Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Her tears of Joy (look to OOC thread before posting)

His answer alone made it obvious to Ra he wasn't a bounty hunter. They usually went out of their way to take their target alive to get a better reward. Rarely did they kill whoever they were after. That did not mean if he learned of the price on her head, he wouldn't still attempt to capture her.

"I'm the one that should be saying sorry. Mistake on my part."

Also being quite oblivious to most flirting attempts, she heard his question as an interest in her work, not the comment of wandering off alone later.

"Correct. Here's my card."

Reaching into a pocket, ​it would give her contact information. She took a sip of her own drink while Ar'ekk looked at the card.

It was quite the feeling to be so honest and yet have that bit of edge, a mystery of sorts. Here he was a man she had never met giving her opportunity to be open and honest about herself, her culture, and her view on the galaxy without cynism in return.

What would her parents have thought of him? Her mother would have instantly said how many credits does he make in a year which would lead to her father chiming in about position. Mel had both and the expectation was that whatever connections she made increased both.

But she wasn't her parents which was why she allowed herself the smiles and the take the compliments as he gave them so willingly. However too many and those who knew her would think her drunk for certain. Perhaps the champagne and the company made her feel heady.

She had already decided to look into House Woden, who they were, and what they did.

He didn't quite agree with emotions betraying a thought, "So you think emotions are a motivator for actions." She thought about this for a few moments, "You believe that if House Gray wanted to have one of their family in the position that served on the Queen's council that their ambition would serve as motivation which would be true. But if it is coupled with an emotion such as hatred for House Dallamoor that they would become more aggressive to obtain the position. I can see there how an emotion is a tool."

She wanted to be sure she understood it was important to understand so that she could decide whether there was an application for it. Hapans tended to use everything they could for gain. Was that who she was? Then he said something that brought her thoughts back to him.

Was he paying her a compliment? What a charmer! She being a woman had to admit she liked hearing it. It had been a long time since anyone had said something like that to her. But it was her sad duty to tell him, "All Hapans are beautiful to hide their treacherous nature." It was then that he slid her effortlessly to the floor her heart raced for a moment she feared being dropped she caught a glimpse of Duch'a Basaran staring at her. Her fear passed quickly as he brought her back up. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder Mr. Woden, only time can tell if it goes beyond being skin deep" Not all Hapans were the same. Mel was driven but did it make her less attractive on the inside, where her emotions resided, where her true nature lay she hoped not. But perhaps she could not see it where others could.

"Hapans are political creatures [member="Zye Woden"], and you know what they say about politicians." She smiled up at him again this was becoming a habit, three times in one night. Surely everyone was taking notes and waiting to find out what it was the handsome stranger said to her to make her react so.

"What do I do for my allies? I provide them the means to obtain their goals, as long as their goals align to my personal needs and benefit my house." She paused for a brief moment as they moved past a small group who were watching them with great interest. As soon as they passed Mel continued, "Which I believe is the definition of mutually beneficial."

A symbiotic relationship one where each benefited from the other yes she liked that term.

"In short I can provide exactly what you need." They were gliding across the floor now having found a rhythm to their movements, "Just so happens I have need of a problem solver if you care to discuss privately."


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Château Loire’an, Dimitor

INTERACTING WITH: [member="Ra'a'mah"]

He was being totally honest regarding his line of work. If there was a bounty on her head that was worth a ton of credits, Ar'ekk had no idea about it. Even if he did, he wasn't as cold or spineless to take her in. That wasn't something that he would do or was something he was.

"Don't apologize. Now, if someone in the crowd wanted to do something to you... I'm pretty sure you can handle yourself but I can give a hand or two."

Now you're playing the White Knight, Ar'ekk? Get over yourself!

His flirtatious compliments wooshed over Ra's head yet he took that in good heart, toying around with her obliviousness a little longer than usual. Taking the girl's business card with his fingers and giving it a brief read, he concealed it within an inner pocket of his snow-whitee jacket.

