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Dominion Heat Lightning | The Silver Jedi Concord Dominion of Tol Amn Hex



Tol Amn

For some time, the system of Tol Amn had been drifting closer to the Silver Sphere. With the ongoing trade agreement between the Hutt Cartel and the Concord, economic ties and diplomatic exchanges traveled up and down the Oktos Route. This was not by coincidence as the citizens and their representatives have signalled a clear interest in fully integrating with the Silver Jedi Concord for some time. Plenty of goodwill exists between the two sides - as was shwon when, Jedi Knight Maxer Shagar and Padawan Boo Heavenshield worked on Tol Amn to end a interplanetary money laundering operation.

The time for the system to join with the Silver Jedi Concord had come. The civilian transport Ha-Chillaster 2 had been dispatched on a mission to deliver a Concord delegation and a number of Jedi and other personnel, both to finalise the details on the integration agreement and to participate in a cultural exchange - many Masters and Knights had been paired up with the available Padawans -- all the conditions to create a day of learning had been met. The passengers aboard had been briefed on what to expect. Tol Amn was a stormy and murky world. While lush and good for mass production of food stuffs, the strong wind, harsh rain and constant lightning strikes would likely require a bit of time to get used to.

After the ship entered atmosphere, however, the Ha-Chillaster 2 was set upon by a large fleet of fighters launched from a planetbound encampment along with a corvette geared for war. Their motives unknown, the fighters are clearly Kastolar Sector Raiders whom were last seen when attacking Yverna's Haven. Although the corvette did not carry the marking of other Kastolar Sector Raider ships, its commander, a Nautolan, presented herself as Captain Varfe upon demanding the Ha-Chillaster 2's surrender.

Refusing to comply, the civilian transport was fired upon and it did not take long for both its crew and passengers to realise that they would have to abandon ship. Many managed to make it off the ship in small escape pods - whilst others remained on the ship and was brought down into the murky swamps as the hull scattered into thousands of small parts. With confusion widespread among the ranks, anyone and everyone would have to scramble to ensure their own and their friend's safety.


Objective A - Starship Down!
With the Ha-Chillaster2 being destroyed and the survivors scattered across a large murky marsh with rain limiting their visibility in the storm, the main objective of the day is to survive. Who was your character paired with for the cultural exchange? The two of you will have to make your way back to the main body of the ship and regroup with the others. This may not be as easy as it sounds, however: The murky landscape and heavy rain makes navigating hard, something which local predators and ground based Raiders will be sure to exploit. Will you have a grave wound to overcome? Will you find other survivors in need of aid? Or will you perhaps be set upon and forced to defend yourself?

Objective B - Rapid Response
The Silver Squadron, lead by acting Commander Boo Heavenshield Boo Heavenshield has been called in as the first line of defence. Before an evacuation ship can be sent in, the skies needs to be cleared of Raiders. A general call to join the Silver Squadron has also gone out to nearby pilots who find themselves willing and able to fight the Raider threat. Command has issued instructions to disable the Corvette if possible - they want to see the mysterious Captain Varfe Captured.

Objective C - Bring Your Own Objective
Not all personnel were scattered when the Ha-Chillaster 2 was downed - if you one of the survivors who ended up by the main crash site, will you be able to help the wounded and set up facilities to receive your allies who are trickling in from the surrounding area? Some chose to travel on their own: Did you miss the Ha-Chillaster 2 event completely? If so, the cultural exchange will still be open to you, although, the locals might be curious as to why the Concord delegation have yet to show up.


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Objective B
This was a half-assed rescue operation if she'd ever seen one.

She wasn't even working with a full team, here. They'd all been scrambled from all across the sector. Anyone near Trax Tube Hyperlane or Oktos Trade Route had been summarily re-directed. Seemed some diplomatic cruiser had been shot down over some backwater agriplanet of all things.

She chucked the helmet into the open cockpit, managing to shimmy up the pilot's ladder and then throw herself down into the cockpit with minimal body aches. She'd already popped a mild painkiller earlier. Safe bet was, it'd be a muscle relaxer before the day was over.

Reaching overhead, the woman toggled the power transfer switch in the back to bring up the consoles, then started flipping through the comlink frequencies. As she did, she called out. "Flight control, flight control, flight control, this is Freebird. How copy, over?"

"Freebird this is Flight Control. Lima Charlie."

So Flight Control was on channel 287.14A. She made a mental note of that, even though she'd forget it later, and answered, "Roger, Flight Control. This is Freebird requesting debarkation clearance."

"Acknowledged, Freebird. You are number one for departure. You may launch when ready."

Throwing the helmet on over her head, she continued talking as she adjusted the straps and got it into position. "Flight Control, Freebird. Copy, one for departure."

Cycling power to the repulsors, she felt the X-Wing underneath her seem to buck as the power took hold. The onboard diagnostics were showing green. Sublight. Weapons. Shields. Placing a hand on the throttle and the other on the flight stick, the woman announced. "Launching now."

