Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Her tears of Joy (look to OOC thread before posting)

Allana Badeaux

Ta’a Chume – Queen Mother
[SIZE=9pt]The Transitory Mists, a cloud of luminescent electric blue surrounded by a curtain of black. Its beauty was breath taking to behold, it being a massive celestial body that was a nebula. The wondrous sight was ever present, a visual in the galaxy that could be seen from any point within the galaxy.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Rich in history the whispers of its possible origin were not unknown. It was true. The borders of the Mist did not shift from its position. Leading to the common believe it was not natural in origin. The standing theory it was created by Celetsails an elder race that were god like. Some very bad and some believe to be good There stories span across the known galaxy of their achievements.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The Transitory Mists, it was beautiful but deadly. The blue clouds were super heated pockets of gasses that birthed stars. You could not touch the Mist just like you could not touch a star. The level of the heat or radiation would kill you even before you came close. The clouds were such a flurry of this activity of star birth. The kinetic energy and solar activity made way to solar winds and ionic storms. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]This was typical of nebula activity. What made the Transitory Mists different was it was stationary. Normal nebulas moved like a sea. The Transitory Mists was constant and ever flowing and it did not hold one shape. The Transitory Mists did. It was unique. It held a shape and the very shape it took was mind blowing.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]It held an outer shell like a wall. There was only two fixed points in, two massive tunnels that was surrounded by blue mists. To say there were a shell and only two ways in suggests there was an inside. This was true. In this theory the Celestails made this nebula a massive fortress in space. It was very much like a fortress in space with it massive walls and only two ways in. Standard travel was limited within the Mists as well. Twisting and turning tunnels through the massive nebula. If you did not know where you was going you could get lost. There were deadly solar storms to also contend with. There were many choke points and ambush locations a Naval Fleet could use to defend this space.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Placed carefully within pocket here and there were solar systems, livable plants that could sustain life. Not just sustain life; it was perfect for a culture of many planets to thrive.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]This made for an interesting environment the development of a culture called the Hapes Consortium. The Consortium was a matriarchy. A society ruled by women in the sole interest to protect and love their people. Nothing ever is perfect. However their society had known peace far more often than their neighbors.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]They however were isolationist. Rarely did they open their [/SIZE]borders[SIZE=9pt]. Such events were rare but not to rare that it never happened. Some points were very historical in the history of the galaxy. The Skywalkers had a hand in shaping some of the Consortium’s history. Even one of Aakin’s grandchildren was mated to a Hapen Queen Mother.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Certain historical events had shaped the current body of the Hapes Consortium. There was a new Queen Mother. The young lady was forced to ascend to the throne because her aunt was murdered. The event that killed the queen had killed the royal council as well as many Hapens living on Hapes prime.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Normally an event like this in the Consortium would have rallied the new Queen Mother and the people to close the doors to the Mists and isolate themselves once more. The young Queen Mother did not however. She went seeking allies to strengthen the outside boarders of the Transitory Mists. The first alliance was the Free World Coalition. The Free Worlds Coalition had failed, broken by the Sith and other destabilizing factors. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]During the chaos of the failing Free World Coalition found their way of life being disturbed once more. There was an attempt on the young Queen Mother’s life. It failed but afterwards there was voices speaking up among the nobles asking why are we letting outsiders in. Allana was able to stabilize the Consortium once more. She rallied the nobles once more and pushed forward. From that point the Consortium had shut it borders one more time. Allana was Queen but she had faced political obstacles such as a new conservative group among the nobles. That became short lived as a new opportunity had arisen. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]A skirmish between the Hapen Royal Navy and pirates erupted along one of the Northern gate into the Mists. Fate intervened and the Pirates got pressed by two flanks by the Hapen Fleet and the Mando’ade Empire ships. During the fighting the fighting The Queen Mother and the Mando’alor the Infernal spoke. They had brokered a tread treaty and a defense treaty.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Today marks a new chapter. For a single event the gates were opened to guests, an invitation to nobles, ranking government officials, notable figures around the galaxy. It was to be a grand party, a ballroom open for a dance.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The planet pick to host the event was Gallainore. The fabled blue ocean planet was home to many marvels. One such beauty was the rainbow gems. Found within the deaths of the ocean just a single gems was easily worth a large capital ship. It was not its only resource. There were others that were just as fantastic. The planet was also home to many labs and factories dedicated to the advancement to Hapen technology. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]The city of Dimitor was a thriving metropolis geared the advancement of such technologies. It was not the only city or place upon the planet. There were other cities like Larthal, a city under well as beach front resorts with breath taking white sands.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Along the edge of the city sitting upon a cliff and overlooking the sea was the Château Loire’an. It being a large palace, that was just another home of Allana’s. It was not the grand Fountain Palace on Hapes Prime. It was still a Luxurious estate that had hundreds of bedrooms. Dining rooms, many parlors, a library, and ball rooms are plentiful. All along the back of the palace majestic balconies over looked the sea. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Sector:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] The Hapes Consortium / The Transitory Mists[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=9pt]System:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Gallainore[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=9pt]Planet:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Gallainore[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=9pt]City:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Dimitor[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=9pt]Location:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Château Loire’an[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=9pt]To those who were still arriving soft music was filtering down from the castle. Many people were still arriving by speeders. The speeders pulled up. Then they dropped them off. The people who were dropped off walked up the stairs to the castle. It was a high turnout. Many of the people who were showing up were from around the galaxy. There was some Hapens as well. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]For whatever reasoning they were invited they filtered up the stairs into the Château Loire’an. Inside just past the great double doors, wooden doors craved with intricate patterns. The people filtered into a [/SIZE]corridor[SIZE=9pt] where they began to socialize.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Further in there was more guest who had arrived in various rooms. The dining rooms had tables lined up with a wide range of food and drinks. Chocolate fountains and cake were on display.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]One of the more popular features there was more than one room that had bars handing out drinks to people.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Here at this location the guest would find a special treat. Akala’s tears is a pink champagne made only in the Hapes Consortium. The rare drink was made from a fruit that only grew on Hapes Prime. The story behind the fruit was that that grew from the fallen tears of joy from a celestial. This fruit was way to potent for any mortal to eat. However the people of Hapes from a way to distill the fruit into a concoction that was safe to drink.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Rumor has it that the tears was from Akala it a great moment of joy and love.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]There was a ridiculous amount of people here. It was good thing there was many dining rooms and ballrooms.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Allana was in one of the many parlors currently. She just loved the color of red within this room. She was just in here for a short bit as she was trying to mingle through the crowed. At the moment she was being delayed by having to listen to a blowhard baroness. Another noble who was full of themselves, that was part of the conservative moment and did not like seeing the outsiders here today. The woman was being respectful to the Queen Mother. It was, Allana was getting tired of hearing the same thing. They just wished more of the same. More of the same got a nuke dropped on Hapes prime. Allana was trying to mix things up and trying a slightly different tactical angle.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]There was a small break. The baroness turned her head for a moment to say something to another noble in the crowd. Allana made her break and headed into the next room. From here the parlor opened up to an open bar. People filling in up to get a drink. This all was slightly different then how Allana would handle a party. There was just way to many people to great everyone. Luckily she had nobles running around here. Hopefully they could put on a smile even if it was just for tonight. [/SIZE]