"Now I have your number in case I need it."

Would that be obvious enough?

[member="Melanctha Dallamoor"]

"I believe emotion motivates all our actions," Zye said without hesitation. "Whether we are willing or not, what we truly desire drives us deeper than anything else. Food, power, protection, security. The primal need to pass on genetic material with a promising mate," a less jaded, less emotionally battered being would have said ​love​ or added love to the list. "Whether we are willing to admit it or not, yes they are the driving factors of what we do. We delude ourselves into thinking we are anything but animals."

Thanks to his profession, Zye benefitted from seeing things through the eyes of his prey, with such a primal view it made him unfit for higher society. Or society at all. He saw people for who they were, or what lay underneath. That same instinctive ability scared most, and lead to House Woden's eviction.

"I hope to prove you wrong then," he said as she mentioned that all Hapes were beautiful to hide their treachery. "My mother loved all sorts of flowers, mainly the poisonous ones that could kill and maim, however there was one flower she kept, the Sachi Blossom, for its appearance alone. Sometimes, even in the most toxic gardens, there are flowers that exist for their beauty alone."

Zye couldn't control his face as it twisted into a scowl. He lost control of his tongue for the moment as well, "I ​loath​ politicians. Deeply."

His hand gripped her waist tighter, pulling her closer for a section before relaxing. His flash of rage abated, and the raw passionate power behind it was likely enough for her to feel, even with her lack of force sensitivity considering their lack of distance. It was a mix of passion and power, more than rage that often fueled the Vampire in his hunts. Just as quickly as it was there, the flash of power was gone once more.

He recovered, smiling back as she said what she would do for him. His desire to help his house was less from love or a desire to see the fellow members of his bloodline succeed, but more out of his own pride. His slaves, as well as his servants, underlings, and family would all come to see him in his rightful place as the patriarch of House Woden before too long. And that would start with him placing them once more where they belonged. Back on their estate.

Zye extended his arm, sending Melanctha rotating outward an arms length before pulling her back in. As he drew her back, the man nestled her from behind, his arm wrapped around her hip. He too was aware of any prying eyes, constantly vigilant. He had never learned to truly put his guard down. But from his position, he could easily whisper in her ear and to any prying eyes, it looked more like a flirtatious gesture than a business move. Without visual cues, he lead her with the gentle sway of his shoulders.

"I value privacy and almost as much as I value efficiency, Miss Dallamoor. Discretion places me above my compadators. I would be ready at your whim," he whispered in her ear.
"genetic material with a promising mate?" She questioned as they dodged a couple, "that sounds so detached and you not believe in love?" All young girls seemed to believe in love the one true soul mate who would know them from the moment their eyes met. Someone to sweep them off their feet and fulfill every romantic notion that existed. Course that was a dream very rarely did they fulfill every want as they weren't mind readers. She knew many of her friends who married and were disappointed with the ever after.

Yes some things..well..some things would happen or they wouldn't.

"You will let me know if you find out otherwise about beauty and treachery being bedfellows." She had seen it too often and even wondered about herself. Her mother. Even their Queen [member="Allana Djo"] was she a pretty face with a devious little heart beating in her chest waiting for the moment to pounce on them all?? She didn't know but she was not going to take the chance to become a victim to such appetites.

Fear rippled through her for a moment she recoiled not sure about the voice, about the intent...clearly....politicians were not his subject. She wanted to walk away just as she got her wits together it seemed to have passed. But within her it lingered that just the tone of his voice, the intensity of his gaze had ignited her fight or flight reaction. She licked her lips to put some moisture back on them.

She felt nervous and when he sent her reeling outwards to pull her back to him he towered over her as they moved. All eyes were on them as if they were the entertainment Mel looked from face to face as his words tickled her ear she was painfully aware of his presence behind her and just how strong he was. She would have to be careful, very careful.