As the X-Wing came up from the deck, the woman eased the nose over as she got a line on the hangar doors that viewed out to space. Then, rocking the throttle back, felt herself pressed into her seat as the ion drives kicked in and the starfighter sailed out into the black void of space. A moment later, she heard the astromech give a warbling chirp as the hyperdrive came on line.

The stars flashed across the canopy, as the X-Wing jumped to lightspeed.

The minutes counted down, before the starfighter reverted back. In the distance, she could make out the planet. Somewhere around which was a corvette and a bad time for everyone involved.

Signalling on the Antarian Ranger and Silver Navy frequencies, she announced, "All ships, all Rangers. Freebird is now Silver Leader."

God help the Jedi if they were calling her out to fly this chit. Reaching across, the canopy lights went red as she triggered the S-foils to deploy and brought the weapons system on line.

"Lock S-Foils in attack position and form up on my wing."

She didn't know what was waiting for them. But they had a report of a starship down and they were going in hot.

Objective: A
Team A-3: Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor
Equipment: Pistol, Vibro-swords
The whole ship shook. Well, guess I was wrong, Aisling thought to herself. She hated being right in moments like these. The young Arkanian felt out of her element. She had told Kaia Vullen Kaia Vullen she was just going to be bored all the time with nothing to do, but the Miraluka had talked her into it. Said it would be good for her. She had seen how the Padawan only had soldiers to call her friends, and even then, they weren't really friends.

Alarms were ringing in her ears. The hallways flashed red while the evacuation notice was shouted out across open comms. If possibly Aisling felt even more out of place. She felt helpless, and like all she could do was sit back and watch while they got shot out of space. She needed to get out of here. She needed to find a way to escape, and live to fight another day.

"Master!" Aisling slid to a halt, just as she was about to turn around the corner. Down the hallway she saw another. She didn't recognise him so she didn't have a name to go on, but she was able to work out he was a Jedi. "Master, we need to go! Now" she threw extra emphasis on the word as it seemed like the very thought of abandoning ship struck against something in him. A need to help, be there for those in need, or perhaps even pride. Aisling didn't have time, and she hurried down the hallway and made it to the escape pods.

What if I don't make it? What if we blow up right now before I even get to escape? There was so much I wanted to do. Her hands found it hard to hit the numbers on the pad before her. She managed to fight through her shaking and hit the right code. The doors before her wooshed open, and she threw herself into the escape pod. Her hands hovered on the button which would have her jettison... She hesitated. It was as if the Force told her to wait... Someone was coming.

Once more Aveline found herself in a A-Wing. Not the same as last time, of course... She'd smashed that. One could only hope this time she wouldn't go down as well. Wouldn't want to make a habit of it. Still, the A-Wing was growing on her. At the very least the feel of being alone, in the cockpit, gazing at the stars with your team in your comms... Of course, she wasn't able to enjoy that feeling very long.

The attack had come seemingly out of nowhere. What was meant to be a calm patrol mission turned hot real fast. She was both grateful and honoured to be put back in a starfighter even if she had doubts if she had what it took. Those doubts would be put to the test fast, as would her worth.

The distress signal came from the Tol Amn system. Aveline had meant to go there after her patrol, and hopefully observe a part of the diplomatic mission the Jedi would undergo there. It would seem she needed to cut her route short, and head straight there. It would be bad news if only one A-Wing showed up, but she had faith that the Silvers would respond in Force.

Boo Heavenshield Boo Heavenshield was already on scene. That was good. Aveline desperately needed leadership. Someone to tell her what to do. She hadn't the experience to instinctively work these things out just yet. "On your wing, Silver Leader. Standing by" Aveline said with what she hoped was confidence, and not a breach of protocol, as she pulled fast towards the X-Wing, stabilizing when within proximity.

Wait, am I supposed to announce myself? She thought suddenly. She didn't have a callsign exactly. Last outing she'd been Green 9, but she wasn't with Green Squadron now. There was a pause. Kark, kark, kark. Don't embarrass yourself. "Aveline Cuiléin here. Jedi Padawan." in an A-Wing, but that part was obvious. Her entire face went red. I promise if I survive this I'll read up on the navy protocol books.

Objective: B
Ship: Razor-Tail
Tags: Sarah Candor Sarah Candor Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin Boo Heavenshield Boo Heavenshield

The past few weeks had been hard on Ura. She’d lost her homeworld to the Bryn, and then had been told she wouldn’t be allowed to help fight them. At least she could still help in other places. A call for pilots to go to Tol Amn. Ura had heard it recently from her own Master, Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor . He was on the transport..... A reason she really wanted to find these guys.

With that, the Lervon has set out in her fighter to join the mission to clean up the planet. And it would soon exit hyperspace just behind the fleet. She’d slid up, hearing the call of the person who called them there. Ura looked out from the TIE cockpit, hearing the order to lock s-foils.

She quickly flipped some switches, coming behind Silver Leader. “This is Razor-Tail, coming off your seven and unlocking s-foils.” As she said this, her fighter’s gyro-locks released, and Ura gave a quick test by rolling her wings. Good to go now. She then heard one of the pilots say who they were. Ura hadn’t flown much with the Silver forces, so she wasn’t sure if it was normal. Her emotionless voice coming through.