[/SIZE][member="Beth Australis-Mantis"] [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Noah Corek"] [member="Popara the Great"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Ra'a'mah"] [member="Atara Themis"] [member="Effie Duanna"] [member="Arken Lussk"] [member="Yura Thanopis"] [member="Vanessa Vantai"] [member="Dako Sein"] [member="Syn"] [member="Barr Vexos"] [member="Zye Woden"] [member="Lelani Sevestra"] [member="Allyson Locke"] [member="Melanctha Dallamoor"] [member="Cathbodua"] [member="Tha'ga Temi"] [member="Persephone Callas"] [member="Beatrix Chaucer"] [member="Erin Tenel"] [member="Relina Zhan"] [member="Aleister Grey"] [member="Jyoti Nooran"]
[member="Allana Badeaux"] was the queen mother and Cathbodua standing there in the presence of the queen mother... well it was useful. Where she normally wore a bodysuit she was looking at the dress. Crystasteel weaved fabric allowing her to be protected but also wear something that looked normal. her skin was deathly pale... like milk and she was cold without the temperature regulations. She was looking around and the facial mask she could wear revealing the short black hair. Dark eyes and pale skin. The jedi master was allowing the force to go around as around her neck was the clasp from her homeworld of Selab. Her family itself was moving as the woman went over picking up one of the glasses of champagne to scent it. "Hmm I wonder where..." She trailed off looking for [member="Lelani Sevestra"] who was someone she had been curious to meet and the Hapan shipbuilder had ideas. If she wasn't going to be here to talk with the Queen mother or some of the other ones who might be interesting she would find a reason to try and speak with all of them.