"I'll have one of aides bring you the coordinates of where to meet me. You are staying locally, yes?" She turned her head to where she could see his face in profile. What was she getting into? They were nearing the end of their dance

[member="Zye Woden"]
[member="Melanctha Dallamoor"]

Zye hadn't decided if he had believed in love. He had been raised in an affectionless house, the only thing that resembled affection or softness was when he remembered helping execute a faithful servant who had reached the end of his frail life. Gentleness or the softer things was something his father scoffed at. Everything was about being as strong as possible. He never wanted anything less than survival and dominance. But still... his face softened for a fraction of a moment for the first time, "I don't know."

He smirked as she told him to keep her updated on beauty and treachery being bedfellows. "Miss Dallamoor, I will be horribly honest. I wish I had the luxury of the beings who stabbed my kin in the back being as lovely as you, it would have made the entire experience so much more endurable. In my experience, treachery is universal regardless of looks."

As his temper ignited some fear in Melanctha, he made a note to be more careful with his temper. The man had a hot head, a hair trigger-temper that had a mind of its own. Still, he would have to try if he were to maintain the alliance he intended to form with this noblewoman. She held a position similar to what he intended to occupy once more. If he wanted his home again, he would have to control himself. That was one thing the Vampire still had yet to learn.

Zye smiled softly at the people around them as they side stepped their way through the crowd in a classic double-scale move. It required great coordination and rhythm, or the pair would fall tangled on their sides in an embarrassing, painful mess. His eyes locked with hers as they stepped, they were so close. He could feel the warmth radiating off her skin, she was nervous or excited. With his hands around her waist he could begin to feel the woman's pulse quicken. A primal hunger, unlike one that most men would feel, arose in Zye's pallet. She was healthy, Melanctha smelt of a wonderful meal like he hadn't had in months. Lately he had been relegated to feeding addicts in back allies and second rate blood samples, all of which tasted foul. He could almost taste the sweet, warm crimson fluid going down his throat.

"Relax," he murmured to her gently, as much for her sake as for his. What a spectacle it would have been for him to sink his teeth in her soft flesh right in the middle of all these high born beings. The song ended, with the piano hitting a series of plinking notes that resolved the beautiful chord. All of the dancers broke, and applauded, Zye held his grip on Melactha a moment longer before releasing his grip, "Look up Sir Erin Holmbridge at the Moonlake Hotel. I look forward to hearing from you soon, miss Dallamoor."
Giving him a slight smile at his comment about her being able to take care of herself. With his offer of being able to lend a hand, she nodded at that.

"Thank you, but I don't think there is anybody here. Besides with you, Alex and any other of my pals that are around, I doubt that person would make a move. If he or she did, they wouldn't get very far with it."

She had allies, friends ​and people that would have her back in a heartbeat.

"Yes, never know. Might find yourself in the need to purchase or sell large quantities of items or goods."

Ever a businesswoman, the flirting still went over her head.



The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Château Loire’an, Dimitor

INTERACTING WITH: [member="Ra'a'mah"]

Of course, his flirtatious attempt went over Ra's head again but that made him smile even more than before. She was oblivious to what he was trying to say or accomplish but Ar'ekk would not give up for the night. Leaving that aside, he kept up with the conversation.

"Fair enough, I think. No one would be that dumb, right? Unless you're a really bad hunter."

Even if someone dared to pull such stunt on her or any other guest, it'd be sort of difficult to avoid a massacre considering that no weapons were allowed at this event. Nevertheless, no such thing would happen that night.

"That's not what I meant."

He said lightheartedly, concealing a sly smirk behind his glass of champagne.

"Exactly. However, a good hunter could probably get away with it. There are other skills in play that don't require the use of weapons."

If Ar'ekk was bright enough, then he should be able to figure out Ra meant the Force. While it was a weapon to some, it was something not easily gotten rid of and certainly not something that could be taken away without a great deal of preparation. None of that had happened here. Some Force sensitive hunter could easily accomplish here what they set out to do if they tried.