“Uh.... This is Padawan Ura Iolar.”




Objective A- Starship down team A-2
Location: civilian transport Ha-Chillaster
Tags: Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala , Sarah Candor Sarah Candor

The Ship shook violently, and alarms started blaring, pricing sound of the klaxons and bright flashes of light momentarily overwhelmed the Colrenths's senses, After he regained his composure he half growled half yelled in a deep snarly voice to the Jedi master and knight he was teamed with for this mission "Hold on I don't think this quite the welcome we were expecting, landing gonna Ruff!" the again rocked and picked suddenly and forcefully, and Colrenth's ears perked up and twitched to booth sides and then back to the front, he could hear the ship starting break up, and the panic of the others around him. again he yelled half growling " Brace for the impact the Ships startrin' to come apart!" and with he braced himself plunging his claws into a nearby bulkhead. He could the ship riping and snaping before most of the others he could also their mumbles of fear and some of their heartbeats increasing he knew this would not going to end well for the ship and there would undoubtedly substantial casualties and loss of life.

Suddenly a brilliant flash, red, blue, and green, followed but a thunder boom and the erie tell of metal crackling and breaking, the section in front of them had been partly blown apart to rain, and chilling rushed in for a few seconds until the emergency last doors shut. moments later a hard impact knocked Colrenth unconscious..... He awoke with blurry vision, in the mud he could barely make the flaming wreckage, and his wars ringing for few moments before started hearing the cries for help, he took a minute to pull himself together it wasn't till this moment that few the wind and rain he looked down at wrist com, it had been damaged in the crashed and wasn't currently functional, he left out a loud long pricing howl " Ooooooooooooooooooowhoo!" he then set about the task of locating any other survivors in the immediate area.
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Remain steadfast and you are never without hope


LOCATION: Over Dol Amn
LOCAL TIME: 1832 Hours
ORDERS: Provide Air-Support
“... AND the Ronto you rode in on!” Cutting the comm, Liram was… well… in a word he was raging. “The Liberation” was supposed to come pick him up for their maneuvers over Hutt Space and now he’s stuck with the ice queen and her kids. Aaaaaand to top that there is some little skirmish going on. What happened now? A Jedi get a hangnail or something? Or let me guess, one of them forgot a notepad and it takes an entire squadron of fighters to bring it to them. This was turning out to be a ridiculously boring and annoying day.

“Commander?” Asked an ensign.

“What?!” He responded sharply, then realizing his mood was not helping. “Sorry, what do you need?”

“You’re the ranking officer on this deck, here is an update on the skirmish.” Offering the datapad to the reluctant Wing Commander, the young officer could not get out of there fast enough. Shrugging it off, Liram was going to toss the tech piece, but then he saw a few buzzwords “Corvette”, “Raiders”, and looked further. That was when the “Angellus” in him kicked in. Liram didn’t care because his people weren’t here, but the ancestor of so many military officers couldn’t turn away.

”Bah, I might as well be a Jedi.” Of course if he read his family history a little further, he would know that there were indeed Jedi in his bloodline. Taking a quick lift up to the flight deck, the pilot went over to his fighter and looked up to his astromech.

“Hey ‘Radio!’ Kick it up!” The droid whistled excitedly knowing the codeword for them about to get into a fight. The deck crew ran over to cut him off.

“Sir, you’re not cleared for launch.” Barked out the deck boss. Liram just pulled off his shades and looked at him.

“On your authority?” As the deck boss looked a little flabbergasted, Liram climbed up into the cockpit. “I’m not turning a blind eye, they need all the help they can get out there.”

Flicking a switch and turning on the comm-link as he lowered his canopy and began the in-flight launch sequence, Liram called out to the tower, specifically the air boss. “Mustang, this is Meteor 1 requesting launch.”

The Air Boss knew who Liram was and did not like him, but he knew what was going on. “Meteor 1, the sky is clear.”

Without another word the streamlined father lifted into the air and out the launch bay. Pulling up the landing gear anf and throttling forward, the Devil Pilot set his shields to “balance” and did not lock his S-foils into attack position until close enough to the group. Flicking the comm-link until he heard “The Ice Queen’s” voice, the Commander jumped in.

“Freebird, this is Maverick. Where do you want me?” He could trash talk, and normally would, but there was a time for that later. There were Silvers on the ground and not in a good way. They needed help right now more than his mouth.

Be careful what you wish for.


Location: Tol Amn surface
Equipment: Conservator(Lightsaber)
The escape pod was struck by lightning and coming apart at the proverbial seams. It would not survive the fall to the surface intact. Knowing this, the protective side of Caltin took over. His own welfare was not an issue, but his Padawan’s? That was more important, she needed to survive and he would not fail at that. Sure, Desbre was more than capable of protecting herself and the big guy knew that, but he was not going to push that on her.

Brace yourself, we’re coming in fast.

Then when half of the outer shell was ripped off and the rush of air flowing through the emergency vessel tried to push all of the debris and inhabitants out did Caltin come up with something. Grabbing hold of each side of a bulkhead, he stood, muscles straining perilously between the stratosphere and his Padawan. It was not safe yet for them to jump, he would release then.