Rahn Haaku

Minister of Foreign Affairs, CSA
"Will you announce my master's arrival?" Asked the silver plated protocol droid for what must have been the third or forth time. The beleaguered doorman struggled to maintain his composure in the face of foreign idiocy. "I repeat myself. There are simply too many dignitaries to announce them all."

TC-14 turned to Rahn, "I'm sorry master. It appears they are adamant in their refusal."

Rahn humphed irritably and said loud enough for the doorman to hear as he stormed past, "What's the point of a attending a royal event if the servants aren't bending over backwards?"

"I believe it has something to do with the potential to open up diplomatic relations with the Hapan Consortium."

"I know that! I was being sarcastic." Quipped back the Neimoidian. However as entertaining as razzing the doormen was, Rahn was indeed here on business. It was a seminal moment in political history. The crowning of a new queen mother was always a moment of uncertainty and opportunity. For some, it may be the only time in their diplomatic lives that they could pass beyond the Transitory Mists into Hapan space. Rahn had heard much of Hapan culture and as a connoisseur of all things rare and extravagant he would not allow himself to miss this event, he even went so far as to assign some of his duties to deputies.

Orange eyes flicked around the spacious halls of the Chateau's main corridor. Fine art and beautiful architecture adorned the walls and stood as a testament to the refinement of Hapan culture. Equally pleasant to see were the suits and gowns of the attendees. Rahn recognized several core and inner-rim styles. He for one wore Cyrene Silk robes in blue and silver, the colors of the Commenor Systems Alliance. Atop his head rested a pronged neimoidian headdress denoting his rank as an Ambassador.

"TC-14, we must make contact with the new Hapan regime, rub shoulders with the elite, and get several glasses of that tantalizing Hapan tear drink i've heard so much about... Not necessarily in that order." Rahn said as he made his way through the crowded corridor. He smiled politely at other guests, bowed where necessary and did his best to act the "charming neimoidian" as oxymoronic as that sounded.
Beth was enthusiastic when she received an invite to go to a Hapen dance. It wasn't an event she was exactly expecting to be invited too and while the rest of her family probably could have come, it seemed that she would be the lone Australis-Mantis to go the dance. In truth, it was exciting for the teen - after all, she was going to meet a whole new culture that she had only read about (albeit not too much at first.) She had just been a child when she first saw the Hapans, primarily from inside a ship with her father, [member="Kaine Australis"]. She hadn't been back since. In truth, there really wasn't a reason to go back though.

Beth had arrived in Dimitor a day before the dance was scheduled. She had no special ship to carry her through the stars - she boarded the bus like any other person would. Something about making sure she always treated every individual equally or so she assumed. It didn't bother Beth at all as she got to observe so many different people of various stripes, species, and cultures. She had stayed in a hotel over the night and prepared herself the next day for the dance.

Beth had spent a lot of time debating on what exactly to wear and how to do her hair for the event. Hapans were famed for their beauty and while Beth had 0% Hapen in her, she didn't want to look like an ugly duckling full of beautiful people! Maybe it was low teenage self-confidence speaking. In either case, she wore a beautiful creme colored gown with a red, floral design scattered all over. Her hair was somewhat neatly braided into a French milk braid, some large strands falling down her cheeks. She knew she would be no match for a natural Hapan, but at least she wouldn't look like a monster!

Her long, pointy ears were perked, unhidden, despite her nervousness. She found herself inside one of the many large, expanding corridors which slightly overwhelmed the girl. It seemed to be very busy. It also seemed like people from all over had arrived. She had no dance party, no +1 but she was hopeful she could find someone at the dance. Maybe. Worst case, she would totally hang out near the chocolate fountains that she caught in one of the dining rooms.

Beth naturally found herself inside one of the many dining rooms, although she was still close to the exit into the corridors. She was checking out the food, unsure of really what to do. Socialize? Dance? Eat as much free food as possible? It was a bit much for someone who had never been to a formal ball like this before.
[member="Allana Badeaux"] [member="Cathbodua"] [member="Rahn Haaku"] [member="Beth Australis-Mantis"]

Zye found himself in a totally different sphere than he was used to. Of course House Woden had hosted galas and balls, but they were always of a very different, macabre sort with the subtle and not-so-subtle undertones of death and torture. It wasn't truly a celebration until the vampires had feasted on the blood of a willing slave or convict of extreme sinfulness. He doubted the Hapans would be passing around a shackled murderer--or biting anyone either for that matter.