After he mentioned it wasn't business he had meant, he was greeted with the sudden blinking of her eyes and total look of surprise. It was also very likely her cheeks had started turning pink. Hopefully he would blame that on the drink she was having. Even if it was her first, he couldn't know if she had more before that.

"What did you mean then?"

Hiding a small smirk of ​her own behind the drink like he did, her eyes held a small glint to them that wasn't there before.

The turn of events had shift Kat from enjoying herself to feeling deeply embarrassed for her silly behaviour. Kat shouldn't have been as forward as she had towards Beth, it seemed unlikely that Beth felt the same towards Kat. This was made worst by the fact it was all done in front of the Queen Mother of the Hapans. There was little Kat could do but try and hide in the background but that was tricky when still involved in the conversation between the pair. Turning to Beth, quietly she apologised. "Sorry Beth, I didn't mean to be so forward, I. I am attracted to you and thought you might feel the same..." Kat was honest and admitting her feelings was not an easy thing to do.

The Queen Mother had noticed Kat's feelings and asked if they arrived together. Kat shook her head. "I came on my own, just thought I'd say hi to the first friendly face I met." Kat cursed herself for being so silly. Beth admitted to being a Mandalorian, that made things interesting, the Silver Jedi were not fans of the Empire as were the Empire in favour. Kat also found it interesting that Beth had two clan names, normally a woman would take on her husband's clan name. There must be a story behind that Kat thought. However, thr red hot blushing and stomach turning from embarrassment were enough that Kat politely excused herself and rushed to the bathroom to be alone.

[member="Beth Australis-Mantis"] | [member="Allana Djo"]
The dance movements were intricate moves designed to flow with the ebbing music one limb out of place in those last moments and the only thing the attendees of the ball would remember was the heap that Mel and Zye made on the floor.

They stared into one another's eyes to maintain concentration no longer able to speak too busy concentrating on where she placed her foot she was relying upon him to guide them through those last steps. Relax???!!! How could she possibly relax something in the undertone of his voice though influenced her to soften as her heart slowly returned to a normal rhythm.

As easily as it began it ended her cheeks now dusted with a pink hue showed the level of effort put in. Once sure she would not falter they released their grip on one another. "I will remember" she whispered.

She made a mental note of the name and the place.

"Thank you Mr. Woden I very much appreciated the exercise." She gave a nod of her head without looking around or back she made her way off the floor picking up a glass of champagne as she went.

It had been a very profitable night.

She had the problem solver.

[member="Zye Woden"]

Melanctha exits story


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Château Loire’an, Dimitor

INTERACTING WITH: [member="Ra'a'mah"]

The Force was a powerful ally in battle and he knew that very well by experience, his prowess using the lightsaber and mastering the Makashi stance required him to be proficient with his gift to mantain an important advantage during dangerous times.

Someone who managed to grasp the extensives of the Force and the secrets of bounty hunting could become a very difficult opponent to face.

"There's no doubt about that. I'm confident nobody's gonna pull any tricks tonight."

Three drinks. Arekk's knees were not weak yet and his speech wasn't slurred yet which meant that the alcohol still hadn't hit him like a point-blank range shot to the face.

"That maybe you won't have to finish this champagne by yourself."

Syn loved being on Hapes. His mothers homeworld was just as beautiful as she'd described. The Hapens arranged for an exceptional party, to Syn it seemed as if everything was perfect. Of course he felt a tad bit odd being amongst nobility.

Nobles, Jedis, Siths, all of it peaked the young mans interest. He'd never before been at an event in which so many came together to simply enjoy themselves. It was interesting, to say the least. And Syn was actually liking the party. Something he'd not been able to do in quite a long time.