Hold…. On!

Against her inevitable protests, he held his position. When finally it was safe to jump, he released his hold and they both fell, only his left arm was killing him and Caltin tended to that in freefall. The landing would be easy enough for Des’ but the big guy fell like a sack of bricks. He was hurt and needed time to heal, and he knew it. He expected the Arkanian Padawan to tell him off about taking on too much, but it was worth it, if he did not act, both of them would be hurt and the approaching individuals would have one less Jedi to tend with.

Aien Mueller



LOCATION: Tol Amn swamp
LOADOUT: Armor -
Massiff (all),
Weapons (team)-
Combat Knife, Grenade,
Thermal Detonator
(Snipers)- Submachine Gun, rifle
(Assault)- Rifle, Slugthrower Pistol
ORDERS: Currently - Reach LZ for extraction
OVERWATCH: “Seraphim”
Boo Heavenshield Boo Heavenshield

They were two klicks out of the LZ and could not be more ready for extraction, this op sucked and the only good part of it was coming up with the arrival of their ride home. Loki, one of the snipers had a raging headache from his allergies to the flora, but he was pushing forward. Bartleby was complaining about how the mission went, it was often considered strange for how “by the book” he was (as both the second, and the team slicer) when this team often had to go “off-book”. Alien, or “Azrael was too busy to care, as he and Sauriel, the other sniper were pathfinding. The place was crawling with bad guys that they went radio silent.

The landing zone was in sight when Bartleby signaled that a comm-call was coming in. Boss, I got Seraphim.

Rolling his eyes, Azrael knew that this did not mean a good thing. Taking the mic, he tapped it. “Go ahead, Boss.” “Seraphim” was Captain QirQ, a career naval officer and commander of the ship they were assigned to at the moment.

“Sorry to do this to you, but you’re going to have to go back out.” The comm-links of every team member listened to these words and their collective eyes rolled. “The civilian ship “Ha-Chillaster 2” went down ten klicks from your position due to heavy fire from Kestolar Sector Raiders. Your orders are to search the swamp for the black box.”

Aien couldn’t believe his ears. He often looked at civilians as “packages”, they all did but did the Captain not care about survivors? “What about survivors?”

“If you come across Sector Raiders on the ground, you are cleared to engage accordingly. Any crash survivors are expected to be Jedi. They will survive.” Seraphim’s words were as blunt as ever, just ask his husband.

” If we come across Jedi that needs our help?”

“Your orders are clear Lieutenant Commander. You will not compromise your mission.”

” When have we never completed a mission, Djym?!”

“Clock’s ticking. The primary mission is that black box, Secondary mission is thinning the enemy herd, and make it to your secondary LZ for extraction.”


“Seraphim out.”

Bartleby shook his head. Comm’s dead, sir. We’re in radio silence.

Aien was pissed, and he did not hide it. Checking his weapons, the team leader looked at each member.

None of you are required, but I know that if we needed their help they wouldn’t rest. I’m no fan of Jedi, but if they need my help I want to give it. I won’t do it without you though. What say you? Speak freely.

They’re Jedi, they don’t need our help. Not our business. Still, in though, you know that.

In, boss. Cherubim, the cover man was short and sweet.

You said yourself, they’d help us. I’m in. Sauriel gave his response.

We there yet? There was no doubt Gabriel was in, but he had to make his statement.

Boom baby! Scion, the demo expert, and team joker was easy going about this.

Screw him. Who says we can’t complete our mission and help them on the way. We’re all on the same side, right? The normal resident complainer and “breach”, Loki was surprisingly succinct. This all brought a smile to Aien who had two words for the team.

Weapons check.

They were off a few seconds later, a normal spread formation, five by three spread and weapons drawn. They were not slogging through the damn swamp to play or be nice, they hate it here and so will everyone else.

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O B J E C T I V E - A - Starship Down!

Location: Squishy firma, in the swamp​
Equipment: Simple Jedi Robes, inherited lightsaber, light-filtering lenses​

Des sat in the jumpseat of the escape pod. Her head was tilted down and forward, and her expression drawn, jaw set. If looks alone would determine the outcome, she looked like she was carved out of marble and would survive on sheer determination. Her normally full lips were drawn into a thin line. The diplomatic mission to Tol Amn was a good respite after Yverna, and a good chance for her to clear her head some more. Only they'd been attacked by Kastolar Raiders. She was starting to think it was personal. She'd itched to do something about the attack, but stuck on a civilian ship there wasn't much.

Knowing that it was going down, she'd helped organize and move people for evacuation, until Caltin had loaded her up in the pod. When a blast of lightning struck the pod, arcing around and over it, the plasma chewing into the panels, it had come by surprise. And now they were in free-fall with the thing shedding its outer skin. When Caltin rose to try to hold the thing together, she considered joining him. She might not have been as physically strong as he was. She could lift a little over 200 kilos. There was no way she could physically compete with the mass of the pod, or the air pressures on the failing, stricken craft.