But even those rough, and sophisticated displays of sadism in tuxedos and ball gowns were not common at all. The family was rich, rich beyond measure, and the estate that they left behind on Iridonia was as luxurious as it was massive, but the family was austere and harsh. Harshness and austerity built within itself an unrivaled strength that softness could only weaken.

All of that was not to say that Zye was without confidence. He stepped out and through the massive, ornate doors with an attitude that the worlds were his that he had perfected over hundreds of years. Even though he was, along with the rest of his family, dishonored and without their funds, Zye was not about to show up looking like a beggar. The light caught on the shimmer silk of his tuxedo as Zye came into the first of many massive halls. His hair was groomed perfectly, not a strand was out of place. He hardly looked like the man who had been mistaken for a vagabond on Amar.

Tonight was about making connections. Connections meant power, and power, power meant allies, and allies meant restoration. The anger, the rage, and the fury had to be toned down and all that he had in charm, the very few chips he could play were to be thrown on the table. When in doubt, say nothing. It is better to be the man of mystery than the nerf herder of the night..... and don't say nerf herder.

​His fingers plucked a champagne flute from the tray of a passing waiter and he sipped the pinkish contents. Zye's eyes widened for a moment out of surprise. He had never tasted a wine like this one, it must have been a local delicacy. He made a note to add it to his mental repository of fine wines.

​Glass in hand, the gentleman strolled deeper into Chateau Loire'an. He could mix in with this crowd. Whether they knew it or not, they were just like him.

Allana Badeaux

Ta’a Chume – Queen Mother
Each foot fall brought the Queen Mother further into the room. Stopping mid step the young Monarch turned. Her azure eyes danced through the crowd looking for a familiar voice. Eyes were winded in confusion. She had thought she heard, na it could not be or so she thought.

As if nothing happened the young queen lips parted showing her joy as she turned back around. Her eyes feel upon something most appealing. Reaching out with lithe fingers she grabbed a flute of the Hapes Pink Champagne from a passing waiter.

She began to move again she placed the glass to her lips and drank.

[member="Cathbodua"] [member="Rahn Haaku"] [member="Beth Australis-Mantis"] [member="Zye Woden"]
Wearing this dress Kat walked into the room nervous. There had been a long and intense argument between herself and her sister. "You are wearing this dress Kat!" Her sister had spoken sternly. "No! That is so not me. I will not, will never and you can't make me!" Kat stated loudly. So about five hours later Kat was standing in a very formal setting, in a dress she swore she would not wear and made to take to the stiff upper class. If you could pick the worst place ever for Kat to be, this was it. The Echani was so out of place but at the same time, the Hapans were intrigued with her so-called natural beauty. It was creepy, especially when the men kept staring at her, Kat did not enjoy that one bit.

Wandering to a restroom, Kat splashed some water on her face and sighed. "Come on girl! We can do this, yes everyone is staring and being weird but that's just Hapans, everyone knows they're creepy when beauty is concerned. Breathe Kat, breathe. Just don't make a fool of yourself in front of their leader, God Mother or some sort of pretentious designation." Adjust her dress, Kat stepped from the restroom into the busy rooms once more. This time collecting a sparkling drink, taking a sip she could tell it was alcoholic but the bubbles felt weird. Turning to the waiter, "why's it bubbly mate?" His eyes visibly rolled. He rolled his eyes at her! She couldn't believe that it was a thing people really did not just an expression! "Champagne madam, it is meant to be fizzy hence "bubbly" as you so... Elegantly put it."

Kat wanted to swipe at the guy and go for a dirty brawl, show the upper class poodoo head manners. However, she could hear her sister screaming in her head to behave. So Kat downed the drink and moved along. What was most nerve wracking was the obvious display of her robotic legs, while they were sleek and elegant in their appearance, a function her sister insisted not Kat's preference. Kat still never felt comfortable having them on display for others to see. Opened her up to vulnerability.
Hapans. The last time Vulpesen had been around them, he was little more than a young stupid soldier with a lightsaber. And most of his interactions with them had been with their nurses who nursed him back to health after one Marcus Faust had buried him alive in a mortar blasted hole. Oh the good ol' days, how he missed them. Back then, things were simple. Meet the bad guys. Try to convert the bad guys. Then cut off their limbs when they failed to see reason. Now everything was politics, and discerning friend from foe. Good People fought for the same thing but fought each other while doing it and all the while, evil continued to secure its indomitable power. He really missed being able to just dismember people he didn't like.

