought of family - and a genuine sense of satisfaction with it.

"I am genuinely sorry to hear it was otherwise - not surprised, mind you, but I am sorry. Hapes is a cage, but to some of us more so than others."

She looked comfortable, or at least not particularly antagonistic or hostile - the simmering emotions of someone who's drunk aside - but she made no move to push the hood back.

[member="Erin Tenel"]

She nodded in agreement taking a sip from the glass but hearing her speak. "It can be, a gilded cage perhaps but there is much here. A long history as opposed to parts of the galaxy where it changes ever few years in their disposition." She said it and felt a little sadness for her, if she was one of the last daughter sof her family then that meant there was a chance that both of their houses could cease to be after them. "But I offer my condolances being the last daughter of your house is most unfortunate." SHe was looking around though with her eyes at the others in the room mostly to be polite in case someone was approaching them but remained with her attention on Erin. "THough that being said Lady Tenel, please you must come visit Selab. THe trees will be in bloom soon and they are most beautiful."
[member="Zye Woden"]

Ahh a breath of fresh air from an off worlder, honesty and forthrightness this she appreciated. She nodded, "it is a matter of we word it. Words can be used like a game, and also to hide a myriad of faults and ambitions. But let us talk about allies then."

A hapan should enjoy the intrigue and puzzles set before them but even Mel got to a point where all the subterfuge just overwhelmed her. She liked the change of pace, she liked knowing what someone wanted for a change.

As a Hapan honesty could buy you a few things, a knife in the back, a knife in the front or a prize. Prizes were coveted but it was perhaps known throughout the galaxy just what kind of games hapans played for getting ahead finding a position.

"As for culture every world has one unique to itself and a constant reminder of who we are. My culture has all the pretty ribbons to make it look beautiful but underneath we are cut throat as the rest of the galaxy, we just look better doing it." This time she couldn't help it she smiled.

"I have always enjoyed a dance, do you dance Mr. Woden?" She held out her hand in case he did and in case he was offering to show she was ready to go.
[member="Melanctha Dallamoor"]

Zye was relieved that she seemed a little more responsive to his honestly. From his experience, people usually didn’t talk of allies unless they were willing to accept and reciprocate help.

“A trait my father would gladly imitate,” Zye said sourly as she mentioned the more cloak and dagger status of the Hapes people. The man had orchestrated much of Zye’s life, and the life of most everyone Zye knew to his own desires. Even the old man’s machinations had machinations. “True culture is unique to each of us. I have not had the chance to travel as much as I’d prefer so this recent changes in my life, if I were to put a positive spin on it, presents itself that ability.”

Though if truth were to be told, Zye hated it. He never had seen many reasons in his 2,000 years of life to leave Iridonia. He would have liked to to see cultures, but not without leaving his home world.

He chucked, “I suppose for all it’s lack of luxuries the one we could always afford is knowing exactly who our enemies were. I never considered that a luxury till now.” He shrugged, “you never know how good you have it till it’s gone.”

He liked her smile. From a purely artistic point of view, it was aesthetically pleasing. “You should smile more often. It becomes you.”

While Iridonia hadn’t been the center of a fine culture, his father had worked to bring some of the core world flavor to it, even in his own vampiric style. Their galas had been macabre in nature but there Zye had learned to dance. As long has he could remember not to sink his teeth into this woman’s silky, perfect skin, Zye was confident he could manage. Her skin. Zye couldn’t afford to think about that. It was dangerous territory.

To answer Melanctha’s question he took her hand delicately, wrapping his arm around her waist. With the trained step of a ballroom dancer, he pulled Melanctha close before leading her away towards the center of the room in sync with the gentle music.
Beth was not expecting the reaction that [member="Kat Decoria"] had. She felt bad that the girl hugging her had probably not received many such compliments before. In either case, she gave Kat a hug back. "I... Uh, no problem!" She said, unsure of exactly what to say to the hug or the kiss on the cheek. Beth's eyes were still wide at the attention as Kat turned back to the Queen Mother. Beth, unlike Kat, didn't really notice any angry stares. Maybe she was used to angry stares. Or they just didn't bother her, anymore.

In either case, she realized she probably should have said her affiliation afterward, too. A padawan with the Silver Jedi? Well, that made things a bit awkward considering the two nations relative... Hostility towards one another. "I'm from Clan Australis and Clan Mantis of the Mandalorian Empire," she added, mainly so all parties were transparent and knew. "It's a pleasure to meet both of you as well! I was on the ship with [member="Kaine Australis"] when the alliance was negotiated." She remembered the day well - it was pretty awesome, especially considering what [member="Allana Djo"] had done with the Force.

"It's been absolutely wonderful! I'm absolutely in love with the chocolate fountains," chocolate was one of her favorite things. She shook her head, "No, we just met, actually." Beth knew there would be other people in different factions at the event. But, ultimately, individual people weren't defined by their nations. She was Force trained and continue to be and was a Mandalorian. Barriers had to be broken somehow.

(OOC: I'm so sorry for the late reply, I was moving.)
She may not be a great empath, but Ra could tell when a person wasn't telling the whole truth on something. When Ar'ekk answered he did freelance work, that could mean any number of things. The first to pop into her mind was that of a bounty hunter. Of course, if he was one, it made perfect sense why he was interested in speaking to her. A million credit bounty, while certainly not the largest amount, was still quite large.