But the Force was her ally. Their ally.

Using a meditative technique under a high-pressure situation, even extreme pressure made most people stumble. Years on the racing circuit had given her the ability to ride out the adrenaline dump of life-and-death situations. Years of Jedi training gave her the skills to touch the Force at a moment's notice. And a keen Arkanian mind could take all the incoming information, compartmentalize, and focus.

She knew she had the ability. Her recent falterings weren't from a lack of belief or even a lack of technical skill. There was no ego in her assessment that it was within her capability. Just a certainty that it was. Her recent stumbles were more moral, ethical, and philosophical concerns.

In this though, she grew calm. Win or lose. Life or death. They'd get to the ground one way or another. The Force had already answered the call as she opened up to it. She'd be joining with it permanently or not in the next few moments. Her anxiety and worry fell away. She could only direct it and her will. And that was mighty. Raising her hands she held her arms wide then, brought them close together, as though holding a ball with both hands.

The shaking and rattling eased, and the strain on Caltin eased. She was doing it! The pod itself was buffeted and shoved about by gusting turbulence. But the whole thing was holding together. Could she slow it? The moment she tried to re-direct and begin applying pressure to the bottom side of the pod, it cracked like an egg, dumping them into the open air. That was fine. Manipulating both of them into a belly-to-the-earth position their fall slowed into something controlled.

With no way to judge the altitude, save for years of flying experience, and based their speed, she waited until they were thirty seconds from hitting the dirt. Sudden pressure hit them like laying on the floor on their bellies. The ripping roar of wind slowed and suddenly what had been a very uncontrolled fall was now seeing them slow. Reaching to her belt, Des freed her saber, then quickly passed it through the straps holding her in her seat. It ripped away behind them then fluttered down past, no control to its fall.

Under her grip, they'd slowed enough to make it a hard impact but nothing that would be more than some bruises and some wounded pride. Slamming down into the swamp, the pristine one landed square in a nice spot of muck and mire, kicking up a gout of filthy water. Landing with a sputtering cough, the girl rolled over, partially submerged as she fought for breath. Her lungs almost refused to work, but then slowly came the blessed air. A few moments later she began crawling her way to dry ground where she rolled over onto her back, looking up at the sky, now panting.

"Well... " she started, fumbling for something witty to say then began to giggle, just a little, then more followed. It was a release of tension and disbelief, a pure stress reaction, but also overjoyed that it worked. Never mind that her ribs ached fiercely again, and she'd landed on her left arm. Something was probably fractured. But who cared?

When she finally settled down, she sat up with a groan. "Gonna be sore in the morning," she groused to herself and Caltin. They both would be, by her meaning. Casting about she looked for the Big Man. The last thing she needed was for them to get a survivable landing only for him to bonk his head and drown or something.

That ripped an involuntary scream from her, as the pale one and her seat ripped free of the wall. Welp, this was new. She'd never fallen from a height with no safety measures. Or even with them. But again, the Force was with her, and she still had that same telekinetic grip. Thankfully most everything was strapped on. Pulling on her filter lenses, goggles really, she glanced at Caltin. Estimating his weight, she knew they had seconds. Closing her eyes she reached out and wrapped both of them in the Force, in a mental grip. Their tumbling ceased immediately. The Jedi Master's focus was on healing his shoulder.


Kayla Luspark

Genius, Billionairess, Playgirl, Fighter Pilot



Location: Name (Optional)
Equipment: Standard flight suit, heavy blaster pistol, REC-SS01 X-wing Space Superiority Starfighter
Companion: "Vido" V-2 Series "Minimech" Astromech

Another distress call. Half-assed rescue op. Kayla had been on the flight deck not far from Freebird. While she wasn't officially attached to any squadron yet, she was at least getting her feet wet. She supposed the paperwork was in slow motion. Clambering into her fighter, she received a dutiful greeting from Vido who was already getting plugged in. "Hey bud," she returned the greeting while pulling her gloves into place and seating her helmet.

Already she was running through her pre-flight at a breakneck pace, and cycling the engines up. Opening her com to the flight boss she chirped up. "Flight control, flight control, flight control, this is Sparky, how copy?"

"Five by five sparky. Cleared for immediate takeoff."

She broke into a grin. They already knew what she wanted. Feeding power to the repulsors she lifted off smooth and steady following Silver Lead's wake. Blowing through the MagCon. She had the same hyperspace coordinates and followed immediately. using the time she went through her weapons stores and a second system check. Exiting hyperspace, she was not surprised to find Freebird just ahead. And then she spoke up over the comms.

"All ships, all Rangers. Freebird is now Silver Leader."

"Affirm, Silver Lead. Red 5 on loan from the GA, requesting permission to change designation to Silver 5." it was faster than paperwork and temporarily would allow her to coordinate with the matronly veteran more easily. She didn't hear an immediate 'no' only orders to lock s-foils and form up. That was as good as a yes in her book. "As ordered," she replied.