As it was, Vulpesen had arrived to Hapes in fairly simple attire compared to many of the other diplomats. Wearing his trademark coat, the Zorren Valde truste that its elegant style would be be considered formal enough for such a meeting as this. That was afterall, one of the main purposes in its design. To create a set of armor that could keep him safe while also being worn at political functions such as this. "Really sir, you must see the royal tailor. I'm certain he could make you something more... fitting." The voice was as usual, that of his royal advisor, Lucas, one of two that had joined Vulpesen to this party.

"When the royal tailor starts applying phrik to his suits, then I'll start wearing his suits. Until then, I will trust my coat to prevent me from getting shot by some jealous or zealous lord who didn't like what I had to say. Besides, Ace has to sit somewhere. It's not like I can just have him on my shoulder around here." While speaking, Vulpesen slipped a hand into his pocket, giving his best friend a small scratch behind the ears. Ace held no title, particularly since he appeared to be a non-sentient creature to most within the galaxy. And of course, deciding to avoid giving his friend the indignity of being called a 'pet', Vulpesen had simply tucked the ashlan wolf into one of his pockets with the promise of delicious snacks should he see any.

"Honestly Vulpesen, it's as if you're trying to give me a stroke."

"I know. But this is what you're paid for. To smile, introduce me, and make sure that people you introduce me to, don't shoot me for a snide remark." Gazing around the room, Vulpesen's golden eyes observed all those that entered and roamed around the area while his presence in the force expanded to gauge the place from a more trustworthy sense. As expected, there was plenty of scheming and devious personalities. But also some that were here for less that malign ideas. And thankfully, even the worst characters here seemed pleased to keep things civil. Welcome to politics, where people kill with words rather than swords.

[member="Allana Badeaux"]
Well now...this was an interesting circumstance for one to find themselves in. Going from a charity event to a grand ball in the Hapes Consortium was a huge leap but, it was so exciting. The day prior to the dance, Yura had found herself in an event filled with the usual doddering and lying politicians. It was the age old story. Powerful man meets beautiful woman, powerful man gives substantial gifts, powerful man gets "rewards". Yura had met her powerful man in the form of an extremely overweight Twi'lek politician and received her substantial gift in the form of a invitation to accompany said politician to the grand ball. The only difference to the "age old story" this time, was that Yura had absolutely NO plans of giving this slob his "rewards".

After a brief back forth between the politician she was accompanying and the door man (for reasons she did not even bother to pay attention to), they both entered the grand hall, mouths slightly agape in awe. Yura was dressed to impress for this occasion after all, it could be a once in a life time thing. Yura was wearing beautiful gown made of a mixture of collected leaves and one she had grown naturally on her body. Her long red hair was tied in to a pretty loose braid that fell to her waist. It did not take long for the man she was accompanying to spot someone he knew which meant that now, was her cue. "I am just going to pop off and get a drink, darling" she said to him with a playful wink knowing full well that she had no intentions of meeting up with him again.

When she was far enough away from him, Yura stopped to take everything in. This was the real deal. Bight lights, expensive drinks, rich and famous people either getting drunk or simply loitering. This was what Yura had been waiting for! Yura spotted a static waiter holding a tray of the famous Hapen Pink Champagne and she immediately made her way through the crowd towards him. Naturally, Yura drew some attention. Her species, the Sylphe, are a race of beautiful botanical humanoids who are very rarely seen outside of their home world. A combination of her light green skin, almost luminescent eyes and natural floral aroma was enough to turn a few heads. At long last Yura reached the guardian of the champagne and happily acquired a glass of the famed pink bubbly from him. "Thank you ever so, honey" she said to the blushing young boy.

Yura took a large gulp of the beverage and immediately felt light headed. She held the glass up in front of her and stared at the fizzy liquid with an expression that clearly read "the hell is in this?". The Sylphe girl then quickly remembered that she did not care and shrugged it off. Taking another sip, Yura looked around the room, paying attention to everyone her eyes fell upon. "got to be someone interesting around here" she mumbled to herself.

[member="Allana Badeaux"]

Rahn Haaku

Minister of Foreign Affairs, CSA
"So TC-14," Began Rahn as he scanned the crowd. "Any interesting marks so far?"

Photoreceptors and processors moved imperceptibly fast as the protocol droid absorbed and interpreted visual information. Rahn had ensured that his protocol droid had the latest scanning and recording tech, courtesy of Fabritech. He often employed TC-14 to spy and record interactions, and today was no different. "Well sir, there's a white-skinned human at our 11 o'clock who has yet to engage in conversation."