However Syn had yet to speak to anyone, usually he'd like it that way. In a room filled with all sorts of likely untrustworthy people and man with a mind would have kept to himself. But Syn had a bit to drink and felt rather chatty. He'd kept his eyes on a few people, all of whom looked interesting to him.

But he could only approach one at a time. And he'd set his eyes on a young lady with beauiful red hair. 'Hello, I'm Syn Blacken. It's a pleasure to meet you.' He said as he introduced himself to her as he extended his hand out to her. 'Quite the nice party isn't it. It's not always a Mandalorian ends up amongst a crowd like this.'

[member="Alexandra Feanor"]

Allana Badeaux

Ta’a Chume – Queen Mother
[SIZE=9pt]Allana’s isolated childhood did present some awkward moments for her. For instants blushing because she seen someone kiss another upon the check. Allana was not much older the Kat and Beth and it was not that long ago [/SIZE]Kathrine[SIZE=9pt] her aunt shielded her from anything remotely having to deal with romance. So when she had seen Kat kiss Beth on the check it provoked the rosy checks from the Ta’a Chume.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Her embarrassment had diminished quickly replaced with a delightful surprise. She knew Beth was from Mandalore. Kat was from the Silver Jedi and it truly made Allana happy to see the two together. The young Queen Mother’s checks had gone from a deep red to a light pink. She was truly smiling with a honest response. In recent years the Silver Jedi had been good to the Hapes Consortium. To see two of her friends getting along and not fighting truly made her happy and hopeful.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Her delight soon shifted again given Kat’s last response. “Wait”, Allana quietly called out to Kat hoping to get the young Jedi was leaving. Kat was embarrassed enough and Allana did not wish to embarrass her further.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Reaching a hand out to Beth,”We could still catch up with her!”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Allana did not normally go around touching people in public. However there were many people in the room and it could be easy to get lost in the crowed. That is why it was important for them to try to catch up now before they lost Kat in the crowed. [/SIZE]

[member="Kat Decoria"] [member="Beth Australis-Mantis"]
"I am positive nobody will try anything here."

​One of the rules was there couldn't be violence and weapons were barred. Going off that alone, Ra knew there wouldn't be anybody to try anything here. Outside of the party, anything could happen though.

Finishing off her first drink, she set the glass down and looked at Ar'ekk as he answered.

"I didn't finish the drink alone and would like another. Care to accompany me?"

Music was playing in the background and it implied there could be dancing. It wasn't often she had done that, maybe he would ask her, but if he didn't that would be fine.

[member="Melanctha Dallamoor"]

Zye felt a little regret as the dance ended at last. It was hard to remember the last time he had enjoyed something since his exile began, but he had enjoyed this. And the Force alone knew how long it had been since Zye had enjoyed something that didn't involve blood of one form or another. It brought a natural grin to his face, rather than the sly cunning smirk he had become accustomed to.

"I will be awaiting your call then, Miss Dallamoor," he whispered back before they broke their dancers routine.

He gave a bow to Melanctha. And just like that, the moment was lost and he was once more the son Ulric, perfect hunter without a weakness.

"The honor was mine, it has been quite some time since I encountered someone with the skill to challenge my footwork as you have," he said, rising.

And with that, she was gone. Zye watched her leave. He felt a strange combination of victory and bitter-sweetness. It didn't make any sense to him. Zye had become victorious with another potentially lucrative partner under his belt, it was a successful hunt. There was no reason for anything but happiness. He shoved the idea out of his mind. His encounter with Melanctha, with the close proximity they had occupied and the warmth of her beating heart so close to him had stirred Zye's appetite. He needed a drink and needed it soon. The vampire pressed the comm on his wrist active, "SK, bring the speeder around. I'm ready to return to the hotel."
[SIZE=9pt]Awkward, she felt so awkward here. Kira with a pink drink in hand was huddled over by one of the table with a chocolate fountain. She tried to give pleasant smiles to anyone that maybe walking by. This is was not what she was expecting for an internship with Sakura Medical. Being at a dance on a planet that was in the Hapes Consortium?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Her supervisor and the woman that told her she had to come was [/SIZE][member="Cathbodua"][SIZE=9pt]. She was chatting it up with a woman who Kira did not know. [/SIZE][member="Lelani Sevestra"][SIZE=9pt]. Kira did not notice her boss eyeing a woman not far from their location [/SIZE][member="Erin Tenel"][SIZE=9pt].[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Really maybe she should talk to someone. It would make this slightly less awkward.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Hello”,[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Kira said hello to the first person who walked past her. [/SIZE][member="Syn Blacken"]