Flipping the switch she set the strike foils of her X-wing to open and lock. The multi-view HUD lit up as did the holographic hud. Quickly she set the power distribution to balanced, feeding equal energy to the main systems while nudging her fighter into position. Then an A-wing formed up with Silver lead, and a familiar voice piped up over the com. Aveline Cuiléin. "Oh good to see you, Green," Kayla piped up.

"Silver Lead. Was at Yverna with these bastards. Had a bunch of Uglies last time, and not very organized. Might be different now," she advised. Another voice broke in, callsign Maverick. Another pilot, sounded older, very seasoned. Kind of a hard-ass, but that was no big deal. Probably better than the degenerate chuckleheads she'd come up with in Red Squadron back home. But man could they fly. As Liram's X-wing formed up, the Corellian gave her wings a waggle in greeting



Darth Ahriman

Objective A: Starship Down.
Location: Crashsite, Lost somewhere among the marshlands.
Equipment: Jedi Apparel, Busted Datapad and Commlink.
Tag: Eloi Graix Eloi Graix

The trip to Tol Amn was supposed to be a peaceful and educational adventure according to Master Amaly Naetre, the Jedi who had been working with Valen in trying comfort his transition into the life of a Jedi Student following a grave and traumatic period of his life, up until the intervention of a pair of Silver Jedi that would see him brought to Kashyyyk for rest and recuperation.

What was supposed to be a pleasant experience outside of the Silver Rest, had instead turned into another horrific experience, for which Valen couldn't seem to catch a break?

The impact of the transport hitting the surface of Tol Amn had thrown Valen head-first against the seat in front of him and everything else had gone dark. What only felt like moments passing would lead to a sudden and conscious pain to the left side of his forehead, forcing his eyes to open and even that simple motion causing the boy to wince against the light of a fire burning nearby him, close enough for the warmth to be felt against his right arm.

His return seemed to come in stages of rediscovery, first the blurred vision and then the familiarity of gravity and the realization that he was staring up at the sky and overhanging branches, then followed by the pain in his midsection and the weight of his limbs as he lay against a flattened plate of durasteel that must have come away from the transport during the crash.

"Uhmf-..." Valen groaned a sound of effort as he forced himself to try and sit up. Whatever he had been thrown or landed against, something caused his ribs to feel heavily bruised beneath his tunic, offering a brief distraction from the throbbing of his head as he blinked a couple of times in the hope of seeing straight.

"Hello?!" He called out, hoping to catch the attention of whoever might be nearby, not yet having realized that the passengers that had survived the crash, were actually scattered across the path of the transports crash-landing.


Objective A- Starship down team A-2
Location: Crash site, the swamp
Tags: Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala , Sarah Candor Sarah Candor , Valen Arenais

After several minutes of searching the immediate area, He knew the few people he found alive were too badly wounder to service or too severely injured to move far after providing what little he could to them and telling them to he sniffed the to air, picking up 3 de distinctive sents he set tracking these sents hopefully some of them were master and knight he was assigned to he moved quickly the using his surroundings to remain hidden in case these sents were enemy sweeper teams he was a rookie ranger with some limited force abilities he had not officially begun his padawan training but out in the wilderness tracking this was in his blood after all he was a former bounty hunter and had served as a scout, Lambda for his pack. He pricked his ears listing for sounds of allies and threats alike as he silently and swiftly moved through the swamp constantly sniffing and following the strongest sent. After 20 minutes of this, his keen ears picked a faint sound "Hello?!" he quickly honed on it and headed toward the sound as swiftly and quietly as possible, when he felt he was within earshot of the normals he paused and let out another long howl " Ooooooooooooooooooowhoo!" his ears pricked listening for a response of any kind, and took a quick sniff to make sure he was still on the sent he was good
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Objective A
Location: Crashsite, lost in marshlands
Tags: Valen Arenais

Slowly waking up, Eloi found himself strapped tightly against a seat towards the back of the small transport he and a few others had been in. Looking around, he couldn't help but to notice how he appeared to be the only one alive - a few seats were empty as their user had been flung away during the crash and a few held persons whom were now dead - but the old Master knew better than to trust appearances without further consideration. He closed his eyes and reached out through the force, temporarily ignoring the fires that were growing in strength despite the heavy rain outside. Two others were still alive, he could feel them.

One of the persons, a Zabrak Knight by the name of Lefri Keld, would not last for much longer unless helped. His mind went back to how they had conversed before the crash. She had come across as a bright and promising Knight, knowledgeable in philosophy and talented speaker. The subject of Jedi philanthropy had just come up when they were beset upon by some assailants whom had been referred to as 'raiders' by the crew. It was a shame that such a good conversation had to end early and the fact that it was interrupted by something so low and uncivilised as an aerial ambush made it worse. Snapping back to the present, the Chagrian started to undo the straps that held him to his seat.