Rahn looked the oblivious man up and down, and was about to ignore him when a trio of partygoers entered the conversation.

"So what are you two doing?" Said the leader of a trio of Duros.

Rahn had two options, insult and disengage with the uninvited Duros, or take the interruption in stride. As a diplomat he chose the latter. Feigning a smile he turned his attention to the Duros. "My friends, my protocol droid and I were just wagering on the occupation of that pasty, black-tuxedo-ed human over there." Rahn said motioning to the oblivious [member="Zye Woden"].

"A wager you say? Well we're sure to be more fun betting partners than your robot. Shall we say we each make a guess on his profession on 300,000 credits?" Said the Duro leader, his syophant friends nodded their agreement.

"Very well, I'll take that bet. I've observed that he's displayed loner tendencies but an appreciation to this delicious Hapan alcohol, so a man of class... I suspect he is a... Dark Jedi or some estranged force user, he's obviously without a clan or noticeable faction symbolism."
"Hmm an educated guest. However my money's on Serenno royalty, I've seen his cold listless gaze in many a Count of Sereno." The two other duros wagered he was a Sith Officer or CEO. With the wagering concluded, the Duros gave him leave to ascertain the man's profession.

"Excuse me, I'm Rahn Haaku." He said as got within earshot of Zye. From within his robes he withdrew a gold-business card with his name and affiliation: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Commenor Systems Alliance. "My friends and I noticed you from across the way and have shamelessly taken bets on guessing your profession, so... If I may ask what it is you do?"

Allana Badeaux

Ta’a Chume – Queen Mother
Making her way through the crowded room with an open bar, it proved to be interesting. The recent trade agreement had brought merchant Mando’ade into the Transitory Mists. A good sized group of them was at the bar. Loud and boisterous, men as well as woman was talking and a few singing? The singing Allana guess it was a drinking game.

It was a little too rambunctious for her taste so she excited out into another adjacent room. This room opened up into a large dining room. Like many other rooms this one was filled with people too. Not to mention all the food and drinks.

Here she stopped for a moment and took a look around. What was she looking for? Maybe someone special? She did took another sip as she looked around.

[member="Cathbodua"] [member="Rahn Haaku"] [member="Yura Thanopis"] [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Kat Decoria"] [member="Zye Woden"] [member="Beth Australis-Mantis"]
Beth wasn't entirely sure what to do although she did begin to pick some fruits off of the dining room table and pop them into her mouth. They were delicious, which she really expected in truth. It was a dance put on by the Queen Mother, after all. Hapans were famed for their beauty - she could only assume that their taste in food would be similar. Beth saw an interesting pink drink being passed around the adults in the room. She was curious about the liquid. Some type of champagne? She had never heard or seen of it before. As such, it must be a Hapan treat.

Too bad she wasn't really old enough to drink. With a sigh, the girl began to move about the corridors and dining rooms. She ran into a couple people and had a brief conversation, but ultimately found herself back inside one of the dining halls. This time, though, she was lathering some fruit with some of the chocolate from one of the chocolate fountains. Mmm, so delicious.

She noticed one woman who was a light color of green and wearing... leaves? She had never seen such a species before, although she assumed she must have been one of the more rarer species of the galaxy. Maybe, anyway. She wasn't entirely sure what qualified as rare. She just had never seen someone like her before.

Beth found herself leaning against one of the walls in the corridors with a small plate of fruits. She didn't mind people watching. It was fun to see how people reacted, especially when they were entirely new or different cultures. Much like she was. One of the biggest reasons she decided to come was because of the many opportunities for cultural exchange with the Hapans and the other cultures that would show up at the dance. Even if she didn't run into anyone, at least she could come back with a lot of knowledge - and a full belly of chocolate!