[SIZE=9pt]“My name is Kira”,[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] she held out her hand to hopefully shake the man’s hand. It would be totally embarrassing if he just walked by. [/SIZE]


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Château Loire’an, Dimitor

INTERACTING WITH: [member="Ra'a'mah"]

"I agree with you."

With a glass already empty and the music beginning to set up the mood for the upcoming big event, the dance, Ar'ekk felt the sudden urge of finding a dance partner to not be confined to one side of the room and drink himself to death while the rest enjoyed their evening. He smiled as Ra spoke out finally, finding some inner relief when she mentioned such.

"Of course, I will come with."

The words to be told repeated in his head over and over as he thought of a good way to ask her to dance, his mouth moving but voice not coming out at all. You'd think someone like him would have it easy when asking a beautiful lady out but he struggled because after all... he was human.

"You'd like to dance with me? I mean, you know, when it's time to do that."

Beth felt awful that she had made [member="Kat Decoria"] feel awkward. She could feel the mood change in between them. Kark, even the Queen Mother's cheeks were red! Beth wasn't expecting it - she particularly didn't think she looked attractive compared to all the others at the dance. "Oh, no, you don't have to be sorry at all! You are a beautiful woman." But here came the but part. Their nation's politics aside, Beth truly didn't have any problem with most Silver Jedi she came across. Sure, their nation's politics were strained at best but that didn't define individuals.

It wasn't that Kat wasn't attractive - she was. But did Beth like women? She didn't know, in truth. And, more importantly, she had a huge crush already in the form of [member="Caedyn Arenais"]. The Commenori had taken tiny bits of her heart during their chance encounters - from the war games between the Mandalorian Empire and the Commenor Systems Alliance to the recent amber situation on Masterra. She hadn't, well, actually told him about her feelings and the ever-growing crush she had on him yet but... One day she would! It was just... Awkward, and she didn't really have the bravery to admit such a thing like Kat did.

Not to mention, everyone joked about them together, especially [member="Baiko no Kaho"]. Maybe Caedyn didn't like her, like that, but she'd eventually have to find out one way or another!

But before she could explain her complicated (was it?) situation, Kat was rushing away! Beth looked panic, sad that she may have a lost friend but unsure of what to do. Luckily, the young Queen Mother reached her hand out and began to go after Kat. The young queen looked around their age, maybe a bit older. But, all Hapans looked youthful, beautiful, and amazing so Beth wasn't sure. "I didn't mean..." She said quietly, worried. Beth nodded, "Let's try to catch her!" She took [member="Allana Djo"]'s outreached hand and began rushing towards Kat before they lost her.

"Kat! Wait, please!"
They had just reached where to get the drinks and before Ra could actually get a second one for herself, Ar'ekk had asked if she wanted to dance.

"Of course, when the time is right. Sounds like it is almost time."

Turning, she picked up one of the drinks, handed it to him and picked up one for herself. ​The question had been asked as if he couldn't find the right words or gather his thoughts into one piece. It actually made Ra want to smile slightly. Maybe it was a bad thing, but seeing him slightly uncomfortable gave her a sense of pleasure. Something left over from her days as a sith maybe.

That wasn't something she was going to mention to him tonight certainly. Might scare him off.


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