While it was a mistake, Ra assumed Ar'ekk was a hunter and after today would be attempting to collect that bounty on her.

"I'm sure somebody in your life of work already knows what I do for a living. However, I'll play along with this for the night. I am a merchant, more or less an exporter."

Every word was true and he would sense no deception from her. Giving Alex a bit of an annoyed scowl, she shook her head as her friend wandered off to leave this hunter and her alone.

"No, I don't think I'll be going off alone any time soon."

[member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Arekk"]


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Château Loire’an, Dimitor

INTERACTING WITH: [member="Ra'a'mah"], [member="Alexandra Feanor"]

Ra had guessed wrong, of course, and he played along with that for a moment. His job had nothing to do with hunting other people in exchange for money or goods but rather being skilfull at breaking down security systems and use computer terminals to his own benefit.

"I'm not what you're trying to say, though. Sorry. When I meant freelance, I was refering to something that would not require me to put a bullet between someone's eyes."

Certainly, Ar'ekk had grown distateful of the thought of being a bounty hunter of some sorts. To catch people alive or dead and deliver them to the bounty broker for whatever reason in exchange of filthy money was sickening enough, doing slicing work and getting cash from big corporations through their faulty security systems was more of a challenge than that.

He laughed for a moment, shaking his head, sipping from his glass of pink champagne.

"That so?"

"It sounds like your father would have made an excellent Hapan, you sure there is no Hapan blood lines in your lineage?" She took his hand as he pulled her closely to protect her from the bumps of the crowd as he guided her to the floor. Already there were many couples moving about, or gliding depending upon their confidence in the dance moves they performed. The dance floor could reveal many things about someone. Were they timid, confident, determined, or did they move as if it was second nature to them. Mel was a skilled dancer her mother had made sure.

"Thank you" she whispered as he told her the smile we becoming. "Hapans don't usually show their emotions outside of trusted friends and family. Emotions sometimes betray thoughts." At least she was teaching him something about Hapan culture even if at the moment she was not the prime example of what it was to be a Hapan.


"There is much to see in the Galaxy, even here in the mists" She moved into the circle of his arms with his hand placed lightly at her waist while another held her fingertips to lead her about the floor. "When you travel the mists it is a dance of light and color treacherous and yet so beautiful it takes your breath away"

They moved easily about the floor, "you should see more of the Galaxy even I have ventured outside of the confinements of the Consortium." Her schooling on Coruscant had offered her the freedom to travel she had seen more than most her age.

"The lake country of Naboo, the sands of Tattooine, the lush green of Chandrila, and so many others that offer opportunity for those wishing to see the wonders of their home." She may have sounded wistful as she spoke. She had gone to Naboo and loved the lake country as well as the peaceful demeanor of the people she had felt different there.

Naboo taught her that it was ok not to wear a false face, or a pasted smile. She had simply been Melanctha there. She smiled at the thought it seemed so long ago.

She felt a tug on her dress that brought her back to reality, someone had stepped on it she sighed clumsy feet.

"What would you like for your allies to be able to do for you?" Perhaps it was too late for her for everything she was so engrained in the society and politics of Hapes that she may never be just Mel.

[member="Zye Woden"]
[member="Melanctha Dallamoor"]

Zye chuckled as she asked if he was sure his father had no Hapes in his blood. He wanted to tell with the greatest clarity that there was no way that was possible. The suns burned his father as much as he burned Zye, and his mother. The man had considered "half breeds" of any half-Vamparikia as scum for whom death was a luxury. He had even gone far enough to make sure that any offspring Zye's mother bore that were of a less-than-vampiric nature were killed before they had the chance to see the light.

"I will have to double check that," he said winsomely. "Its very possible he spent some time here and learned a thing or two."

She made the note that emotions were a source of weakness since they betrayed thoughts. He agreed--only to a degree.

"Perhaps they do," Zye said as he spun Melanctha. He pulled her close again, guiding her towards the right, "But emotion can be a source of strength too. Hate is a powerful ally, so are bitterness, fury, rage, and . It can give you the strength you need to push just a little further and survive. I can't tell you how many times those feelings gave me just enough strength to go a little further."

He couldn't speak of softer emotions such as love or affection. He had never felt them, or if he had, they were beaten out of him. He had been conditioned for a purpose that his bloodline made him the perfect candidate for; hunting and murder. As much as his father was divisive, his mother was cruel.

"Beautiful but treacherous, I hope that isn't a proper description of something else that is beautiful in this sector," he said inclining his head towards her.

As she described the galaxy, Zye let her have her moment, smiling and getting lost in the thought of the other worlds that were out there. He could see in her eyes and feel in her subtle aura shift the difference it made. She let her walls down, just for a moment. He could feel what was behind, but he respected her privacy. If they were potential allies the worst thing he could do was tamper with her mental privacy. That was a quick way to go from allies to enemies. His father would have chided him for not exploiting the opportunity to nudge her in his favor but Zye, for all his faults, was more honest than his father. "There's that smile again."

He guided Melanctha in a low dip, bringing her head just inches from the floor. His arm held her, keeping the woman secure for a moment before guiding her back up.

"I believe in mutually beneficial relationships," he answered, "I give as much as I get. I am what those in courtly positions would call a problem solver.​ In return, I would expect favors in kind and of course, funds." he inclined his head, "Now what do you do for your allies, Miss Dallamoor?"

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