It was not long before Eloi stood up, ignoring the force signature of the Padawan he sensed and instead focusing solely on finding the hurt Knight. But by the time he arrived by her side, it was too late - the woman was already drawing her last breaths and there was little which could be done to save her. Eloi knelt down, hoping to at least ease her pain and make her passing more bearable. Unfortunately, she had already slipped away by the time he was in a position to do something. The old Master's posture remained proud as he looked down at her. Slowly bringing his hand forth to close her eyes, he let out a sigh "Pity"

With a surge of energy and effort, the elder got back up on his feet with a strained grunt. One survivor had perished and while he did not sense any such danger in regards to the other one, checking on them would be prudent. They had been in the same transport but it was a still a little bit of a walk before he could get to the other person. Although Eloi heard the confused "Hello?" from a distance, he remained silent, waiting until he could see the Padawan. It was not long before he got close enough for that criteria to be fulfilled.

The rain fell heavily onto the ground while the occasional thunderstrike could be seen in the distance. Eloi raised his voice to trump the noises around them "Hello." The tall alien's face carried a frown - it always did. He stepped closer and extended an arm for the younger Jedi to grab "Rise, Padawan" while his intentions were pure, his voice was cold as ever - this was not a situation where turning on the charm seemed necessary "We have far more important matters to attend to than sitting around."
Objective C - Bring Your Own Objective

As he'd awakened by the throbbing pain from his right temple along with the firm hand that was grasping his left arm as shook him awake. Words all but drowned as much it was seem muffled by a whole lot of other voices or noise in the background. That he finally turns his head face what he assumed to be someone but who or what he could not tell at first. As his vision blurry at first took some time to clear up just enough to make out the form of someone. While in the back of his mind the memories slowly began to flood back into focuse.

Wherein he remembers boarding a ship.... heads off to some far off he being feeling still a bit lost and not quite yet settled in back rejoin the silver ranks after a long extended absence. Reluctantly came along thought not so much in any capacity or part the official delegation but rather as part small contingent assigned help or assist within the ship when needed. Given the precarious nature as much the situations, the delegation was head into of which given his long absence had yet to fully comprehend. But still just then as thought things were going well and gave him the assumption this was probably going to turn up as just another blue milk run. That it all went to hell in a basket really fast wherein last he could remember as he tried to get back his feet. Was that of the ship shake violently....followed by a thick sense of panic as much dread on the ship as he did his best help the other into one the escape pods. Before feeling himself being pushed forward followed by shape pain to side his head as everything went black.

And now wake up in the present to what appears to be as his vision slowly clear up. The inside of what appears be some sort mangled hull sort. That it slowly dawn on him that perhaps they were in some sort crash site. That was wherein he himself was being made or tried be lead out by someone...out of some sort of escape pod.

Boo Heavenshield Boo Heavenshield , Aisling Dvale Aisling Dvale , Colrenth , Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan , Valen Arenais
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Finley Dawson

Objective: B - Rapid Response
Unit: Halo Squadron
Vehicle: SK-01 Bobcat Interceptor

After being nearly vaporized by an asteroid chucked at Myrkr, Finley decided he was going to take an extended break from ground pounding and try a stint within the Silver Fleet. The Spacer very much liked the idea of being his own ride in and out of trouble.

Case in point: A Concord delegation and bits of their ship now scattered across Tol Amn.

A call had gone out to all available reinforcements in the region to support a new CSAR mission. Already in Hutt Space patrolling for signs of Bryn'adûl incursions, it was a relatively short hop to the system. Such diversions were becoming more common as Hutt Space became increasingly unstable outside of Silver Territory. Four obsidian Bobcats of Halo Squadron soon emerged from hyperspace in loose formation at the designated rally point.

"All Callsigns, Halo Leader checking in," Finley announced. "Ready to take out the trash. We'll hang back and play Growler."

The interceptors could rain hell from afar with unrivaled standoff capabilities while sewing chaos in the enemy ranks with their advanced ECM/ECCM suite, the jammers warming up now. Finley was going to employ every asset to ensure the raiders wished they had never left their dank spice den that day to challenge the Concord.


Darth Ahriman

Objective A: Starship Down.
Location: Crash site, Lost somewhere among the marshlands.
Equipment: Jedi Apparel, Busted Datapad and Commlink.
Tag: Eloi Graix Eloi Graix

"We have far more important matters to attend to than sitting around."

Either the weird-looking alien guy seemed to think Valen had been sitting around for the fun of it, or he was being genuinely rude, giving the boy the thought that Eloi Graix was therefore either mean or stupid. Perhaps even both?

"But this is my favourite spot!" Valen argued with clear sarcasm in his tone, "There's no better view of the swamp" he added bitterly, scooping forward to slip off of the plate of durasteel and pushing himself to his feet, ignoring the Jedi Master's offer. Valen didn't like being treated like he was thick; Of course, he hadn't chosen to sit there beside a wreck of a transport, so close to the gradually spreading fire, and let alone with the smothering headache that pained him.

"Who're you, anyway?" the boy asked, brushing the dirt from his tunic and turning to look around the area. There'd been so many people aboard the ship, it'd been a little difficult to keep track of everyone, given that this was the first time he had left the comfort and security of the Silver Rest. Among so many, his anxiety had gotten the better of him and he'd instead sought to sit in the rear of the ship to keep himself from having to socialize so much.
Objective B
All right, so she had four on her wing and a flight of spooks holding the rear.