[member="Allana Badeaux"] | [member="Rahn Haaku"] | [member="Yura Thanopis"] | [member="Vulpesen"] | [member="Kat Decoria"] | [member="Zye Woden"] | [member="Cathbodua"]
[member="Allana Badeaux"] [member="Beth Australis-Mantis"] [member="Kat Decoria"] [member="Vulpesen"]

She was looking at the ones who stood around here.. at the party and for the most part she was uncertain about all of them. Feeling only one from the Silver Jedi but another one from the old old Republic. Cathbodua walked over seeing Vulpesen as she spoke, he likely wouldn't recognize her. The healer who had been there when he was infirmed after a fight in the medical wing. She spoke standing tall and pale with flawlessly smooth skin under the crystasteel bodysuit over her shoulders. "Vulpesen welcome, it does well to see you alive." She stood there tall and ready for anything as the queen mother kept walking around. She stood near but not crowding her mostly to ensure no one tried to violate her rules. Seeing the padawan as she spoke walking by and she knew Kat from her cybernetics, the medical labs had the full run down in case of problems. "Padawan, please drink if you do responsibly." Looking at her while she crossed her arms and had a look of a typical Hapan even with the short hair. "Queen Mother are you certain about this... some of these beings are different and wouldn't have been seen within the consortium. I don't know what we'll be able to accomplish."
Life certainly took interesting turns. Sometimes in ways you would have never expected.

As the man walked through the party he could feel the looks. His fellow Hapens looking at him. It was not because of the fine silk suit he wore. It was not his refined etiquette. It was because he was not dead and they knew it. They could not tell he was just a clone. Nor could they know he had the memories of the highly decorated Aleister Grey.

They just believed he somehow managed to life from a past brutal attack on Hapes Prime.

The Queen Mother knew, most likely some within her trusted circle. To most of the people staring at him believed he fell in combat during the same engagement the former Queen Mother have fallen. It was true. The real Duke of Gallinnore had sacrificed so the Queen Mother had a chance to live. It was a vain attempt and the risk was for nothing.

Aleister Grey’s DNA was on record with the Royal Hapen Navy. The Queen Mother Allana Djo needed someone she could trust at the helm of the entire Hapen Royal navy. What better officer then the one who ran it before?

Still the clone felt so very alone even though he was in a castle with hundreds of people. The pink champagne did little to stave off this feeling. He was just wondering from room to room. He put on a brave face and smiled like a good noble. He took up conversation when it came.

[member="Beth Australis-Mantis"] [member="Allana Badeaux"] [member="Rahn Haaku"] [member="Yura Thanopis"] [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Kat Decoria"] [member="Zye Woden"] [member="Cathbodua"]
The party was jumping into full swing, there were many guests moving around the various rooms of the Hapan building. Kat hadn't noticed anyone of familiarity but that just meant she had to meet new people Kat guessed as she took a sip of a second glass of the pink champagne. There was a whisper of Kat being told to take care of her drinking. Which was deeply insulting, Kat barely had one drink and she would drink neat spirits all the time with her father. He had wanted Kat to explore the realms of drink, appreciate its variety.

Kat rolled her eyes at the mother tone of the Jedi, before shifting through the crowd and seeing another woman leaning against the wall. Tucking a strand of white hair behind one ear, Kat walked up to them and gave a warm smile. "Hi, I erm. I'm Kat." She said with little confidence. There were so many pretty people here in pretty dresses and such it was difficult not to feel ugly or self-conscious in front of them. There was a woman dressed as a leaf, very bizarre but still looked more elegant than Kat. Perhaps her sister was right to make Kat dress up.

"So what do you think of this party?" Kat asked her fellow guest.

[member="Beth Australis-Mantis"]
[member="Rahn Haaku"]

The Dark Jedi's eyes fell upon the nearby sculptures and reliefs of the local people. He didn't often engage in fine art, but there was something aestethically pleasing about these people. They certainly didn't have his style; Zye preferred a gothic simple approach that teased out the fifty shades of black that existed--plus fifty shades more. His eye fell on the local women, including their queen. Zye was demisexual, his eyes unlike the eyes of most men here, didn't regard them as toys for pleasure. He offered once more an aesthetic appreciation for their form. Zye wished he would have visited this portion of the galaxy sooner.

Zye was ever observant. Paranoia was one of his best friends, thanks to the tireless care of both of his parents to instill that grandest of virtues into his very soul. So for him, the Nemodians weren't exactly about to catch him totally off guard when they accosted him as he took a step further from down the hall.

"A pleasure, Minister Haaku," Zye said with a tight smile and half bow. He tucked the card into an inner pocket he had. This was exactly the kind of high roller he was looking to acquaint himself with. He laughed softly at the statement, "Well, I suppose there are worse things that have been said about me in hushed conversations," he finished off his flute, setting it on the tray of a passing waiter, "I am a hunter, from a long line of hunters. We stalk our prey tirelessly, and once we have set our mind to it, the prey is already dead. They just haven't realized it yet."