Making a few adjustments to her targeting computer, the woman was taking mental note of the people that reported in. Padawan girl was flying an A-Wing, Maverick and Red Five were sporting X-Wings, and whoever that brave or special soul was in Razor-Tail was flying something that popped up on her read-out as a gorram ugly.

They were making Halo Squadron look damn professional, that much was certain.

"All right, I'm going to forget your names in about five minutes," the woman snapped through the comlink. Running back through her mental checklist, she said, "A-WIng, you're Silver Two." ( Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin )

"Razor-Tail, you're Silver Three," Aisha supplied next, calling out to Ura Iolar Ura Iolar before switching to Liram Angellus Liram Angellus and adding, "Maverick in Silver Four."

A warbling chirp from the astromech drew the woman's eyes down to the targeting computer. It was Life Day and Santa and the elves were on the way. "All Silvers accelerate to attack speed," the woman announced, as she rocked the throttle back to open the thrust on the ion engines further. "Twelve marks coming in," she noted, as the red dots on the target board lit up and spread themselves out.

As Kayla Luspark Kayla Luspark had feared, it was a little different this time. Instead of uglies, the flight coming from the corvette were Z-95 headhunters. Kitbashed in part and obviously maintained off the black market rather than professional starship maintenance, but a different threat than the Silvers had faced before.

"Halo, I need broad spectrum support. Jam whatever you can. Communications. Targeting. Put them in the blind," Aisha stated for Finley Dawson , talking fast as the distance between the fighters and the incoming targets was closing rapidly. "And keep an eye on that corvette. I need to know if it looks like they're bugging out."

Tightening her hands around the flight stick, the woman's mind was having to come up with strategy on the seat of her pants. Five fighters, growlers in the back. Twelve bogeys.

What was the play?

Snap decision.

"Silver Four, I want you to run interference," Aisha stated, addressing Liram Angellus Liram Angellus as she explained, "Make sure we don't have anyone making an attack run on Halo."

"Everyone else, pair up and run it by the numbers. Silver Three, you're with me,"
Aisha ordered. She wasn't sure about these padawan pilots, and that one was flying ugly. Until she had an idea of what that padawan was capable of, Aisha wanted a close eye on it.

"Silver Five, take Silver Two," Aisha said. Red Five and a Galactic Alliance pilot. That was good experience to put with another padawan.

But, the time for talk was over. "Here they come," Aisha noted, as the Headhunters started opening fire.


Meanwhile, in orbit of the planet, an electromagnetic spike blossomed from inside the corvette, as it started routing power to spin up its hyperdrive...
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Jedi Maverick
Codex Judge


Location: Near the crash site of The Ha-Chillaster​
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Lightsaber, X-02 Saber-class X-Wing
Objective C​
<You sure that Aveline will be fine Jax?>​
Jax landed his X-02 Saber-class X-Wing a meters from the crash site, already he could see the massive black smoke from the downed freighter as he opened the cockpit. Jax can still sense the civilians some being trapped inside and others wounded, still he had to fight back being bemused by BB-12's worry for Aveline. "Do my ears deceive me?" Jax smirked jumping off his X-Wing. "BB-12 is worried about someone other than himself? This is definitely a momentous occasion!"​
<Aveline still needs to take us to the Pizza Hog!> BB-12 said tapping into the starfighter controls and shutting down the X-Wing. <It's part of her training remember?>​
"No it's punishment for her failing her trial," Jax said watching BB-12 exit the starfighter. "Aveline has been rather difficult to handle and she needs to be disciplined. I'd figure her spending all of her hard earned credits on a pizza parlor would be nice! Besides I volunteered her to have her do all the dishes and even treat the employees to some Pizza."​
<Hah!> BB-12 began to roll next to Jax. <The more I hang around with Aveline, the more I find out she's just like you Jax! Stubborn and whiny!>​
"Hey I don't throw temper tantrums!" Jax growled a little as they headed for the crash site. "I mean the way Aveline throws a tantrum when she faces a challenge. I was tempted to actually to buy her a pacifier so she shut up! There needs to be an off button when she cries as if somebody took her favorite candy bar or something."​
<I know a few masters who thought the same thing for you.> BB-12 chuckled. <Remember Master Alon and while he was going to bathroom you unleashed a rocket which flew straight into his->​
"How the frack did you get this information?!" Jax yelled remembering that he spent half a year cleaning the bathrooms on every level as punishment for his prank.​
<I took a look into the Jedi Archives.> BB-12 whirred. <Seriously you Jedi need better security! Hacking into the files was child's play.>​
"Frack me," Jax muttered. "All right let's get to work, set up a rescue signal to the ship BB-12 that way everyone will that help is on the way."​
<I'm on it.> BB-12 released his antennae and began to transmit the rescue signal while Jax approached the ship.​
"And to answer your question," Jax sighed. "I trust that Aveline will be fine BB-12, if there's one area she excels at is being a pilot. Besides Kayla is up with her and they cover for each other. Aveline may be a load but I have faith in her."​
Activating his Lightsaber, Jax began to carve open the broken blast door and kicked it open searching for survivors.​


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