He took a few steps, weaving between them Nemodians, "I am Zye Woden, Last Son of House Woden from Iridonia. I slaughter the nightmares that haunt your wildest dreams. I protect children and women from the howling terrors of the night. I ravage their bodies so that the innocent may live. Some would say I sold my soul to the devil, but if such a being exists, I swear I need not his assistance," he turned on his heel, offering them a devilish smile. Did it make them uncomfortable to have a man who was so proud of his blood-stained has this close by? He hoped so, just a little. Zye realized he was talking too much--and too sadistically. He was here to make allies, not more enemies. "Religiously, I suppose that makes me something of a Dark Jedi. Does that answer you question?"

Rahn Haaku

Minister of Foreign Affairs, CSA
Rahn hadn't expected a bow, that was a nice touch. It had tickled his ego enough to entertain the man's flair for the dramatic. His lines and movements seemed to be those of an ancient actor of the stage and a rather macabre one at that. Rahn concluded that this man was certainly more Hamlet than Romeo and it came as no surprise when he admitted his dark-force leaning.

Rahn smiled wide in contrast to the trio of Duro's shocked and nervous expressions. "A satisfyingly ominous answer that has earned me 900,000 credits. Gentlemen, please work out the details of payment with my protocol droid while this intriguing hornless Iridonian tells me more about his life's work." Having been dismissed the defeated Duros begrudgingly transferred their credits to TC-14 and wandered off to other parts of the party.

Rahn removed a small vial from his robe and deftly sprinkled crystalline particles into his drink before offering the vial to Zye. "Are you an Anzati?" He asked casually. There were few humanoid species that would speak of the hunt as zealously. Rahn considered for a moment what would be more comforting, an Anzati dark jedi or a human that intentionally acted like an Anzati dark jedi. But that's why he had brought spice, to at very least ease his anxiety.

[member="Zye Woden"]
[member="Rahn Haaku"]

Zye watched with the mixed reactions as he revealed himself for who he was. Apparently there was one big winner, and a trio of horrible losers. He didn't really care personally. These petty affairs were the matters of lesser beings who lived their lives for the credits they gained, for them material wealth was the hunt.

Minister Haaku was a bold one to ask such a question. He smirked, he could sense the nervousness coming off him. He wasn't sure why so many beings were afraid of his race, and the similar races of the Azanti and Force Vampires. Everyone fed on something, the food chain was built with the consumed on the bottom and everyone else eating each other. Even plants fed on the dead remains of beings. He had the theory that the true fear was of the apex predator more than the actual process. But that was just a theory.

"A close relative," Zye said with the wave of his hand. "I applaud your bravery. I am of a similar species, The Vamparika. We feed on blood, not just energy and thoughts. Now that you know what it is that I do in some detail, what are the grizzly details of a Minister of Foreign Affairs?"
Vulpesen turned his head to face Master [member="Cathbodua"], a look of light confusion in his eyes. She looked familiar, but not so much that he could quite place it. However, her light sided presence did offer a few hints as to where they had met. "Despite quite a few people attempting to change that fact. It's good to see a friendly face, though I admit, my memory seems to be failing me at the moment. I assume we met back in my jedi days?" Plucking a glass of pink liquid from a nearby serving tray, he sampled the drink, his golden eyes widening a bit at the odd sensation. "Well, that's delightful. Lucas, try some." Reaching p, he used the force to float a glass to his advisor who let out a small sigh.

"Valde, such usage of the force is hardly polite in this setting."
More and more people kept piling into the large, winding corridors, dining rooms, and various other amenities the Hapans had created to ensure an extravagant, successful dance. Beth couldn't help but admire the beauty of it all - architecturally, it was a beautiful site. From the walls to the large, long columns, to the ceiling. It was an architect dream come true, surely. The Sundari Palace on Mandalore was beautiful itself but this was a different type of beautiful. Beth was almost just as content examines the art of the building than even dealing with the people.

But, then a [member="Kat Decoria"] walked up towards her. Beth wasn't sure if she was going to come to speak to her directly or someone else, but sure enough, she came up in front of her and introduced herself. Her name was Kat. What a lovely name! Beth gave her a big smile, "Hi, Kat! It's really nice to meet you! I'm Beth." She reached her hand out to give her a firm, yet gentle shake of the hand. "I absolutely love your dress, Kat! It is beautiful on you!"

Beth, being the happy girl she was, naturally gravitated towards compliments and in general happy things. "The party is really good! This building is exquisite. I am curious about the pink champagne, though - I'm not really old enough to drink it yet."

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